Double Down 2022 Winners Finals - MkLeo (Corrin) Vs. ProtoBanham (Min-Min) SSBU Smash Tournament

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switching in between midman switching in between lucina but it looks like we're gonna have a fire emblem face off here and taking it a bit old school lucina versus corinth it is so insane to me that leo has really embraced just the fact that he could just pilot so many characters insane level and i couldn't even finish the sentence not even 30 seconds into the match and proto's first stock absolutely just decimated i feel like leo it someone feels like when leo picks a character right he's just trying to say you guys don't know what you're doing like that's what it feels like every time like he's like all right yeah man cory's not that good look at him leo is oh my goodness no way no way two stalks unanswered leo you are the goat and don't let anyone tell you different the my you're you're not going to jv okay okay fight back you're dying back jvgs you need to chill i know you're the best i know there's a pretty reasonable gap but god damn it yo i mean yeah bro you're supposed to ice your opponents not yourself what's going on player that was the biggest fight back then when i ever seen it please we need a supreme helping of ice right here after this game geez open the freezers we need all the ice my man my man is definitely vegas heat hot right now okay actually crazy bro nobody i don't think expected the set to really start to unfold like this but definitely a dominant performance coming out from leo really on the verge of three stalking okay bro he is one of the challengers we said he could threaten leo at this tournament and dammit if that didn't look like the first round of pools i don't know what did charles yeah i think bro call in the minman immediately yeah man drop that i need that first game she ain't answering the phone immediately please for your for your winner's bracket life and i mean you're fighting it out against the best in the world and and again like tk said i feel like when leo just be picking up some of these characters he's just bored man he's just like yeah i just kind of like body everyone with this with joker okay i'm biting everyone with violence who's next i guess i can go corn i mean yeah ap please please please can i get we need dlc i mean wait min dlc pack two okay i believe right hold up bro hold on oh yeah first character of yeah pack two man that was gotta stay with the corn okay ice man come on man here we go rubbing up the eyes you know but yeah we need we need fighter pass two here immediately yeah yeah call that in now that's the only way you got a chance versus leo is you bring in someone from fighter pass too man that was in like absolutely insane start right there it was crazy too we were sitting around oh yeah set at the set of the tournament set up the tournament leo says but what the pool's matched to me all right so let's see what he can do here here what he could do here against the midman now you know obviously with corn not having the fastest run speed or uh or airspeed at all you know that could be an issue trying to chase down a minute or at least get back into the mix but if you stay on top of the whole time like this it may not matter at the very least this starter is already 100 better than what we saw in game number one because there is some damage being dealt on the first stock oh my goodness the actual intensity behind that proto they'll be trying to send a message he said look man play at this kind of level sometimes you need to have a short memory and i guess that's the case for proto that game one not seeming to face him at all and i actually really like the corn pick compared to the bileth pick yeah obviously there's a bunch of other characters that could probably do better versus min men that leo could go but i mean of leo's character pool right i mean corin is a character that doesn't operate so much horizontally and you can really set up like these falling 45 degree angle fall in there and stuff like that and corn on block in those situations are really really strong okay hold up holding a couple jabs there not getting there i thought he's gonna get that jump off the ledge but hold the legs having it rough doesn't oh actually fights his way through the uh ram ram this time around though having a hard time getting the stock off though 147 does get the drop but still man even with the drop proto still not relinquishing this stock it is actually amazing to see just kind of oh that was a really good follow-up though yeah see you later tk called it right there delivery on point but yeah i mean it is really crazy is how much the difference is this you know a character swap can make a big departure from that first game as we are getting a good one developing right now leo trying to find openings to make this comeback happen down there could definitely do some nice combos batch attacks and i love that pro i think that's one of the things that set proto very far apart from a lot of these other minimum players is the i mean just one how talented he is but look at the usage of dash tech and the vertical threat as well how many times have we seen proto get stalks with the upbeat sweet spot in the air right just sniping people over the top trying to go up and over midman's horizontal pressure so much understanding of this character but here comes leo getting the traps not getting the sweet spot on that pin there proto getting out but this kick should do the trick here no still alive even with the rage surprising but man what a way to dig yourself back into this game though because yeah layout was almost at the verge of losing the second stop before he even got one off the proto now almost an even game another stock go either way but no proto finds that uh that arm to hit as he comes off the ledge reverse style team the other way boom i mean that shield might have got cracked so tried to make a play out of it but no sir so we're back on even footing that's definitely a knowledge check as well so you can actually hold shield and shield sdi out and there's other things you can do past that to get out of that situation but i mean honestly how many coins do you fight at this level right so i mean a lot of players that even if you know when you're up on the stage it could be hard to execute as well besides my boy i can't even really think of another corn oh yeah and leo i mean and then cosmos when he kind of feels like doing it sometimes right yeah i mean that was way back in the day though man it's been a while he must be an england player all right here we go man this is uh definitely not out the wrong possibility for pro to go ahead and get himself a game right now i'm thinking it might be the case yeah kind of finishing off that last stock the way he did the first doctor's offstage fearless execution gonna deliver and there it is we are there tied up one a piece and i really wish we would see this kind of edge guarding from the community in general or even like looking back on some of the previous matchups we had in this top 12 i mean when we look back at ken versus the buzz ken not really opting to go off stage too much but i mean sephiroth's forward air there's so many tools and there's so many ways you can push the off stage meta and we really only see proto going that deep and it is risky with the character like midman right that double jump gets sniped some kind of reversal you're definitely not making it bad but proto again and again is able to set off set up so many stalks with the off-stage game with both of his characters okay leo really he sees something here what the thing is though you know we're talking about the whole thing with the you're playing a ranged character against someone who has more range to you so you automatically almost have a bad matchup right i think that's why he's not going to buy left right now i mean it did seem very rough a few times they played but you know the joker is still a possibility too aegis are gonna be like maybe another one but i i think in terms of on paper leo wants to go joker if you're looking sheerly on paper matchup wise right right but we already know leo is built different so whatever he chooses is probably best whatever he's comfortable with right so opting with the corn here just going to run it back was a very close game number two if there is going to be a switch i think the joker would be like you guys pointed out i think it's very telling the fact that that's the character opted to go against japan in the crew battle as well so there's some things to kind of keep in mind for sure is this game number three very close at the start leo though in control at the moment spreading with these strong arrows nice scooping them up not able to follow up but still the pressure remains the same and the reward is there first stop going to layup warren has one of the best upbears in the entire game it's definitely very really really good i think the only issue i have with horns up here is that the sound does not match how hard it hits okay yeah yeah i always sound like you know just a baby swiping and you're flying out of here definitely don't have that uh doesn't have the base that the joker arson backer has oh yeah that move got bass all right that down smash definitely has some power behind it even up these stocks okay hold that up here it's moving right now hold on now definitely enjoying this a little bit of space that he's able to put between the two and look at that just cutting down the gap already roto's efficiency in the words of uh rod arms baby definitely he didn't like the arms he loves the arms man we'll be talking about them arms bro them arms do be hurting they do be swinging they are exchanging blows right now there's a percent between them back on the stage man so close we really see proto using a good amount of down smash as well right i mean i don't really see midman's utilizing that move too often getting the sour hit gonna navigate around the neutral b hanging on the ledge waiting for it and leo going to get the grab the up throw is going to be no not enough here but maybe need one more gotta run that throw back wow i think he's looking forward here we go should be it right here yep there we go just enough to get past that even we're good the eye right there just enough to get past that blast zone and now leia with a slight lead but he can't lose the stock pretty quickly 130 is oh 130 to zero immediately get out of here that's what it is man no wasted time right here for proto final stocks of this game number three huge advantage to the winner of this and look at those hits hard-hitting and leo doesn't have a jump oh my god oh this is rough right here leo down now 2-1 to proto-ban him trying to get into the of the grand finals here that is a tough one let's see how that one uh developed again we'll get the replay in just a second where was the double jump snipe that's that's what i want to know yeah it's the run back on the grab of course but coming on to this last stretch here okay off the ledge gets the hit okay okay okay okay see if we get this last stock here okay dude this combo oh he actually never touched the ground wow man that's why oh yeah the first hit popped to back up yeah yeah he never he just never touched the ground that was good stuff so could it neutral error dodge in that situation maybe directional air dodge the ledge would have been the play there for layout right here in wow gonna stick it out with the corn leo you are a madman but i respect it completely still a very very close game unfortunate sd coming out from leo at the end but leo not vulturing not even going blinking an eye to go to the joker just gonna stick it out with the corn yeah sometimes i mean sd there just a part of the game leo understanding that he's gonna stick it out with the character that really gave him that dominance performance in game number one but since the switch to mid-man we have seen a much more even contest thus far benefiting proto who again is up two games 2-1 at the moment yeah man layout fastest level confidence in life i mean my life will be so much better we can all look at this i love that leo is covering himself in hitboxes to avoid these edge guards just throwing up and there there knowing that the arm's coming out do you have a double jump yes you do but again getting sniped and even though leo putting these layers of these counter measures for the edge guard proto banham still finds a way it is an absolute nightmare when trying to return to the stage against proto he is just so clean on his execution even somebody of leo's caliber kind of finding themselves lost for answers on how to return safely and now this lead beginning to extend just a little bit great back here really going to want to clean this one up quickly see if they can find an answer yeah now he's got to find a big hit here rolls in though but the second arm is there to go ahead and thwart that as well he's gonna be trying to line up i mean either the the pin up there or back here is probably the best bet for him to get a ko that curved all the way oh no there's no jump here there's no jump okay i don't know he's so lucky he swallowed it because proto was down there sharking for sure he was a you know shark in the water trying to go ahead and get him but unfortunately missed that bite does end up winnow with a solid lead regardless to 114 hold on forces the air dodge here wow proto doesn't pull the trigger goes for a legend i'm very surprised nonetheless still has a fantastic lead here with the percentage 126 on mk leo can you close it out proto he's the best in the world the goat of ultimate this is going to be tough still a total attack even with the lead we know how clutch leo is yeah 100 percent for all it is starting right now look at these areas of of layar just really panning out right now let's stop me later i literally have all this unanswered 100 unanswered damage pretty much at this point in time just kind of tagging bagging right there but still he's already pretty hurt as is so both these guys now pretty much in kill percentage that's not going to be enough just yet but the next one should be oh this is just insane i mean it was just so much so in the favor of proto and now leo has really made it the next big hit gonna get a stock off and it's going to go the way of proto so leo gonna need a response immediately does not want to allow him to accumulate too much damage right now yeah we've seen this actually a little earlier uh i mean if you're able to catch the match mk leo versus basement sometimes leo just enters this mode where yeah i'm not going to get hit for a straight minute or something like that and it's just going to continue to win neutral yeah and i mean that's how we see so many of these comebacks the back-to-back pins the kick connects and now the stocks are even all right so i mean we've seen what proto can do to a stock though man he has definitely uh managed to just go ahead and take that one um immediately with one good combination or at least push uh off the stage and force a really easy edge guard for himself you know this character corn doesn't have too many mix-ups on their recovery so yeah pretty straight yeah pretty transparent just because you know i mean just lacking in that department but leo obviously finds a way to make it work that'll bear what's insane [Applause] that string i mean and just ending it off like that and getting back to center stage don't jump okay going high here back to ledge such a brilliant recovery coming out from mk leo yeah enough drift and croto not out you know probably could have jumped off lift with a neutral or something to try to uh push him back out but he probably wasn't ready oh platform block yeah that's unfortunately that could have been a big setup roto looking pretty good percentage is incredibly close here this is where leo does not want to get overwhelmed off stage is where proto has proven to continue to shine no double jump here okay gets past the ledge but you have to get out of the corner proto controlling the center stage leia working these platforms here trying to weave in to and opening the back throw now the arm is powered up yup and just like that man he went so i feel like he did he had no intentions of coming back to that stage like he was like i'm either going to win it here or lose it here and i'll tell you what it came up big for him as he is going to take that guys we didn't even get to a game five not even a game five game four layout thwarted here by proto ban him no ice needed also by the way he didn't make some dang no not a lot of quiet not a lot of waiting on this on this year man i feel like the ice was at a minimum right there so you know that was actually crazy bro shout outs to our man right there proto ice melted perhaps that's you know an even scarier sight when you think about who he just beat and where that just happened in the winter's finals so we're going to see proto a little bit later off for grands be able to sit out and cool down i mean guys you really look at how that first game went i don't think anybody might have had proto peg to take this set not get 3-0 but you know take the set i i don't i think we had at least a game five yeah i i just waited i wasn't expecting to take for him to take the set like this though because i mean this man took a game four and it was all like some really really really dominating uh performance from the amendment all together i mean like that first game we didn't want to talk about it like it didn't have to happen okay yeah you notice it didn't even make the highlight yeah yeah the the lucina got packed away oh yeah pretty quick yeah but you know the minion was nice yeah yeah of course of course you know nice little exhibition right there if you will from the lucina but that just yeah that was it i mean that came out there came and went and he definitely knew right after that first game he was like all right yeah just okay man all right back in the box back back in the box sometimes it really is just that simple so again congratulations to proto able to take care of business in grand finals doing japan justice but that is not the only japanese representative still in this tournament coming up next we do have tea taking on de buzz this is going to be another explosive one yeah
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 209,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, marss, melee, mkleo, mythra, pyra, slingshot, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament
Id: JdQufq1T6Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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