What Did Africans Believe in Before Christianity?

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fragments from the periphery of the african spiritual and cultural system became christianity and when the protestant broke away in the 1500s the ethiopian church was already a thousand plus years old had nothing to do with protestant europeanism when the catholic church was founded in the 10th century the ethiopian church is already 500 years old has nothing to do with that though some people try to make it appear that we borrowed it from them in that phone no if you look at how we look at the arrangements of and and are referencing the divine and our relationship to divinity and the elemental understanding of how to build human character so that it imitates divinity you get a good sense of what african culture is really about a lot of us practice the europa culture some of us the book culture and others but none of them have any sancos think over the other each of them are groups of african under certain circumstances at a certain time in history trying to work this thing out you know europa have done an extraordinary job the evil did an extraordinary job before they were attacked defeated by the british if you look at the evil for instance who didn't have the kind of um the royal kingship that the europa had the ebolas were resided their power resided in the sacred groves when the whites figured that out they just burnt the whole damn forest down in order to destroy the sacred growth of the evil people and so that dismantled and disorganized the people because they had violated the sanctity or what these people believe and thought they knew with the yoruba they tried to capture the king and capture the palace but these people were not doing it for any religious reason they were doing basic human greed envy and jealousy when they came into happen if you read some of the documents they sent back to europe telling them what they had found cities that was laid out in grids they drew pictures of some of these cities if i showed you slides they blow your mind they talked about what these the walls that people had built the beautiful palaces and then two centuries later they betraying us the barbarians hanging from trees and it gets crazy because we don't know our history we get to thinking that's the way the deal was [Music] what the african says is that we are all things are expressions of aspects of the divine essence having your peculiar experience so when we talk about voodoo there is no religion called voodoo when we left africa that's a new thing let's get that straight and so when we think of this voodoo you got to be careful to learn how to read phrase [Music] the system of worship that we engage in and say let's just take haiti involves slow us those elements is a reference to the forces of nature and cosmology as interpreted and understood by our ancestors through experience so when we see the drawings that they call veves that is some ancestor some of our great minds interpretation of a cosmic energy formation that responds to a certain vibration be it language music or some other rhythm form and so we paint what we perceive to be the representative instrument of that elemental energy vibration you understand [Music] we have something we call orishas and they actually people think that orisha is a person but origins are not persons we use anthropomorphism to symbolize concepts ideas and principles or reaches of concepts ideas and principles that represents forces and powers in both nature in the human and in the cosmology to the degree to our ancestors understand how to define them and isolate them and to understand their function and how to have a relationship to them that is the degree to which we create a theology around and about them that's african sacred science but most people would not even deal with our sacred science as sacred science and we don't study enough to defend the integrity of our institutions there's nothing that even borders on our ancestors sacred science and an understanding of how this world works no institution none of them they're all primitive compared to the depth at which we understood [Music]
Channel: Building Se7en ®
Views: 563,509
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Id: TR8IH2HScnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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