Dr Doom kills Spiderman (Comics Explained)

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Doctor Doom kills Spider-Man 100 times and I'm not even lying this story's gonna blow your mind so this story basically opens up with the assassination of Doctor Doom he's literally shot outside of the United Nations as a representative of latviria now of course Spider-Man ever in the wrong place at the wrong time comes across the corpse while all the lap Varian security guards are trying to keep everybody at Bay and Peter Parker is like oh it's cool guys it's cool just let me take a look and then he rips his head off and basically reveals that it's a doombot it's not actually Doctor Doom those of you guys who don't know what that means Doctor Doom very rarely ever actually appears it's usually just a doombot a robot version of Doctor Doom This Time It's Different because as soon as this doombot's head is ripped off it's considered a desecration literally Spider-Man desecrated the corpse of Doctor Doom which is hilarious for me to say out loud so the Doom bot effectively manifests and then that's when everything Breaks Loose because following that Miguel O'Hara shows up out of nowhere why because it's Miguel O'Hara he's always incapable of getting back to his own timeline this guy couldn't get back to his own Universe if all he had to do was walk three feet that way you know what I mean he could just never get back home but in all reality basically the future is in a state of disarray timelines are being disrupted all kinds of crazy things and so Miguel's trying to get back the problem with this is that things pop off from Miguel O'Hara and he literally disappears from existence but before that happens he gives Spider-Man his holographic device this actually contains Lila and it's basically Miguel O'Hara's ability to figure out what he should do in any particular circumstance when he's in the future one part because the technology is there and two because he's just not as smart as Peter Parker let's just be honest with ourselves but when he effectively vanishes and disappears now it's really just Peter just kind of left to his own devices to figure out how in the world he's going to cope with this now gigantic Doctor Doom that is basically Unleashed an entire horde of doombots on the city of New York for no other reason than the fact that somebody tried to assassinate this guy and Spider-Man ripped off his head it's basically just downright Vengeance and anger and in fact he demands Justice from everybody and so what he basically says here is I want the person who shot me brought to me right now or the entirety of this city is going to suffer and Dr Doom will do it too he will raise an entire city over small things Marvel's full of characters like that now the kicker about all this is that with all these Doom bots out there wreaking havoc throughout the entirety of the city that there isn't really anybody that's available to come to the aid of Spider-Man except for the one person that you would suspect the least Spider-Man sister Teresa what Spider-Man has a sister yep in Marvel Comics he does I bet you didn't know that time for an origin video so the thing about this is that when Teresa shows up here one she's every bit as capable as Spider-Man is but two she even tells him I know exactly who it was to try to be assassinate him and I know exactly where to go that's when we switch over to the chameleon now the chameleon is a classic villain in Spider-Man comics and in fact if I remember correctly he was the first villain that Spider-Man ever faced off against in his own Comics but the reason why this assassination even took place in the first place or at least this attempt was due to the fact that the country of sankaria which borders latviria to the South was basically trying to instigate a scenario where Dr Doom would effectively be locked up which they actually achieved when they nuked the Moon that was a crazy moment in Marvel Comics but what ends up happening here is Countess karkov who's basically the leader of laviria to a degree effectively tells chameleon just so you know uh lavirian security forces are coming your way because I basically gave them your location right literally ratted him out because you know she's a villain and that's what villains do so this leads to Spider-Man and Teresa just busting into the place which is absolutely amazing and then Teresa pulls a gun and she goes to shoot chameleon why well because she doesn't really have any reservations when it comes to killing people plus she's also got a vendetta against him and that actually goes into her origin story which if you guys are interested we will cover later on this week but what we end up finding out in terms of this Revelation is that it wasn't actually chameleon who killed or at least who shot Doctor Doom don't worry we're gonna get to the part where he kills Spider-Man 100 ways not gonna leave you hanging it's not click bait so instead what the chameleon had done is he had contracted out to a guy known as The Hitman who actually had this genius idea of always backing up his psyche so whenever it was that he would commit a hit he would basically off himself and then his mind would be downloaded into a new body so he always had an Escape Plan pretty ingenious to be quite honest with you guys but once they start to realize the gravity of the situation which is to say Doctor Doom is demanding the body of the person who tried to assassinate him and that person is effectively dead Spider-Man breaks out the holographic device and then in turn enters it and what he does he starts talking to Lila and she basically spills the beans right I can provide you with any number of circumstances where you can see any number of possibilities come to fruition so in turn he starts coming up with all these different ideas on how he can neutralize the threat of Doctor Doom now the first thing they do right the first idea that Spider-Man has is a terrible idea but the first idea he has is to use the chameleon to have him change into one of the latvirian security forces and then in turn he shows up to Dr Doom with the body of Hitman saying we found the man who tried to assassinate you Doctor Doom you can call off your attack Dr Doom takes one look at that and he's just like fools did you really believe you could trick me with a simple ruse which makes perfect sense right anybody who knows anything about Dr Doom will tell you this guy's magic is second to none he's every bit as capable as Doctor Strange and depending on the circumstance even more powerful so you're not going to trick this guy with like a body double and literally Teresa is like I told you this wasn't gonna work and chameleon is like man I told you too bro but like Spider-Man's like I thought it was worth a shot and so in response Doctor Doom incinerates everybody which includes Spider-Man well he doesn't initially die instead Teresa's killed Spider-Man kind of survives it to a degree and then he speaks to Doctor Doom for a second and then Dr Doom just completely incinerates him down to the bone right go to scenario number two the next scenario is Spider-Man basically handing over chameleon and it still doesn't make a difference Dr Doom incinerates Spider-Man and the entire city of New York anyway Spider-Man then goes to the next scenario which is bringing together all the Avengers and they still lose Spider-Man even dawn times this just legit Spider-Man armor and he still gets destroyed he tries time travel and he still dies he makes a deal with Mephisto which you think he know better after the events of Spider-Man one more day I know all you guys who hate that story are feeling this and it still doesn't work right like every single circumstance no matter what happens Spider-Man and everybody else get destroyed by Doctor Doom in fact because of the deal that Peter Parker had made with Mephisto basically both he and Doctor Doom end up trapped in hell for all eternity so what he ends up doing here is he comes up with this just crazy concocted plan right this crazy idea that according to Lila has a 38 chance of success it's not going to work the answer here is to just tell Dr Doom the truth literally just tell him what happened and so Peter Parker shows up to Dr Doom and Dr Doom smacks Peter Parker around just kind of beats up a little bit really for no other reason than the fact that Peter is just inconvenienced him which is is reason enough to probably get beat up by Doctor Doom but as he's got him in this Chokehold and as he's about to kill him Peter spills the beans and says look all these cameras and everything that are here this is a trap it's a ruse the whole goal here is to get you to enact some extreme level of violence so the entire world will come crashing down on you you'll be tossed in prison latviria will be leaderless and some karya can literally take over your country and so when Doctor Doom asks him is this some kind of a Rouge is it some kind of nonsense the response of Peter is no this is not a lie I'm 100 telling you the truth and so following that Dr Doom starts to withdraw his various doombots but not before Doctor Doom just out of spite starts just attacking things in the city of New York right he attacks the library Hells Bells man he even blew up the Statue of Liberty just going after all these small little landmarks and just just raising the place right just to illustrate what happens when you inconvenience doctor do even Peter Parker tries to step in and say no you can't do this Dr Doom of course blasts him and says silence Doom answers to no man which is an accurate statement but following that Doom basically gets the revelation of what's actually happening here what's really cool about this is that this dovetails nicely into the story where basically some karya nukes the moon and then blames it on Doctor Doom and if you want to know about that story click this link here in the video with that being said guys we're going to bring this to an end thank you all for watching and I will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 79,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comics, comics explained, superhero, Spiderman, Spider man, Peter Parker
Id: Hral5jwCBZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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