Dr. Bobby Roberson: Dying to Self and the Crucified Life

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you heard about this fellow was so long-winded he just kept preaching and preaching and this couple this man whispered his wife would he gonna quit and there's argued so he kept preaching this man got up his wife says get out of here started out in their preacher hollering said where he going he said I'm going to get me a haircut he said why was getting before he come in he said I didn't need it yeah I want you to turn to Isaiah chapter 40 with me and I want to say that I have enjoyed enlightened by many things through these services are be brought a wonderful message last night and then the one let's see this is wings the Monday Monday that message you brought and there in acts 17 was tremendous then this morning I enjoyed that and all everything I've had here and I'm not glad to talk to you a little while I'm I may say a lot of things that's already been saying that don't make a difference I really don't have a sermon I don't guess you might say so but just some things on the one I try to share with you and I want you to look at me as some great something because I've been at gospel 861 years some of you fellows may have pastor the church to you 60 or 70 I don't care what but don't criticize me for still pastor don't take it I'm not old John Sisk you know not old I really not but God is good and let me see before I start back here 20 some years ago but a client Sexton you know he's 250 miles from me he said brother Bobby I wish that we had a place where with preachers could just come and enjoy us and not putting all the emphasis on preaching but just fellowship me and we have a youth camp 65 miles from our church it's all in the state of Virginia and I said well Clarence we use our Tim I said it I remember seeing this I said it's not all day ends again it's got 12 14 cabins on it and so we've been used it ever since now what we do is the last Thursday and Friday closes Saturday morning in August some of you been there and I different ones have said something me some boys from Kentucky and Ohio and I know you fellows out here or too far you about 3,000 miles from us I know that let me just say this right quick the Lord willing we'll have it it's the last Thursday and Friday which is August the 24th in August we mean we don't have really any program okay we meet somewhere around 5:00 5:30 and you folks eat dinner we'd suffer and we'd suffer and our leaders let me say is quickly now our leaders prepare the food we've got some ladies love preachers you tell my food you know you know what I mean it hits it's there it really is probably five four five ladies on the ground and they they have the food ready okay and then others are just preachers and if you have to come come casual dress but now when I say that I want you to wash some pants this is not some B's preachers got these short deals I know this come on they're like but you don't wear a necktie whatever okay they don't cost a thing and what you do you bring your bedding and and all of that and just pick you out a cabin they're all up the woods pick you out a cabin and they all have restrooms and showers in them and beds and you just pick you out one there we are then we'll have a dining hall we'll have our suppers five six o'clock and then we'll go down in the tabernacle which is a little ways off there and have a service like I said we don't have it set we won't have this this was just time to fellowship we'll get down there probably around 7:00 Clarence's is is the best to get that thing going right test him on it or whatever and we'll have a good time and he'll usually preach and we'll break up probably nine o'clock he will go back up to the dining hall and they've got homemade ice cream and you name it for all kinds of things set around and talk and fellowship there's a lot of fellas maybe you're going through a problem in your church and you meet somebody there and he's just been through it and you settle beyond him talk fuel you know those things help you and just fellowship and then Friday morning we'll decide we'll decide after supper after the service on Thursday night what time we're going to eat breakfast then we meet it breakfast got a nice dining hall there and then we'll go down in the tabernacle oh probably ten o'clock and have a service different things and break up around noon go back and eat and then and then at on Friday afternoon we've got a large swimming pool there and if you men want to you know bring your swimming trunks it's places you can change them Dargis it's all fenced in have a good time with swimming big old swimming pool then we've got a waterslide boy I like to watch there was a pretty good-sized fella call few years ago he may be here I think he's from Ohio and when you get started down that thing can't stop and you know it goes down and around and around and it felons trouble and he got out the bottom and he had skinny I mean his arm just you know God play and he come back up and went again and then we've got a ball field and then we've got you can go up through the mountains and if you want to take a walk all that's on Friday afternoons anything you want to do there and just it's just a sweet time I wish you many of it but you've got so several to come from Kentucky Ohio West Virginia and all around and we'll average probably 100 preachers hundred pastors and just have a sweet time and like I said won't cost you a thing if you're interested call our church and let us know and we'd like for you but you preach us to come and the be go and have a good time I feel like I'm I told mention that to you and so you can pray for us okay I'm going to read screen I'm trying to get some scripture to go my message hey stop dr. Howell said you know back when dr. Howell dr. rice preached so many meetings together those two might be and dr. Kyle said I went in his room one day his motel room and he is sitting there just flipping the Bible kept flipping the Bible I said now Christ were you having a hard time he said yeah I am yeah I'm Jackie said I got me a sermon I'm trying to find a subscription to the wit oh well praise the Lord but I said chapter 40 I want you to notice will eat the last part here I said 40 let's start first 28 now listen to what he said boys cooked some good preaching in these verses right here hast thou not known hast thou not heard that to everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth notice fainteth not neither swery it had a blessing no we have a God he's never had to take a tranquilizer that's right I mean it may all this our world a mess but he's still God and that's a blessing even he faints not and he's not worried all right and there is no searching of his understanding he giveth power I love this to the faint and to them that have no might he increases strength even the huse shall faint and be weary and young men shall utterly fall but right here friend it to me and all my years of pastored I think that where I field and the hardest thing is waiting on God and you look at that last verse notice what he said but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they'll mount up with wings as Eagles and they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint we let's have a prayer father help me to be a blessing now take my mind use it help me to see what all to say you know what every one of us need an Lord I want to be a blessing I thank you for this place here thanks brother Paul on our friendship through the years now I bless these today we pray in Jesus name Amen you know I said I think the hardest for me personally is wait on the way and I can look that if I can help some young preacher I don't know the young preachers have come to me and said brother Bobby can you give me some advice and can you do this and so on you know and and and I don't know it all I learned things here this week that I want to put in practice you know Bible says there's safety in the multitude of counselors and we never get to the time we never get to the top but I'm just saying this thing of waiting upon the Lord I think about the scripture there you remember in X's 14 when when the children of Israel had come to the Red Sea if you go out there you're going to drown here comes Pharaoh's army and God says stand still boy that's time I just can't do no you stand still and I love that verse I believe it's verse 14 where he says in that scripture the Lord shall fight for you and hold you your peace folks I have fought battles where I realized if I have just waited God would have fought it God knows how to fight it he's not the author of confusion his austere peace let me just go back 11:20 didn't you say level 20 about okay and to go back I'm on the second pastor of this church my home church is full miles from there I remember when this church was started a young man probably twenty one two years old put up with gospel 10 and and people got saved they got a little 3/4 of an acre here's a little road where I will with a country now we used to be with town almost but anyway and up through here was a little sandy Road dirt road not many cars went and the church is right in the corner now the main highway off to highway ok and they built a little block building and they had two people that that they had 3/4 acre land they had their high that their little church building and then is going to have a cemetery that's what this cemetery is doing there ok two people had died and they buried him up here now let me get his quick God was blessing that with 153 my first Sunday I think his two of membership domain had a good good good good ministry there and and I don't know I just got over knocking on doors farmers everywhere wherever I quit the day I'd start tomorrow go maybe 10 miles and God got the blessing and saving people that thing filled up we could put I guess 300 in it and the windows was out like that old block building you know and people would stand and look in those windows while I pleased and on Wednesday night prior meeting I preached with with uh with chairs in the pew God is amazing is amazing we had no baptistry we'd take fifty or sixty seventy people out to some old pond some work and baptize the boy you never had it you go out there and get your stick and and and put it before you as you walk along because you don't fall in the hole somewhere and then you get out there about waist deep and then it's kind of muddy there you know and you get your foot like that and then you got to for Deacons will lead them out in there we baptize 50 or 60 or 70 people at one time out there I remember some I'm the one time baptized a lady and she got to slide and I was having time to sleep in a day I never will forget that goes as precious time and that little church had behind it - Johnny's if you know what I'm talking about okay god blessed now this is what I'm trying to say here here this little dirt road here and here's the other little road here's the church I thought now first of all first of all we got permission to move those to grieve right behind the church and move them to the back of the property and then we took half of what the heads for this cemetery and built an addition back there okay God kept blessing kept blessing okay I was thinking that if we if we could just go right across this little dirt road no traffic but you know and if that man he had a lot of land would give it let us buy two acres and and and then we could build a auditorium and we could walk across that little black and go and use that for Sunday School folks you know a lot of things you think is God's will is not God's will every time it it's not and and and we had prior me and I go see that man and he wouldn't say nobody wouldn't say he said well you know I have to make my living fireman I mean I know you folks needs he was from the Methodist Church about he said I know you folks need room but let me think about law he just wouldn't let us have it and and my fellas out o sirs know would tell me said brother Bobby people's driving off it can't find no who around your Park that's tough and I would pray and couldn't understand it one morning one Sunday Monday morning I was standing we didn't have much of a yard I stand out in front I just courage and the car pulled up and a man got out and said are you pastor here and he said yes I said yes and he said he said I you folks really needed help I need some I said sir I don't know what to do I said that man right over there owns that land to let us have two acres but he won't do it and he said I felt as tight he won't let you have done I know it and what he said but he said if he ever thought about this cornfield line up here five six hundred feet up that little dirt road no he said I know the man that owns land he don't sell it far as I know but told me where he lives he goes see I went to see him he live right across the street there in a little town of Walker town that time we had sixteen eighteen hundred people in the town I guess and he has been a member of that church all his life he had I think it was eighteen years he had not missed the Sundays - had had you know written some song anyway he said I've heard about I've got ten and a half acres there he said I don't want to sell it but you folks need land bad but I won't take until about years ago then I won't take lesson $1,000 acre for it and it's ten and a half acres and if you folks want it I'll give the church a half acre but you don't have to give me $10,000 folks had to take me forever to tell you how I can see God bless this place we had ten thousand and three hundred some dollars I meant with the Deacons and we voted to buy then we pay we had three hundred and some dollars when we started that second building we had a man from West Virginia he built houses he had three sons worked for him good good old Tillman move down I said mister grace have you ever built a church he said I bet one one time I said could you do something for us you know how we need and he said I'll do anything I can I got my Deacons together and he and he tore an old paper sack back then you didn't have to go through everything to get anything done you go through Raleigh or no work he just poured a paper sack open and and and took a ruler and said what do you fellows think of this we all liked it and voted for him to start this is what he said you know God always meet you need he said I know our church don't have any money and he said I'm not a wealthy man but he said I pay my through his sons of long married I pay my three sons weekly working for me and he said I've got a good credit with a brick companies and the lumber companies and I can stall stall them off for at least six months without paying him anything and I've got enough pay my boys for several months and he started building that building it was $307 and VOC to me and on it take me a long time to tell you that things seen nine hundred mean later we took a side out and it seed thirteen fourteen hundred together and then later on we had fourteen building programs through that then later on we built a educational building behind it we're still walking down the road for part of our sons of schooling back up there and God just blessed and he's blessed and blasted and I've seen I've seen but when I started to tell you while ago I was as sure as I'm standing here now that God will dust had that two acres over there but see God knew how that church was going to grow and I didn't know it I don't say this you may be praying about something and you're sincere and it don't happen I believe as Billy Sunday said God always answers prayer he says wait or he says now or he says no and that's about the truth if you and I can just learn to wait on him and and God has done tremendous things through that building we're and now some mazing beautiful building we're in our third order tour but but I'm just saying this saying wait wait on the Lord if you don't understand wait on the Lord let me put down here first of all I believe when the greatest needs is wisdom you don't change 1:5 If any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all then delivered up brai not at Timmy I'll begin there's not a one of us has got enough sense preachers to lead a church this man right here don't hit gates God's wisdom you run into all kinds of problems but God has got what you need and I'm saying we need to wait and let the Lord open that Red Sea and it's amazing what he'll do if will just depend upon his wisdom oh how we need every day listen I've been that we've had headaches I say you're either going through a problem or you just got dude are you about to go into one that's the encourage in it that's true and and I help make messes by not wait now listen this church I didn't know what a constitution was I took the church we got we got two winning souls when they tell you this quickly when I got saved October 24 1948 a little Baptist Church I went to the officer and the mean they didn't take the Bible show you then Paulette about five or ten of them get around and start praying and I've been there before and I'd see sometimes some get up shouting and I thought well hit me to me but didn't do me thataway when I left my seat I'm scared to go out I was afraid to go to hell I seemed like I could smell the fumes of hell that preachers been preaching the book so long I was afraid I couldn't hold out I got in bad shape thank God he said one more verse and I remember saying to that thought I gotta go I came but he can is October 24 1940 a 19 and 48 I stepped out in the 17 year old young man and peace come in my heart right then that's when I got saved now go back to this thing quickly I've never been taught you could win souls to Christ when I became pastor there I was passed here for a few months and I get them fellas out and we go knock on doors and plead for people to come to church about seven or eight miles which is once in winston-salem from us dr. rice dr. Jack house would come at little Church run about 250 over they that come every year for tuning meeting I went over there to hear on a Monday night dr. Howell said I want you to be back in the service in the morning ten o'clock I want you to bring your pencil and pad I want to teach you how to win a person of the Lord in their home or place a bidding folks I never heard anything like that and I got my pencil and pad and was there and dr. Howell this may be a good thought that I've done it before not in the last few years is acted out in church and helps them up but anyway dr. Hiles that morning he set a chair out there and that was the door and he knocked on that tear and the man came to the door he taught us how to how to meet people get a conversation I was so backward I fought preaching for two years I knew God called me not scared to death I just couldn't face P but this is what I'm sorry he taught us I put down 35 points that he gave us I never heard what you called a Roman trill and he gave us the scriptures that had everything boy I studied that that was on Tuesday and on thirsty I got one of them me in the Deacon in that church I had been there many too many weeks and I said I believe I learned someone should go with me at night and somebody gave me a prospect and I tried to remember what what he's most plausible to do and I took my Testament and I put to make sure I put 310 320 I put all that down when I get through one go down because it won't get mixed up and we knocked on this man's door dr. house he said don't call him mister when he tells he call him his first name makes me you know I had all that there so he told I told him I said I'm Bobby Roberson this is boot flemeth from gospel I tried to tell him I was a preacher about the gospel like Baptist Church and I said we just want to come out and see you to the community said yeah come on in he introduced his wife over here and what one of the one of the things that dr. house said that be complimentary for pictures or whatever Paul I sit there and I couldn't find a picture in the wall and I said this fella very quiet first name is Jimmy's mr. Spengler I said Jimmy you have a nice place here he said thank him I sense a really nice he said thank you bad but not the couple had been married too many minds I didn't know it and when I just tryna what come Ashley next one of anything finally I said well you may wonder what we're doing here but I said we're interested in people knowing you go to heaven I said if you should die do you know when you know the word lose something folks he said well no I'll go Church I do the best I can that's what a puma testament he said if I I said if I could show you from the Bible here dr. house told us said I don't care a big Bible in the arm because when they knock on the door you'll figure that somebody con trying to grab put religion down my throat he said get the word told you latest said you just care little PI a little you know in your pocketbook you'll test in anyway I pulled it out and I said if I could show you from the Bible how you can know if you died to go to heaven with you let me said yeah well I sit there is why sitting a we own a hundred Easter tube and my Deaconess Iranian so I said I wouldn't you hold down the trail and got on down to romans five to explain to him how why we became sinners and they got to Romans 10:9 and I said how do you feel about this name and he said according to that I'm lost that's what he said fellow did probably in his 30s and I said would you would you like to be saved he said yeah all I asked him three times I just told me I don't know what to do and where am I going next and I said you really would he said yes and then I and and when I did I said bliss kneel right here listen his dear wife she got a come almost running across she fell down and said mister don't leave me out I want to get saved that's my first two souls the old masters used to talk about getting the second blessing bless God I got it that night I want my two people to the Lord and a little 55 Chevrolet I got happy that thing it shot all the way back to church just praising God and I told him to come to church and it did told him where the church was at and I forgot to talk to him about baptism and they came on for three or four weeks then I said by the way Jimmy don't you want to join the church and after plane baptism he said yeah I won't do that I said yeah and so they did it wasn't about six weeks eight weeks Jimmy come walking down the aisle one morning with an elderly lady he said this is my stepmother and she wants to be saved she got saved and then later her husband's an old truck driver he got saved she was one of the best soul winners and sent more Get Well cards I'd go to hospital and somebody say preacher can you tell me is the sweetest card I said yes Mildred I said yeah and miss bhangra yeah and I was a pastor of that couple he he served we have a rotating board he served on our board for three or four time he's in heaven now and she is - you know what stir my heart about the time of the year that they got saved I'd get a letter from Mildred she'd say preacher thank you for knocking on our door that time let me tell you folks people is hungry man's going to believe something every time that I meet up with a jobber witness of Mormon I get under conviction because we haven't done our job men's going to bleed something and if we got done giving the truth we hadn't got the truth to them that's what I'm talking about soul winning don't you ever get away from that don't ever I got to tell you this I got eight more points here about 4550 years ago I some were preaching in a motel I never wrote anything anything and I just read my Bible and you know all that wants to talk hit me you're on the right track and I wrote it in five minutes some things God wants you to know he wants you to know that you're a sinner wants to know why you're centered on down the line I look that little track got it back got it printed okay we used it we got still use it our church and got other tracks I spent 40 years ago my I have two daughters and two sons one of my son in laws was raised in Episcopalian Church he said I used to be a altar boy he's burned you pray his daddy's about my agent he's burning about it just religion he said to me he said preacher I didn't I thought I was good but he said somebody gave me a trach and he said I got to read that thing and he said I kept it for a year and I'd read it once in a while and the key and it just do something to me and he said I got it out one day it's been 30 years I believe you said and I looked at it and got on my knees and I got saved hello boys got good those salvageable it tastes something he sees all them tracks earned we have in our church you know and Paul he I asked him about six months ago I said mark it's you know my problem Molly's husband I said mark I said by the way what what kind of what that track say it says some things God wants you to know the little track that I had the joy of riding somebody give my son-in-law before he ever met my daughter that track brother the Word of God do something if we'd get it out and God used that that boy had no idea that he was a sinner but he said I'd read it a little bit every day and from that track I could tell you so let me tell you another I quit my home church like I said it's full miles away one day I got a call I think it's on the Monday preacher Robertson could I set up a point move you and told me their name and I said well yes I said we in and said well I'm working in when I'd been to office in 20 or 25 minutes I said okay few minutes a lady walked in my second my daughter has been my secretary 38 years my youngest face anyway this lady introduced herself I said you someone called I personally thought you must be having family problems I'd never seen she sent her a little while and I said ma'am what could I do to help you she put her hands up in her face and started crying she said just tell now to get saved but I'm waving listen she said mr. Robertson I know Jim but I didn't know that preacher at the other church and said a few weeks ago I visited with somebody and that preacher said we'd like for all you visitors to fill out a card and I did and she said two weeks ago two women came to my door from that from that turret and they talked to me and talked to me in witness to me and I didn't get saved but so they said some things I can't get over and I got so I can't sleep and she got overworked getting more and she said something said to me I didn't know that man but something said to me if you know Bobby Robison go out there happy and she got off word came out there got saved we just need to get the word out that's what I'm trying to say get the word out brother Hitler it'll have its powerful his sharper than any two-edged sword there's a Word of God we need to get it out well we've had a lot of preaching on own soul winning but I just had to get that out to you this morning to this thing about waiting on the Lord ask him for wisdom if you've got a problem in your church and you don't know what to do he knows what to do and you ask for and then let waiting on the Lord for wisdom and waiting on the Lord for the will of God folks don't hear much about the will of God today but let me tell you God has got a wheel for you and he's got a will for me and we need to wait let me say I think it's a danger when a young man or someone gets a graduation college you're tried you wondering what God wants you to do if you don't know you just wait and be willing dr. Lee Robertson used to say if you got two things today or one thinking about this and tomorrow you're thinking about that he said don't do anything God wants you in his will if any man will do his will he'll know that's what the Bible said will do but dr. Lee used to say you stand still you may think you can you just stand still and he said be willing and he said you stand still and one of those who desires will begin to stay the way and then it'll be clear to you know which way to go that's important the will of God and we've got to learn to wait on the will of God and then let me say this folks it's easy to believe we're in the will of God where everything's going right I've got a good preacher friend pastors 40 miles somebody I'd preach for him different times about 12 15 years ago he called me and been in his church 15 years that time he said brother Bobby do you know a church is looking for a path this is what he said his conversation he said you know I've been here what 12:15 year whatever anyway he said he said there's two families in the Deacons and he said they don't run me crazy and he said I just don't believe God wants me to Pastor his thing any longer do you know of a church well I'm not smart by the way his name is Paul and I said Paul let me ask you do you reckon them deacons leading you away or God well he said then thought about that and I said let's pray and I'm gonna help you pray God's give you grace to bear what you did and you just keep sticking in that for a while now six months later he called me praise God brother Bobby they're gone I'm so glad that I stayed and he just had his 30-some years as pastor there but he almost missed the will of God because the battle was there now when you going through a will of God and all at once your congregation goes down that don't mean God wants you to leave God wants somebody to stand in there I've learned that through the years my congregation got up there we were running 700 average I didn't know we was back into now it's growing up over but when I came to church you could see two houses and and we were running 700 regularly before I had a sister pastor or secretary you see how'd you do by like I doing now just run there as long but but what I started to say I got me a secretary my first cousin I sprayed get over in the country they'd be scared to stay there day time and then if I couldn't go to church so I'm not going to start us authority on us so I had a timer but this is what I won't say God blessed that place I was 24 years old when I became 29 I had preached for six solid weeks and back then if you didn't preach through Saturday night month sorry night your back slid you didn't have these two three they meet and I preached and in gospel light disco and for six weeks and I had a heart attack at 29 in one morning in the church I've been having some problem to know what anyway it come on me I had to sit down I never noticed the many peels in my life Lord everybody's trying to give me a pill that morning fully got me toss petal but this is what a star to say I've seen them I was in hospital 21 days and they didn't think for a while I'm a kid okay my church had growed from 150 average in at that time five and six hundred of Sunday no bus ministry I didn't know a thing about a constitution I just know that they said that each year had a business meeting and everybody was voted on except our deacons read seven deacons I went out my family I went out every year were dust in a class or something to vote were to keep us or not while I was out sick I was trying to recuperate to get back we had no air condition anywhere as a fella had a little air condition little motel and he said you come Doc's that had the rest to two hours at least every afternoon and I was in that little room was that what air conditioner and one of those deacons one of those said he knocked on my door said preacher we've got some hate to body you know what you not you're not able I know but hear this but we got some awful troubles going there somebody started through through the turds and and they're they're trying to get people to sign to get us Deacons out I said old man a good night well this is where I want to waited I called a meeting our church had had that church had steps and they took me up up in this chair and in that what night just to me it's had over two hundred there at night and I sit up there and pull the mic down until I told him what it'd be and I said I understand somebody has got a teaching going around trying to get our Deacons out and one man stood up and said pastor I didn't sign it but it don't say get them out it's asking for a rotating board there I stood now fight a waited and went in and found out but how to split over that thing you see and he said it didn't say get them out it said ask him for rotating board personally I think the bottom line is somebody's want to get them out that thing kept to you and his viewing and my deacons they've one man he kept saying preacher what you need to do they're against us what you need to do is get up are tell them if they if they don't like the way this thing set up then Glee I said who are they nobody could tell me when I got home that night I got a call on the telephone said preacher the petition has been burned don't worry about it hung up today I don't know who whoever did it but what I'm trying to say folks were jumping things too quick sometime we had a split over that thing it tore me up I had a nervous breakdown I weighed two hundred and twelve I think at that time and I got so I couldn't stand food I got out two hundred forty some pound I didn't want to preach anymore I thought about I thought about just resigning and and going to another Church over it wasn't one of my priest friends and just be a member getting my job back get away from that headaches and all those things he kept running through my mind and in the meats of all left when I got able to preach my Sunday School Superintendent at that time these all these folks is did that he was a brother-in-law of that Deacon that kept telling me to tell him to leave he didn't like wish it out and I said what we'll do we'll have a vote and if they want apartment board okay and if they want a rotating board but they didn't do that okay this Sunday school superintendent now follow me was a brother-in-law to that Deacon it always been my friend he walked up two million I didn't feel like I'd hardly stand up a so week one morning after church and he said preacher now I'll tell you I I love you boy I've heard that some anytime I love you but I'm gonna tell you God's through you around here you look like a corpse and if you don't leave God's gonna kill you I just felt like I ought to tell you that and walked off I had a battle with bitterness let me tell you why God hit me to get over there I got to thinking how good that man had been and what made the difference and it was the devil and I got mad at the devil and God feel sorry for him he's been dead for years he became of me never didn't say forgive you but he he loved me I guess he left our church and took a group with him they started one down the road by five miles never didn't really do anything we'd had people saved about every service now nobody's getting saved it seemed like it all I can hear is how this getting long at the other place and they just did that place Harold cycler if you ever come to our church now downstairs we have a little order to him there a Harold E cycler auditorium he preached he's 200 miles from me he preached all around our preach to me he was somewhere in there and I wouldn't talk to him and I said doc I said yes them through I can't I said I said it gets me to think I've got to stand in that pulpit again on Sunday and again he said no old God's grace a deep voice of His grace is sufficient and I said but doc I said I'm going to die no you're not God's grace efficient I said but it's just balance through I don't care God's grace if he said he kept on boy he'd give me a talking and I found out it is sufficient I almost missed the will of God let me tell you this quickly for two years it wasn't it was when you go from what five hundred to two hundred the next Sunday and it just up against a stone wall and after about two years one Sunday heaven over that and has never been a man they never lived as if Joy's as minister like Baca Robinson the joy was back people can get saved that we thought would never get saved man they had called us long to get saved people say I can't you one man got he been a Jehovah Witness all his life he said I heard about that place and he visited four or five times and he said I don't know what when I walked in something was different and it wasn't that Jehovah Witness played and he got saved and it seemed like to me it seemed like to me after that brother Paul that it was such a dark all the time but it seemed like to me and I didn't see no 900-foot Jesus or nothing like but it seemed like the Lord Jesus said Bobby the cloud was hanging yonder you didn't know it but I stand on the other side in one Sunday morning he split that cloud open it's been blessing ever since just one after another just one that we got the rotating Deacon board that it's all right and I say this humbly but there's not a man that's ever had in more liberty his church and I have at gospel life and his bitching this morning on the Paul we don't need to get caught we listen there's four or five I said where it's more than four or five colleges that I've had that they've asked to come and and have their kids in our high school you know to have a have a chapel service used to come and I've had to ask them please not because they're not standing but I don't get up and tell our church about it I don't tell them about it there's no need of it they started a years ago in Union Thanksgiving service they called it and asked me and I like to cooperate possible and he said brother Bobby we are preacher ogress we would like to have all the churches around Walkertown sent me them all denominations let's have a union Thanksgiving service we won't unison okay they had different places I'd went didn't feel right bunch of liberals most of and that was a Methodist preacher want to see our church one day and I met her one morning and he he he walked in you knowing it he said preacher Robinson I and I'm not proud of this I wish that I went to college in fact and you people have said nobody said a word to me about college in those days about all I knew it was of Tennessee temple's 400 miles away in the Pape Joan at that time you know that's about it but it's young preacher said it just came out of Duke he said I understand you haven't been to college I said no sir I'm sorry I have he said well I just I just I'm the pastor now down here such such messenger he said I've learned some things I might could help you and he started this whole evolution mess I said wait a minute fella we standing there he won't look over our proper we just got talk I said wait a minute fella I said I said you're looking men believes the Word of God I said I don't bleed no evolution mess not getting to tell him how God created he saw that's ridiculous he said I'm sure that you wouldn't believe all that story about Joan on the well and I said young man let me tell you something you looking at a man if the Bible said that old Joan opened his mouth and that will witness belly I would have a bit of trouble please and Paulie walked out he never did see he just walked out now this is what I'm getting this one getting it he's in that union Thanksgiving thing okay the head of it sitting out brother Bobby you know the Methodists move it moves them every two or three or four years and and brother so-and-so down here he's going to be our speaker and it won't have any gospel light he's going to be our speaker this coming Thanksgiving Oh Lord that'll ever gonna stand my pulpit gospel I don't know til today why we don't go in the Union Thanksgiving but I went to the leader that thing ice let me tell you fella I said just drop us out I said that man don't believe the Bible and I'm going to stand before God one day and I can't hit that man preaching my pulpit so just forget we ever anything come once in a while somebody and say pray we're not in that number I said no we just keep eating me don't go to the day on a regular but you know we don't have to lambast God knows we as well wait right we about stings the wrong way that's why one thing I love about this man right I've known him ever since he started and he and God is still blessed him but he's giving God the glory and that's everything and he's not and so there's a way there's a way now let me say something else here I believe I've got 10 more minutes don't try to be somebody else preachers but yourself now we need counseling we need all we can but you made Pastor a church with 75 a hundred people or 50 people or whatever is that meaning you go backyard and you try to put everything in your church that you've learned here you're probably getting them s you can't be I remember I remember hearing to a boy preach one time I'd rather be a living dog than a deadline and I tried to preach like human other business I want to be like Lee Roberson his name was like pine that one in one two and one two three and it didn't work with me young and innocent we need to keep open-minded but let me say young fellows you don't try to live dr. house was my friend he was a such a blessing he preached but you know I'm afraid and I don't know where to say this night but I afraid some of the fellas up I tried to be a First Baptist Church in Hamlin when he left I mean it went out go I got some of my church I had to go to one of my workers two or three times I said let me tell you something and I don't down First Baptist and not old down dr. house but this is not the First Baptist Church in Hammond this is gospel light Baptist Church and that's true and you've got to remember that I mean you got to be yourself and you'll burn out you know I'm just a country boy and and I wished I knew what I don't you know I mean we got a school started in 73 I believe and they got computers and my kids got computers and Facebook's and you name it they got the whole deal and my wife I had the sweetest wife and ever lived and you know she died two years ago was married six to six and a half years but I said honey island where I want to get into this computer she's a day that's on food with that I've never master computer button somebody give me somebody give me one him the whole metal faithful Jana and said brother Bobby take this and he'd do something we could be I said thank you I got it I'll give it to my kids but but I'm not and I'm just saying I'm busy I'm busy and and I and I I'm just bother Otteson I keep me nobody else you know I go to the hospitals my sister pastor goes if I ask him I go see mo we got people in hospitals all the time sometimes not every day I'm going and feelings I had for fields last week I the feeling I got a few loan or they wanted to have it tomorrow but his wife put it off till Friday morning I let this couple to the Lord in 1963 in their hole and he's with the Lord now she gonna wait so I had his fuel and I'm just I just said I just I like to go in the nursing home we got we got members in 29 homes and I don't do all of it in there my sister pastor and people that's retired they go every week but I keep I keep a list all the time a little card of all in places in here and when I'm close to one of them I slip in and see them I love to do it I love to visit them I love to visit the hospital great place to win souls to Christ and I'm just saying don't be don't try to be me I don't have any proof people say brother Bobby what day do you get off when I get wore out I take off somewhere that's just me you know ice instead my sweet wife she she would play my clothes out I don't know how to match up anything and and my two daughters my youngest one's been my secretary 38 years then my other daughter little three miles away and her husband's a pastor there about 20 miles from me my other son in law but my two daughters said daddy we know what mama done we're gonna do our best to help you oh they're so sweet and they come to my house keep everything clean and they come to my house own on Saturday afternoon or Saturday night and they get in my closet and they got me seven suits and what to wear with them all we lined up for next week that's a blessing that's a blessing I just used to live in this I'm not trying to be spurting just I'm just got away I'm just saying and I get my vague when do you do your studying when you can some time at 9:00 I mean lived 12 night everybody's gone boy I love getting there and did God get the blessing your soul sometime I do it in the mornings I like for the Holy Spirit to put some bail economy a few years ago and he said brother Bobby let me help you I've been his pastor 30 year I knew you'd been missed in some places you know and he said let me let me make suggestion he said you let your song leader pick out your music about three months ahead your special music we've got 1214 soloist and three or four trios and let them have it lined up and you stay out of that and I said brother I'm not trying to be smart but I don't know what I'm on priest two or three months from now and I said I can I said now he saw like a choir leader takes care of his music but I take care of the spacer music I've got a list right over here in the back of my Bible of all mice here and their phone number and I may be studying maybe Thursday or Friday and the Holy Spirit's putting something on my heart from for Sunday and my thought will come hey old John sings a song and I give John a call on surge or something hey can you say yeah that's the way I do it maybe that's not the best way that's the way I do it I mean I mean what I'm trying to say I'm not one you know how I do but I'm just trying to say young preachers you get all you can but you don't try to be Paul Chapel only Robertson you just be what you are you see well there's a fella sitting right over there he's in West Virginia so many years now and his up in Murphy's birth and he still walks like yes he's raised that but he's what he is and you'll enjoy your ministry one fella asked me one day the whole gopole he said how come you preachers talk about all the joy and the rest in Christ and you got to take off on Monday cause you wore yourself out over the weekend I said I don't know well be yourself all right then and indict of self daily quickly I got about five minutes listening brother let roll off used to preach for me a whole lot he had the biggest sense of humor was right along my car one day and I cutting up with him and I said something crazy you know what it wasn't just felt bad about it I said let it roll off I said I'm sorry I said what I did to you now you get this I said I wouldn't hurt you for anything in the world and little fella looked on me just serious he said brother Bobby if you hurt me it's not your fault it's my fault because I'm supposed to be dead you can't hurt something you take getting we every time I get aroused up if something bad gospel late the Holy Spirit brings that to my mind dying got to learn folks to die to self every day will never have God's power and God's leadership to we do then we've got to do it I put this down here quickly dr. Tom will home preach for us a whole lot dr. Malone said brother Bobby I attended a conference when I was a young preacher aw Tozer some work and he said to here please and he said he was sitting eating and I walked over to him and I said dr. Tozer could you tell me how that a young man could have God's power and and he said well try to do best again he'd give us some ideas and he said you know as a young man Tozer told him says young man asked me this a while back and I was standing out in front of a church and said out the front now listen and he said there was a cemetery here and he said he said I was standing there that young man asked me and I said do you know who's buried out there that place in big stone he said as I mean it's man this time he said even he can tell what all he done he said he didn't mean and he said I want you to do me a favor I want to go out there understanding his stone and tell him it dr. Tozer house tell him not long is and he said boy said he said go ahead he said oh boy walked after that stone he said I remember how I mean you wasn't this town told him all about it you know and didn't come back he said did you tell him he said yeah he said what do you say he said didn't say nothing now listen he said can you think of any good things about to man I think an abort said yeah he did he and he told three or four things and he really done good why don't you do one more thing I want you to go back out there tell him good thing now go say that old world walked out there stolen he said I know you mean is going but but she was really good and done this in months and that was it and said he just went on to tell him him good things and said he come back and he said did you tell him about he said yes said what to say said he hadn't said done yet dr. blowin said aw Tozer said that's what I'm talking about young man he said when people persecute you it don't hurt she cuz you're dead but he said when you get promoted up and you blessings start and your church is growing and it's leaking larger than the one down the road and you're really going and the devil would have you say boil up he said you better get did you better die daily and that is a truth my friend that's a truth this man right here God's got his hand upon him and I'm not pregnant Leon bring on the gaudy surge I preached for him when he started downtown and a little building I don't see a bit of difference in his attitude today than you did I've since these meetings as he's preached and he's he's talked about the one that's give the power and I said humbling reverently he's a good man he's my buddy but just old country way he ain't got the sense to run this thing itself and that right and he knows and as long as he dared to sip brag on him but he knows it really wouldn't him it was God and he'll have the victory right on and let me tell you oh I love try this I got three or four more points but I got to quit now let me tell you this but let me tell you as he preached last night staying that well staying well I mean just hey you know that's what I'm talking about I heard Bob Jones senior he preached from me one time but I heard him in the conference well right after I got saved him and dr. rice and dr. Robertson was over in the conference and I slipped in the steer listen honestly when when Bob Jones got up to preach that's the first time I've heard him preach he said let's pray well I thought he's a college man he'll be uh you know I didn't know and he started praying this bout what he said dear Jesus I love you I thank you for dying on the cross for a sinner like me I thank you for sending the Holy Spirit down young South Alabama and surely a young boy he needed to be assistance be saved I thank you for giving me he's praying now I thank you for giving me the faith to trust you as my savior I thank you for saving you're so good he said you put some any stars I'd never have been able to count along he said that beautiful Sun and little stars and he just kidding before I Pete I I didn't think you could see the Lord like it is something but and this is what he said honestly I was there and he said by faith I just want to slip up here in your lap and put more butter on your neck and tell you I love you Jesus thank a man to golf to preaching and I seem right in that's what made him fellows click stay there or the glory come to I got to one more thing one more thing I heard Jack Kyle's preach at Holland Park years ago he told this story from the pulpit he said dr. Charles Michael you know wrote the song don't one ever cared for me like Jesus dr. Robertson I didn't have any living relative in to Holland Park give him a place to stay Jack Howells was telling this he was preaching he said I was here at this church a few years ago and he said I missed doctor waggle and asked dr. Robertson about him after he said he's not well he's in his room he wasn't able he said words it could I said yeah and he told him we're at and this is what Jack Hiles told us look okay he said I went to his room I went to the outside and he said I could hear him talking and he said I stood for seemed like ten minutes I hated to interrupt his company but I want to see him so bad and said he just kept and said I knocked on the door and he opened the door and he said brother Hiles come in he said I walked in and he said doc I don't interrupt you and your company saw heaven company he saw East a nice mighty miss you in talking somebody said the old gentleman dropped his head he said well you know I'm going to be with Jesus for long and just talking to him having a good time and listen dr. Howell said I looked down and his he was in his stockings his socks he didn't have his shoes on I said where's his shoes he said brother house don't think I'm crazy but it got so sweet in you I've been affording to be in jumping about having a good time - some years old don't you lose that touch my free I love that song about - well I'm just saying keep on in there you may be in an old church by cumulants tune dick don't hunt for something big God move you whatever you know you're not trying to make a name you to glorify Him when we stand to judgement seat it may be some missionary over your couldn't have over 40 people but he's been faithful let's pray our Father
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 11,466
Rating: 4.7941175 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, sermon, Christian, God, Jesus, Lancaster Baptist Church, Lancaster Baptist, Pastor Paul Chappell, Paul Chappell, bobby roberson, spiritual, leadership, conference, self, life
Id: e9ptItOaMAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 31sec (4051 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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