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over the course of the past several weeks we have delved into the story of Blackbeard in various manners our exploration commenced by analyzing the faithful encounter he had with Luffy taking a comprehensive examination of their face-to-face interaction we delved into his connection with Destiny and Fortune and how these Concepts intricately intertwin throughout his entire narrative finally we meticulously examined in chronological order his complete history striving to uncover hints about the elaborate plan he has been crafting over a significant period of time today I would like to give Credence to those words lightly spoken by yours truly a few weeks ago when I asserted that teach may be a direct blood descendant of the late Joy boy of 800 years ago said in this way may sound like nonsense although it may appear fanciful it could be more genuine than initially perceived undoubtedly The Simple Solution is to connect it with zebec and be content nevertheless I am keen on attempting to grasp the intricate concept which could potentially not exclude this initial assumption entirely let us assume that Marshall d as the author himself suggests on several occasions is passionate about historical research so much so that if he were a real world person he would be an archaeologist this suggests that the character is seemingly at least a person with a wide- ranging curiosity for the truth and the desire to expose the hidden aspects of the the world that being said we can be certain of his extraordinary lineage from a storytelling perspective Oda made it evident that he is linked to Katarina Devon's statement about teach being a unique individual in response to Saturn's inquiry this connection is a direct result of the events and dialogue crafted by Oda why do you follow that man whereas from the internal point of view of the story so where the author does not exist it is precisely after hearing from Katarina that teach is special that Saturn states that the man is descended from someone in particular which adds to what makes him special I am not playing with words it makes sense what I am saying so the first point to note is that Blackbeard is actually descended from someone who was important enough to leave a mark on the memory of one of the world's leaders this key piece of information is what sets the foundation for all subsequent discussions now let's delve into teach's career as a pirate starting with his decision to join forces with Whitebeard when he was just 11 years old Whitebeard who commanded a powerful Fleet of pirates was one of the most renowned figures in the pirate world three decades ago alongside Roger Shiki big mom and kaido it's unclear whether Blackbeard had already chosen to pursue Newgate due to his desire for the gurag gura fruit or if it was simply a stroke of luck that he ended up on the Moby Dick Destiny right the Fate that picks up young Marshall D and brings him to Whitebeard ship but in any case that is our zero point at the time teach has both developed as an individual and evolved as a pirate while maintaining a constant presence in the background he managed to elude detection and classification as a threat to World security by the world government throughout his 30 years at Sea reflecting on the occasion in Mary Jah where a replacement for crocodile was being sought it is worth noting that Marshall D's true identity remained a mystery hence the initial question arises who is this man how does saton have knowledge of te's lineage if no one just two years prior was aware of TI's identity it is worth noting that sangoku was present in that room and he himself was not even aware of who lafit was however tsuru did Happ happened to know LEF fit's identity but remained unaware of teach's lineage despite teach having been a member of whitebeard's crew for over 20 years I came to the conclusion that this information is highly classified known only to a select few individuals much like the fact that Shanks is the son of falan galing the main question here is whether the surname Marshall D posed a threat to the world government from the very beginning they would have disposed of him however it is evident that the possession of a family name is not an issue considering that the Navy has had individuals with the surnames Monkey D and jaguar D in its ranks before furthermore the letter D itself does not pose a problem as long as its true significance remains undisclosed it is merely a letter lacking in any real importance so what is the root of the issue then why does teach's lineage appear to be so extraordinary that even Saturn acknowledges his exceptional nature could it be that 800 years ago Joy boy may have belonged to the Marshall D family but this crucial detail got overshadowed along with other historical occurrences during that clandestine Century the only ones capable of possessing this knowledge would be Joy boy's direct descendants and his sworn enemies such as imama if indeed imama is the same narona IMU who established the world government eight centuries ago at the conclusion of the Void Century as subtly suggested in the manga then he surely knows the true identity of his most formidable adversary however there is a pivotal plot aspect that could potentially unravel this Enigma but I will address this further at a later Point going back to Blackbeard's plan teach's initial step aside from maintaining his secrecy was to acquire the fruit dark dark also referred to as yumy Yami buyo buyo in Italian or whatever one might call it without obtaining it none of this would have transpired and we are all well aware aware of the subsequent events and the repercussions they entailed so I shall refrain from delving into those aspects instead I would like to address a crucial uncertainty Joy boy is known by that name because his age-old companion zunesha explicitly tells us that it is the resonating beats of Liberation emanating from the heightened post Awakening heartbeat of the gomgom fruit which we now know to be the mythological fruit of the god NAA that lead to recognition of an individual as Joy boy simply put without the fruit whose Awakening brings the spirit of the god naika back to life Joy boy does not exist there is no doubt that Joy boy is currently Luffy which poses the question why did teach prioritize the darkness over the fruit of the sun god instead why not focus on obtaining the Nika's fruit this raises curiosity about his motivations and actions here one can only speculate for the time being the easiest choice might be out of ignorance it seems that it is only by coming to laugh tale that one can find out about the importance of the fruit so much so that later it is Shanks himself who goes to retrieve it it is evident that Roger told him about this specific detail and so teach in ignorance memorizing the fruits on the encyclopedia went to fish out the most diabolical one of all capable of taking away the powers of others with abilities the decision that is even more challenging in contrast pertains to whether he consciously perpetrated it in the event that for some obscure rationale teach was aware that his ancient predecessor failed precisely 800 years ago on account of that exceptionally unique power why not consider an alternate path yes we are currently Soaring Over remarkably lofty Peaks here but upon contemplation this specific fruit until proven otherwise lacks vulnerabilities against other devil fruits though it does amass suffering beyond that it possesses positive attributes should it be possible that Joy boy indeed met his downfall due to naik's fruit as well from this juncture the subsequent step involved acquiring the esteemed status of a warlord thereby gaining the Privileges bestowed by the world government upon these Pirates take heed of the incredible turn of Fate that presented itself if Luffy had not emerged triumphant over crocodile there would have been no candidate to fill the vacancy among the Warlords of the sea in such a scenario what course of action would teach have pursued would he have bided his time for one of them to collapse a perplexing situation to be sure would he have personally enacted an assault against the unusually Mighty Hancock whom he ultimately faced two years later to piler her devil fruits Powers having removed Hancock from the equation the government would have extended the coveted title to teach just as they did with Ace after he vanquished the former warlord who was later supplanted by Kuma four years prior to the present however fate dictated that not only did crocodile's position remain unoccupied but Ace the highly sought-after son of Roger and under the protection of Whitebeard fell into teach's clutches bestowing the pirate with his golden opportunity and with this the third element of the plan is set into motion reinforcing the ranks again luck and Destiny are at play as teach Ventures to impel down at the precise time of Luffy and Buggy's Grand jailbreak during which he not only prospered amid his Rivals bedum but also formed an opportune alliance with shilu the former Chief Jailer of the penal facility furthermore behold Fate's interventions yet again if te had surrendered Luffy to the government in order to join the Warlords the marineford war would never have ensued the massive breakout at impel down would likely have been averted as well instead everything fell into place with Newgate delivered to teach on a silver platter how would it have gone if teach had delivered Luffy because Luffy was not in his plans either they had crossed paths by chance in ja they were only looking for a pirate above a 100 million to make themselves look good in the eyes of the government with Luffy sentenced to death or perhaps thrown in jail until death separated him from this world nothing would have happened no but teach wanted the gurag gura that was the fourth phase of the plan so what was he going to do he would hunt for Newgate in the new world with his new crew that is if he had gone out from impel down alive I don't know how it would have gone even with all those big shots I question whether teach could have beaten the entire group of whitebeard's pirates who were as hard and fresh as rocks nevertheless the important observation here is another teach was already aware that he possessed the ability to store two fruits within himself and once his comrades both new and old arrived at marineford they were already aware of it some like shilu remain skeptical those who are curious and excited such as Devon so it is noteworthy that teach is always extremely clear with his associates Devon in the final chapters of the Egghead Saga even lets us know that he knows about this lineage from which his captain originates so again teach is very honest and open with his Pirates they know who he is what he can do what he wants to do and they follow him because they share with him goals and methods however there is another crucial point we must consider before he obtained the gurag gura ability just before his death Newgate directly tells teach you at the very least are not the man that Roger is waiting for when looking at it directly it is certainly an offense completely concluded however there is another reason to express these thoughts towards teach why choose to perform this act right before the speech in which Edward Nate Alias Whitebeard Reveals His knowledge about two of the world's biggest mysteries the meaning behind the letter D and the existence of Joy boy in fact he will talk about this very person who will bear the brunt of the whole story I repeat at the very least you are not the man Roger is waiting for teach if we look Instead at the scene in its entirety teach has not seen Newgate for about a year they're falling out occurred when teach killed satch and left without any further ties teach's lack of Fame was evident as neither the newspapers nor ordinary people cared to mention him his notoriety remained at an absolute zero surprisingly Ace put an enormous effort into locating him it was clear that teach did not pose a threat to the world government so why did Newgate inform teach that he wasn't the man Roger had been waiting for could it be possible that Blackbeard had confessed his desire to become the next pirate king to Newgate while intoxicated that theory just doesn't hold up logically did Edward Newgate perhaps imagin that Marshall D wanted to emulate Roger and become the pirate king by finding the one piece it's quite possible as this is the goal of the vast majority of pirates in the world if that were the case it would simply be a minor detail for its own sake the true plot would be as we come back to our Theory if teach just like he had informed his former crew mates about his unique physical attribute which Marco remembers perfectly and his inability to sleep also shared with Newgate the truth about his parentage teach may have revealed his true lineage to Newgate in the same quiet manner as he did with his comrades Nate might have been aware of TI's ancestry and if it was revealed to be rocks newgate's former Captain then I would have had several doubts if were in Whitebeard shoes however when Ace reveals himself to be Roger's son Newgate claims he doesn't care because ultimately we are all children of the sea nonetheless in the case of teach being The Offspring of rocks it's clear that he would not have been the person Roger had anticipated in my opinion this detail is so significant that it doesn't even need specification unless Joy boy's last name had been rocks and teaches related to the former pirate perhaps Through Blood of his mother who was a marshall however this stuff has already been done with Ace so no not again Oda please instead in the event that teaches descended from The Joy boy of 800 years ago and therefore believed that the one piece is rightfully his as a relative of that man or even not knowing that the one piece was Joy boy and feeling within himself the will to accomplish what the person of 800 years ago had failed to accomplish by tracing lineage hearing internal family stories Newgate sentence gains a newfound significance it goes beyond just the bloodline conveying the message you are not the person Roger is waiting for what truly matters is upholding his will indeed NAA has chosen Luffy not teach this is knowledge that Newgate possesses for teach may be a direct descendant of the man Roger is waiting for but he does not embody his values unfortunately teach fails to comprehend the true meaning behind newgate's words his D is an empty vessel devoid of substance instead upon learning of the existence of the one piece teach becomes fixated solely on that idea he believes that as a descendant of Joy boy he is entitled to it this sets off a chain of events following new Gate's death teach acquires the devil fruit and reeks Havoc at marineford boldly proclaiming it to be his era and asserting his right to claim everything he envisions a world where everything conforms to his desires eventually he departs Marin for prompted by Red hair's request with a thinly Veiled Threat of retaliation for now you may leave but your time will come it is worth noting that shank's preoccupation with teach May hold even greater significance based on deductions made in the video shank story it can be estimated that red hair receiv receiv received his prominent scars between 13 and 18 years prior to the present timeline so several years after Roger's death why did Shanks go to Blackbeard was it to discover his identity was it to confirm if he was the man Roger had anticipated in fact teach carries the D however the moment Shanks witnessed teach being struck and scarred he realized that teach may not possess the same will as the joy boy from 8 centuries past speculation is all we can entertain we are still uncertain of the truth nonetheless recently Shanks has approached Blackbeard from the very instant when he began to gain recognition Beyond newgate's crew as soon as he hears that Ace is after him he goes to Whitebeard and tells him to stop the boy because teach is too dangerous then he goes to marineford for the purpose and actually kicks him out as soon as Luffy wakes up and NAA comes back to this world so there is a possibility that wano will be opened Shanks goes to wano to intercept Blackbeard who instead goes elsewhere screwing him over most importantly Shanks visits Mary Joyce and going to the five Elders to inform them about a certain pirate this specific piece of information which I mentioned earlier is crucial as it explains how U and the five Elders are aware of the connection between teach and joy boy this can be inferred from the fact that Saturn in The aad Saga exclaims without tell it I know I know indicating that he may have been in formed by red hair it is likely that red hair when the pirate king come back from laugh tale memorized everything roer told to his Pirates this would explain Saturn's extensive knowledge including details about NAA the fruit and other things known by Shanks although we cannot gauge the extent of Saturn's knowledge it seems plausible that he possesses a wealth of information furthermore his awareness of teach suggests a possible familial connection to this lineage Joy boy was a marshall d trivially however let's return to our uncouth pirate who after leaving marineford embarks on his remontada Conquering the Newgate territories and defeating anyone who stands in his way he skillfully steals the strongest devil fruits from his adversaries aiming to become one of the four Emperors additionally his Conquest extends to the Pirate Island haosu or beehive this marks the conclusion of the fifth part of the plan furthermore the group will be joined by Kuan aokiji currently serving as the 10th Titanic captain in Admiral Blackbeard's Fleet even if remains uncertain whether he is really affiliated with them the way teach enlisted him however is very interesting and almost suggests that kuzan chose to follow him because in spite of everything anyway teach can give him what he wants but that is beyond the scope of our discussion instead it is important what Kobe Navy Captain member of sword and Luffy's friend will say after the latter's capture on Amazon Lily teach his intent is to join the world government again but this time as king of a kingdom here we have the sixth phase of the plan besides Kobe's Justified skepticism and teach's disdainful attempt to manipulate public opinion and pressure the government into accepting his demands what is the purpose of this choice so far everything teach has done the accumulation of wealth power and influence although if we consider it he already possesses all three has solely been for the sake of being recognized as the pirate king under the protection of the world government does he simply intend to achieve this title by exploiting his position as the king of pirate island if that were the case it would be a truly pitiful goal it does not beit the man who believes that dreaming should never cease nor does it match the man who believes that nothing in this world is impossible and here we have the final piece of the puzzle that we possess what do you want will St Saturn ask Blackbeard's Pirates and the answer will be the world everything luck and fate teach wanted to become a king recognized by the world government so he could do anything else obviously what can kingdoms that belong to the world government do the only thing I can think of that is important is to go to Levy to Mary jise and stay there for a whole week once every four years what do you want want four years for the man who waited 20 years to get a specific devil fruit and what is there in the Holy Land of Mary wiise the Throne of the king of the world that Throne that was created by the 20 families who defeated Joy boy 800 years ago but as a matter of fact luck and fate he lost Kobe as he escaped thanks to GARP who intervened in haosu but Devon was able to copy Saturn's appearance through the power of His mythological nin Tales Fox fruit which emulates Mr to's main main fruit now she has a pasy for Mary jise that is truly worth all the gold in the world here the seventh part of the plan could be triggered to penetrate precisely into the holy land of mar Jas and sit on the empty Throne becoming the king of the world and so we come to the main point of this Theory which I must give credit to my brother Soma for Conjuring up during one of our intensely thought-provoking one piece deep disc discussions the clash between a and imama will not involve the king of the world and Luffy instead it will be a showdown between the cunning and strategizing Marshall D and the king of the world our imaginative hypothesis suggest that te may actually be the direct descendant of the late Joy boy from 800 years ago on the opposing side we imagine St U from the neurona household someone we believe defeated Joy boy eight centuries before now picture the scene when these two characters finally meet teach interrogating U digging into emu's past seeking the truth that lies within him and perhaps unveiling the intricate web of deception that surrounds the king of the world think of the scene with Luffy and teach's Bounty torn apart on the ground in chapter 98 the two Joy Boys The Blood air and the spiritual air consider the straw hat in Mary joise it isn't large enough for someone of giant descent but it surpasses the size of a regular human hat and could fit a superhuman in in fact it might be slightly larger than teach's hat or even that of a member of the people of Buccaneer race like Bartholomew Kuma a half giant once teach gets answers and discovers the truth about imama Blackbeard kills him also thanks to the dark dark fruit that takes away the devil's powers from his opponents and becomes for all intents and purposes the final villain of this pirate manga Straw Hat versus Black Beard The Shining Sun vers versus the Deep Darkness Joy Boy versus Joy boy the winner in the end goes to get the treasure one piece which is spiritually of the real Joy boy which as Oda told us a long time ago we will see only at the end of the story without creating messes and strange and ugly inconsistencies we finally discover the whole truth even with the possibility of making comparisons with the story told by King IMU Sama we will finally have the full picture the world World finally free of imama and teach can then finally be reformed and buy will be the pirate king naturally this is merely a theory so it is bound to have some flaws problems and inconsistencies so treat it as such acknowledging its limitations and issues nonetheless I personally find it exceptionally intriguing as it may offer a captivating resolution to an enigma that remains perplexing if you wish to make additions feel free to do so if you prefer to remove components go ahead dislike it express your opinion like it voice your approval with that being said I extend my greetings to you be kind subscribe give a thumbs up leave a comment subscribe do whatever your heart desires the essential thing is that we all enjoy ourselves together and so be good and enjoy yourselves bye
Channel: The Ancient Kingdom
Views: 7,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4QXpz5IiDcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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