Downton Abbey's Elizabeth McGovern Recalls Meeting Prince Charles | The Jonathan Ross Show

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you how exciting uh it is to see that movie i was so full sitting down i knew i was gonna love it i just had that i cried several times are you relieved though the films out because i guess since the series ended i would imagine people have been asking you whenever they're bumping into are you doing more yeah i mean it felt like we we had to do it and people would just keep asking until until we actually did the film so so we did it so we did it and did it any time to get back into the characters because you've both been off doing other things in the interim of course so to suddenly be lady mary and lady core again did it take you a while to find that rhythm those voices i started talking with an english accent which was very shocking because of course i am american and i play an american and i've always played it american but i thought i sort of panicked in my first scene i thought i'm in downton abbey it took a few minutes and then i i went right back but it was a bit odd yeah i think maybe i had the slight opposite because i'd been doing american roles for a while so going back into it i kind of had to remind myself of mary's voice and i think i was doing it slightly too posh happens but it's a few a few little tweaks i mean she is about as posh as a human being but it's lovely because the film in actual fact you have i mean obviously it's in the song please but you have a more central role in a way it's quite a lot about your character this time out there well i mean this time you know mary's in a place where she's a bit more settled she's uh really sort of taking on the responsibility of her role within the house so she's sort of at the helm of it with this arrival of the king and queen and so when it's about 19 20 something is it it's 27. so it's like a year off george v and queen mary yes you see i love the fact you said because i'm sitting there thinking who was it was famous for stealing things did she did you pinch anything in there good yes [Applause] i existed that's going to be yes there's something that steven might find out yes exciting yeah i kind of i kind of doubt it i mean it's a faultless cast it's an amazing cast but of course i think the person who in a way represents the core of that family on screen and off his is day maggie smith yeah of course who must be amazing to work with i've met her once only briefly what's she like on set is she tapped into the modern world is she on her iphone is she one of these kind of people she wasn't before she started michelle will have got her she loves a meme she laura and i will come in and show her a very funny meme and so what memes did she respond well to um i don't even know what a meme is stephen could you please it describes the way an an idea has can have the quality of a virus and can transmit itself but it tends to be used now simply to mean a gift that is doing the rounds to be honest uh uh you know graphic interchange format uh image called a gif you know a gif yeah well you can animate your gear so a gift or a meme as a gift gone mad yeah that's the way it's used is a gift that is shared amongst a lot of people to express something that is in the in the zeitgeist at the moment well i'm afraid that's all we have time for unless we want to get into droop but so she likes the meme and we know what that is now yeah what sort of ones like funny animals okay so there's a meme laura carmichael always gets who plays edith she that always has the best memes she follows the best people on instagram and there's one with a cat with an expression like this and it just says lesbians eat what stephen could you explain [Applause] stop it so she loves the funny memes uh she's amazing on screen but you're amazing on screen the chemistry is so uh perfect and and it's such a kind of it's a lovely time it's a fantasy really though of course in there i mean yeah they rarely let reality intrude into into downtown not very much yeah so the question i suppose that people must especially in the context of this movie now which has a very uh strong royal family that is are you ed to the royal family the actual world family are they fans of downton do you know apparently some of them are i've heard that the queen we had kate come to visit we did she met every single person that guy in the background could have made a bit more effort but i was given the opportunity to meet prince charles after kate's visit and i was very excited because kate had been so enthusiastic about the show and everything uh but i think lest i fly too close to the sun i put my hand out to greet him and and he he either said this or i imagined that he said this he said not a fan no it definitely i remember doing one of those events which it was the prince of wales there and next to me for the lineup you know when the curtain comes down this was penn gillette you know oh yeah very well the magicians and he said do i have to call him your majesty or do i have to bow and i said no no no no no of course not so well what do i call him i said you have to call him anything i haven't called you pen while i'm talking to you don't use people's hands right but if you were you might say rohan is first time and then sir but it doesn't have to it doesn't matter um and he said do i bow because i'm american we don't bow i said he knows you're american don't worry you don't have to bow it'll and pen was on the floor your majesty sir your highness majesty sir you panicked and then yeah and then after principles why can't i do that what power do they have betrayed my country he couldn't believe that that's amazing let me ask i believe off duty you are you are something of a an accomplished dj michelle well that's not true dj doctor yes i mean that's what the playlist is called on my spot where do you dj it's i'm not i'm not like a professional dude we've got david out there craig we've got dj dockers in the house i don't know i love it do you think you could do a double thing that you could uh team up and do uh yeah we do a little tears five thing we do like back to back if you want i'm not for that yeah i'm really the person at a party who takes over the playlist and is it like house does it gradual is it older music what do you do you know a bit of you know hip-hop old school old-school hip-hop which was your go-to tune to fill the floor yeah raw fillers which one would you go to um d notorious b.a b.i.g can't [Applause] dj four people or it's more just yourself honestly i think so you haven't had a professional engagement no i'm just always the person at a party who takes over the playlist if it's not good enough i'm like wow you're in and can you mix can you kind of like do you get the bpm my sister used to mix but i'm not a dj i mean i'd like to learn michelle have you dj'd no it's have you stood up behind a day no and played music for people in the park so i don't know where this story came i've been told that you've done this well but dj [Laughter] i mean i know you keep up with modern music stephen are you up with the urban scene do you know about your grimey uk grime scepter storms i've had grime i know it exists uh i don't quite know what distinguishes it from other forms of music exactly i mean if i heard a track i wouldn't say that's grime i simply wouldn't know garage i mean i have a garage and i have speakers in it and i play mozart and varnish music and i think that counts i could see you shaking it to vossie bop i could see that happening dancing is not my well the dude you're not a dancer i love dancing it embarrasses me not only to to do it but to watch other people doing it it makes me and you guys you had to learn those dances for the downtown movie of course what about a formal dance if you learned the moves of a dog no that's even worse i mean the the strictly type thing i can find absolutely calm down no i just just i'm sorry it's an allergy it's a terrible allergy i i can't bear dancing it's strange so the downtown abbey movie is out this weekend it's just such a lovely feel good wonderful emotional charming touching movie i i loved every second of it you're both amazing in it the whole cast is amazing of course you've had many years of people saying will there be another downturn now the movie's out of course now you've got years of people saying will there be another downtown movie and they're already asking us and and do you have any idea whether because it's going to be a big hit there's no doubt about it so they're going to presumably ask yeah i mean we'll see what do you think well i don't know you do it now if you can fit it in among the dj bookings yeah me and craig have to work it out yeah are you up for going to see dj doctors before yeah i mean oh it's so lovely having you here i'm a big fan as i hope you know i think you do know but i love the movies it's beautiful i hope everyone goes to see it ladies and gentlemen of course lady cooler and lady mary it's elizabeth michelle [Music] you
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 248,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ITV, Jonathan Ross, Wossy, Rossy, chat show, jonathan ross chat show, jonathan ross, the jonathan ross show official, jonathan ross show funniest moments, downton abbey movie, downton abbey series, downton abbey season 7, mary crawley, maggie smith, michelle dockery, elizabeth mcgovern, british tv shows, the best of downton abbey, best of maggie smith downton abbey, savage countess moments, the dowager says, downton abbey film maggie smith, stephen fry explains memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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