Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke Season 1 Episode 1

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generally looks a bit dreary it's deafening not a looker across the country there are people stuck with an embarrassing problem you certainly won't wipe ours and go I wanna live in that house it's a very tired house it feels like it's gone these are just the unlucky few thousands of us feel burdens with houses that are dated and dreary but afresh I can transform even the ugliest house into a dream home I need to make this space exciting to create fantastic drama I'm given the honors of some of Britain's ugliest houses the services of some of our most talented architects what I strive for find the heart of the home and it's just getting that back getting the kind of life and soul back with money tight I'm not hopeful about what we can get about fifty thousand and ambitions hi delivering a vision that everyone will be happy with won't be easy I do have reservations about this for clients chips away too much as an that's not very automated but if we get it right it'll prove that create our attached' doesn't have to cost the earth I can't believe that we live in a house like this and has the power to transform not just buildings it fulfilled our dreams or any but lives it's gone from dog to something wonderful it's so different as if someone's lifted our house out and put a new one in its eyes the Vale of Glamorgan in South Wales is the epitome of the rural Edel known for its quaint cottages which naturally nestled in the rolling countryside then a place as beautiful as this the hall that the architecture would do everything in its power to blend in and avoid the worst design crime over to be totally unsympathetic to its surroundings like this 1970s house complete with the sturdy pebble - characterless uPVC windows and shabby carport it's not exactly the picture of Country Living I think it's a type of house you'd see on any estate in any town just generally looks a bit I guess dated and dreary it stands out a bit like a sore thumb because it's a lovely setting where it is some of the neighbors seem equally unimpressed - it's an ugly house cities and ugly halves you know it's like something you'd see in the 1970s it's got that dismal unhappy sort of look which is which is such a shame pretty miserable really Tony and Sarah bought this house because they want to bring up their daughter India in the country size from an American trigger a heart I had a lovely childhood for the lovely memories of things we did like I love the fact India already she loves animals and insects things like that and I just think the countryside there's just so much you can offer Charles was she when they young know that there's one when they purchased the property in 2014 for 342 thousand pounds it was the only place in the village they could afford of that size but it still had significant drawbacks the deco has hardly changed in almost 40 years it is pet dated it's not really a style that we would choose there are some things from the childhood which you like to keep and what ship isn't one of them unable to live the outdated features any longer Tony a heating engineer and no stranger to the building trade has already started stripping back the house very nice tweed the impotence will do the basics ourselves coming on quite well I think we wanted to achieve more than that really and make it a bit more special this no we want this to be our family house for a long time all right so are you - holy image oh yeah but you're the proud owners of this house very proud do you love it tell the truth we run away it's be cool that's what drew it to us and the windows and good light yeah then how'd you feel about Pebble - it's not my number one choice and I really don't like their brick what do you know yeah is there anything that you do like about it I like the setting lookout is really nice your momís you say at all the years that I've worked the buildings and houses out on the event heard anyone say about their own house I don't like what you've got edited but I like looking out for me that's quite darling you here can we go inside another look yeah just the inside Lucas okay as the arts Lodge at 1,700 square feet this house has a generous floor plan the ground floor has a living dining room kitchen shower room and study upstairs there are two double bedrooms two singles and the bathroom interest them ceilings you strip them out all right it took not ready yeah make a mess though I didn't know would you you can really see the potential I think it's one of the good things about house of this period a lot of the space tons were really good I mean this is a nice wide room you've been able to see all the way through those big windows from front to back so this is a little mini kind of dining area on the street here so what's the kind of main problem with this burst you think well through there the garage then the only access to the garden your few boxes are there you're out but for your order to run through the space past all the boxes navigate past the washing machine dryer oh yeah look at our nice little patio area yeah much is the driveway wraps around the house it's just kind of in the wrong positions yeah you're inside outside space is linked in between garage and patio yeah yeah it's kind of not ideal isn't real takes a charmer having such a kind of slow paying garden makes you feel even more detached from now it's ready oh yeah well tell me more in terms of the size of that yeah I think it's great I'm it's a really good-sized house if you think this would have been built at a time which would have been yes a little bit aspirational but I'd have it be affordable as well and when you think now minimum space standards don't really exist in those new bill developments so they tend to be quite poking small Alicia paying an absolute fortune for you cook yourself a real the good-sized house this project presents a huge challenge for just sixty thousand pounds to me and Sara wanna completely reimagine their home now yes it's solidly built with wonderful proportions but it has one fundamental problem it doesn't connect with its surroundings transforming it into something beautiful with a genuine sense of place on a very limited budget it's going to require a brilliant piece of design and that's the job of an architect Greg Blee has a talent for designing buildings that reflect their surroundings his approach has led to the creation of some radically dramatic spaces this house is called triptych because it's got three volumes that are exactly the same they face in different directions when the kitchen faces the morning and the living room face the evening so you can enjoy the Setting Sun coming through the trees I wish for me is about lots of different problems and trying to create solution that is very simple very elegant and I think that's a really difficult task but to prove a solution can always be found even for an ugly house Gregor's volunteer to take on Sara and Tori's home what we want to do is create an extension that really takes in the Welsh countryside and to not and to not just feel like a conventional building so the big idea is to take shard like extension which faces the best views and then put that against the existing house it'll feel great when you step into our space because you'll be surrounded by a lot of windows so you have the connection with the greenery of the landscape outside it's gonna be unusual to take that sort of building and put it next to a boring box but I think it needs to have that sort of sense of drama and excitement I think Greg has a really distinctive style and the strong sense of place Possible's the big question is will his vision fit in with what Tony and Sarah have in mind and will it fit in with the Vale of Glamorgan this looks well impressive yeah should I show you around your new house okay what I'm proposing is a shoddy extension it creates this elegant piece of architecture and the rear thinking about untruth timber for the facade which will make it more of us as a whole because the moment you've got lots of different materials so fighting each other in under particular night Greg's plan for the house is based around three key design ideas which will help a reflect its surroundings this first idea is to convert the garage into a dramatic dining room extension to connect the inside to the garden the cleverly designed triangular roof will rise steeply to a point to give the internal space volume and height place and the extension at 45 degrees to the house with large sliding doors means it will also face the countryside views inside most of the internal downstairs walls will be removed to create a large open-plan kitchen living area Gregg second big idea is to replace the glazing at the rear of the house with two new feature windows one long and horizontal and the other floor-to-ceiling perfectly framing the landscape his final transformative idea is to clad both the extension and top half of the house in large that will silver with age helping the house blend in with its surroundings that's traumatic his nor Durrell bar it's impressive I think the extension we're pretty much hundred percent happy with we'd already thought about things like untreated timber grays and silver so kind of looking I like any question I'd have I guess I pick and practically I don't know where money is being spent alone I feel like I don't know what's being spent on what I have to say I share Sarah's concerns for sixty thousand pounds this does seem an extremely ambitious design I'm really excited by and I think it could be amazing but I'm really worried about the costs I don't know do it and then to feel half-heart is that we've gone for it can I ask you how finished do you imagine the house bring your 60 grand well it doesn't have to be all decorated I suppose what I'm getting at is you might understand a little bit more money on the structural changes to get the space that you really want and then you might put in a more affordable kitchen a very basic bathroom you might have your bedroom done near the ones you might not fit out yeah yeah that's all and that's quite a big decision for you guys today actually that's acceptable as an architect you relish the chance to create a limb board and unique in your hope that you'll have a client who's brave enough to back your decisions now I do you think Tony and Sarah are willing to take a leap of faith but I wonder what a wooden box with a wooden pyramid will look like in this landscape in Wales Tony and Sarah have been granted planning permission to transform their bland 1970s house it's kind of like a house a childhood cool I think we've got those windows doors flat there's no features it's just a bit dreary in the 1970s houses like this were ruled out in their thousands across the country by developers their standardized nor frills design made no attempt to reflect their surrounding environments they were branded anywhere houses over the years Lee attracted criticism for their distinct lack of character who's always so gay a corner I go on now for Tony and Sarah there's a new development on the horizon that will affect the schedule of their transformation home on the girls just for needs and Pregnant's now in four months pregnant so that that's a bit of a new perspective on it was just the thought that we have made any start and lose cool but six months or now we've got five months to go and we don't expect to be perfectly immaculate finished but we just want to get going on it to ensure the builds ready for the baby and keeps within the sixty thousand pound budget toward evil project managed I intend to do as much as I can myself wrong war but I mean I won't have a go at skimming the ceilings because I before oh my go up doing nice carpentry I will be making electrics but I'll be doing a bunch of cam drilling holes and chasing something things you know every little helps it takes Tony and his team just one day to take down the downstairs interior walls and create the new open-plan living space that's very good sorry about it it's nice to get a nice feeling as you walk in yeah that's very cool one key element of architect Greg please design that Tony can tackle is the unconventionally angled rear extension as well gently pry this awaited start by you but want to get it flying me if I can but he does manage to find the local builder brave enough to take on the ambitious project that's it oh it is quite a difficult build because the angles and complexity of it nobody else seemed interested and I like a challenge on it what makes this even more challenging is that build a nail has only got a two month window fed their thang that which means he's forced to start before the technical drawings all ready let's go come over to us like there's me yeah so that one that moves to there okay and with this complex Bill's relying on the exact positioning of five steals it proves far harder than expected and cliff it's all funny angles in or equal lengths you think you get it right then you get sent for it on the concrete drop a beam in and then you take actual flakes of beans in it in it isn't right it's been a slight chicken and egg situation where the builders pushed them into getting on site before we've had full engineer's drawings before we have full detailing and so is a risk with Tony and Neil struggling that the complexities of the design architect greg has come to sides so two posts in they look level all right there all right how you doing doing good to read you you're right all right is this we're gonna work out then I'll setting out of this ceiling coming through I hope so yeah you know this has been difficult because normally we have the drawings up front you know calques measurements ie and this has been unusual for us because we haven't had that information that's the reason why I'm here if there's anything that we need to work out we work it out here and if a thing is to be drawn we draw it right once we got a skeleton yeah it will be plain sailing with Greg on hand to advise then together the project gets moving again ready yeah only thing this large horizontal steel will provide support for Greg soaring triangular roof was easy one thank you I'm going now get the other posting let's get it on up really you think it's this easier you know Craig Tomlin it's going to feel a big voluminous exciting space to be in I know that it's gonna be good an extension is where a good architect can make a massive difference to a property not only do they provide more internal space with a bit of ingenuity they can also transform the look of a traditional building even the most modest extension can revolutionize a living space but the secret is it the placing events the issue with this house it doesn't have a very good relationship with the orientation ie north south east west and to the landscape greg's extension has a footprint of just 8 square meters but by giving it height the interior space will feel bigger and more traumatic removing the old kitchen wall were connected to the rest of the house by position on the extension at 45 degrees it faces the long view down the garden to the landscape beyond Tony and Sara's extension has such an unconventional shape it's going to be really difficult to construct but it's so exciting to see the bones of a new building coming together I can't wait to see what it looks like morning my house are good all right good morning how are you enjoyed so you see my little going yeah come on in have a look oh look who's here mm-hmm thank you very very pregnant yeah which is great news fantastic as if you didn't have enough going on you know the timings not not waiting really no this space looks brilliant it really does because you're looking cleanly all the way through here you've taken out that wall and it's all from front to back you look good right through the house what's it like to live in at the minute they almost and it's hard was the did the shower it just always got global and grit and I worry about India because she know like wants to issues and socks and things but that's the dust I got she feel it on the back of my throat maybe it's gonna quite off every year deep voice yeah although still a building site this space holds real promise Greg's came to show me how the new part of the build is progressing great the extension is ston the gore slabs in still works gone up that's like a mini catch obviously a big bit of steel in there yeah I think across the back of there so this is a flat roof or well this gives a slightly false impression so it feels like her a little boxy yeah triangular extension batch that stick it's their maximum height so when you're in this very sort of wedgie corner you've got four and then four point three meter high ceiling so you'll come out from the kitchen you'll feel that sense of excitement looking up so when you're standing inside it's a big kind of triangular sloping piece of roof called the light house it huh yeah quite complicated good lucks the villa with the steel framework complete builder Neal can now start a piece together the forespore timber frame Oh made a mistake Neal what he first thought would be an interesting challenge is turning into a bit of a headache but Ruth we're under pressure of it because everything we do we have to make bespoke because there's nothing traditional this timber alone is six different cuts six different angles it's just evolving really isn't it you know there's no template for funny angles oh wait we love ah I know you're super mom watch week back this job huh baby on it came last week he's nearly a week old now yah there they dug you he's been great he's really chill door baby and he sleeps constantly I went so a nice break into having the two children and I went to you wouldn't be glow like a big you are notorious he's amazing you sling for all the noise we're back top and is above him with rip sauce with the roof coming off and he just it's amazing centuries have been read really blessed ah samandar what's the matter oh I mean it's weird because the to like massive events I guess going on but then also see a party at moment is maybe in India he wasn't home I try and help where I come with decisions but I feel a bit sorry fraternity sometimes like for instance last night at about 10 o'clock he was like oh you need to choose skating boards and I was like really I'm so not interested this time I'm about to fall asleep so I'm probably not as helpful to him and supportive but sara has helped only make one significant decision to replace the concrete tiled roof with slate so that it ties in more with the brand new extension this unplanned 5,000 pounds addition and other escalating costs but is pushing them well over budget we will spend our budget and the house would have looked without the same as it did but with the timber clad extension that didn't look like any of the rest of the house in our heart we felt like we had to there was a big monk anyway so this is custom necess or over budget that's spend even more that's we're kidding this but what's the headache the money is overlap with a great finish my thing he'll be worth it I just want to Tony and Sara's new slate roof is finally complete we have blown the budget a bit but it's a big pleasing thing to have but it's the dramatic new angular extension that's attracting the attention of some of the neighbors from here we can see a triangle that's coming up off the side of the house it's our wacky this it's pretty different um kind of thing you can put together with a Lego Lego house you having a square and triangle cone off the side looking asset is that gospel is a bit different I didn't notice at first but there's a quite interesting roof structure around the back of the property certainly nothing round here looks like that one two three go today work begins on Greg's second key design idea nothing unites the left his relatively simple plan for the windows has already resulted in them knocking out a large opening to make room for the picture window in the living room with these windows it's really been difficult to see how it's going to look the lights what the view is going to be so these windows going in very exciting the way architects harness light can totally transform the space but windows are not just there to allow light in they can also frame the view connecting the inside to the outside Antonia and Sara's house Greg has replaced the orgy PVC windows at the front but slim framed aluminium ones so the front may look very simple but then if you look at the back you will create bigger windows which make the connection from the inside to the outside more impressive Gregg is replacing the old conventionally shaved windows at the back of the house were to strikingly different versions to create uninterrupted views of the landscape now as Gretna fellowships stand here and serve a mile and just this small bit of grass gently and easily would be glass fitted into the extension sliding doors I'm in their driveway and a large picture window in the living room the builders begin installing the horizontal frame in the kitchen giving Tony and Sarah the first chance to check out their newly wore the type extension that's nice we don't see the hills and stuff over there hmm we see it from back here what are you sat down at the dining table dinner Tony and Sarah have spent a quarter of their sixty thousand pound budget on new glazing so I'm keen to see the difference that it's made extensions all up which is good but this looks fantastic what a great extension of the lovely slope and river it's a little bit of work doesn't it tiny bitty heads to say the least hello there hello so nice to see you oh you remember this little one you are so cute so beautifully Brita challenge baby bills the tea bees that you should never do at the same time but I'll see what these windows make a massive difference the light coming through there and is really nice little Sun clap you actually fell asleep on the floor the other day with the baby Oh Tyrone it's so sunny and nice as any place that had at least on was like if you fall asleep a little pool of wanting or inviting it I don't think this picture indoors lovely it says pretty to lift up that cell height together up to that level so that all your units can just be underneath and you can stand there in the kitchen about fantastic econ really good you just need a kitchen mmm candy actually does quite a lot distilled over there you know you only get the floor finish this down you want the walls all done seeing obviously you start a board now now which is fantastic but you've got a lot to do yeah another thing else are faithful its and how's your tide lookin membrane on isn't it cool you know isn't that I mean there's a shape I think it looks fantastic how you feeling about the bills generally be honest I think I've got over the shock of how much it's actually gonna cost us cuz really why you realized smoke on a coming budget how much have you spent I think looking sixty four sixty four thousand together the stage to this stage plus money set aside for things that haven't been done yet how much words we got left in all of paper kitchen you where you gonna borrow the money from the fishery credit cards and whatnot we don't want it meant stowaway borrowing but but you can't not finished project otherwise you just spend a lot of money and you still won't have something that you like so you make it a big financial commitment and stretch yourself years yeah so just get it done here as if you're happy and you spent money that helps us so for most of the bill time has been spent creating the new extension but six months in your house is about to be transformed by Greg's final big idea what we're going to do is we're going to take this very boring box and we're going to take the top section which is repeal - and battle it out in some really fine large clapping and the large and will be untreated so over time or go silver gray at the base which is red at the moment and it's in very responsible if you like to landscape we're going to paint it very dark and what that will mean is that that will become recessive which will make the top section this is a very fine clad building look like a floating element in in a landscape wooden carving is an effective way of given an exterior an individual for salt just like stripes on clothing the direction in which it's laid changes its effect thanks to laser technology fine detailing can be created on materials such as weathered steel or aluminium alloy to dramatically cut a building on a large scale the planning is right up there on the top three of exciting things that we wanted to do for the house so it's some transformation today you're gonna flush there yeah but squish Ricky it's gonna line up with the corner and the window and evenly spaced and you want the screws to line up nice on the buttons so all those cones line up they'll be pre-drilled so it's just tricky but before the builders can begin to fix the new cladding the uneven wall surface is causing a problem when you coming out look at the walls originally they looked quite straight but there are a lot lot worse than what we originally thought so it's gonna be a long day today the horizontal battens are having to be packed out in order to create a flat surface onto which the cladding can be attached it's okay it's a challenge hey we're all good after several hours of packing out they're ready to start yeah you're interviewing me check the bottom before you come up this is the first bit of luck a little bit nervous you never know what it's actually gonna look like designing something so bald might seem an odd way of getting a building to reflect its setting but I've got something to show Tony and Sarah to reassure them that it can be done so guys I brought you to see your house Rick it looks like running from the outside it's a bigger place than yours slightly differently this is a 50s house world than the 70s one but the main reason for bringing you here is when you look at this it's obviously a fairly traditional building in its style and taste the difference though between the front and the back is quite unbelievable wait till you see this extension come on now what I love about this place is that you can review this front door what do you think yeah I get it it's kind of a straightforward semi period house and then you'll give me the kitchen and turn and see that I don't expect another no come on look at the outside see what you think of this no I asked great yeah let's radically different materials I mean completely gone from render on the real house to full-on steel glass and timber on the extension well as you walk around it you'll kind of you realize just how dramatic this thing is to be honest but this is all about the garden it's all about getting the house to link to the outside wall yeah where it's landscaped it really does bring it all in as part of it isn't it and you've got to think about that with yours is there anything in particular you would take from this under yours but for me it's the difference between the house and the extension they're not trying to tie it in too much you're not trying to tighten too much cuz you could easily make it look all one color and it is a bit different in its shape is that enough I don't know I'm really pleased with that when I left this morning there were five pieces up come back and it's like 50th I'm for happy about the way it looks now if you see more there looks like it looks nice and clean and sharp like the detail with the tiles at the top can't wait to sit on the extension as well it's gonna look really striking bill cost 7,000 pounds to card the entire building but even with just the side elevation complete it's already possible to see how Greg simple idea will help this home sit more comfortably and its surroundings I just like a house that blends in to its environment a bit more blended in hidden away you know you spend all this money and no one sees it over the next two weeks the builders tab the extension and entire upper half of the house to address the lack of symmetry on the front facade greg has creatively designed the cladding to partially cover the middle window I think it just doesn't look quite right for you it's better inside than it's not good I think it looks as if we just stuck some wood on but it's not reading mountains then it's just a shame it obscures the inner view we've just so many kind of worms I think changing that it's not simply a last bit of wood no that's a little bit like a good bars like a prison wouldn't do although they decide to remove Greg's bars from the window Tony and Sarah Duggal with his idea to paint the lower half of the house gray to help highlight the wooden cladding I've always painted that it was dated wasn't it yeah that's like an easy modern update and that paint in the bricks ah easy when someone else does it as well it's nice see if an easy ready as the house nears completion on the outside Tory races to finish the inside of six or seven months off and counts the scene that I have enjoyed it a lot a little bit about work paid for it really but sod let it go especially near the end now these final details which make the difference isn't it really no where's the UM the bit you see after all flea well thank you look at the moment we're pretty much confined to living in two rooms upstairs which is quite hard way I'm sorry the baby sleeping so it's going to be a massive relief really when it's finished at last and we can get back to being a family and after you doing things together and talking about something other perhaps with a night Toni and Sarah moved here because they had a dream of living in the countryside but they ended up in an ugly suburban box that seemed completely out of place to the surrounding landscape It was as if their house was in the 1970s time-worn covered in ugly pebble - with plans uPVC windows and a scruffy carports for just sixty thousand pounds architect greg Blee promised to transform their nineteen seventies house into something beautiful and unique that would celebrate the surrounding landscape i call where the see if he's pulled it off now that is pretty incredible in fact it's beyond incredible I can't actually believe that done it it looks fantastic architect Greg Blee has truly made his mark on this building with the combination of dark he painted brickwork and large cladding the house now fits seamlessly into its surroundings good morning so give us a oh yeah sorry resume Spiro hey I think this looks fantastic tada it is so good so good you've done it you can absolutely done it must be thrilled yeah it looks amazing I mean compared to what it was like before hope you don't mind me saying it was a fairly ugly ball it's different yeah water transformation it looks contemporary modern slick somewhere it must be a slightly different approach coming home yeah you appreciate the drive up and it picks up from behind trees and sometimes I've got the time even sit down and I feel really proud of it cuz I never look yeah the interior of the property proved just as challenging to transform as the exterior the layout of the living room and kitchen left a lot to be desired the god was inaccessible except through the garage and the rear windows made little use of the stunning views from the back of the house though this looked very very smart oh look at that it's fantastic by reconfiguring the dysfunctional ground-floor Gregg's created a beautiful open plan living area and Ketchum that just invites the one before outside in unrecognizable as a space screamer I actually feel like I'm in a completely different house a little life because these windows dramatically change as a space I think due to South Face and they get all the light to come in through last pay-per-view we didn't put a solid wall in there go to it to be a little bit of device they were separate spaces but to get all I liked all the way through the house then and all the finishes are really smart I love this TV I've gotten ya around this is to ask you really Col on new it's like it's kind of you just sit here the cup of tea and look at that picture window all he can see is green but the breathtaking views are not unique to just the living area the bespoke picture window in the kitchen is clever and stylish this kitchen on staggered by with your budget to Tunsil that this level that looks this good is unbelievable it comes the interior especially kitchen I'd like to have things I felt you probably love this bit I love this window as well I'm so glad Greg pushed us to have apps I love the way it frames the view more than any home the kitchen is absolutely the heart of the home now the fact that you've got the extension yeah listening is this really his every reasonable finally in the middle I'd love to well you can look all the way down especially if you're sitting in that area day but a lovely view water community here so the last time I was here the extension was looking fairly unfinished but triangular but very trying to give you that chemical numb look it's a bit more HIV happen less ER yeah yeah the new extension to the back of the house is undoubtedly the more striking elements of Greg's design this triangular room is a triumph and effortlessly opens up the house to the god that is fabulous what a space but searing lifting up like that to be right up with that pose will see the baby this Holly so this in a little chapel yeah it's like not just an extensions is this is a space that stands alone with them you know if this was the flat level senior run over here yes it would still be an interesting shape but they're nowhere near was dramatic as this but I tell you sit here ah no more than a cup of tea all that that for you is pretty special I knew inside that this would look dramatic and smart but I was slightly worried about the timber clouds pyramid luck from our time next week 8 oh yeah yeah hopefully the way from the garden the Soaring extension is a genuinely dramatic addition to the box share property the angles just all worked on me it really does and the extension makes you guard the space much more intimately reaches out that's wrong all of those internal spaces are becoming part of the surrounding landscape on me yeah I think we walked it how it was it was very much active context and really it could have been prompt anywhere now just really fits in the landscape yeah the interesting shapes just makes him really distinctive but still kind of blend your own little extensions but it transforms everything to do the house in terms of true something ordinary Oakley then something beautiful but actually building it wasn't was not because I know I know it wasn't easy to do it but all that hard work of effort makes this look effortless you dream about having a place like this you know most people want a nice house and there's nice and then there's this FFA knocking yeah yeah she enjoy it so you should I have to say Greg's design is truly remarkable bailing mr. gray its lucky amazing he's created a modern home but the whole family can enjoy as well as given the house the real sense of place Malta like working with an architect for the first time well it gives us an opportunity to have something that we just couldn't not own emotions ourselves I think we always questioned that we would you and really good but until you actually see it at the end that we think is it isn't me great that's quite powerful as now yeah I you know feels very mixed emotion because I know how tough these type of projects are especially if you're doing most of yourself you look around and you see the love and caring attention and I think that's to do with the energy these guys have put any but also it's just to do the alchemy of the client architect so to only tell you about self builds come on what was it like every day there's something looks stressful but when it's finished it's worth it really so I would do it again but not me living what was the hardest powerful you do just having no family life probably I hate it here myself saying not now I'm busy I think that's been the hardest part it's all consumed easy ideas this and I think has to be long as it wouldn't be as good as it was can we talk about money original budget was how much again yes it'll be girls and parents and what did you spend on the end thank you fine still eighty-five thousand votes are not a lot of money but you equal you've gone about doing others stressful on everything we're looking at actually quite a little of the push disaster spell effects he wanted fulfilled the potential of its their paddler Bella extra step only you could have done anything more with this house you can't make it I don't you can make any better than it is I think that's it I'll people that at the start of this project Tony and Tara were living in in any warehouse that had no real connection to the place and I suppose because of that they felt that they didn't belong either but because of Greg's imagination and brilliant design and also because of Tony and Sara's bravery and their tenacity they transformed an ugly house of the most unique and distinctive Hall this house doesn't just sit in the landscape in a dorm set next time open or attacked it's pretty good the clients aren't here meet suburban semi house no certainly not why I envisage he's obviously used to working with huge budgets I call where the still remembers things so that's next Thursday at 8:00 later are we boring in bed I don't think so channel 4 has commissioned the great british sex survey to reveal the top ten kinks at 10:00 but next up the sex kittens of comedy returned cats do countdown you
Channel: KENH1
Views: 712,021
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Id: wCM7bCjkMzg
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Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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