Shropshire Blue Taste Test

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we'll get a code nerds today we're doing a taste test for Shropshire blue well this has been maturing now for four months in its in the cheese cave a little bit tacky on the outside I think it might have got a little bit infected with some a little bit of red mould but I think it's just the blue doing its thing I didn't wrap it up maybe you should have in some silver micro perforator paper but certainly it has blue all the way around it that makes it less stickier less tacky a slipper over em all good a little bit of mold on the mat but that's normal I would expect all right just a bit more now it smells fairly well I'm not gonna say fairly ammonia it's it's it's got a faint ammonia smell and you would expect that from my blue cheese that's been maturing for this long still got blue on the outside it's where there is no blue on the mold on the cheese where it's a little bit tacky but yeah I've seen this before and blue cheeses no big deal so there's the cheese in all its glory so very very sticky so let's try and crack it now where was that crack that we had I think the crack is along there when we made the cheese and you can check out what happened with the crack just up there's a little bit of a video there anyway let's just cut this open I'm on the crack using my sharpest knife and hopefully we've got some blue growth inside sort of it's sticky Suns going on it oops a whole knife came away remember this was extremely crumbly cheese sober look inside oh my goodness look at that what has happened there that is going straight to the pool room so nice marbling all the way through a little bit of cheese if maybe if we're gonna put that back on let's stick on oh look at that it's like play-doh I'm gonna stick that back on well and it fits too right so that's where the cheese goes so I'll stick you on the inside all good so that's pretty cool nice looking blue cheese and I tell you what the the the marbling is is very good I'm very impressed it's just marbling all the way through that and that's mainly because when we do a little bit of a pressing on that remember that the there was blue mold all over the individual parts of this cheese before we pressed it anyway so let's wipe my hands off first ah sorry got the sticky hands now normally I'd cut this into small wedges what's up a knife I'd be able to because the cheese is sticking to the knife just as crumbly oh there we go so just destroyed it doesn't matter couple of days all right well it's let's grab a piece of this this the east of a cheese so let's let's have a taste test with some of this blue it's people here very crumbly as it's supposed to be well get back on there you little blighter right hmm that's not going to waste either hmm that is one secksy blue cheese Oh hmm my goodness Shropshire blue I think I've died and gone to heaven so strong biting oh very nice Cheeseman's get a bit of that paste on there from the knife it's kind of bit off here I'd have no hesitation serving this up on a cheese platter so crumbly if the Blue has developed perfectly it's just amazing get on there oops maybe fingers are the best course of action there we are try another bit of that just to see if the first taste was a little bit wrong hmm very very nice fairly salty hmm a nice sharp blue flavor but very good in fact it's very salty maybe I should have a yeast off a little bit I'm the salt but it was I followed the recipe to the lead over as far as the salt goes the the process maybe not so much but but yeah very nice - Shropshire blue so I'd highly recommend it if you haven't made it already really good cheese the orange is from the anar tay that i had it to it so it's not special milk or anything like that it's just a cheese coloring that's a natural cheese coloring and yeah great blue veining throughout the whole cheese very impressive to look at you know even with the fishes in it you can see you know there's a lot of blue there as well so very sharp you couldn't eat a lot of it because it is so so strong but yeah really good cheese now you can pick up all the ingredients and the equipment to make this cheese over a little wearing workshops combo you well I hope you enjoyed this cheese making video don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already to the channel and give it a big thumbs up if you liked it well thanks for watching Kurd nerds and I'll see you next time
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 44,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue cheese, cheese making, how to make cheese, making cheese, taste test, cheese making at home, gavin webber, how to make blue cheese, shropshire blue, cheese taste test, mould ripened cheese, penicillium roqueforti, little green cheese, cheese making process, blue cheese has mold in it, how to make cheese at home, making cheese at home, how to make blue cheese at home, shropshire blue taste test, shropshire blue cheese
Id: pRXcFZZ1wkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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