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it's a very special day today because we are joined with world famous professional skateboarder andy mcdonald let's go we were like i'm not really sure what videos we're gonna make and then he walks in and he's like let's get some weird boards i was like say no more auntie mcdonald we're just gonna take a quick cruise any board you want to skate pull it off and then we'll get it ready and then we'll uh we'll skate it i'll pick some you pick some okay and i'll try and skate whatever we got i'll pick some and you'll skate it yeah okay i mean this is right here we might as well start with this so first things first is that trucks skateboard truck skateboard incredibly durable this this thing i heard some stuff has already gone down on that so we'll see we'll see what we can get on the vert ramp on it well this one is nice if you do your uh no shoes and you set them all up sounds painful these are i don't know if you know this but these are actual human teeth oh lovely yeah i think that's kind of a bad okay that's like a um that's a wall hanger you want to do the hairy bigfoot yeah might as well okay that's good very bigfoot try that i'll choose the channel app shout out chad musca oh my god you're gonna do that one i'm not she said this way i said this he's picking it i'm riding it oh okay yeah i'll try i'll skate anything you pick i mean i'll try i i'm not claiming anything i'm claiming i will try that one would be sick though we got to try this for sure you cannot drop in on that you never know you gotta have faith you gotta have faith so we're gonna try we're gonna try and see how it goes pick the things that look least like shapewear like this one yeah it looks like a skateboard it's just really heavy yeah this is like a workout workout board all right we'll put this one down you got a hockey jersey we could go with this yeah i like the stuff that looks at least like a skateboard so skis you want to do skis plumber board and the motocross board yeah motocross heart attacks going i think jd did drop in on that pure carbon one too this yeah axle drop in yeah no you never know let's just take it off yeah all right all right we'll take it off are you very concerned about andy mcdonald safety yes i am wait i got one that i really would like someone to drop in do i get it do i get a say in this yeah sure you can take triple decker oh like no no no no i'm trying to kill you oh dude no way he did actually i remember this being quite good i mean when in rome we kind of have to do this don't we yeah i guess so dude this is like i don't know if vans are going to handle it yeah yeah i like this like it looks like it's broken a little bit in the middle but i think it'll hold up this one you can't break change the trucks it's so heavy that it broke the trucks but the log board will work oh yeah you want to rock this there you go because then you can mop the ramp right after skate it put it down mop the ramp i think that'll do it yeah i always wanted to be taller yeah let's give it a shot [Music] watch out for this guy you guys got some serious stuff here yeah oh yeah we should do that and see more sandler dude yeah that one's really good actually dude moose handler putting it in moose sailor the locker yeah i think we got our work cut out for us what about this that one's straight from the movie thrashing end of the movie he skates he skates ones like that i don't know how we got so many people everywhere just been adding boards okay we have lined up the 15 weirdest boards in skateboard history and andy mcdonald yes if that's not a good time i don't know what is so i don't even know i just say have fun you never know be careful yeah watch your stuff look a little dangerous well i'm pretty sure this one's completely impossible triple decker nobody can do that one looks like the safest one yeah just straight nails straight nails sticking out and those are very sharp i don't know if you want to feel them just to make sure yeah no that's that's uh legit nails and then this one somebody said it looked like it was turning a little weird so we put it down on the ground and uh feels like it goes left drop in first try and then this is just a standard your standard uh penny nickel board i would say nickel but it says swell which means it's a nickel board bought off amazon which is not a nickel board or something and then this is a a seat of a motorcycle wow we have some motorcycles in the house if i'm not mistaken and this thing's been through it it looks like it when i saw it on the wall i thought it'd be rigid and then i stepped on it and it's like it just hits the ground there and then it's like oh it's got a tail no it doesn't really cause that folds down too and then this that folds down too so it's just like a it's like a jello board but check those world industry trucks oh yeah yeah yeah that's pretty legit yeah that's like flame boy we got the beta version 8.20 atomic skis from 1983. and i see that they also put some pretty epic trucks on there as well if the board doesn't kill you the trucks just made it seriously like i feel like this one you have to ride it like just for slalom you have to ride like this and then just church we'll see this is the plumber board of a classic i don't even know what this is or where that got stuck on there um but this we call the hairy bigfoot this one's been through some beatings he said what is this a rug i said you know it's a hairy bigfoot the good thing about this when you bail you can just flip the board over and drag it off the ramp and you're mopping the ramp at the same time and then we got uh the oh canada hockey stick mate yeah we put grip on there and then we have we're like oh this one's pretty chill but honestly it's deadly because on the on the vert ramp you're used to going very fast this thing will not go fast like no matter what it just goes slow well it has size like 23 wheels on it pretty crappy bearings you know what we are missing and this is just a good old classic walmart board yeah we have to find one and then andy was like who put this in there take it out and uh let's see we will blame jd he said it has nothing to do with skateboarding what do you have to say about that justin daniels yeah it's not really has anything to do with it but you got it you got it got it no he's not good i'm not getting on that thing dude there's not enough wheels it doesn't look safe i ride four wheels i'm gonna tag team out on that one i've seen them i've never ridden them do you know what they're called a shark or something yeah he knows yeah shark wheels yeah they look crazy it looks like you would be going but they actually roll smooth yeah try them out whatever this is like a spaceship board and then i don't know about this again i'm gonna say this is straight impossible the coaches board yeah go team go go team the truck classic truck yeah this been this is solid if nothing else it's solid this has been blunt flip no i heard i heard that this has been blunt to kick clip and this is just straight broken so i'm not even sure what we're going to try and break it more so uh where are we starting start where it's easy and where it's not yeah i was going to say the other opposite way really you were going to start because then you're like all right this really isn't going anywhere nobody can do anything i tried the um medieval board i jumped on it and i tried to kick turn about quarter the way up the ramp and i fell off so you want to start there i'm gonna start there because no then i'm not like nobody expects anything if you like expect me to make it halfway up the ramp on this then you get another thing coming seriously what size wheels are these 41 and they're flat spotted mad flat spots we're looking at these wheels we're like damn those are good he's like what are these wheels all right oh yeah i'm already doing better than i thought it would on this just watch the shinners slippery oh yeah feet are all over the place [Music] maybe a backside that sounds kind of crazy [Music] [Applause] that sounds crazy i did a backside grind and it just like all echoes through it that's kind of crazy i just felt my ankle shattering can you imagine the board just shooting out and just nailing your ankle i was ready for it take some pulls out me dropping on this no sir yeah rick that's a great idea you should hit some of these snail boy dropping yeah we can i don't know jd you want to get this one just just get this one out of here out of the way andy pad up let's go just get that just get that thing out of here standing back there oh this is a flex board seriously you gotta stand on the trucks be safe jd be safe famous last words it almost looks like you're supposed to do that yeah right 50 50 grind it almost looks like that's like you're meant to like you could just finally somebody's doing it right to the copper pipe something in the plumbing [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you realize he just did all of my best tricks on that i wasn't sure how to grab just like straight like hang it we're trying no yeah this you can do all kinds of grabs the inside grab the outside double rail grab which one you got your eye on dude can you go for a drop in i think ricky's eyeing the the nails and i did a dock slide on this board on a rail that's why the nails are all yeah jacked up those trucks and wheels are not looking good [Music] that's not how you get off shoot it that way let me tighten it i'll drop it you know what no you want to go that guy yeah i want it what the dropping is is this a mall grab [Music] you're yeah plumber you're the plumber i don't know what i was expecting but that wasn't what i was expecting bigfoot hairy bigfoot [Music] looks like a ladding [Music] [Applause] for some reason we just all want to see the drop in he's like doing backside ears we're like drop in i saved your life game that one's kind of fun yeah when you go to grab the rails they're just like flimsy though so it just kind of flops off your feet but you can kind of grab the toe the big toe the big this the big toe grab for me backside it was a bit more solid back in its day it's been throughout that dude come on oh no here madness oh i can actually feel the board yeah see it's good you gotta bend your legs so much just to touch the ground to push on it wait grab the next one down [Music] [Music] like we said this is dangerous stuff that's the hardest slam i've taken all day yeah that's like i hurt my wrist i jumped in from the rafters but that hurt more the triple decker it'll get you i thought well that's you know how you start on a normal board i wasn't even close oh my gosh i can't even ride across the flat bottom [Music] [Applause] yeah something about being raised up is really sketchy yeah yeah [Music] oh [Music] when you go to knee slide off it there's like way farther to fall you're another foot and a half higher than just a knee slide off it i'm good i'm good but that thing's dangerous yeah that's got your back on your wrist give us a half pipe run this seems a little redundant [Music] i feel like this is what skateboarders must have felt like the first time on a regular board wait look at this yeah and you got to drop in on one of them no i do not got to drop it i wonder nail board dude you got to do it i don't know about these trucks maybe i should start that one's going to be hard to pump [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i think it's worth saying that all of these are way harder than they look like when we're picking them out i'm like oh yeah i'll be able to like backside air on that like just looking at them now i'm actually trying to ride them and they are way harder like i thought this would be like i'll be able to at least grind on this but because you're that eight inches higher you have no control over what your trucks are doing whether they're pushing on the coping or falling back or going left or going right it's just like my favorite thing about that is it's like let's go for the grab oh i learned with all the weird boards that the higher you get off the board just the more impossible that's why that triple decker one's just so deadly yeah it's just nasty [Music] should we try and fix this oh my god watch out andy [Music] you got it j.d [Applause] one time i'm gonna front side flip this [Music] you got it ricky ice 100 i believe in you [Music] oh that's scary yeah it's the truck the truck the trucks are infamously loose on this are they yeah we can tighten the trucks it's so sick it even looks like a truck when it's rolling [Music] perfect little truck with white wheels [Music] oh i think you're right maybe you do ride it backwards give me one more go on this didn't die yeah i wasn't sure if you should ride that one as the tips for the tail or the tips just flex down what do you call this the canada hockey stick mate stick savers [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wouldn't have thought but so far old canada is the most rideable board yes i vouch for that that's my board right there that's what i'm talking about you know we go back to canada and look at his importance and he's talking trash with a bear under his arms [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] you got bears you got moose you got hockey sticks that one's good lots of tricks being done on that guy this is a good one to clear out all the kids at the park just just on your back truck yeah just back truck spacewalk oh get my ankles all like in a weird position see so we're dealing this is what you're dealing with yeah you gotta watch the first step watch for the moose moose crossing i think it should be pointed out that generally skaters even if they're trying the gnarliest hardest thing they're ready for it and so they're like and they don't get hurt and when you're dorking around doing stupid stuff like riding on moose hoops antlers that's when you get hurt take note kids that's what he said no i know yeah brian [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah i stopped it the friendship i stopped it all right i gotta i wanna maybe drop it [Music] off [Music] okay gabe we got it caution up for jd's dad what do you always wanted me to die no just kidding i'm not gonna do that hey if you do that i would have been fine on the friendship oh it is fully cracked look at holy crap wait this is this is a bad idea ricky it's fully broken all right jd triple back this is so scary oh my gosh [Applause] i can't even do this [Applause] oh [Applause] and there we have the 15 weirdest boards in history versus andy mcdonald and of course andy mcdonald came out on top champion crushed it killed it completely amazing huge thanks to 187 killer pads and triple h for coming up here and completely shredding and teaching us everything we needed to know about the vert skating and more you guys are completely incredible if you guys do not want to end up in the hospital get yourself some 187 killer pads and learn to knee slide and as they say on the ramp slide it out good knee slide check out all those videos right there subscribe like a comment below and you yes you if you're watching this and you have not started skateboarding start skateboarding if you have started skateboarding help another person start skateboarding and let's spread the love of skateboarding all over the world let's go
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 1,735,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, weird skateboard, vert skater, vert skateboarding, vert skating, vert ramp, andy macdonald, you make it we skate it, skate anything, skate everything
Id: he6Pnd3HvOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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