House Hunting in South Norwood! - Location Location Location - Real Estate TV

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[Music] this week we're in London you're not looking for those kind of figures though are you where prices are high and so are expectations you like to live in a very expensive area but but not have a very expensive FL good luck okay but even when space is tight actually you know it's not too bad and budges aren't nearly big enough are we still friends maybe probably not actually we'll stop at nothing to find home sweet home if you want to walk R new kitchen naked you should be able to [Music] this week I'm steaming along with single sisters Ruth and Anna who are doing it for themselves while I'm motoring ahead sourcing City lawyer ABA a pad that doesn't steer her too far from the action money money money location location location it's an ABBA song oh is this oh dear oh dear indeed though maybe SOS is a more appropriate theme tune for this week's search as the average property in London will set you back more than £ 570,000 compared to the national average of 00k last year alone prices increased by more than 9% and in March just gone they were going up by a staggering 900 quid a day but what's making our job even more challenging we house hunting in the week after Britain voted to leave the EU putting the housing market very much on [Music] edge well it's definitely on the minds of sisters Ruth and Anna who in recent years have both moved home with Mom and Dad in Suburban South Norwood life at home so is busy and it's a bit mad there's lots of people there's there's a lot of sharing of everything and making things even more hectic Ruth shares room with her three-year-old son Sam we just really love to have our own space really just bit of Independence like moving home makes you feel like you're just a child again and I'm behaving like I'm a child again cuz I'm back at home so but while the sisters would love homes of their own neither Ruth a family Leon officer or Anna who works in international recruitment can afford to get on London's incredibly steep property ladder when I first moved home I was thinking oh maybe I can live at home for a bit and save and buy by myself and then we thought about it it's like I'll live at home for 10 years 15 years so they've decided to join forces buying a flat together which can be both their home and an investment in their future I didn't see another way out to be honest um until Anna came home saved me their plan is to add value if possible and then sell in a around 3 years time giving both Ruth and Anna enough equity to buy homes of their own since brexit we I particularly have had a panic um because because of the uncertainty the level of risk has suddenly changed is the market going to tap a big crash and are we just going to end up losing money so despite pooling their resources Ruth and Anna feel the odds of finding the right property within budget are stacked against them but they do have one thing very much in them their favor and that's Kel off in their corner so here we are on a Monday the first working day since uh the UK voted to leave the EU uh which will change any house hunt tell me a bit about what you've seen so far okay you haven't seen anything I I saw three properties while Anna was abroad um and kind of ruled out all of them quite quickly and then yeah and we haven't seen anything else since your budget is 345 and you need three bedrooms yes we do what are the specifics for the location I work in Kings Cross and I really don't want to be stretching much Beyond an hour right commute is hellish commute is hellish absolutely 100% And I need to be within a 20 minute um Drive of everything in my life which is work my mom and dad and Sam's Nursery when you walk into three bed Flats in these areas at 345 they are not going to look like houses in magazines no if you can be the ones that can see beyond that see through those properties which are going to look very cluttered and very tdd then that that will put you ahead of the game wise words Kirsty and with Ruth providing the deposit together they've secured a mortgage giving them $345 ,000 for a home that has three bedrooms and enough living space for a family it also needs to be less than an hour's commute for Anna but within a 20-minute radius of Sam's Nursery and grandparents though just as importantly Ruth and Anna are also looking for investment potential as for location their hometown of South Norwood is at the center of their search which means the likes of Crystal Palace beckam and dich are very much on my radar I'll also be house hunting in Southeast London helping Abba a city loving lawyer though it won't be easy to match the lifestyle she currently enjoys renting a flat on buray High Street lots of restaurants and bars very close to the flat um the real sense of community and I realize that I'm lucky to have that everybody in London has that trouble is buying in this neighborhood requires a shedload of cash so right now I think one in Bermane you're probably looking at about £450 500,000 which I don't have but determined to live somewhere in southeast London Abba's been scrimping and saving well most of the time my friends often say that I have champagne taste and lemonade money which is basically uh I just I'm living beyond my means but I like the Finer Things in life even though I can't necessarily afford them um ah well champagne taste can be hard to satisfy in one of the world's most expensive cities but if anyone can put some Fizz into the search it's arm is dispenser abber tell me about your own search cuz you've been looking for a little while now I have yeah I've been looking for about six months um what's been going wrong what's been going wrong I don't know I'm looking for somewhere that's within 40-minute commute of work which is in the city in St Paul's um and I want to stay in southeast London my Max Max budget is 315,000 right the dream would be to have a period conversion and outside space would be a plus but not a deal breaker okay inside Space be a plus yeah yeah some inside Space not just one room maybe two or three I would like to be in somewhere that has like a villagey feel lots of independent cafes restaurants that kind of thing um so you'd like to live in a very expensive area but but not have a very expensive flat good luck okay so the moon on a stick it is though in between sips of her champagne lifestyle Abba saved a good deposit which along with a mortgage gives us a budget of £315,000 to find a one-bedroom flat with period features but Abba would also like enough room to entertain friends a separate kitchen if possible and in a location with a villagey feel that's also less than a 40-minute commute into Central London to make make this Mammoth task a little simpler I'm going to focus our search in and around another of Abba's favorites the rather upmarket Crystal Palace then move out to some of the areas that surround it such as East dich and beckan what do you got this week then two sisters yeah they've realized that they need to use each other as it were so move in together buy together well I've got one of those classic stories where somebody is living in a very nice rented flat renting on bird High Street everything on on her doorstep so that's going to be quite tough to leave CU she's not going to be able to afford anything like what she currently rents it's difficult to know where the Market's going to go and what's going to happen you know we are living in a different in a different age yeah that's where the money comes from yes is brexit going to kill that I don't think so but I think we are in uncertain times that can provide opportunities as well as risk yeah we'll just have to see how it goes but I think as far as House Hunters go life goes on as far as Ruth and Anna are concerned life's been on hold for far too long time to kick their search into high gear after all Ruth's only seen three properties and Anna hasn't seen any so for my first roll of the dice one very sand investment on their home patch of South Norwood which as the girls will tell you offers good schools and great transport links and it's around a 15-minute walk from Mom and Dad which means it's the perfect location for Ruth's son Sam as well but just as this search is about to blast off Houston we have a problem right so as we were walking along the street Ruth what were you telling me that this was one of the properties that I've seen right this is not a this is not a cracking start got to be honest not a good start H that's awkward then again Anna hasn't seen it at all so I think they both need to view this property Through The Eyes of an investor the price was dropped it is vacant and the vendors got to sell it but we've got to address the issue that you rejected this property because you thought the third bedroom was too small yeah okay right okay let's go in I'm still confident this place can work for them after all this Victorian masonet HS its own separate entrance three bedrooms and one light filled reception room with an open PL kitchen although not huge it could easily work for a family of three and with the recently reduced price tag of 325,000 it's 20 grand under budget leaving Ruth and Anna some cash to make improvements mind you this viewing all boils down to one thing is the third bedroom big enough for Sam or not okay so what have we got here I am five six and 3/4 was low as so you could put a six foot bed yeah in here just just how tall as Sam at the mo 90 CM we've also got really good ceiling height so bunk bed with the desk underneath with the desk underneath yes oh that would be lovely and that's actually this cuz the thing about a small room is that it is about the layout of the room you can have a room twice the size of this but if the door and the window are in the wrong place it doesn't work yeah yeah this one could definitely work meanwhile the girl's other concern was whether there was enough reception space okay this isn't as small as I was imagining really no and it's really out it's really light my feeling is that what absolutely Nails it here is the light and the height I kind of feel like we we could do this we could make work definitely so and the location is ideal and I've got to say it it it hasn't sold and I should think if I own this flat I would be sitting around thinking oh dear mhm and so this might be the moment to come and and say don't worry Mr Nice developer who owns this flat I'm going to take it off your hands for 305,000 or £310,000 or you know something along those lines which potentially could put this flat up to £40,000 under budget now there's food for thought I'm feeling excited well that's good cuz it's really good when you have a day when someone's seen a flat rejected and then you come back to it and they feel excited about it so this property is back on the maybe list what's more with a little guidance Ruth and Anna are now viewing like absolute Pros are we both lying down Double B it and those brexit fears seem to be lifting a little there no doubt about it they are being immensely practical and practical is what we need right now yes but liking it is one thing having the confidence to make an offer could prove quite [Music] another this week we're dodging and weaving as we wage war on the capital we're scouring the Street South of the river to secure some space for three Independent Women and despite house hunting in the uncertain market after Britain's decision to leave the EU I have Ruth and Anna seeing definite potential I'm feeling excited well that's good cuz it's really good when you have a day when someone's seen a flat rejected and then you come back to it and they feel excited about it and I'm hoping for similar success in satisfying Abba's champagne tastes which have me in search of period features in some of London's trendiest locations you'd like to live in a very expensive area but but not have a very expensive flat good luck okay in aba's search our first stop is the gentrified village of delich birthplace of Enid bighton it's suitably story book in appearance with its Victorian Terraces and the bustling lordship Lane filled with its trendy cafes shops and gastro pubs while it's not on a tube route it's typically about a 15-minute train ride into Central London though given that everything Abra is looking for is on the doorstep there may not be any reason to to leave doich is genuinely one of London's Villages so it properly has a village in a community field first impressions of the street it feels quite homely another box that I like to think that I've tied period conversion yes we're going to look at top one sounds good come on then in such a great location what's often hard to find is square footage but this charming flat makes the absolute most of the available space with an open plan reception and kitchen Ample Storage and one double bedroom it may be small but in this area it's quite a fine for 330,000 and while that puts us slightly over budget I'm assured there is a deal to be done now we might have got the the best location in the world it's not the biggest flat in the world it's 330 Square ft okay um but it somehow manages to feel bigger it's been well laid out yeah like it actually I like how light it feels big Windows kitchen's nice could you see yourself entertaining here I know you like to cook and yeah I could actually I'm already like Imagining the furniture well sounds like Abba's champagne tastes may not be a problem after all have a look at the bedroom going well so far then again even for one person the bedroom's a bit of a squeeze that is a standard double bed I hopefully have got a slightly bigger double bed you might not have if you lived in this something to think about yeah have a think yeah have a have a going to say have a wand around but you wouldn't get lost so now Abba's Journey really begins as she figures out the balance between location and square footage I was just testing the waters with this FL really was but she's not Avers to the size of it she's giving it proper consideration because she recognizes what the surrounding area is like cuz it is fantastic I don't know which way it'll [Music] go you Gathering your thoughts I am I like it I like it um it's is it big enough I mean that's that's the thing I don't know um if I'd seen the description online and read the square footage I have just like dismissed it I'm not going to show you anything smaller than this okay good good but then I'm not going to show you something else in dll either okay so I think as we go on it will become clear in your mind yeah whether it's worth having a smaller space to be here yeah or the other way okay yeah yeah come on then all I ask is that my city loving lawyer tries to keep an open [Music] mind as for Ruth and Anna search were just down the road in leafy syum Hill a fashionable address since the 19th century when the woods were cleared to create housing for the well healed today it's just as popular as it borders the likes of Forest Hill and Crystal Palace so no shortage of opportunities to shop or dine out living here Anna's commute would be around 50 minutes meanwhile Ruth and Sam would only be 15 minutes from granny and Granddad and they're not the only ones nearby which is is why I've invited myself to the viewing what have you got for us C well this is something very very very different from the last flat so darker lower ceilings cluttered totally different okay but despite that glowing description I'm extremely excited I would never have dreamed that we could be living around here this is a lovely area really lovely right are we going to go in Phil come on okay you lead best fo forward new to the market this ground floor flat works as both a family home and a strong investment for Ruth and Anna offering a large living room separate kitchen with big potential and three generous bedrooms yes the decor needs work but a little paint could completely transform it on the market for £325,000 that would leave our young investors 20,000 in the coffers for improvements so we have a three bed flat that's a little bit tired but fine yeah don't you love them you see this is the attitude well that's required Phil is a little imagination as this flat is most definitely a good investment slightest thing in the tail is a service charge which is 2,800 a year but this is a maintained block and as you see with extensive G and what you get for the 2800 is all your hot water all your heating great okay more pleas as for adding value the best strategy is to attack the decidedly dated bathroom and kitchen contemporary kitchen design you utilize the window so there is no reason not we have a little table and two chairs in here okay obviously you can see the road mhm but but I'd put the opaque sheet on the window just to hear you know so that you know if you want to walk around your kitchen naked you should be able to is that Weir Phil that's why you've got the opaque things on your kitchen window we absolutely know okay we know don't believe Phil never knew that people who don't have pants on in Glass Houses should not throw stones that is all I'm saying to you but whether this flat is clothes optional or not there's no denying the potential okay yeah yeah the rooms are really good sizes AR they if your 10c rule applies as in people make up their mind very quickly you've got it in the backet it's a perfect space cuz everyone will have their own decent size bedroom separate reception room separate kitchen um I think it's a lovely it's lovely for Sam to be in a block CU they're bound to be other kids I'm excited about being here yeah me too SS to to me like Ruth and Anna are beginning to recognize a good investment when they see it I'm feeling kind of proud right now we can do some work we can add a bit of value yes the one thing that's a factor for us that we're thinking about is the service charge we just need to be careful that we we're not um stretching ourselves too far but otherwise really really really POS excited about it right well we better let Phil go quite like you'd come with me actually I mean it sounds like you're in Clover over no we've got we've got other things to see Phil my work is never done never never don't listen to her don't believe a word of [Music] it okay Phil since I'm on a roll perhaps I will show you how it's done such a [Music] [Applause] giver to give City loving Abba what she wants namely more space and the Cosmopolitan surround she's used to I too have brought my search to syum in order to explore its wealth of period properties it's also a very sociable neighborhood with a lively High Street and Crystal Palace just 10 minutes away even better Abba's commute would be around 40 minutes door too and what I found is is a another period property well done you in its present Incarnation is a bit scruffy but lovely lovely flat let's get in ok so on this beautifully leafy Street I've found a raised ground floor flat that's bursting with potential and despite being a conversion many of its original features are still intact offering open plan living and a generous double bedroom while the decor and layout need updating there's no denying this flat could be perfect for Abba though it offers between 300 and 325,000 it is at the top of her budget so any work might just have to wait so you got bedroom bathroom but come through the back here cuz you got I think it's it's what's quite a grand room you've got ceiling height you've got fireplace love the chandelier it's it's the proportions of the room that I particularly liked you could entertain on quite a reasonable scale yeah if I had seen it online I think I would have dismissed it why um just cuz it feels like I'm sitting in the kitchen something that's very easily fixed it's very simple plan we'll make this a galley kitchen yeah yeah I mean easy to do a morning's work yeah but Kirsty does have a plan as she always does to flip things around the other way but I'll leave you in her c stand back Phil as I think it's possible to improve the layout even further that is the bathroom currently oh wow and you can see this is a F wall okay now if you knock down this wall yeah and put the kitchen the hole of across the hole of the back wall yeah this could be your reception room meanwhile the existing reception would become an amazing master bedroom and bathroom but Abba would really need to love it to tackle all that work the thing is if you're redoing the bathroom and the kitchen yeah doing this configuration makes no difference youve got the plum here you've got the plumbing for the kitchen there Food For Thoughts I know well I try come join me you're just sitting out in the sun I know I'm enjoying it well you were doing my job for me I thought I'd take well I wasn't really doing your job for you I was just being more Forward Thinking and imaginative than you you say that in such a polite tone with such a degree of sarcasm bolted into the end of it still at least Abba seems to be smiling the plan I liked it a lot very interesting and I can see that happening maybe a few years in the future but it's definitely liveable now it's the kind of place that I would want to live anyway happy days all going well excellent well done fil thank you very much I'm feel quite sh about things now right um but I'm going to go on and beat it I'm going to show you something bigger W further out presumably I couldn't possibly say but we want to give Trade Secrets all right though what's not such a secret is Abba's fear of the suburbs best of luck [Music] Pip this week I'm with house hunting siblings Ruth and Anna who have run out of space at Family HQ and need to find their own pad Pronto and the jury's still out on whether I can get lawyer Abba on the property ladder without taking her too far from the bright lights of the city although she's tired of paying someone else's mortgage Abba's budget means she may have no choice but to downsize if I'd seen the description online and read the square footage I would have just like dismissed it meanwhile sisters Ruth and Anna are discovering the benefits of joining forces and finances I'm extremely excited I would never have dreamed that we could be living around [Music] here in Ruth and Anna's search for a three bed flat the location also needs to work for Ruth's son Sam so he's less than 20 minutes from his grandparents which is why we're headed to the slightly more Suburban town of beckan just 15 minutes from granny and Granddad it really does offer something for everyone a thriving High Street two outstanding primary schools and great transport links as thanks to the six Railway stations it's only a 20-minute journey to Central London so yesterday we saw a flat which you were very very very positive about except it had a quite a high service charge yes today we're seeing a strangely similar flat but just in a different location but it it different I'm not making any sense what is wrong with this fortunately there's nothing wrong with this second floor flat the layout's familyfriendly with a reception room that has zones for both living and dining as well as three decent sized bedrooms there's also plenty of opportunity to add value as despite being in pristine condition the kitchen and bathroom definitely need dragging into the 21st century on the market for 350,000 it is at the top end of the girls budget but we're told the vendors open to offers right now what we've got there is lovely kitchen oh yeah lovely and an even lovely a living room oh lovely this is big oh wow look at this there loads of space it's massive dining table yeah as for adding value the obvious place would be the bathroom as modern or spacious it's not there we are so you can do like that leg shaving yeah perfect i' love and then the main bath can you fit in the main bath yeah right okay perfect it's quite Diddy okay it's very Diddy Anna makes it look so [Music] easy I put struggle actually you know it's not too bad it's quite cozy if I didn't have I wasn't at the tap end I'd be fine they're looking beyond the bathtub so sounds like your traine investors are seeing real potential it is a joy to work with two such sensible House Hunters when you get a pair like that you are very grateful but with three strong properties it all comes down to whether or not these two are ready to make an offer back with Abba I'm also exploring Suburban Beckham but while this location definitely gives my inner city lawyer more bang for her will she find the slightly quieter surrounds up to her Cosmopolitan standards are we still friends maybe probably not actually um what's up what's the matter it's too far it's too far I feel very out of my comfort zone it doesn't feel like I'm in London geographically it is further out but the commute is much easier right that puts you straight into London Bridge in 28 minutes okay but there's nothing going on we've lost the village Vibe yeah that's the compromise here but the trade-off is you get double the size of the first flat come on let's go have a look despite Abbott's unbridled enthusiasm at more than 600 squ ft this first floor conversion really is twice the size of the flat we looked at in dich what's more the open plan kitchen and living delivers plenty of space to entertain in even more exciting in in this neighborhood Abba doesn't just get one bedroom she gets two which means greater flexibility when it comes to the layout and with a guide price of £315,000 it's also bang on budget come on in uh let's go this way to a 22t r so big it's so big lots of scope to put a wall in and separate and have a a designated kitchen and sound like hsty now reconfiguration don't say things like that please thought we were getting along well actually I'm pretty sure that's a compliment fil though if your design skills aren't impressing Abba maybe stick to the square footage come and have a look at this so that's a bathroom with its own lovely window yeah but look we have two bedrooms if it's a question of whether you're prepared to trade the villagey vibe right on the doorstep yeah for a great big plat or not not we're in the wrong spot but we have to come and explore these things in order to make confident decisions at the end though right now Abba's most definitely decided she's not moving to the suburbs like Abba many House Hunters are prepared to pay a premium for having everything on on the doorstep in fact the average brick spends £4,000 a year on dining out that's a fifth of the average take-home wage as for the least expensive city for Foodies that would be Liverpool where a three course meal in a mid-range restaurant costs around £20 we're also big fans of grabbing a takeaway with takeout curries costing the average family over 1,300 a year and in London we eat more fish and chips per person than anywhere else in Britain though our favorite haunt seems to be the coffee shop where in 2015 we spent a staggering £ 7.9 billion mind you a copper might just help Ruth and Anna who are currently debating the ground floor flat in syum versus property 3 in the more family orientated town of Beckham and of course there's still brexit to consider whatever the turmoil that's going on now it is going to settle it is going to take us two years to extricate ourself from Europe and you don't want to live at home for another two years I came around to that way of thinking at the weekend yeah but it took did take me a while yeah I bet but given the uncertain climate the smart move is going for the area that's most popular with potential buyers and that would be syum definitely suits you better and actually I think it suits me and Sam quite well as well I think let's go back and see it with at the back of our minds the fact that you like to buy it is that fair no no no no I don't want to rush you on that no you're right I think we been thinking that okay fantastic drink up much after all in London's property Market it's usually best to strike while the IR is hot as for Abba's search of Southeast London we've now safely returned from the suburbs and have arrived in a village that's one of her top picks the very fashionable Crystal Palace packed to the gunels with great shops restaurants and pubs it also boasts some of the most spectacular views of the city not to mention the required transport links to get you there quickly but while ab's prepared to have less space for the right location that might not be the only compromise she has to [Music] make what all these lovely period properties and now and I'm going to stop outside this one that you are looking at the one downside of the property okay but it has loads and loads of upsides I promise and proper village community habab accent what we talked about let's get in let's get in and inside things only get better is unlike the other properties we've seen this flat has a separate living room and kitchen all decorated to an extremely high standard add to that a generous double bedroom and you have a total of more than 500 ft of living space with a guide price of £325,000 it's 10K over Abba's budget but with fill on the case there's always a deal to be done this is really cute separate kitchen first one of those I've been able to show you yeah I like it even though it's ugly outside it's pretty inside you don't stand outside looking in inside looking out you don't it's very nice something to think about um you want to see some more do well how about a master bedroom that puts the others we've seen to shame also it's big yeah huge wardrobe massive wardrobe still Lo of space it offers a lot this flow yeah property number two youd have to spend some money getting it the way you wanted it this would be simple as in buy it unpack invite your friends around go back to work yeah have a cup of coffee on the way to the train station really really easy [Music] yeah have some time um it's a big decision you need to make it confidently I'll wait outside okay at this point I've have no idea what Abba's going to do not a clue but I do know I've shown her good options and we've properly explored the whole brief so she's in a good place to make a decision but it's not going to be an easy decision for her to make and it seems Abba feels exactly the same way I'm very confused right now cuz up until this point I think flat number two was the one so I just don't know it feels like it would be the sensible thing to do to go back to property number two yeah this is fresh in your mind yeah I'll organize it we'll sort it all out tomorrow don't you worry bold words Phil I just hope you won't be eating them by tomorrow we're in southeast London where both of us have House Hunters torn between two properties I'm very confused so I'm taking sisters Ruth and Anna back to the ground floor flat in sdam Hill I'm still excited but their biggest concern can be summed up in Just Two Words dark though rather than rule this property out it's amazing the trans form even pulling back the curtains can make it makes a big difference really big difference yeah so it is light versus Space at this point really go and have another look at those bedrooms they are a lot bigger than the beckon and flat after all it's not just investment opportunity Ruth and Anna have to think about there's loads of space in here absolutely loads there's also Ruth's 3-year-old son Sam he can have all his toys in here the bedroom's is Big the kitchen is separate it's in a fantastic building there's lots of place for Sam to play and for Anna it's closed to super cool Forest Hill so it seems to me that it's the flat that suits them equally I think are we thinking this one yeah I am okay [Laughter] good and that can only mean one thing now it's just time to me to buy it a few streets away ab's debating character versus a village VI so at our second viewing of the flat in sydon the casting votes going to her mom Tina you've done quite a lot of the viewings we have together but you haven't liked any of the ones that I not particularly you are going to help us aren't you oh I'll try I don't know I'll try we haven't done the wrong thing here we I thought Abba was hard to beds but I suspect I haven't seen anything yet that's a just too much work it looks like this was kind of an afterthought and besides could do with a lot of scrubbing this would be the front room the later space we're not convinced though are you no not particularly Tina is in there being very honest with her thoughts my advice is that AB should buy whichever flat she feels that she'd be happiest living in for the longest period of time I find it quite depressing at the moment can't help it that's how I feel okay message received loud and clear yeah granted it needs work but swapping the bedroom and reception space could definitely boost value as long as you spent cautiously there there is some upside to do the work yeah but it's still smaller than flat number four exactly listen let's go and have a drink kind a think and um decide from there clearly aba's more confused than ever property two offers character and money-making potential while property four puts her at the very heart of Cosmopolitan Crystal Palace I would normally always said for a first time by I look for any opportunity to add value but I I can't get away from thinking property 4 is where you would be happier for longer yeah I think I'm going to go with property for great yeah good I'm really pleased the challenge now is bringing the asking price of 325,000 much closer to ABBA's budget of 3155 Nathan HS Phil Spen um I do have an offer for you £310,000 that that's not going to do it I'm afraid uh she's saying the absolute lowest is 320 it it it I mean to be really I I don't want to be um kind of obstinate or rude but it's it's not worth 320 I'm sitting next to Abba now and I've got instructions to make a best and final offer at 3:15 okay many thanks bye fingers crossed you'll get there don't worry as for Ruth and Anna it turns out they have competition for the flat in syum Hill the next door neighbor is thinking about making an offer so I need to put a little pressure on the agent listen I want this flap for my clown I'm not going to beat about the bush I want it you're look you're not looking for those kind of figures though are you on the market it offers over £325,000 the L last thing the girls want is a bidding war as they need to keep the other 20,000 of their budget for Home [Music] Improvements right entirely good news turns out a little competition from the next door neighbor isn't our only hurdle it seems that the vendor and his wife have different aspirations for the the flat okay the gentleman is like well the flat in the building's G for 370 so I should be able to get 370 well that flat was in much better condition and it was higher up so I just said when you know where you are and you can give me a figure that you want I will tell you whether we can match it or we can't match it we are completely in a position to you know play the long game yeah so we sit out we found the right flat we just have to play the long game while kirsty's strategy is holding back I'm haggling over price price with a vendor who's not budging which means Abba has to stretch her budget by an extra 22 Grand in the spirit of trying to get this done today Abba would pay 3172 and but that's it with our best and final offer on the table now we wait that was quick work what news we have a deal fantastic fantastic by yes well done thank you so much great really really pleased for you fantastic flat Rel it's a bit tense there for a moment brilliant cheers happy day house something thank you a few weeks after her offer was accepted Abba's delighted she managed to get the dream champagne flat on her lemonade budget ultimately we got a good deal cuz it was a bit under the asking price part of the competitive side of me felt like yes I'd won hoping to complete in the next few weeks it won't be long before she can celebrate in her first home I think when I move in I'll definitely be popping some prco I hope Abba's mom will be toasting her flat choice too my mom's really happy she likes the ideas I can just roll in with my suitcase and unpack but Abba does want to inject her sense of style into her new home owning my own property is something that I've wanted for a number of years and finally be able to put my own stamp on it it's just really great I'm just really excited to get in aba's future is looking bright it's not been quite so straightforward for Ruth and Anna an offer of 350 Grand was made on the syum flat that's well above what they could pay so the sisters had to walk away it took a little bit of adjusting to come around to that nevertheless the girls kept their flat finding Focus well after our time with Kirsty I think definitely we had a bit of momentum So within the next couple of weeks we saw four five six properties and it paid off they found a 3ed period masoner in Beckham and they secured it for 325,000 20 grand under their budget as soon as we saw it we knew that we I I knew that we wanted [Laughter] it so Sam Ruth and Anna hope to be moving out of mom and dad's and into their own pad very soon we're so excited about having R Place aren't we Anna's already planning parties I'm really looking forward to it I couldn't be happier for you [Music] both [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 86,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jW8-Ul7AdDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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