16 Maria Woodworth Etter (Trances for days)

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welcome to glory stories with dr. Elizabeth lock dr. Vaughn was one of the top eye surgeons in America and has traveled to many countries in the world preaching the Word of God he also opened up an eye surgery center in Beijing China where she did free eye surgery on those in need dr. Vaughn will be sharing many of her personal experiences from God in addition you will hear of others that have known God in the intimate way and seeing his miracle-working power as you hear about how God has worked in the lives of others our hope is that you will be changed forever get ready for God to heal you deliver you and transform your life as you sit back and enjoy these glory stories welcome to glory stories today we're going to be talking about Maria Woodworth editor which was a fantastic woman of God in her time I don't know if you've ever heard of her before or not but after today you will you will have heard of her she she was she was in a real poor family when she was growing up the father was a kind man but he'd go to town and he was a good-hearted man and they'd say hey let's have a drink and he'd start drinking and he'd buy everybody a drink and spend all the money that he had and then he'd come home to his wife who was brokenhearted and didn't have any money left for her the family so they they were poor all along and then when Maria Woodworth editor was 11 years old her father died so at that point in time they're absolutely death debts desolate they just didn't have anything so the mother just as a matter of pure survival sent Maria and her older sisters out to work for people in they're homeless for a week at a time and earned enough money to try to keep the mother and the smaller children alive so she was away from her home she didn't have any access to church she always had a longing for God but she just never had any opportunity finally when she was 13 years old she got to go to a church service they gave an altar call and course she responded to that because that was what was in her heart all along she got baptized in water and as she was being baptized the light shone over her and and she was gloriously say after that even though she had to still work in people's houses her whole attitude changed she was happy she was singing she was praising God as she cleans someone else's house and and her her whole her whole heart changed because she now had Jesus in her heart well as she grew older she got married and as usually happens she started having babies she had a little baby boy and not long after that he died then she had another little boy named Freddie and he didn't live very long at all well I'm sorry Freddie lived but then she had a little girl and the little girl was a joyful little child and seemed to love Jesus but then she got tuberculosis and she died then she had a fourth child another little girl and after a very short period of time that child died too I'm telling you this because she had a lot of heartbreak in her life and and many of her children were dying just about as fast as she could have them and meanwhile she was getting she was very sick herself and debilitated and all this time God was really calling her to go into the ministry but you know women didn't do it at that point in time and and she just felt totally unworthy and she just felt like she couldn't do it but nonetheless God was tugging on her heart to go into the ministry to follow him to preach the gospel she loved God but she just felt like she just wasn't capable of doing it and everything in the world and her society of that day was against her for doing this so she didn't follow the callin so she kept getting worse physically and worse physically and until you know everybody thought she was gonna die and finally she knew that it was a matter of either yielding to God's call in her life or else she was absolutely gonna die so at the last moment she told the Lord okay she said I'll try my best I'll try my best that's all she can do I said I'd she said I'll try my best and so he said she she she said okay she would so right away her health turned around she started getting better she and the family moved into a town where now she had access to church the Lord told her is that I moved you here so that I can start using you here since you've yielded to my call she tried but you know she she had what she called a man fearing spirit I don't know that I've heard that phrase anywhere except through Maria Woodworth editor but I think a lot of people have that in other words you just you just should get up and just quiver and shake it she was too shy and she was afraid of the people she afraid what they'd say what they'd think and so she just she just really couldn't come out with anything and then God gave her a vision it was a vision of this black bottomless pit that was filled with terror and torment and people were falling into that and it's and as you know a multitude of people didn't even know they were coming close to the edge and then dad just suddenly they would fall into it and this this was happening to thousands and thousands of people and they were screaming and they were they were falling into this bottomless pit and Maria Woodworth etter in the in the dream or the vision was on a platform over this bottomless pit and she was begging people to come up where she was so that they wouldn't fall down into this pit so or she couldn't get that out of her mind that she couldn't get it out of her mind that people were dying and actually going to hell and that nobody was there to help them to pull them out of that situation and so finally she just gives in and and and starts to minister and the anointing of God was on her in such a strong way one of the places she went early on in her ministry it was a very cold and formal place and she went in there as she knew that it was going to take the power of God to make God real to those people she prayed fervently and she asked God to make himself real to the people however he wanted to but just show himself in his power in his reality so she starts the meeting and she believed that God would do this because she asked him in faith she knew she would receive she started the meeting and after that the on the third day of the meeting a woman just spontaneously just we would call it being slain in the spirit or fell out under the Spirit of God just spontaneously and so you know she still had a pulse they knew she wasn't dead so they put her over on a sofa and let her just stay there and she's just stayed there and they had to carry the lady home not that same day at the nighttime meeting two more women fell fell out like that fell out under the power of God and they put him up there on the some sofas that they had and people would pass by and actually people stayed with him all night long with those women on the sofa like that what people were astounded they'd astounded they didn't know what was happening but obviously they knew that it was the power of God so he was answering her prayer in a way that she never had anticipated but the power of God was definitely showing up in the meetings then the next day when she was having meetings six people fell out under the power of God and so it was multiplying and the crowds were coming in to see what was going on and and the people were being changed their lives were being changed people were coming to God and being saved because they could see that the power of God was there lots of she's had she had lots of meetings and lots of things happened in her meetings I can't tell you all of them but I'll just tell you a few this particular church that she was in so many people were falling out under the power of God and she said she called him being stuck to the ground stuck down to the ground and they couldn't get up or move but one person was a young woman was standing up and she got stuck like that and her eyes were open and she was just standing there and she stood there like that not moving at all for two hours with her eyes open now that's God if you can stand there two hours and not blink I mean that's a supernatural just that alone is a supernatural phenomenon there was one old man in the meeting that night and and she knew that this man was resisting God and resisting God and she knew that if if he didn't respond that that was his last opportunity God was not going to give him another chance and so she said that she said somebody's here tonight God's telling me this is your last chance you better turn to God tonight or you'll never have their opportunity well the man was so hard-hearted and cold-hearted and he left the church cussing the church cursing the church and as he was going home that night a train hit him and killed him so by the next morning they told Maria wood within her she said he's he's already ready for the coffin he got killed last night and that was his last chance which means that that man went to hell that night because he wouldn't respond to the call of God needless to say it was a frightening thing for the people the next Church she went to was was cold also I guess if she came today she and went went to churches today she'd probably find a lot of culture just today too but the people were resistant they some of them didn't really think God was very real and so this time she found five people that were church members that would join with her and pray with her and believe God that something was going to happen that God would show forth his power and that not only the church would be changed but that the whole town would be changed so as she started those meetings the same phenomenon started happening again people were getting struck down by the power of God and and this this not only happened in the church but it started happening in people's homes people's businesses even walking down the street somewhere in the town people would fall out under the power of God and a lot of times when this happened to them they would be having visions God would show um visions of heavenly things or various visions and when they came out of that they would want to be saved and they would be saved because they would have met God during the vision one night sheet she went over and she started to welcome a man that was there that was just standing in the aisle she started to welcome him and put out her hand toward him without touching him the man just fell over backwards on the floor well she decided oh you know that scares people so she was going to decide not to not to go toward anybody else so she goes up on the on the pulpit where the minister of the church the pastor of the church is there and the minute she puts her foot up on the stage where he is he throws his hands up in the and he falls out under the power falls down on the on the pulpit and he was there for a long long time when he finally finally came out of that she called him a trance when he came out of that trance he had had visions of heaven he'd had visions of hell and he saw people in heaven that he knew he saw people in Hell that he knew and he was told that there were people in that in that area that he knew even church members that were going to go to hell if they didn't get straight with God during that meeting with would with Maria would were that her so the power of God was moving among the people in the town in a phenomenal way one of the one of the men in the town was was struck in his in his he was a merchant and he was struck down right there in his home he was stuck to the floor and this went on for hours and hours people heard about it they started going through his home and seeing seeing him there stuck on the floor struck down by the power of God and when he came out of that God had given him a message for the church now I don't know what it was but he didn't want to give it he didn't want to give it and he wouldn't give it maybe gave a little bit of it but he wouldn't give the whole vision like he was supposed to so God told him I'm gonna strike you dumb so you cannot speak at all until you're willing to go tell the whole story so he was struck dumb and finally he's he conceded okay I'll go tell so he got up in the church and he told the whole thing that God had had for him to tell well the next place that she went it was it was wintertime and a sleigh full of younger people came to the meeting riding in a sleigh and on the way there they started making fun of the Vedas trances and they said oh we're gonna fall under trance tonight and I'll be loved and they just were making jokes about it and fun about it well what happened when the meeting started that night all of those young people that were making fun of the trances every one of those fell in a trance that night and every one of those had to be carried out back the slate to go home they carried him out under the power of God to go home that night there was a man there that well there was a woman that was making like gestures preaching with a lot of gestures and everything so she was under the under the anointing of the Holy Ghost doing this preaching with these gestures and a man there started making fun of her preaching with gestures and when he was he was making some ugly funny face and trying to make fun of her and what he got when he was in that in grimace on his face the Lord stuck him shut just like that where he was standing that with that ugly look on his face and he stood there like that frozen for hours and people were then making you know they were looking at he in other words he was the laughingstock now because he had made fun of God's moving on the people so many supernatural things like that happen you know unusual things not the things that we have we have gotten used to when we talking about these people in their lives we've gotten used to the fact that many people were healed and many people were saved but I don't know of any other person besides Maria Woodworth editor that had all of these all of these supernatural phenomenon where people were falling out under trances and so forth amazing amazing life she had invitations at this point to go lots and lots of places big churches in lots of different towns but instead of taking those invitations she felt like God wanted her to go to this small little place called Newtown so she rode in a sleigh herself and they took her to Newtown by the time she got there that night for the meeting she was so hoarse from riding in an open sleigh like that she was so hoarse that she she couldn't speak above a whisper and she was so exhausting so tired that they had to practically carry her up onto the podium and so she she just believed God she just asked God to give her the voice that she needed to be able to sing and to preach in a way she ended up being a one one-person show but she had to do the singing as well as the preaching and the praying and everything she did everything so she was praying and believing God to give her voice to even do that because she couldn't talk above a whisper so she got up and started leading the singing and after a few minutes her voice came back to her and she could sing with strength and vigor and anointing and began to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and as she did that two things started happening people started falling out under the power or they started rushing to the altar to get saved one or the other till the meeting was so broken up by this that she she really couldn't even preach that was the only time that she even got to preach during that whole meeting because so many people were flocking to that church wanting to be saved and what they had to do for the next day even was to take all of the seats the pews and the seats all out of that whole church and they made two rows of chairs from the altar to the door and they made them like you could kneel down at the chairs and make it like two long altars in other words and people crowded into that church to go to the altars day and night and day and night they didn't even close the doors it was 24 hours a day when one person would leave the altar another person would come in to take their place so it was a continual flow a continual flood of people wanting to get in and get saved primarily they were just coming to get saved to get right with God of course many of them would be falling under trances when they were in the in the inside of the church building so it it just was it just went on that way the whole time she was there so she never even had another chance to preach well a little bit later on God told her to go to California so she went to California she had a tent when she moves she had a tent that she put up there but there were so many large crowds of people trying to get in to hear her that she had to have a larger tent made so she had a tent made that that would seat eight 8,000 people and meanwhile about 10,000 people would be standing outside of the tent straining their ears and trying to hear her preach now while she was in California there was some police that got drunk and they they just they just got angry and mad at some of the people that were working there with with her services so these drunk policemen a bunch of them came in one night into her tent some of them sat down some of them just stood in various places around the tent and they had a signal they were going to make a signal and when they made that signal that the rest of the police were going to rush in and and you know harm the meeting that's what the plan was and they Maria would were that her and her people knew that that's what was happening and they all were were frightened by this but Maria Woodworth editor said you know she stood up and and the power of God came on the woman and as the as the presence of God came into that place and the power of God fell on her and she walked right out in the middle of all of those policemen and just started preaching God and and talking about Jesus and the power of God fell and she wasn't afraid of them she she was bold as a lion because of the power of the Holy Ghost that was on the woman well they could see the policeman could see that she was not afraid of them and they could tell by seeing and by feeling that God was in that place and then they were very frightened they were very frightened even though they were drunk you know they could tell that the presence of God was there so slowly they started just not calling the other policeman in but instead they would start backing up and going out of the meeting themselves so in the spring of that same year the Lord spoke to her and he said I want you to go to st. Louis well she she really wanted to spend the summer in California but you know God said to go to st. Louis and so she was always obedient to what God said so she packs up her tent and her people and so forth and they they go off to st. Louis well st. Louis ended up being an interesting place because they couldn't find a lot big enough for her to put her big tent except this one lot that was in the worst neighborhood of town where people people were afraid to even go to that part of town and other tents that had come in the past that were there for entertainment purposes then come with a big tent put it up there those roughed people in that area would come and cut the tent tent ropes tear the tent down tear it to shred and curse the people that had the test unit I'd just run away I mean the people were were violent people in that area but that's the only place that Maria would worth it or could find big enough to put her tent so she went on and put her tit up there and and when it was all set up you know the the men told her the men of the town said you better not put your chin up here you you better not even come here because they might kill you this is dangerous they might kill you she said but God told me to put it up here so not only did she put up the big tent she also put up smaller tents where they would stay she would stay in a tent and her people would stay in these smaller tents so it was like a little tent city that they had well when the meeting started the the people coming to the meeting the rough people were throwing rocks at them throwing stones at them and so the men were afraid to bring their their wives and their daughters there they were afraid to bring them because they were afraid they would get severely injured just trying to get into the tent but the tent was packed out anyway despite despite the stones and then the rough people from the area would come in the men left their hats on they rolled up their sleeves like tough guys you know they smoked in either pipes or cigars they were throwing firecrackers and they're trying to have Maria Woodworth at her and her people were trying to she had a couple of visiting pastors that were trying to say something and they were the the rough people from the area they were standing up in the chairs and they would jeer at them and yell at them and claps on that throw stones at them and neither one of those men could say anything because of either their stones being thrown at him or they were such loud noises in there that they couldn't be heard anyway so they finally just just left and and couldn't they couldn't do anything so Maria would were that her she says to her to her staff there she said okay she said we are not going to leave this place we will not leave this place God sent us here and we are staying here and the only way that we're going to get out of that tent is if they have to carry us out of here dead because we're going to stay here we're going to fulfill God's calling that he's told us to be here and so she told a little woman to get up there and pray so the woman gets up by the podium machines shake and she's white as a sheet she gets down on her knees and she starts praying but as she starts praying the presence of the Lord comes in into this tent and the the power of God comes on Maria would Ruth enter and she stands up as bold as anything and she she now speaks to these rough guys that have guns and they have clubs and they're ready to kill some folks I mean their duty these are really bad news people she gets up in front of these kind of people and she says I command you to listen to me she says God sent us here to do good for you and we're gonna do good we're gonna stay here and nothing you do is going to keep us away from here this is where God sent us to be and if one of you even tries to touch me or one of my people God's gonna strike you dead Oh will this put the fear of God in them they never dreamed that this little woman would talk to them like that when they had guns and knives and and you know bats in all kinds of so then the fear of God fell on them they started getting him down off of the chairs they started taking their hats off they started taking the cigars and the pipes out of their mouths and they got very quiet in the meeting and they just behaved themselves and she proceeded to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the usual things would be happening that people would be falling out even some of these rough guys that were in there and their wives were rough war wives too some of them would start falling out under the power of God and so she proceeded with the meetings and those went on for I think about five months that in st. Louis now and one night they brought a young girl in and she was lifeless she couldn't talk she couldn't she couldn't you know she was lifeless they had to carry her in they wanted Maria Woodruff that her to pray over the little girl so she did she prayed over her and then Maria warden where thither told him she said take her outside because she may have to learn how to walk she may not know how to walk so they took her outside and in a very short time they brought her back in the little girl was fine normal well she was perfectly capable of she was a normal child so they put her up on the platform and and the little child starts preaching she was stomping her feet she was pointing to heaven she was telling everybody you know about Jesus and she was totally saved and healed and and and everybody was just astonished here one minute they carry her in lifeless and the next you know a few minutes later hear she's up on the podium preaching and stomping and pointing to heaven they were just amazed by that and another time a woman brought her son in who had been at one time he had been thrown in to a dog catchers van that was full of barking wild dogs it scared the little boys so bad that he sometimes he'd had these mad spells where he would act like a dog and he did that in Maria Woodworth at his meeting and he was biting and snapping at people and so they took him away they put him in her personal private tent and he bit them he bit the the tent fabric and tore a big hole in it and so everybody was afraid she said don't bring this boy back again but the boy kept pleading with his mother please take me back please so finally the mother took him back brought him down to the altar and and Maria Woodworth enter had had compassion on him and so she she said okay I'll pray for the boy so she prayed for the boy and the boy totally he was totally healed he was totally his mind came back and and and he was saved at the same time and then the people in the whole town knew about this kid that was mad that acted like a dog you can imagine the people of the whole town of st. Louis knew about him now I wanted to come and see him so Maria would ruther would put him up on the stage and he would stand up there and he would tell the people how he was saved how he was healed and how he was baptized with the Holy Ghost and that how God had set him free of course that moved on a lot of people and and during her crusade there in st. Louis there were thousands of people healed of blindness and deafness and lame and every other thing you can imagine there were thousands of people that were saved and healed people saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost sometimes at the same time and so it was a fantastic success everywhere she went the power of God was very obvious very obvious everywhere she went masses would get saved oh that we could have more people like that in this world today you know maybe maybe you think that God is calling you don't don't wait don't put it off like she did and suffer the consequences but go on until God you'll serve Him even if you don't feel like you're able it's your hour this is your hour you're the one that's alive why don't you decide to serve Him with all of your heart give him give him all the energy and because what you don't have he has he'll make up the difference for you just give him a chance we hope that you enjoyed these stories of the glory of God we believe that each story we tell will help build your faith and help to bring a miracle into your life for more information about this program and dr. Elizabeth bond visit her website at God's instrument comm for YouTube channel at glory stories now or writer at Elizabeth Vaughn ministries incorporated p.o box 450 for Argyle Texas seven six two two six USA
Channel: Glory Stories Now
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Id: b-UhIUI4AYc
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Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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