Miseducation Of Food & Health with Dr. Bobby Price

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and so like people aren't only looking at the cost right now because they're comparing it to buying junk food they're comparing it to buying something that is not healthy for them you understand but when you start to look at it like I look at Health like this you're either making Health deposits or you're making Health withdrawals okay so every time you make a a food Choice look at your plate that I make a whole deposited or that I make it helpful drug are you ready [Music] open that your blessing the most do you know what it is about yeah what's going on y'all this is Justin Owens run the play show where I help break down the top plays of success from Top leaders entrepreneurs and personalities by sharing gyms from their personal Playbook and of course I'm always excited but I'm really excited today one I just went through this whole process so we're going to talk about a little deeper but today's guest is a nutritionist exercise physiologist Dr Pharmacy and author of vegetation over medication my brother Dr Bobby Price how you feeling man long time coming glad to be here nice to have you here you know everybody call you Dr holistic so we'll call you that you know what I'm saying I know Miss Bobby so his mama name and Bobby I'm gonna call him but uh glad to have you here man we've uh there we go get some floating in there there we go we're glad to have you here bro I literally I wanted to go through your program first yeah so when we came on I could talk about it you you actually went through it bro yeah and I went through I did the whole thing I actually did a couple extra days because I was feeling so good so I went I was like let me have more after I go through this process because one of these questions I want to talk about and then two I think is some misconceptions people have yeah I bought the entire program so I think we talk about it as well yeah yeah but before we get into that I just need to know all right we're talking about the ladies you want a vegan lady or a non-vegan lady um not plant-based or plant-based I think that's a better term yeah preferably plant-based okay you know because I'll give you a few reasons all right let's talk to them first reason is anybody I get with I have to think long term okay you know like I think like as as a younger man my idea was this is fleeting it could be in the moment I'm cool with that yeah but now it's like this could turn into a forever yeah it could turn into a child yeah and so as a result of that I want somebody who values Health okay not just for you know the sake of looking good but also being good on the inside too so I get that yeah I like that really important now is it important for her to be like that already or be open to the idea of becoming I'm actually open to both okay all right yeah yeah preferably already there yeah you know uh but the the I think the cool thing is I've been doing this for 12 years and I've been on my journey for 12 years so you know anybody who's open to being healthier happier and living a longer life like it's going to always make sense so yeah yeah as long as they're open to it then yeah I'm open to it got it now you work for the FDA I did right okay so tell me about that was the stuff whatever you can I don't even know if you can talk but like did you see things that concerns you that what made you go down this path like what what did you learn there and how did it affect what you do now yeah so I work for the FDA and it was it was it was Ill because I remember having to get clearance I thought I was just a you know applying but then come to find out you got to get like clearance to get get into the FDA so go through this process get this clearance level to work for the FDA and uh you know you're excited because in my mind coming out of school like the idea was I want to heal my people yeah I want to take what I learned from them bring it back to my neighborhood spread that information and help people help and um you know working there and I'm working in a program that we were initially creating and the whole program was basically to create a 1-800 number and a website for people to call in or email in and tell about side effects of certain drugs and um literally I was talking to people on the phone sometimes sometimes I was looking at things in the database and what I was discovering is that all of the information and the data was going into a black hole there was nothing being done about it wow and so it's sort of made me feel like well this is this is a waste of time yeah and so uh but I learned a lot I learned a lot about the drug process I got to sit in on hearings like literally drug companies coming in and saying hey here are the clinical trials right here are people that were in those clinical trials uh those people speaking on behalf of their experience the drug company so watching that uh was very Illuminating too because now I get to see like this isn't as complicated as I thought it was yeah uh and it's definitely not as discretionary as I thought it was either so it was informative and I think it was part of my journey yeah you know because again like you I started and we'll go back to my original story but like I started with the idea of like let me heal my people and the only way I thought initially was through drugs you know you know traditional medicine and I'll probably more appropriately termed that conventional medicine than traditional but um yeah so I worked there and then I moved on man yeah how long were you there uh I was only there a couple of months oh so you was in and out you said yeah in and out pretty much because um a was one of my clinicals yeah uh it was my fourth year in pharmacy school and then B like the idea of applying there afterwards like stay it was just like nah this isn't for me yeah yeah no I could see that yeah um I have a pla I have a question about the plant-based piece because some people I use sometimes you see people joke about on social media it's like yeah people say any plant-based or vegans I'm gonna ask you the difference between that let's start there yeah difference between the two is what what well man everything becomes has become so deviled up man yeah because initially like when I I never really referred to myself as vegan even though technically I am vegan got it and the reason why I never referred to myself as vegan because the vegan movement was created by a gentleman in the 1940s by the last name of Watson and the whole idea was based on the premise of being sort of uh compassionate towards the animal animals got it it wasn't based on Health at all yeah yeah and so my idea of doing something in terms of switching my diet was based on health yeah that's why some people say I'm being a vegan sometimes it's almost like a religion in a sense because for some people it like yeah it was the I guess now I'm hearing the roots of it was to protect animals and yeah yeah which nothing's wrong with it because even in my journey I've evolved to a point where now like I have so much compassionate for animals but like that wasn't that wasn't where I started that yeah you know so for me I kind of stayed away from the the label because the label came with so much that didn't include me yeah and I would go to like vegan festivals and we weren't represented there yeah and so I said okay so that's not for me so I just said hey I'm plant-based I eat plants yeah but then all of a sudden you know again I started this 12 years ago yeah and 12 years ago it wasn't like it wasn't cool yeah to be vegan be plant-based none of that and uh you couldn't go in the supermarket and buy these products that you can see now there wasn't all these restaurants yeah and so as a result oh like when you go in the store if something was plant-based it was plants yeah but now when you go in it's not just plants a lot of it you're saying it was better when you initially started yeah because like before like if somebody was making something that was plant-based it was because healthy people wanted it yeah now it's based upon people who are vegan who not necessarily their first priority is Health their first priority is compassion towards animals got it so now they take they you take the junk food movement over here where Oreos and Doritos and you put it over here with vegans and you just pull all the animal products out of it got it what's up y'all this is Justin on from the play show y'all know what's happening listen this episode is being brought to you by better help give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com forward slash RTP and get on your way to being your best self listen some of you all know you've seen the episodes seven years ago almost seven years ago literally going through uh divorce uh tore my achilles I've had a challenge with the mentor that led to a lawsuit and I was in the middle of a uh business change and so listen I it doesn't really matter if you're dealing with something that's major or traumatic or just a lot of things that was going on like I had going on but whether you're dealing with decisions around your career relationships or anything else therapy helps you stay connected to what you really want why you navigate life so you can move forward with confidence and excitement trusting yourself to make decisions that align with your values is like anything else the more you practice it the easier it gets it's helpful for learning positive coping skills and set boundaries so listen if you're thinking about starting therapy give better help a try it's entirely online which was big for me to understand because listen I travel a lot so it's designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule so it's very simple just go online fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists at any time for no additional charge let therapy be your map with better help visit betterhelp.com RTP today to get 10 off your first month that's better help h-e-l-p.com RTP yeah because I was going to ask you that's kind of the joke you'll see online sometimes people like people say they plant-based or vegan but they still overweight yeah like so why why would that happen why would somebody do that and still be that's a really great question so being a chemist um you know initially when I came out of under undergrad you know I worked for a food company and I got to understand how food is being made how food is inspected Etc and one of the things I took with me as I left that and then graduated pharmacy school and then went on to learn a lot about holistic medicine was that the thing that people weren't talking about was toxicity like if you go in your doc go to your doctor like that's the last thing they were ever mention unless you had a drug overdose right but when you go into the grocery store and you look at most food and turn it on this label and look at the label you can you can't pronounce most of that yeah and what I started doing was when I started my journey was saying you know what I need to look at everything because sometimes something will actually say plant-based and then it'll have something like you know uh eggs in it you know sometimes it'll say plant-based but it'll have like some milk powder in it so I started reading labels for that purpose initially got it but as I'm reading the labels I'm reading I'm like that so this is chemistry um as I'm reading it and most people if they read it they can't even pronounce it it's thickening agents emulsifiers things of that nature so as I'm reading it I'm thinking about all the things that I did when I was in my chemistry program and I'm thinking about where would I use that in chemistry and I'm like I wouldn't use this in any type of food so what happens with people who actually go vegan a lot of them are eating a lot of the vegan junk food and a lot of that is ultra processed food which means that it's loaded with a lot of chemicals yeah you see what I'm saying food chemicals thickening agents emulsifiers preserve this dyes things of that nature these things go in the body it preserves the food it keeps it on food the show for a long time but it doesn't preserve you so what happens is when you're eating all of this processed food the body's trying to figure out where to put all this toxicity once the food is broken down right right so in this Ingenuity it says Well it can't be in the blood if it goes in the blood the blood goes everywhere it goes to the brain it goes to all the organs it can't be in the blood okay that's the River of Life all right can it be in the tissues no it can't be in the tissues you put a lot of toxicity in the tissue is going to break the tissues down so it says I'm gonna put it in fat so toxicity loves fat it goes into fat okay so somebody is got a little extra meat on them in there they're going to be toxic and they're going to be malners okay which is almost like an oxymoron yeah you know because you would think somebody who's overweight overnourished they're over nurse but most people who are overweight they actually don't eat a lot despite what you see in the media and things of that nature so what happens is the body stuffs all this toxicity in the fat and then it will refuse to burn the fat because if you burn the fat now the the toxicity spills out into the blood so that's why it holds on to all of the fat it holds on all the toxicity because most people are constipated most people don't have healthy kidneys most people don't have a healthy liver function so essentially most people have bad skin and these are all elimination organs they eliminate things from the body so if those are clogged up you burn the fat then where's it gonna go has nowhere to go there's nowhere to go so essentially what happens you went vegan you stopped eating meat and dairy but you start eating a lot of processed foods so as a result the body's like I can't let it go because if I let it go the toxicity is just going to spill out into the body yeah so it makes it very difficult even if they go to the gym you see people I see people at the gym who are overweight but super fit yeah I mean they can kill the workout but they can't lose the weight yeah and that's why I've seen that too yeah now I would say for me like this is the first time like I've had like a big change in my body yeah because I worked out before and I never changed my diet yeah and so I was like okay this I'm doing something you know what I'm saying like it took me it probably took me maybe two weeks I was working out and during the whole detox maybe two weeks where I started feeling better working out I saw the first too I think that's where your Neo called me yeah I was like bro this is this is it was a game changer like I work out stronger work out longer people like yo you kind of like a machine yeah but it went it went that way I literally probably just started work like working out 30 days ago gotcha I used to hate it every day yeah only thing I can count to is like changing my diet and doing the the teas they really helped out a lot which I do want to address them because everybody be like I don't know if I can do that because you can't eat the detox yeah you can definitely eat yeah you just have to eat plant-based right and you it'll be the way the whole thing is set up you got like a whole meal plan I mean you do really good by the way yeah we just bought another set of it because you know we do it again but you told me every a person should do it every three to four months every three to four months like an oil change yeah yeah and just think about that you know like we have all of these processes for our cars and homes yeah we changed the oil on our cars every three or four months yep and change the spark plugs we've changed the wires we changed the brakes the tires we have no processes like that for our bodies to maintain our health yeah you know people go years without doing anything anything you know occasionally having a healthy meal yeah yeah now we'll tell you I was bitter like you know you told me it was better I was like oh you know I've had a couple of teas and no sugar yeah listen it's weird because it's like uh it's very bitter but it does get better yep you know uh how I started doing my head I was like okay I've taken shots right and they don't taste good either I mean they're horrible disgusting so I literally okay this is like a shot of good stuff going into my body yep and I just started sipping on it it was some of it was a mindset change and some of it was like an actual taste bud change yeah the parasite one I think it is the clear one that one I really like I could just sip on that all day I'm like well I tell you yeah uh the the tummy one took me a little bit of time to get you and it's interesting you say that because it's different for everybody yeah most people actually say the parasite is the worst for them wow you know and I always say like herbs because the detox is essentially just herbs yeah herbs know exactly what you need for your body you know like in Scripture it says urge were made for the healing of the Earth in this case Earth being our bodies and so whatever wonders is most bitter for you is the one you need the most wow yeah yeah so the parasite candida got a lot of parasites got a lot of yeast in the body the liver the kidneys the lymphatic system is backed up then that one will be very bitter to you Tommy T Tops if you got gut issues yeah if you got craving issues if you're constipated that's going to be the one that's most bitter to you got it now I have a question because the other thought process is like listen it's I don't make enough money to be plant-based because the concept is very expensive yeah what is what is your response to that I I absolutely refute that let me let me tell you what because people look short-sighted at it they look in the moment at what they're spending on one meal but they don't think about it if you eat more plants you're going to be less hungry you're going to eat less meals okay so you may spend a little bit more money on the one meal but in the long run you're only two meals a day instead of three okay so that's one thing the other thing that is really really important especially for our community because we suffer from so many chronic illnesses we're actually leading in every category wow and even with black women black women are number one when it comes to heart disease that's the number one killer of human beings and black women African-American women specifically are number one wow so when you think about that at the end of the day you know like when you think about how sick we are when you think about our neighborhoods that are flooded with fast food that have no healthy food around us when you think about the fact that now we have more dialysis clinics in our neighborhoods than McDonald's wow it costs more to be sick than to be healthy right yeah that's a fact you know and and not just you know time off from work but think about it it costs a diabetic sixteen thousand dollars sixteen to seventeen thousand dollars every year to be a diabetic extra money okay don't think of also think about the amount of time you lose in your life you understand like think about the amount of medications you have to take and pay the co-pays for thinking about the increase in your insurance because if you get a new insurance you have to go in get your blood pressure check get your blood sugar check and then they're basing that they can adjust your your uh your rate your premium based on that now I know Obamacare had done a lot to kind of adjust for that but they still do it yeah yeah for sure you know the way to do it even life insurance life insurance where you get life insurance you gotta get a physical you got to get a physical you see what I'm saying so like people aren't are only looking at the cost right now because they're comparing it to buying junk food they're comparing it to buying something that is not healthy for them you know I understand but when you start to look at it like I look at Health like this you're either making Health deposits or you're making Health withdrawals okay so every time you make a a food choice look at your plate did I make it helpful deposited or did I make a healthy draw and I think what you'll see is people are making so many withdrawals from their health eventually what happens is the bank has to cash in and that's chronic illness that's you know like whatever it may be for you you know and the biggest thing I I would say is this however your health is when you bring a child into in this world that's the health that you give your child yeah that's the genetics that you give your child yeah okay it's not it's it's passed on not based upon what your mom gave you but it's also passed on based upon the habits that you had up to conceiving a child too yeah I look I literally just went to this uh like a whole food nutrition doctor who gives you like Whole Food supplements and he was like your organs can never be better than the the organs of your mom at the time that she gave you birth yep so she had heart challenges or stuff like whatever that is that's passed down doing that that whole process I like I've never even thought about it yeah so it makes even more important yeah just general top yeah it's generational wealth now yeah yeah that's strong so all right so how does somebody eat plant-based on a budget well here's the thing you can't eat junk food like vegan junk food yeah so what would be some things what would be some examples of vegan junk food like getting the ice cream like you go get that vegan ice cream it's like eight ten dollars yeah just for a little something of ice cream yeah so when you buying that the faux meats and things like that it's expensive yeah like all of these things are very expensive especially when most people are comparing it to like cheap meat yeah you understand like that meat that animal was cut up like months if not years ago has been sitting in the refrigerator in what people don't think about this is how I think about it like if I were to die right now and my body would lay on this floor and decompose it would break down that's the natural process of things that's how it's supposed to happen all right you don't think that that meat is not breaking down like it's not this infinite thing that could last forever even if you put it in the freezer like yeah it can't last forever it's decomposing it's breaking down and once it gets to the grocery store they're spraying this red dye on it to make it look you know like palatable you understand so what I tell people is it's really important for them to understand that you have to look at the quality of choice that you're making you know so like when I'm thinking about when you're thinking about budgeting you go in there you buy the sheet meat or you buy this you know combination of ingredients you know I have a a recipe book but combination of maybe five ingredients that can make you a plant-based burger or something like that is what I'm saying are you buying oyster mushrooms that you can make on you know mushroom chicken with yeah you see what I'm saying so like that's how I look at it is like when you're buying whole ingredients when you're buying you know stock ingredients like a quinoa or you're going out and buying kale every three days or whatever type of green lettuce you want to have a salad with when you're buying like that the other thing that you're not doing is you're not wasting food most people throw away 25 of the food that they buy yeah 25 so that's 20 let's say you had a thousand dollar budget per month on food 250 dollars of it is going out the window into the trash every month whereas if you're buying something that is fresh or buying something that is a stock item like some chickpeas or some lentils or something like that you don't have to worry about that so yeah that's what I tell people is you know like eat Whole Foods not Whole Foods like the supermarket but like foods that have one ingredient eat foods like that and what you'll notice is that it is very cheaper to actually be plant-based what food has one ingredient like fruit yeah like fruit like chickpeas like quinoa like uh bell peppers yeah you know mushrooms that's one ingredient that's a whole food it's not segmented up you don't have to have a label with it like when you go get kale There's No Label is this kale one ingredient yeah you know what I'm saying and that's how we're supposed to eat food but because we've been eating like this for the last 50 years processed foods uh understanding of food has changed yeah it's not the original idea of food yeah I saw some I don't know what it was on the internet but it said something like or it may have been on your page but it's saying something like our diet is so bad that we consider eating good dieting yeah which is like yeah yeah that's right and just think about that for a second like when somebody's I'm a juxtapose that go on the other end when somebody usually says to you man I ate good today what does that really mean they ate soul food I eat bad you see what I'm saying like our idea is Warped around nutrition and health like it's totally the opposite and that's why so many people will readily say Gotta Die of something like when you when I'm trying to like convince them like yo like you don't have to have diabetes you don't have to have high blood pressure you don't have to suffer with digestive issues they're like well I love this food I Gotta Die of something yeah and you see that negative relationship they're in love with something that is killing them you see what I'm saying so that's why it's so important for us to change our mindset well when you started down this path you said 12 years ago yeah when you started it you ever want to quit no but but and this is one thing I always teach people you got to have a why okay like when we we're entrepreneurs when you get a business you better know your why yeah because it is there's going to be a point it's not going to go well yeah and when it doesn't go well you need to have that why there to reinforce why you're doing what you're doing so my big why was you know like I remember like in the 10th grade I lost all my grandparents by the time I was in the 10th grade and you know I was there when my grandmother my maternal grandmother died and I was in love with this lady and um I show up I'm like at a basketball camp here at Georgia Tech and my cousins called me and they tell me you need to come home I don't think grandmother's gonna make it so I come home and I'm in the room everybody's surrounding the bed they're crying and uh I spoke to her maybe for like a minute and then I could just tell she was just holding on so I was like Grandma you can leave and she died in that moment and when she died I said to myself like I gotta be something for my family like to help with this now one day we had the funeral I remember her mother my great-grandmother showed up at the funeral she was 105. now imagine this my grandmother is 67. at the time of her death her mother my great-grandmother walks in at 105. and I'm sitting there as a 15 year old kid thinking to myself like this isn't right like it's supposed to be the other way around and it made me constantly question like why did she live to 105 like what was her secret yeah she would have another 60 something years yeah and I had yeah yeah you see what I'm saying but it I eventually took a job in Japan uh where I had the opportunity to study people who lived to 100 no disease eat primarily a plant-based diet I lived there for four and a half years wow okay while I was there what I learned was their lifestyle was my great grandmother's lifestyle okay she lived on the farm she ate mostly the food from around the house she worked manually throughout the day outside in the sun you know she was stress-free all of those principles were the same principles that the people in Okinawa were living by wow and that's why she lived to 105. my grandmother on the opposite end cooked every morning with Jimmy Dean sausages Crisco those pop open biscuits all processed foods so it told me that was that was the issue and then that gave me my why it was like okay so had I known what I knew now I could have saved my grandmother so this started when you were 15 you said 15 16. 15 was the initial nudge yeah that was the initial nug nuds to figure out what am I gonna do to help people with health that was the initial nudge wow so having that nudge when there were moments where you know like when you go plant-based you got friends y'all going out they're not choosing a restaurant or anywhere based upon the options and so there were a lot a lot of challenging times where I go out and I don't have a drink in my hand and there's nothing on the menu for me to eat so I'm just sitting there and so those are challenging times but yeah at the end of the day it was you know like there's a tug that says why are you so uncomfortable with not having a drink in your hand why can't you eat before you come here yeah why can't you talk to your friends who love you and say hey bro can we go somewhere with at least two options for me all right cool would you do that you see what I'm saying so that was the shift for me got it so never thought about quitting you know it happens guys you know you might quit I started it would help me through the detox you said don't think about making this a lifetime decision when you start detoxing yes just go about it for 30 days yeah no I did for 30 I was like okay I could definitely probably do this yeah you know then I did I did that back in fish afterwards yeah but even sometimes I eat it up like I really didn't even need the fish to really enjoy this meal still like it's like you just wanted to have it yeah sometimes okay all right so I just got completely just start phasing it out which I think that's for me it was like what it definitely has done is I've definitely made way healthier decisions about food yeah it's like night and day from last year right you know so but you know as entrepreneurs like I tell people all the time you gotta take care of your health yeah that's people you got to take care of yourself because you know we only get one body yep and you know if you don't take care of yourself as an entrepreneur there is no way you can take care of your family yeah there's no way you can take care of your business indeed yeah and if you don't take care of your body listen and you go ahead and make all this money you're gonna spend all that money to try to get your body right your number one asset I mean just look at Steve Jobs yeah billionaire got pancreatic cancer there was no amount of money that could save him hmm it always goes back to your habits choices and unfortunately people aren't making powerful choices yeah they're making choices that are like flip of the moment the flipping a coin every time they they go to the restaurant yeah and you know so like I just think it's about being conscious yeah the the more you always raise your level of awareness and your Consciousness when you go into the restaurant you're gonna seek out a healthier option that's true you see what I'm saying so it's really about that because I truly believe that eating living healthy is an act of self-love you know so like the more you do it the more love you give yourself yeah and the more self-love you have the more self-worth you're gonna have the more value you're gonna have for yourself so it's all tied to each other so that can only make you a better entrepreneur yeah it can only make you a better brother a better husband a better Mentor Etc et cetera et cetera got it so selfishly because I know some of y'all selfishly this way I make decisions but like okay does eating plant bases that help guys like their libido oh yeah okay because you know some people might like okay boy yo yo yo so I remember when I my first journey so like it was like the first three months and I remember like the girl at the time that I was dating man I lost a lot of weight in a very short amount of time like I just started eating healthy in a matter of like 60 days I normalized my blood pressure I got rid of my sleep apnea wow and I lost 45 pounds okay in 60 days and I did the detox then that's when I created the detox yeah okay and so um I remember the girl at the time like so I I was like 45 pounds heavier than I am now but it was it looked like a football 45 yeah yeah it looked like a different 45 like people used to always laughing you play football or something and so it didn't look like I was fat but I definitely didn't have a visible neckline yeah I'll say that yeah but I distinctly remember like my girls at the time my ex she didn't like the weight loss she was just like yeah you getting skinny and um this is crazy it happened so quick I felt like it happened overnight but she was like yeah the bedroom makes it all worth it and I was thinking to myself like wait what are you talking about yeah how was it before right exactly or so a lot of men unfortunately under the impression that they're doing well in the bedroom because women are very gracious to us yeah for sure and um you know we had a conversation around it but I'll tell you like a lot of a lot of women who bring their men to me are bringing them to under the guise of getting healthy to improve in the bedroom and the reason why that's so important is because when you ever you have erectile dysfunction or impotence it is a sign of cardiovascular issues okay because that's a blood flow issue yeah that's how Viagra works yeah Viagra increases blood flow okay so anytime you have a blood flow issue that's a cardiovascular issue yeah you understand so like that's just the canary in the in the coal mine so to speak so yeah it definitely helps a lot you know what does what about women is there a difference for them the same way okay yeah yeah so yeah I don't know what what PG levels but I'll say this like I like to experience my woman yeah and every facet I possibly can so she literally has to say okay you can't do this or you can't do that and what I can tell you is that the aroma is different the the feel is different uh the smell is different like so much is different yeah and uh so much can be appreciated the same way when a guy get healthy I mean it's so fast to me that's a real part of life if you know what I'm saying and it's like there are some people that are dealing with issues and it's like they probably never thought man it's my diet yeah and they're dealing with it silently yeah men are dealing with it silently like yeah you know I talk to men all the time when they have issues in the bedroom and they're trying to figure it out and the the girlfriend or the wife are trying to help them figure it out or vice versa like sometimes it's you know like woman has an issue like maybe her periods are extended yeah you know 13 to 14 days I've seen it that much or maybe she has fibroids or or endometriosis so it's painful during sex so all of these issues are things that can be adjusted and some many many cases reverse when you change your diet starting getting toxicity out of your body cleansing and I literally you know we were doing a 30-day group detox I've literally had at least six or seven couples who were basically infertile and we're taking fertility drugs and still weren't able to get pregnant did the detox and got pregnant during the detox wow that's so testimonial so it just tells you that when the body is healthy when the body is clean it could repair itself it can heal itself and the thing is is that when the body isn't healthy when the body is toxic it's not a fertile ground to actually create new life got it you see what I'm saying yeah yeah now I've seen some of these things and I want to get your thoughts on it whereas like eating for your blood type and some people that like well my blood type I have to have meat yeah what do you what are your thoughts on that I think um I think it's a little bit misguided because I get this question all the time yeah I think if you have the blood type I believe it's oh I can't remember but if you have the blood type that says you need to eat meat I think it just simply means that you need to have more protein got it and here's the important thing all protein initially comes from plants okay I want you to think about this for just a moment what are the three primary animals that people eat chicken beef fish pork okay you look at all of those animals do any of any of them carnivores no none of them eat meat so if you're eating something that didn't require meat to build its own protein then why do you need to eat that to create your own protein hey this man how you thinking you see what I'm saying and then when you think about it some of the strongest animals in the animal kingdom gorilla monkeys uh Rhino elephant Ox strong as an ox none of them eat meat some of the strongest animals in Animal Kingdom so we take one example like the lion and say okay we're supposed to eat meat now understanding that most animals don't actually eat meat Now understand and then when you start to think about even our biology like you think about how a lion is set up or carnivores are set up they always have teeth that match to be able to kill me yeah we don't they also have a jaw that can only collapse this way can't go this way like ours can your jaw going side to side is indicative of you being a herbivore you eat plants you understand when you look at our digestive system yeah the digestive system of a lion is about seven feet long when you lay it out the digestive system of herbivore or plant eater is going to be somewhere between 20 and 35 feet guess what ours is between 20 and 35 feet so our biology is set up for plants you understand yeah but it's just a matter of I think what happens is if you look at our paleo ancestors they went through a time of famine during the time of famine where nothing is growing then you eat they ate meat yeah you see what I'm saying but it doesn't mean that they were the most successful version of us yeah the most successful version of us was probably the Egyptians and if you look at history Egyptians were vegetarian and vegetarian was probably vegan because cows didn't exist in Africa you understand that yeah so I mean when you start to really think about it and go beyond the jargon that we're being taught like got milk you know like you remember the milk mustaches with all the athletes you notice you don't see that anymore yeah it's illegal they did studies and they found out that milk that actually does not do a body good milk actually causes you to leech calcium from the bones making the bones more brittle wow so that's why you don't see those commercials yeah you see what I'm saying so like there's a lot of things that we've been taught that's why my book vegetation over medication the tagline is the myth lies and truths about food and modern medicine because there's a lot of things that we've been taught I mean even you look at the the member back in the day they used to have the what was the food pyramid yeah yeah you look at what they have today it's totally different yeah it's not the same anymore but people still have the mindset of the food pyramid you understand so there's a lot of things that we have to kind of so a lot of it has comes down to we were miseducated miseducated and uh unfortunately uh our culture has shifted too kind of you know like our great grandparents all had Gardens yeah you said our great grandparents all worked outside you know like all of our culture has shifted and then when you think about the food industry like when you go into a supermarket today 80 of it is processed foods it's on the Shelf in a box backhand jar but if you go back 70 years ago there were no supermarkets yeah you know you had to literally go get fresh food every day yup because 70 years ago there were no refrigerators you see what I'm saying so like what are you gonna put in the refrigerator it's got to be fresh yeah when you cook it had to be from scratch you see what I'm saying so we're so far away from that unfortunately that you know that's why we're so sick and that's why 75 of Americans are either overweight or obese yeah that's different let's talk about when you created the detox so tell me about the face so you like all right you're at the house one day you're like all right I'm gonna make my own detox because they're like you know because like you'll see stuff like maybe like a Smooth Move tea yeah for sure something like daily this is nothing like this so like how did it how did it come about because it's a very unique like even when you open a bag it's like you can tell us like all healthy stuff yeah so um what I didn't tell you is the same year I lost all of my grandparents that same year I got diagnosed with high blood pressure at 16. yeah yeah so I got diagnosed I was going on a routine physical to play sports and uh the nurse told me she was like your blood pressure is elevated so she was like you got to come back tomorrow came back tomorrow still elevated came back the next day still elevated she's like you got high blood pressure now this is despite the fact I only had like five percent body fat I was super athlete didn't even matter okay so I got diagnosed when I was 16. all right fast forward graduate from pharmacy school go through this whole upheaval of looking at basically my community working in the hospital people in their 30s come in with heart attacks Strokes Etc and I'm thinking to myself well what is going on I got high blood pressure at 16. I'm seeing people in their 30s have strokes and heart attacks that's probably going to be me yeah what is the real issue because I'm like whatever we're doing is not working the food industry is not working the medical industry is not working I'm in it but I know it's not working I can see it it's not working so I said all right I gotta step outside of the box and figure out what's really going on and as I'm like trying to figure out what's going on the only thing I could point to was a we're toxic yep you know being working as a food chemist I get to see it yeah you know being a chemist I get to see that we use specific machinery that I literally use like gas chromatography or spectroscopy and I can literally see what points in the brain are inflected when you eat certain foods and then I can take that information and make a synthetic version of a real food so that's what this is why you can get you know watermelon chips yeah you see what I'm saying and so like as I'm thinking about that I'm like damn I don't know what it is in my undergrad we learned two sides of chemistry inorganic which is synthetic chemistry and then we lower organic which is us living life yeah I'm like I'm on the wrong side of chemistry this is man-made chemistry the food is chemistry the medicine is chemistry it's all man-made chemistry I'm on the wrong side of chemistry let me go on over to the living side of chemistry which is biochemistry yeah wow the food needs to be living the medicine needs to be living okay so where's living food I had to redefine that living food is something that still has life in it okay got it if you overcook it it's now dead okay oh okay even if you overcook it because it was like a raw vegan or raw that's the highest form of food okay because the highest temperature I think ever recorded on Earth was like 138 degrees so anything above 138 degrees is going to cook it right yeah all right so I'm like all right so I need to eat living food okay that's biochemistry what is living medicine okay herbs that's the medicinal medicine yeah I mean you read the Bible herbs were made for the healing of the Earth yeah okay and then it told us what the food was Genesis 1 and 29. it said I will give you every seed bearing tree to have as fruit so I told us what the food was yeah it told us where the medicine was in the first chapter and you didn't need to go past that to know what the food was so I said all right that's what I'm doing I'm gonna eat real live food I'm gonna use herbal medicine and I had already got like a herbal certification in uh pharmacy school got it and so I just applied that and remembered a lot of the things that I used to see on my great grandmother's farm and put the detox together wow wow all right so let's now talk about the business side okay because you're still an entrepreneur okay 100 we had to talk about health stuff but like now you know because now you're entrepreneur so now it's like okay because I want to talk to the people that's all right I have a good product yeah you get a good product yeah but like now how did you start learning how to get your message out there you're doing an incredible job branding and marketing like how did you learn that process any tips you could share with entrepreneurs on that space man so I was in so I lived in Japan for four years and then I traveled for like two years yep and when I was traveling one of the places I went to was South Africa to learn about herbal medicine and when I was there there was this lady who had a raw restaurant there and I went in for like a a class to learn how to make raw food and when I'm there I'm just I'm teaching because it's just second nature so like I'm telling people what this food has this so this is why you need to eat this you eat this food with this because it'll stimulate you know um you know the fat to break down in the food like I'm just educating people and uh when I left um she was like hey can you come back and do that every day I was like can you feed me free every day so I was like cool so we did that for about two weeks and when I got ready to leave she was like she was like asking me my story and when I told her she was like you probably had the one of the most amazing Stories I've ever heard in my life Wow and she was like what are you planning to do and I was like I'm going back to the States I gotta write this book and teach people and so she was like you need to lead always with your story and so what I one of the things I tell entrepreneurs is you got to know how to um one tell your story but you also got to know how to write your Write Your Story too like every day you get up and you're writing a chapter in your book okay so if like for me when I was on my journey when she told me that I was like she's right like when I'm I'm writing my book yeah that I've sold like 50 000 copies of and I'm thinking to myself like this my story isn't good enough even though she just told me yeah I said so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to Honduras where Dr savy's Villages so I I put that in my story and I did it wow and then did you meet him I didn't oh what happened was when I went to see him it was during the time where he got in in prison yeah and uh so unfortunately he passed away yeah you know but again that's part of my story yeah and I just kept doing that like went to Peru and did this and just traveling do it going back to Africa and going to Asia et cetera lived in India for six months and learned yoga yoga and meditation and I'm realizing I'm like damn I get to write my own story so if you read my book vegetation over medication you're gonna hear my story in there but what's really important it was when she told me that I understood that I was writing my story about how I was living my life okay so every day no matter what your business is you need to wake up and understand what could I do to write the next chapter in my story of my business that could take it to the next loved one that's what I always do so that's the first thing the other thing I think is really important I did I think this is the best thing that I did instead of focusing on getting thousands of followers I focus on the people who showed up for me okay so like I was traveling and showing people hey I'm in Honduras hey I'm in India hey I'm in Sri Lanka I was showing them what I'm doing so I got like 3 000 followers but what I did was I invited them over to my new page that was going to be all about business and I probably got a thousand people to show up from that but only 50 people really were showing up to like likes and all that kind of stuff and then I said you know what instead of trying to focus on these 950 people who aren't paying attention or I don't know are paying attention I'm gonna focus on the 50. so that's all I did from the beginning if if somebody kept showing up I remembered their name if somebody like lives and stuff like that yeah yeah I remembered their name if they sent me a DM I had a question I answered it and when I got ready to start a um a membership program guess who I invited the 50. guess how many came 50. wow you see what I'm saying so like I focused on them and now every time I do a live well you'll notice every time I do a live people think these people are paid they're not paid this is like the now 200 300 people who have been along this journey with me for so long who have done my detox read my book I mean they literally if you ask a question watch my lives they're going to be in there answering them for me wow I don't pay them like they're just part of my membership program wow that I called my tribe family so I think that's a really important part that a lot of entrepreneurs don't do they don't know who their people are and even if my business collapsed today you know God forbid because I'm doing God's work but even if my business collapsed today guaranteed I'm gonna have those 400 people wow you know they're gonna show up for me we're gonna I'm gonna say look they said I can't sell urge no more all right so this is what we're doing now I'm gonna invest all my energy into you you see what I'm saying so like I think that's a very important part of business too and then the other thing is I invested in myself man like when I tell you like I remember my first book signer I ran out of money before the book signing because it cost so much like the whole process yeah and I remember I ordered books I ordered like 400 books I was like you know what put all the chips in on the table I'm gonna sell 400 bucks man the book signing was already scheduled they called me like three days before the book signing was like the books aren't gonna make it to the books on it yeah so that literally was about to cancel the book signing and then two or three a.m in the morning I woke up and something was like a local printer it's just a local printer and I started going online saying local printer for books found one called them at 8am as soon as they opened I was like look this is what I got going on I don't have I got 200 but I need at least 300 books can you please help me he said you know what if you give me a ticket to come to the book signing I'll print the books for you he printed the books for me I had maybe a hundred tickets sold and by the the day of the event I sold out the event so he came and I literally paid him back at the book signing wow and then as soon that so that book signing I had detoxes there I didn't even expect them to sell like they were literally just there for decoration because nobody knew about the detox wow and everybody bought every detox so I literally took the cash out of the cash box and paid paid him back and then I took that money and went and bought more books instead of like saying I got money now I went and bought more books immediately and then the book that didn't come came in and then I set up event at the event at the event at the event and just started selling the books so that's what I mean by like don't wait for people to invite you to events to invite you to podcasts don't wait for that create that kind of following that I talked about like that tenacious 10 or 5 vase is 50 yeah and invite them everywhere and tell them to invite their people and that's what kept happening I would invite my 50 out that 50 would invite at least two people so then I got 150 people at the event you see what I'm saying and yeah that's smart so marketing watches you put out a ton of content yeah what is your content like you know some people struggle with with the post with the same yeah what is your content process now and how long does it take you to to put all that together man uh it ain't nothing man really I'll tell you what I do is you know I go if a lot of people just ask me questions like it's hard it's hard for me to answer my phone yeah because most of the time when people are calling like it's a health question and I want to say it's a burden but what it is is like I like I I would much rather hello and how you doing and that sort of thing so yeah you know like a lot I get the opportunity to hear a lot of people's problems yeah you see what I'm saying and people are asking me and telling me what's going on with this situation and I get to dive into that you know because these are people I care about and so it becomes content you know it's like okay I got the stomach issue and the doctor did this and we tried this and that didn't work and did you do this and what's going on with you here and by the time we come to a solution I'm like okay I need to tell people about this so that's one way got it um the other way is uh when I do produce content content creates content okay so when you go into the comments that's your kindness that's your content yeah okay people say stuff response people are going to ask you have questions people are going to respond people gonna say that happened to me too and this is what I did or that happened to me too and I did this and it worked so the the content creates con content as well too and then the other thing is just to be honest with you is like divide downloads to be honest with you I pray and meditate a lot and mostly in meditation a lot of things will come to me and say like we have to talk about this and then that's the content I put together like I just put together this video where I was talking about salmon and um I was talking about how a lot of times it has parasites in it and people don't know about it even cook salmon even cook salmon and so um I was showing like people like killed me about the video initially so then I had to create another video to show them like I'm not telling you this so you can you know I'm not trying to make you feel bad about eating salmon I'm just trying to show you like what the truth is wow and so I show them like I went to Seattle and when I was in Seattle I was on this River and I'm as I'm on the river I see this bear and I'm like that's a big bear and I see like the string white string hanging out of the back of the bear so I'm like trying to figure out what it is so I go to Google like trying to figure out what it is and I was like oh those are typically tapeworms and I'm like where would a beer get tapewormed so I go do my research and get it from the salmon well where does the salmon get the tapeworm and then what happens is in the river you have the parasites the salmon lays their eggs in a river and then the parasite infuses themselves into the eggs of the salmon wow so you see what I'm saying like I'll go and do a video like that to now educate the people who are killing me yeah on the last video so sometimes that's what I'm saying content will create content and then sometimes I just get you know Divine downloads about what I should do next yeah what like what's your definition of meditation like is it just let me I'm sitting still like what how do you meditate my my I Define it by praying is when you speak to God meditation is when you listen to God okay okay and um you know so my form of meditation is a quiet room dark room and I focus on my breath because the breath is life yeah you know you can go seven days without seven to ten days without water I've gone 45 days without food uh but you can go two to three minutes without air life is gone so the string of life is breath okay yeah so I'm focusing on my breath during that time and then shallow breasts just in my nose out my mouth got it okay okay because we're we're not supposed to breathe in our mouth that's a whole nother conversation but the mouth is a backup to if your nose gets obstructed and something hits it and it's clogged up now you can breathe through your mouth because it's so important but you're not supposed to mouth breathe okay so in my nose out my mouth uh and then you know I'm just waiting you know waiting for the downloads and I'll people always say like when you get quiet and you start meditation your brain gets very busy it gets that monkey brain you start thinking about it itch here and stuff you got to do in 10 minutes and what they said yesterday and that person will cut you off and track it that's the monkey brain that will eventually go away and then when that goes away you hear voice now then when you get to that not as two voices you got the lower lower self telling you something and you got to hire yourself so I'm telling you something higher self is God and I always tell people the beautiful thing about how you distinguish between the two is that God always first speaks with alignment everything that is spoken to you aligns with you becoming the highest version of yourself got it the second thing is it's always going to be instructions behind what is told to you so if it's I'll give you for instance with writing my book that idea came to me when I lived in Japan I was just meditating and it was like you have to write a book all right now that wasn't it because that could have been ego I want to write a book so I become an author but but it said you have to write a book it has to include your journey and you're gonna go through some things in this journey they're gonna Define this book but you gotta live the lifestyle okay so those are the instructions I got with the book and that's how I meditate well I like that that's probably one of the best explanations I had in meditation good good yeah I like it um back to the marketing piece so because you're really good at it right so like did you take classes on it did you study it like what is your because okay we go from you know I'm taking care of these thousand people 50 that show up all the time you have way more than you know 400 followers now yeah yeah so what is like how how did you grow in that aspect and the reason I'm asking is sometimes you know as an entrepreneur you can get lost because maybe somebody at one point was in the health and it's like they see somebody else doing I see that a lot and if somebody's doing it and so it's like well no you could become a multi-millionaire talking about good health you have to become a multi-millionaire talking about real estate yeah I love uh you know Atlanta I love it because there's so many people doing well what it shows me is that you can literally win at anything yeah that you focus on yes sir so I'm asking that because literally you've taken the space that some people say well how do you make money yeah for sure teaching about health yeah and still have purpose behind it the way that you do it yeah so I'm wondering how did you learn how to Market this type of number one thing is is knowing and understanding people okay most people don't understand that we're in the the business of people yeah they think they're we're in the business of money you understand so they're going after the money not understanding that it's people that's that is the bottleneck of the conversation and the bottleneck of being a successful business right and so I understand people especially as it relates to health especially as it relates to struggle especially as it relates to Healing okay so you got to know your market and you got to know your people and you learned that from being around them I love it okay I learned that first from that whole idea of focus on the first 50. okay learn your people because your people are going to teach you everything that you're not making products for you this isn't about you yeah none of this is about you and the more you make it not about you and more about your people the more they're going to tell you I mean I will have people where let's say for instance they place the order it gets caught up in customs it takes two months to get there I will have people who will literally say don't worry about it this is I know this isn't your fault I've contacted Customs we're working it out or I'll give you another casing for instance I had a um a customer service person and they were going through it in life yeah and it started to leak out into the business and the in the emails and things of that nature and I'm so busy being an entrepreneur I'm not going back to check the emails that she's sending out and so what happened was I had customers who were literally dming me saying Dr Price I know that you wouldn't say something to me like this but please I think you need to change your customer service person wow now they're doing that because I've established something with them yeah so I think that's so important you got to know like if you want to know marketing you got to know people yep okay you got to know people from a psychology uh aspect because everything is based on pain and pleasure people either running towards pleasure or running away from Pain yeah okay so with health they're running away from Pain yep and then once they get health now they're running towards pleasure yep okay so like the marketing has to be created around that and I think another thing that has been very important is like I don't stay in my industry and learning I'm a life learned learning student like I'm going to be learning till the last breath yep and so I got I go outside of my industry to learn I go to conferences that I don't belong to I go to meetings I get in front of mentors you know like I I just make sure that I'm learning from every different aspect because at the end of the day we live in a world that 25 years ago didn't exist right we live in a a information-based society and the people who can get the right information are the people who are successful so I'm always trying to get myself in front of the right information and then I think one thing that was really critical for me is uh I invested in like a um a copywriting class wow and I went to I paid like five grand and all this money and want to learn copywriting and when you learn copywriting You're Gonna Learn marketing like you're going to learn how to write emails yeah it improved my ability to write my own books yeah uh it improves my captions yeah and it helped me um sort of outline my content when I create a video or I do a YouTube it just changed everything wow that's strong yeah I think for a lot of people that's you said a lot one working with your community getting a chance to know them two listening to them when they give you feedback that's that's another piece of it investing invest in yourself like you know some people don't want to pay 200 for a little course but uh you know you said five thousand on copyrighted that's copyright not mentors like mentors I spent 40 50 Grand jeez yeah just to be in the room because you gotta understand like if you always big bro that is not good yeah that's something in 2023 I'm trying to be little bro yeah that's a fact I agree with that yeah yeah and you know I think it's a misconception too entrepreneurs sometimes they say well you know I don't I don't you know a lot of entrepreneurs will not education or not schooling and I always tell people like just because you don't go to school don't mean you don't need education yes most high level professions have continued education yes like even if you become a medical doctor you're not just you're not there forever if you don't continue I mean you have the degree but you have to have continued education nurses continue education most people that have any type of high level license or something have continued education yeah and for whatever reason sometimes people get an entrepreneurship they're looking for the most inexpensive route or how can I shortcut the education and the answer is you really can't there's no shortcut yeah but I tell you there's no shortcut not to if this is what you want to do like you don't work for anybody anymore you want your business to be successful there's no shortcuts yeah nice man if I could just lay down the list of things like I've done I'm sure you've done like that if people saw that first most people would run yeah a thousand percent and the ones who didn't run they were probably shaking their boots a little bit and then move forward but it's just important for people to understand there's always a price to pay yeah it is you know and it's gonna be paid in full yep every time yeah you know I was thinking about too is like um a lot of times I always have a saying like with entrepreneurs like anytime somebody's thinking about quitting it's just because they haven't invested enough yeah and so like I'm even listening to your story about the books and it's like you want to quit but it's like yo I literally spent all my money yeah on these books no playing business no I gotta figure this out you know what I mean but if it's like if you're doing stuff it's just it's just a hobby or if it's just a something that would be nice it's a little different it was like okay no I'm all in on this it's like okay I'm I'm here I mean you're three and a half of four years to get my bachelor's degree I'm not about to drop out right now all right ideally you know hopefully yeah if y'all did I ain't talking about it yeah I mean I think that's important um you know there's this concept of like being a high value man you know what I'm saying like you know somebody's doing good I I actually believe everybody is a high value person but in line with that conversation what does uh the dating space look for you like right now not not necessarily I'm not talking about relationship status but like how is that right now what would a person like yourself be looking for in a relationship in a spouse and like how what are you looking for yeah I always tell people there's a lot of conversation around relationships and the one confusing thing for me is like it's not headed towards this like us coming together yeah it's like it's so separate it's like you know talking bad about women talking bad about men and there's nothing like this yeah and so like when I think about like somebody I want to build with is somebody who's not only compatible but complementary and let me tell you what the difference between the two so compatible means you eat healthy I.E healthy that's nice yeah compatible is you like to travel I like to travel but I also want somebody who's complimentary too like maybe I I work too hard and you help me relax okay maybe I've walked away a little bit for my spirituality but you're so in tune with yours so you find help me find balance there maybe you haven't had the opportunity to bask in your femininity and I do very well in my masculinity so I can help you um feel vulnerable and comfortable with relaxing and saying hey you don't have to worry about you know getting your oil changed or figuring out this I got you when it comes to that yeah so I really look for somebody I could be complimentary with because the one thing I can remember about my grandparents is that man they couldn't live without each other when my grandfather died my grandmother died shortly after wow and I just remember like my grandfather had no idea where pots and pans were and my grandmother never worked a day you understand and so I just realized how important it is for people to be useful to each other and need each other yeah and today we live in this culture where people are literally figuring out how I can exist without anybody else right and um nothing about that leads to love nothing about that leads to becoming a higher version of yourself because I I truly believe that when I'm in love I'm the highest version of myself yeah you know and that's a very uncomfortable position to be but thanks you know like it's uncomfortable being an entrepreneur yeah it is it's uncomfortable being a strong man in today's environment yeah it is you know and so like all every other aspect of my life I'm comfortable being uncomfortable so I just feel like I gotta get comfortable with that too so yeah I just want you know like I look for you know uh I won't even say I look for I look for something I I Aspire for something that's organic something that's loving and something that we both seek understanding and and growth there we go yeah I like it that's deep man know what he want you understand that's important uh I always have this segment over here it's called break down a breakthrough I believe every entrepreneur at some point has a breakdown whether it's you know spiritually financially just a point where it's just like they don't want to do something no more maybe something they got hit by life yeah um but in that breakdown there's lessons that you learned and if you learn them and get through it then at least you're break through your next level yeah have you had that before and if so were there any lessons you learned from it yeah so um and the initial housing crash that was that was my first breakdown yeah um so that's 2007 2008 yeah so during that time I had started like everybody they were giving away houses so I was I was taking whatever you can give me with a 600 credit score yeah and uh I had amassed about 13 houses wow and um as I'm like having these houses having success for the first time in my life my bank account is like six figures and uh because this is before like uh School uh I finished pharmacy school and um I remember I helped a friend get a house and then the next thing I know he was like yo these people are saying my payment is about to go up like three thousand dollars like you know I'm exaggerating but it was like you know sixteen hundred dollars and he was like I can't pay this and I'm like really let me see your paperwork so I'm looking through his paperwork you bought two houses I'm like yeah so I was like I don't know let me call some people I figured out but in the meantime I'm like I need to look at my paperwork and I go see it I'm like yeah like this is about to happen to all 13 houses I had an arm on all 13 houses so I re I literally went into this phase of all right I'm gonna change the business all I'm doing is showing people how to buy a house so I go from buying houses and showing people how to invest their houses and I'm like you can get this house you can have it you can have it I'm paying people to take houses from me and finally I um I got rid of like all 11 it's and had two I couldn't get rid of Because by this time like it's a full crash yeah what's going on and everybody like I ain't taking nothing you've given yeah and so I'm stuck with the two and I'm about to start pharmacy school and um and I I'm like all right so I gotta live on one I don't know what I'm gonna I'm trying to rent this other one but like Katrina had just happened I moved somebody in it yeah they trashed the place and live left out of it and so I I was again praying meditating God was like let go let it go and I was like all right cool so I let the house go and I distinctly remember like my ex at the time she was like uh what did you learn from the process and I was like I learned a lot she was like because you know like you know typically you learned a lot from failure I was like I don't think I feel and she was like what do you mean I was like I don't think I fell she was like well one house is about to foreclose you had to pay all this money for people to take houses like how do you see that as failure I was like I was literally homeless before my first house yeah you know I was sleeping in my car and I got six months later I had a house and then a year later I had 13 houses I was like I'm super and I got money yeah you know like I couldn't even put gas in my car yeah I was like so like and I got four thousand dollars left yeah and I'm about to start pharmacies yeah I'm like telling her all these things and she was like but with real estate though and I was like you know you got the Foreclosure I was like yeah I was like but God told me to let that go so I let it go and a year later I had put in like uh like a bankruptcy on it on that house and then I went to court and um the judge was I was just telling my situation and he was like yo you need to just go to pharmacy school he's like don't worry about this and that was another message let go yeah I was just like yeah I ain't worried about it I was like can I go he's like yeah you can go I walked out of court yeah and like a month later um the company that had um purchased a home I purchased homework got the mortgage with they went under because of fraudulent activities right and so it just naturally came off of my credit wow you know what I'm saying so it took it taught me a valuable lesson about when it's time to let go let go and when it's time to move forward move forward and I think that's a very valuable lesson for a lot of entrepreneurs because like I said like you're gonna hit a speed bump and when you hit that speed bump there's a lot of conversation that's going to be uh had with you but what I learned from that which was very valuable was like that wasn't what God wanted me to do that was only a means to get me to where I needed to go but it wasn't the work that I was supposed to do and there's a big difference between your job and your working life a job you can be fired from you got to be hired too but you're working like God gives you that wow and so when I discovered like hey that wasn't what I was supposed to do anyway and I started moving into the direction of what God wanted me to do is just plain and simple that you know I made a a perfect choice in letting go I love that man that's a great story bro hear great Storyteller too man I appreciate it all right good stuff but now man I I appreciate you man like your message what you've done like I already feel the difference I'm looking I'm looking forward for the world to see these before and after pictures but uh definitely doing it again before the summertime just to see what that progress looks like yeah end up man just great product so listen I'm just let y'all know he ain't gonna tell you y'all need to try to detox he tell people where they find it at and where they find you got you gotcha so you can find my detox at Dr bobbyprice.com uh Dr Bobby price.com I'm on social media as Dr holistic d-o-c-t-o-r holistic and everywhere else I'm Dr Bobby Price okay um 14 Day Detox 28 day detox books CMOS Etc all your natural solutions for real problems got it I love it I love it you even have supplements on stuff like that too right indeed did a whole lot got an iron supplement it's probably the only thing that worked for iron really all right all right I gotta get I know somebody need to do something like that okay all right so we're gonna rap about it um each time we're on the show we like to make sure at least people leave with at least like gifts you know we got the new acos line Run play stuff so they get this to you man and uh I appreciate you coming you know when to educate people I think that's important um about health I appreciate the opportunity yeah I appreciate you know just what you've done so this is for you from uh can I open it bro yeah you can open it yeah a couple things in there yeah marketing is crazy thank you bro yeah you was bragging on me but like yeah it's crazy bro so we got a lot of simple things yeah yeah man y'all y'all have the quality stuff too bro and I got a couple more things before we leave I got a couple of things got that green too you know I'm about the green light yeah I appreciate it helping the people listen y'all if y'all don't learn nothing from this you just got the play when it comes to your health and listen let's get serious about health this year like let's not play around if we're gonna be serious about money you got to be serious about health because like if you ain't got that you ain't got nothing else and I don't want you to get to the day you realize that I realize you ain't got no more time because uh it's the most valuable thing so y'all just got to play today on your health from Dr holistic Bobby Price go run the play let me see y'all peace what's going on listen make sure you guys go to run the playstore.com get your official run to play gear we talk about shirts socks jackets for everybody that's running to play all across the world are you ready we're gonna run the yeah [Music] but believing that your blessing is near do you know you know what we're not broken the most we're still being devoted the most do you know what it is [Music]
Channel: Run The Play Show with Justin Owens
Views: 77,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justin owens, justin owens run the play, run the play show, dr holistic, healthy habits, dr bobby price, dr bobby price interview, plant based, plant based diet, miseducation of food & health, food & health, whole foods, vegan misconceptions, plant based misconception, plant based news, betterhelp, sponsored by betterhelp, healthier lifestyle, healthy food, exercise, healthy lifestyle, lifestyle change, eat to live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 16sec (4756 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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