Double Episode: Can She Squash Tabloid Rumors to Prove He's the Father? | Paternity Court

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-[audience] Good day. -Ms. Woodbury, you claim you are 110 percent certain that you fiancé, Mr. Cage, is the father of your one-year old son, Lexington. You say your reality TV persona has put you in the position of having to prove paternity to Mr. Cage, but also to all of the naysayers on social media -and the world, is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Cage, you say your paternity doubt began when the plaintiff was pregnant because of the many rumors that came from friends and others on social media. You are hoping today's results will prove you are the father, -is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. All right, so, Ms. Woodbury, you say you need everyone to know he's the dad. -[Woodbury] Yes, Your Honor. -Explain. I mean, I know a 110 percent that D'Quan is the father of my child. I don't sleep with no one, I don't look at nobody. I don't have feelings for no one else, but this man. You know, there's always gonna be people in his ear no matter where we go, just because I do have that reality star TV persona. And it could be, not even denying our son or anything. <i> No matter what I do with my life,</i> <i> someone has an opinion.</i> And so, let's be completely honest, your public persona, often you're portrayed as a girl -that's fun... -[Woodbury] Mm-hmm. [Judge Lake] ...carefree, living life. -[Woodbury]<i> Yeah.</i> -[Judge Lake]<i> Sexy, fun.</i> So this entire image, you believe has now almost kind of backfired and that these people expect you to be something you're saying you're not. -Yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] So, Mr. Cage, can you take me back to how you met, and tell the court how you feel about this public persona? I didn't get with her because of her persona, I got with her because of the person she was. When I first met her, she hit me up on Instagram through a Snapchat from a friend that she saw. And, she was just like, "Hey, I have an event... you know, I want you to come out, I want you to hang out with me and some of my friends." "But you can't bring your friend." "But you can't bring your friend." [chuckles] [audience laughing] So, I got in the Uber, I pulled up to the event, and she just pulled up. So, we walk into the club, do the walk through and then... after that, it was history. [laughs] [Judge Lake] Oh, wait, you say, "History"? -[Cage] Yeah. -[Woodbury] Mm-hmm. Oh, so, what does that mean? So, you do the walk through. -Yeah. -[Woodbury] I invited him back home. -And then... -[Cage laughing] ...he didn't leave after that, he stayed. -[audience laughing] -[Woodbury] Yeah. -Well, this was the thing-- -So, what you're saying is -you went back... -[Woodbury laughing] your place... -[Woodbury] Yeah. ...and you all were intimate on the first night? -Yes. -Yes. -[audience] Wow. -[man hooting] Did you use protection? [both] No. -Oh, y'all are doing the most. -[Woodbury laughing] [Judge Lake] So, we start off irresponsible. [Woodbury] Yup, yes. Have you decided you're boyfriend and girlfriend now? I mean, what is this? -[Cage] No. -[Woodbury] Not right away. -No, not right away. -We were still just like, hanging out, I mean, like, people are always telling me, they're just like, even some of her co-stars, they're just like, "Hey, listen, don't trust Caylea, she's out there." And then-- I say, birds of a feather flock together. So, it was just like, "Oh, if you're hanging out with them... you must be doing the same thing--" So, were you out there, Ms. Woodbury? Tell the truth. -What was going on? -Back then, I mean, I wasn't sleeping around, I was having fun, I'm 21, I'm having fun, I'm going out dancing, I'm partying. Yeah, I'm partying. Okay. But if we're being honest, you did bring him to your event, then bring him to your house, then sleep with him unprotected on the first day. Now the way this court room usually goes, most people say, "Well, if you did that once..." -[chuckles] -[audience] Yeah. [Judge Lake] " probably did it before." I mean, I'm not saying I haven't done it, but not multiple, multiple times, I mean, you know-- I know around one or two that she's done that with, -so... -[audience exclaiming] [Woodbury] But it wasn't right after the other. So, you're very much aware of the situation. -[Cage] Oh, yeah. -[Judge Lake] All right. So, at some point, Ms. Woodbury, you find out you're pregnant. -[Woodbury] Mm-hmm. -Take me to that day. I think it was a year after we finally settled down, and I haven't been feeling right, I just feel weird. So, I just got up and went to the store. The store was right next to our house at the time. So, I went out, got a test, and shortly after that, it said, "Positive, you're pregnant." So, I just yelled out to him and I was like, -"Hey, you're gonna be a dad." -[Cage] Mm-hmm. And then, it-- Yeah. So, what was the response? Were you happy? I told her she was lying. I was like... [chuckles] ...I was like, "You're lying." She was like, "No, I'm not. I'll go get another one." And I was like, -"Go get another one." -[Woodbury] I'll take... She got another one, it was positive, and I mean, like, I was happy but scared at the same time. -[audience exclaiming] -When does the doubt... -[Woodbury] Four months in. -...just setting in, and you go, -"Is this my baby?" -So the doubt started -kicking in-- -Three months in. Yeah, around three months in. There was a artist... and he scarily resembles me. -Like, it's kind of weird. -No, he does not. [Cage] We resemble each other, and everyone thinks so, as well. And pretty much, they talked all the time. -She says, oh... -[Woodbury] About what? -...we don't talk all the time. -[Woodbury] About what? -Music. -[Cage] No, I don't know, -'cause I never checked. -Music. But the things that he was saying in front of me and some of my family members were very disrespectful, and you just... -[Judge Lake] So... -...brush it right off. ...tell the court what kinds of things was he saying specifically. Like, we were in the car, and before we got out there, we were just letting him know that she was pregnant. And he was like, "Oh, yeah, I already know the baby gonna be good, her and the baby gonna be good, -that's my girl." You know-- -That's my girl-- Yeah, other people say that to our friends all the time, and you don't think anything of it. But when it's turned to me... it's like-- -To me it's my girl-- -[Judge Lake] Well, the correct response -would've been "congratulations," right? -[Cage] Yeah. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Do you believe, at some point, she was intimate with this guy? I feel so. But I've never ever hung out with him outside of, like, without him there. Never, ever hung out with the guy. You've hung out with him prior. One time, and everyone was around, -and you saw-- -These were multiple times. -All our other friends... -I remember you were telling me -that you're always with him. -...were there. Whatever. So, the point is this relationship with this guy, Mr. Cage, you've not always been very comfortable with, but you're trying to lean into your trust and believe that Ms. Woodbury's saying there's no physical, emotional, -sexual... -[Cage] Yeah. -...connection. -I believed her a 100 percent. Because at the end of the day, it's like, I have to trust her, because we're in a relationship. And I have to make sure that she knows that I have her back. But you didn't have my back, 'cause you believed it. I didn't have your back after you and me started going back and forth every single day about-- Okay. How did it start going back and forth? -[Woodbury] He went... -It started with people. People around her, who knew both of us, they are very close to both of us. They were like, "You need to get a DNA test, 'cause we don't even trust it." I didn't know that part though. When we were filming, and I told you specifically that me and this person sat down because she couldn't film. -Yeah. -And-- Yeah, you remember that now, don't you? -And she told me... -I didn't know about the DNA thing. She told me everything, she told me not to trust you. She told me about the guy, how not to trust you and the guy. She told me all of that. And she told me to watch out. -[audience exclaiming] -All right. So, pretty much we now see how we arrived at very substantial paternity doubt. And what I'm also clear about now, is Mr. Cage... you were saying all the right things, but you were feeling something different. [Cage] Of course. [Judge Lake] You really weren't living your best life, you was living your best lie. -[Cage] Yeah. -Right? And Ms. Woodbury, what it seems like to me is... this public persona was affecting your relationship. Very much so. And then especially when it's my child, like, our child, and you're gonna deny, like, him? It hurts, because there are fathers out there that are the father of a child, and they still deny it. And I don't-- Obviously, I don't-- You can 110 percent look... [voice breaking] ...that's his-- Oh, my gosh. That's his child. Okay. So... -eventually Lexington is born? -Yes. He signed the birth certificate, and everything. [Judge Lake] Signed the birth certificate. -[Cage]<i> I had to be there.</i> -[Judge Lake]<i> And now, Lexington</i> -is a year old. -[Cage] Mm-hmm. -[Woodbury] Yes. -You're his daddy. -[Woodbury] Mm-hmm. -[Cage] Yup. [Judge Lake] You have a relationship and bond -with this beautiful baby. -[Cage] Mm-hmm. And yet, somewhere deep inside you there's just that question mark that won't go away. I just want closure. But there's no denying him. -There's a picture. -At the end of the day... -I did provide a picture... -...I just want closure. ...and it looks a spitting image of him. <i> D'Quan has big eyes, he says he don't, he do.</i> <i> And I got small little eyes, I got colored eyes,</i> he got brown eyes. Lexington has brown eyes. [Cage] The artist has brown eyes. Naturally, I have blonde hair, I dye it all the time. He has dark hair, curly hair. I have pin straight hair but-- [Judge Lake] So, Ms. Woodbury, I don't wanna interrupt you, but I want to say, there are certain lyrics... -[Woodbury] Yeah. this court room that are familiar. When you start singin' a song about-- "And see since he's got dimples, and he's got dimples. He's got an eye, and he's got an eye." -[audience laughing] -[Judge Lake] I mean, right? -Right. -[Judge Lake] He likes eggs, and he likes eggs. When that song starts to play, what it tells me is, there is doubt... -[Woodbury] Yeah. -...and you are trying to give him facts to convince him. When you got to convince, there's doubt. And that doesn't mean that the doubt is substantiated, it just means that the doubt is real. -Mm-hmm. Yeah. -[Judge Lake] Am I lying? You're-- You're being 100 percent. -I don't sit here to lie. -[audience laughing] So, do you ever feel like he looks like this other guy? And I don't mean to bring him up, 'cause we're doing well, but I got to ask, because when there is paternity doubt, there's usually another guy. I feel like there's certain features. [scoffs] Where? -I feel like there's some features. -Where? He looks-- Okay, one, he's so much darker than you. -And, no. -It don't matter, you're-- -No, no. Just, no. He looks... -I don't have to say it. ...a 110 percent nothing like the other men-- The other man. -Looks nothing like him. -Well, Ms. Woodbury, I gotta say, in this court room, -that's defunct testimony. -[all laughing] Because it doesn't mean anything. So, the truth is, the stakes are really high, because you're pregnant again, Ms. Woodbury. -[Woodbury] I am. -[audience exclaiming] With the same man that laid with me the first time. -[chuckles] -[Judge Lake] So we're having another baby. Have you thought about... "What if Lexington is not my child?" Well, we'd have a long talk resulting in me going somewhere else, yes. -[woman] Wow. -[chuckles] [Judge Lake] See, but this is what I'm talking about. And, you know, babies are blessings. -[Cage] Mm-hmm. -But what concerns me is that if you would have that response here... why are we making more babies? 'Cause I can tell that knocked the wind out of you, Ms. Woodbury. You didn't see that one coming, did you? No, 'cause he's been in his life for a whole year. [Cage]<i> I never said I was leaving his life.</i> [Woodbury]<i> Why would you walkout?</i> [Cage]<i> I never said I was leaving Lexington's life,</i> <i> never, ever, ever, ever will that happen.</i> I'll make sure of that. But with me and you, it's a whole different-- it's a whole different thing. I wanna make sure that they're in a healthy family, not a broken, hurtful family. So, Ms. Woodbury, I see the tears in your eyes, how did that make you feel? It was like the wind got knocked out of you. It sucks-- I mean, it hurts. And now his feelings about the relationship is that the relationship is contingent... upon what's in that envelope Jerome has. -And that was news to you. -Yes, yes, Your Honor, it was. [Cage] If it was the other way around, she would've done the same thing, -and I know that a 100 percent. -I've been here. I haven't left. -I went home. -You've told me before... -I did go home. -...if I've ever done anything, if I've ever done anything, you are out the door, there's no talking about it. You've said this to me. If we were switched roles, you would be out the door. And I know that for a fact, I know you. But I've stayed for all the BS you put me through. Okay, and I stayed through all the BS you put me through. I don't think I need to say much. Except... these conversations, these real conversations, these uncomfortable conversations... are the ones we have to have. But there is one question that we really have to get answered. So we can truly have a conversation that is based upon the truth, and all of the information needed to determine where you all are gonna go from here. -And I have that truth. -[Cage] Mm-hmm. [Judge Lake] Jerome, may I have the envelope, please? -[Jerome] Yes, you may. -[audience applauding] These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. In the case of Woodbury versus Cage... When it comes to one-year-old Lexington Cage, it has been determined by this court... Mr. Cage... you... are the father. [Woodbury] Thank you. I can see how relieved you are. Yeah. [chuckles] How does it feel to just finally know? [Cage] I can just... I can marry her and finish where we left off, 'cause that was my goal when I met her. Why are you shaking your head "no," Ms. Woodbury? [Woodbury] 'Cause it's like... it honestly is like, why does it take going to<i> Paternity Court...</i> [sniffles] ...taking a DNA test just to, like, get it. Like, you should believe me when I tell you, not somebody else that's not in our picture. Like... [Judge Lake] I want you to just know that before we get to what somebody should do, he should just believe me. You've got to acknowledge that there were countless forces telling him and validating the doubt he felt, once that happened, it was done. So, everything that he should've been, you're only walking him back down to the road that backfired on you. You're telling him what he should've done. He's been trying to do what he should do. But he hasn't been successful, because that's not what he really feels. -Right? -[Woodbury] Yes. You all have, what I call, a resume relationship. I've been in one of those. He does that, she does that, check, check. He loves her, she loves him, -check, check. -[Cage chuckles] His mama like her, his mother-- Check, check. You check all the boxes, right? And at the end of the day, you still don't necessarily have... what it really takes to make a long-lasting relationship. Mr. McCormick, you say you thought you found the perfect woman, until you discovered the love of your life was just a serial cheater on a rampage. You say Ms. Ball is a shameless adulteress and there is no way you are her son Gavin's father. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Ball, you admit to having stepped out on your relationship in the past, but you are positive Mr. McCormick is the father of your son and you intend to prove paternity today. -Is that correct? -Yes, your Honor. So, Mr. McCormick, what do you mean she's a serial cheater? Well, your Honor, I found text messages, I've seen her getting into strange vehicles. -[Ball] That's not true. -I've seen videos. Um, what haven't I found? Like, there's no way that I could be this child's father I'm starting to become numb to all this. It's getting old. [Ball] Your Honor, um, there've been several times I have cheated and I've been honest with him. And told him about the times I've cheated. But he's become crazy and, like, obsessed with making up things, seeing things. There's no way I've done all the things he said. He is the father of my son. You look at Gavin and see he's your son. [Judge Lake] All right, so, take me back. I wanna know how this all started. The nature of your relationship, how did it begin? Um, we saw each other at a party. And, when I first saw him, I was physically attracted to him And, so, uh... I started talking to him. I asked him if he wanted to hang out. And, um, I said, "Where can we hang out?" And he said, "You can go to my house with me." And we've been together ever since. -Several years. -[Judge Lake] All right. [crowd laughs] And so, the relationship seemed like it started off pretty good. [McCormick]<i> I thought I'd found the one, Your Honor, you know?</i> <i> I was in love, you know?</i> <i>She was good with my daughter.</i> Uh, my family liked her We, you know, we liked sports. We played sports together. Um, you know, I never thought she would cheat. I mean, you know-- And I've admitted when I've cheated on you. Yeah, I mean, but there's also been other times. [Judge Lake] So, Mr. McCormick, what does it feel like knowing Ms. Ball has a child and it may not be yours? It really hurts, you know, because I'm a softy. And, you know, she cheated early in our relationship <i> and it just, kind of, put doubt</i> <i> in my mind throughout.</i> The bond you have with Gavin, there is no way that could be a bond and not be father and son. Your Honor, I've even brought some examples. I mean... You brought an exhibit? I brought an exhibit, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] Please step up. Let's review that exhibit. -[McCormick] May I cross? -Yes. Well, Your Honor, this is how you catch a serial cheater. -[crowd laughs] -[Judge Lake] All right. Okay. Well, the first time, she said she was gonna go to the gas station, uh, to meet a family member. I kind of, stayed back and I was following her I saw her get into a truck of a strange guy. He was like 25 years-old. [Ball] Why would you let me get in the-- Okay, is that you or is that the strange guy? -That's the strange guy. -[Judge Lake] Okay. -[Ball laughs] -Yeah, I said... I saw her getting into a truck. I asked her who it was. She said it was another family member which I know is like, 50-60 years old. He doesn't wear his hat sideways and blare music like that. -[Judge Lake] It was a young guy? -A young guy. [Judge Lake] And you believe she was cheating? [McCormick] She was, I mean, what else would you be doing? Why else would she lie about it? And she was acting fishy before she took off That's the reason I'd followed her. [Judge Lake] All right. And then, what is next on this exhibit? Well, I saw her getting into another truck. I guess she just likes trucks. -[Ball] I like trucks. -She's a trucker. [Judge Lake] She says she likes trucks. -[McCormick] I guess she does. -[crowd laughs] [McCormick] She's fond of trucks. Well, I went to our house, I was in the basement talking to someone. She didn't even know I was there. Next thing you know, she goes out to get into this truck, <i> with a guy and another girl.</i> <i> I asked her, "What she was doing?"</i> She said she was going hunting. Your Honor, it was summer time, she doesn't even hunt. If you saw your husband get in a vehicle with someone won't you say, "What are you doing with another female?" He wouldn't be getting in no vehicle. [Ball] Thank you. You could see him but you couldn't get there and say something? Matter of fact, you waved at me as you drove by. Oh, I waved. [McCormick] She waved as she went by. Right, but I'm gonna deny, but I know you saw me. At this point, how many times do you believe Ms. Ball cheated on you up to this point? I mean, I'd say a couple of times. -She's admitted the first time. -[Judge Lake] Okay. Cheating on me the first time. [Judge Lake] All right. So, is there anything else? There's a time I came home from work and there was a text message on the phone. I picked up the phone, pretended to be Ms. Ball and texted some sexual stuff. They texted back. I texted, "Can we do the same thing that we did, uh, the last time we hung out?" <i> And, you know, he said some things</i> <i> and that's when the pictures of junk came through.</i> [crowd exclaims] [McCormick] And, you know, that's when I knew something was going on. [Judge Lake] Oh, yes, something was going on. I found some, you know, pictures as well. There's some nudes she sent. [Ball]<i> I have never taken nude pictures.</i> [McCormick]<i> Did, too.</i> If I've send them to anyone I've send them to you. I'm a bigger girl, I don't take naked pictures just for anybody. [Ball] Ryan, you know that. [Judge Lake] So, you saw the nude pictures? I saw the nude pictures when she said it was for me but I never got them. [Judge Lake] What's next on this exhibit? [McCormick] Well, I found a strange video or audio of her. She said that it was me. It was her and like, there was another, <i> I heard her say to a girl and a guy.</i> You could know something shady was going on. Your Honor, when you butt dial-- It was a sex video? Something shady was going on. He heard a butt-dial. You know, this... [imitating static] That's me having sex. Yes, he's crazy. Actually crazy. I heard a girl say, "You can have him girl." You all know when you but-dial someone. So, when the call connected, what did you hear or see? I heard another female say, "You can have him now girl." And she denied that. She said it wasn't her voice. Oh, so you think they're having a threesome? A threesome.<i> Menage a trois.</i> [Ball] So, you're gonna say, you're gonna be disrespectful and say that [Judge Lake] And all of this, all of this cheating leads you to believe that Gavin is not your biological son. -Yeah. -All right. [Ball] Gavin is your son. With all this going on, I'm thinking how could this kid be mine. [Judge Lake]<i> All right, thank you so much for your exhibit.</i> <i> You can step back over to the podium.</i> Ms. Ball... [Ball] He's crazy. ...that was a lot of information. He knows Gavin is his son. [Judge Lake] But you have admitted to cheating. I have. You said that. "I've admitted it." [Ball] I've admitted the times when I was wrong. And, I think that because of the insecurities that I've created that anything that he can't absolutely find an answer for, it creates doubt. The point is, once you cheat, now that opens the door where we don't believe nothing you have to say. -[Ball] You're right. -That's just human nature. When I see him with Gavin, and you look at them together, you see a picture of them together, they're twins. They look so much alike. <i> Uh, when they added up the dates,</i> when the doctor added up the dates, the dates came to June 20th. I have not messed around, since May. -I mean, honestly... -[crowd] Oh! I mean, [stammering] June 20th, I haven't messed around since like May 2nd. And we moved in together. And-- [McCormick] Now, she's a mathematician. [crowd laughs] So, what kind of relationship have you built with Gavin, Mr. McCormick? Tell me about your relationship with this beautiful baby. We've been together since 2012, Your Honor. Uh, and the relationship I've built with Gavin-- You've stepped out, too. So... [McCormick] I'm not a saint. Ain't no babies. That you know of. [McCormick] Gavin and I are, you know, close. I was there with her throughout her pregnancy. You know, I went to all the appointments. <i> I was just trying to do the right thing, you know. So I hope he is mine.</i> [Judge Lake]<i> And what if he's not?</i> -[McCormick]<i> I don't--</i> -[Ball]<i> He is.</i> -[McCormick] I don't know. -[Ball] I do. [McCormick] Sixteen months is a long time to bond. [Ball] It is. I got a soft heart, so... I don't know, I guess we'll see. -You know... -You're not going anywhere. You're a good father, Gavin loves you. He's your son. Your very convincing Ms. Ball. I'm confident, I'm confident that is his son. But the problem is, it really isn't definitive because you admit to having sex with... someone else in the month of May. [Ball] I do. Gavin was born in January. So, if you count back, hold-up. [crowd laughs] May to June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January. [Ball] Mmm-hmm. That's eight months from May. The doctor, when the doctor did the sonograms he estimated that I became pregnant around June 20th. And as far as advancement of the baby, it adds up. And he was early, I mean, he came 32 weeks. [Judge Lake] So, did you ever tell any of the guys you... had the affairs with? Did you say to them, "I'm pregnant and Gavin could be your child." I had said I'm pregnant but I wasn't gonna leave Ryan. So you did say to some of the other-- There's only two, but, yeah, I said to the guy that I... Not too possible, but I cheated twice. But there was one guy that it could have been-- I'm the only roundhead that will stick around. -[Ball] Really? -[Judge Lake] Okay! So, the real truth is, you had two other guys you'd slept with and one of them you said, "I'm pregnant." Yeah, I'm pregnant. [Judge Lake] And that was with the understanding that "This could be your child." [Ball] Uh, yeah, he knew we'd messed around. And around May-- And how often did you have sex with this guy? It was for about six months. We only had sex a few times. Couple of times. I mean, I was in a relationship with Ryan I was always with Ryan. But you had a six month affair with the other guy? We were like friends. It was more of a friendship. The sex came later. And I did not plan on having sex. I mean, I saw this guy, a family member sometimes. The bottom line is it's a relationship you carried on six months. And whether you had sex three times or 30 times, you told this guy, "I'm pregnant... -Mmm-hmm. -"..and you may be the father." But I get what you're saying. You, immediately, 'cause you good at that, you just, kind of, spin your way out of it. So, you're like I'm pregnant but I'm staying with Mr. McCormick. -Mmm-hmm. -So, in other words, -don't press me on it -[Ball] Mmm-hmm. 'cause I'm staying with him and we just gonna make this baby be his. No, I'm not gonna make it be his. Well, that's what you really are saying. [Ball] He chose, I gave him an option. No, no, no, no. What I'm saying is, as you create and spin the story, you create what you want from the story. And that is that Mr. McCormick is the father. But the real truth is you were honest with the other guy. [Ball] Yeah, I was. [Judge Lake] And, now Mr. McCormick has one foot out the door, he's completely unsure, -He's not going anywhere. -He has paternity doubts. [Judge Lake] He says he doesn't know what to-- You cheated. It was like we had unprotected sex for years you know, at least a couple of years. And when I found out she'd cheated then she ends up pregnant, just doesn't make sense. That's paternity doubt right there, right, Jerome? [Jerome] Yes, ma'am. That's what we do here. So, where do we go from here? If Gavin is not your biological child... If he's not my biological, uh, child, you know, I might just, I might have to leave. <i> I don't know. I'm pretty attached to him, Your Honor.</i> If you don't quit doubting me, you are gonna leave. Because my son's not gonna grow up like that. You have a great relationship with him. You know he's your son. -Yeah, I feel that. -I mean, just stop. [McCormick] I really, I love him. If you love him you're not going anywhere. And he loves you. What's making you emotional now? My little boy loves him and I know he loves Gavin. There's all this doubt and hurt and stress. <i> Babies feel, you know.</i> <i> They can feel the tension,</i> <i> they can feel when there's something wrong.</i> And I don't want my child to ever grow up with that kind of, you know, environment. I don't want him feeling insecure, feeling doubtful, <i> of Ryan being his father.</i> [Judge Lake]<i> Let's just be honest for a moment, Ms. Ball.</i> You know you've made a mess. [Ball] Mmm-hmm. Yes, I have. And now you're just so desperately trying to clean it up. And you just want it to go away. I want to cut that old part and move forward. I don't want there to be cheating, I don't want there to be the arguing. I want it to be my son, Ryan and I having a good time, playing, enjoying, being a mother and father together. <i> And I don't want Gavin to have that doubt.</i> <i> That doubt will create an insecurity in my son</i> that will defect his character for the rest of his life. And I do not want my child to ever have any kind of defect or issue because of something I've done in my past. There we go. -There we go. -[Ball] Yes. I hope I'm his father, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] All right. There's only one way to find out. And that's to get the results. Jerome. [crowd applauding] These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. [Judge Lake] In the case of<i> McCormick v. Ball...</i> When it comes to 15-month-old Gavin McCormick, it has been determined by this Court... Mr. McCormick... Yes, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] you... are the father. [crowd applauding] Thank you. [McCormick] I'm glad, Your Honor. I'm glad, now we can move forward. Stop the accusations. Let's move forward and raise this little boy. [crowd applauding] I've made mistakes. I've grown from them. And I'm not gonna create the same mess that I just got done cleaning up. Ready to focus completely on him. And I hope you are, too. If not, you can go somewhere else. I'm not really concerned just because I see
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 384,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights, not the father, maury povich
Id: cNlcFJVs1SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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