It's So Hot, I Cried - Triple Pepper Jack Taste Test

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Well g'day Curd Nerds today we are having a taste test for one of the most anticipated cheeses on the channel and that is the triple pepper jack and *Tasteful intro playing* Just to make sure that we've got our safety equipment on hand I've got our trusty assistant Ben who will show you the safety equipment now Yes, folks, we've got a fire extinguisher just in case it's a little bit too hot But on hand, I've also got a glass of milk that everybody knows that dampens the taste of chili. We'll see how that goes Okay, so we'll get into the taste test now let's open up the bag All smell smells hot. Oh And there it is what a beautiful looking cheese Okay So let's get the trusty cutting board or not. Before we do that. I'll just Pat it down a little bit a little bit moist Just a little I've got my two trusty assistants here again to help me. I don't know how much help they're gonna be but One of them's licking his lips for that cheese, but there's no way he's gonna be able to eat this anyway right cutting board on wire over Let's get it tight. Oh It's cutting well There we go, beautiful chilli all the way through it looks fantastic Just cut it again Oh, I can feel the resistance of the chilles More chillies lots of seeds my goodness. This is gonna be hot So, let's just move this board out the way Now it's fairly crumbly which I really did expect it to be a little bit moister than this but considering the moisture of the cheese When we vacuum packed and it came out into the bag and it was really really moist and there was whey everywhere I'm not surprised that it's crumbly but lets cut a bit off Yes, very crumbly but That's okay. The proof is in the tasting so let's get a wipe my hands Get a cracker get my milk handy Smells like chilli rub. Who knows anyway, oh Aw Bloody Hell! That is very very spicy oh oh Oh, that's oh I I think I've got water in my eyes. Oh my goodness Hmm It's a nice cheese. Don't get me wrong This is absolutely salted correctly. There's no bitterness. It's creamy, but my goodness She's a hot one Mmm Have another one, shall we Before I do though *desperately drinking milk* Oh Oh Mmm absolutely delicious. I Can feel or can't feel the front of my tongue It's almost like eatin oh Sri- Sriracha chilli sauce. Oh, oh Goodness me, but it is nice Nothing wrong with the flavor it's just that it's a very hot and spicy cheese Oh, it's a beauty really is good *finger licking good* That's a nice cheese now if you are into crumbly But smooth it's not It's not dry even though it looks dry but it's not a lot of moisture in there, or maybe it's the saliva reacting with all the chilli With that safety number go I think I think in the box. Oh No a good cheese good cheese now even though the whey came out I I would what would I do differently? Well, I think I would let it air dry a little bit more And I think I would let it Form a natural rind in the cheese cave for about a week and Then I would wax it I wouldn't vacuum pack it, I fou- I think that the the initial vacuum packing just held the cheese far too tight and it squeezed out a lot of the whey plus as We found we think they might have been salt in the chipotle. Chili rub as well And that drew out a lot of the moisture but the cheese is absolutely fantastic if you want to impress your friends Who really like hot and spicy food then? This triple pepper. Jack is the cheese for you really is And it's certainly cheese for me I'll be having it in small pieces and maybe give some of this one away, but it's a delightful cheese now if you want to see how you how you can make And delight your friends with this wonderful cheese. You can check out triple pepper Jack over there to get the kit for this one I recommend the hard cheese kit has all the ingredients you need Besides the chilli powder and the rub and the chili oil of course has all the ingredients for you to make this wonderful cheese Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and if you'd like to give it a big thumbs up well Thank you for watching Curd nerds and I'll see you next time
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 105,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Triple Pepper Jack, pepper jack, pepper jack cheese, Spicy Cheese, food challenge, hot pepper challenge, how to make cheese, cheese making, cheese making at home, making cheese, gavin webber, taste test
Id: CmO1PvB5Vno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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