Double Down 2022 GRAND FINALS - MkLeo (ROB) Vs. ProtoBanham (Min Min) SSBU Smash Ultimate Tournament

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wow [Music] Leia was really like you know what I could go Joker but I'm gonna give you all the wrong okay this is something that like you've said before right he I mean he's been working on this rock for quite some time and whoa almost starting things up with a zero to death immediately hold up hold up and they said Leia was getting a little bit coaching man they didn't tell us from who man Zombie's definitely in the building maybe trying to lend some of that influence which could lead to this surprise Rob pick getting the job done yeah big boss too man like true yeah yeah he's got he's got he's got his homie that's that's the guy he's been teaming with and stuff so this is oh you're going amazingly is going on bro Leo the Leo Rob how are you this good at Super Smash Brothers ultimate Leo I need to know you are out here bodying everyone with half the cast what is happening there are a lot of questions Charles and we may not be privy to the answers we can just sit here and enjoy the show and Leo is certainly putting on one right now absolutely decimating Frodo who has yet to come up with any answers a minute into this match absolutely yeah he's getting destroyed right now he does have the chance to get a stock here I like that stall a little bit right Leo to make sure he doesn't get hit by the upbeat side B is going to find the Mark just kind of covering a lot of space with that megawatto is going to push him far away can Frodo at least get the stock before he loses the second one he's already 81 and Rob definitely works well with some rage yes sir oh man one up tilt up here you get a down throw that could be the stock as well a neutral connects inside me there's so many ways that Leo could close out the stock at this percent now at 110 just gonna look for the Stray hit the backer connects are you gonna three sock Proto the person that took you out in in winners like Mike Rob bro Rob man this Rob that you know very seldomly seen obviously a little bit of tournament experience but certainly not to the level we'd expect him to break out on the loser side of grand finals but that is just Leo man the confidence is always there always intact But Here Comes Proto on the assault on the offensive and trying to make something happen damn what a way to get back in the game I'm telling you no you can never count any of these people out yes I know that man Lucina got three stops but right now it's about the minmin you can't count them out what an ex both of these players is playing so well here Proto shooting an arm out to the left and I believe they're shooting another arm to the right catching that unexpected you know stage fight that Leo had to do to get the victory here the arena right now is just full of let's go Leo chance they want to see this Rob come up with the victory in game number one he is right on the doorstep he's getting it done but here is where Proto excels he has him off stage can Leo come back oh yeah if you can't get that air doctor you have to land on the platform if anything but no both sides covered with those arms let me make it back to the stage I like the boots uh the jump away and wrap it a little faster and his explosive oh wait this down throws you get the immediate up there yes you do but the correct di coming out no cross up tries to go for the foreign air but Proto fights back off stage okay looking for that back here not gonna find it hold up take this laser push them off the stage now Proto gotta watch out top is in position they'll fight it away oh when he gets on doesn't matter when he gets grabbed it should be in not willing to let the stock go and instead threatening layoffs again these two having the Duel of a Lifetime on this final stock of game number one this is absolutely insane one percent between them now gonna be a little more it is really up to the last win con right here no but Leo runs through [Applause] runs through first game what a way to come back from puddle Benham Proto taking a sigh of relief as he should really just that stock he was able to remove on the second one that was the Difference Maker layoffs seemingly have everything in control but Proto just able to make some plays off stage catching Leo in a situation where he didn't attack very rare and we see Leo not Tech and it costs him everything yeah and I mean you have to wonder it was just absolutely insane because Leia opens up so explosive but Proto answers back just the same and was able to get it over I mean they were both over like 160 170 percent really I mean you can't get any more down to the wire than that what an explosive game number one to start off this grants first of all I was not expecting that Rob to go that hard yeah yeah and then second what a way to come back we're doubling down on the Rob again I mean it was a he popped off the Rob was definitely one honestly I thought he was probably like two more pumbles away from winning that game off that up throw yeah yeah oh yeah Allstate situation here gonna set up the reverse for the back here another backer no one there and that is enough and again the action is just not going to stop these stocks are melting off the screen all right it's actually crazy just how fast we are seeing stock disappear as you said Charles MK Leo though he I mean this was the exact same start that he found himself in the first game we shall see if he can weather the storm a little bit better this time to close it out that was a very very rarely do we have to question if MPL is going to be able to close out a game but Proto is of that same cloth too in the incredibly Elite player right this is oh oh hold that back that is the thing yeah that's right you can definitely reflect somehow projectiles with that up smash hey look at this Rob just feels like such a great answer because all the situations that Leo has been losing stocks to from minmin like the the recovery for Rob is just gonna be so nice right you shoot the laser you can shoot the top yeah wow Proto sets up for that situation and you just have a lot of fuel so you can go really low Shield Pro is going to come through Proto closing it out keeping the stock count close but Leo got 84 on him oh no I think one of the things we could potentially see I feel like if you decide to bring out the Lucena now in this matchup it wouldn't be nearly bad but I mean clearly he knows what he's doing here with his min-min we could see a counterfeit come through right yeah a lot a lot of a lot of interactions here between them as far as what uh characters we could see on the screen definitely here we go all right Proto trying to chip it to this lead that MK Leo has developed nice he just dropped down and said you gotta go bro you are actually taking up too much of my time I'll see you on the next stop and I I think the Clank lag off of hitting the top kind of made that possible for Leia Wright maybe Frodo could have Swang another arm but incredible stuff the fourth charging all the way across the screen with the mega one Proto answers one of them to swing another arm well there you go baby the delivery on point and just like that we're on even foot and get again a strong lead from MK Leo seemingly erased in the blink of an eye okay man how does this keep happening I think if that uh if that top hit he's probably gonna be gone there I don't know doing a great job oh my goodness I was dealing with Proto here on this last stock photo quite far behind 120 the backyard almost that was terrifying surprise not going for an up there or maybe a warrior just to swat it back out Leia really wanted that hard hit to end the match Turtle barely able to squeeze out an air Dots here and we're kind of getting to that same exact situation we were in game one where it's really coming down to the wire Leo let's have a little bit of cushion only at 77 right now okay and you know what that little bit of a cushion went a long way up smash going to be the key to getting that second game and tying us up 1-1 in Grants and okay Leo man really doing it with the rob you know okay you said you brought it out to what the Columbia the Cuban tournament Colombian yes uh Cuba Cuba the one right before MomoCon wow at that bro and this is definitely I mean it's obviously a polished Rob like he's been playing some Friendlies with this somewhere yes yes either Little Wayne in this game bro once he hopped on the track it's his track now bro that's his character now that's his character now bro you're done they don't do features with little Wayne bro yeah they gonna run you around don't let Him remix that's all there is to it baby amazing first two games in Grand finals cannot wait to see what we get out of this third guys if you're a little sleepy man ain't no doubt about it these first two games woke their asses up yeah and I mean huge shout outs to Big Boss who is MK Leo's main training partner is a Rob name the best Rob from Mexico so huge shots that I mean obviously probably a huge reason why Leo was able to pick up the character so quick because when that's your main training party you play against the character so much you're gonna know a lot about the character and you can just talk to Big Boss about anything with the character right all right all right man so got the fire on the music playing because she's out Lucina is here to take on this robot the counter pick War has begun yep and let's see if this uh I mean hopefully we're not gonna see this Lucina you know it's very similar to the game one of the winners final set yeah that was uh that was the Lucina that I didn't even think was going to be still on the roster after that but you know what Second Chances Are a thing so that is what Proto is going to do bring her out not doing a bad job at all good catch right there dancing he's awesome right now yeah we are into those triple digits for Leo already okay Leo finally getting himself a hitting back onto the ground like the knife attack Chase okay I'll be not gonna get you further away but Leia was smart on the weight as well added up a lot of damage here in that little Exchange beautiful neutral air dots to the platform ooh the laser Too Close gonna get punished there Frodo fading back okay here's the mix of wow going for two hits of the dancing blade into another area wow barely avoiding it here and I mean Min dead guarding is crazy but Proto with Lucina is like I mean we've seen as such an amazing character for the Edgar right the backyards are so great you have a move that instantly resets you to the ledge being that upbeat and it's a hitbox as well has that frame one and tangibility in the air super nice so strong so many different options than just the way Proto plays they're so elegant in his delivery with the character maybe getting a little overzealous about Leo looking for the setup not able to find that up there as you said Charles the mash keeping him out of danger for now and then they are gonna take the first stop all right man that's how you do it it finds that near kind of kind of training right there come throw that one out and it does manage to uh get the hit this time not gonna be able to match out fast enough or probably try to go for the match mix up the match didn't work out Leo new hit him with now right back to an even Game Gear between our competitors man and I mean it's it's actually insane how much counterpick Wars we've had in this top 12 in general right let's talk about it like there's there's been so many I mean obviously there is your solo Mains as well but so many sets have been really going back and forth in terms of characters we've seen so much characters in this top 12 in general because of that yep all right let's catch with that bear they're gonna Force out the air dots but I like what Proto says I'm going to get some extra damage out the way though oh couldn't get that up there but what led into a lot Leo standing pretty far away from that life oh juice I love these alleged interactions bro I don't know which way it's gonna go I just know it's gonna go fired wow another incredible match I'm very surprised you had the platform layout not going for the up throw maybe not having confidence that it would KO there okay dude the trick here yeah off the top no platform required now Leo with the lead in the Lucina raw matchup this man lay oh hold up oh God damn bad position the air dot is going to come out there early I'll be oh and it's not enough Leo setting up the off day situation I thought the back air was coming but it was not even needed this character is practice bro that's not that's not I just pulled that out uh combo man you know Leo was in the lab with this character doing the z-drop near combos getting the corner carry even though it didn't get the KO it's set up for the edge guard situation you know what Grand finals is crazy when it's damn near midnight here on the West Coast in beautiful Las Vegas Nevada and that crowd is even more full than when we actually started this top four true very true man yeah it's looking real nice out there and appreciate the fact that everyone's staying around so long to hang out with the boys and now here we are in to our next game Leo up 2-0 right now Leo's had enough he's had enough of fighter back too he was like you know what that's it I'm bringing in the robot That's it man he said I got some baseline characters too but I mean at that time not even this is just original roster Showdown right the Lucina versus the Rob here um we'll see if Frodo will switch back now kind of having the loss on both of these characters here big decision Proto of course really thinking about it [Music] Rob is quite aggressive and in your face when I really think about it like we still see the lasers we'll still see the uh Gyros coming out but yeah a couple different ways to um you know pilot this character as Leo is certainly demonstrating I mean all the robs just really just do excel at multiple things sure anathema Samba big boss there is a slew of amazing rocks we have out there guys but it's starting to look like you're gonna have to add MK Leo to the list of those greats that's crazy man you know as I said manpl showed up with several characters recently and every time he pulls it back out you're like what does he know about this character that we don't he's over here performing on the Rock You Know performing on the corner a little earlier it's all about Joker and crew battles he played a lot of characters in this tournament yeah yeah yeah the roster runs deep the pockets Run Deep here for Mk Leo unexpected oh I have not seen what is wow that was really nice to delay on the fair as well to get the ball up on the grab I'm just seeing Rob combos I've never seen before oh my goodness this Rob is nasty with Robin's OD bro for sure Hold Up Hold that hold that up air you want to talk about edge of your seats guys every blow really yeah I mean you could just feel it this is absolutely insane okay up smash not gonna connect opportunity for Proto [Music] and look Proto can't really go for these edguards because Rob has so much fuel this is really a smart counterfeit coming out and like we've known of the Rob for so long but the fact that the the thing that's impressive is just how paused it is gonna swipe out that reversal attempt with the new trailer trying to go high here but Proto now with the lead we'll see if Proto can get this game by the situation going or if Leo's gonna get the immediate reset off this game up the spin yes is going to connect here there it is he actually got a little lucky bounced off that uh off the edge when he you know missed the tech but it didn't matter Leia was still there to go ahead and cover whatever you trying to do off the ledge now oh okay down to up smash early percent combo right there for MMA an Irish raised a roof on him easy follow-up for Leo Mega walk gonna break that up though give him some breathing room [Music] they are boxing right now man it's insane like you don't even really see Proto like creating a bunch of face like you would expect women to do not a lot of retreating uh we're shooting arms being thrown out here it's actually been kind of approaching with them yeah oh the megawatt coming through Leo just rolling away very wise here the snatch the grab there's the jab here Proto with the lead goes for the dip here not gonna connect still pressuring in the corner but we got the down till quarter carry not gonna get all the way across stage great defense coming out from protobo but this time hold up all right you know delayed but we still got him across the stage for sure yeah I mean just the fact that he was able to threatened that efficiently absolutely insane not gonna go for the grass here [Music] terrified for both player just trying to get back on the stage he does just that continues just kind of push Proto around able to get some segments of neutral again yes able to pay off he's gonna be in the lead a very fragile one man 146 ain't where I'm trying to be but the pressure continues on okay boxing them up hold on getting a bunch of this chip damage the ram ram can be very pesky to deal with here this arcing upward wow okay Proto seeing okay you want to go vertical you want to go over me here's these up bears we've also seen Proto use things like upbeat to catch opponents coming in up and over the Foreigner is going to connect after the stall after the jump there Proto with a very solid lead here though 77 and Counting yeah maybe I may be able to get into game five at the very least might even swap uh you know Force Level off of this character but it all depends it all depends on what Leo's feeling right now he's having a hard time getting back into this match to upbeat it's not gonna be enough for the stock yet but yeah he is making it super hard for Leo to get any type of footing I'm not sure if you have gas he's still alive oh my goodness there's no way right bro what was that sequence what was that stalk Turtle answering back we talk about these gas prices bro you think the pump is down here taxing you no sir that is Proto he ran that man all the way to e yeah they definitely got them arms and there just felt like there was a certain point where every time Leia wanted to go up and over the ram ram was there the ram around was there again again again covering a hell of Faith so much area control so efficient coming out from Proto and honestly that one percent on Frodo might have just been the bubble damage but man my goodness Proto is answering back and I mean the explosiveness coming out from Leo's Rob not really catching Proto 2 off guard and Proto able to stabilize here in game number four to bring this game five situation 100 bro here we go Leo on the doorstep of getting this reset and forcing us into some overtime I mean hell guys we're almost at the midnight marker here on the West Coast who at this point just Let It Rock man if it goes to another game if it goes to another set it goes to another set but obviously you know Proto every intention fellas are finishing it right now gonna stick with the amendment let's see if it's enough and the Rob is still out too no swaps here from mkleo he believes that he can definitely do it here at least reset the bracket which is Rob let's see if that is true man Frodo you know you don't really get to see someone like really give MP3 as a run for his money like this outside of you know Spargo this week when he's really on but now Proto is like now put my name on that list there you go and despite the uh the tail product will be able to tell man really make that long fight home a little bit more enjoyable leaving with two wins over MK Leo I'm not saying it's over just yet but it's looking pretty damn likely yeah I mean just the the pivot that happened in game number four on that last stop I don't know what exactly happened but maybe download complete here for Proto we'll see if Leo can seal out this stock without taking too much damage or the Proto is so on point okay yeah this is looking real good here for Proto man this is uh definitely not the start I don't think MK Leia was expecting but you know we've seen Leo kind of take out some stocks pretty quickly with this Rob so even at a deficit there is still some hope but I'll tell you what with every hit it becomes more and more fleeting okay we'll make fun when you're gonna grab that left there a full charge ram ram okay no drop down here go for the back here off the ledge here Leo really want this Nair set up goes doing an incredible job just weaving around these hitboxes getting the Perrys when need be and complete control coming out from Proto there is the empty line grab do you get the up smash do you get the up there no okay let the chase down all right Leo man you know I was able to get that stock finally but he's already at 115 a megawatt you know near the edge might actually just do it or enough flash almost I love the positioning with the grounded upbeat he's getting up into the sky as soon as possible okay could all start off with this narrow opening down to it locked up with a spot Dodge Mega walk connects but Rob very heavy oh my goodness so he is all the way in the skies no-fly zone Rob I'm sorry access denied final stock has arrived and this very well could be wrapped up in this fifth game which Proto is dominating at the moment oh wait a minute hold on he's got he's done he's done wow what a way to find a stock there from MK Leo kind of fenced him off push them out and then you know scored that man to the blast out immediately with that back here wait Roto get a little a little daring with these down ears shifting in that zone where he just decides I'm gonna win neutral I'm gonna win this game and I'm not gonna give you too much of a say in the matter oh my Lord we're seeing like these Chic Rob gobbins is bearing on stage wow the back there covers the entire platform Leo completely Shifting the momentum after one zero to death Edge guard and he's still keeping it going here wait a minute bro you can't can you really not stop the king can you really not stop on top of that as well we have a bracket reset at one point in time do you think that's going to happen I mean it seems like it's all wrapped up in a bow a gift of take on your flight back home until Leo says hold on dog I got the gift receipt that ass ain't done just yet wow at that man MK Leo found one opportunity on that second stock and that ran him to the next set what a way to go bro the clutches man in the business he can't argue it you can't debate it you see this man come through so many situations so many comeback situations and this is no different we have a grand finals we said Leo down an entire stalk and then just turning it up we'll see now it's not over yet Leo's got to do it one more time and I gotta say man Proto also turning up as well just such a back and forth that entire set so exciting to watch and both these players just adapting so well yeah man Leo is just so insane like it's the character commitment for me like it was by lift versus T it was corn in the first exchange with Proto and winners and right now in losers it's Rob like there's just it's just a commitment just like you know what I I got I kind of got a plan I got a route to Victory I'm just gonna follow it and this is what the result is man some overtime for US bracket reset obviously the players do get a couple minutes to cool down afternoon 10 set like that so just bear with us for a second uh we'll have that second set queued up for you guys momentarily but take a look at how this one actually ended Leo trying to go on a tear but I'll tell you what when that first stock fell I was thinking it might just be a wrap yeah it was the first I mean the second stop dude man he did it up Proto had such a solid lead up until that uh you know that second stock little situation happened where Leia was just able to run with it yeah and even I mean the first two stocks or so Proto's traps were insane I mean Rob has a good amount of options right with being able to go high and look at that you air dodged the platforms there the second arm's there to cover it Proto does an incredible job of using the first arm to bait an option and then after that but here is the edge guard that really shifted the entire thing the back air to be the nail in the coffin to really start this momentum shift here in game five for Mk later absolute crazy man Leo just from there would just pretty much be untouched unscathed and Proto would respond oh at least not in this one man that is going to send us again to the second set crazy stuff little fist pump action from Leo certainly something to celebrate pretty stoic in most of his victories man but you can definitely tell he really wanted that one yeah man so all right so right now yeah we have Leo on the stage we're still waiting for the Iceman himself I uh I am pretty interested in what you know what he is doing out there like is he you know having a hard conversation oh bathroom okay it's like uh because I I feel like you definitely needed some level of coaching after that man it's like someone has to give you like you know tell you whatever your one bad habit is so that way you can probably like you know think about all right yeah maybe maybe I am jumping too much oh maybe I've uh you know thrown this arm out too much or something like that because as of right now Leo figured something out right in that halfway through that fifth game yeah and They Carried all the way to the to the end so I know he's going to use whatever information he got in that fifth game into this next set hopefully hoping to close not get a victory this really is like the most aggressive Rob I think I might have seen you know because even like a lot of the other robs too they're very they can be very aggressive at times too but you know obviously don't fall too far away uh from their zoning capabilities it just seems like Leo is just always just pressing his way put pushing the issue but putting pressure on you um it is definitely it is it is crazy to see like Leo just elect to go with Rob man and remember there was that point in time where people were just fed up with Rob like there's too many robs in the top 32s and top six teams we're seeing his character all over I mean Zachary was picking up Rob at one point as well kind of leveled up a little leveled off a little bit right now but Leo is uh definitely it's man putting the spotlight back on it's just misdirected that's all bro you know Rob's still definitely an issue Okay We're Not Gonna Act Like That character's not nice but so surprised Rob just didn't get touched yeah yeah like Rob was just right under the radar Pikachu either yeah yeah actually I think there was one point where Pikachu technically got buffed or whatnot so it's just like so like a super slight one but I mean just those characters not receiving any Nerfs at all just wow here we go right underneath oh here's the ice cam though if he cooled off bro getting chilly can we see the vapors on him right now as he cools off man you'll find out okay so Proto is back I mean just watching these two players play I mean [Applause] okay so the double-blind action coming through was a thing for their set in uh or their first set in Grand finals now doing another double blind pick coming into this and we've seen kind of like the counter pick war that has been happening between these two players but I think at least for Mk Leo's POV probably just gonna stick it out with the Rob the entire set I'd imagine I'd imagine I don't know if there's like a backup character or anything of the sorts but I'm still trying to say that yoker bro but you know at this point in time I'm I'm content with the Rob just look at some of the victories he's you know a mask just sticking with a character you're kind of like okay you have you have the room the switch here and even when he starts out you know down he just brings it back man guy just Wills himself to win you know we call it plot armor this man's just talented bro that's that's what it comes down to yeah he's just different you know what I'm saying that's no disrespect to Proto he has not ended up in winners Grand finals by accident but after that set man he's in the losers with Leo so literally this tournament is up for grabs and we got one more set to figure out who wants it and the Rob is back out the mimens back out for sure true all right minmin versus Rob that is the matchup and now coming in set to no more resets no more extra sets after this one this is the last one of the night and after it we are going to know the winner the champion of the first double down here for smash World Tour man this is the insane way this this set is gone man you know the last thing I think anybody would have expected was to see this Rob go this crazy you know we know Leia first by left we know him for his corn Joker but the Rob is you know it's out 100 man and it really is just like a privilege to launch it too we take for granted you know we don't get to see these caliber players compete all the time against each other obviously Japan being so far away where you know Proto does resign man but when they show up they definitely show out gotta imagine this could be another good one good start right here for Proto developing Amendment definitely been the character it seems like he's most comfortable with fighting Leo and you can see why it's a dominating first start and the stock is going to fall Leo in a hole early and Leo yeah definitely I mean very far behind you know but as as things have shown here in this here game you know Leo definitely knows how to steal a couple stocks away if he needs to unfortunately though he's not got any type of stage Patrol going on his side now he's forced off inside here the ram ram and the uh dragon arm being a little being a nuisance to him yeah look at again the rammer I'm covering so much options on that platform upbeat as well Proto complete dominance coming into this first game number one wow again tries to go for the snipe with the upbeat and Leo has not even done more than 40 damage on Proto's first stock and that's the second one that's gonna go you know what bro this is just payback from that Rosina that we'll see in a game he said now you're not going bare feet without not without me not getting one as well so y'all thought I forgot now bro I'll never forget get back don't have a time limit bro as what we are seeing right now definitely the assistant platform I'm just gonna Aid in that conversion being effective get that first stock off but still a long way to go for Leo if he has any hope of opening with a win such a weird interaction too because Leo got like hit one of up tilt twice in a row it didn't fully connect and still able and just still where to get that grab follow-up example tops over here and my man's hand which seemed like he was trying to get something fancy too with that upright they threw out but okay anti-airs coming through oh Dash attack everything coming through from Proto using the whole entire move set here for Amendment optimizing the offense here for this character and it is showing yeah 100 oh man this is looking pretty Grim for Mk Leo okay oh 100 this is not where you want to be Proto again the efficiency when you're trying to come back to the stage you are often not even either not making it or you're not making it back for free that's for damn sure the two stocks here on V on MK layout I'm saying bro got a little deflated you can tell they're definitely a lot you know my 80 90 Pro Leo for this especially with the Run he's been on yeah what's the coverage the upbeat can't go over okay well I'm just gonna jump megawatt here to cover the horizontal again Proto whether it be off stage or these like really high situations he's covering multiple options effectively with very huge threats and very big return moves I think I think it's just interesting what kind of color swap here I think I think it's definitely interesting to see like you know we were talking about how layout does kind of have like an issue against amendments you have to think about the fact you know like one of the times he lost to the buzz was with the midman that was like I'll have galim that was you know all that time and then uh you know on the other side thing pink press I think taking the game five all right some glitch or something yeah so like yeah I mean this is definitely you know one of the things he's gonna have to learn uh or learn how to beat in this game because you don't ever get to see MK Leo not look or look you know not as polished as as he normally does and this is kind of one of the times that you do oh yeah absolutely I mean again just the character that commands the mid-range right when you when you think of characters that do that well minmin's gonna be that character the only caveat is your recovery is not the greatest Crews can abuse that yeah and somebody like Leo obviously as you said can definitely abuse that Rob a good character to lend himself to that nice pickup on the up there not gonna be enough to get it but I do like the pressure Leia always putting on any results in a good catch Proto trying to get off that lead safely Leo says no sir oh my bro I mean yeah it's covered immediate right there like you know the Beam still out there gonna be active as well so the power of the Dragon Army I don't even want to stop there's gonna be a little extra oomph to it and you get that uh when you get that laser out oh oh no okay good air Dodge get through yeah that's the situation you gotta avoid the most here against this Rob is just getting like you know show forward off the stage with those four layers hey yep gotta avoid the upbeat and again you avoid the upbeat the horizontal area does get covered here from Frodo but a little bit more of a back and forth here this game number two very even in terms of percentage Leo trying to close out the stock tries to get the roll behind into the grab not gonna fall for what a pivot grab coming out from Proto now the arm is powered up and the dragon takes MK Leo off to the right side of the stage there Great die from the up bear coming up from protein yeah this is insane okay the laser actually gets some even more crazy fights way back on the stage for sure 562. good Lord man this is starting to really snowball Leo do you have an answer or response anything right now my boy you are in danger of being down O2 after fighting your way to get to this point not to start I'm sure he's looking for it okay all right let that go all right man you got it got it you got it that's like the melee like illusion yeah man good okay on to the next vlog okay this layer oh he's trying oh he is getting him but unfortunately I think it's I think oh no it's a Minion's hand now she's able to grab it instead we're trying to get these Fair down tilt connections these Corner carries that can really set up the situation where Leo can get this stock out of nowhere here but Proto with so much coverage the two frame okay Leo with the patience you know he's Leo doesn't want to go high anymore because he saw that wait a minute oh wow okay throw that get that arm to stretch in time that's gonna be a grab oh what a mash get off of me get off of me I cannot believe he just did that those people don't I think that was two pummels one or two pumps that was so swiftness on that match oh yeah he said get literally look at this one two three three off of me that's all you get no uh I'm smash out of Shield boom and that'll smash same speed as other characters like Fox around frame made it used to be seven actually does have the reflector as well so gonna be a very quick auto shoot option and it's very tall as well like in terms of verticality too so yeah it does catch jumps and things like that yeah she does kind of like push herself up the animation push herself over their arms a little bit to get that uh that full you know somersault so good stuff it's a Proto banham man it'll take that one I mean what up still Godly match yeah 100 man it all comes down potentially to this game that's it and Leo at the start yeah Leo understands I've got to win this one or it is all over I fall too hard to let it go out like this not trying to see that 3-0 and that is a hell of a first stock to make sure that it's not going to be the case damn these falling fares coming out from Leo man like falling Fair into like some kind of follow-up like grab her down to it been really fun to watch don't see too much robs going for kind of like delay first we usually see some Rising fares here but wow look at this Leo down O2 I've heard this story I've read this book I've watched this movie so we'll see if Leo can bring it back even down O2 here I don't think you make it back it's a little bit of Chip damage on the way out and oh man is the mim-mim gonna get three stock two he's getting destroyed right now here in this third game Leo said I'm at least gonna get one it's just crazy how evenly matched these two are and then there are just those explosive moments where each one can just dominate the other just seemingly out of nowhere no Rhyme or Reason it's just part of the Rhythm that these two are putting on okay pushing a little further out trying to get a stock here Leo is going to make entry back onto the stage okay getting caught by the dragon Army our beam and the ram ram at the same time up to the stage here going for The Nair does grab the ledge gotta get back onto the stage hit some kind of platform or ground to get the refuel keep that in mind here Ryan back on the stage yet again there we go touching base yeah man 149. just such a comfortable lead for Mk Leo right now gotta imagine what Proto is thinking I mean it all starts obviously we're getting that first talk off but the damage may have already been done and still we survived catching an air Dodge to put it away but my God bro you lost two stocks and you're at 77 that is not exactly the uh the recipe for getting this 3-0 oh especially not with you fighting this close to the edge man that's the one area you don't want to be does have his jump but I don't think that's the softest snail I've ever seen in my life the downer without the spike and it's still enough of course yeah the minimum recovery being not that great but oh oh there's a certain game that we're about to be on yeah baby deer right there bro he says you know I just need just just a little bit of that fire to hit just a little bit man yeah yeah that's the Tad man with the Rob signs I've never seen a crowd get this hyped for Rob man I can do this kind of stuff man imagine being the guy who printed those up on the Fly you just sold it for a dollar a piece money not a bad way to end your hustle but we do out here boy okay okay it looks like I'm trying I gotta get out of here like dang oh is that is it getting chilly is it getting chilly hey man was like you know what I'm gonna take a peek in The Bag Man all right grab a cup of water you know stay hydrated feel it yep yep [Music] I told you it's getting chili chat all right it's even it's even on stage yeah oh yeah all right he's still there what the really thinking about this uh it's counter pick of course huge decision huge decision it's up two games man and then you know Leo just storms back in that third one pretty much just beat him down I mean there's really no other way to describe it just absolute beat down in that third game so Leo heading into game number four which is definitely one of his Hallmarks that game for Leo is not just a myth it wasn't present in their first Exchange in winners finals I got a feeling man and true finals right here Grand Final set number two it could be a problem [Music] it's like wiping the hands wiping the hands you know what I'm saying like my hands got a little dirty you know oh man all right here we go okay the pick fast to the crowd shout outs to the crowd staying look at this crowd filled up it's a little late but we're still out here I'm getting active we got this energy you got to be too stubborn to leave like look I didn't stay this long I'm definitely going to see who's gonna win this tournament absolutely not sure who won Rivals earlier man but definitely three Champions crowned on this day we had a Rivals Champion ibdw taking melee and right now we're gonna find out who is going to be our ultimate champ I believe it was kick assault okay yeah all right let's go ahead and get in to it our fourth game Leia was able to grab himself a game not let this uh set go too far away from him it's a pretty dominant game on his side too now we got to say it right we have to say it game four Leo's in the building he is in the building this is actual game four Leo as well it only activates when he's down O2 all right okay I got you that's true game four Leo true Mark of it got you man but we shall see he's activated the Robin and has found himself a lot of success and he get it done for one more game not the best start right now in those triple digits and Proto always so efficient off stage though he's gonna threaten make Leo second guess a little bit a costly air Dodge uncharacteristic but you're not going to hear any complaints for Proto as he's looking to make it count I mean well I mean honestly could have been out of fuel as well yeah I would say he is he iced him out on the gas gassed him this time bro like yeah no you're not gonna be able to make that one back don't think he had any more deaths that's what he went for that upward air Dodge but still wasn't close enough to the stage to get it now probably with a pretty solid lead here nothing that MPL can't get back immediately though hold up the double fare from The Nair I like it again another Corner carry trying to really set up this win con of getting the Minutemen off stage oh the ugly snipe you gotta watch it that was almost your stock take your life out here oh man gets back but look at this 97 now 114 racked up onto Leo's second stop Proto Still rocking three stocks this is nuts right now Proto is again I told you in the last one it's crazy they could just take turns obliterating each other and it looks like it is Frodo's turn it's making it look like that grab doesn't bury like yeah like the way that he's getting out so quickly so oh my goodness dominance coming out from Proto can you close Leo out at Peak form game four coming out from the reverse 3-0 not many players have done it even statistically right Leo could be one of the first to do it or I mean obviously other people have done it but yeah yeah okay man again it's always a short list man it's always a short list think about Teresa as you think about your glutos your Sparkles definitely have to have success man even Proto does own a victory to overlayo and it looks like he's about to add another one which is a pile and in Jeopardy Leo is having it delivered in three stock fashion this is absolute Madness but finally able to take off one maybe the start of something special guys who knows I mean it is possible Leo's been able to make you know kind of get some stocks in a very quick manner with a couple of uh well-placed down tilts and forward airs and he's kind of on the way okay good get the air Dodge through Leo okay double up till kind of giving it to him right now 65 unanswered okay finally get some a trade there Jesus the megawatt comes out sends them packets Leo barely hitting the ground this is kind of rough for him this terrifying to being can he get off State unscathed he's gonna survive some Sparks are flying though coming back Proto charging it up he has been a menace just terrorizing Leo anytime he's off stage but he says you know what let me give you a break and tap that ass on stage to pop off taboo and he is your double down 2022 champion of Smash ultimate and that young man is probably going to get a score that was literally no question that near killed like like you just evaporated off the screen and just like ggs and yes that man is definitely getting escorted ggs wow wow and I mean it was it was looking a little shaky yeah for Frodo right Leo started to mount the comeback was getting the damage in but then Proto starts with the control gets everything back on track and defeats Leo getting first here at Double Down man getting uh getting a tournament over Leo is very rare so I mean putting that on your resume is insane incredible run coming out from Proto representing team Japan taking out the best player in the world back to back two sets yes two incredible sets not marred with controversy just excitement and hype all around you could definitely feel the intensity from the crowd feeling in the air they wanted Leo to be able to pull it off definitely still of that goat status but not alone as Proto demonstrating he can certainly hang and beat the best that we have to offer yeah look at this pop-off man this is incredible look at that so much Jubilation and excitement and well deserved and I tell you what you fly this far away it's it's such a good feeling for him to be able to fly home The Clash we saw on Friday when it came to cruise those team captains man who were Proto and Leo but this time they faced off 1v1 and it was Japan who came out on top on this day all right she is man what up what up what up top 12. yeah well the tournament in general man like I mean when yesterday in pools with the amount of like upsets that we had it was like if you were looking at the PG stats right you were like man what is going on over here this tournament bro and now here we are on top uh you know top 12 and our winner being pro domain him over MK Leo with the Minutemen MPL bringing out to Rob to even try to combat it man you can't write this what the hell predicted that that was anybody's bingo card yep yeah I mean I I was for sure we were gonna at least see that joker like one time right I was I was expecting the Joker honestly but the Rob I I think it made sense in terms of the tools it didn't work out at the very end was still able to get the reset yeah but all the tools that Rob has makes sense for combating minmin and especially like the best amendments like in terms of what you want in the tool set really made sense so I mean incredible stuff coming out from Leo and I mean even shout outs to last his coach right maybe had a thing to a thing or two to uh really put in a part of that strategy theorize that and really come up with that is really sick sure Big Boss had a hand in that too man you know that Rob was not just you know didn't just pop up you know by happenstance it was uh a lot of rhyming reason I mean it was very successful in the first set just couldn't pull it together there uh in the in the second and you know gonna lose it in uh in the fourth man but you know nothing but respect and kudos to Proto you guys are wondering what's going on right now we're actually setting up for the awards ceremony to present everybody with like their medals and obviously you know the trophy crown that officially so if you want to see that I do encourage you to stick around but I mean guys I mean I think they're the first time doing a try cast together this was something I had a lot of fun yeah this was super fun I mean definitely carried by the amazing games as well right I mean this top 12 definitely delivered in all cylinders so much different International Talent we got to see a slew of characters and really even all these little counter pick words that were happening within these sets Within top 12 was so fun to see we're really starting to see The Meta flesh out in many different directions it really just goes to show how little we know about this game right yeah man so also gotta say Connie was right I don't know if y'all saw his prediction he did say Prado was going to win and Immaculate was going to take a a set or he's going to reset but not win the tournament he was right bro dang Coney Coney was right bro that's right I see you how do you do it let me see the rest of that bracket oh wow yeah I can't tell you about the rest of that bro no good stuff coming I don't know how that's pretty sick yeah but no that was a rough one right there rough outing uh obviously for uh MK Leo but you know he always comes and bounce back uh bounces back harder so we'll see what happens we'll protomenham you know over here Making Waves I mean I love the fact that like he's kind of like just excelled as the player when you think about Japan because I feel like yeah back in the day it was all Zachary exactly Zachary but he popped off his Summit he popped off here like he's been he's been doing it pretty well yeah this was the tournament to pop off too again that's a very long flight long travel they have to go through to come here and get first at a platinum level uh smash World Tour event gotta feel good man and of course you know a lot of his other uh you know members of the Japanese Squad did very well in this bracket as well too you know gotta kind of keep them in mind Ken obviously uh t for sure I think gacked as well so yeah I mean I feel like they all pretty much play stuff quite like quite well I think the lowest one it might have been like 33rd so just all together though I mean you know Shogun coming in uh 13th or yeah 13th and then you had two tone you had tea yeah I had a lot of Heavy Hitters here man it was a slew of talent and it was a privilege uh to get the watch and cast him for sure so uh I don't know hey man so I think we're like waiting for Rod to get everything ready up here on the on the stage but I don't see no players up here brother yeah where are they maybe to the side why don't we just show that beautiful stage anywhere even shout outs to EU EU came out here right Bloom was able to compete I think it was a treat watching Bloom first time I mean a slew of a bunch of other European European players were able to come out here and really we get to see so many different regions Clash right and I think that's one of the coolest things about smash yeah yeah I mean when you get this much talent Under One Roof you know it's gonna be it's gonna be something you know I feel like you know you got to be at Japan yeah in Mexico at EU you had a Dominican Republic obviously within Sonics and uh in captaincito so we had I mean quite a bit of representation sure we even had more than that but that's just just major representation all together loved it no doubt about it man we made you out here we are major uh yeah again you know shout out to all you guys who stuck with us man I know this was a very very long uh block mainly because we did try out top 12 for this one I thought it was pretty good either way yeah um for sure we didn't see a reset melee but we did get one here obviously it didn't disappoint it was very entertaining nonetheless all right man so yeah we're just kind of waiting for the throw but I'm just I can see everything over here and I see a lot of empty chairs and and Rod on stage let's look at looking for some care players man I don't know what's going on here that's fair that's very yeah that's cool that makes sense get some stand-ins we'll be all right forgot yeah but some of those players when they when they leave they lose they dip so I mean it was it was a while to be fair it was a long yeah yeah if you got like eliminated at 12 or something yeah yeah all right man I understand that we'll see we'll see what happens how are you guys doing yeah how y'all doing Chad I got the chat open me y'all feeling good yeah what's up what's going on y'all immediately leave y'all go to sleep damn that East Coasters might have been like I'm out oh yeah I'll catch I'll catch the VOD I'm good awesome nice nice love to hear you guys over here man yeah I guess some people would have had to catch the VOD at this point I saw some one guy say I got a clock bro yeah I got work in two hours about four hours ago man you ain't gonna make it watching this damn outside yeah you gotta pack it up man you have to watch it on your lunch break or something that's it bro man still man wonderful tournament just all together gotta hang out with the boys want a lot of tapes you know what I'm saying yeah yeah man I want you again later uh gotta we can we can get that run back babes if I can flip that I'm I'm literally never gambling a day of my life again part decision I got to bed on black every time I come to Vegas I did win that bet by the way so I'm now currently like uh five and two so I'm betting on black yeah one 100 on black and just calling today wait so five wins two losses that's pretty good that's pretty good all right guys that is gonna do it for us if you enjoyed the commentary or no follow the twitters uh enjoy The Vibes back up put it back up what's that I need it yeah enjoy the uh The Vibes when they do pop up on YouTube like I said make sure you follow BG boot camp on Twitch on YouTube on Twitter show them some love because they put on an amazing event thank you for joining us so much for myself TK and Charles we're gonna pass it over to rod on stage for the award ceremony and we'll catch you later what's going on everybody we are back we are here for the award ceremony Make some noise for his competitors that's right that's right let's get this over because I know y'all got a lot of stuff to do all right first and foremost give it up for Jack will come in at Seventh Place next up give it up four kid in third place Give It Up 14. foreign [Music] [Applause] and your grand finals Champion here at Double Down 2022. give it up for produce raise it high raise it up there you go GGY watch [Applause] thank you all for kicking it with us this weekend here in Sunny Las Vegas Nevada [Music] Applause one more time for the top eight we'll see y'all next year peace all right all right so we are also gonna get an interview uh I was Vol and told that I'm doing the interview for my two amazing Caster friends that are not here anymore but we are gonna get a Proto and watch who's going to translate this interview so just waiting on them amazing tournament again hope you guys are enjoying I hope you guys are going to enjoy this vid our interview as well so coming through hey man I gotta open up the chat you guys gotta help me think of questions what do you want to know from the winner Proto what's up man you didn't win this tournament what the heck [Music] you want to talk to the people man gamer was like no no all right I'm open up Twitch chat hold up I gotta log on nope not doing it too much work I just think of stuff on the Fly [Music] are they on the way yes they are I see them there coming over here [Music] [Music] there they are having a conversation go let's go watch translator all right walking in to hey that's me hey all right have a seat have a seat yeah yeah right all right so we got Proto the champion champion of Double Down we're gonna do a quick interview for the people you want to show off the controller man yeah yeah show the show The People yeah look at this Chris controller dang that is nice wow got the grip too man uh so yamamuki a Japanese like uh controller like oh I see like yeah yeah amazing hi okay all right well congratulations congratulations congratulations um so I mean hmm how do you feel how do you feel about the win I mean you you were probably preparing for Leo and even just your entire bracket how much were you preparing and how do you feel that you won the tournament foreign but like recently he didn't pretty well on the tournaments on the back in this band so uh this win definitely improved that he is strong so that's really happy that could tell he is strong to the world yeah so I I personally feel like uh Proto and T UNT are the strongest players when performing any even like Zachary Zachary's pretty good at performing in America right where the environment's a little bit different from Japan I know the Japanese tournaments like the crowds are different and stuff like that how does he feel like he performs with a crowd like does he like that or is it because it's really different environments right so how does he feel about the differences between competing in America and competing in Japan um foreign is like uh I think feel Japan is strong from through experience he yeah definitely thought like Japan is pretty good especially on the pools level is like steel Japan is strong there's not a the drop-off isn't as well yes yes yes overall okay okay and also the big difference is like the meta thing I think his amendment is not like uh figure out then the Japan is like I mean America Japan knows about women very much so I think that's the big difference I think okay okay uh so how strong do you feel minmin is and how strong do you feel Lucina is like maybe on a tear list like maybe top five for X character or top or or if you just think they're both top tier how just yeah I'm just very curious how strong you think that your characters are good um [Music] he thinks it's like both characters definitely top 20. okay but like I think like it's slightly amendment is higher than Lucina okay his opinion okay okay um another question uh I have for you Proto I I think you're the best player uh off stage and uh how did you get that placed out do you feel like the game should just be played like that or is it just you you personally like to do it um I just noticed you go really hard off stage and you get a lot of stocks like that or a lot of damage and again I I personally think you're the best player at doing that so I'm very curious why you choose to play that playstyle I don't know if it's like maybe you just feel like it's strong maybe it's your characters pool that you feel like you have to go for things like that um yeah I'm just pretty curious in your your outlook of the off stage of the game uh off stage meta foreign [Music] so he's like off stage like ledge Guardian stuff it's not like the best like the top top like priority specialty for himself he focused on like neutral game the basics so it's like one of his and definitely like the off stage like could get like stocks so he thinks is strong but it's not like his best actually yeah yeah yeah yeah I see I see so maybe it's my my thought but he's like just normally let's guard him by himself okay uh what what did you think about MK Leo's Rob I mean that must have that that surprised us I were did you think Rob was going to be an option for him and even when you're playing against it how how did you feel like how how strong do you feel MK Leo's Rob is compared to maybe some of the other Rob players [Music] [Music] definitely he felt the difference with other like raw players uh especially on the like really close situations stuff like uh the the style in Japan's Rob is like more like using the projectiles right right so Leo is really aggressive that he felt like by using like Forward Air like down till or like those like really close games right right and that was the really big one and what that was really strong so yeah uh do you feel like Leo is the best Rob who do you think is best robots so he thinks like he is definitely one of the best but like Zachary and him is like in the same place like I got it got it double chair top like the same time they both had like difference and those difference is like strong yeah is like different and both is he feels that both is strong okay cool cool all right well that's pretty much all the questions that I have again congratulations uh on on winning um congratulations congratulations thank you but yeah I mean that's gonna do it for us I hope you guys enjoyed the entire tournament I hope you guys enjoyed the interview thank you watch for translating and again congratulations to Proto for defeating MK Leo and winning a tournament winning double down here and until next time see you guys later unless oh snap foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] take the don'ts out again for a new Point get your bets on ladies and gentlemen or for pause the point mark four ace deuce crap one more [Music] five one four check me out y'all [Music]
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 422,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, vgbc, vgbootcamp, video games, bootcamp, boot camp, ultimate, ssbu, smash bros, super smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, super smash bros ultimate, ultimate tournament, smash ultimate tournament, smash bros tournament, super smash bros. ultimate, smash bros. ultimate, sub tournament, tweek, mkleo, esam, minecraft, steve, riddles, marss, hungrybox, fatality, invitational, sephiroth, kazuya, sora, leffen, zain, zackray, world tour, smash world tour, swt
Id: snZjzpo7FqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 32sec (4532 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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