Dr House's Hugh Laurie Is NOT A Fan Of Twitter | Friday Night With Jonathan Ross | Dead Parrot

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now we've had some requests this week ladies Evanson ladies who did the moonwalk for breast cancer charities who are big dustin hoffman fans asked me if I could ask dustin to say hello to all the ladies watching who did the moonwalk would you do that first mr. Hofman hello female moonwalkers an email here for Eric asking whether you would look into the camera and say hello to Deirdre Murphy she's a huge fan of yours and pound will make her day as well can you please say hello to Steven apparently you don't call as much as you stir hello Steven I'll be home around 10:00 hold on I'm here we have a medical emergency here is there a fake American doctor in the house if there is let's get him out here will you please welcome Hugh Laurie [Applause] into [Applause] [Music] if you like bearded and hunky for your viewing pleasure hey congratulations congratulations on the huge successful house I mean it's a it's a massive here thank you I do about massive enormous perhaps immense you know it is it's a it's it's done awfully well now I'm very um got quite the same anybody yet has it because I know it hasn't it was pre shown on channel 5 and it was shown on channel 5 and no one's moved to a sky sky sky one sky one and hooray yeah you know well I'm a late a late comer - I didn't say the early ones why why is that why would that be I don't know you know I don't know I wasn't sure whether I'd care for it and I didn't want to see you make a big titty yourself if you were rubbish in it yes you didn't very similar if I didn't or so will you concern really when you took it of course except that you have the if it doesn't work you know it gets that far yeah that's really the the one advantage if you do a pilot in it and nobody likes it never gets seen I think what I love about the show is is there's always there's always an unusual medical problem at the heart of the show that is pretty much it's pretty much the soil and I'm usually it's lots much of an unusual and I like to sort of guess along a home and see whether I can get it right and to see whether I can diagnose these patients correctly that's phenomenal would you like to know how many times I've got it why yes I would know what I think anyone could possibly get in work could later it's pretty obscure stuff in fact we have had on several occasions we have had stories where the writer has actually got ahold of some medical thing and has called up very brilliant doctors with very big heads and said is this possible could this happen and he's talking to a doctor who actually says I'm gonna have to look that up I've never even heard of it yeah I'll call you back they are that weird some of these things that's what makes it so much fun and I was curious as to whether or not when you're doing it whether you have actually learned much whether you could now if someone came to you with a certain set of ailments and you're you know you could look at the condition and diagnosed correctly I'll give it a go but in real life do you feel at all like don't you see how many having a brain the size of a walnut I can actually remember remember things for about 20 minutes so what I'm doing the scene III understand this stuff for about 20 minutes but but beyond that it's gone I can't retain anything which is probably useful that I would have thought because the initial actually gonna study in life it actually is rather yeah yeah yeah and in acting a lot of thought as well acting less so if you're on stage for example you've got to relearn a fellow every night you make some big sigh yes I suppose so yes you've got a sort of you've got to clear the old stuff off the shelf before you move on do you miss uh acting on stage you miss doing live were like that but so guess this contact times y'all for pretty much most of the year I know you get a bit of film but there's not there's not much well I don't miss plays I did what I've only done one play which one was that I did a play called gasping by Ben Olsen I met Haymarket theatre for I did it for about five months and I thought I was going to go out of my mind actually no no wait a minute I did go out of my mind I'm just doing the same thing eight times a week saying the same words standing in the same spot I wanted to put a gun in my mouth so it's not something that you feel I couldn't do it again I actually started to have out-of-body experiences it was very really very fun while on stage yeah I would sort of leave my body and float around the upper circle and sit next to people and eat their crisps and it really strange have a little chat yeah but that's a we think genuinely you did feel like you were looking in on yourself yes that must have been hard words very is actually very frightening I wanted to think I was losing mine and did you seek help for that or do you just work through it I just seek help I didn't see that never even occurred to me that I could seek help you did matter with me oh it's too late now of course I just thought this is what this is what actors do this is what stage actors do this is what something you just have to go through this well there was a it can't be normal there was a bloke who was in cats beginning to end 16 years doing the same part as a cat when a fellow is one thing but is a cat Wow no whiskers every night where's he now you bet little old lady so lots of newspaper stack hey what now before we have a look at a clip from house this is the new series this is series five and I think it's already start on sky1 right yes and there's some already some great plot lines and it's a great kind of big story arc as well involving I get the feeling there may be we're gonna see a bit more of his human side a bit more of the emotions that lurk under the surface it's possible it's possible I mean the characters really based on on originally was based on Sherlock Holmes he is supposedly you know one half of his brain very highly developed the other half much much less so in that way that some people aren't connected to their emotions but yes yes who I'm thinking of a couple of people never mind as the thing unfolds we do get to glimpse a little more of his what emotional workings he has this is gonna sound like a silly question but he has a limp yeah so far so good and which leg is the limp on it's in his right leg do you ever forget which leg is meant to be the Limpy leg no what a silly question well it didn't exactly fly did it I was able to come up with my famous white leg anecdote where I do the voices and everything no I don't feel that partly because I sort of in my head I make it hurt it does hurt you actually make it oh it does hurt you ever put something in your shoe to physically make it hurt no that would be just a cheap trick I actually just sort of it to me it hurts when I'm doing it it's one of the biggest hits on American television deserves to be an even bigger hit here than it is already have a look at this what's going on with the beer Hugh because your that you don't have the full beer this house you have a kind of a lived-in look ever lived in looks but now you've got what appears to be very much is going on ought to become a nickname ish because I just wanted to try I grew it because it was there it's a mask of manliness I just want to go over to the tribe we have there we have I think the beard where where extraordinaire I know I really when I realized that what we think no beard was going to be here I felt a little bit nervous no beards we don't have to have a beard off I don't even know how that would go wouldn't be often if we stood together closely for photograph later on and YouTube got stuck together like velcro that's always bad now Emily weren't thinking your father was actually a doctor he was and so does that help your playing house you grew up on their way or was it so far we moved it isn't even a factor it helps in as much as I I have a huge amount of respect for the profession of Medicine reverence almost for people who study who work hard who empiricists who examine things and come up with theories as to why the world is why the human body is the way it is and who don't latch on to easy things but actually work hard to find out the truth I have a great deal of respect for that and that yes that probably did help I mean I came to it with a feeling it's a pro science show it's a pro reason show and I yes I came to it with that very timely comments of course this week are you I don't know what that means is there an T reason Stevens just signed a big petition speaking out against fine fine fry yes no I didn't have a Twitter has it you're not a Twitter person I'm not a Twitter person Jonathan no I'm more of a person i I've subscribed to this network where you write something down but don't send it anywhere where you live you finally committed to living in America for the students haven't you yeah I spent while I'm there for nine or ten months so yes I did eventually buy a house in America and we go back and forth but yes so the family going back and forth or and the family gonna move and stand there with you or they still gonna well no probably not because they're in school here and on University here and you know they've got their friends relationships and playing bands and but it's must be for my toughen your word for it is it is it's a it's a very weird it's a bit like an oil rig except I've never been to an oil rig so why would I say that although I bet you two lot of men would be it on annoy week so you could convince him you tell your family that's actually what you're doing yes yes well why would why would I do that again and do you I don't know if it's in your contract bubbles Unni you have to keep him pretty good shape you're doing their show it all rests on you to large extent you'll I have to be I have to be whipcord taught at all times yeah what regimen do you follow to keep in good shape i box i box books against other people are just small children well no I'm actually not allowed to go I'm not allowed to spa I did spa I started sparring a bit and I turn up for work one Monday morning with a black eye and a fat lip and it didn't go down very well how many didn't I'm sure there's some small print in the comic or probably even pretty big print actually what what about biking looks I know you love your motorcycle ok you still you or someone you know not addictive but it was a big pleasure for you yeah and you allowed to ride your bikes well I just didn't ask the question so I did it and then I've been doing it for five years now and after a point there's a there's not much they can do about it when they realized that actually the show is doing quite well and they would rather that I didn't fall off and break a leg by then it's too late as I've been doing it for do you miss doing comedy here the broader stuff putting on funny wigs yeah and voice season yeah funny voices well I'm sort of doing it funny voice but the axe is very good I mean that's one of the things that sells it to people I think are very kind well do two Scottish accent like that for a whole show it's pretty tough it's good yeah let me ask you do you miss Stephen fire when you're either working because your partnership it was more than just a kind of convenient on-screen partnership this was a real true friendship deep and true friendship we're very very close and continued to be said no I I see them all the time I'm sorry I'm yesterday and I said tomorrow and and we email and we don't quit we don't twit the other but we do everything else you know letters do you actually but also he's um it's a fantastic thing but he's actually playing a role in a show are called a show called bones which actually films 50 yards away from where I would make house so when he's over there he stays in my house and we go to work together and certainly cheese sandwiches together we don't do that either it's all we feel we sit there in the gorgeous Californian sunshine and reflect on our amazing good fortune and don't think that we don't that we take it for granted for one second as we don't work very very it is an amazing thing both I think very appreciative will it be weird for him to appear in house would that be do you think strange for British audience already be strange for you didn't threaten that he would he was sort of wangle his way and you know come on as a man with two limps that because it's bet the character based on Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes had this the clever which is at such a brilliant idea that the cleverest man in the world has a cleverer older brother Mycroft and we thought that there could actually be a sort of equivalent of Mycroft that when house gets absolutely flummoxed by a three pipe problem he has to go to his older brother - there - to finally get the solution that would be fine it could happen one day can I just mention the fact that we should convey our congratulations and happy birthday wishes to the youthful looking and heavily bearded Hugh Laurie because he's approaching a landmark birthday next thirst Emily it is next Thursday I will be [Applause] basically it was nothing still alive it was nothing and I believe we and we thought okay I wanted to get you a present I wanted to get you a special present okay and so I looked into it and I asked around to find out what you would really love uh-huh and I know you play the piano right and I've been informed that you've always had your heart set on a Steinway grand piano yes okay so over here we have we can wheel this in here okay and I know it's extravagant and I know it's a little bit crazy but for you Hugh we have a baby version of the style that's beautiful [Applause] mr. Chloe [Applause] don't miss it it's okay when you remind me later I need to receipt for that for expenses mr. Hugh Laurie [Applause] you
Channel: Absolute Jokes
Views: 119,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Jokes, Hugh Laurie, Hugh Laurie stand-up, Jonathan Ross, Jonathan Ross guests, Twitter, british tv personalities, celebrity guests, dead parrot youtube, engaging dialogues, entertainment talk show, famous tv personalities, friday night talk show, hugh laurie house audition, hugh laurie movies, jonathan ross show, london comedy scene, relaxed interviews, stand-up comedy, television comedy shows, witty conversations
Id: uD0K9rPlyjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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