Hugh Laurie on The Graham Norton Show [HD]

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I can use the world's most successful TV actor Saruman estate in general please welcome welcome welcome we got there it's just water you don't get a drink I asked for vodka that's a yes and so here you are musician I find it difficult yes not as difficult idea I'll tell you because they let them talk which I believe has the highest pre-sales on iTunes of any album ever that sounds incredibly unlikely to me but I'm not gonna be the one to contradict you because why would I do that exactly my in Trabzon picking it up generally people have been a bit surprised that kind of British actor has done an authentic blues album recorded in New Orleans well I don't know you are one of those people so I'm surprised I can even are surprised I'm surprised she's a little surprised good good good yes possibly I don't really know the whole thing is such a dreamlike experience for me I can't really tell um I'm looking forward to reading about it in about in five years time but I will you know it'll all sort of seem real well good I wasn't you love these because in even in frying our heroes at the piano and every yes yeah but is this kind of what you want to do now it is what I've always wanted to do actually and absurd though it may see it's what I've always wanted to do and of course I've come to it by a row a rather odd root and but I got this amazing opportunity to sort of reinvent myself and I took it with both hands after you gigging as well you're gigging we have done now three gigs yes three of the most frightening experiences of my life well they did go well they did go well we've got one more tomorrow night Saturday in Manchester the Manchester Royal College and then if you fancy a day out why not go to Paris on the 11th oh yes because we're like what I won't be there because what I didn't know is that that house in Europe is massive isn't it it is rather large it is rather substantial yes I can't account for it I because it seems to be such a worthy show that's just sort of dense leeward you hear that I can't imagine how it gets translated well enough I mean shows where people you know which involve guns and you know get in the car or get out of the car you know that kind of thing yeah that's the dialogue I can I can understand that going well in Belgium you know why I picked on Belgium there little I don't know Belgians here no there are but you know it's something it's something like house which is such a an idiomatic and and witty show I think I think it's an extremely funny extremely well-written it's an it's amazing to me that people are prepared to you know they really really sort of get into it and are European fans more reserved than Americans or they we had a slightly frisky time in Germany the Germans were quite assertive how can I and let me put it that way I mean I'm not I'm not saying they could form to any national stereotype at all because they really worked charming and friendly but if things don't go their way I had to get on a train to leave Germany and there were a bunch of people with autographs you know and I said oh I'm gonna miss this train if I stop doing I'm gonna miss the train so they started tearing up the photographs and throwing them in my face saying go back to England that's actually what I'm trying to what I didn't realize that we the German were well I decided word the German for boo is not boo when when Germans boo they go ooh so I had people after they done all that and they they'd settle their German things I was running for this train and I can hear his people makes you wonder what am I here it was only when I got on the train and I realized that that's what they'd been trying to communicate and in America are the American audience cuz option we know we know who you are oh yes we know but in America are they aware that you're a projector uh yes they are they are by now I've been doing a long time in seven years now it is a long time I've said it over Oh so yes they the by and large the assumption that America a lot of Americans will say in a kind way they will say you managed to lose the accent and is always distracted I have to sort of explain that I don't I'm not losing an accent I'm putting one on one we accent yeah but no country can think that way every country thinks that they were issued with a god issued them with an accident and everyone else is just putting it on you do you kind of speak in American accent all the time or do you I mean becoming more so I mean it's weird especially in America because people can't like you literally have to translate yourself sometimes it's better in New York and things like that if you if you're in a taxi and you try and stay in a dress you have to you have to set an American accent it's crazy if you don't if you order a water if you say can I have a glass of water they're like what is that what they say in America you must about a stronger southern accent yeah I had a super country accent like that I'm not I'm gonna not gonna lie I think my mother still really thinks it you're an American I think she actually is you're a real doctor too we're about here some some music but from the unwatered what you giving us I'm gonna do a song with my chaps over there we're kind of mourning all socks are these are they ours in a ledger these are legends and it's my stupidity that I I don't know it's sort of is yes I feel a song called a lead belly's uncle you don't know my mind all right well if you want to go and get ready yeah you very good we'll have this heap stories in the red chair before singing you don't know my mind it is mr. you hi walking down the levy with my head hanging low looking for my mama but she any normal baby you don't know you don't know my mind when you see me laughing laughing used to keep all crying she won't cook my dinner I won't wash my clothes won't do nothing but walking roll baby you don't know you don't know my mind when you see me laughing laughing just to keep from crying my breakfast on the table and my coffee's getting cold Mama's in the kitchen get the Sui poppet Oh baby you don't know you don't know my when you see me laughing used to keep all crime sometimes I think my baby is too good to die sometimes I think she should be buried alive baby you don't know you don't know my mind when you see me laughing laughing just to keep from crying I wish I had a nickel I wish I I wish I had give myself a bad one time maybe you don't know you don't know when you see me laughing laughing just to keep on trying look at your mama see what you got a dog you took my money now you broken round maybe you don't know you don't know my when you see me laughing I'm laughing just to keep from crying you me me get sad and you maybe give mal going gets tougher than you we never happy you don't know you don't know my mind when you see me laughing laughing just keep on crying laughing just to keep our Josiah's overseas very good then we'll just do some rage a photo album but that's off that May the 9th I thought you'd like to know thank you yeah yeah you could pre-order it I hear hey that's nearly it for tonight but before we go just time for some stories in the red chair you'll this has become offices because along who's up first oh hello hi hi hi I just want to ride my bike with you that's lovely watching it it's Megan Megan alright were you from megan brighton brighton brighton hey it went very well Megan hey my first job was working in a nursing home I was cleaning one of the residents rooms thought I'd hire hoovered up a sock and it turns out I drove it up there budgie Dona ladies a little bad but I'd loved it at what you thought it was where did your mind going now oh no man and saw much worse story quickly quickly oh yeah well I thought they were here for you wrong this guy who are you Simon this is Simon what do it again it would be either thrilled to see you where you from seven from East Putney East he's putting myself ok assignment yes off you go okay when I was ten my parents took me to a small farmers anyway we're going to a small farmer Sam we took the youth there just looking for some symbols and things to take home to our farm and so anyway huh ma'am um spotted this and I'm just wandering around in my my gendell's and you know just check it out the stuff this table and Cheers that they thought that's going to be perfect in the dining room and the dining room table cheers dad picture to be a good idea I know what we'll do you boys want some ice cream out the back you know next thing you know we're all sitting there looking out ice creams sitting on the back dead decides Cena put a formula 1 headlights turn a corner worried about quicker than his shot head mail much here bang all down on the road like that thank you so much all my guests tonight Hugh Laurie without putting after geoffrey rush convenient jason bird on global singing superstar Lady gaga don't miss that
Channel: wendus93
Views: 3,252,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hugh laurie, the graham norton show, graham norton, interview, 2011, house md, HD, 720p
Id: wMmSWnZh0gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2011
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