Dr. Jim Schettler: Turning Sorrow to Success

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you know I begin by praising the Lord for my pastor I always like to pick out something that I think pastor for every time I come up here and praise God for his life and I'm thankful that he's off with his wife and I am thankful for a pastor that we have never once ever once had a fear or concern about pastor and his wife's relationship and love for each other and I want to say this after pastoring for 25 years and I know that I fumbled the ball sometimes from behind the pulpit about things that I don't think I should have said that I want to tell you something I really praise the Lord do you not sense pastors love for his wife I really do when he talks him and Terry I thank God for their relationship by the way we ought to pray for their marriage Oh how Satan would like to get in between both of them and how that that could so much in many areas affect us so every time you hear that pastors away with his wife that's a good thing for all of us and that's just a real blessing as well I do always count it an honor and I do thank my pastor for the privilege to be able to speak on the last Sunday here at Lancaster Baptist matter of fact let me give it a little commercial about tonight if I could and that is to two things I hope gets you excited number one I have a red-eye flight tonight it's an early one from Delta tonight out of LAX at around 9:30 so one thing you knows the message will be short tonight so that's a positive and then I want to preach tonight on when I pastored up in Santa Maria we would have a theme every year and then I bend with seven themes here now at Lancaster Baptists and I want to tell you I believe the greatest theme I've ever experienced as a church is the one we did this year alive in Christ and tonight I'd like to preach on takeaways from alive in Christ and it will not be long because I have to get going but I pray it'll be just I think it would spend the best theme that in the years that I've been here that this church has ever had alive in Christ and I want to talk to you about some takeaways from that then I think I'll prepare you for 2020 as well take your Bibles if you have them today a copy of the scriptures and turn to first chronicles chapter number four first chronicles chapter number four now I was having my devotions I just started first chronicles about a week or so ago and I've been doing a chapter a day but when I got usually that's what I do for my devotions and then kind of outline its study at whatever but first chronicles the first six-and-a-half chapters are pretty difficult because it's just basically begat sons of son and a bunch of names that are very hard to pronounce but there is an oasis in this desert and that oasis is found in 1st chronicles 4 verse 9 and verse 10 and it really is just full of life and you get all of these names and there's just one named after another and then the writer of chronicles just stops under the inspiration of the holy spirit and gives us this oasis this blooming flower in the midst of this desert that is so worth our while to study at the end of the year and also as we begin now the title of my message is turning sorrow to success there's other ways that you could say the title of this message you probably have heard this before you helped me out when life gives you lemons make lemonade so maybe in 2019 you were thrown some lemons okay so maybe there were some lemons that Lou so maybe you got thrown some lemons whoa there's a catch Jesse I know you got a couple lemons so baby yeah you guys ready up there in the balcony all right so when life throws you lemons everyone together what are you supposed to do well I think there's a scriptural basis behind that and that is turning sorrow to success and we're gonna see that today in the life of jay-bez turning sorrow to success if I had another title it would be when life gives you lemons make lemonade or the recipe for lemonade let's go to the Lord in prayer and ask the Lord to be with us let's read the two verses let's stand and read these two verses and let's read them out loud together first chronicles chapter 4 if you don't have a copy of the scriptures it's on your handout today and let's read it out loud together 1st chronicles 4 9 and 10 would you join with me and then we'll have a word of Prayer everyone together and jay-bez was and his mother called his name jay-bez saying because I bear him with sorrow and jay-bez called on the God of Israel saying oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed and enlarge my coast and that thine hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keep me from evil that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested and that a great prayer what a great prayer for 20/20 right there in verse number 10 let's go to the Lord in prayer father this is our prayer as individuals as families as a church corporately father I pray that you would bless us indeed but not for our own sake Lord enlarge our coasts in 2020 have us grow in our own walk with you in our ministry to others and as a church father may we grow father we're not praying that evil will not come to us we're praying that we will not have the sorrow of evil that father we won't get bitter or grieve over that which you bring into our life that may be a little sour at the moment but Lord that can produce great lemonade for others to be blessed from and for our own life's to be refreshed father I ask and pray and the Christ named our risen Savior who we have been alive in Christ this year as a church lord I pray that you'll grant us our request I pray that the things that we share today will be helpful Lord I would imagine that there are guests here today and Lord may they see the Providence of your hand of why they're at this church this morning from your word and from this incredible example of taking sorrow and making it into success father we do pray for our pastor and his wife I pray for Paul and Terry chapel and I asked Lord that their time away would be sweet I pray Lord that they would draw closer to each other and closer to you grant them just may they laugh together I was thinking Lord about our our couples retreat may they be in sync may they come back in sync together and I pray for them but Lord in Jesus name I ask they could be with us today we need to get something from your word and make jay-bez prayer be just what you ordered for 2020 and as we reflect over 2019 as well and then Lord it is possible that there is somebody here today that has never prayed to you for salvation Lord the brevity of this prayer I think it's thirty three words Lord it doesn't take a long prayer to get I asked Lord if there's someone here that no matter what happened in 2019 or in their life that today they could see the sweetness of knowing Christ as their Savior and the forgiveness of their sins and lord I prayed that there would be maybe a sinner's prayer today that you would answer you always do whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved at any time during this service if there is one that right now has not a relationship with you and is headed for hell I pray that during this service they would call on you to save them father for the rest of us make jay-bez prayer be exactly what we need we ask these things in the name of the one who's going to grant us our prayer in the name of Jesus Christ we pray and God's people said you may be seated I want you to see first of all the character of jay-bez in verse number nine again you have a list of all of these names for six and a half chapters and then there's these two little verses that just talk about somebody and jay-bez was more everyone together honorable than his brethren now first of all it is very rare for the Bible to ever compare one person to another if the Bible ever compares somebody to somebody else there is a very important reason jay-bez is now compared to all of the dozens and really hundreds of names that are in these six-and-a-half chapters and the Bible very clearly indicates that jay-bez is more honorable now as we come into 2020 everything on TV it seems like all of your emails if they're like mine all of the spam that we get and everything is about Lucy wait well let me tell you a guy who didn't lose weight and in an area that we shouldn't lose weight the word honorable means weighty it means to carry a lot of weight this is one diet we do not want to have in 2020 this is the weight of our character of our reputation and it says in the Bible that jay-bez was more weighty than his brethren doesn't mean he weighed the most in pounds it means that his character was above those that were around him and because of his reputation and his character it had an influence on others I like this the character of Jabez large a honorable means his reputation carried more weight than those around him and I tell you what I think that was I do think that was the way that he lived he that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life righteousness and the same Hebrew word honor if you seek and follow after righteousness now this is going to become very important in our recipe for making lemonade out of sorrow and how we're going to take those things that have maybe happened in this past year maybe in our life or those things that await for us in 2020 and how we're going to do it number one you got to have the right character because the character that you have will determine what that sorrow will end up becoming says here also by humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and same word honor and life he carries a lot of weight around here because of his righteousness because of his look at me if you would he made a name for himself that had value now we'll talk about mom in just a moment but to call her son sorrow had to be difficult but let me tell you something because of the character of jay-bez because of the type of person that jay-bez was and the righteousness that he lived by and the things that he did that were right when you heard the name jay-bez you didn't think sorrow you thought success you thought hey the name jay-bez as mentioned in the time that he lived it was a name that oh yeah there's a guy who does write man there's a guy you can count on there is value in his name and I will tell you whatever your past is bad maybe this year is a year to change your name or shall we say change your character listen this quote if honesty humility and holiness does not carry sorrow sorrow will burn through and destroy the vessel it's in now this is very very important to understand the way that you live your life and the character that you have will determine how you will handle the sorrow that will come in 2020 there's going to be evil that comes even judge jay-bez doesn't pray for no evil he prays that he won't be grieved by it and that's going to be dependent upon your character your humility your honesty your holiness and I can't think of three words that we need more by the way think of that first word their honesty why we live in a deceitful world I do not know of a word that's needed more today then honesty telling the truth thou shalt not bear false witness our world is so deceitful you can't get the truth out of anyone in 2020 be an individual that tells the truth that's honest that your yeah means yeh and your name means neigh don't bear false witness by holding back things if there is an area of your life that we all in America need to work on it is in the area of truthfulness and being honest and I want to tell you as the Dean of Students at West Coast Baptist College we could use some lessons on honesty as well so it's not just permeated and don't just leave it in the political realm I'm telling you just in Lancaster be honest and be truthful in your dealings and in what you say that character will help you through the difficult times that you're gonna face the next word I love too is humility I think jay-bez is a very humble man I think we're gonna see this in his petition in just a few moments in his calling on the Lord but I think his humility that he didn't think humility is not thinking bad of yourself humility is not thinking of yourself this prayer is not about jay-bez being successful this prayer is for the glory of God that humility and that pride or that that pride that we so often rise up and say it's our my way or the highway or I'm right or we don't listen to anyone else will not do us well in 2020 will not do us well when we have sorrow and then holiness just living God like being godly in our kindness and in way we handle things if honesty humility and whole leanness does not carry sorrow sorrow will burn through and destroy the vessel that it's in I have a 2011 Camry and I do not know to this day why this is in the trunk well I do know I know how I use it but it when you open up my trunk off to the left there is a little plastic slot I don't know if some tool bag was supposed to get the in there or what and whatever it was or the tools to change the tire or underneath the cover of the other trunk so I don't know what it is but I have found something it is absolutely the size of a crate of eggs so whenever I go to the store and I buy eggs I put those eggs in my trunk in that little slot and do you know what I have never once come home with a broken egg because that little it's the little egg carrier that the Toyota company put in the trunk and I put my dozen of eggs and it fits absolutely perfect in there and then I Drive home and there's an I could be worried about this or that but there's one thing I'm not concerned about it all is my eggs will crack not one egg has ever cracked because it's in the right container I want to share this with you some of you carried sorrow this past year in not a good container and the sorrow really affected you and you can't get through it the grief the sorrow you know the greatest container to put sorrow in is the container of character because if you're living right it is amazing how that sorrow takes on a different light some of you are still sucking the sour lemons of 2019 and you've never made lemonade with that can I tell you what we'll do that will be the character of your life jay-bez was more weighty than all of his brethren and his mother called his name sorrow saying because I bear him with sorrow now there's just no explanation of what that was but there are some interesting points number one he's the only one in these six-and-a-half chapters that doesn't have a father mentioned why is the mother saying this you just kind of wonder that maybe during the pregnancy maybe sometime near the delivery that somehow dad died or there wasn't a father to be found maybe it's an illegitimate I don't know but whatever it is because by the way no mother in here would ever claim that they didn't have sorrow in the bearing of their child oh no if you go through labor you have sorrow and it's difficult so we know that it can't mean just the bearing of a child because every mother would know well listen lady I don't know who you think you were but that goes with the curse so it's got to be something else and it's very possible that she lost her husband and jay-bez was born without a dad and there's no dad mention whatsoever but whatever the sorrow was in jay-bez life he's gonna turn that around he's not going to let his mother calling him this name affect him and I think that's because of his character you know we talked so much about so many things in our Christian life but we just need to develop our character and to do what's right at the right appointed time number two the confusion over jay-bez the confusion and you know I don't want to talk bad about a mother but there is some confusion and jay-bez mom and I tell you why I think that there is why would you call your son sorrow that he's going to live with that name for the rest of his life what were you thinking mom and I think mom was confused because of the sorrow that she bear jay-bez in whatever it was look with me if you would that the confusion over jay-bez don't allow the sorrows of today to dictate the successes that could be tomorrow somebody who can't move on and I think jay-bez his mother was willing to say you're gonna be called jay-bez because every time I look at you I'm gonna remember the sorrow that occurred when you were born or around your birth or whatever it was by the way they didn't they didn't name children till a day a young man till eight days when he was circumcised that's when they did it so she had eight days to think about a name and in those eight days of thinking about a name for her newborn son she comes up with the name jay-bez now before I'm gonna kind of condemn her I'm not going to call this the this point that can the condemnation of jay-bez I'm gonna call it the confusion over jay-bez because I think mom is a little bit confused about some things look at be if you would we are too quick to call a tough time or crisis AJ Bess I want everyone to stop on this because I'm leading up to something on this point that may be your takeaway for this day I think we are too often too quick to call a jay-bez in our life a jay-bez that we have something happened in our life and all there's a terrible Hall this is terrible oh this is this at all I'm not gonna make it through this year oh this is this just happened in our family and I think we're too quick and II was too quick to call her son jay-bez first Thessalonians chapter 4 in verse 13 the reason why under the inspiration of the holy spirit Paul writes to the church at Thessalonica is found in 1st Thessalonians 4:13 that says that she I would not rather have you be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep you didn't you thought Christ was going to come back before anyone would die in your church and now people are dying in the Church of Thessalonica and I don't want you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep and then he says this incredible statement Church of Thessalonica that you sorrow not as those that have no hope okay you're going to sorrow because a person in your church that you love you're not going to see again on this earth Christ hasn't come back right away so we haven't been all gathered together so you're gonna miss that loved one you're gonna miss that friend and there's gonna be sorrow but sorrow not as those that have no hope I think mom's a little confused about some things I think mom is confused that whatever occurred was going to dictate now that there's no hope anymore then I'm hopeless now with whatever happened around J Baz's birth in her life she was confused alright there's nothing now it doesn't matter now no no that we sorrow not as those that have no hope listen to this one don't make decisions based on appearance oh we are so often to do this no we have two really cool verses I can't wait to get to and they're in your in your book they are in your little handout so you could just keep that but could I ask you to do something today would you take your Bible that you have with you that you brought to church and turn it and take it to Genesis chapter 37 for just a moment well brothers shalt love the verses rate in the handout don't let the handout ever be a substitute for you taking your Bibles and turning and using it and God's people said no I really mean the priests God for the handouts we have but don't let that be a substitute for you using your Bible in church okay and this one you're gonna want to mark so the boys come back they got to figure out some way to explain Joseph being gone their brother they sold Joseph as a slave so they came up with this idea hey let's take his coat of many colors dip it in let's kill a goat dip it in the goat's blood show dad and say hey Dad I don't have no idea what happened to your son I don't know what's going on with our brother oh they completely deceived him and everything their dad of course Jacob is reaping what he sowed he's reaping more than these Saudis reaping later than he sowed he deceived his father as well but that's another message look at verse 32 and they sent the coat of many colors so the boys bring back Joseph's coat which they have sprinkled with goat's blood and they sent the coat of many colors and they brought it to their father and said hey look what we found out there this have we found no not whether it be thy sons coat or no well obviously but listen and look at verse 33 and if you've never seen this and I need your help actually to finish the verse and he knew it Jacob looks at this coat it's Joseph this is the coat of authority the coat of many colors and he knew it and said it is my son's coat by the way is that true or false is that Joseph's coat true or false true true and an evil beast hath devoured him is that true or false that's false now listen to this next statement man think we're all going to say it together with all of you with me join with the verse with the word Joseph everyone together Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces everyone together is that true is Joseph dead or alive everyone is he dead or alive no no you didn't read your scripture it says Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces was Joseph rented pieces jacob says without a doubt he's running pieces and I say to you church things are not always the way that they appear now you hear this because in 2020 there will be things that will come in your life that appear a certain way and you have got to take that lemon and make lemonade you have got to take that sorrow and make success out of it things are not always the way that they appear well that marriage is done don't believe that that child is gone don't believe that I want to share this she is confused because she's making decisions based on appearance at that moment why did you call your son sorrow because that's the way it looked in my life right then well don't do that don't base your decisions upon what you immediately see wow so important by the way we're in Genesis so let's rip up and let's turn on over real quickly over to chapter 42 this comes up again just before he finds out that Joseph is alive look look at verse 36 Genesis 42 verse 36 and Jacob their father said unto them me have ebert bereaved by the way guess what word that is ya bez of my children Joseph is not that's a - he's more alive than you could ever imagine he's the Lord he's living he loves you he's longing and man he's loaded okay Joseph is not and Simeon is not that's not true either and II will take Benjamin away and then listen to this all and I think this is exactly the way Jim jay-bez his mother felt all these things are everyone together last two words no they weren't do you have any idea what God is doing through the life of Joseph right now he's gonna be your savior and the savior of the world but right now it looks like everything is against me was that year 2019 [Music] there was a 12-day period this past fall that I sat up in my office and felt like everything was against me I don't believe that was true but that was the way I was starting to make decisions based upon the appearance that I saw I just want to encourage the church family don't make decisions on what you're seeing with these eyes make your decisions by what you see by faith and hope into what God has I think she's confused large D confusion in our lives is inevitable when the present and temporal become dominant over the future and the eternal confusion in our lives will be inevitable when the present and the temporal become dominant over the future in the eternal okay brother seller so what do you do have a to point out like wait on the Lord and weigh out the facts so if you're going through a jay-bez moment in your life wait on the Lord I love Psalm 27 and I love the last two verses of Psalm 27 I had fainted I'd have given up I had a quit thrown the towel in unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wow what a verse Church wait on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thy heart wait I say on the Lord don't put a judgment on 20-19 yet friend well we got about two more days no no you may find that the sorrows of 20:19 turn out to be the greatest successes of 20/20 you may find that the things that you thought were terrible of 20:19 may end up being the greatest things that changed your life wait on the Lord and then number two and I like it weigh out the facts I have a I have a mathematical formula for you impulsiveness plus impetuousness equals confusion if you are impulsive and you are impetuous chances are you're living a very confused life weigh out the facts he that is slow to wrath is of great understanding but he that is a hasty spirit exalteth folly Wow weigh out the facts before you make a determination it's a Jay Bess then number three and this really is the message but we'll go through it quickly the calling from jay-bez I love this prayer in verse number 10 and jay-bez sorrow called now that's interesting because it is the exact same word that mom called jay-bez mother called proclaimed declared his name jay-bez jay-bez proclaimed declared on the God of Israel saying o that thou wood has blessed me indeed and enlarged my coasts and that thy hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keep me from evil that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested well the calling from jay-bez well I want you to see the person he calls on you know we call on the wrong people I've really learned that I'm sorry but I kind of live in a college world in a team world I'm going tonight to fly out to do a youth conference in raleigh-durham Monday Tuesday and Wednesday so I kind of live at a young people's world can I tell you something about young people they call on the wrong ones they call on the clever the cute and the comfortable and they do and that's who they look for on their bodies those that are clever enough to help them those are cute enough like ideas really like and those I just feel comfortable they're my friends I'll tell you who we should call on the Covenant God the Creator God and the compassionate God that's who we should call on get on your hands and needs this year and make sure you're calling on the right person call on the Covenant God because he's the only one that's gonna make a promise that's going to be able to keep it call on the Creator God and by the way we see all of that in that tax there first of all calling the God of Israel the very word is real it has to do with covenant because that's what the name from Jacob to Israel was given when God made the covenant would Jacob about Israel so the very word Israel call on the God of Israel was he was calling on the Covenant God the God that could fulfill the promise that he wanted the word God there is ileane capital G small o small deep we find it in Genesis 1:1 in the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth this God's going to be powerful enough to answer the requests that I have the Covenant God the Creator God and absolutely the compassion of God don't you love the way the verse ends and God granted him that which he requested praise the Lord we go to a God who does have compassion we do go to the God who created the world and we go to the God who keeps his promises notice the person he called on number 2 and I really want to stress this this morning notice the passion jay-bez calls with jay-bez is desperate jay-bez is devoted and jay-bez is depended entirely on god I love this word importuning and I've preached on that here in having the prayer of importunity helpless urgent consistency I see that passion and jay-bez is prayer this isn't a little prayer that he prays on at 12:00 at 11:30 on December 31st just before the new year he gives us a little prayer God be with me in 2020 now this prayer has passion behind it as far as I can tell I know not of anyone in the scriptures that ever cried out to God that God did not answer their prayers my favorite prayer verse in the Bible is Psalm 34 6 this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles Lancaster Baptists if I encourage you to do anything before this year is over cry out to God not this little / God hey Lord it'll be with me this coming year give me some goals Lord no but a desperate to voted to the cause of Christ for the glory of God a desperate devoted and dependent entirely on Christ prayer God you got to do something Lord this has got to go from lemons to lemonade for your namesake this has got to change I can't live in this sorrow lord help me out of this stupor the passion jay-bez calls with but without a doubt the key to this whole thing is the petition jay-bez calls for he calls out to the right person he's got the right passion and I cannot tell you how important that it oh by the way under the patch and I have to tell you something about my grandson so I have a little alliterated outline about writer already the only thing that writer does in communication is Christ that's all he does I mean I was expecting at two months that he would be able to say I love you grandpa but it's not there yet I don't know what the problem is so all Reiter can do is cry and I've got this down I was with Ryder for five days six days seven days and all that kid did was cry but I learned something he's got three kinds of Christ yeah yeah yeah yeah and I got him alliterated he's got the pity cry and boy do I see his dad in that one he's got the petty cry okay he's got the petty cries like okay there ain't nothing wrong with you man you're fooling you got a dry diaper quit cryin okay he's got the petty crisis crying alright this petty he's got the little pity cry but then he's got the passionate cry okay now the passion to cry we always responded to and you could tell it in the decibel level and you can tell it in just the the guttural back in the back it's like okay something's wrong with Ryder you know what we didn't always respond to his pity cry and I don't think Drew and Noel ever responded to his petty cry but never did mom and dad not respond to his passionate cry and I want to tell you a lot of our prayers are Petty and pitiful but if you pray with passion God will answer your prayers never will you cry out to God with passion that hit the Abba Father is ago if Drew and Noel won't answer writers passionate prayers I'm telling you something God will answer your passionate prayers as well and then I want to give you the petition and we're done remember you didn't have Sunday school so we can go a little longer the petition the petition jay-bez calls for number one he asked for grace what a great prayer oh that that would bless me well brother gently that sounds kind of selfish you know why our view of God's grace is so messed up in our American Christianity do you know what God gives us grace to be a blessing for others God enables you with something and God gives you favor for something that you Arctic bless others with I love Genesis chapter 12 and verse 2 the Abrahamic covenant and he says I'm gonna bless you Abraham and because I'm gonna bless you and your nation you're gonna be a blessing to others as well we have been blessed to be a blessing to others and jay-bez has got this God give me a favor give me grace so that I can bless other people I have a great assistant his name is Tim Bundy and sometimes a lot of things are happening in our office and I bring Tim in and we have prayer every morning together and Tim and I sit sometimes we share Scripture or something and and I talked to him a little bit and every once in a while when just things have been just buzzing in our office I stopped him and I say this to him I say Tim I know you got a lot going on today and I know there's just all these little detail things that's got to be done but do know this Tim that if you get all those things done that gives me more time I can minister to the college students I can do more for the college students to him if you do more for me and boy he's always read on board yes dr. shellner I got it can I tell you that's grace God would you bless me and give me your favor so that I could bless others God if you give me more grace and if you bless me I can do more for other people I love this prayer he asked for grace by the way I think this prayer is a prayer list for the for 2020 here's your prayer list as for every day number two he seeks for growth I believe from what I understand at this point and I don't know a lot of other people would even know here I believe this will be the most challenging vision Lancaster Baptist Church maybe has ever been given in 2020 you better start praying jay-bez prayer because what did jay-bez pray for that might coast and enlarge my coast may I go where I've never gone before take me out of my comfort zone God enlarge my coast I want to grow those lemons I threw I got a whole basket full of you need some more lemons let me know you got a lemon treat no my brother does and he lives in Phoenix and I gotta tell you you just bought a new house he's got three lemon trees two orange trees and a grapefruit tree and they are loaded I have never seen you there is more yellow than there is green on those trees that is my kind of tree you know what the only thing that God cursed the only thing that Jesus Christ cursed when he was on this earth was a tree that had leaves but no fruit and I want to encourage you this year ask God for fruit fruit that you've never seen before in your life enlarger your your boundaries your borders God give me growth but not just leaves I don't need more leaves in my life I don't need more programs and more busyness that's all leaves God enlarged me not with busyness but with fruit I could have thrown out a whole bucket full of lemons let me tell you and we could have taken as many lemons as our car could have carried because my brother's trees are full of growth and that growth is fruit he seeks for grace he asked for grace he seeks for growth by the way Philippians 3:13 a14 brother and I found out myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are in 2019 and reaching forth unto those things which are in 2020 on the Greek I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus that is jay-bez prayer as well he begs for guidance don't you just love that little part there and enlarge my coast and that thy hand might be with me guide me this year will you Lord his hand might guide me beside me if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God and give it to all they give it to all men liberally and abrade if not and it shall be given him that is the number one verse that's quoted in my verb in my office every day when I do counseling I never start a counseling session without praying James 1:5 beg for guidance God I need guidance in 2020 and then he pleads for goodness I love this notice what he did now you got to look at this verse right and that thou wouldest keep me from evil that it may not grieve me he didn't say Lord may I not have any evil in 2020 that is not what he prays he prays Lord may I not have any evil that would what's the next word that would what grief let me teach you a Hebrew word today yeh BES ya best can you all say that word that's the word for grieve there in that verse Lord I'm not asking that you take evil out of my life but I am asking Lord that I will not have jay-bez when the evil comes god I don't want to live out my name Lord I don't want to have grief god I don't want to have sorrow when these things come into my life I want to take that and use that for you and look at how God end and God granted him that we she requested wow that's a great prayer for our church in 2020 you better be whole Nando jay-bez is prayer when pastor on January 12 Lord we're gonna need your grace God we need to grow Lord we're gonna need guidance and O God give us your goodness so that we could be a blessing to others and there's the Genesis 2:12 - I close by telling you this I encourage you today to come down to an altar and pray jay-bez prayer I you understand it now take the lemons of 2019 and say dear God I'm ready to start making some lemonade and god I'm going to take that which was sorrowful and that which was sour and Lord I'm going to recall and God I'm gonna use this for your honor and your glory god I don't want a jay-bez attitude I don't want a jay-bez life I want to pray with J best prayed God for 2020 for the month of January lord I pray that jay-bez prayer would be my prayer in what I desire but I am going to share this I prayed this at the beginning one of the most profound things about this prayer is how short it is it's 33 words but you know God answers short prayers there's a thief on the cross and he says remember me and Jesus and his dying moments says today that will be with me in paradise hey can I tell you this if you're here today you can say a short prayer but the profoundness of that prayer and the response that I forgot wrote it this way the brevity of the prayer doesn't lessen the magnitude of God's response your prayer may be short and sweet but his response can be powerful and mighty you can in one prayer meaning it from your Bart by faith change a whole direction of your life in your and your eternal destination you ever think about that in a short prayer someone can go from Hell to heaven now it's not the prayer that saves you it's the faith behind that prayer when that thief says remember me he knew who he was next to Peter says how about this link to this prayer this is pretty long when you already I memorized Peters prayer help me when he's sinking and if you sense that you are on your way to the pit of hell and never have trusted Christ cry out to God God save me and I love Romans 10:13 whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I'll tell you a prayer that's better than jay-bez prayer it's when a sinner comes to Jesus Christ by faith and says God would just save me and if you're here today and you've never prayed the sinner's prayer he could save you today
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 1,014
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, sermon, Christian, God, Jesus, Lancaster Baptist Church, Lancaster Baptist, Pastor Paul Chappell, Paul Chappell, 1 Chronicles 4, Dr. Jim Schettler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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