Dr. Bobby Price Talks How To Get Unwanted Toxin Out Of Your Body, Detox The Right Way + More

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what's up everybody this is your boy Bill Bellamy welcome to the number one podcast top billing this is the place for the movement the culture and the discussion we keep it we always keep it Fly we always give you something that you can just sink your teeth into this episode is about health and wellness one of the things that's dearest to me taking care of our bodies eating right staying youthful keeping your body from being sick so I went out my way to find one of the most intelligent he is one of the most gifted person in the herb game teaching the body to reunite with itself heal itself Dr Bobby Price is here today and he is going to teach us all a little something we didn't know about health and I'm excited about it because I feel 25 again Dr Price everybody I appreciate you for having me on absolutely let me tell you how God works okay I found Dr Bobby Price on Instagram and I'm giving him some shine because I have everybody always say like Bill Bellamy you still look like how to be a player you still look the same when you go age they call me Benjamin buttons and all this crazy stuff right and uh and they don't know the secret to to your Youth and a secret to having Vitality is being healthy yes indeed yes indeed people sleep on that so let's let's give everybody a little bit of background doctor pharmacy school did everything you were supposed to do you you you're pumping pills you're just giving people pills and concoctions you know they with the little white jacket on what made you decide that I want to help people in a different way man you know what's what's funny is I sort of went in a direction of trying to heal myself first okay so like like the journey started actually with my grandmother my grandmother died of colorectal cancer wow and I unfortunately you know why got to speak to her on her deathbed and I had always promised her that I was going to do something good for myself or her and uh when she died it just sent me in the direction of Health right and so I got diagnosed shortly after her death with high blood pressure at age of 16. you and this is dressing out Yep this is despite the fact that I'm you know athlete only about five percent body fat super healthy otherwise physically and so I live with high blood pressure roughly about 12 years and then I graduate pharmacy school work for the FDA then go to the hospital start working there I'm like the only black man in a white coat at the hospital and working at and so my community is coming to me right whenever they come to the hospital but what I was noticing was that I got high blood pressure and I'm trying to teach them how to be healthy and so but it wasn't even nothing you was doing because obviously you were healthy and you were you know an athlete so you were exercising what do you think um sort of you know gave you the proclivity to high blood pressure well I think a large part of it you just mentioned it was stress you know like I grew up in a very impoverished environment um losing all my grandparents by the time I was in the 10th grade lost a few friends to the prison system a few friends to death being killed so the stress of that and a lot of times we we kind of like we we shave over it and sweep sweep it under the roof but it's in there but it's in there yeah and so there's a really cool book that's called the body when the body keeps count and so my body was keeping count and so as I sort of graduate from pharmacy school and start working in the hospital I picked up a lot of bad habits in terms of eating and so as a result I gained weight um started to get inflammation in my body I mean I'm in my late 20s and you and you getting an old man body I I feel old brother like I'm trying to tell you like I felt like you don't understand nutrition bro yeah so um essentially what happened was I went on this journey to heal myself I mean I was doing Billy Blanks exercises didn't work uh Shaun T you name it uh Nutrisystem try to work nothing worked and so really out of desperation I was like you know what I'm gonna try this little plant-based thing we'll do it for 21 days and see what happens see what happens okay and uh 21 days I lost 17 pounds uh my blood pressure went down like 20 points and um that was the first like aha like what it dropped that yeah because my blood pressure was regularly around about 160. so you rubbing you rubbing on red and then you sitting still watching a movie but you revving on red yeah yeah that don't make no sense yeah I could have woken up and my blood pressure would have been high so once I saw that I was like you know let's take the journey 60 days you know 60 days I lost 45 pounds and normalized my how big were you though to lose 40. I was like 250 I look like a linebacker so it didn't look like I was like way too much weight yeah it didn't look like I was like you wasn't threatened me it wasn't the traditional what they call Fat you just look like a big dude that played football yes okay and so um and I didn't realize it it wasn't until I lost the weight and then you know I play back I still play basketball and so that it wasn't until then that now I'm like dunking a ball again I'm like able to Sprint down the court like I never have been before and the key thing was my ex-girlfriend at the time she was like she hated the weight loss by the way because she didn't want you to get back because she knew when you got him your eight pack you was going to be in them streets she kept giving you sweet potato pies I know she did but uh baby you want the lemon ring indeed for breakfast but what she liked was like the bedroom changed oh it changed everything digging out it's a hole now you brolic yeah in the bathroom for real for real for real and so um Health as well yeah so that's what led me on the journey ended up leaving my job moving to Japan studying some people there who lived to 100. wow he primarily plant-based and died comfortably and they're sleeping stayed in Japan for like four years doing that research traveled the world learning with other herbalists and natural healers and then came back here in 2018 wrote my book of Education over medication make sure you go out and get his book vegetation over medication a little background on me is that uh Dr Sabi was one of the first guys that I kind of like started like getting my interest about you know health and he was curing people of cancer and different things and ailments that people just thought it was rewrote off he healed a lot of people indeed and and then the government was mad at him and it was just a bunch of you know sort of conspiracy around he was trying to help people yeah right cool all right case in points I started learning learning learning learning I'm like man this brother saying something Dick Gregory was even on it back in the day dick Greg he was like y'all ain't drinking enough water if your head hurt your dehydrated what are you walking around here dry the body need moisture you know you know what I'm saying so I'm like tiptoeing tip toeing tiptoeing right so early in my early 20s I started like learning about teas okay and you know certainties that are good for your digestion going to the bathroom and doing like uh you know sort of like these cleansing teas and stuff and I would do them like once a month right yeah it's the best funniest thing I could tell people most people don't go to the bathroom do you understand that in this country most people don't go to the bathroom the way they should and they think it's normal and they think going to the bathroom once a day and you ate three times is enough sort of you know getting the toxins out you full of toxins right right so like one of my boys big as hell right bigger than a big dude big you know he brought them right he's like be you always going to the bathroom God damn baby you'll never be done I'm like when the last time you went to bathroom he was like I don't know yeah that's that's the answer that's the answer I said how is it possible and I don't know none of the stuff you know yeah I'm just saying it doesn't make sense if you eat three meals a day or even two meals a day that you only go every other day to the restroom or maybe once a day and it's not a good movement people don't realize that just that having a regular digestion system prevents a lot of of illness yes indeed because the big thing is and I'm glad you you hit that topic is it's really important to understand that most of our health actually comes through our gut okay you know and what's really important to understand is like our gut is called our second brain because a lot of the conversations and thoughts that we think that we're having when you look at the communication Highway a lot of it is actually coming from our gut first and then telling our brains what to do oh snap so like so by that do you mean like when We crave sugar yes or we're craving you know whatever whatever french fries yeah whatever a lot of those Cravings could be coming from your gut and this is why because you have an unhealthy gut you're gonna um sort of request unhealthy food wow so just think about it and you mentioned it you go to you eat three times a day correct most people actually don't have a bowel movement maybe four times a week [Music] and here's the thing when you look at the clinical definition of constipation what your doctor will tell you what is constipated is three to four times a week that's it so even when you go to your doctor you say I'm constipated and you say I've had four to five bowel movements in a week they still think that's normal what yes so it's really important to understand that the other thing that's really important is what happens when you leave waste in your stomach for an extended period of time okay that waste begins to rot and ferment just imagine if we went out on Hollywood Boulevard put out the meal that we ate for lunch inside of a pot close the lid and left it on the street left it on the street and it's 98 degrees outside because that's our body temperature oh when we come back four five hours later like the food is wasted it's wasted you come back 24 hours later and I just got flies and all kind of things on it so it's really important for us to understand that when we actually are not eliminating in three to four hours after having a meal the food is not only not good for you anymore it has rotted as fermented and it's now creating its own toxins and creating the the type of bacteria that could ultimately lead to an unhealthy gut absolutely I remember one of the things that really grossed me out and this was in my you know my beginning search of you know eating healthy right yeah because I I mean I I eat bad stuffs I'm not gonna actually sit here and act like I don't have bad food sometime but for the most part I'm only eating vegetables Fish and Chicken every now and then I have a steak and every time I eat it I feel sleepy like I can't move because it's heavy right case in point so I see this guy and uh and my boy who was training me at the time he was like you know what you see this stomach you know what that is food he said that ain't nothing but food undigested food I said his belly looked like a baby in it he said dog do you know that's just food that's undigested he should have been eliminated that yeah I said oh my God a fecal baby he got a fecal bit so all that is is just food sitting in there it's rotting rotting fermenting food and you how do you okay for all my listeners how do you detox the body I'm always confused so I know I can't be the only person yeah you I'm here's the thing like right now everybody named mama got a detox everybody it's a millionaire go to your barber shop but here's the thing most of the times like what a lot of things that people are doing for detox is actually cleansing okay okay it's not detoxing so it's two different things yeah but cleansing is one thing detoxing is another yeah just imagine if you bought like a old rundown house or you inherited it from your family and it hadn't been lived in and maybe years and they left food on the the counter and all kinds of things throughout the house when you walk in there there's going to be mold dust Etc correct a cleanse would be essentially like taking a mop broom with water in their water bucket and cleaning with that okay okay now you can get some stuff clean but you're not going to eat off the counter right absolutely not you know but with a detox what you're doing is you're using things that pull things out of the body because you've intoxicated yourself so now you gotta detox okay right and the cool thing about herbs is herbs were you know you hear the saying it's the same herbs were made for the healing of the earth okay because Foods nourish you they maintain your health yeah herbs will heal you okay give you a really great example there was there's a story of two horses that were in a stable both of them got cancer inside of the stable they they attributed to some of the environmental toxins that were on the farm okay one of the horses broke out of the stable went into the woods and started eating this herb the other one couldn't break out it died they found the other horse eating this Earth they found out what herb it is the herb actually cured helps secure stomach cancer okay so it's really important for us to understand that herbs have a purpose just like fruits have a purpose fruits are cleansing to the body and hydrating to the body okay okay veggies like green vegetables are good for deodorizing the body okay and providing fiber so you can have a good bowel movement where herbs are really made to detox about father body to get rid of heavy metals to get rid of acidity to get rid of mucus unwanted mucus and to get rid of old fecal matter so detoxing is really important and so how often how often should we detox is uh once a month every when you feel weird how how should we know how do we know actually because of the climate that we're in today like the world is so polluted the water is polluted you saw what happened in Flint Michigan that's that's not an isolated Incident That's in most major cities because most major cities have lead piping and no cities go under and if they say nothing so it's been that way for a hundred years so that's the true for most major cities so you got lead in the water you got pollution in the air you got Chemtrails you got GMO Foods I mean unfortunately like we're being surrounded with toxicity that our ancestors never got exposed to so I tell people do detox the same way you would sort of maintain your car you do an oil change every three or four months before your car absolutely you change the brakes you change the tires you change the spark plugs the wires you do detailing on the outside of the car inside of the car absolutely but there's no processes that we do like that for our own body we treat our cars better than we actually treat ourselves boy you just hit it that's what my boy Vincent would always say he said people put bitter gas in their car than food in their body right right he was the one uh shout out to my boy Vincent uh he he's definitely very much in the vein of what you're talking about yeah he was the first person to tell me about uh uh bioflavonoids you know how apples uh provide bio flavor noise for inflammation and they're good for your digestion the skin everything about the apple is good for the body yeah so back in the day when they said apple a day to help keep the doctor away it actually is true yeah and so um when my kids were very young we had two big apple trees in my on my property right so we would just go out there and buy the Apple just get you know and I remember always having no problems going restroom and all that because I did but they were so good and fresh you just pulled them up I used to give apples away people like why are you always giving us apples it'll help you man to this day Dr Bobby when I'm on the road I stop at Whole Foods and buy me gala apples I buy Gala Fuji or they got one called honey crisp gotcha God boy true what you know about the apple game you don't know about no apples you look like you eat oranges okay anyway but but they're really high in fiber pectin people be laughing at me Dr Bobby how do I get through this people be like are you with your old ass up but I be but I always go get my apples and I keep them in my room instead of eating like uh potato chips or something while I'm in my room I just eat an apple right and it's and you'd be surprised like when you eat an apple you actually it's almost like a cup of coffee or something you'd be like yeah but but here's the thing like and this this is like really really important it's like you're never gonna see a commercial for like apple kale or you know anything why not well it doesn't make any money and you know anything from nature unfortunately is like you can't patent it it's nature but if I take something and put it in pill form and call it blase blase that'll save your life now I can patent that and I can make money from that correct so you're never gonna see an actual commercial for anything that is truly healthy for you right and so it's so important for us to like take that ownership like I have to take ownership of my of my health when it comes to understanding what I need to be putting in my body and overcoming a lot of the decisions that I meet almost through automaticity about what food choices that I'm making well to give you a little bit background on my family um I lost my dad most recently health related sorry I lost my mom health related lost my brother health related all indicative of food lifestyle choices right and I remember growing up you know in a black southern family you know we from the south you know we chitlins they're eating chitlins and pork chops everything everything grease everything butter fried fried Mo fried fried fish Fridays we we didn't even know about healthy stuff growing up right we just knew like we eating and we ate what was good my mom made it whatever was great food but as my parents got older they developed type 2 diabetes yeah and I tried to get my family uh gym memberships you guys got to walk you guys got to run drink a lot of water stay away from take all the sodas out the house I do not drink soda to this day because of my family I will not soda does not appeal to me at all because all I see is sugar I just see liquid sugar it's like people don't realize I don't know if it's if it's six tablespoons of sugar or six teaspoons of sugar is in a can but it's a lot it's a lot sometimes it can be as much as 17 depending on the type of soda it is bro because when you think about it Americans eat how much if you were to go guess in pounds how much sugar you think Americans eat annually once a sugar in this country something crazy each individual eats 152 pounds of sugar every year 152 pounds do you know what a pound look like yeah 152 and so when you start to think about the impact of sugar on the body what it does to the body you start to think about how it suppresses our immune system yeah I mean everybody knows elevates our blood sugar causes diabetes I mean it affects our gut health I mean it lowers our energy people think it gives us energy but what it does is it takes us up and then drop you clean off yeah it affects our brain health I mean it affects every element of our health so you know we and we're eating 152 pounds if you go back to like the early 1800s okay it was probably like two to three pounds because we didn't have you know every I look on Instagram every other page got like sweets yeah yeah like pies and milkshakes and all kinds of concoctions that look amazing but it's full it's so much sugar like I get a headache they're like and I guess because i'm adverse to it because obviously of my family history and and being so nervous to end up having type 2 diabetes over not taking care of myself right how does someone today get an opportunity who's listening on uh Spotify or apple podcast or watching this on YouTube how does someone today just take the first step towards like a healthier lifestyle it's all about mindset that's got to be the first step because when you start to think about it how addictive food is today and how most people are emotionally eating yeah it starts with the mind so you literally have to change how you think about food and how you think about health and if you can't do that it's going to be very difficult so I always say start with the mindset and the best thing I can tell people to do is figure out your why around Health why but why why do I do this why why is it going to make a difference in my life yeah because you like for you and maybe your kids yeah it may be like I want them to eat this way so that they also don't end up with diabetes Yeah man so I'm gonna eat that way and so that may be the why for you another person's why maybe you know like I have I want to be able to be an example you know like you go to work and everybody goes out and they get their meals and you get the healthy meal and you're like filling yourself right because I got the healthy meal today but it's hard to get the healthy meal I'll give you an example right A lot of my friends are vegan right or almost whatever right and they go out with me and I realize when they get to them they looking on the menu everything in his is got cheese and everything it's really hard to eat healthy when you go out to eat yeah well you you have to set a new standard like my friends know like when they hit me up like don't act don't take you nowhere don't take your Burger King talking about going somewhere crazy like don't invite me because I'm not gonna eat that no I'm not I'm not gonna be struggling on the menu I don't want to see you do that like they always ask me like you don't miss me I'm like no no I don't miss I don't miss I don't miss all the grandparents I've lost as a result of the food choices they've made I don't miss the friends that I've lost in the 30s and 40s who have heart attacks yeah I don't miss anything about living that lifestyle because I don't want to come to your funeral and I definitely don't want to attend mine early right if you don't have to if I don't have to how how long how long has it been since you made this commitment to a plant-based lifestyle 11 years 11 years yeah and um so let's give me let's give me we're Dr Bobby Price we're taking them out to the end of the night and we get to what would be a dream dinner for Dr Bobby Price and you can get what you want and they make it I just want to know what a with a real damn herbologist nutritional uh pharmaceutical man would eat okay cool cool so yeah see I think different go ahead man no judgment this dinner this dinner okay Bobby eat what do you want to eat Okay cool so so I definitely gonna have like a really nice salad with some type of nice like Walnut on there so I can give it a little crunchy to it okay because that'll be nice uh put a like a goddess green dressing on there which is like a combination of green leafy vegetables maybe some tahini and that sort of thing okay um put in a couple of different vegetables and tomatoes cucumbers and throw some dates in there to sweeten it up a little bit so that'll be that'll be my salad I would eat that Bobby yeah that don't sound like a bad deal that's not like a but I know when people here when you eat that I would eat that yeah when people hear vegan they're like but that's all y'all eat anyway now I gotta I gotta go another level okay so now we leveled up on our salad we got good salad and I know we got some real nice Spring Water right there to the left okay next here come the entree what does Dr Bobby Price eat so I'm probably gonna have like a like a nice quinoa stir fry so there you go here come that vegan [ __ ] yeah yeah they're quinoa all my friends come you ain't never had a king one yeah I hate quinoa but I've had it I like the way it rolled off my tongues sound like it's good for you what else got you some king so I'm gonna get some oyster mushrooms yeah so what you do is you take the oyster mushrooms you put them in like a cast iron skillet use a grill press press it out get all the water out of it get a nice little you know seared side on both sides what did season it up really nice it's going to taste like chicken bro y'all always do that I'm just I'm not vegan friends telling me don't that taste like chicken don't that taste like shrimp why can't I just have shrimp but here's the thing though like I'm just like I got I got friends in like New Orleans but oh and they'll eat like alligator I'll be like what it taste like they like chicken now it's four is uh because actually I'm teasing you but I've had all of the things that you're talking about like I had this uh I literally had this uh mushroom but it was a burger made out of mushroom and all veggies and I could have swore the texture and everything about it felt like it was a burger it was all mushroom yeah man that's why I started like so I made two recipe books and um people are enjoying the recipes because they're like well I could eat like you if I could eat what you eat and so that's why I made the recipe so let's talk about it what's the name of the recipe but let's get it out here so I have um the first one is called Dr Bobby's healing recipes and remedies so it's a combination of recipes and also some natural remedies like we were talking about our grandmothers used to make yes sir a couple of those and then I have one coming out for the holidays and this was really dope what I love about this one is the thought that came to me is like the biggest struggle people like me have is during family gathering I show up and there's nothing for me to eat and then if I bring something to eat people eat it all up they go eat it they go eat your [ __ ] I'm telling you because it tastes like chicken it tastes like chicken so you know the thought I had was all right so all of those recipes that I grew up loving that my mom used to smoke back in the days I made I mean I got Bobby okay fried making I got some mac and Yeezy Mac and ye smacking easy what I got some cornless cornbread uh what I'm trying to tell you hey yo this black man Paradise right here you got cornbread yeah man I got Barrel wait right there you almost lost your mind my producer's like hey yo yeah yeah so I got so it's like it's a cornbread that tastes like cornbread or is it cornbread it tastes like chicken actually it's jalapeno jalapeno coffee so it's really dope and then what I wanted to do because you know like for you know us as African-Americans like when we're celebrating holidays we sort of tapping on the borderline whether whether or not we want to celebrate it and so what I thought would be dope was to bring our our cultural heritage to our holidays too okay so now I have some West African uh recipes as well like some Goosey soup uh with some Fufu oh the Fufu is bananas I just got hip to that yeah that's Nigerian yes yes got some Ghana jollof jollof yes boy you talking my language I knew I brought you here for a reason yeah hard so just imagine that you're on your holidays because the seasoning is so amazing you're not used to the what I love about West African food is the flavors are you're not used to it but you like it it's it's the combination of something right yeah it's amazing yeah so like after spending so much time in Africa it was like why don't I bring this to the people okay we can have an enjoy our time and space and the holidays and be able to celebrate our heritage during that time of the year where we come together let me let me give you something that I I'm gonna give you your flowers and how I know you are telling the truth about healthy eating I have never ate healthy and felt sluggish I've never I've never had like a vegan meal and go oh I need a nap yeah oh I'm so tired I'm so dog tired I'd have that and I'd have life I'd feel good I don't feel like my stomach is like uh bloated or anything and you can just go play ball or go work out whatever like how how is it and you explain this to me how is it more expensive to eat well well I me personally yes I think that's uh I think it's a miscalculation you think yeah because what happens is people look at when they go to the restaurant because they can get a number one at Burger King for for seven dollars okay versus going to a vegan restaurant and they got to pay twenty dollars they look at it side by side but what I'm looking at is like the true cost so what's the true cost of eating Burger King and other light restaurants every day you got to think about the toll that takes on your health oh my God you got to think about the energy it takes away from you you got to think about all of the digestive issues you're going to end up with you got to think about how that leads to a lot of chronic conditions I mean you you probably saw the documentary uh Supersize Me yeah where the guy ate McDonald's oh my God for 30 days straight and it almost killed him so just imagine how many of you know people are eating like that but the problem is it's 1.99 it's they give you I've never seen them give you so much food I remember the other day because I don't eat fast food no more at all yeah but uh they was like 3.99 we'll give you a Whopper Junior a fish sandwich and a cake yeah I mean they make the trash before affordable what you know but but here's the thing is like what's the what's the cost of diabetes it costs 17 000 a year for a diabetic to be diabetic it costs you 17 grand a year well you know what's the cost of cancer 42 000 to a hundred thousand dollars a year you understand and when you start to think about I'm not even adding in other things that are surrounding that like the loss of work the loss of energy you know you lose your life early and now you don't lose leave anything to your family you know when you start to think about especially here in America 75 of the population is either overweight or obese and that's the number one leading risk factor for all cause mortality you got 66 percent of the population on a prescription medication you got 60 of the population who has at least running one chronic condition and you got 40 of America who has multiple current conditions I'm talking about connecting situations diabetes hypertension yeah autoimmune condition multiple gout yeah like you know black people always have some gout mixed with something you know why why so Nas just came out with an album called King's disease this is the third one actually I love the I love the title because King's disease actually has is a old sort of moniker around the thought of people of royalty used to get this disease as a result of eating rich and Royal Foods like we're eating today King's disease but peasants never got these disease because they couldn't afford to eat a lot of meat they couldn't afford to eat a lot of sugary pastry they would eating off the land and so King's disease actually means gout cookies yeah because one of the number one things that they tell you to do when you uh get gout is you gotta stop eating meat you gotta cut your meat cut back yep and you've got your feet have come down you gotta walk around with Flinch don't feed them you gotta walk around with flip-flops so so so here here's another thing that I wanted to our listeners to uh just get wind of and I recently got wind of this in the most odd way uh uh with GMOs yeah genetically modified foods right yeah so case in point I'm in Cleveland um I'm doing a show and uh one of my good friends Bobby owns this amazing amazing all natural restaurant okay he has vegan stuff all the stuff you like he has other stuff for people but everything is non-GMO so so I'm sitting there eating and uh and Bobby goes do you know do you know what you're eating and I'm like well it's food brother he's talking about it he's like you're eating all non-GMO I don't I don't I don't order that stuff yeah I everything is natural everything comes from the earth I spend more money so that my people eat good that's like Bobby are you serious he was like yeah he said most restaurants don't do do GMOs no and I didn't know that yeah most restaurants let them in most restaurants are using mostly GMOs and what most people don't know about GMOs is that they didn't really hit the scene until the early 2000s okay and what's really important to understand because I have a background of working at the FDA is is Food and Drug Administration the FDA had to approve them absolutely okay and they did a lot of lobbying so that food labels would not have to list this is the genetically modified you know that ain't no real tomato yeah but but you know now in a lot of States you're starting to see it says by bioengineered product that's what genetically modified means and what's really important to understand because they're always doing these side-by-side analysis and most of the time the studies that have been being done are done by the companies exactly and so it's so it's biased there's no way you're going to get yeah that reminds me of a TV show I saw called Dope Sick okay where the company that was producing the um what is it called it's a painkiller uh oxy Oxycontin right okay oxycodone oxycodone there's oxycodone and oxycontin where they produce oxycodone it's opioids and what happened was they did their own analysis they flubbed the numbers all all drug companies do that right just they do their own this ain't gonna hurt you just imagine if your own children check their own homework and then check their own tests yeah so it's the same thing with drug companies they do the same thing right but the unfortunate thing is like these genetically modified foods are banned in Europe I mean all 30 countries in Europe they're abandoned they don't why are they smarter than us why because we have more people no what happens is is that we are on our country is unfortunately owned by corporations and so they Lobby to the they Lobby in such a way that a lot of the legislation that is being passed is being passed based upon the amount of lobbying that is being done absolutely and so as a result that's why we can never get anything done and that's why it looks like all the other countries are really vying for their citizens in terms of like saying this can't be here that can't be here and as a result they're healthier I'll give you I'll give you an example of what you're talking about that is true so I'm in Italy right and I'm thinking that I probably can't eat pasta and all that out because I'm gonna be a big old Whale by the time I come home right yeah so me and my wife go over there we haven't we there for like 20 days maybe 18 days I did not gain a freaking pound everything I ate was fresh yeah all the tomatoes came out the ground all the cheese all the pasta was fresh they don't even mess around with preservatives over there at all it's illegal it's part of like I said like in Europe I was like this is crazy because I know this was saying I should be sitting down somewhere I was walking up a mountain bro I'm not even making I'm not lying I'm like yo man I ain't losing no stride over here I ate all of that lasagna yeah and it was amazing yeah because it tastes like chicken there you go but you know what even bread in Europe like it's a 12 hour process to make bread here they're making bread and like I don't know like they mixing the dough up and throwing it in there but in in Europe they're leavening it you know they're coming back later to do it again like it's a 12 hour process to get things out but we got too many people we Mass producing food man but I mean you think about Europe I mean all of Europe has the same at least the same amount of people as us I just think we don't have the same standards and ethics when it comes to when it comes to food yeah like there's so many things when I tell you like the food that even the food that people think is healthy brother like it's it's trash like it's killing them wow and that's the unfortunate thing like when I work with people one-on-one and we start getting into a whole conversation around food and I literally worked with people who have stomach cancer or colorectal cancer correct and um whenever they call come to me I always try to respect their doctor and so I say well what did your doctor tell you about what to eat since you got their cancer diagnosis for stomach cancer or colorectal cancer and uh they say they didn't say anything about food I was like well ask them next time you go in because I'm going to come up with your regiment and come back and he's they say he or she told them oh this has nothing to do with food so you have to understand like it it's not even at the governmental level it's even at the health care level because if you go inside of a hospital and you look at the restaurants that they have available in the hospital yeah it's going to be a McDonald's a Chick-fil-A something like that it's trash and then when you think if you're actually in a bed at the hospital and you sick and you look at the food that they get that food is horrible yeah so it's telling you they know nothing about food and they don't want you to get better I don't say you know what I think brother I just think it's like it's ignorance I think it you when you ask your doctor about food you're asking you're essential simply you're not even Googling because you'll probably get at least better at least 50 50 information with Google both ways but you have to understand like when we go to school like they don't most doctors do not have to take a nutrition course and even if they did the nutrition that they teach us is inadequate it's telling us to eat milk you know like you never see a got milk commercial anymore because it's illegal because it's not good for it doesn't do a body good milk is somebody somebody told me this I was like oh my God they said that milk is so bad for us it just creates mucus Yeah Yeah in our bodies you got to think life's milk comes from a 1500 pound cow right and that milk is only there when the cow is having a baby okay so it's only for the the baby calf that milk is designed to take that 200 pound calf that just came out of the womb and make it a thousand pounds in a year right so there's all kind of hormones in there to do that I'm saying natural hormones absolutely before we put our stuff on it before they even inject it with the hormones to make it even bigger so you have to understand like there's no animals out there in the world no other mammal that drinks another mammal's milk that's the first thing and there's no other mammal out there in the world that drinks milk after infancy that's facts so like it's not a good food for us I mean it's not a good food for us first because we're not a cow but it's not good a good food for us because it's got hormones and most women and men have issues with hormones today yeah wow that's deep that's deep Dr Bobby dropping some knowledge here today on top billing Bobby I got to ask you this because most I'm thinking of the minds of most people they get a little nervous about eating healthy okay they get like they oh my God I can't do it can you can you give us uh maybe a simple and easy way to start changing because people most people shut down on you when you say healthy yeah yeah for sure so what's what would be one of uh let's say I'm your cousin I come over your house and I'm I'm so anti-health give me one or two things that I could start doing to help just help my body I tell people the first thing I advice I give them is the ad before they subtract and what that means is start adding in some healthy foods okay so more vegetables on their plate more fruits in the morning okay add in the Smoothie here and there before you start subtracting because once you start taking away certain foods it's literally like having a funeral yeah boy yeah that's like a super diet to cut off the drop off is crazy yeah so like that's the first thing I tell people the other thing I think is really important is like have fun with it like find some really cool restaurants to go out go out to invite your friends out with you and say listen this is what we're gonna go try make some recipes like I said I got a recipe books online I gotta get your book man yeah so like I gotta get some good recipes like I'll tell you that you know I know there's some recipes out there where they be like vegans be eating ice and calling it a real meal I like good food I understand like taste buds so you know finding some recipes going to some cool restaurants that'll be dope too and then get vegetated I mean that's that's essentially getting educated about food because we have been taught the wrong thing like we've been taught backwards about food because absolutely food is truly medicine and at the end of the day even when we think to ourselves I'm about to go eat good that means we about to go eat bad yeah but that's that's that's that's old school black stuff right there man I'm about to get down get down oh I got me a steak on the grill I got some pig feet I got me some sausage so one of my foods that I just love I'm not really a bacon dude good I'm not but a sausage every now and then boy just to smell or the sausage with the eggs and then you got some grits right there man that's boy that's and a biscuit and a biscuit okay that tastes like chicken now you know what's funny is um I knew I was gonna get it with them this is real you can check this out for yourself all right go the governing body that determines what isn't isn't cancerous the iarc they have grouped sausages deli meat bacon any type of process is as a level one carcinogen let me help you understand what that means oh Lord that means that that group of foods is in the same category with cigarettes Asbestos and plutonium I'm not joking you can look at this up on the website and so on so when I eat a sausage with my eggs and my biscuit I'm eating plutonium you're eating something in the same thing that's no good for me at all but it tastes great you ever had the smell you ever smelled sausage I grew up like that yeah I know you don't miss that smell what you got what you got for that sausage smell in the kitchen when your Grandmama up there and she got the eggs right there and she put a bunch of butter in it and then right here she got the grit pot right there and then she got them sausages and she turning them what you got for that oh Mr healthy lifestyle what you got for that smell man some stuff you just gotta remember [Laughter] some stuff you just gotta eat it least he keeping it real just gotta go back in the day I would have had that that would have been nice hey so quick quick question as far as um we were talking earlier about toxicity right yes I got that right how do you know or what are what are some signs to know that you may be you know toxic okay so and you know the really cool thing about the human body is that it's always conversating with us it's always telling us something something's going on okay so like I I liken the body to like a car like when something goes on a check engine light comes on okay and so some of the check engine lights you may see when it's a sign of toxicity is uh having trouble sleeping at night if you're one of those people where you wake up in the middle of the night and then can't go right to sleep or you just constantly getting up and especially if you're waking up and you gotta pee that may be toxicity in the body um issues with the skin the skin is the law largest organ in our body we don't most people don't consider the organ but it is and it's also the largest elimination organ to get things out of the body correct so when your skin starts blemishing and having rashes and hives and you know acne and things of that nature that's a sign that there's a lot of toxicity trying to get out of the body well that's the sound too digestive issues most definitely so having digestive issues around you know bloating gas long Transit time just meaning it taking a long time before you eat and then you have a bowel movement a whole day later that's that's not going to work a body odor when you stank yeah when you stink so like I'll give you a fences I say this on shows all the time when people laugh at me I don't wear deodorant I've ever worn deodorant in probably like eight years and people say so what do you do about the smell I'm like there's no smell because the truth like I was saying earlier when you eat a lot of Greens Greens are deodorizing to the body what yes they're deodorizing to the body so a lot of times when I when I smell people with the odor is because I know that either that a toxic but B they're not eating a lot a lot of green leafy vegetables so I'm gonna give you a funny story you cause you sound like you came from the south like me my grandmother would smell your breath and be like you sick and she she would give us like uh she would give us either cod liver oil when we were kids or she would give us uh Scott's emotion I don't know if you ever heard of this I've heard of it it is the thickest nastiest thing a grandmother could give to a grandchild but it'll heal you yeah yeah and uh basically the old school thing was if you can smell your breath and your breath's not right you're not eliminating yeah and it's coming through your through your mouth it comes through your tongue through your tongue yep and also your tongue if I have you stick out of your tongue I can tell if you got a lot of yeast in the body I can see cracks in the tongue that can tell me if I organ system is failing your face I can look at a person's face I I don't want to name a celebrity but there was a celebrity that I had met with and when I as soon as I met with him to do the consultation I said you've got heart disease you need to like it's really bad like you need to go to the doctor and he died maybe like two weeks later no way yeah so you can see it in the face of the neck when you don't have a visible neckline anymore that's the sign of toxicity as well um pain in the right side right here that's also because that's the liver wow you know so um those are just a few things yeah but I mean so do you so you not only are you healing people through your books and through your t's the other thing that you're doing that I've never heard you bought a farm and you're growing your own fruits and there in a lot of more exotic fruits that are full of antioxidants and everything can you tell us about your farm man so I saw like during the pandemic I was like Bill Gates bought 269 000 Acres of farmland and he's not a farmer I'm like first of all however always been my goal to buy a farm because my great-grandmother who lived to 105 grew up on the farm lived on a farm everything came out the ground the food when it was time to heal everything came either from the front back side of the house and she lived to 105 and her daughter my grandmother lived to 67 okay so I saw my 105 year old grandmother walked into the funeral of my grandmother and it tipped me it was like well what did she do different and I remember how she lived she lived off the off the land so it was always in my mind like one day I got to get up get a farm and then when I saw Bill Gates and then I love fruit exotic fruit I've traveled the world and everywhere I go I'm trying to find what fruit did they have I can't get anywhere else and so the idea was first food security you saw during the pandemic not only could you not start taking vegetables I start growing vegetables Bros I went old school on them yeah so like you know like things are gonna get realer as we move forward and one of the things you need to secure is food it's going to be really important uh you think genetically modified foods are very prevalent today like in my opinion they're trying to move all real things out of the picture and then you have to buy everything so everything can now you can change the price if I can grow my tomatoes you can't change the price on the market because I can grow my absolutely but when everything is genetically modified you have these genetically modified fields of food and the unfortunate thing is the seeds blow over to an organic form Farm next door he can sue that farmer for his seed being on his land just through wind wow so that's how powerful it is like when you start patenting food you see what I'm saying and so it's really important for us to understand like we gotta secure food because otherwise like it is not the intention of the powers that be for us to all to be healthy one because if you think about it you look at you look at Health Care they don't treat the healthy they treat the sick if you came into healthy like they couldn't even do anything for you you look at the food industry here in the U.S nothing about when you go in the grocery store 80 of the food is on the Shelf in a box bag hand jar with ingredients you can't even pronounce so the food is unhealthy and then when you think about the drug industry that's supposed to be healing us nothing heals us it only treats us you have to take the medication for the rest of your life and so when you start to think about all of these areas of life that are supposed to be very important the water is even bad I mean we saw that in Flint Yeah man so you have to understand I think a part of generational Legacy is like we have to take back what they're taking away and the way I want to contribute to that not only through for me and my family but also to you know the people that follow me and support me absolutely I'd be able to deliver tropical seeded fruit so we can order I I because I follow you you know I'm a big fan Donald Bobby you know say you know celebrities do follow other talented people um I like that you can order it like you and you you have like a gift a gift bag or a gift box of all the right fruits and veggies that you need how can people who are listening who would love to get some of your fruit and tell us what kind first what kind of stuff you like put in there up put in there so on the farm man and man when I tell you this is a blessed in like to be able to get this far before you lit up when I said that Bobby talk to her but uh we have soursop which if you look up soursop and its ability to affect cancer like it's up there with chemo past chemo and that's a fruit so we got soursop on the farm we got about 20 different varieties of mangoes not that traditional stuff you see in the supermarket that's dry but delicious mangoes we got uh sugar apple which is not really something people know about here but it's all over the Caribbean and uh Central America is amazing we got custard apple we got lychee we got longan we got June Plum we got um Empire what do you like about papaya man because I like papaya so the dope thing about papaya is that it's good for intestinal parasites so that's the first thing it's good for women's vaginal Health right as well get that pH right indeed hydrating to the body absolutely yeah so um yeah man we just I mean the list goes we got black sofote white sapote I mean we got things on the farm that we got coconut trees man so you you basically got like a uh a farm that's like a Fantasy Farm because it's everything on that farm is good for your body yes indeed and it will heal you that's the purpose not not you know most Farms have one crop on them monoprofit right when I tell you how horrible that is for like the ecosystem yeah you gotta cause I remember my grandfather and uh grandfather was a farmer yeah and we had to rotate those crops like us and then we used to look at the almanac and everything and we had corn this year so we go corn goes over there watermelons come over here they was just flipping and they had to keep track of that yes indeed yes indeed and it's so important for us to understand in the in the when you go out into a jungle because I lived in Okinawa and Okinawa has a jungle there right and there are things just growing out in the wild brother I mean orange is growing out in the in the wild and the oranges aren't orange on the outside they're green I've never seen that before and the inside is orange you understand so you start to see things the way nature intended for it to really be oh [ __ ] through monographing what happens is and through genetically modified practice and other farming practices they make every fruit look the same in terms of the shape they make it look the same in terms of the color I mean when you walk in that fruit look perfect they look like you can take a picture right but when you go to a real farm the shapes are different the colors are different because that's how nature is that's how we are we look different yeah I can have 50 kids and they'll all look different absolutely you see what I'm saying and that's how nature is and so real recognize real so when we put real things in our bodies our body recognize it it can break it down it can absorb it it can utilize it and it can eliminate it and if you don't eliminate as we was talking about with toxicity and the detox if you don't eliminate that's what starts to create disease in your body well I want to I want to be one of your uh of your Advocates I would like to not only do a detox I don't I don't know how I have teas I've done cleansing yeah you know I've had uh I've done um uh colonics before okay maybe three I've done in my life and this is a whole another level yeah but this is another level because this is inside yeah and we working out so what would be because you sent me he sent me an amazing uh gift bag of things here yeah which one do I need to start and tell me how Okay cool so with my detox you come with two different herbal Blends okay but they work together okay now the first one you have is the Tommy detox okay that is essentially designed to clean out the entire digestive system I mean from literally from your tongue all the way out okay and so that's really important because one of the biggest barriers people have to really changing how how they eat and changing their lifestyle is their taste buds through emotional eating and food addiction and that's one of the things that the detox is going to do it's going to change your taste buds you're going to actually light healthy food at the end of the detail because it's going to get all that like that residue from what I've been eating and kind of erase that so I get to start over now with my tummy tea talks am I doing that in the morning am I getting up in the morning having a cup of tea or maybe at night so good good question so with each of them what you're going to do is take two flat tablespoons that means you just flatten a tablespoon off okay and put that in one separate mason jar fill it up 32 ounces of hot water and just close it you'll do the same thing for the parasite candida cleanse which is designed to get rid of parasites yeast in the body clean out the liver the lymphatic system and also the blood wow so am I doing am I doing each of these uh simultaneously okay you're doing them separately okay so you got two teas a day you're gonna drink all right you finish one and then you start drinking the other one and so you choose which one you drink first and now is that all I'm eating for the day is that all I'm having for that day no no as long as you're eating healthy Whole Food plant-based okay you know so Whole Foods not Whole Foods the supermarket but hoes that are whole that'll hold yeah so uh Whole Foods plant-based I mean honestly you can eat your ass off to be honest with you right but you won't be able to because a there's a lot of fiber in real food so it's going to trigger you to say I'm full and the other thing is that's really cool about the detox is you're just not going to be as hungry because as you notice when you make herbal teas they turn the water a different color well that's the medicinal components coming out of it but that's also a lot of the minerals and vitamins Etc and when you get those in the body they tell the body you're full because the body doesn't need like physical food it just needs the minerals the vitamins the amino acids Etc you understand Bobby you're showing up yo hey man you came on here today spending knowledge can we give a round balls to Dr Bobby Price I mean damn all right before uh before you leave uh on our show we always ask our guests it's a section of our show called all facts okay and then we ask you a question you just tell us the truth you know tell us from Bobby Dr Bobby Brown you ready you ready I'm about to ask you hi Dr Bobby Price all facts is CMOS everything that everybody says is supposed to be no it's not so can you give us the pluses and the minus and CMOS because I have so many versions of what I think is supposed to be true yeah so it is it it is what I'm what I'll say about that is so most people tout CMOS has 92 minerals it doesn't it has a lot Which is far more than most Foods out there so it is a superfood okay and it is as good as people say it is but it I've tested most varieties they do not have 92 minerals they got 50. this is amazing so so adding it to your diet doesn't hurt you at all man it's amazing because here's the thing you're getting food from the sea which has a different sort of uh composition of nutrients that you need the Earth doesn't have the Earth that we live on or the terrain that we live on doesn't have a lot of iodine in it every cell in our body needs iodine so we're not getting iodine that we need so if you eat CMOS you're getting all the iodine that you okay it's also very nourishing to the gut Like It Coats the gut really well and uh takes away a lot of inflammation as well all right all right Dr Bobby Price you pulled that one out one of my questions during the pandemic you know black people we always come up with our own remedies for everything yeah one of the things that they were saying in every black barbershop that I went to is man make sure you get that black seed oil make sure you have some black seed oil what the hell is black seed oil and why is it good or not good for you okay cool so black seed oil does come from a seed and particularly um if you get black seed oil make sure you get it from the Middle East or Egypt so okay one of the best places Israel so when you check it make sure it's from one of those places okay um it's touted as being able to cure everything except death that's that's not true right it is very healthy for the body because it alkalizes the body okay and um you know it's just good for overall digestion but like here's what I'll say and this is really important you can't eat ham hocks and take black seed oil and think that you got to be healed like it just don't work like that and most people are eating a number two and taking black seed oil and thinking they're gonna be all right you gotta sacrifice a little bit yeah yeah all right all facts number three number three okay give me three top three things to keep your immune system strong during the holidays keep you keep you healthy keep you from getting a cold sneezing all over the place what are the top three things we can do number one by far is duck the sugar like I got a chapter in my book called The Bitter truth about sugar like sugar suppresses your immune system like when I say it turns it off you eat enough sugar it will turn your immune system off for 48 hours and that's really important so duck and sugar is going to be really important I said 152 pounds of sugar every year for the average American damn yeah the second thing that I think that's really important is you have to eat a healthy diet that is full of fiber bioflavonoids minerals vitamins Etc yes and the reason why that's so important especially fiber because fiber feeds the good bacteria in your gut the good bacteria in your gut is responsible for 70 to 80 percent of your immune system okay so if you don't feed the good bacteria in your gut it's not going to grow the bad bacteria is going to overgrow and overtake it okay so I would say that's number two uh number three I would say optimizing vitamin D and the reason why that's so important is because the vast majority of the population is actually deficient in vitamins absolutely and as a result of that vitamin D is like the best way to explain it it's like a remote control for your immune system imagine trying to operate your your immune system without remote control today like nobody knows how to do that absolutely they wouldn't even know what the buttons right and so without them without the without the remote control you can't tell the immune system go get them right you can't tell they're immune wake up them to drop the uh the inflammation because most people during the pandemic died of covet not because of covet but because of the inflammation as a result of covet that was coming from their immune system wow so those are the three things that I would recommend Dr Bobby how do our listeners I hope today they are inspired to eat healthy uh to I hope they are curious just to start just to start thinking about it because we want people to live healthy lives we want to I always say this in a joking way in my set like you know black people we're used to we're into emergency care not we're we're all about emergency care we are not about uh uh health care we're in emergency care like we don't take care of ourselves the way we should and then when we get twisted we want to get it all fixed and it's it's sometimes it's too late it's too late right um how does people follow you I want I want my I want my listeners and all my uh viewers to support you yeah yeah so my website is Dr Bobby price.com you can follow me there on Instagram I am Dr holistic that's Dr spell Dao h-o-l-i-s-t-i-c and then also um YouTube and Facebook I'm Dr Bobby Price and uh yeah man uh first of all I want to thank you for bringing me on bringing me on your platform it means a lot because this is a conversation right quite often people aren't having but people are always trying to figure out how to work with me because I can't work with everybody it's just very difficult to like get in DMS and stuff like that but I do have a health challenge that's coming up at the top of the year what we doing Bobby don't put me on this challenge if it's tough no no no man can I do it is it possible all right let's go you definitely could do it all right let's go so we're gonna do a five-day Health Challenge okay and I'm gonna teach you how to essentially reclaim your health in that five days and um after that five days is up um hopefully you'll have a better Direction on how you can not only heal yourself because our bodies is designed to do that okay but you'll have the mindset to be able to do it too so what am I doing in five days bro yeah so five days we're gonna I mean it's gonna be mental and physical so we're going to be doing affirmations in there okay we're going to be doing some meditation we're going to be talking about the foods you shouldn't eat and should eat okay uh we're going to be eating plant-based during that time I'm going to be giving you some recipes to go through that I got to get the uh what was the cornbread joint you said yeah cornless cornbread what so I gotta get that so people are always making those Health resolutions at the beginning of the year and um so I just decided you know instead of trying to work with everybody who's like oh I need to get my life together new year new me kind of thing okay I'm gonna do a five day Health Challenge and I did it only five days because I know how people are like hey Bobby I think it's a it's a it's an outstanding thing to do it's a short window give yourself an opportunity like you did you just start stretching it yes you started small and you just kept adding days let's do it like that everybody this is Dr Bobby Price what an outstanding Talent he's here to help us he wants us to heal our bodies and he wants us to live a healthy lifestyle God bless you brother good to see you King David [Music] hahaha appreciate you peace
Channel: Breakbeat Media
Views: 121,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breakbeat Media, Breakbeat Interview, Breakbeat Full Episodes, breakbeat media, breakbeat interview, breakbeat full episodes, Dr. Bobby Price, How To Get Unwanted Toxin Out Of Your Body, Dr.Bobby Price Detox The Right Way, Detox The Right Way, keeping your body and mind up to par, Top Billin', Bill Bellamy, Bill Bellamy with Dr. Bobby Price
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 57sec (4077 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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