Dorinda Clark Cole (Why Do I Come back For More) *Must See*
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Glorayyy
Views: 533,164
Rating: 4.8502436 out of 5
Keywords: Dorinda Clark Cole, Karen Clark Sheard, Twinkie Clark, Jacky Clark, The Clark Sisters, COGIC, I'm Still Here, I survived, Mary Mary, Kierra Sheard, Yolonda Adams, 'Donnie, Mcclurkin, Praise Break, Dr.Mattie Moss Clark, 2011, Convocation, Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop TD Jakes, Todd Hall, Brian Carn, Praise break, Beyonce Knowles, Chris Brown, Kim Kardashian, Holy Spirit, Praise, Women, Bishop, preaching, praise break
Id: -HlCo2jMHcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2012
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