The Plot to Retrieve the Stolen Letter | Downton Abbey

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i'll be sorry if he means to revive the ways of his grandpa bar winking at every beauty in an opera box it must be a lonely job all the public want is a happy marriage at the palace is it so much to ask and anyway why did mrs dudley ward have a letter from the prince in her handbag i expect it was a love thing well it won't be much of a love thing when it appears in the american newspapers do you think that's why he took it samson took it to make money the question is whether he means to blackmail mrs dudley ward or sell it on to the foreign press no wonder she was in such a state i can't tell you what it said don't i'm a monarchist and that's why i would like the letter retrieved and why i do not wish to know its contents i feel so guilty if i hadn't joked about it he would never suspected it was in her handbag good god then we have to do something at once if we're lucky the letter will be at samson's flat we must get him away from there and while he's distracted someone must go in and steal it you can't steal something that's already been stolen but how would we get in we can't very well pick the lock james could you please ask bates to come to the drawing room during your time away did you ever meet a man who could copy someone's writing do you mean a forger lord yes i suppose i do what would he be required to do we have to gain entry to someone's flat so the porter needs to be told to unlock the door the order will come in the form of a signed note i see i assume we have a sample of this person's writing do we he sent a bread and butter letter after our party the other night then i can definitely get it done how long will it take if i can have the letter straight away i believe i can supply the note by the end of the afternoon so the man is here in london he is what a stroke of luck i know this sounds rather dodgy bates but i promise there is nothing underhand in what we're trying to achieve quite the reverse your word is enough for me of course i understand why the letter must be recovered i don't see why it has to involve me someone has to fetch the letter whilst we distract samson can't rose go on her own have a heart well you then i'm the one hosting the card game the question is who else can play at least one of them must be genuine or it'll smell fishy tony gilligan would come but i suppose we'd have to tell him i know he'd play and bring samson with him and we wouldn't have to say a word lord azgarth grandmama can sit on his lap i don't want her here she'll make some crack and give the game away she won't be able to stop herself what can we do with her send a note to rosamund ask her to take martha to a play band mama and isabelle and tell her to give them supper afterwards they'll have to change almost as soon as they're back from their picnic so we won't be stuck with them long i hate to lie i'll do it i don't mind lying in the meantime we ought to give the men dinner it'll make it more normal but won't sampson be suspicious he must be aware you don't like him i'll tell a's garth that harold will play the chance of fleecing your uncle will be too tempting for samson to resist suppose uncle harold would rather go to the theater with the others he'll come if you ask lord asgarth to bring his daughter i don't like the idea of you two setting up to burgle his flat all alone i can't allow it we could ask even napier uh he's in france mr blake then he can do it but i have to go with him because i know what the letter looks like suppose one of the porters calls the police do you want the heir to the throne to be lampooned across the world with a story that will never sleep even when he's safely crowned and married to a foreign princess no but i can't help feeling he's brought it down on his own head even if that's true we introduced samson to mrs dudley ward and rose as good as gave him the letter the fact is this family is responsible for the whole ghastly debacle his lordship asked if there's any news on the note for tonight it's here milady that's extraordinary how did you get him to do it so quickly he had nothing else on it's all quite proper whatever it may seem as his lordship assured me good luck with the recovery plan when you get to mr samson's plan i'll let you know well i'd better sell us logic raw set [Music] terribly out of practice haven't played since downton it's rather sad for mr gregson won't be joining us you've heard about that everyone has is quite a mystery but i confess to a certain relief he won't be at the table tonight did this fella gregson give you a difficult time of it to be perfectly honest i wasn't sure he's playing strictly according to hoyle but we'll leave it since the poor chap's missing i hope we can trust everyone at the table tonight i'm disappointed i'd rather hoping to find mrs livson here i'm sure you were straight [Music] this is so kind of you it's hard to hear that mr sampson has taken ill miss i'm sure it isn't serious but we do need to gather some things well let me know when you're finished and i'll come and lock up thank you [Music] it's rather sad to see the truth behind mr sampson's smooth facade shooting at cars can't be very lucrative after all never mind that charles you take the desk and mary will search the bedroom they say men always hide things in their sock drawer why's that do you think it's a deterrent what could be more revolting than to rummage through a strange man's socks um mine i believe sorry heavens you do have the cards i must play more yeah well you said samson without the trigger bit i haven't had a hand all night gentlemen have we had enough surely not have any just begun no no i think that's it mr bates lady rose is back and she asked me to tell you that the notes worked but they couldn't find what they were looking for whatever that means what does it mean james when they leave i'll need a handle of the coats i'd like to help mr carson oh if you mean it i thought it'd be appreciated thank you thanks picture we've done the game tomorrow night oh well you know me thank you which is mr sampson's i don't worry i have it here thank you mr carson why didn't you ever get that's a lucrative game thanks and you talk to mr [Music] i feel as if i've spent the whole evening trapped in the cast of a whodunit nobody's done it that's the problem good night my mother i beg your pardon lord watch this this occurred to me my lord but were i in possession of a very sensitive document i would not leave it unguarded in my home but rather i would take it with me wherever i went so i helped the gentleman on with his coat he left it in his overcoat it was in his inside breast pocket and now it is safely in your hands i'll see you upstairs i don't believe it mr samson appears to have dropped it and bates picked it up he dropped it aren't we fortunate fortunate is one word for it [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 193,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Downton Abbey Official Channel, Downton Abbey Film, Downton Abbey Trailer, Downton Abbey Series, downton abbey violet and isobel friends, Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Cora Crawley, Julian Fellowes, British Tv Shows, Downton Abbey full episodes, the Best Of Downton Abbey
Id: _7yighX7KNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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