WHOLE CHOIR CATCHES ON π₯ *INTENSE PRAISE BREAK* | Kevin Lemons & Higher Calling (November 2019)
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Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 898,836
Rating: 4.8801885 out of 5
Keywords: tambourine, tambourine praise break, cogic shout, holy convocation, shouting, bump, pentecostal praise, apostolic shout, church shout, praise break crazy, kevin lemons, kevin lemons higher calling, tent revival, guitar lovers, ethan ridings, guitar riffs, guitar runs, guitar cords, aim guitar, namm guitar, bb king guitar, chuck berry guitar, tito jackson guitar, michael jackson guitar, jubu smith guitar, jabari johnson guitar, jayden arnold, rick watford guitar, prince
Id: wH8k_npAx38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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