Why do I need Daily Minerals? | Dr. Berry Interview

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why are daily minerals blue so daily minerals come from unicorn farts and this gives them the slightest sorry I don't know why are they it's the copper it's the copper in there yeah okay so we're here with Dr Ken Berry we're actually low carb Denver in a abandoned room and we're recording a we're going to find out your thoughts about electrolytes right let's talk about it okay so a lot of people have questions about electrolytes so we wanted you to answer the most frequently asked questions great about well daily minerals and other stuff like that so here we go let's do it okay question number one what are the daily minerals so the daily minerals are a composition that Chris bear and I put together the most common minerals that people don't get enough of in in the modern diets and also minerals that can cause the most problems if you're not getting enough of them and then also minerals that if you happen to get a little too much of them it doesn't lead to a medical problem you just urinate the excess away and keep the amount that you need how much should I be taking of the daily minerals is it possible to take too much would that be bad so there's an actual serving size okay that's listed on the bottle and that's going to give you a good Supply a good daily supply of minerals it's not going to be too much now some people may need a little more than that most people are going to need that daily serving unless you're very very petite and don't weigh a lot especially if we start to talk about children who have smaller body sizes then they won't need a full serving size and you can basically just do the do the division based on their weight and what what you we as an adult and then do the math and figure out what their daily serving would be the daily minerals are completely safe for for children do we do we set an arbitrary age no yeah you just go by weight and and every human on the planet without exceptions regardless of their weight or age they need daily minerals okay okay how do the daily minerals differ from other electrolyte supplements that are out there on the market like Mio even the keto child electrolyte drops element things like that so most of the electrolyte products that you would buy contain sodium chloride magnesium potassium those are the main four electrolytes and the daily minerals actually have those in them in addition to several other minerals that are not contained in the vast majority of electrolyte supplements okay so why are the daily minerals blue so it's actually because of the copper content copper being one of the minerals that you need a tiny amount of each day and that gives the minerals a very seductive aqua blue color which I think most people find very attractive now sometimes it's kind of a lighter green color just depends on how much copper was in that particular it looks like the ocean in a bottle there you go yeah it's blue because it's pretty and vice versa daddy why is the sky blue so it matches your eyes should I take the daily minerals along with other electrolyte supplements I think that especially if you're if you're doing a lot of uh activity and you're sweating a lot I think that's perfectly safe and fine and appropriate to take your daily minerals and then if you need extra electrolytes because of sweat loss then you can you can supplement with those as well okay do I need all of these minerals every human on the planet without exception needs all of these minerals now it is possible to get these minerals from your diets uh and Chris and I accounted for that and the the ratios that we set in the daily mineral drops so if you're getting plenty of copper or molybdenum from your diet then the little bit that you're getting from daily minerals you'll just urinate away it's not going to cause any problems but every human needs these minerals so why are these minerals included if you get them in a diet like what's missing I said you can get oh from your diet right okay so the problem with our modern food climate is that most of the soil that is farmed has been farmed inappropriately for decades in some cases over A Century of using chemical fertilizer of pushing the soil too hard of not giving the soil a chance to recover over and in many cases the soil is now depleted of these minerals or it's been so improperly formed for so long that even though the minerals are still in the soil they're locked up and you can't get access to them and so what that means is if you're going to eat some broccoli and you look up on the USDA food data central where the data was acquired back in the 50s or the 30s or something like that so those numbers on the USDA website doesn't that doesn't apply to your broccoli that applies to the broccoli that was tested back in the 1950s or 60s okay so you don't really know what was in your broccoli it literally depends on the soil that the broccoli was grown in if that soil had a good source of iodine then there will be iodine in the broccoli if there was no iodine in the soil then there will be none in the broccoli even though the USDA website says that there is a little bit and this applies for meat and eggs as well the the soil that grew the grass that the cow grazed that grass can only by definition have the minerals that are in the soil that is available to that grass and for the for the eggs from the duck of the chicken or the quail if those if that foul did not have access to bugs and worms and grass and seeds that had those minerals in them then it will not be in the egg and it will not be in the meat of that animal and so and I would love for there to come a day you probably won't like this okay I would love for there to come a day where nobody needs to take daily minerals I think that would actually be fantastic that would be a win for everybody right but until we have really implemented regenerative ranching and regenerative farming and agriculture back to the way we should be farming and ranching the land many many people are deficient or depleted in these minerals and by replacing them either with food if you know that the minerals in there or with daily minerals because you know the minerals are in there you're going to be able to realize the level of Health optimization that otherwise might have been out of reach our daily minerals appropriate for a carnivore diet yeah and so as I said previously if the grass grew in soil that was depleted or it just didn't have the mineral or the mineral was locked up due to inappropriate agriculture in the past that cow is not magic although rib eyes taste magical wait cows don't synthesize elements cows do not they they cannot perform either fission or Fusion okay and they're they have a rumen which is almost magic it is they cannot create minerals or elements or electrolytes and so if it's not in the grass that they ate then it cannot by definition be in the cow that you're about to eat our keto child daily minerals appropriate for a proper human diet yeah and so if you're eating a proper human diet which I highly encourage you to do again it comes back to the soil because everything kind of comes from the soil and ultimately returns to the soil but if that soil has not been properly managed then the minerals are either not there or they're locked up in inaccessible and so even if you're eating a perfect proper human diet due to the mistakes made by farmers and Ranchers unknowingly but still the results are the same then you're not going to be getting enough of these minerals with the daily minerals what benefits should you expect by taking them so there's a it depends on if you're depleted it depends on if you're deficient and it depends on which mineral you're having problems with and so some people just notice a just an overall generalized generalized Improvement in mood some people notice a little more energy some people notice they sleep better some people notice that they they're more alert during the day that they're more mentally clear literally really a mineral deficiency can mimic any symptom and so I'm not saying that as a blanket statement to say every human needs these minerals although every human needs these minerals it can be very subtle a mineral deficiency or a partial depletion this the signs and symptoms can be very very subtle and seductive and misleading and so out of an abundance of caution I think we all should mind our minerals and that's what I do every day now I like to tell people that the reason Dr Berry asked for the daily minerals is was because he was tired of taking 15 different supplements every day so uh what supplements are you replacing I know you've got iodine and potassium what else so I no longer take a multivitamin because most of the vitamins you're going to get from a proper human diet because the animals actually do form the vitamins in their body or the rumen does which is closer or the bacteria which is also in the cow's body that's right and so you're gonna if you're eating a proper human diet you're going to be getting virtually all of the vitamins that you need you might have to go out of your way to get some extra vitamin D may have to take a supplement during the winter months but I think that's fine and ancestrally appropriate but the minerals you may not be getting enough of and so I don't take a multivitamin multi-mineral anymore um I don't I don't really use that many electrolyte things anymore because they're actually in the daily minerals I'm getting a lot of electrolytes from the meat and eggs that I eat and then whatever left over that I still need I get from the daily minerals how do you prefer to consume the daily minerals like what's what's your favorite way to do it through your ear through your mouth how do you do it so the way I like to do it don't do it through your ear no like I don't think it would the absorptions yeah yeah now so what I do is every cup or glass of liquid that I drink they have this new beautiful glass bottle with a little glass stopper it's all glass no plastic and I put a couple of droppers full in each glass of beverage that I drink during the day and then if I cook a steak or scramble some eggs I'll always put a dropper full because it on food it tastes salty now some people just shoot the entire daily shot of daily minerals but it's very salty and very mineraly that copper has a strong flavor yes yes and some people don't mind it at all some people abhor The Taste yeah I can I can only do that if I put some lemon in it yeah yeah the lemon takes all that out so you put a few drops of lemon that's it's a good idea I haven't tried that but I so when you put the the minerals on food like scrambled eggs like sardines like steak it just tastes salty at least to me yeah I haven't had anybody else complain about the taste if they include it in their food if you're making a meat chili or a meat stew a bone broth you can put the minerals in and it's just going to give a salt a full body salty flavor to it and it's not going to have that potentially too minerally coppery taste now that brings up an important Point as far as will the daily minerals be damaged or harmed or degraded by cooking so keep in mind these are not vitamins these are minerals okay they are elements on the periodic table of the elements now as I mentioned earlier cows cannot perform fission or Fusion neither can your cooktop or your oven they don't get hot enough to split atoms or to put atoms together and so you cannot destroy minerals by cooking the heat is irrelevance whereas that's not always true for vitamins and so whatever you put the daily minerals in you could you can put it in bone broth and cook it for three hours and let it sit on the stove all day and then cook it for another three hours all the minerals are still in there I recommend to people they maintain it below 7000 degrees below 7000 degrees and avoid Fusion or fission and you're you're good the minerals are still there so the daily minerals why are minerals and electrolytes combined together well because they're all elements and they all combine together beautifully and what if you So currently you might be taking a multivitamin multi-mineral and an electrolyte supplement what if you could just combine that with your daily dose of daily minerals and that'd be that'd be one less pill one less supplement they're all very bio available and bioabsorbable the way keto child makes them which is one of the reasons I picked them to to partner with is because I know I know these guys and I first of all I know where they live but secondly I know that I can trust them to make a product that they would not put their name on if they were not very very proud of it so in the daily minerals why are the minerals and electrolytes necessary so minerals are very important as are electrolytes in the the proper function of your body sometimes they're used as cofactors in biochemical reactions sometimes they're actually part of the reaction itself but if you don't have enough minerals you're either you're you're react reacting rate is going to be slower or it may not even happen at all and that's what leads to those kind of subtle symptoms of fatigue brain fog just I don't have any energy you know get up and go all those things are coming from the biochemical reactions in your body either not running fast enough or just not able to run at all without enough of the minerals and the electrolytes okay you listed off some things uh earlier it sounded like you were like cramping and things like that yeah you could definitely muscle cramps muscle twitches virtually any mental symptom okay can be a sign a potential sign that you're deficient in a mineral muscle function gut function the minerals are hugely important for proper gut function uh to have the healthiest skin that you can have their minerals are required for every cell in your body that's ever been studied now a lot of people uh when they're getting blood tests they'll have their sodium and magnesium and potassium levels checked and they'll usually notice that oh my my numbers are fine in a blood test how would they know whether they're actually low or not is a blood test a good way to know if you're low on minerals for many of the electrolytes and the minerals just getting your blood checked at the doctor's office is not a good way to know if you are partially or severely depleted now if your levels get low enough it will show up as a low level in your blood but long before that happens in which case you'd be really really sick long before that happens a lot of these minerals which are many of them are stored in your bone right your bones store many of these minerals that's how your body kind of warehouses the minerals for when they're needed but the body keeps your serum levels in your blood in a very tight range and so it will immediately pull that mineral that it needs from your bones anytime it needs it and so you may have a normal blood level of one of these elements one of these minerals but be severely depleted in your bone and you may not know that if you just check blood work and that may not matter until you you come upon some stressful period in your life either physical stress psychological emotional spiritual and then all of a sudden when you've really depleted your bones of that mineral there's no more storehouses and that's when the the deficiency really starts to wear its uncomfortable head so how would you know if you're low that's the problem and so outside of a of a bone biopsy to see what the levels of minerals minerals are there some you can check using specific blood tests that are done in a certain way but in many cases it's virtually impossible to know if you're truly depleted or not would it be a bad idea to go ahead and try some mineral supplements and see and that's what makes you feel good exactly and that's why so many people are like I'm not sure what's wrong but I just don't feel great I don't feel right I don't have what I think I need I think it's it's a brilliant idea to just try one bottle of the daily minerals use it daily just like the direction say and that that's a good trial and then after a few days which it won't take long if you're deficient in anything you're going to start to feel better and you're like oh yeah and it may it may not be a specific thing that gets better very often it's it's kind of ephemeral like I don't know I just overall I feel better and most people are very happy when that happens because feeling better in any way is better than feeling bad in any way so why do the daily minerals taste so bad would it wouldn't it have been better to add some flavoring and maybe some sweetener and stuff like that yeah one of the things Chris and I talked about when we were developing this formula is I don't we don't we neither wanted any artificial flavor any artificial anything no preservatives we didn't want any sweetener in it whatsoever we don't want to be provoking an insulin response inappropriately and so it it's just the minerals and what that's going to leave you with is something that tastes quite salty to some people to other people it's a minerally or a copper penny taste some people just think it tastes salty but you won't know what you think until you try it but we didn't want any artificial anything in it we didn't want to add a single thing to this formula that we didn't absolutely need to have so can you put it in your coffee yeah I do every morning can you put it you can even put it in decaf what yeah what about can you like put it in any drink you want absolutely okay so Beckett my three-year-old he he loves goat milk okay yeah he loves goat's milk and so does he actually tackled the goats and milk and he would if we had a goat he would definitely uh but what I do is every time I fill up one of his containers with goat's milk I'll put seven or eight drops of the mineral drops in there because you know he's three years old he doesn't need a full day supply okay so you feel comfortable giving the daily minerals to your own children I give them to him every day he doesn't know it and if he catches me then he pretends like he can taste it but if I do it and he doesn't see me do it it's totally fine okay many adults are this way as well now I have noticed some people that when they first start the daily minerals they're like wow that flavor is really strong yeah and it I don't have any actual data to support this but it seems that as people's bodies recognize a source of nutrition exactly like uh bone marrow yeah a lot of people when they first start off they're like what are you talking are you crazy and as time goes on their body recognizes that and begins to Crave it yeah our entire existence on this planet as a species has been a quest for nutrition that is even above reproduction and procreation that is the number one well you have to be alive to get to those got to get fed to stay alive and you can't do any of the other fun stuff if you ain't alive and so I think you're exactly right and I've heard this feedback from hundreds of people too in our group that when I first started the daily minerals it was so strong but I think that we have this inherent ability to our body recognizes no weight that's nutrient dense I really lead what's in that and then after a few months they're like I actually like the taste now or if the taste doesn't bother me at all anymore yeah I know some people like to add it to like their seltzer water they have one of those uh soda Waters Soda Stream things and they make their own Topo Chico I've been I've been told to add the minerals after you infuse oh yes with carbon dioxide yes not before please don't put it before it's like Diet Coke and Mentos going on yeah it explodes not because it's dangerous but because it just causes all the carbonation to come out immediately hey if you're not part of the solution you're part of the precipitate this is so true and so nerdy continuing on with that how how would you make the daily minerals easier to consume so I split my daily dose up over the course of the day that's the way I do it and so I'll put 15 drops in this cup of coffee 15 drops in this glass of sparkling water when I cook break my fast and eat my steak and eggs I'll put 10 or 15 drops on that and over the course of the day I get my full supply of daily minerals and I never taste it when I do it that way speaking of steak and eggs actually eggs we actually give it to our chickens that I think that's a great idea now I I this is not approved by the American Veterinary Association but actually my guardian dog my Great Pyrenees uh about twice a week he gets a dropper full of the minerals and uh every gallon of water that I use to hydrate my Quail I put 15 drops in the gallon so that works dilutes and then also the chickens I'll put a dropper full in their water once or twice a week as well whenever we do it we always make sure that we have fresh water next to the salty stuff yeah so that they can self-select so they can identify it mine just drink what they get well they they inevitably go nuts over this stuff with the electronics because their body oh yeah realizes that's nutrition I need that yeah chickens ain't done well okay chickens are kind of dumb chickens are hilarious they are they are Nature's comedians so why this particular ratio of the different electrolytes like there's like a thousand milligrams of potassium and I think it's 200 or 400 milligrams of magnesium I don't remember I'm off the top of my head but why those specific amounts so several reasons for those we didn't want to go too heavy on the Magnesium because some people have magnesium tastes like fire yeah magnesium doesn't taste great but also some people can have some gastrointestinal issues with too much uh magnesium although magnesium is vital you've got to get enough magnesium for optimal function but we wanted and then also you're probably going to get some magnesium from the food you're eating if you're eating a proper human diet you're probably going to get a good supply of that each day and that but you still got that insurance back up in the in the mineral drops just in case you need a little extra magnesium it's in there if you don't need it guess what no problem no fuss no foul you urinated away so why isn't there more so podium in the daily minerals because sodium is extremely important yeah so most people own a proper human diet keto ketovore carnivore they're going to Salt their food to taste right and so the vast majority of us are doing that we're getting almost all the salt that we need and we've got that little backup in the the mineral drops just in case you need some more yeah I always say salt is cheap yeah it's cheap potassium is salt is good for you and it's not going to hurt you and if you need a little extra it's there for you why some of these more obscure elements like iodine and more than how do you say that molybdenum molybdenum not close so there are some minerals that we included purposefully in this but even though there's not a an official FDA uh requirement for them right and because reading the nutrition research and looking at papers in some cases back from the 1950s and 60s the these are very important cofactors to biochemical reactions in your body if not mandatory for certain reactions to even happen and there's some of these are in tiny tiny amounts in the mineral drops but you need that tiny amount each day and as I said earlier if it's not in the soil that your food either grew in or grazed on then it's not in your food it's just parts per million is what you need never exactly right yeah and some of them you don't want too much and that's why there's only a tiny amount in there okay some people have reported that they feel nauseated or have an upset stomach after taking the daily minerals what what should they do about that so I would I would I would stop taking the full Daily Dose and I would start to just maybe take a quarter dose for a few days than a half dose and work your way up this same thing happens for many people when they adopt a nutrient dense proper human diet they're not used to getting that much nutrition at one time and thereby they interpret that for a few days is I feel kind of nauseated or for people who have been just chronically portion controlling calorie restricting for decades when they allow themselves to eat to satiety eat to their comfortably stuffed that can be interpreted as nausea for a few days until your your gut says oh no wait we're actually eating properly now and the food is very nutrient dense those are all good things I'm going to stop sending that signal and I think the same thing happens with the mineral drops as soon as your body realizes just like the chickens do oh no this is good good stuff yes then all of a sudden the that mild nausea goes away and you start if anything to have a craving craving electrolytes man yeah okay well thank you very much Dr Barry pleasure brother it was such a pleasure I love it thank you okay bye everybody
Channel: Keto Chow
Views: 42,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketogenic, keto diet, hflc, Ketosis, Keto Chow, low carb, Daily Minerals, Vitamins, Better Health
Id: rF5sFkHaEY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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