Double Brie Taste Test - Baby, Mama, and Papa Brie

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well get a code nerds today we're going to be taste testing double Bri well as you can see here I've got my well this is the big big one big double Bri and I've got two baby bruh well cover Mumma brewery which others put there and we at the baby Bri and we'll see how we go you know taste test each of them to see what the difference is in the sizes and how they've matured over time this one feels a little bit squishy on the edges but and this one's not and this was quite firm this one here can't tell it's in the wrapper so let's get down and dirty and have a look at what these breeze look like so here's the first one we'll just open that up I put masses of sticky tape on it so this was made about about six weeks old so now I was a bit worried about how it would look seems the wrapping seems that works oh look at that so it's kept it intact I'll just turn that out on a flight magnificent there we go so you can see here that's where the side came off earlier but the good thing is it's healed itself during the ripening period and see the wrinkly bits this is all from the Geo trichome candidum that makes that crinkly pattern which helps keep away any other back bad bacterias and the good thing is that around the sides it doesn't feel running at all I've kept these in the in the kitchen fridge at 4 degrees Celsius for the last two weeks anyway so the proofs in the pudding let's try this one out hasn't gone all gooey or anything like that Oh magnificent whoa hard to see I think but anyway just move the big wheel at the way so there it is there a little bit of skin slip on the paste and get it all over me let's try a bit it's like hmm oh that's the real deal nice and creamy really good taste to that one I'm quite glad how that came out so yeah it's a nice one so let's just try it one of the other ones so we've got a small one next and this one because of the smaller volume of of cheese you would expect it to be a bit riper but we'll see I want to look like the wrinkly brain oh look at that a lot of white bloomers I thought it would be but as you can see still currently all intact just turn it out there we go so very nice it's soft at the edges so this one's gonna be very gooey I think so we'll see how that goes yeah the paste is very creamy indeed so this is developed quite well so as you can see there we've got gooey on the outside this is all kind of a room temperature it's about 16 17 degrees but yeah it's very nice and a little bit of a pace in the middle but we'll just try out see how it tastes mmm this one's a lot stronger then than the first one says in a sharper flavor so a little bit stronger there tastes good though fantastic you would think of their different cheeses actually this one's a lot salt here so when am i salted this one I must have added a bit more salt than what I did the the big one anyway I'll put the one outside and this one's the thicker of all of the three as in height-wise so let's try the the middle size one showing it's a fair bit of moisture inside this one you know I'll turn it out so Ram the edges feels a bit more squishy I suppose if that's a technical chase term I don't know what isn't yeah we'll cut into it see what it tastes like yeah the skin slipping off everywhere there we go oops I lost it all there we go this one's very creamy as well see there the is quite running around the outsides for the oops quite running around the outside but still quite firm in the middle and the pace there as we can see is starting to ooze around the edges which is good and that's fine that's a good sign that we're fully ripened so I'll just cut off a piece here once again a whole different flavor profile which is really good so this is not this is well it's like the three bears if we look at this one so this one here is lightly salted this one here a little bit more salt but this one here the smallest one is the most heavily salted so just got to make sure when you're making these sorts of cheeses that the salt content is is the same for each of the cheese's so a little bit difficult to to gauge that this is obviously the thickest this one's probably the least mature but certainly all these are not going to get away sticking to go to friends and family and stuff like that so yeah be very good cheese looking forward to seeing their faces squirrel with the light when they finish their double brie so thanks for watching curd notes as you can see all the three cheese is made with the same batch of milk just use different molds and different salting and that sort of thing and you can see that they're totally different tasting cheeses this one was less saltier this one a little bit more salt here the creaminess creaminess and the development were really good and this one's the most salty and the rainiest of rightist this could have stayed in the cheese cave for a little bit longer the the larger one because I don't think it's as developed but definitely the smaller the cheese the the Rye pretty is but all tastes fantastic in their own way and all the salted different levels even though I think I use the same amount of salt on them perd their weight anyway thanks for watching this taste test tutorial I appreciate your time to watch my videos don't forget that you can subscribe to the channel to get more cheesy content and check out our shop little green workshops combat iu4 cheese kids and cheese suppliers thanks for watching curd nerds and we'll see you next time
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 99,639
Rating: 4.9149346 out of 5
Keywords: Brie, Double Brie, Mould Ripened Cheese, Flora Danica, Penicillium Candidum, Geotrichum Candidum, cheese making, cheese, camembert, how to make cheese, cheese making at home, cheesemaking, Taste Test
Id: SdVCwjQXbes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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