Maestro's Origin, Evil Hulk - Full Story From Comicstorian

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Maestro is a cool idea basically Bruce Banner the Hulk sticks around so long that he becomes evil he becomes a smart Hulk and using his strength and his knowledge he conquers the world but how did this evil Hulk come to be today we're going to bring you the Maestro full story life has been good for Bruce Banner he Betty and their two sons are happy he gets out and he stretches his legs it's all very hard to believe he learned to control the Hulk even maintained the Hulk's form while still being completely mentally aware so what could go wrong nothing nothing could possibly go wrong for Bruce Banner except one night at The Avengers Mansion Bruce sits with Betty for dinner as Betty tells their sons Thaddeus and Rick to sit down and eat before their food gets cold Thaddeus stops and tells her that they don't have to listen to her and when Betty asks why not Thaddeus tells her because you're dead Betty laughs telling them to come on but Bruce stops and asks wait what did you mean Thaddeus Thaddeus then says that she's dead Rick's dead Thaddeus Ross is dead dead dead dead dead dead Bruce gets up asking what the hell are you talking about and Betty says HTTP 404 bad command or file name bad command or file name Bruce grabs Betty asking have you lost your mind but as Betty continues to repeat herself she suddenly disappears and everything turns black just then cap walks in stating to just hang on Mysterio has gotten into his mind and a few seconds later Bruce finds himself back in his home with Betty and his sons at the table with cap asking is everything okay now Bruce Bruce tells him yeah wait no we're not okay how did Mysterio do that why would he do that it doesn't make any sense cap Betty says that they need to finish their dinner before it gets cold but Bruce yells you already said that shut up just shut up after finally getting his composure Bruce turns stating that he needs fresh air but cap tells him that he's going to have to stay here we have to talk Bruce Bruce reaches to the door but when he opens it he finds himself in a simulation room Bruce thinks that if this was Mysterio then he managed to raise himself up to Dr Strange levels of Illusions soon the rest of the Avengers appear all telling Bruce to just calm down don't get angry and Bruce asks what are you all talking about cap suddenly appears in front of him telling him just settle down it's all a bit confusing and Bruce asks how did you get in front of me whatever I'm just gonna go out and just then Thor grabs his arm telling him you will not leave give us a few minutes to explain better let's be clear here do not move Bruce spins back punching Thor away but there's something different normally there'd be a sound a thud a crunch but there's nothing only silence like he's in a dream all of the remaining Avengers get ready to subdue Bruce but using his massive hands he delivers a Thunderclap knocking everyone to the ground except Vision vibrations don't slow someone who can go in material Vision floats over placing his hand into Bruce's head telling him I apologize for this it may hurt Bruce tries to grab at vision's arm telling him to get out of his head but as he screams it everything begins to change again a much much older Bruce still maintaining his Hulk form shouts and as he comes too he finds dozens of wires hooked into him he reaches and begins to disconnect the wires looking around the lab asking what kind of run dumb place is this and why do I have a beard just then a woman's voice tells him that it's okay just stay calm you probably have a lot of questions Bruce looks up to see a woman walking towards him and behind her a young boy he asks if that is Rick why is his son but Bruce stands up pushing the woman to the side telling her you're taking my son Ed but the boy begins hitting him yelling you're gonna hurt my mommy let him go and Bruce sets the boy down asking mommy the woman begins to get up stating that her name is Terry and she's fine it's all a misunderstanding that's all Bruce begins to turn and leave but as he walks out of the lab a group of aimed soldiers tell him to freeze they will not warn him again so as Bruce leans into one of the soldiers the soldiers state that they've warned him and Bruce laughs there it is just then the soldiers opened fire but instead their beams are bouncing off and they actually knock Bruce into a wall he Shields his eyes thinking that these weapons are a lot more sophisticated he's starting to black out okay well hell no he's not gonna let them get through he lifts up his arms and slams them into the ground creating a giant hole for him to escape through and after crashing into the floors below Bruce finds more people in test tubes vapor from UFOs the Abomination but before he could get any answers more soldiers appear telling him that they warned him he charges at the group when suddenly he's in a force field and blasted again except this time a different voice tells him that that's enough perhaps you remember me Modoc mental organism designed only for killing Bruce looks up at Modoc but Modoc just ages drastically his skin turning a pale gray he stands by asking what is going on where's Betty where's Rick Jones but Modoc tells him they are all dead long dead Bruce lunges Adam asking what did you do in Modoc yells I did nothing what are you going to do kill me go ahead you'd be doing me a favor end my life come on as Bruce gets ready to take the swing though he stops and Modoc writes himself telling him to be honest I'd forgotten about you circuitry is failing and there isn't anyone smart enough to fix me everything breaks down including me Bruce sits down asking how did they die who was it the leader Doctor Doom you Modoc tells him they did it but Bruce questions further and modak yells they did it you idiot your leaders your governments the great unwashed they World War III some terrorist group set off a nuclear weapon in both the United States and Moscow and convinced both Nations through their computers that the other was responsible from there it was only a matter of time but the time it was sorted out 60 of humanity was gone and some years later came the next batch smaller offensive they called themselves the black side they came to the conclusion that humankind's time on this world was over and that it would be best for them to Simply go back to the way of the dinosaurs millions are still dying from radiation poisoning but it was as efficient enough for them so they Unleashed a specifically prepared gas in Philadelphia Chicago and London killing hundreds of cities throughout the world it was most efficient Bruce asks why doesn't he remember any of this and Modoc tells him because when the missiles first fell they took you in among others They seized the individuals whose bodies seemingly made them benefit from radiation gamma radiation cosmic rays the like no Classic Heroes Bruce asks why would they do that and Modoc tells him survival nothing more these soldiers they have families friends they want to live same as everyone else aim has this facility below the streets of Los Angeles where they brought you here you should be thanking them Bruce gets up smacking Modoc across the room thanks and he punches the control panel to the door blocking him as he walks out he notices that no one is even trying to stop him or maybe they're just going to let him go maybe it's all a lie wouldn't the heroes have stopped this right right like they stopped Chernobyl or the Twin Towers or the thousands who have died in mass shootings don't worry about gun control see what the Red Skull is up to Bruce kicks through another door jumping through the elevator's shaft until they bursts outside and what he finds is horrifying Modoc wasn't lying they really did it they blew themselves to hell all the adventures that they had as Heroes everything that they did to protect them from the bad guys but they couldn't protect themselves from themselves the world is scorched it's become a wasteland all because humankind is so damned self-destructive that all the heroes could do is stem the tide so a short while up in the front of the Hollywood Sign Modoc asks him why come here this is the only thing left what else is there modak tells him come back inside if calculations are correct within 27 years the radiation will decrease sufficiently and we'll be able to leave our shelters Bruce asks why to rebuild so that Humanity can regenerate Thrive and blow itself up again no thanks he begins to rip and bend the pieces of the sign and Modoc tells him to come back I have friends that but Bruce stops him I don't need friends friends die and as Bruce gets ready to leave Modoc asks so what now you're going to be Hulk full time and Bruce tells him for now we'll see what the future brings once Bruce is gone Modoc looks back at the Hollywood sign now reading Hulk so Bruce traveled and he only saw more of the same he prayed that Modoc was exaggerating but he wasn't Humanity really did a remarkable job at obliterating itself Mount Rushmore the Hoover Dam Las Vegas all of it destroyed even the parks are uninhabitable poor dumb animals the humans did this to themselves but what did the animals do to deserve this nothing they didn't even understand why the things they were eating were poisoned many of the humans probably thought that they'd just walk right into the Kingdom of Heaven if they obeyed God's word people who believed that God had a plan well screw God screw him and his plan and the Hulk's next stop is DC no matter where he goes Coast to Coast all Hulk sees is evidence of humans stupidity and there is no greater source of that stupidity than here in the capital Bruce walks up to the broken Lincoln Memorial stating that he got off lucky how was the play well it sucked but then they shot the president just then Hulk hears something a kid with a mask running the kid seems okay certainly isn't dying and that's a plus but then the kid stops lifting a hidden hatch crawling inside making sure not to be seen however he was seen by Hulk and Hulk follows as Hulk walks through the sewer system there is suddenly a flash of light and a voice telling him halt several honored people Point their guns and Hulk turns around pointing to his back telling them I have a niche try focusing there the voice says oh that is very amusing Dr Banner we fought many years ago but I looked quite different then machine man steps forward showing his run-down body telling him welcome to the bunker I'd invite you to stay but our resources are limited machine man leads Hulk deeper in and Hulk asks where is this machine man tells him it's the remains of the White House the president is dead vice president along with the cabinet Congress and honestly the entire concept of government is there's just survivors now those that were lucky enough to survive are mostly the descendants of White House employees who escaped down here when the bombs started to go off we have enough supplies to last another 17 years but with the addition of a Hulk it's probably going to be just under four Hulk says that he gets it but as he looks at one of the dozens of monitors he sees a city and asks what's that machine man tells him that that is dystopia formerly New York it was constructed by its overseer he goes by the name Maestro Italian from Monster hulk ska stating I know what it means and don't worry about the rations I'm gonna go meet this Maestro he leaves machine man's shelter but as he leaps into the air he begins to feel woozy he tries to focus but he ends up crashing back to Earth he tries to Shake it Off stating that he thought that he could absorb more of the ambient radiation but even his body needs time to heal maybe he could rest for weight what's that noise at that moment a swarm of cockroaches fly from over the hill and they begin to eat at the Hulk's flesh Hulk tries to swat them away but a Sonic Blast shoots by blowing them all up and a man tells the shooter hang on this one's still alive you okay there big fella Hulk says that he's had worse he just needs a moment to but then he collapses when he wakes up the man from before greets him stating that his name is boss Hulk tells him that his name is Bruce and boss says that that's not exactly a fitting name but all right and Bruce asks where is this place Voz walks him out stating that this is just their little settlement they haven't given it a name yet but there's no radiation here making it sort of a Rarity as the two reach the edge of the settlement Bruce looks over towards the city asking if that is dystopia and baz says that it is indeed so Bruce asks to hear more about the Maestro and Boz tells him that they say he's a God so Bruce then says I've really got to meet him he jumps over entering the city but everyone there begins to stare one of the people asks what he wants and Bruce says that he's new to town he wants to meet my that people tell them that nobody meets the Maestro he but another voice asks Bruce are you the Hulk Bruce asks who wants to know in A well-dressed man steps forward stating that he is the minister the Maestro dispatched him so that they could meet as Bruce follows him into a palace Minister says that this city was descending into chaos before the Maestro appeared and brought order when he declared himself their ruler no one dared to dispute him Bruce says that he took power and the minister says that some objected but they didn't last long Maestro rules them well if there's any disputes they are brought before him and he makes judgments Minister then calls out to Meister stating that their guest has arrived and a hand reaches out from behind the drapes yelling Banner it's been an age The Voice belongs to none other than Hercules Bruce stares from Roman asking your Maestro and Hercules the last indeed I am by Zeus it's good to see you where have you been Bruce tells him that Modoc had him on ice and Hercules asks the Giant floating head either way it is marvelous to see you the truth is you are always my favorite Bruce asks him favorite and Hercules Smiles telling him sparring partner and then he punches him out of the palace Hercules jumps out of the hole that he launched Bruce out of yelling you've gotten Rusty I thought you could take a punch Bruce snaps his jaw back into place telling him you stupid that heard you Olympian oath Bruce returns to the punch of his own knocking Hercules back but Hercules jumps to his feet telling him that was a hit oh how I've missed these days he gets up slamming into the ground creating a shock wave opening up a hole causing Bruce to fall to the subway below as he gets up Bruce here's somebody coming and they say Dr Ben winner I'm decor and this is pis Fizz Rick Jones wants to see you Bruce suddenly stops glaring back at the woman what did you just say up top Hercules calls out telling him well that was glorious come now let us indulge in wait Bruce but when Hercules sees Bruce is gone he says while this is most irritating back at the subway Bruce enters into a room in an old senile wreck rolls closer in his wheelchair stating hey uh pardon me if I don't get up you're losing hair too we should start a club Bruce kneels down telling him my God how how old are you and Rick tells him 39 looking pretty good huh another girl enters scanning Bruce and after a moment says he's clean when Rick says that that is his granddaughter Janice anyway so you ran into Hercules or the Maestro as he calls himself now and Bruce asks is that really him though not like a scroll or something and Rick tells him no that's Hercules he's changed he cares about women and partying about living like there's no tomorrow but the city is filled with ordinary people just trying to survive and he doesn't give a crap about all of them Bruce drinks his tiny beer asking Ordinary People he doesn't care about them why should he Rick stops and stares what Bruce emotions to the room around them telling them look at all these trophies of Heroes long past all these Heroes fought on behalf of Ordinary People yes fought against the schemes of villains to rule them Bruce gets up and scuffs Ordinary People and then he throws the Silver Surfer board table yelling Ordinary People destroyed the world Rick not leader not the Red Skull none of the death spots that we fought and died against ordinary damned people brought it down around their bloody years am I supposed to care if Hercules is giving them the short stick Hercules as any brains he would lay waste to all the ordinary people just mow them down in Mass give me one good reason why anyone should care about Ordinary People Rick Rick tells him because Betty was one so was Marlo and him and Once Upon a Time Bruce Banner Bruce turns back their sheep that's all they are all they're good for they should be ruled with an iron hand you to form an army that can bring Unity to the world Rick asks whose rule yours sounding a lot like Dr Doom and Bruce tells him maybe Doom was on to something I need a lab rector's Decor to take him to alchemex or at least what's left of it and later that night in front of the partially ruined outcome X building decord asks what does he need here Bruce tells her I'm planning to build something care to join but as he looks over he sees the court has already gone and tells her guess not not like I needed you Hulk doesn't need anybody as Bruce jumps down and looks around the cybernetics department he sees a sign that says Lab Rats he shrugs that sounds promising well if it's literal it could be promising cyber rats could be powerful as he walks into the lab he sees dozens of humans floating in test tubes and says holy cow I've struck the motherload he cracks his fingers stating I know what I'm going to be doing for the next few months so several months later back in dystopia Hercules heads into his Chambers with a woman when Minister says that he would like a moment of his time Hercules tells him that in case he didn't know the Maestro is busy Minister turns back stating very well doubt the Hulk wanted to see him anyway Hercules drops the woman to the ground asking Hulk show me down in the city Bruce calls out to everyone that he was told that they are Ordinary People while he doesn't believe that ordinary is a term assigned to those who believe that they are their Bettors that they pose no threat But Ordinary People took them to the Moon Ordinary People saw what they could be ordinary people made themselves extraordinary because leaders told them where to go and what to do he is prepared to do that there is a world Beyond dystopia he has seen it and now I am ready to rule it with your help we can build this country up and make it greater than it was before let me give you a glimpse of what I can provide just then dozens of cybernetic dogs jump around Bruce as he says these are my dogs of war imagine an army of them my friended attire army they will do the fighting and all of those who follow just need to clean up behind them who will join me who's with me as the people begin to whisper they then begin to State hell with that big greens nuts and Bruce responds fine have it your way second as the dogs of war lunge at the crowd Hercules laughs oh this will be fun Bruce calls out that he warned them he gave them a chance but they decided to ignore him to snub him to walk away from him fine now they will run in fear but as one of the dogs jumps at the civilians Hercules crashes his airspear stating I concur no the pie pilot of the dog yells to let go you freak and Hercules asks you dare speak to the son of zuso that was an error he rips the dog apart calling to Bruce asking is this it the best that you've got I thought better of you it is tragic to discover that I overestimated you Hercules punches into another dog slamming it into another shutting come give me your best shot Hulk Bruce jumps down from the building that he was on punching into Hercules telling him you wanted you've got it but Bruce stares as Hercules catches the punch asking was that supposed to impress me he tosses Bruce up grabbing him by the toe and slamming him to the ground back and forth back and forth and then he throws him into a building Hercules laughs shouting puny banner and Bruce Rockets out of the building hitting it shouting I'll kill you how freaking kill you Hercules blocks the attacks asking do you know how many people have made that threat how many Titans monsters guess what I'm still here as Hercules grabs onto Bruce's hands he lifts himself up and forces Bruce to his knees he then lifts him up again slamming him faced first into the ground as Bruce lifts his head back up Hercules kicks him across the street and then quickly chases after stating there was a time that you would get stronger the matter you got but that's not true anymore is it Banner's in control Banner understands how overpowered he is Banner knows when he is outmatched Banner knows that he cannot fight back not against the might of the Maestro as Hercules punches over into over he tells Bruce just a renter surrender before he kills him Bruce coughs up blood telling him I give up are you happy Hercules gets up offering his hand telling him more relieved actually I truly did not wish to kill you stand and embrace me my friend now come unto the palace so that we may drown ourselves in good food and female companionship Bruce puts his hand on Hercules telling him I don't think so I haven't earned that I have insulted these people and defied you I must make amends I will return at some point in the future Hercules laughs that's good to hear until then better back in the subway decorde says that this isn't going well and Rick says no it's not did he ever tell them about Bruce's dad he shaped him Bruce Banner the guy he met who saved the world was just one of a splintered personality the guy who was here earlier that was the real Bruce not the original Bruce the selfless guy who nearly killed himself to rescue a stranger this Bruce he wouldn't give up he scheme he'd plot and eventually he'd win it might take some time but sooner or later he'll come back and trust me herc's gonna die so sometime later Bruce Banner does return but this time he has come with a companion he asks if Hercules is available and the minister tells him of course commit the minister shouts her Hercules and he comes out telling him that it has been some time and Bruce tells him that it has been he went on some Adventures he broke his neck but he's back Hercules tells him that it all sounds very interesting but who is your associate banner and Bruce tells her that her name is Anne Anne Darnell she disrobes telling Hercules that Bruce told her all about him and she is very anxious to make his acquaintance Hercules laughs very well unarmed good choice of wardrobe come allow me to show you around better feel free to entertain yourself Bruce says that he appreciates it and as Hercules leaves the minister asks where would he like to go first the dining hall perhaps the sauna Bruce says the throne room wherever he rules from but first he needs to get something real quick a few moments later and Hercules's chamber he closes the door stating now that we have some privacy shall we get better acquainted and begins to remove her top stating that she was thinking the same thing Hercules grabs hold asking are there any monikers that you go by Mistress of pain Madame merciless and Anne says actually it's vapor as Vapor changes form she flows into Hercules's nose asking do you not remember me from the UFOs aim kept me out of the game for a while but I'm back and this gas arsenine main ingredient in Arsenic Hercules lungs are filled and he coughs falling to the ground punching but as he looks up he begins to bleed from his eyes he tries to gasp for air but his body shuts down Vapor exits him stating that that was easier than she expected when suddenly the door is kicked in and as vapor turns she is blasted with freeze Rays Bruce continues to fire stating that it's amazing what you can find lying around alcox and once vapor is frozen Bruce punches through shattering her into a thousand pieces the guards of Rush in asking what happened and Bruce tells them to take the pieces and bury them individually all over the kingdom out in the plains and make sure that they never reassemble he nails down closing Hercules eyes telling him I'm sorry but I didn't have a choice nobody beats the Hulk nobody Bruce then turns to leave telling the guards get me the hell out of here so a short while later Bruce pulls the cart where Hercules lays thinking to himself that that was easy Vapor was never one for murder but fortunately he was able to appeal to her at lesser nature now she shattered into pieces throughout dystopia Hercules is dead people are in mourning and all he has to do is kick back and let matters take their logical Course once Hercules was set on the pyre Bruce tells everyone that Maestra will live on in all of their memories he developed dystopia gave them somewhere to live and in a way in which to survive and in this day and age that contribution cannot go underestimated but now it is time to move on and he shall lead them on that path he shall help them March forward in a new the one of the citizens steps forward asking why him who put the Hulk in charge would the might want him to run things they should hold an election or something down below the city Rick watches the security cam stating oh yeah this isn't going to end well as the man finishes more step forward stating the same thing and Bruce asks was the Maestro elected another person says that that was different and Bruce tells him so is this if they don't believe him perhaps they'd like to take it up with the dogs of war there's a few of them now surely they'll be happy to discuss it gentlemen attack just as Bruce finishes the dogs jump at the crowds attacking everyone in sight and at that moment a beam fires through one of the dog's heads Bruce turns back asking who and as Janice holds a Smoking Cannon she tells everyone to run Rick sits up at his chair yelling hey that gun was supposed to be down here Fords made that to kill the Hulk well let's hope it works Janus fires again narrowly missing Bruce and hitting another dog of war Bruce then punches into the ground sending shockwaves through the ground knocking everyone over and as he looks back at Janus he asks did Jones send her he's going to regret that before but just that a strained voice screams out for Bruce Hercules still chard still on fire pulls himself from the pyre stating you did this you're the one who did this Bruce looks backstating that's impossible and Hercules walks forward asking why because you thought a woman murdered me well she did Hades is doing me a favor allowing me to wreak Vengeance on you Hercules punches Bruce away asking what now are you going to send more minions to Do Your Dirty Work you used to be better Hercules turns punching into one of the oncoming dogs and he says now I know of your cowardice just then Bruce jumps to his feet slamming Hercules down by his face asking is this cowardly and Hercules laughs no just stupid he throws Bruce up so that he can stand and as he catches him forges Canada's fired again ripping into Hercules Bruce lands asking what just happened and the minister walks over with the Cannons dating I never liked him anyway here you are sir Bruce picks up the canning asking does anyone else have anything to say no thought so but Jones you're next few moments later Bruce kicks in Rick's door asking where is he where but as he looks around he sees all of Rick's belongings except for one single monitor the screen flickers and Rick appears stating hello how's it going got forged his gun huh Bruce asks what you're afraid of me and Rick tells him duh you've got a heavy Armament and you're nuts any sane person will be afraid and Bruce then asks you think I'm crazy and Rick tells him you know it's true Bruce shrugs I'm the only one in dystopia that's sane I see the world for what it is a toxic Wasteland made by you humans Rick tells him that he used to be one of those humans and Bruce says that he used to be but now he is so much more they could have done this together he walked with God's hell for a time he was a God he was a Hulk he was a bomb he had power at his fingertips he could have lifted himself above Humanity's Petty concerns they could have been the same and Rick leans forward telling him the sun become comes the father you ever hear that saying no matter who you start out as you'll eventually turn into your dad you're not Bruce Banner you're Brian Banner the abusive SOB who destroyed his own son and turned him into a shell of a man this is goodbye a second later the entire Subway explodes the Thundering braccoon Bruce pulls himself out of the hole and the minister asks what happened Bruce tells him that he had a conversation with an old friend and the minister tells him he tried to kill him huh Bruce then asks how is everyone up there and the minister says shaken up but otherwise intact shall we go to your Castle Banner or would you prefer the Hulk Bruce Smiles I may have outgrown both of those names call me the maestro and there you have it today's full story I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell right here on this channel as it will only ever be receiving full stories from the other channel and if you want to see the videos as they come out make sure you go check out the comic story and Main Channel where you get five days of videos a week I'll see you next time
Channel: Comicstorian Full Story
Views: 33,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hulk, hulk smash, incredible hulk, the hulk, the incredible hulk, hulk vs, hulk vs thanos, marvel, baby hulk, she hulk, superhero, the incredible hulk 2008, hulk vs army, hulk smash scene, hulk vs spiderman, hulk vs avengers, hulk 2008, big hulk, vs hulk, red hulk, family hulk, hulk vs., hulk story, little hulk, avengers, spiderman, captain america, superheroes, thor, spider-man, red hulk vs hulk, iron man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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