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[Applause] [Music] all right guys we are very excited today because we have a box that is addressed to Mr Gabriel Horacio Iglesias Cruz wow that worked really too well I'm so excited for this you know what I'm nervous about these are supposed to be trucks in this and it's really light feel how light that is you think there's trucks in there no can I open it yeah open it where are they from I don't know Michigan Michigan oh well that's okay this isn't a truck you're right it's more of a truck holder it's a truck bracket hold up loaded oh what orangutan hey now but isn't that other box over there from orangutan yeah am I wrong I might have to do some research here bro build your own high performance low riding longboard with a good cutting tool bandsaw jigsaw lightsaber Etc so this is the first ever truck you custom built use the included stencil template to trim the nose and tail of your deck it will most certainly need to fit the bracket what in the world is happening sand the edges apply grip tape as needed Mount the skate Hardware the brackets attach underneath the deck and the top base plate should be placed on top of the brackets right off into the sunset I have no idea what has happened game just fried us out again the game fries out again it says make your own Magic Carpet come on Gabe I'm I'm is orangutan like loaded does it have is it the same company I have no idea what I'm seeing here is loaded loaded boards is what the Amazon brand is but then you look on their website and it's literally the orangutan Wheels which we got in a box over there in another box this is like too weird per what this picture is showing me is supposed to go we got everything we need to know ride me thrash me love me whoa supposed to go underneath the board like this yeah yeah it's like let's say we take my board and cut the nose off but maybe we don't even need a cutting no you probably do all right we'll see well my idea for what we were gonna do with this was we were gonna figure it out because that's what we do is we work together as a team and we figure stuff out so basically you didn't plan it I'm just kidding all right y'all so what we have to do check this check this check this so we have to line this up with where the trucks go drill a hole out here and then we Mount this underneath and this comes up through the hole like this underneath so back to the bandsaw yeah did you see what Mr B said no he changed his thumbnails to closed mouths and his watch time went up like a lot really yeah I mean I think as long as they're in the general vicinity of the base plate so basically it's looking like that right and we're gonna cut like maybe like foreign yeah well I think like this line is kind of whatever but you need to make sure that it goes to here where it's flat that this part going up can go all the way up you know please Aaron do not cut yourself please did I just nail that you just did it First Tee bro dude this might actually be pretty sick we might have just created the worst wheel bite in history that's what I was thinking too a good old Trace Rooney leave it in the comments below if you guys are playing Star field I need to live vicariously through somebody [Applause] dude this is sick excellent now we need to drill holes I guess it says loaded designed by g-bomb yeah g-bomb like that we are really onto something look at this Derek tell say just tell us how sick this is gonna be like sick don't lie to it I don't know if it looks durable though what durable look at that come on what is that though what do you mean what is that what does it do what does it do yeah that's pretty good dude it looks crazy it looks cool right it does look really cool it's pretty cool all right we just gotta get the most epic thumbnail of all time it does look so oh bro that is as low as it goes [Applause] back oh bro it's pretty good I can't believe that works all right so we built this yesterday we had to let it cure and set overnight because it is the world's lowest low rider skateboard it looks sick we couldn't find the smallest Wheels even though I know they exist somewhere but we couldn't find them so we went with the world's smallest smallest Wheels bearings does that count yeah well Derek does that count I think it counts leave it in the comments below if this is smallest wheels or if that's just no wheels technically anything is a wheel if you want it to be a wheel really for a wheel as long as it spins left I mean picturing me rolling they hating should we make Derek drop in his face I don't want to see Derek die today what would you die on this let's just test this out in all scenarios [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty chilling honestly this is the one right here oh what what just happened oh you hit that screw I hit a pebble now you know why they say Pebbles suck see if it took a chunk out of my wheel well at least it hit the truck and not someone's back or knees I know we should probably take that out okay do I dare this isn't even like a skateboard this is more for just finding screws in our skate park it's true we need to take this to Bob bernco's house [Applause] all right let's see right let's show how insane this looks oh what the heck is that looking good it does look really good it's barely locked in be careful [Applause] the board fully almost broke right there did it you can see it Flex okay this is the real test though you ready dude I don't know about this Gabe yeah with the bearings it's very sketched [Music] it is like the epitome of the most slippery is slippery there could ever slip yeah 360 power power slide stationary whoa that's the best okay I got this I have one safety warning for you what be safe is that it yeah I got scared I got real scared Derek bailing the drop in is always more dangerous than just committing to the drop-in is it yes Gabe Cruise dropping ramp 20 23. whoa [Music] all right four foot to rock the Peggy no way no all right all right wait actually it is kind of sketch though because the bottom yeah look how are you gonna rock the fakie on the bottom oh yeah definitely not rocking the fakie oh you got it you got it if I do this will you do the vert ramp uh in in Skate Three I have a very random skate three good [Applause] story what even was that I don't know should I do the vert ramp this is a sketch [Music] oh [Music] well you know what they say on the bird amp the smaller the wheels you go slower maybe I should just drop it in with small wheels dropping on this because then I'll just drop in in slow motion and it'll just go really slow okay Derek give us some tricks I was gonna say you think you got a manual I'm gonna do a kickflip [Applause] we only had those Wheels okay straight to the bolts this is good practice honestly close but no tamale no tomatoes dang you know what you ever just hate your existence I was gonna say no I mean well yeah [Applause] oh wow look at that there give me a shove it or a drop in how about a ride around yeah literally everyone from the team put your feet like a regular board and then some ordinary person hops on and it's gonna actually no no no no don't sell yourself short Derek you're an extraordinary yeah too [Music] yes Derek what do you like about it slippery [Applause] slippery what's he gonna do now that was that was epic guaranteed front yeah front shot no way no way you got that Derek is all of us watching these videos that's a lot harder dang things like this or like smaller boards like I'm not as scared on a like as I am on a regular board is it because it's lower maybe well if you guys have ever seen Derek play Skate 3 you know okay hit the manual we're gonna just try something this is for science foreign I will be surprised that that worked I don't think Emmanuel is oh no it is not it's impossible oh my God that board is close to breaking the skateboard is as brittle as your 40 year old bones I know should I do this or no what the three yeah I mean how are you feeling not great because you do the three then you kind of set yourself up to have to do the five no definitely not I think board side would be fire right there yep it's like I I designed it for that one trick all right you think you got this well here's what I think Aaron I know you didn't even ask but I'm gonna tell you anyway if you're getting that board Slide the good thing about this is that this plastic is so buttery that you're just gonna slide on anything no matter what it is well I was thinking first we're going to start with a nice little hippie jump but I'm kind of scared yeah you should be extra more scared than normal you might actually get wheel bite but the the deck hitting the floor deck bite yep [Applause] my life flashed before my eyes and I didn't like what I saw what did you see he saw a ghost watch the screw you know it's there this guy's really screwing up [Music] it's not rolling anymore will you break a bearing oh maybe it's just me [Applause] uh it's because the board is like oh it's fully oh my God it's fully broke this no way yeah no yeah what dang it dude that's a little sketch I'm not gonna lie if it broke that easy imagine you're longboarding down a hill and you just hit a bump or something just boom bodied oh Aaron decided to use only two bolts somebody only put two bolts on there who would have thought oh that four bolts were made for something this might be the first time in Braille history that four bolts really meant something if we put this on there and it just fully fixes it I'm gonna be so stoked one bolt to fix them all it actually fully did handle it no way yeah look [Applause] you fully just did a grind on the plastic piece [Applause] I forgot don't you think I forgot that hippie jump you want me to hippie jump yeah all right I'll hit you jump in a line [Applause] careful slip out is so real on those bearings I know if I just crack my Dome on the back of that rail knock on wood okay hippie jump time [Music] wow [Applause] I've never been I've never been more proud and more embarrassed to know you rip headphone users yeah you're just here okay boy [Applause] come on that was perfect that was really perfect the nollie flip was out though um man what else we got on this you know the low rider skateboard extreme Pickens I'd say you could try a grind but there's no there's no lock-in is there no locking I'll never make it over that screw or will I or I could start down here maybe from experience these screws and trucks do not mix very well yeah that's not gonna work well I think maybe if we move out that small Mani pad I could do it but the work involved oh maybe I could do it there hold on let's try and if I fall it's okay because I just cracked my Dome on that yeah yeah [Applause] I literally don't even know if I can ollie up there [Music] [Laughter] thanks for warning me Gabe yeah I did I said slip out is real on this one man broke both of my arms [Laughter] thank you [Music] front side Willy if I get on there if the truck hits the metal at all I'm counting it that is the most unsatisfying grind really it's awful really I thought it was pretty Epic you're like cross locking it's the hardest thing I've ever done one-footed Willy we'll be here all month we might there's the full persistence at this point foreign [Applause] [Music] oh no okay here's what I think you should do is just have Derek go up there and push you as hard as he can and then you just launch off I think we gotta move that I think we gotta move that man I'm sweating and stinking wow look at this what we got so much space here we got a nice little threes there I don't know why we never skate this we're gonna need a little more speed than that you think yeah that is scary there's no way I should land back on that might you might die if you try that Derek can you take this send it full Wing dang it this is the Ender of all Enders right here I'm getting stuck before I pop do you notice that Nick what if you don't pop and you just launch off I think I'm getting a little bit of wheel bite okay I have if I land this I will send it and I'll land it didn't it wasn't even close that was the weirdest varial I've ever seen count it or toe drag count it send it it's breaking even more though okay hold on one more screw all right solid I love that this one still only has two screws and it's rock it's even more solid than this one with four screws solid enough for one final Wang Danger I mean dude I think we're good the time has cometh [Applause] [Music] you're losing all your speed bro yeah the board is hitting the top of the bearings [Applause] that was all me Derek tell me that's definitely good speed you got the speed it's tummy don't be [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] that was the greatest thing I've ever done in my whole life what's the verdict what's your final rating that was good I think it worked there's one problem is although this felt like solid look it's still breaking and then when I was trying to roll straight it kept turning like that see notice that a little Turnage but overall this is the sickest thing ever 10 out of 10. we hope you guys enjoyed this video subscribe like leave a comment below on you yes you learned her at a skateboard we got everything you need at
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 41,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, skateboard hacks, skateboard diy, lowrider skateboard, skateboarding hacks, skate hacks, slammed skateboard, you make it we skate it, do it yourself, life hacks, lowered skateboard, viral videos, stanced skateboard, diy, slammed
Id: O552AvFAkXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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