DOUBLING My Minions' Stats 5 TIMES

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I've played a couple decks this expansion that exploited rogue's abundance of Bounce effects but today we're doing it with lorthamar Theron a seven Mana legendary minion that doubles the stats of all minions in Our Deck so our goal is to replay the Lord of arthuron as many times as possible so that our minions have four times their stats or eight times their stats as big as we can possibly get them and of course once we've made all the Minions in Our Deck huge we want them to help us swing the game back in our favor so I've got a couple Rush lifesteal minions with zilliacs and audiomedic we've also got the remixed musician which can have one of four effects go along with its Rush sometimes it's lifesteal sometimes it's something else and we've also got Festival security a three minute two five taunt with a finale effect that forces all enemy minions to attack this minion which ends up being a pretty effective board clear once this thing gets some Buffs priest don't have dark Bishop Benedictus don't do it nice that is the correct start of game card I did play this matchup once before trying to remember what happened pretty sure I lost oh I got asked the Lord multiple times that's what happened uh why don't you have Divine Shield that was the good one here whatever not worried about getting value out of this card against priest God my hand is already so good oh man I'm scrolling through the replay of the last time I played this matchup and I actually drew that game I drew like the worst possible sequence of cards it was actually unreal uh kidnap against priests probably not especially good we'll just take a mic drop I guess my curve is just tailing into kravatoa into northamarthuron the light it burns is strong hopefully Talon doesn't get like silenced or something that could have been a disaster tailing is not going to die here so no krabatoa unfortunately probably do need to go ahead and play this mic drop as much as I would love to hold it for some buffed minions what a good pair of cards Dreadful concoction is like quite okay here I guess bubbling concoction is very good let's just do both all right cool that's that's not a good Shadow step right am I missing something isn't that like one of the worst cards to ever shadowstep I think my opponent definitely has trauma from a rogue that theotard their vision of Darkness that's the only explanation don't hit my loretham Arthur on you absolute buffoon that is a good holy Nova I'm breaking ants on North martharon is super super good here I guess I'll play this just for fun that's two Lord Martha Ron's down honestly against vision of Darkness if they just keep generating like shadowward rune uh this matchup is super super losable even with a bunch of lortham arthurons foreign that's insanely unlikely what the hell three shots on one target all right well uh this is up to two four eight eight times the stats on all my minions so what's my biggest it'll be posic as a 40 32 smallest will be a one hit wonder which is a 16-8 you're a monster and we are of course going to Shadow stuff Wortham Arthur on honestly it might be responsible to save Shadow steps for astrolors at this point but like I feel like I would just be ashamed to not continue bouncing Lord from Arthur on at this point fairly strong that is a seven Mana seven seven probably pretty hard for the opponent to play only three Mana but there's so many ways priests can kill this nine Health minion okay Shard of an argue on a single Target is pretty bad that's a big ass turtle 32.80 pretty big I think I'm gonna play my 3280 turtle whoops Whirlpool does catch my other festival security unfortunately 32 128 what a card I think this is getting played for stats here I think it's fine to play this there's the reason to avoid playing this is that I can finally to uh I can bury you know a garbage 4-8 and get you know something that has 32 times its stats but I think it was pretty good there it kills that minion which clears the way for ask the Lord and maybe just be lethal foreign oh no is this uh is this game gonna end in the most anticlimactic way possible I just kill them with astolore all right got him what a stinky stinky hand hey it's my good card and a good early game to go with it in fact my good card is probably my worst card oh it's secret mage definitely not a loretham Arthur on matchup oh wait this card keeps working doesn't it I was thinking as a Battle Cry should have coined hero power spectral trainee is that a real card well as much as I would like to coin out Wortham Arthur on I think with posic and school teacher I probably am supposed to coin a four that delays my posic but they didn't get an audiobot out of their hand so I think it's fine with me mixtape I don't imagine mixtape being very good let's just take something to kill a minion next turn can be Alchemist potion belt concoction eviscerate pretty good turn cool got an audio bot Rush lifesteal card draws always nice that's fine Shadow step for my Lord the Martha Ron if I think that's good maybe I should trade off my 4-1 instead of having two one Health minions against the deck that apparently plays spectral trainee but I did see a trainee already but why do they play spectral trainee is it because they play holotech and they also play shooting star Maybe four one also dies to hero power I don't know seems like a reasonable trade there this thing is poisonous now so I can kill the four four quite easily and then clean up with Festival security I mean it's not like that good but it's pretty decent I think there's actually a world where I get to play lotham Arthur on next turn and I do have two Shadow steps in hand assuming the shadow of demise gets to stay that way oh but we are not playing with the Martha on into that secret foreign doesn't appear to be counter spell so the school probably dies but does it get its effect it does not but that's fine all right well that's two objections down so I can just play loretham arthuron into any secret now I'd love to draw a breakdance probably not playing that secret oh and sanitize sure that does make sense so many Shadow steps I don't really think I can shadowstep my Lord and Arthur on here unfortunately I need the minion employee but if it lives and gets to Value trade there's definitely a world where I can Shadow Step at next turn but I can also Shadow step armor asked the lore speaking of armor as the Lord rabbitoha is a hell of a card if I Shadow step lore from Arthur on it costs five it would be really really hard to play it again this turn break dance oh break dance is so so so good so I go here I Shadow step I play it again I break dance I go in here I have eight health and play I'm not gonna die to ask the Lord all right I'm doing it [Music] this tailing does draw a zilliacs now so shouldn't be too too hard to find some healing might just go ask the Lord tail in here as much as I would like to play another loatham Arthur on oh that's scary what an insane card for them to have potentially you know I could I could go lorthamar Finley and try to hit audio medic I have six shots at 12 cards the audio medic would be so big just give me an audio medic you'd love to see it I am feeling really good about my odds of winning this game now that's an insane random card for them to have I do have another audio medic though and this is not even that scary now okay but eat some shots family I'd only hit Finley three times they hit my lorthen Arthur on six times oh Festival security Festival security has a huge butt here and I can get a bunch of stuff with putrecide oh just an ice barrier okay that was probably the least scary card it could have been a casual 32 power uh knock a man pick me pick me go get them Festival security killed their whole board and still has 27 health hard to imagine Mage being able to win from here and that's definitely the desperation and phenotize but uh I mean they could have like solid Alibi okay they're super dead finally a real fight I will carve out notes with every strike School teachers probably a fine card maybe I should have kept the 3-3 rusher against possibly aggro I was assuming it would be blood and it has blood but it definitely could have been aggro okay so I've played this matchup once before and I lost because I through some series of events randomly generated a Firelands portal which gave me a Tony which swapped ducks with my opponent and then they drew like 10 cards from my deck and that was that was traumatic so hopefully we can just have a normal game here I can play Lord Huron a few times buff my deck which I will actually get to play all 30 cards out of and we can have a good time I don't want to burn the coin I want a lorthemar shadow step on six I don't think I ever play this Divine Shield Divine Shield's pretty decent but I think school teacher is going to be the way to go cheat death if it was just cheat death not attached to a secret it could be good with lortham arthuron although I guess cheat deathing and noggling that cheats death isn't really that bad it's probably still just mic drop though wind Fury the rush wind Fury could be okay just kill both of those with the dagger keep my 4-2 around yeah that's fine save the mic drop or win the cards I draw are buffed don't pull my Lord the Martha on uh this has Rush by default not poisonous I believe this gets the discount right because I killed another vizier last turn oh yeah the uh the 3-2 weapon all right one more thamar buff online next turn I can go lorethamar noggling to draw two and then I'd be able to play a shadow step or a break dance if I happen to draw into either of those might just be a krabatoa turn though but I should probably lorethamar while I have the chance uh astalor could go like Taylin astalor or just double last Allure Maybe wouldn't get the armor though let's just play this thing all right found myself a cute little four eight save this concoction for when I play this concoctor so I can get the discount this is a big ass school teacher this tail and draws a big ass zilliacs which could be good oh that's a large minion I don't think prep is very good is it too much to play audio Medicare is that too good of a soul stealer for the opponent it's probably fine right I don't know kind of feels like too much no soul stealer oh the desperation Finley anybody I am threatening lethal with my krabatoa by the way okay fair Bounce Around this is a ghostly strike ghostly strike is actually pretty good here I don't think I'm gonna bounce around here this Bounce Around might be dead maybe it's good with astalor at some point but not here I don't think deal three big old zilliacs not surprising I think I'm just gonna bounce my ass to lore here could have got this minion first maybe it was good to bounce but well looks like a pretty pretty mediocre minion wouldn't have mattered if I bounced it or not I mean I guess there weren't that many minions that were bad to bounce maybe I should have tried bouncing it might be time for my zilliacs to shine go ahead and bonk that without letting them heal steering totem's good because I can trade it off with future side definitely the best totem here this tail and draw is posic which should be a 2016 minion that's annoying but I do have a second house the Lord why aren't they immediately playing soul stealer or corpse explosion what is happening that's not a quarks explosion attack oh Sylvanas let's see what this can do for me these aren't concoctions that kill things that's a concoction that kills things I think I'm just gonna play two of these foreign but I do have another or I can Shadow stop maybe I should have shot us up to to play around Patchwork a bit Patrick wasn't really that good here though it was only one in Ford at the asteroid in hand and one in four to hit the assalorian play so pretty unlikely it would ever hit both and it was pretty hard to kill my six Health assalore with only three Mana Festival security get em Festival security and I of course get a lot of concoctions by doing this nine cards in my hand I will shout out solar now it's more steppable with only three health and this board kind of seems like it's getting cleared anyway I can still theoretically play Four astolors which definitely get the job done did you get my three threes out of this at least this is an 8-12 what if I get you out of the way so that Aster lore can go face two astolors in hand with a break dance in deck and Patchwork can only hit one of those three sure it's a lot of Mana though uh you are dead right I have 16 in play 14 from hand and you're at 31. that's exacties
Channel: Chump
Views: 35,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, New Cards, FoL, Festival of Legends, Rogue, Lor'themar Theron, Bounce Around, ft. Garona, Pozzik Audio Engineer, Remixed Musician, One Hit Wonder, Audio Medic, Breakdance
Id: 5USS_k0whUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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