GOML 2022 - East Canada Vs. West Canada - SSBU Smash Ultimate Crew Battle

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he's a player that's confident i guess almost everyone yeah on the uh on the crew on on the east coast crew the players he would be worried about would be riddles and grape right and you know you're not setting up sending out your heavy hitter and riddles first right yeah there's no way there's no way you're sending them out first and grape you know being snake being that kind of counterpicky type character yeah there's a really good chance you're not sending him out first so west coast bet on that sent big d out and they're counting on a big play right off the hop because you know they're forcing grape out after this yeah but you know what we do have armadillos pulling up for the east coast hailing from montreal honestly made a lot of big waves recently really proven a name for himself right now and honestly really excited to see how this matchup really goes because i don't think i've seen much of this to be honest whoa big combo double forward into the net yeah i know i mean while we're on the topic of armadillo they were at a battle of bc and i do seem to remember them losing to a certain west coast on the winner's [Applause] honestly one of the big factors about why big d is such a good pick especially in a format like this is ice climbers are such a strange character not only are they super technical but they have big zero to death potential and there's no way to practice against them and so what a catch-up oh my god starts doing this to people and they've never seen anything like it before honestly that's totally fair i don't think armadillo has much icy's practice and definitely not the level of big d i don't think you can find that anywhere to be honest though it's gonna be really hard for him to really figure out how to get out of these combos he's already getting started 70 already and counting oh my gosh in the side b to catch armadillo seemingly out of answers this falcon i don't know this is such a tough pick from the west or from the east coast side of things because not only does lacorio rely on living late but they rely on those big hits and unfortunately ice climbers can mitigate that with these long strings and zero to death yeah that's totally true but you know what this is where lucario thrives at the deficit has all that rage has all that aura and it's it's you still the size of my aura spirit right now that is insane well you just you right there oh and what a sniper 50 actually couldn't get nana to come off the ledge she was and big d up two stocks to one if he's able to secure this dog with a two stock advantage that's definitely what the west cruz crow is looking for yeah they're definitely gonna be looking for that honestly it's looking a little bit tough for armadillo but then again low percent has to get a little bit more damage on him before he can really do anything but at the end of the day cars lost some great low percent combos can get something started but the triple upper oh my god super such meaty hits they hurt so much the thing is like you know lucario's definitely in a unique situation where they don't totally care about that 67 percent yeah if someone's gonna make it happen it's definitely armadillo but unfortunately the confirmed does not hold true on that oris fear and big d at 55 percent but we all we've all seen what the car you can do i'm never gonna count uh armadillo out until we've seen uh that last thought go away oh my he faced right through those hammers i'm surprised honestly literally it kind of looked like victory read that a mile away and it just didn't work it didn't matter yeah it's just smash ultimate you know it's just one of those moments but then again the horses are not going to come through he goes over the ferry on the f is able to secure it 112 not bad really has to work on securing his life as long as he possibly can but it could not be it again really gets out he actually missed the up match off of that up hilton now a chance no the up smash just barely connect you honestly that's max range of smash i was not expecting that one to hit but then again good job the big d slick carrying that first stock or the first three stocks and is able to move on with this last stock still intact as much as i want to you know praise big d for that one i feel like he's walking away with that thinking that he wanted a little more you know what i mean he really didn't want to lose that second stock and unfortunately kind of a weird interaction armadillo parried decent nana which extended the f smash his hitbox which ended popo and killed it like 80 yeah great man are they standing in grave oh i think grape would definitely be the right counter pick here i think it makes just the most sense i think so too and i think realistically if anyone is gonna gonna clean up big d's last stock without losing one it's probably grape yeah or riddles right and those those are the people are saying we're worried about it again i don't think they're wanting to spend riddles uh this early in the crew battle yeah riddles is a hot commodity you know what he's he's the anchor on the team for a reason and he's gonna be staying there he's he's their x factor that they really need to rely on right now similarly to how you guys have ouch yeah yeah so oh the w i think he's letting him know he i said he might not be feeling that good about it he's feeling mighty good about it he's just bringing it in all right what's he got to say what's he got to say i'm loving the bathroom hey but you know what armadillo didn't get the chance to shine but we're gonna see more of them in singles bracket trust me i believe in armadillo i think he's gonna have a great singles run today trust me a great one oh and there we go we got great but a less great toronto recently picked up recently picked up from toronto serenity great organization working out of toronto for toronto and i'm really excited that they sponsored both grape and jw both amazing pickups both players i've been on the comeback for a hot minute you know grape last time he visited vancouver uh he he i believe that pinnacle got second you know and then recently oh i believe he plays within you know top 32 or so top 16. not the greatest placement but that's why he's here today that's why he's here to prove himself right i'm not sure if he got top 32. oh my fault my fault oh gee i i think he was a little disappointed with that bracket hey man it is what it is it happens right and smash ultimate is definitely like a high variance game yes it's one of those games that's so extremely volatile like anything can happen you can have dragon balls who knows yeah you know there's one that you don't know you don't know you might play this random bail main from wisconsin absolute demon absolute demon destroys them you know so you never know i i seriously running through pools in this game and it's just you right you run into like jim bob seven and it's like it's so funny that you say no i know i was like who is this legend man who is this legend yeah no it's so funny because there's history with grapefruit that's a guy named joe bob [Laughter] oh my gosh that being said we called it right the campaign coming out early that's what we expected to see from the east coast crew yeah you know as as much as you know a lot of people on the east coast crew could probably clean up big d's second or last stock here i don't know how many people could do it without losing one themselves yeah yeah i think that's that's the biggest concern if you send out someone like jw you know if you send out sgk something like that there's a big there's a very real fear that the stock lead continues to swell a little bit and so yeah nipping this one in the bud they get grape out there long story that's scary yeah and they're really just trying to secure this right now because the thing about grip's playstyle is it's very slow it's very calculated and it's very campy you know he's gonna be one of those players that's gonna hold back and he's gonna really try and make sure he does not lose that stock at all costs yeah so it's it's the right play here i'm really looking forward to it i'm curious what stages are going to go on although i don't think it really matters too too much um i i just don't i'm not i'm not expecting to see town in city at the very least classic east coast players having to camp the west coast players oh man it's what we do best unbelievable that's what we do best unbelievable we're just out here trying to play an honest smash brothers and an exciting ice climber oh here comes the snake here comes the snake who's gonna throw grenades for about four minutes and you know what this makes the grapes advantage because the one good thing about cruise there's no timer yeah grape's chilling he's gonna be taking his hot he's gonna take his time he's he's relaxed yeah he's not worried about the time at all one thing that big d does do in this matchup that's a little low-key okay is if the snake recovers high he will actually upbeat into the blast oh i've seen that before yeah i've seen him do it in bracket it just catches you off guard it kills at about 50. and so you think at 50 yeah he's willing to do it for sure and if it catches grape off guard all big d needs to do here is take one stock and he's pretty happy that's true it's it's honestly a big deal i i'm really hoping that i believe in the fact that grape is gonna be able to take the stock off without losing any stocks but then again big d man i i know i gotta be a little biased but this guy would deserve that it's so scary it's the it's like it's the luigi the kazia you know the the eve factor right it's characters yeah they lose this matchup but like but but like but you never know like you never know you know he freezes you yeah he hits over he has a blizzard and we use things things start getting a little funky things are getting a little weird matchups start start looking a little smashed bear hits you with the watch which twine yeah you know you might be dead yeah we'll see we'll see we'll see i'm loving the zoom in right now hold on yeah dude grape looks in right now he's like a thousand bucks come on i'm all in he's all about his bag at the end of the day he's a very serious player when it comes to this game and we get to see him starting off with the grenades playing a little bit slow here but he's going to find his way in with that dashback real quick into the ski 4. great combo yeah quick 35 it's really hard to say you know like this lives and dies on if big d finds an opening like yeah purely and that opening has to be bigger than just single hits right because if he's trading with grenades that's not good enough to take the stock first especially with snake uphill being like such a factor yeah and that's one thing that i've noticed that is actually really good about big d is the fact that especially in this step versus armadillo that we saw earlier he's not really he doesn't really struggle with finishing off that stock you know he's able to get those combos he's able to finish off those stocks really easily is that versus grave it might be a little bit more difficult so we're gonna have to see if he's gonna even be able to build that percent grenade trading yet again oh my god he almost had the chance there get the double upper nana oh rogue man she is just going crazy right now oh god it's the air dodge okay at the ledge oh my god grape is getting away with murder right oh that's the grab but only on that it doesn't get pokeball catches them spinning and that's it wow man can you see that go for that last hit fair at the end she's like let me just try and get some that's i actually genuinely cannot believe that that's how that ended a little anticlimactic yeah i mean he was like kind of putting putting the hammers on him almost like yeah that's what we that's what we put grape in for that's exactly why we we had trust in grape and the ability to do that i mean it look it looked dicey for a second honestly if uh if nana hadn't gotten so desynced there yeah it could have been a different story it was two different characters at one point where she was just way far off for for some reason the entirety of big d's advantage thing nana was throwing out back he's just like this is helping right she's got the wrong memo entirely yeah like this is huge this is huge there's coverage and they actually just choose to send out exodia here to play against grape i'm looking forward to this i think exodia is actually one of my favorite west coast players um yeah definitely one of those people who is just a representative i'm very representative and just one of the one of the most exciting players for me to watch and then again i do have a little bit of bias towards ess i think the character is so much fun to watch but then again versus grape i don't i feel like this matchup is a little bit debatable as well what do you think it's interesting right so exodia thinks he's really good versus snake okay the rest of alberta doesn't really think that but okay fair enough fair enough like he he's served for like he's fine versus snake okay for sure like he's not bad right and it's not like a it's not like a like an ice climber snake kind of thing yeah but i wouldn't exactly call it his best matchup so this is this counterpick is off the back of his confidence and so we're gonna see if that pays off but you know what at the end of the day when the player is playing confident they could be at a whole nother level you know at the end of the day if he's feeling confident he can really carry this and you know get a whole bunch of stocks off and move on to the next players so we'll see how it goes though honestly i do have faith in grape i feel like grape is one of those players that he's gonna stick to his game plan no matter what he won't get flustered he's not gonna fold he's not going to start fumbling at all he's just going to stick to his gameplay he's going to stick to his grenades and he's going to get every single confirm off of every explosion he possibly can yeah i mean exodia is definitely a player who's willing to play it slow as well it kind of comes with the uh you know that kind of comes with the deal as yes yeah there's a couple matchups where you know despite being fast or despite having you know solid hitboxes zero suit just kind of has to slow it down and play that mid-range games i think snake is definitely one of them you're not wanting to box with snake just because you're you're coming out bottom of those trades nine times out of ten yeah you're usually just gonna have to hold that l for most of those though and so the big thing in this matchup is you know there's true combos off in there uh and then using zero as a poking tool it's often easier to you know use there and avoid grenade yeah and just reset those situations with snake where now he has to worry about his own grenade yeah totally understand and a lot of times you guessed these yes says he's trying to pick up the grenade throwback a lot of those side bees as well as a mid-range tool we're gonna see a lot of just a lot of those starting aerials as well you know a lot of forward errors a lot of nearest as you said earlier and trying to get those confirms that those percents yeah yeah i definitely think this is this is going to be a slower one i think this is going to be a slower one like we said um you know grape is a bit of a slower player he's he's willing to cook those grenades he's willing to make those setups happen and i think you know that's the sign of like a really solid snake players they're willing to commit to that game plan and then mix in the dash attack being such a good burst option yeah being able to mix that in with your defensive play makes it so your opponent kind of has to be worried about both at the same time yeah exactly which is it's a lot of pressure it's frustrating it's frustrating because you're like all right he's a zoner i want to get in on him right i want to you know i want to start dealing with these grenades i want to poke at them yeah but at the same time you know he's got a you know one quarter of the screen arms just online arms intangibles real estate that snake has this guy should have been a realtor he has grenades on ledge he has c4 on the platform he has the key to find towards you yeah he's just everything all at once and it's just like how are you going to deal with the whole arsenal yeah sometimes it really does feel like that and you're just looking at it all on the screen you're like it's like damn i'm really playing this game all right man how about that huh yeah that's cool man i i've got like there yeah i'll maybe catch a grenade if i got time we'll see what happens we'll see what happens no i i think that's the biggest thing so snake is slowing it down like that he's threatening that burst right yeah zero suit what she can do is try and kind of command that with nares yeah and engage right but that's a lot riskier than just also slowing it down you know what i mean and so you come into these points where the safest thing for both sides to do is to play that mid-range right to play those effective ranges because zero suit can there just outside of snake's effective range you know zero is thin so often times it'll miss the grenade css won't get hit and off of there she can get confirmed like zero to back here staircase zero dash attack all of those are so so good and so i think that's what exodia is gonna be looking for uh whereas grape is really gonna be looking to slow it down and make sure that those grenades do end up hitting and then he is able to convert and as we say is there the nade already picked up yeah yeah you're already looking at it and one thing exodia is willing to do is trade with grenade with up air right if snake is coming down with a grenade and exody is not behind he's very willing to trade because you know snake is taking about twenty percent zeros he's taking ten yeah if you can constantly get that trade to go your way it works out yeah you're a happy man you're a happy man it's a good return on investment it really really is and so we're gonna get a little started here okay zero to the ground gonna go to the back though trying to read a maybe a spot dodge anything really getting started too far though so far though just a little bit of shift damage here and there like i said and we kind of predicted it going into this i don't think we're gonna see much more than chip damage you know what i mean both of these guys are to take you know at a maximum 40 chunks out of each other yeah okay trying to get that back here trying to get old actually that could be huge hold on okay exactly wasn't in the best position there gets the near but just really doesn't push forward with that momentum just to get the backer off the grenade does not connect and again as we said a lot of that we're trying to go for a big read on that roll in that's the that's the zeros to 101 never roll in never ever roll in you do that you're you're basically done you will get owned they're always looking for it okay unless that grip has that awareness these that he backs off goes from the c4 does not connect for him but gets the nutribe into the up b does not finish off the stock yet though no snake's heavy and great i'm assuming has the d i'm all right hopefully someone told him because you don't know how to die that move here you guys you're dying to it like 20 to 30 percent earlier than you should be yeah 100 oh as we talk about bad dies come on this movement 100 after the hit oh my gosh and that's the snake effect man right you think you're doing well you think you're winning and all of a sudden a max rage up till this end just stop you just get boomed and now rape is more than willing to trade with these grenades every single trade while he's a stock up goes well in his favor yeah entirely oh the upper not good enough yeah i know he's trying to do it quick you know just try and get the di mixed up but yeah grapes gonna have that ready he has a he has insanely fast reaction time yeah and the interesting about up throw is um if you don't actually react to the grab up throw is actually unreactable it's too fast oh really so you actually have to react to css grabbing you to get the ti you have to know that she's gonna up throat because if you wait for the up throw it's already too late yeah okay so again we've actually we've seen a lot of the times that exodus is trying to go through these five b's the grenade that is in his uh grip's hand is actually working on it's actually trading yeah the range the range of the exposure is just so big yeah the range in the explosion's big and side b is a big hitbox right it's not as thin as there and so it's gonna be tough for exodus to [Music] oh tough it's impossible for him to just hit snake uh with the side b at best you get a trade unfortunately grape has built a huge lead off of what was just an up tilt on even stock yeah already happened two percent he hasn't already but there you go as he said unreactable at that point he just got no he just did a normal get up and got grabbed and that's gonna be it so 102 not horrible definitely able to get something started but oh that i'm still trying to get a read i like that oh i respect it all right i'll throw some respect don't hit gravestone you're rolling yeah a great role you're gonna make those calls too because if it ever doesn't happen it just shakes you to your core you're like damn i really fell for that oh it it's one of the most frustrating things of the player when you get hit with something like that you're like man like that was just like it's like that's corny it's not even optimal like you're just being you're being stupid all right there oh it doesn't actually go for another there i actually think door could have pushed oh hold on the back here down b makes it happen not quite enough to kill oh and exotic turned up that last long i'm not gonna lie only took 30 that entire time i was able to finish off gareth's entire stock in great fashion yeah and honestly that was just off the back of grape getting a little antsy you know he was trying to aggress a little bit at a disadvantage he didn't want to just reset with the grenades he was you know trying to spot dodge trying to run up a little bit and odia called it out with a down smash in there and the conversions were just on point come on man oh my god i can't believe that worked out he actually lived oh no oh if you give exotic an inch he's thinking it's so damn far like every single little interaction that he gets a little bit of an opening with he gets a good amount of percent exody is also one of those people and i'm sure you know what i'm talking about that is just blessed by the smash gods oh hey i completely it seems like every time exodia needs a comeback or needs some sort of crazy conversion yeah it he's just gifted it right he's just he's blessed like that man and we saw it on stock too and this last thought grape needs to make something huge happen this frame one jab able to take him out and grape still wise to that roll in yeah totally still just keeping that in mind has the awareness intact he needs to figure out how he's going to work on this come back here because he needs to get a lot more percent going but honestly he's going to work on it slowly yeah these side bees are just not working for exodia i get what he's going for but oh it's just not happening he's either trading with grenade or back hair and putting a scary spot i know it's like a it's a it's a reliable kill move but you need to make sure it's gonna kill yeah and that's one thing that grape loves to do especially at the leisure is that he's gonna throw that hold on that backer is gonna finalize that stock and exodia takes it that move is high key broken it really is [Music] it is high key that moves insane it kills surprisingly early so like yeah the actual like foot part of it yeah it it can be killing people as early as like at the ledge like 80. yeah i've seen i've seen it happen and then you combine that with the fact that you can confirm it out of nair and there like again it's the smash cause the smile down you just you get nicked by his hair when you don't think you will and then he back ears over and you're walking off you're just like all right you got it man you got it man and exodia he's often so so good at finding those confirms that's something he's really really good at is when he gets those openings or when he gets those gifts from above yeah he's willing to take them every single time right he's not he's not someone who's uh down to throw him and you know we said we weren't i wasn't i said i wasn't totally confident in the snake matchup uh in the snake matchup pick and this name snake matchup counterfeit but hey man you know the another stock up for for west coast we're in a little bit of deficit but it's okay it's just one stock we're good we're chilling just one stock honestly i see a lot of different picks coming out here i feel like on paper it would probably be black twins with the pichu i feel like that would be a great pick you know even black ones with the ages i think it would work out but then again they did have a set recently yeah where exodia took it yeah and that makes my opinion shake a little bit because i'm just like i don't know i don't know if doctors really has that anymore so real quick we're going to show you actually what the crews are looking like we do have the west coast versus east coast crews and we'll be able to explain exactly who's in it so far so on the east coast we have black twins burst grapes out of it now but we do have supergirl kelsour gw girls and la gramas it's demon time it's the end time and then the west coast we have lemon grade captain l infinity exodia tickle ouch macho and big d oh man yo honestly the lineups are kind of crazy right now and the west side that's with four dropouts we had four people that were going to be on before this yeah yeah and you still find yourself dudes and they're still here and those guys are still still shooters by the way they're still killers yeah that's what i'm saying like these crews and the talent pools in both you know east and west canada are deep men yeah these players are good and these beans despite not getting to travel you know and despite you know being pretty secluded these guys are on the grind man and they they want to get good and they want to show it off and people like ouch and riddles man they're making it happen oh and one thing i do want to ask is who do you think is gonna be the dark horse on your team who's gonna be that player that is underrated or maybe not too popular and might be able to really make strides here in this crew battle yeah i think that the biggest people to look out for on the west coast team are definitely uh infinity and grade as far as like players that people aren't as familiar with right there's a lot of people who know big d a lot of people who know ouch now you know tickle's common you know captain l lemon they know about those guys infinity is a low-key whoa riddles demon hold on all right yeah this is this will be interesting i i've played exodia with my terry a bunch oh yeah as a terry player yourself you can provide a lot of insight here yeah and you know sometimes i cook them so okay this is good for me oh my god it's one of those it's one of those it's one of those things where again smash ultimate's a volatile game and this matchup in particular can really go either way yeah and so you know there's games where i cook him and there's games where he cooks me right and so i'm scared it can really depend where the first big hit goes he's familiar with what this character can do for sure but it's a matter of executing and exodia he has he has practice in it as of recent i have played with him with uh played it with him a bit recently but obviously i'm not on the same level as riddles is especially as of lately a whole different level yeah he's been unreal he's been unreal and so i i think if xodia takes a stock here again very very pleased with that and i think forcing riddles out of out of east coast [Applause] because honestly at the end of the day terry is our x factor with that goal meter with the weight that is able to get those conversions it's really really important that we preserve that as long as we possibly can but then again here he is he's forced out here right now three stocks to one when i set up but you know the smash god smile down upon you all it takes is one nair at about 35 percent yeah and that's just his stock right it's just the right narrator and so if exodia is able to find that it doesn't matter if riddles would have cooked him for the rest of the set you know we're in the crew battle format it doesn't matter yeah okay so riddles already getting started with a little bit percent here 28 getting started but quick there oh get the read on the normal get up but just not get it in time hold on oh no i'm getting scared already he's only at 30 extodia is fiending for that he knows what the win condition is and he knows where the cheese is man riddles though keeping the pressure on with that hair those snares won i'm surprised not even it to be honest i'm not gonna lie but big backer trying to get the zero off of that maybe catch a jump even better catches that with the near to the back here great stuff dude riddles pressure is so clean even against the character like css who can just blow you up for running at her he is unfazed that's the thing he is a full goal mode he is always on goal mode he's gonna wq right in there and every single time see that's the thing about that power dog not only is it a kill move like right there it is just completely auto cancelable no lag at all man an exodia red i mean he read that like a mile away manny freeman prevails he just uh you know you messed up a little bit on the execution there and then didn't actually get the sdi on the uh on the power junk there yeah it's it's unfortunate right because you know zero suit being a skinny character is actually one of the better characters in the game at getting out of power dunk she's one of the few characters that can sdi away uh or in really either way yeah oh wow she just has that sdi away really hard but she can do it because of how skinny she is and so that that can make a difference obviously exodia wasn't totally ready and now we're seeing lemon come in against riddles oh man lemon is one of those players that is just so scary yeah man and it's always kind of like what lemon is gonna show up right yeah we see that just absolute domination lemon right and then we get we see the get cheese by luigi lemons sometimes you know what i mean i'm hoping we get good cheese by luigi lemon today honestly if we see him get cheesed by terry i love lemon but i'd be so damn happy honestly well the reason they're putting him in here is because lemon did play against riddles at pinnacle uh pinnacle oh yes and actually did come out on top against both the kazia and the terry so lemon is probably feeling pretty confident going into this he won their last exchange and joker has such an x factor against terry in particular you know you can be getting owned really for as long as you want but one our stand back here and a 50 50 guest and you took a stock you know what i mean and so yeah i completely agree and you know what the thing about lemon is that he's willing to go off stage you know he's going to really chase you in those interactions where terry is the weakest terry suffers the most when he's off stage and he's really gonna push that advantage as much as he possibly can and again this is another matchup like we were talking about that is super super volatile right yeah i again i was actually playing lemon earlier today in uh in joker terry oh shoot oh were you are you giving him a little bit of experience not on purpose but i mean if he wins then yes that was all i mean all the credit for that one but like again our matches went pretty much us trading just cooking each other yeah it was like literally he he was up three stocks to one and then the game ended last stock last hit like it was literally just going back back and forth cooking each other and so both of these guys are on three stocks i can definitely see this one going to the last stop oh man this one's gonna be hyped for sure i can definitely see it but then again you know what in in my ideal world this is a three star for riddles in my ideal world but in a realistic world it's probably kind of close to be honest i mean so here's the thing right with any character uh especially you know some of the top tiers in this game and the top tier players in this game it takes a couple things to go wrong and that's when three stocks happen you know if lemon jumps from the ledge at the wrong time and riddles gets it with a down air that's a stock on at 40. yeah you know what i mean if riddles jumps high to recover and lemon calls it out with a backer that's a stock gun at 40. you know if if riddles lands a landing there by the ledge and convert it to into a near sideway that's a stock gun at 40. yeah if lemon gets it down there or a counter that's a stock at 40. and so it's just so many of yeah so many little interactions that these guys will convert on that lead to stock super early and people don't realize that is how three stocks happen yeah right it's not one player necessarily being playing my other person all the time yeah yeah if you three stock someone you might not even win the set right but there's so many little interactions that can go wrong or go right for you in this game that have massive implications for each individual game in the set i completely agree yeah i totally can see what you're saying the fact that like these little interactions is what makes these sets so unpredictable you never know what's going to happen and what what's even crazier about the crew battle format is there is no game two you don't get another shot you get one chance if it goes wrong it went wrong and it stays being wrong yep and so this is a huge moment for west canada right if lemon is able to take out riddles without losing too many stocks here even if he's able if he's able to take out riddles at all and your heavy hitter is you know limited to three stops that's huge massive opportunity okay so we're gonna get started on hollow bastion yeah this is an interesting pick from lemon he picked it uh over a stage like smash bill just because you've got the longer stage length and against characters like terry lemon likes to camp with guns yeah you want to have a little bit more space you don't want to be having to fight terry all the time no not at all especially as a character like joker where you know things can get out of hand really quick you want to be able to gun at your you know favorable range and you want to you'll be able to take the engagements that you want to take yeah 100 percent already with the other side but oh my god is it gone oh barely as you said a sting on your near the lids could definitely just spell death it's so scary and this our scent is over half gone lemon's gotten almost no value but and actually that bear could be huge but gets back with the high recovery lemon not able to jump quite that high and now you likely won't get another send this thought this is going to be a tough spot to be with go now online yeah now we finally got that big x factor in and i want to see a quick little down till buster will finish off that stock and go to the next yeah riddle's so good at getting that you know buffered down oh no that would be it what an assignment kind of a greedy recovery from riddles he definitely could have just drifted to the ledge there but try going for a mix-up and lemon was absolutely having none of it oh oh my god lemon with these rings right now again he's just playing this so damn well with the read on the normal get up into just converting slow down well off of each gun interaction oh does not get it and actually joker skinny enough to get out of that that is definitely dlc skinny character privilege [Music] okay terry has to get something the lay head of the dash that does not finalize that yeah 146 percent and counting oh yeah again it's filling up again joker a character that is deceptively heavy yeah again a lot of people don't realize they think he's a round chic weight no no not at all he's around wolf weight why i mean man you have yeah about that gonna ask a higher power than me and actually a second arsene does come out here if lemon is able to convert she's not oh oh man a sigh of relief from east coast oh i i was so scared oh but hold on that x factor is coming in right now with that buster will already have 60 percent but that should be it oh could have converted with a backyard but lemon unable to secure that stock and now riddles another chance with this go meter oh had the downtilt into the jabs could have could possibly convert it into something but doesn't get the opportunity fear getting a little bit more percent going and he's just just barely living out this our stand right now and actually getting out of the buzzer wolf that the eyes oh reason hold on and that's going to be this thug great stop an absolutely dominant stock coming out on the front of that go meter lemon unable to convert on oh whoa he's bouncing okay that one that was weird really good job keeping his jump there and now it's riddles turn to start putting on this lead oh man arson's back though 50 not bad he can definitely give his talk if he just breathes on him with our son to be honest lemon needs to get this kill right oh down south at the ledge hold on leave buster oh no it's not it's not it it won't kill but this arsenal is almost out and power dunk is not enough oh my gosh man lemon has to be feeling the heat right now at this point he's just thinking take this stock do not leave a 160 oh and he does maneuvers beautifully around that power dog gets the optimal punish just reacts accordingly i like that and now lemon if he's able to stay alive if he's able to get another arse then he can make this happen but it's a big ask when terry has so many kill confirms so much consistency on the table oh and that's going to finalize that lemon working hard but is only able to finalize uh one two two stalks of those i was able to get riddles down to one riddle's moving down but weakened not in this prime right now only one stock left gotta see who's gonna be able to take that last one off of him from the west coast side yeah maybe not the domination that you expect to see from riddles but don't count them out yet you just thought that last chance there is very much a chance for riddles to take one or even two stars from the next person that they send in and lemon i know he's not happy with only two stalks yeah i know he wanted to move on i know he wanted to play a little bit more in this in in the crew battle but will just he's just too damn good honestly he's just he's one of those players that when he's feeling himself he's near unstoppable yeah yeah it's so tough right because you know that you can get out of power dunk you know that you can get out of the buster wolf combo right you know that you can get out of all of that stuff but if your sti is not there right when it needs to be you're not going to and they're standing in is this great yeah it is interesting pick i guess great feeling confident against terry great a mewtwo wolf player i'm interested to see which one he picks out i'm really hoping it's not the mewtwo or i actually am hoping it is mewtwo because to be honest i feel like mewtwo just versus the terry i feel like he's just gonna explode yeah he's just getting it clipped by something yeah he's gonna get clipped he's gonna get hit by buster wolfe when he's four feet behind him it's just not gonna work i don't think they did this lightly though i think this is definitely a calculated pick on the side of the west coast side so great maybe you know knowing something that we don't know or having a counter pick that we aren't necessarily sure that he has this is one of the stand-ins on the side of the west coast and coming out against riddles yeah this is a big a lot of pressure yeah and a lot of just you know a lot of weight on great shoulders here so great is quickly gonna put in his controls get ready get suited up and uh we'll see i'm expecting honestly i'm expecting the wolf it'd be a crazy pick though if he goes mewtwo not gonna lie his mewtwo is wacky man it definitely makes the dream work i saw him hit darkwizzy with run up down and ever since then i've been like all right maybe maybe he does have it man maybe he does that is raw as hell you know what i have a little bit of you to experience myself i get to play versus styles like stu from from from toronto and he just i feel like youtube definitely you know he's oh he's played a multitude of characters but mutes is one of his favorite characters he plays him and i've seen some crazy combos come out of mewtwo i can see it from i can see it from experience and it's just it's crazy so i i'm hoping to see the mewtwo but we'll see it can be really funky and unfortunately like mewtwo if you get the right hit at nair oh you get whatever you want right it's near into imagination true combo yeah it's just it's about getting the right hit up there and doing that consistency or consistently is way harder uh done instead rather yeah it's about getting the right hitboxes but being in the right position it's it's it's really difficult to do it's finicky it's no pikachu narrow i'll tell you that i okay so looks like we're gonna get started soon yeah they're locked in riddles he's looking to take at least one more stop but west coast the mewtwo looking to tie this right i do see them youtube i am apt for multiple reasons i'm excited to see youtube i'm also excited to see him get absolutely demolished by this character i want to see him beat the crap out of this mewtwo we've honestly said it for every single matchup but i guess ultimate's just a volatile game it really is it's really really this can go either way you know there's a world where grade just gets a couple you know shadow ball combos there's a world where riddles just owns him oh those days were a little scary i'm not gonna lie i thought he was gonna die at 30. if that had just been it it would have been one of the funniest things we've seen all day i don't know i would have gone off the mic to be honest i would have watched it all right guys man they got it they got it okay big theory that's gonna be it as you said those random interactions just a one-two there at the legend you're just dead at 60 70 and counting now riddles definitely happy with that looking to put more on the board great needs to stop the bleeding here if he loses two stalks that's starting to become a deficit that's difficult to come back from yeah it's going to become insurmountable at a certain point in time but but whoa just does not get hit by that in the right direction at all tp's right in front of the point hold on he's the only one he didn't die he's the one of those and he still just got him oh what are you doing the x2 twice in a row hold on great is he turned up right there the last 20 seconds that game just defied logic it made no sense he did teleport in front of him roll in rolling down smack smash run up down smash him down smash wow what are you doing man what are you great that's what i say he knows something we don't grade he is simply one of those players that is just built different he really is he just does things in a way that works in his own world and then they just translate so beautifully out into the gameplay he did that to a top 10 player in the entire world man like it you don't let your dreams be dreams you know if you're going 02 and you're like what's my problem i don't know try some of that try some of that uh some of the downspouts i don't know man just try some of that see what happens that's not surprisingly very strong leg free as well oh man it is such a good move yeah again one of those moves where mewtwo he's so close to being good he's so close he's at the cusp his dash speed is great a lot of his moves very solid it's just being light in this game it hurts and having a big hitbox in this game is so so challenging being late in this game where everything kills and there's so many x factor abilities and whatnot it just changes so much especially when you have characters like kazia and steve coming like really heavy into the meta yeah you're seeing characters that have big bodies and that are light you know you just get breathed on man like your roll doesn't go quite far enough and you get hit with electric wing god fist and that's just it right and it just it's hard because these characters have tools to win they have the tools to make it happen it's just that that variance you can't always account for that little bit and uh that's very true very very true you can make you can make some crazy things happen but hey with a little bit of teleport a little bit of roll behind a little bit of down smash you can make anything you can make a little bit of anything happen but then again you know what i'm excited because we got jonathan waldo himself he's gone he's gone recently sponsored by toronto serenity another representative from the organization representing toronto and i'm so damn excited to see him play today because i know that if anyone has a crazy combo game if anyone has exciting gameplay it's going to be jw yeah man he's definitely he likes to keep the pressure on he's one of the faster players on the east coast crew yeah uh you know polar opposite using uh greninja's punished game particularly as with punished game to just great avail yeah one of the main weaknesses of greninja is if people are just willing to shield and just sit there you know greninja does not have a very reliable heel brake setup yeah a lot of his moves are slow and his grab is is the bottom three grabbing yeah it's very very bad it's a horrible grip and so it kind of forces this greninja into this you know pseudo mix-up situation where if you guess that he's gonna grab you know you can get a mewtwo down smash for it and that's the tough spot to be as a greninja player i'm not sure how familiar grade is with that matchup i know he's played against capsize a few times very likely his cap size comes down to bc quite often but you know jw's a different beast altogether and a couple matches with a greninja are not going to prepare you completely for for a match for what jw is yeah exactly i completely agree and i'm gonna get started right on town and city actually um not too sure uh honestly i don't feel like this match really this stage really benefits either of these guys i feel like they're both gonna just play aggressive i don't think anyone's gonna be camping anyone yeah i think this stage is unbelievable for greninja actually one of the reasons why is aside from fox backyard i think greninja fare is the biggest kill move in the game it really is no i agree and this stage makes greninja fair an actual kill move at the percent that it looks like it should it shouldn't yeah yeah and so that's such a huge uh x factor when you can just rely on that sort of thing jw with the stall in the down air just misses but rising up air fare we are dead even right now yeah this is really really close great doing a great job of keeping up with the pace and just not really folding when it comes to dealing with the pressure the smash at the ledge just the spacing is immaculate dude he's just willing to do that it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you're from it doesn't matter how good you are grade will just it'll just let it smash it out versus jw mklew he's going for that s match he's going for that and honestly oh 100 success rate so far affair on the tekken and jw already a stock downgrade trying to put some more stocks on the board grade really really showing up here really putting in a lot of work for west coast and you know represent i thought philly's doing a great job absolutely and like i said the talent pool from the west coast is really deep and so even the fillings we expect them to do well and grade is one of those huge x factor players regardless oh man that dash tag bringing a lot of good percentage i don't know how that upsells did not hit but here yet again very close to killing but if he gets that the legs definitely will jw trying to pressure off stage but not exactly sure when to go after mewtwo it can be tricky to figure out whoa and what a beautiful hydro pump the hydro is definitely coming in clutch extending grade below the stage gonna you know even up the stocks taken keeping uh east coast in the lead but grade a nice advantage here he's gonna have to capitalize if he wants to take both these stocks though yeah this is gonna be really really huge here is if he can finalize at least one more of these stocks here it's 89 it's not too bad but w has him at the ledger a lot of pressure going on but he's able to recover a little questionable how he's going to come back here jw is just throwing out these safe moves he's actually really wanting grade to run in right now great remaining patience knowing this stock hold on close to being taken the mix off jw not air dodging i like that d i didn't just remove the platform from the equation entirely and was just able to avoid that interaction completely oh no this is so bad the ford area is so close to the right position gw you could have picked this up right now that's not gonna kill oh my god i am hurting i am in so much pain we just talked about the ninja failure out of the way oh my gosh and great doing as good a job as we could ask that will kill jw down to the last hawk and first stand in taking one riddle stock and two jw stocks that's insane that's a powerful three you're very very happy with that that's a power play to say the least honestly that was just great stuff from grade really represented west coast and honestly just putting a lot of eyes on him i i i'm watched out for him in bracket now to be honest i think i'm just like you're like all right who's getting dash back up smash next who's next who's next because who's this on the chopping bar for for grade yeah everyone gets one everyone gets one oh man this is this is scary stuff honestly like west coast is really putting up a lot more than i initially would have thought i i thought we just had this in the bag i thought it was easy clap oh yeah he's close got it pinnacle part two but hey man not only that but uh ouch has not been has not been engaged yet rid of riddles already actually out of the equation west coast choosing to save ouch i'm so scared right now actually hold on you're totally right oh and that's it we see infinity coming through this is a betrayal right here originally east coast he's the dissenter man originally a toronto mans himself he completely just got off the rails got off the radar and he's like yo i'm going to bc peace and just switch sides entirely now he's on the west coast yeah there's actually two uh west coast oh there's two betrayals i forgot about also on the west coast demon this is pain it really really do beat your own huh it's it's really my own man's right now it really is and in the words of dig deep before they came to bc they weren't much oh no no but we made them something that just hurts that just hurts so much that we made them go big with the right amount of practice the right practice the heart the dedication i always believed in tickle i really always did i always believed in tickle honestly it's so funny because i used to uh i'm a t.o from the region i used to host events back in my day and tickle used to always come through to them and i would be like damn this guy's crazy oh man tickle's a grinder too he really is he's a serious grinder he used to drive all the way from durham which is like an hour and a half away from where humber was and he would just pull up not only that but like every single tournament i go to uh where i see him at like if he loses in bracket it's just like friendlies for the next eight hours oh absolutely insane i'm really honestly the betrayal is just hurting my heart we talked about the sleeper pics right yeah i said grade was the sleeper pick yeah i said infinity was a sleeper pic i'm hoping you're wrong for one of those i'm really hoping came through when we needed them to and i think infinity is going to follow suit this guy is a demon man yeah with that omar he's just one of those players that just knows how to play around his character so damn well and especially versus jw i feel like he has a decent amount of experience versus aggressive playstyles in general he's been in ontario for a little bit he's played versus our people before he knows what an aggressive player style is like so i feel like he's gonna be able to to slow down the pace a little bit but then again one thing that really carries jw is his ability to dictate the pace of a set yeah always he's able to really slow it down and make you play slow or he speeds it all the way up and you can't keep up yeah a big thing uh for infinity here too is a huge thing for infinity is is he might be the only person in canada that plays all omar like yeah yeah just like straight up man there's none of him no let me let me just you know be hated by everyone let's get a little corny with it we're seeing jw already at 90 of purple f smash will do the trick on this stage and it's getting close to a blue up throw as well but the pressure off stage this is where jw can get those early stocks yeah 100 this is really a big opportunity for and feed to just kind of move on immediately and just establish that lead early on but this is really scary stuff because his shield is really really low is was really really close oh and the up and he snipe [Applause] no no he got stared by the purple pig literally man of all the ways that we expected that to end you know fair bear up there oh smash down smash no no no no no you forgot about this little guy huh oh my god not the purple pikmin not the thick one i salute you purple pikmin he's dead for my people for my people i just jumped on the captain said so oh my god i'm going down with this chip that was honestly respectable by purple pikmin but infinity this is thor haley from montreal one of the best from the region yeah and he's got a couple picks that he could go here there's there's the pokemon trainer there's the sephiroth and there's the steve that we've all seen come out of this guy he is going to be pot committed once he chooses one of them so you want to pick the best one to play against olimar because that's your current opponent but you also want to pick one that you know has some future proofing yeah you know at the end of the day i feel like that's very true but right now at the at the certain position that east coast is in he has to work on these stocks versus infinity he has to prioritize that versus anything else because he might not even make it past infinity yeah so he has to really focus on the best possible matchup i'm expecting the sephiroth but we could see anything here moving on to the game i don't know who we're going to see oh yeah okay one thing that's really nice about this matchup for sephiroth is that his nair covers his whole body yeah so he doesn't have to worry about you know where the pikmin land and what he's going to do about him he can just nail and that pretty reliably removes the pikmin the hard part about this matchup is you know the same thing we were talking about youtube it's heavy character sorry light characters with a huge frame yeah very scary stuff and you know i just thought that nare very very important because it's a very local middle move as well you can just kind of toss it out get the pigment off and move on yeah very very important in this matchup but that's gonna trade out not really gonna get much off of it after moving forward and a little bit of damage you're basically even percent pretty good for olimar in this matchup is because stephon's moves are so slow and telegraphed a lot of the time he's able to use the whistle to actually avoid them oh yeah he can just react yeah and just kind of get out of those situations entirely yeah it's gonna make it a little bit difficult for story here but honestly i believe and so i think sora is gonna get that big hit he really needs real soon it's it's always so hard to tell you know i i'm not the biggest step rock believer in the world i i think this character can struggle a lot depending on the match up and and again i i say it again and again again but in a game as volatile as this when you're huge when you're light it's clear oh it's a scary place to be and when you got olimar doing your fair down smash it's on your shield and you drop at any point you're dead oh the extension on the pikmin no betrays infinity we needed that we really did and that's a great percent 43 and gowning oh my god 53. the quickest 53 in the books and we're talking about you know where olimar shines a little bit in this matchup where steph ross shines is at that range olimar has to get in to connect these big storage booths he's not going to be able to whip punish and it's because his zoning is less effective due to the nair he can't just kind of rely on that yeah i completely agree it's going to be a lot more difficult for infinity to get what he wants in this situation it's going to be a lot easier for you sort of kind of just play his game oh big counter oh my god you're like that one rip you out 100 the full charge yeah infinity wise to it and rest of fair actually catches thor yeah that was a really sneaky uh trump i i like that he went for that option but just stepped forward back it was just not fast enough oh but big up here that's gonna be great story finalizing two spots off of infinity right now and what was an even game is now firmly in the favor of east coast infinity needs to take at least the stock here preferably two preferably three hey man i don't see it happy he got one though he did get one i'm gonna give it to him he was 193 though so come on it wasn't really that hard but hey anyways steph ross still surprising at 193 being as light as he possibly is i feel like that just proves that story is doing a really good job of avoiding these kill moves absolutely i mean when you have a sword as big as that frost you have a little bit of advantage over a character like greninja but uh yo score is doing a great job like you said at avoiding the big hits when they're coming out infinity is definitely looking for them they're rolling just avoid those yeah great stuff we've seen some aggressive smash attacks come out of store here oh big dash deck hold up he's on the left side of the stage and he's gonna chase but he's not getting it what is he doing out there man he gets the down tilt anyway what is happening clearly voice that one and that's me big dash tag that's not gonna be it though 122 percent and phineas is barely living the third biggest kill move in the game oh but angles up four till it's gonna be finally angled up for catching infinity coming in aggressive off the ledge that mixed up not enough to confuse thor and one of the most dominant games we've seen so far in this crew battle putting east coast up two stalks but i definitely i definitely know who west coast is putting in for this one oh you do yeah yeah okay what's the counter pick oh captain half denial yeah this is actually a great counter pick as we said sephiroth a little bit slow has that great advantage on the range but just doesn't have the best frame to deal with certain options and when you're playing character like chic you're just going to get abused entirely the reason this matchup is so difficult is because sheik's crawl is so low to the ground yeah seth roth effectively can't really fare and bear her yeah his biggest zoning tools are just completely ruled out you have to combine that with the fact that captain l is you know he's a box player and so he he's one of the most consistent players in the game at getting those crouches going and using them in the right moments and then being ready to punish out of them he has a ton of experience in this matchup and he definitely knows where to crouch the store like i said you know you pick the best thing for the job for olimar that's definitely sephiroth but now you gotta kinda gotta deal with the consequences where steve and pokemon trader would have been better here would have been way better yeah i completely agree this is one of those things about crew battle is just you're gonna get counter picked in these situations and as you mentioned a box player very important for for captain l here i feel like that the technical advantage that he's going to have here is going to be really really important in this set yeah he's all about the movement man you know those getting those uh wave bounce uh neutral bees you know the b reverses the side b tech the teleport to the ledge attack uh being able to you know crouch uh out of turn around he's very consistent on all of those things and it makes his cheek very hard to hit yeah very very true even the side b a lot of those options that saffron even tries to go for just gonna be invalidated entirely by that crouch yeah and we're seeing you know even early story has to commit to grabs he has committed down till he has to commit to you know angle downforce those are not the moves that you want to be relying on especially neutral they just don't work out that well they don't give you a lot they don't really work out that well in terms of winning those certain interactions so it's been very difficult but downtown to the backer well hold on all that being said you know story it's not getting bad you know sheik has to work really hard to get that advantage maintain it and then secure the stock so even if thor is behind there's plenty of opportunity for him to come back and get those big hits you know he only needs one or two huge moments and we're seeing they're coming through right now okay trying to get that dash in but that's the uh gets the jab actually and works out perfectly go for the double grenade at the ledge but so is able to get out utilizing that extra jump as well oh captain l going for the mix right now thor has been holding shield for the past year yeah sort of realizing that if he's gonna go for an option he's probably gonna go for an immediate option right after that so he's holding true to that shield yeah you know step roth has one of the worst out of shield in the game if you're not consistent at doing footstool there yeah we haven't seen it out of store yet so i'm assuming that's not something he's totally totally comfortable with and that makes a huge difference you know captain l is able to mash on shield a little more reliably thor realizing he has to respect these moves a little bit more because he just doesn't have the frame data to get out of them so at the ledger has to really figure out what he wants to do in terms of getting out but he's able to goes for the grab just barely whip it and play a lot of just just put these at the ledge yeah we've been resetting at the ledge over and over and it's kind of the sheet classic neither of these guys able to land that big hit and score just waiting for this time right now okay oh my god and the down smash just completely obliterates that shield he gets the fully charged smash and sword secures that stock an east coast maintaining at least a little bit of a lead in this game captain l unable to secure that stock like i said you know sheik needs to win neutral a lot of times to secure that stock soar only needs one or two big moments and that's exactly what i'm talking about yeah and although we've talked about the difficulties that steph roth has in this matchup we've honestly storage has really proven us wrong here he's just working so damn hard and really getting a lot of these neutral wins in general actually something i thought he would he would have initially really struggled with yeah the crouch has not been as big a factor as we thought it might have been captain l unable to avoid the moves thor is throwing out you know the nares are coming in the side b pressure is being continued and you know the whip punishes are there but they're not often big enough to do anything that's too too scary she has to get something off of that attack but oh my god absolutely nothing just holding that shield just needs to grab man yeah it's it's down tilt jab all these options with that backer coming out of absolutely nowhere holy crap oh my god that was the background was man that was a task back here actually hit me with the shotgun he's just like boom okay taking the stock there by 86 percent not where you want to be against defrock like you said one big hit will be able to secure it but this should be big damage on the side of captain hell no a drop on the combo yeah unfortunately just mr puts that up there just repositions it in a really bad way and gets that big count counter on that grenade and that was just beautiful store just getting so much mileage out of his thoughts right now honestly really good awareness and this is not as good as captain el wanted to be doing in this matchup he's confident in this matchup and i know he definitely requested to be picked here so finding himself on the last stock is not where he wants to be yeah this is gonna be a big big damage for his for his mental in general right now how's he supposed to work on this comeback when you know he's already down two and he's already inflicted so much damage onto his team you [Music] all right able to dodge but wing is now online and this is where steph rock gets truly truly scary especially for a character like she can't land convert he can't captain l all these combos are being dropped and this is really hurting captain howell's potential of really taking the stock off right now store had the right idea not able to get quite high enough to catch captain l using the balancing fish and now off stage captain al oh that was sneaky i love that he went for that but it just did not work swords just avoided that entirely the attack is there that was such a good technique thor is well aware of the win condition and that is almost it just sneaks the fare in there while the back air is coming out captain l will die to the next big hit oh sword you barely had this come on oh my gosh the updates pledge a little tricky but store gonna let that rip it would have killed captain eli committed theirs the up air is not going to do it in store trying to get back into this mid-range cavanaugh's putting on the pressure but you can tell they're scared sore again at the ledge but he's always able to get off so easily he's able to get off the lid so easily every single time the pressure's just falling great stuff from him and only losing one stock versus captain hell that puts east coast at a huge advantage big dump for soar let's go montreal and in a matchup that is typically considered very hard for sapphirath you see supergirl kells absolutely popping off in the audience going wild somebody needs to take this dog off of store hello we back or someone needs to do it without losing a stock yeah i guess that person is macho for the west coast watch you okay so the raw player all right yeah okay so this is gonna be good for i i feel like this actually isn't too hard i feel like matcha can play the long distance game yeah and really uh just kind of count not allow to play that mid-range game yeah um a lot of spacing and whenever he gets it he's gonna get a lot of damage yeah um i'm really excited to see how much he does in this matchup here but then again score is just honestly the momentum on his side i see him taking at least one or two socks i really do see it sora has been playing very well and one of the things that thor is particularly good at is not getting super flustered yes right it can be really easy when you're behind or when you're losing to be like oh my gosh i need to go in i need to make a play happen you know the ship damage is not working i need to make something big is very good at picking his moments right you know playing the consistent game being like okay well even if he gets a couple hits he's not going to be able to kill me right i can take this chip i can go back to the ledge sephora is very solid at the ledge yeah and now i just need to pick my moments i need to find these couple big hits i'm going to make them count yeah i know that's very very true and i feel like store just has that composure that as you said just that really really um forms a a high level player really really does and i i'm really excited to see how the sephiroth just manages versus the raw by you know any what do you feel about this matchup i've actually played this matchup in region as well okay as the sephiroth player i i've truly played every matchup but yeah honestly that's what you do but uh we're gonna look back at the full screen graphic real quick we'll see who's in and who is out like we said east coast a bit of an advantage tickle ouch machu left on the side of the west coast team black twins burst supergirl kells soar and blood gramas on the side of the east coast who now have a full three stock advantage we have some killers right now i know you guys thought of ouch left i know you guys have still have tickle and machu left but honestly looking at our lineup i think it's gg's for us to be honest it may be a little tricky and definitely ouch needs to go pretty hard oh i'll just keep it up i just gotta go crazy oh she needs to go pretty hard at this point we're seeing a quick start to the game 16 the double nair oh big perry but not getting anything off of it that roll was just perfect machu is one of those players who is very solid he's been adding the the double gyro drop recatch oh a side beat into his game plan so sometimes again just randomly if you get hit with a narrative zero manchu is able to take it for the full stock but oh my god i don't know how familiar it is with sephiroth and that counters gorgeous nose man swords is playing so well he's getting aggressive oh my god with the upper tooth he 100 could have killed him oh my god that shield is so damn good he could have killed him with a fair their score 65 percent machu already at 150 store hidden mvp from this east coast crew and macho trying to convert the gyro into an f-smash not getting the direction you wanted oh hold on you cannot do that while steph roth has winged he is able to get around it yeah and that backward is barely not going to kill yet but hold on try to go for the snake again does not get it rob's heavy and oh the down attack goal clutch that moves ass let's go i love to see it and soar what is this dark horse run for the east coast dude it's crazy we talked about dark roasters before on the west coast side and on the east side i swear to god all my life i was gonna say it was gonna be sore and here he is putting in that work machu keeping the pressure on looking pretty good here still one nice thing about this is rob upthrow does just start killing eventually so so long as something huge doesn't happen but sore the pressure heaver the eurodollars and everything he doesn't want to trigger yet storage is playing absolutely out of his mind 150 versus the 62 just still with this max rage i feel like anything it's just wow where are you going get back to the wind come back okay please just get me out of here all right and i think west coast probably go or sorry east coast is probably going to send in love ramos on the back of this yeah widely considered a tough matchup for rob yeah very doable for rob again just due to the zero to death factor but la gramas a very strong player in his own right yeah and you know what he he plays the character to it he plays the character the most optimal way you possibly can and that is as slow and as lame as possible i must say it as it is you know he plays the character as lame as you possibly can and it works just so damn well yeah yeah i respect it man i respect it you got to do what you got to do and like you said game of watch is one of those characters you know with shield being so strong you're able to slow the pace of the game to basically whatever you want so we can actually hear these guys talking a little bit a little bit about their bands here and that's thanks to the hyperx uh i believe the cam the hyperx mic that are on stage right now it's working out so damn well and just helping us here what they're talking about absolutely you're hearing the stage selection process talking about if the tags are on the setup if you don't you ever wanted to hear top players you know mingle a little bit before the chat you know a little bit of bouncer here and there here we are here we are i want to hear like grimace's thick accent this guy has the uh the montreal accent i just love it a heavy frenchman a happy french accent oh man oh but he got the water on deck we don't like the french around these parts [Applause] [Applause] the mask comes off and all it took was a little enabling you know what it's so funny anyone says day one is usually my co-commentator and this guy's the biggest instigator of all time you did exactly that you challenged her into anyone right you feel right at home feel right at home that's so funny all right and we're seeing the stock advantage still four stocks in the advantage of east coast yeah west needs to make something huge happen because machu tickle and ouch are the only players left and if macho isn't able to take two stocks here it's just it becomes an even bigger ass yeah it just becomes so much harder especially with the player look like he's gonna be chilling he's gonna be taking his time oh my gosh man there's no timer for a reason oh no you're trapped what do you do you're stuck in this chair your arms are locked into the armrest and you're just stuck that's it we're in the twilight zone right now man oh and this conversion is huge 44 off the hog 56 machu taking so much for getting grabbed at zero percent but oh that could have been yeah this is the conversion i thought my life before my eyes dude we talked about the twilight zone that way that would have been it oh hold on big jab lock into the down and sorry into the f smash great percent so far and almost oh my gosh oh and much you misses to confirm but these down tilts are coming through in the ground god the pressure is does he have to bash yes he does up these immediately to use the iframes get yourself out of there what that was a questionable respect i'm not gonna lie machu waits for the upbeat but just let them land i love always charging and then just run up down until it start punishes them for even pulling out the bucket oh my gosh yeah and it's forcing lagramas to really respect this gyro even if macho is not using oh the latest how generous man how generous you actually playing this really that guy's on my team and i didn't like that oh that down smash almost came through an up air or not up there an upthrow should do the trick here especially off a platform but machu is going to have to find a game of watch is a hard character to grab yeah just so sneaky snow's so slimy as a character always able to get out of these situations with that upbeat oh then they're also close to killing rob in case you didn't think nair did enough it will kill eventually it really uh the next one definitely will oh allow him to get out of it the gyro and hand he's not able to grab and then they won't do it but the next one probably will i i'm not at this point even i'm hoping so holy crap man log remorse is at 200 percent versus wrong that's one of the lightest characters in the game match you unable to kill him and not willing to commit to that grab got some bucket charges hold on oh okay that he just got investigated with how much bucket does uh he gets two okay so he he needs one more macho needs to be very careful now because that bucket is going to be strong yeah okay combo's out of down throw combo's at it oh what a catch there is no what a beautiful there's no shot he got hit by that i think that's like the second ever recorded kill from gamer player pay attention brother man you did that one to yourself i'll give it up man okay so gramma's able to finalize the effective stock and now working on the third yeah i mean like we said this is typically considered a tough matchup for rob machu is doing a good job of making it look very very doable but if he's not able to convert big against lagrange here you know west coast it's you guys are looking like you're in germany looking grim and so if much was able to take a stock here that would be huge we're very much in it again neutral just being a little slow here just not really able to get much margin wants to play steve doesn't want to over come in because if he does it's 50 every time at least yeah yet again just all reliable always there for you if there's one move that does just oh oh wait wait oh oh we got another one unable to get the double dip but no bury on that down smash is huge machu has to recover oh every time that would have been insane i i would have the venue's closed that's it all the charge that's the most ignorant game in all come on man straight in his face just no lack of respect entirely oh my gosh how do you get out of here where do you go there's nowhere to go there's absolutely no escape from the gramos putting on so much pressure right now all right manchu manages to work out the charge full buckets online it will kill so now match you can't get you can just let it rip he could also just let it rip i mean like this is such a terrifying spot to be in oh the jab hold on towards the left side of the stage has the gyro enhancements on this ledge and that's the key it does not kill yet though has the gyro again throws it back all right no key conversion oh my god and that's the field that's it twerk on him it's over ggs like ramos takes it over matcha log remote as you can see he's feeling himself that able to break the shield so many things you have to worry about while game watch is a full bucket like that you have to worry about your shield you have to worry about getting jabbed you have to worry about getting married you have birds about getting down thrown yeah it just adds so much and you know machu needed that laser to win you have to commit to it sometimes alchemist or grimace just a little more aware a little more ready taking a deep breath now just putting in so much work honestly i i i'm second guessing how much i love quebec or not you know you might you might really love them i i i love them a lot of times i just moved there yeah yeah oh i'll see you there how's your how's your friend how's your friend oh it's horrible and they're sending in tickle they're trying to save ouch for very loud i mean i respect it i respect it there's something about being the anchor and knowing how much you have to do yeah that's a little reassuring do you know what i mean that's really true all right they left it to me at the end i need to take you know x number of stops yeah let's make it happen yeah you know actually making it happen is a different story but at the very least you know the strategy is consistent and if tickle's able to take your three-four stocks there's always a dream there's always a dream the dream relies it's on tickle and ouch's shoulders they need to go so hard right now they need to have that kind of hero run that sore had and with you know sgk burst and blackwood still on the back burner oh man you can hardly that's a lineup you can hardly even afford to lose a stock here yeah honestly i'm sorry man like i i i'm so mad i didn't put more side bits in that's all that's that's all i'm saying i feel like it's just ggs at this point oh i mean more people are gonna pull out a side that's when uh you know we had four stand-ins [Laughter] oh my god i don't know how successful you would have been on that but i'll give it up hey man at the end of the day we're taking the dump at the end of the day it doesn't matter if it's not over it's not over that's true that's true at the end of the day you're right it's not over we still haven't players left on your side i've seen ouch three stock top 10 players before that's true it's true it's happened and it's actually it's crazy how close this crew battle was until sword got put into the mix yeah you know it was back and forth west canada has a one stock lead east canada has a one stock leak back and forth and then soar all right so i think they figured it out now both players getting ready to just lock in their characters and get started tickle obviously can you go in the pyramid right here this vanilla gamecube controller not a real gamer man man literally right there yeah they'll hook you up go get a braided cable go get a colored shell go get something custom some custom buns maybe trusty normal 2022 and these guys we're we're at gumball 22 22 and these guys are speaking broke out here come on it's spitting in my face quite frankly oh my god okay so looks like we're ready to jump into the gameplay here by the way look at the beautiful venue look at the crowd started everyone's excited for this potential last stand from the west coast here we do have tickle left we do have ouch left and we'll see if they can do some damage here versus tickle needs to get a two stock here just just straight up tickle need the two stalks yeah he really really does this is gonna be a tough spot to be in but then again this is a great honestly this matchup's not bad this actually looks pretty good for pyramid through here it it it's not bad for fire method the problem is if the game of watch player is willing to camp like the lag remasters it forces you into you know riskier situations than you typically like to be a part of yeah and game of watch is the strong character off stage there's always that kill potential holy crap you just he just really did that [Music] okay great insurance on the landing always able to help you land uh just avoid that entirely oh my gosh and the coverage with that nair knowing exactly where twickle wants to go 60 already built up you're gonna take that versus game and watch it's about how you answer after that lagramas is not looking to leave any openings right now he really is he just plays so damn solid and the parry into the chair this perfect combo it's about those small it's about those small hits that really really matter when it comes to the gameplay versus game to watch oh and going high that would have been a huge chance for tickle to capitalize had he overshot that downer a little bit unfortunately he goes right for the legend la gramas gets off unscathed but stuck in the corner right now not anymore not anymore late hitting there on up there let's see what happens gets you out of there oh these uppers hold on right now he's just bullying him he's bullying him he's going in okay they're not gonna work out and the gross is just shielding absolutely everything [Music] the jab comes out and this is where pirate goes so big but game of watch able to stall his recovery so much the mix-up it's hard to reliably give him offstage yeah okay so i'd be working out really really well they're gonna establish some space and get something for cover just just fine tough spot now for tickle what's the mix up no oh that's a missed this is so bad that's this pack right there that is huge for liquor that was uncheckable yeah oh upper not gonna kill yet though not gonna kill ya the damage right now is undeniable though already 47 with no answer from tickle that the dog grab is nice but if you cannot convert on these lead situations you are not going to be able to close out these stocks when you need to so that's the thing it's just that tickle especially he he gets the girls at the ledge so often but the problem is that he's making a lot of commitments he's committing to these moves that are surefire to kill but it's not working out for him downer just wasn't the best option probably would have gone for an f tilt but again it's not able to convert off of that and lagramos is so good at not yo not dying not coming to these big hits so willing to just go to the ledge so willing to just stand oh does not get debris what oh hold up this is so bad plugger missed not committing off stage but would have potentially been able to take that stock already though almost lapping tickle in percent if tickle is unable to take out la gramas this is as good as over yeah it basically is at this point gramos is gonna stall his recovery as long as he possibly can he's chilling taking his time and that bomb just gets him right off right right back into it and this is so discouraging man this is so hard to watch oh man at this point at this point even i want you guys to get some dubs yeah we need something man we need some tickle please help somebody help tickle ow what distracts the french let's get the platoons yeah we need something you're not gonna get you're not gonna get the greatest team in toronto but not compared to montreal anything will do anything we'll do it oh my god came and watched the diy that hurt that hurts so much this is devastating man this is devastating yeah this is just tickle i feel like the the pirate just isn't working at the ledge he needs to he needs to figure out something else i just people don't want to grab game and watch you know what i mean like it's just it's scary because if he spot dodges if he rolls you know like lagrange is picking defensive options you know he is picking things that are punishable but it's so scary to commit to any of those punishes because if you're wrong game of watch can go so hard against you yeah that's very very true and you know what tickle kind of turn it up here get a little bit more percent if he finalizes his talk the dream is still partially alive oh just go for it we've all saw it we were all here when the o2 commentator me just says go for the smash you gotta go for it man oh my gosh wait where were you and tickle didn't commit to saving west canada where were you oh i was i was i was in the booth he's gonna watch this later be like man i hate nurse man what the heck on my downfall whoa big commitment and it's not working that barrier box just doesn't exist apparently i don't know what's going on okay well he should be as good as that oh whoa vlogger mars fumbling in a huge way giving tickle another chance oh man if tickle gets the stock that's huge oh and what what he gets it oh my gosh oh my gosh if we win now what was that it's off of that if west coast wins it's that's the moment the ramos why why did you drop shield why that's that's the turning point do you think you're that guy you're going to parry that guy he was feeling it man he's got the gravy in his face he thinks he's different like what's going on he's like oh yeah yeah watch this boom just holds the l entirely yeah he's like how about it how about it no he just you know black twins wanted to play you know burst wanted to play but sdk was like i really needed my camera time sgk wanted to play you know i get it give him give him lager mods can't just beat everyone yeah you know what we need a tickle t we need a tickle three stock yeah and unfortunately as much as i love tickle tickle is definitely like a grind type player he's not he's not a three stock type player [Laughter] you know what i mean yeah i'm sure you know what i mean and that is no shot to tickle because that works in singles you know what i mean yeah no it most definitely does those long even difficult sets even if you win every single set game five by one stock you win every single set a win is a win it doesn't matter how close it was it doesn't matter how hard it was tickle is one of those players who will grind it out with you who will grind it out with you and just gradually builds his lead yeah over and over and over until you know it becomes insurmountable but he's not one of those players that just goes in and makes that lead instantly appear yeah you know he takes his time and so in a crew battle format where you only have one stock there's less time to make that lead happen especially against the character like sonic [Music] okay so sgk and tickle getting started [Music] and here we are on town city okay and like i said tickle tickle needs a three star he it needs to happen we we need something huge we need a miraculous play and tickle is already at 60 committing to the pyra actually completely versus the sonic i know tickle definitely has matchups where he favors the pyra over the mithra but i don't i don't know how much i'm in love with this yeah i'm just not too sure there's already 160 percent this is looking like it's already wraps but whoa where are you going come on man tickle man my guy no i like that at least put on a show not like at least provide some entertainment for everybody at home come on man i would just take nine stocks alex has to play like his life depends on it if anyone can do it it's though that's the thing though honestly i'll give it to you i'll give it to you at the end of the day if anyone has to make this it's going to be awesome if anyone in the honestly if anyone in this venue can do it yeah i i would i would honestly not pick anyone other than ouch yeah genuinely it's it's because ouch is one of those three stock players you know what i mean he is one of those players that will make it happen and so would they have super go kel's first black twins all very very very strong players left on the side of east coast just ouch standing in their way i mean this would be this would be miraculous yeah this really would and honestly like not even talking about the players i haven't even seen the limelight yet black was immersed both crazy crazy players in their own right absolutely it would be really really difficult for us to even like i would get close steps versus like i can see ouch in a regular singles bracket set going pretty close or even with any of these players you know it's very possible so for him to have to make three stocks work versus nine of theirs it seems insurmountable at this point yeah the thing about that is if they're playing a best of five there's also definitely one game in that set where he will three stalk them he just has to channel that game three times three times in a row yeah he has to hit the lottery if he does this i am telling him to go buy a lotto box ticket and right and at that point we're splitting the we're splitting the bread the gameplay okay oh whoa hold on three stars on the side of supergirl kells three stops on the side of ouch and ouch cannot afford to lose any stocks here this has to be three stocking he's starting out strong with at least 47 years i've seen so far like what is going on i mean that moves truly ridiculous oh the tekken ouch expecting tekko he's going for big plays you can just yeah you know what that's out if it had worked out he would have gone to read it would have killed at the ledge you know it would have been a good idea but sdk with the great awareness gonna take in and avoid that early death situation and you can see it right now man ouch is fiending for those she gave it to him that time unfortunate esky sdk committing to that uh you know the roll out ouch willing to let it rip again and that's an early stock but already at 91 percent he needs to make something big happen here oh my god actually just playing absolutely out of his mind i see him moving so perfectly with all of this movement every single move that he throws out is so damn calculated hey it's honestly it's discouraging to play against like that that's the only way to describe it is you're just like oh hold on to the headphones encouraging to play against the sdk evens up the stocks the high side be coming out of ouch kind of rare for him and you know west canada's dreams looking more and more fleeting as time goes on i gotta apologize my my inner toronto man came out right there it just happened sometimes when i say that sonic s smash it just does things it just hurts on the diaphragm okay big backyard gonna send and she came towards the left side of the stage actually has these wow wait a second so blessed i would you please it's okay what's going on i know you just wanted to play below now now just you know quick zero to death a little a little bit of this a little bit of that we'll see the comeback's doable let's go brother okay so sdk getting a lot of these spinach is going stops it there and actually gets the job to connect that's great stuff mixing it up here and there oh and actually the iframes of spin dash going through oh there they have the dev smash coming out ouch already at 106 this is a scary spot to be versus sonic you know the right spin dash will kill it this we're standing out looking for the role in that could have been it alex is just such a confident player it's just so scary to me it's just yeah dude the only way to describe it is scary right because you saw him jump in place there and you know if sgk rolled it it was insane you just know he jumps with such menacing aura it's like the only way to describe it that being said sgk is doing an incredible job and keeping this even my god taking taking two stocks here is yeah i mean it's it's all you could have asked for it's just unfair and people are chanting one more stock one only left for ouch is svk gonna be able to take that one too that would be i'd love to even play the game that would be the nail are they gonna get the chance one of them probably not yeah yeah to be honest sjk though actually still playing very very solid only 84 percent and building more of us she might just finalize it here oh my gosh an sga is saying you thought osha is going to be able to come in in the end and take nine stocks you thought that was good you thought my brother was gone hold on he might not even be able to take three what are you talking about she's just playing really really good she's forcing him towards the corners and just playing with the sledgehammers so well hold on she's a little recovered no problem for sonic good mix-ups from sdk she's really been mixing up when she you know text in when she takes out it's keeping ouch on his toes he's not being able to get anything for free at all yeah he can't get these reads that he's been really really relying on right now sgk just playing he's still down well please still have basement he's not able to get anything even percents basically both of them by kill percent at this point yeah it's getting close and panted i was about to say we might see a patented ouch up till soon he uses that move like no other but this is like snake up toe honestly it just it's just so damn good it's so hard to hit sonic especially with kind of a smaller move like up tilt and especially when sdk knows what her wing condition is right now has unlimited time to get there yeah and the f is not going to be here that is it is ouch going to be finalizing the last stock off of sgk but took a lot of damage in the process and to win this for west coast ouch needs to just he needs a three stock burst he needs to get two three stocks that is insane there is no room for error here for our did you see him smiling he's gonna try his best he's like hey man he's gonna do what ouch does but man this is it's it's a huge ask for this is a big ask for mk leo like let alone ouch [Music] okay so burst pulling up [Applause] panted yoshi yeah the yoshi inkling or so yoshi i believe lately yeah marshall yoshi for sure definitely definitely expecting that to come out here straight out of london ontario london ontario representing the east coast technically west side of ontario but you can have both gangs today true true true true he's actually our inside man he's throwing so ouch has a chance to three stars oh okay okay okay that's huge do you know what knight wins could be susceptible to that yeah it's just like tickle was our sleeper agent you know yeah yeah yeah he was the one who threw on our uh on our side yeah he was he was helping you guys now now burst it's his turn to repay the favor hey man if anyone's going to going to throw if it's burst i'm okay with that because you know what i really do want to see black twins play blackjack is one of those players just so damn entertaining to watch he is man and you know he's been around for so long he's one of those guys that you can just tell his passion for the game 100 has a brain for the game man and like you said it's a pleasure to watch yeah one million percent i gotta ask though what do you think alex is playing in those airpods right now oh man i hope it's i hope it's something crazy watch it watch it be like lo-fi maybe yeah 2006 extended version 10 hours we need like the heavy metal version of the final countdown [Laughter] less than five seconds less than five seconds okay so ouch gonna sd real quick [Music] first move in crazy bursty and we go that's it we're getting started right into this final last stand for ouch potentially three stocks to one this is this is insurmountable this is difficult as burst you gotta you gotta be feeling pretty good about this you're like all right i need to take one stock yeah let me just clean this up even even if ouch is way better than me i need to take one stock and i'm sure burst doesn't even think ouch is way better than him and now making a three stock while you're already at 87 percent oh man that damage has already been built and it's going to be really damn hard this sucks i'll say it this stuff yo do me crazy if burst takes the stock without even losing his first off oh my god he almost died because of the crustiest d i've ever seen oh i think this is it the pressure at the ledge no ouch able to get back to the stage again almost does it it's looking like this is going to be a crap wow burst secures that handily with six stocks remaining on the side of the east coast and east coast takes it over west coast as i expected as everyone at home expected come on now we're so proud of east coast we really are feeding west coast when they had four subs they're still they're so talented all i'm saying is that it's so good hey man i might have an inside man at air canada who knows he really said canceled the flights amen get him out of here we have to win by any means necessary all right there's a thousand dollars on the line cancel the flight one cave that's the that's a that's a band right there cancel the fight anyways i'm just so so glad east coast is able to take that anyways regardless you know west coast put up a fight they really did yeah up until certain up until soar up until four years it was actually it was close right and then you know soar you know made that advantage you know lagramas able to maintain it and then obviously sgk and burst going above and beyond you know taking those stocks off of ouch when they needed to it was solid from you know east coast all around i'll give it up don't give it up hey man it is what it is east coast we the gang we we turned up right here toronto montreal you know ottawa you know the london the entire east coast finalized that and we won that solid one thousand dollars i'm so happy i'm still proud of us and honestly you know what the best part about it the friends we made along the way it is what it is we got to see some great games we got to honestly we got to see it was fun a lot of matchups that we had it was a great time like we said these canadian matchups especially across the country don't happen as often as you think it's true due to this you know this huge landmass that we call canada between us and so you know even if it didn't go the way of west coast it was a pleasure seeing these guys get a chance to play and it's across the board yeah it's all in good fun at the end of the day it's all just banter we're all just having a good time and you know we we still respect the west coast as much as we possibly can although we know we can beat them whenever we want we still oh my god but at the end of the day we're just we're just we we had a blast we had so much fun and i'm just so thankful that i had the opportunity to be here i know you are too honestly it was just so much fun and i really do hope that you guys enjoyed the commentary at home man it was it was so much fun for me it was a great time and you know we said events like this don't happen very often but when they do it's always a good time it's always a good time and we have to take a moment to thank the awesome production crew here at carmel the tos the organizers everyone who puts out joe to put this together these are so much work we cannot understate it oh we can't overstate it yeah no it's not so much work we agree and you know lastly we have to thank the sponsors 100 this had a thousand dollars to put up for it and so we have to shout out keeping us giving us wings keeping us going i do red bull got me through the day today i'll give it up hyper x man for these awesome mics we can hear the stage the sound quality coming through it's been the headsets the awesome hyperx is always there when you need them in the clutch kingston coming out as well intel jax links jack links keeping it as we said those are we're talking they're not a little spicy hey man we don't just got the single ones all right we got the whole box we got hundreds of years we're giving them out like hotcakes all right we got the jacklinks we got the wild heat flavor we got so many other ones these are amazing they've been keeping me energized throughout the day you know what sometimes when a red bull isn't there and you need food in your system you got the jacklin you can find it combine the jack links with a bull whoa see what happens hold up you might be on top of the board you might be zooming anywhere let's see what happens we also got windows 11 coming through the operating system go to of the pc and lg lights i love that good i love that just so much equipment and stuff like that i'm so damn happy that we had so many sponsors here to support the event at the end of the day smash is always going to remain grassroots and it's because of these sponsors that we're able to produce such large-scale events like gamma and you know so many other events in the future absolutely and i think with that our time is up for the east versus west crew battle i would have spent i would have spent another crew battle with you i really would have i ready at the end of the day you are going to see a little bit more of us on commentary throughout the weekend nurse is going to be commentating singles i believe and you're going to be commenting a little bit later as well yeah yeah i'll be on uh tomorrow you know also i'll be hanging around the event come say hi yes yeah come say hi to us you know we're we're friendly we don't like we'll be living man so if you're at gumball you're in the toronto area it is the place to be and if you're at home what are you doing even matchup gaming even matchup game twitch make sure to follow the twitch make sure to follow the twitter make sure to follow i don't even know if they're on instagram but check it out you never know and we already mentioned this guy there you go we're everywhere we're everywhere shout outs to even match up but again you know check us out on twitter at mirror brampton nurse uh where's the underscore right there's no wonder there's no underscore there's no one you can see it on the slide there we go that is us we've had one heck of a day day one at carmel and gomel is just getting started just getting tomorrow is singles and that is when the big money happens we will see you guys tomorrow signing off all right thank you guys so much peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 70,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, marss, melee, mkleo, mythra, pyra, slingshot, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament
Id: 4NfP0999X7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 50sec (6050 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.