This Forgotten Card Creates A RIDICULOUS OTK

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today I was thinking about scuttlebutt ghoul a four Mana two five taunt that needs you to have a secret in play but if you do you get to summon a copy of the scuttlebutt ghoul and it's kind of interesting because secrets are actually pretty meta at the moment but no one is playing the poor ghoul so I was trying to find a good hand buff for it because a card like this basically gets to double dip on hand Buffs and I found a pretty interesting one with Eglin the guardian so she gives the next minion you draw plus two spell damage and this death rattle so if we land that spell damage buff on the ghoul when we play it we'll have four spell damage and if both halves of the ghoul die and then we draw another ghoul then each of those will have four spell damage for a total of eight spell damage and we can do something similar with twin fins so we can get a truly ridiculous amount of spell damage in the stack but it actually doesn't even have to be that insane we've also got keyboard soloist a four minute minion that needs us to have no other minions in play and then it'll summon two Minions that each have spell damage plus one so if we just happen to land egg one on this then that's already four spell damage and our Frozen touches are already doing seven and keyboard soloist in particular is quite good with frozen touch because not only does it buff it but when The Soloist dies that's three minions to fully Infuse a frozen touch and we're happy to be building around Frozen touch because that card is already super broken even when it only deals 3 damage but if it deals five or seven or even more that's pretty broken as well egg one's great turn one plays great star power is great up against an armor vendor Mage this is probably going to be a bit of a slog which I think is good for me as long as I don't get polymorphed foreign up is an excellent card probably want to coin egg one though I Don't Want to Miss a potential copy of her love the armor vendor Paparazzi duck plays that card kind of want to dump card so I can volume up let's dump this I guess I'm gonna drop to seven I guess I'm just gonna dump this actually I have plenty of damage with uh Frozen touches oh they stole my egg one not rude let's just go ahead and volume up here I don't think I need to play this solid alibi do I want another volume up don't think so probably hard to pass up a Cold Case all right whatever if it's explosive that's fine so it's not explosive Breeze hidden meaning cat trick emergency maneuvers I think that makes it motion denied try to set that off on a solid Alibi turn but now we have a fresh Hunter Secret [Music] I guess I'm gonna dump solid Alibi so I can play tail in here Talon is really good because it can give me scuttlebutt ghoul to uh copy the guardian's Legacy and I do have a couple secrets that I want to play anyway actually Taylin probably draws before passing on the egg one death rattle I don't know if she got it or not okay uh Arcane worm got the death rattle well I do have star power here which is excellent this should pretty much always clear right I can go for Arcane Worm infinitize but it makes me over draw which is not really acceptable I guess I'll just do this oh that's the egg when death rattle we just sniped but they are Aster luring me which is not a great experience am I getting motion denied here what is the other one explosive Maybe cat trick hidden meaning I think I checked for freeze yeah fire empowers us all right that's a lot of spell damage so this is for spell damage meaning each of these does seven doesn't quite get the job done but it can kill an eight six and then we can just run into the five one [Music] I kind of want to volume up here I'm at 12 but I've seen astelor they do have Frozen touches but well I don't know the Frozen touches are scary Etc into Etc that's very annoying Reverb can copy an egg one death rattle that's some egg winning probably a decent chance I'm dead here but also decent chance I'm not thank you shaping up nicely I guess they're going to take a frozen touch probably nothing in my hand is like super super important what does this do uh they're probably dead right this does seven so this has four spell damage so this is another four I can have 12 spell damage which means these each do 15. I can only cast three of them which is 45 which is fine [Music] got him man they were pressuring me pretty hard all game surprised I was able to close that out I like cold case I don't think Hunter is particularly good at dealing with this but I do only have one more secret to draw off of it oh my God I don't really want to waste two Mana so I guess I'm pointing out a counter spell that's fine I was out of Secrets as I said keyboard into Cold Case beautiful if only I had the keyboard last turn but still very good this turn a lot of value out of my counter spell no not a face shot skeleton why would you do that I'll star power here since I have the keyboard oh come on come on foreign but it was kind of fun I need to find volume up or Edwin or Tailwind Maybe infinitize beautiful still have an objection in play so might be hard for them to play their ass to lore here oh they just rip it let's use this guy that way we can use this one next turn and this one the following turn that one's a bit scary should have played objection God that card is such a pain in the ass how do I ever deal with this board one Finn's kind of sick I guess I can uh shoot it come on hmm I was thinking I was gonna have to play a solid Alibi this turn but I really just don't have to I did pretty well dealing with the board okay I don't think I had any info on their hand s infinitas it's pretty hard to use this infinitized but I think I need to give me a volume up or an Arcane intellect or something probably just vast wisdom I don't know Firelands portal was pretty decent my opponent is pretty low on cards it's definitely possible for them to just have garbage although that was pretty strong that card's not garbage volume up is great but how usable is it okay that's a an uh eggwind scuttlebutt ghoul I'll just play it I guess I can try to draw into frozen touch with volume up next turn I don't think it's likely to be lethal but maybe although I guess volume up also is pretty likely to hit solid Alibi which is good might be as simple as twin fin GIF no no no I have to play the solid Alibis I'm probably just not finallying volume up which is fine there's solid alibi okay so say I volume up and get three frozen touches I can draw something with four spell damage which would not be illegal I don't think it's important to finale this maybe I'll end up being wrong only found one Frozen touch I can throw a twin fin into this Frozen touch to copy it but I don't expect that'll be good enough I think I'm probably gonna need to discover a uh another solid Alibi here was that three spell damages oh I did copy that with Scuttle but ghoul and twin Finn didn't I wait maybe I have a ton of spell damage do I have more spell damage than I realized this does 11. oh sick I thought that was only dealing seven instead of 11. did I have lethal last turn Maybe and I just didn't have the egg one card keep egg one hopefully this is control Warrior not that I expect it to actually be control Warrior but that would be ideal for me it's gonna be pretty hard to play this volume up I think wow the turn to Sir Finley sea guide I think that's probably more likely to be a control deck so hopefully this will find a scuttlebutt ghoul for my egg one bash face it's quite a bad scuttlebutt but we've still got a butt and we've still got two twin fins good thing they bash face so they have that armor beautiful twin fin uh we just play it here right pretty sure I don't have to worry about any tragedies in this matchup so I'm not gonna ping one of my own murlocs this is a five damage touch all right show me another twin fin please from a monster that is scary probably a tail in turn so if Talen can hit scuttlebutt ghoul that's going to be eight spell damage I believe it has keyboard soloist at six spell damage man those cards on the bottom are cheap this is a bridge riff right I wonder if they bump into Taylin it's kind of bad isn't it I'll take it though oh don't even need the tailing I guess there's not much reason for me to trade here actually maybe I don't want well even if Taylor gives me a keyboard soloist I at least have the spell damage which is nice even though the keyboard so list is a bit expensive for next turn I'd only be able to play two frozen touches but the thing is I can just play soloist double Frozen Touch without it being lethal and then I can just Frozen touch them again in the future like it's not a big deal also this objection is super super good they do have another big minion in hand oh that one is scary well I take a lot of damage here so this is only two spell damage uh I've got oh this is only two spell damage but we've got star power I can definitely just get trenched stalkered discover a taunt minion not too much of a concern I think trench stalker should be 16 power right so with that weapon unfortunately Cold Case isn't gonna get the job done I guess we'll just see what I can hit here that is a big ass keyboard soloist 10 spell damage I just need to not die this turn let's try to hit solid Alibi I guess okay objection actually is good too I think I actually only have 39 damage next turn that's an insane card missed six damage what a buffoon yes play this card instead of gaining armor damn it they're at 40 and I have 39 I'm pretty sure this is turn spell damage and then 13 times 3. oh solid Alibi is beautiful though I guess I'll cash in on some of the damage [Music] I do have three minions in deck so three out of eight times I'm just gonna have lethal next turn but even if I don't I mean I kind of have to do something because it's not like keyboard soloist triple Frozen touch was going to become lethal next turn you should not be taking that damage they're dead to Arcane work well I guess Arcane worm was Lethal anyway because of the spell damage so I've got 12 there at 15. could try to infinitize into an Arcane Bolt but that's awfully risky I don't really have a way to play around a trench stalker or a ramonia I think give me some heels oh love that muster I think okay they got a bunch of garbage solid Alibi is not a minion but it is a solid alibi so at this point my deck is three minions and an Arcane intellect I'm at 10 that's fine so all these little just give me more Frozen touch ammo I would have actually had the uh Arcane bolt lethal that one turn it's probably still the pack maybe I'll shoot you if the opponent's board is empty I uh just a simple scuttlebutt ghoul can block romornia it doesn't stop trench stalker though all right looks like they are dead here well these aren't infused actually but the opponents of 14 so I can do this and then that infuses my touches all right cool foreign
Channel: Chump
Views: 29,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, New Cards, FoL, Festival of Legends, Mage, OTK, Aegwynn, Scuttlebutt Ghoul, Aegwynn the Guardian, Costumed Singer, Cosmic Keyboard, Keyboard Soloist, Volume Up, Infinitize the Maxitude, Star Power
Id: vCaUPiKshuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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