Dr Betty Price Benefits of Knowing Him July 7st

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I'm going to speak to you from the subject  benefits of knowing him him capitalized but   I always tell the young people there are benefits  of knowing him if you know him you can surely find   a low capital lowered using the right the  low letter RH I am if you know the capital   h-i-m then you'll know the low case H I am for  the thing else who are believing God so it's a   good word for the singles let's get to know him  let's go to Philippians chapter 3 the Apostle   Paul is speaking Philippians chapter 3 verse 10  the Apostle Paul is speaking he said that I may   know him and the power of his resurrection and  the Fellowship of his sufferings then conformed   to his death and that is this is one of the  scriptures that I take to myself that I may   know him and the power of his resurrection and  the Fellowship of his sufferings being conformed   to his death and it's very important to know  Jesus because if you know Jesus you can just   about conquer anything in this life but you have  to really know him if you know him then you keep   his word John 15:5 Jesus is speaking he says I  am the vine you are the branches he who abides   in me abides me to live in settle down and take  up residence in stay a while he who abides in me   and I in him bears much fruit these are the words  I want you to remember he says for without me you   can do nothing I don't care what people are trying  to do if they don't have Jesus it's nothing so to   know that my subjective benefits of knowing him  okay the word know from Strong's means to proceed   stand recognizer gain knowledge realize come to  know it is the recognition of truth by personal   personal experience now number one knowing Jesus  is having a personal relationship with him he's   offered all of us to us and because we know  him we have purpose and meaning to life there's   no place for boredom dissatisfaction emptiness  without purpose loneliness and wanting a change   and I know a lot of Christians say I wished I was  experiencing that but you can as you get to know   him by the word so because we know him we can  conquer temptation and sin troubles and trials   disease and suffering grief and death anything  that comes your way you can conquer that if you   really know him selfishness and worldliness so  again it's up to us to give ourselves to the   word you can't get away from the words in this  church is always going to be the word because   the word is what gives us life so because we know  him and because we know his word we benefit from   knowing him when we take advantage of what he has  provided for us in his word it's asia's chapter 3   verse 16 some of these verses are familiar okay  well read from verse 14 says for this reason the   Apostle Paul was speaking for this reason I  bow my knees to the father of our Lord Jesus   Christ from whom the whole family in heaven and  earth is named that he would grant you according   to the riches of his glory to be strengthened  with Mike through his spirit in the inner man   so again should be strengthened with my through  his spirit in the inner man you need to know the   word have the word in your heart and you need to  be filled with the Holy Spirit so you can pray in   the spirit and build your stuff up on your most  holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit so as you   do that then your spirit man grows and your spirit  men will lead your mind and your body in according   to the Word of God but you have to do your part  in planting that word in your heart factor goes   on to say that he would grant you according to  the riches of his glory to be strengthened with   might through his spirit in the inner man that  Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith   now how does Christ dwell in our hearts through  faith I've said this many times but again this   by having the word in your heart there's a word  for you whatever you need in life whatever you   may be facing whatever temptation trials and tests  there is a word from God for you but if you don't   know that word you can't take advantage of it and  you just can't say well I believe in God but you   don't know what God says so you know you know God  you know about God but you don't know God and only   way to know God is through his word and that takes  time it takes time to build yourself up on your   most holy faith friend and the Holy Spirit take  some time to do that moving on that Christ number   two that Christ dwells in our heart by faith the  way he dwells in our heart by faith is by the Word   of God and and by the word of God Romans 10:8  let's go there Romans 10:8 said but what does   it say the word is near you in your mouth and  in your heart that is the Word of Faith which   we preach verse nine that if you confess with  your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your   heart that God has raised him from the dead you  will be saved so you see we are saved by the Word   of God and look down at verse 17 it says so then  faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of   God you've heard that many times faith comes by  hearing and hearing by the Word of God so Christ   chosen our heart by faith Christ the word and  faith can be used interchangeably because again   we just heard Romans 10:8 said the word is near  you and then verse Romans 10:17 says so then faith   cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God  then John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word   and the Word was with God and the Word was God so  we know that the word there in John 1 is referring   to Jesus Christ because in verse 14 of the same  chapter says and the Word was made flesh and dwelt   among us so the way you know Jesus is you have  to know him by the word and he says if you love   me you will keep my commandment so again it's up  to us to get into the word and find out what does   he have to say to us and you can have the most  awesome life I mean by knowing the Word of God   as I said we can conquer anything that we have  to face any temptations trials of tests God has   given you a word for it but you're going to have  to believe that word and you need to get the word   into your heart while you are well and strong and  make up your mind this is the life I want to live   if you make up your mind that you're going to live  this life I'm not saying you're not going to have   temptation trials and tests they will come but God  has given you a word for it and these are some of   my favorite scriptures but I can't get away from  them and I love them and they always minister to   me such as 1st Corinthians 10:13 says there hath  no temptation trial a chest taken you but such as   is common to man but God is faithful who will not  allow you to be tempted try to test it above that   you are able but will with the temptation try to  test make a way of escape that you may be able to   bear so whatever you're going through you can bear  it if you really trust in God and I was but when I   when I was at my lowest I was what the scriptures  I use the temptation trials and tests he said God   is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted  try to test it above that you are able but will   with the temptation childhood test make a way of  escape that you may be able to bear so even though   I was going through hard times and struggling and  pain I say I guess I'm still here so I guess I can   make it because I have the words on it and James  chapter 2:11 for temptation trials and tests James   chapter 1 write them down it's just my way of  teaching my husband gets on me I know you hear   me husband because I I go on because I have the  word of my heart and checks me I don't want to   take the time to look it up but I'm telling it  to you so you can go and look it up if I'm going   too fast for you okay okay everybody keeping up  with me okay okay James chapter 1 verse 2 write   that down to the 4 says to count it all joy when  you fall into divers temptations trials or tests   knowing this that the trying approving of your  faith worketh patience but it goes on to say that   patience have it's perfect work that you may be  perfect and entire wanting nothing so when I was   going through a temptation childhood test I wanted  to have the patience that I would lack nothing so   taking the Word of God I knew that I was going to  come through my temptations of the sickness that I   was going through but there's their scripture for  everything you can conquer disease and suffering   which we've shared enough of that with you and  giving you enough scriptures to know that you   can overcome sicknesses and also whatever you  need for your marriage for your finances it's   all there I won't go through it this time because  I've shared that with you many times and go get   the tape from last year a receiving CD collection  because because I love my same scriptures I want   the body of Christ to be so right with God only  because this life has been so awesome for me   I've had my temptation thousand tests but I would  never leave God and God has brought me to a point   and has proven his word in my life and I want  everybody to have that same piece that I have   the same joy and it only comes by being obedient  to the Word of God sometimes it might be hard but   you decide to do it because God said to do it  okay so what I was reading the scriptures from   the friezes Ephesians 3 so I'm going to finish  reading those in 3 verse 16 again that he would   grant you according to the riches of His grace the  riches of his glory to be strengthened with might   through his spirit in the inner man that Christ  may dwell in your hearts through faith I shared   that that you've been rooted and grounded in love  now rooted and grounded in love that is agape   love the god kind of love agape love seeks the  highest good of the other person no matter what   he does it is self giving love that freely gives  without asking anything in return and does not   consider the worth of its object agape is loved  by choice and it refers to the will rather than   the emotion so we don't love because we feel like  it we love because God said to do it that's the   god kind of love and not move according to your  emotion agape describes the unconditional love   God has subtle for the world John 3:16 for God so  loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son   that whosoever believeth in him should not perish  but have everlasting life now it goes on to say   verse 18 that you may be able to comprehend or  understand or come to know with all the things   what is the width and length and depth and Heights  and to know experience the love of Christ which   passes knowledge and be filled with all of all  the fullness of God verse 29 to him who is able   to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we  ask to think that's a big verse according to the   power that works in us that word exceedingly  means to surpass to go beyond any request to   overcome and do anything why would you want to  follow Jesus abundantly to overflow and do more   than enough above to go over and above beyond any  need so we do need to know Jesus Philippians 3:10   my my background verse is that I may know him and  the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship   of his suffering okay the power I'm going to  talk from the power of his resurrection then   resurrection means of standing up again a rising  from the dead are coming back to life the power of   his resurrection turn over to Ephesians chapter  one going to read from verse 15 says therefore   I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord  Jesus and your love for all the things do not   cease to give thanks for you making mention of  you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus   Christ the father of glory may give to you the  spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge   of him I prayed this over this congregation  continuously at the eyes of your understanding   being enlightened that you may know what is the  hope of his calling what are the riches of the   glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what  is the exceeding greatness of his power to us with   who believe according to the working of his mighty  power which he worked in Christ when he raised him   from the dead and seated him at his right hand in  the heavenly places so the Apostle Paul says that   I may know him and the power of his resurrection  the power of his resurrection we get the benefit   of that power we get the benefit of that power  because of what he's done for us look at Romans   chapter 6 beginning at verse 4 says therefore we  were buried with him through baptism in into death   that just as Christ was raised from the dead by  the glory of the Father even so we also should   walk in newness of life verse 6 knowing this that  our old man was crucified with him that the body   of sin might be done away with that we should  no longer be slaves of sin so we know we weren't   physically crucified with him but we need to count  ourselves as crucified with him count ourselves as   dead so we can stay out of trouble verse 9 says  knowing that Christ having been raised from the   dead dies no more death no longer has dominion  over him for the death that he died he died to   sin once for all but the life that he lives he  lives to God likewise you also reckon yourselves   to be dead indeed to sin if the count just have  to be dead you may not feel like you're dead you   might want to sin but he says reckon yourselves  that means to act like you act like you're dead   indeed to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus  therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal   body that you should obey it in its lusts that's  why I have to keep preaching this because I hear   more stuff more people with the stuff every year  from year to year so that's why God leads me to   share this maybe some people I know some people  are getting it and some people are walking in it   but I see too many out there walking in the world  all Christians doing just what the world does   verse 13 tells you do not present your members as  instruments of unrighteousness to sin but present   yourselves to God has been alive from the dead and  your members as instruments of righteousness to   God tells us just how to do it what to do with our  instruments our members and our bodies we do that   we will stay out of trouble and then we'll be able  to experience God's peace look at Romans chapter 8   verse 11 says that the fish if the spirit of him  referring to Jesus spirit of I mean referring to   God the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the  dead dwells in you he who raised Christ from the   dead will also give life to your mortal bodies  through his spirit who dwells in you to get your   healing right there the same spirit that raised  Christ from the dead dwells in our bodies so we   can look to that same spirit to raise us up if we  get attacked with some kind of sickness or illness   verse 12 says therefore that we have to do our  part verse tresses therefore brethren our sisters   we are debtors not to the flesh to live according  to the flesh the flesh is always calling you to do   something you don't have any business it doesn't  ever tear you to do what's right so so we don't   owe that flesh anything a read I'm gonna read it  again therefore brethren or sisters we are debtors   not to the flesh you don't owe your flesh any  of the things that it wants to do that's not of   God to live according to the flesh you don't you  don't know it that extra pie that extra cake that   extra ice-cream that extra affair that's whatever  whatever your flesh wants to do you don't owe it   that so you have to talk to it so anyway at verse  13 says for if you live according to the flesh you   will die but if by the spirit you put to death the  deeds of the body you will live God is telling us   in more ways than one how to take care of that  flesh and also with crisis exalted that's what   I read in the scripture and Ephesians fifth the  first Ephesians 1:15 - whatever verse I read it   anyway but I read it for you so it's a in essa  chapter 1 verse 15 in Ephesians so we exhausted   price above all creatures in the world and in the  world to come that's where Christ places he is   exalted above all creatures in this world and in  the world to come and of course the world doesn't   know that and they don't believe that but go to  Philippians chapter 2 verse beginning at verse 9 9   and 10 says therefore God also has highly exalted  him and given him the name which is above every   name that at the name of Jesus every knee should  bow love those in heaven and those on earth and   those under the earth and that every tongue should  confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of   God the Father so one day everybody's going to bow  and some of us are going to some of us a bow and   we'll be in the right place others who are bowing  there go to other to the other place because they   haven't followed Jesus and he's given us every  example to follow him so again that I may know   him and the power of his resurrection that I  may know him and the power of his resurrection   and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made  conformable unto his death so we talked about   the Fellowship of his suffering I'll read you a  few scriptures on that Matthew chapter 5 so it's   the Apostle Paul and Jesus suffered we're going  to suffer sometime it's really persecution more   than anything Matthew chapter 5 verses 10 to  12 so Christians if you are facing persecution   righteousness persecution and people talking  about you and sin all men of evil against you   God says in his word this is Jesus speaking he  says blessed verse 10 blessed are those who are   persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is  the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they   revile and persecute you say all kinds of evil  against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be   exceedingly glad for great is your reward in  heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who   were before you so if you're in the body of Christ  or if you're for God you're going to be persecuted   because we're in this world in this world is ruled  by Satan out of this world go to John chapter 15 John chapter 15 verses 18 to 20 if the world hates  you this is Jesus speaking you know that it hated   me before it hated you if you were of the world  the world would love its own yet because you are   not of the world but I chose you out of the world  therefore the world hates you remember the word   that I said to you a servant is not greater than  this master if they persecuted me they will also   persecute you if they kept my word they will keep  yours also so you know we as a family and as this   whole church we've been persecuted all the time  and if you have wanted to fight people for saying   stuff but we don't I just say Father forgive  them for they know not what they do send forth   laborers to minister to them before it's too late  2nd temple 2nd Timothy chapter 3 because you're   right God's going to look after you you don't  have to be concerned second Timothy chapter 3   beginning at verse 10 says but you have carefully  followed my doctrines manner of life purpose faith   long-suffering love perseverance persecutions  afflictions would happen to me at Antioch and   Iconium at least what persecutions I endured  and out of them all the Lord delivered me that's   the part I like verse 12 says yes and all who  desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer   persecution but remember that out of them all  the Lord will deliver you if you're going through   something if you're really standing and believe  in his word you can go through the persecution   and the trials and the tests and come out on the  other side and stand just as free as can be it's   so exciting so the net last thing in that verse  Philippians 3:10 that I may know him and the power   of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his  sufferings being made conformable to his death   now I didn't read one thing about the suffering  I'm going to do that before I move on oh I'm   not up there okay I'm ahead of myself because I  would want to run out of time I have some stuff   to share with you I forgot the suffering part  let me I want to read you about the suffering okay the Fellowship of suffering because  he said that I may know him in the power   of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his  suffering so most of us are willing to share   in the blessings of Christ but we want nothing to  do with the suffering of Christ the sufferings of   Christ is persecution I just read the scriptures  up here to myself the ultimate persecution   that Christ did was dying on the cross now for  fellowship we have Fellowship of his suffering   fellowship from Strong's means cornea partnership  participation or social intercourse to communicate   communications communion then some Webster's  has been companionships friendly associations   mutual sharing as of experience okay we cannot  picture it my papers oh okay oh then I want to   read a fellowship from Webster's so that means the  bearing are undergoing of pain distress or injury   something suffered it also means to experience  ill treatment that's why you will go through   something as a Christian resonance violence  or outrage to endure suffering and undergo   evil from without and then from strong to lean  something undergone hardship or pain and emotion   or influence affections affliction so when you're  going through stuff like this as a Christian you   just count it all Joey because you know you're  going to come out of especially if you following   Jesus and doing to the best of your ability what  you know not deliberately walking out there in   sin so I gave you the Scriptures knowing that  you will go through some persecution now again   number four Philippians 3:10 again that I may  know him and the power of his resurrection and   the Fellowship of his sufferings being conformed  to his death this is the part I hope I don't run   out of time Jesus submitted himself totally  to God he put his own desires to death even   when he died his flesh did not want to die he  did not want to become sin and to be separated   God and we know in second Corinthians let's go to  2nd Corinthians chapter 5 this is what Jesus did   for us verse 21 for he God made him Jesus who knew  no sin to be sin for us that we might become the   righteousness of God in him so God gave us such a  wonderful gift we ought to want to learn as much   as we can about him because he is our freedom he  is our way through everything that we face in life   so we need to know as much about him as we can he  committed his will to the will of God he says not   my will but thine be done and Paul also as our  example sought to be confirmed to the death of   Christ he sought to put his flesh and desires to  death and to only to do only the will and desire   of God we as Christians must lean on ourselves and  to many Christians don't want to deny themselves   and they do the same things that the world is  now conforms from Strong's being jointly formed   similar conformed to fashion fashion like them  to open I'm ready to death anyway strongly and   jointly formed similar conformed to fashioned  like unto then for Webster's it means to make   the same or similar to conform one's idea to  another to bring into harmony or agreement so   death then being conformed to his death death  refers to self-denial and we don't want to hear   self-denial but this is the only way we're going  to live in victory total victory when we deny   ourselves of the things that are of the world or  the things that of the flesh that keeps us from   being totally committed to Jesus Christ to deny  oneself okay I'm going to going to read that I   was rusted out anyway to deny oneself is not to  assume some cloth external asceticism that's a   religious practice of denying the flesh some  religions do that they do all kinds of stuff   to the flesh beat it up cut on it do all kinds  of stuff to try to be accepted to God so we're   not talking about that but is to put the interest  of the kingdom first and foremost in one's life   here that put the interest of the kingdom first  and foremost in one's life to take up the cross   does not mean to endure some irritating burden  but to denounce steps centered ambitions man's   tendency is to indulge himself to do exactly what  he desires follow his appetites and urges thoughts   and feelings deceptions and enticements plots  pride and boasting we as Christians are to deny   ourselves by discipline and self-control we all  have the same flesh the sinners and Christians but   the Christians have to learn to have self-control  into the to discipline their bodies by loving and   caring sacrificing and giving helping and ministry  we must take up our cross and follow Jesus Luke   9:23 write that down jesus said to his disciples  If any man would follow after me let him deny   himself take up his cross and follow me so all  the things of the flesh that's not of God you are   to deny yourself take up the cross the cross is a  place of death so you have to kill those things in   your body that's not like God and you can do you  can do it God would intend to do something that   you could not do the cross is always an instrument  of death not just an object to carry or bear we   are to die mentally and actively you have two  will to put to death your actions desires wants   and ambitions that are not consistent with the  godly life let's look at my favorite scripture   y'all gonna hear Romans chapter 5 verses 1 and 2  let's look at that scripture again this is telling   you how to do it because we're going to have to  do it as Christians we should be examples to the   world the Christians are doing everything that  the world is doing and the world is just going   down down down down our country right now is  right and ready for the wrath and judgment of   God there's too many things that are going on our  political leaders pushing for same-sex marriage   and all kinds of other stuff in the school of  the lesbian and homosexual information to be   given to our schools and so they're pushing for  something that can't ever happen even if they   push a law and still not happening because  there's no such thing as same-sex marriage marriages between a man and a woman so go to  Genesis you probably already know it but write   it down need help somebody Genesis chapter 1 verse  27 and 28 says so God created man in his own image   in the image of God he created him male and female  he created them then God blessed them and God said   to them be fruitful and multiply the other earth  and subdue it have dominion over the fish of   the sea over the birds of the air and over every  living thing that moves on the earth so marriage   is made up of a man and a one man and so I have  made myself another note here so we have to follow   God's law and then the political leaders are  leading us down the wrong path I mean I they are   really really getting us ready for judgment and  for the wrath of God but we won't have to face it   because we're Christians but but some Christians  will because some Christians live like the world   they do whatever they want to do whatever they  please to do and God's not pleased with it let's   go to Romans chapter 1 Romans 1 this is very  plain and the reason our leaders because they're   not thinking nothing about God something about  God bless you how God don't bless you you're not   doing what you're supposed to do Romans chapter 1  beginning at verse 16 for I am NOT taking the time   to get there okay or I'm not ashamed of the gospel  of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation   for everyone who believes for the Jew first and  also for the Greek for in it the righteousness   of God is revealed from faith to faith as it is  written the just shall live by faith verse 18 this   apart from 18 to 32 talking about the wrath of  God and you will be able to under you'll be able   to understand some of these things as I'm reading  says for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven   against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of  men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness   righteousness because what may be known of God  is manifest in them for God has shown it to them   this was fast in the world for since the creation  of the world his invisible attributes are clearly   seen being understood by the things that are made  even his eternal power and Godhead so that they   are without excuse because although they knew  God they did not glorify Him as God nor we're   thankful but became futile in their thoughts the  word futile means useless completely ineffective   in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were  darkened professing to be wise they became fools   and changed the glory of the incorruptible God  into an image made like corruptible man and   birds and four-footed animals and creeping things  therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness in   the left of their hearts to dishonour their  bodies among themselves who changed the truth   of God for the lie and worshipped and served the  creature rather than the Creator who is blessed   forever amen for this reason God gave them up to  vile passions for even their women exchanged the   natural use for what is against nature likewise  also the men leaving the natural use of the woman   burned in their lust for one another men with  men committing what is shameful and receiving   in themselves the penalty of their error which  was due and even if they did not like to retain   God in their knowledge God gave them over to  a debased mind or reprobate mind and that's   a nine board of judgment issues that's what it  seems like it's Lord of judgment who to do those   things which are not fitting being filled with  all unrighteousness sexual immorality wickedness   covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder  strife deceit evil - they are whisperers biter   backbiters haters of God violent proud boasters  inventors of evil things disobedient to parents   undiscerning untrustworthy unloving unforgiving  unmerciful who knowing the righteous judges of God   that those who practice such things are deserving  of death not only do the same but also approve of   those who practice them so see the world does all  these kinds of things and tries to come into the   Christian life to want the Christians to be a  part of it now I don't care Lord no God knows   I don't hate anybody I love everybody I love the  homosexuals I love the lesbians I love all people   but I have to tell them what God says because God  is not coming down to tell them and so maybe some   may hear but maybe they the world may not but  the Christians are here if they want to see God   so some things you just have to some things  go along within Christians and so as to many   things that they the government is trying to take  advantage of a take stuff that God told us what   to do about before the government ever came too  long one thing is like you're saying this thing   that I just read disobedient to parents they  say they took over that and trying to tell the   parents not to thank their kids when the Bible  tells you to them they're gonna give you those   scriptures you don't have to abuse your kids  but you better do what the Bible says because   when the policemen get them they gonna beat them  really bad so that's why the devil gets in there   to tell you stuff that's not of God now marriage  is the mutual relations of husband and wife the   institution whereby men and women are joined in  a special kind of social and legal dependence for   the for the purpose of founding and maintaining a  family it was instituted by God so two men cannot   reduce a child north two women born not north two  women boring like that it's a so what happened   with this life they don't know something and my  heart goes out to them I don't know what happened   something happened to them way back somewhere  because God will hate to do something that you   could not do because I'm going to read another  scripture to show you that something had to happen   to the people that involved in homosexuality and  lesbianism lesbianism and and I'm not trying to   be mean I will read the Bible I just want to help  you I wouldn't mistreat you I don't think anybody   should mistreat you or try to kill you or do all  kinds of stuff just try to help you that's all I'm   doing and I'm reading the Bible I'm not I didn't  make this up myself so first Corinthians chapter 6   but the world better take note because we're  right on the verge of the wrath of God first   Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 I want to read that  ok verse 9 to 11 and he's taught this is Apostle   Paul talking to Christians do you not know that  the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of   God do not be deceived neither fornicators we have  too many fornicating Christians nor idolaters nor   adulterers too many adulterous Christians the same  thing is homosexuality lesbianism stops in North   homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous  nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners where   your exertion will inherit the kingdom of God and  then verse 11 goes on the saying son such and such   were some of you but we shouldn't be doing these  kinds of things now and so I was reading the work   says do not be deceived neither fornicators nor  idolaters nor adulterers and are homosexuals are   effeminate that's what the traditional says now  effeminate from King James it means having limited   feminine qualities untypical of a man not manly  in appearance of manner now to me if God tells   you not to do this that means you're able to not  do it now I don't care what your body is telling   you and even though you may say I was born that  way I don't know that you weren't born that way   because God would be unfair to tell you to do  something that you could not do and you said to   not do this and so you couldn't be born that way  somehow somewhere I don't know a spirit entered   in through somebody or something that somebody  has done to you but you can be free if you want   to be free but it's a spirit that's telling you  you were born like that because God will tell you   if you couldn't do that would be very very unfair  and so we have to just be obedient to the word now   some people they just want to know God but they  don't want to do anything that he says I want to   do my own thing you know I'll go so far with you  God but I'm not giving up these cigarettes I'm   not giving up this drink I'm not giving up my sex  I'm not doing that I remember a man said he could   take everything that the Bible says but when you  said he couldn't have sex I can take that so but   God said you can so you fooling yourself and  you messing yourself up for later if some man   is I'm not talking I'm not going to talk about  being bad but his stories I know one man he was   running around on his wife so much he wouldn't  stop running around finally he got sick and so   he went back to his wife and guess what he had  ran out he couldn't even have sex with her that   was so unfair give his whole life to somebody else  and then come back and can't do nothing that's bad the lady that told me that she she said he would  you know his wife approaching she would say oh   he would say I would if I could but I can't  so man you got to watch it while the flesh is   running you while having you doing all kinds  of stuff you don't have any business go in   consequences are coming Colossians chapter 3  verse 5 says therefore did I give you time to   find it I didn't ok ok trial of this therefore  Colossians 3 verse 5 therefore put to death your   members which are on the earth on occasion we know  fornication is not a member so we know what he's   talking about uncleanness passion evil desire and  covetousness which is idolatry because he goes on   to say because of these things the wrath of God is  coming upon the sons of disobedience so that's why   I say we were just right for the wrath of God and  for judgment and so as I said before God wouldn't   tell you to do something that you could not do and  then we read in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 between   verses 911 we could use the word sodomites so  I want you to look at a little bit Leviticus   chapter 18 now I'm reading the Bible so don't get  mad at me and I'm not going to be mad at you I'm   gonna pray for you that's what I do Leviticus 18  and we just happen to believe the Bible Genesis   18 verse 22 says you shall not lie with the  male as with a woman it is an abomination God   that's an abomination to God an abomination these  extreme disgust and hatred loathing detestable so   we should not want to do that because God says  not to do it Leviticus 20:13 you can just two   pages over if a man lives with the male as he  lies with a woman both of them have committed   an abomination there's no Old Testament said they  shall surely be put to death their blood shall be   upon them so thank God for Jesus and for grace  now and for mercy we nobody can put you to death   for doing that but that's how God feels about  it and so he puts us on our honor to obey His   Word and not do stuff like that but if we don't  obey it God can't make us do it the way you do   it the way you can handle all of these things  the things that many Christians are doing there   they're committing fornication and adultery on  the down-low and envy strife hatred jealousy all   these things they're taking part in as well as  the homosexuality and the lesbianism I call it   all sin and you can conquer it by my favorite  verse let's go there Romans chapter twist when   we all when I don't hear any stories about anybody  in trouble Christians moving out and living with   their boyfriends or girlfriends when I don't hear  that anymore I might not use this first but until   then I have to use it because this is how you can  handle it if you are willing to Romans chapter   12 verse one since I beseech you therefore  brethren our sisters by the mercies of God   that you present your bodies a living sacrifice  holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable   rational or intelligent service he says for you  to present your bodies a living sacrifice and   sacrifice hurts your body is going to want to do  some of us those things you need to do when you're   in the world and sometime baby Christians when  they they haven't grown up and they might fall   they might go back into fornication or or some  of the old sins that they used to do we're not   talking about the baby but the baby should grow  up but we have to understand that they haven't   grown yet and we that's why we need the church  was why we need one another people want to say   oh I don't need to go to church you know I can  look at it on the internet which is really bad   but they need one another you need the stronger  sisters to help the babies so because the babies   will probably slip just like newborn babies  or the babies when they first started walking   they're going to fall thank God they don't stay  down so that's why we're here as a body to keep   each other built up so that they can grow up and  be strong so they don't have to give in to the   urges of their body but your body is telling you  is real you're sure if you've been used to having   sex it's going to want to have that sex we also  want to do stuff that we shouldn't do but what   do you do with it you kill it you sacrifice it  that's what the cross means you kill it and and   keep doing it by faith see by faith that's why I  think it's so wonderful and that's what's another   thing that's so wonderful about God he's such a  wonderful and forgiving God you couldn't have a   better guy and he gave Jesus that we might have  forgiveness of sins first John 1:9 says if you   confess your sins he is faithful and just to  forgive you of your sins and then to cleanse   you from all unrighteousness because I don't want  to leave anybody in bondage if you're a Christian   you have a right to confess your sins to Jesus  that means to repent confess you if you confess   your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you  and not only forgive you but then to cleanse you   from all unrighteousness so you don't have to  stay in that central condition only Satan wants   you to stay in that condition he's the one that  caused you to sin in the first place and he's the   one that want to keep you in sin keep bringing  to your remembrance what you've done women have   had abortions and sake just kept them down down  where they couldn't even be themselves or had a   child out of wedlock and say with him would  talk to them so they couldn't even enjoy an   intimate relationship with their husbands after  that because they felt so guilty God doesn't want   you to be guilty he knows he knows us and that's  why he took that clause in there if you confess   your sins he's faithful and just to forgive you of  your sins and then to clinch and I don't forgive   you but cleanse you from all unrighteousness  and in more places than one God says I will not   remember your sense of transgressions anymore  Hebrews 8:12 is one of those verses so if God   doesn't forgive it if god doesn't remember them  he doesn't want you to remember them that's why   I say only the devil wants you to remember them so  if you haven't a struggle with some of the things   of God just keep on and confess every day thank  you Father I'm free from this fornication until   you get free sand every day take up your cross  daily as Luke 9:23 says that's what's going to   hurt the sacrifice that's a sacrifice sacrifice  hurt the cross hurt but you can do it if you want   to be and you want to be right with God it's just  the most awesome life to have the peace of God and   so he's giving you the way out Philippians 3:13  sets forgetting those things which are behind   reach and forth to those things which are before  press toward the mark for the prize of the high   calling of God in Christ Jesus so he's given us  a way out if we're Christians and we sent he's   given us a way out just don't live in sin make  that a way of life like so many Christians do so   sometimes you got whether they're Christians  because they keep their affairs and all this   stuff going but God has given us a way out he is  not hard on us he wants the best for us but it is   up to us to take his word kill the things of the  flesh that separates us from him now the person   who loses his life that is work to please Christ  on this earth shall save his life John 15:7 okay   I'm just going to quote that and says if you abide  in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what   you will and it shall be done unto you so how can  God tell you to do that because if you're abiding   in him and his word is abiding in you you're  not going to ask for some ungodly things that   would take you from the love of God okay let's  go to Matthew chapter 11 so God is a wonderful   God he just wants the best for us and we need  to really pray for our country our leaders pray   for each other because the god of this world is  really moving in the hearts and minds of people 11:28 Jesus is speaking he says come to me  all you who labor and are heavy laden and I   will give you rest that's what you get in  Jesus but you got to do what he says take   my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am  gentle and lowly in heart and you will find   rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my  burden is light and it is easy if you decide   to do it just flesh it'll pull against it but  you have authority over your flesh discipline   your flesh self-control in Matthew 6:33 much  with fear in Jesus's speaking he says but seek   first the kingdom of God and His righteousness  and all these things shall be added to you so   I am a living witness that God wants the best  for you there are benefits in knowing him in   fact there is no life apart from him and that  is my prayer for you continually and there is   my prayer for the TV viewers and really for the  world that they would really come to know Jesus   Christ there's no life like it I've lived this  life and I wouldn't take anything I wouldn't   take anything for this life that I have lived for  God and that we had our temptations our trials and   our tests but nothing is better than the peace  of God and having peace in your life no matter   what and loving everybody not having anything  in your heart so I trust that I didn't offend   anybody and that you have received the word  and that I was able to get it across to you
Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 2,295
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Betty Price, Benefits
Id: 2u_QvkADfBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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