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I just have to take you all in it's been a while last time I was here there was no balcony looking so gorgeous there was actual grass on the platform and so there's been a lot of makeover in the house but the spirit is the same the presence of God is just as sweet as the last time I was here and the team were just as awesome as the last time I was here and I'm just grateful to be back with what has become a extension of family I have some texts and sisters and your your pastors have been in my home and in my literal home and in my church home several times now and I have such a great affection and deep love for them they are absolutely beautiful leaders and pastors that you are entrusted with so it's my privilege to be here and if we've never met before I love you already see you have to love me and if I say something that offends you don't blame me blame the Holy Spirit and you know we don't have long together I get to speak tonight and I get one more session tomorrow and then I have to leave town and so in the time that we have I don't want to waste any time and there's many things we could do I could tell you how cute my kids are because they are I could tell you it's my husband's birthday today and I'm not there for him I know such as the price we sometimes pay to do what God asks us to do there's resources out there and I'm gonna sign books tomorrow and all that information is great but honestly I have 42 minutes and in that time I am trusting God's gonna open your heart to set you up for all that is coming over the next few days and I searched God and they kept saying well what you're gonna speak which message you're gonna do and I think they were dropping me a few hints of some they might like me to do and I was like at a seat away I need to ponder and I think you know God knows exactly what he's doing and so I'm gonna preach a message in a moment that hopefully sets you up to locate you are you going to the rest of this conference but I love before I speak last few years I guess I've done this pretty much every time just I love to take a moment where you do stand because it's so easy to sit down and to go into autopilot to sit down and think well you know here comes the word and you know maybe I'll get something out of it maybe I won't but there's something about just standing for a moment and doing your part of what's about to happen see the seed of God's word is awesome it's not faulty there's no faulty seed the only thing that actually can be faulty is our soil and I can't fix that part for you I would love to come and fix the soil of your heart and get it super ready for the seed that's about to come but I can't you have to do that bit so this moment as you are standing here in a moment I'm going to pray and that prayer is to give you an opportunity where you need to to till the soil of your heart to say God I removed that distraction and I remove that thought and I allow you God to talk to me about that situation that I said I didn't want to talk about God I actually come and I bow my knee as it were say God teach me i humble myself I swallow my pride I'm gonna let you in so just with your eyes closed let's put your hand on your heart father you see this room of incredible women Lord you know everything about them and God your seed is strong when it's planted in fertile soil it brings fast such great harvest so I asked you spirit of God in this moment to soften the soil of our hearts give you permission God to go deep to pull out the weeds that have been there too long the things that are choking are destiny that you would remove them God I pray in the sweet way that only you can you would take this seed and you would plant it in every single heart we know Familia in the word tonight we would listen as if it were for the first time I pray I would preach this is if I've never preached it before that it would be fresh manna to these women to help them flourish in Jesus name Amen and amen you may now take your seats thank you my sweet keyboard friend we shall see you later I really do feel like this is a message that God wants to be spoken over you tonight even from the beginning and the even the emphasis in the worship even what pastor Amy was saying earlier about the condition of your heart and letting something as go and so I think it's my job tonight to set the platform for all that is gonna come after me all the words that will be spoken all the thoughts that will be given and the best way to start I think sometimes a conference is to begin by doing kind of a location service for you because sometimes we are lost but we then asked for directions sometimes we are stuck but we don't tell anyone that we are stuck sometimes we are moving but nothing is changing sometimes we have to get honest at the beginning of a journey of which tonight is it's the beginning of a journey about actually where we actually really are because if we'll be honest about where we really are then God can give us directions to where we need to go but if we don't get real about where we're really at then we will not get the right next step for our lives and our marriages and our family and so I wanna identify over this cost that I have with you tonight three areas three stages of the journey that we all go through and you'll locate yourself I'm sure in one of them you'll probably know that you've been through all of them at some point in your life and because they tend to keep rearing their heads it tends to be a cycle that we go through and therefore the title if you want to title of this evening and the places that I want to locate you would be doorways hallways and gateways I want to take you to the story of a woman in the Bible that journeyed all these three phases she went through every single one of these stages and in each one of these stages she had to learn something that she could only learn from God and in each one of these stages you two are going to have to learn something that only God at the end of the day can teach you I love this woman in the back and I love the first thing about her is that we don't even know her name she's not named it's not Ruth it's not Naomi it's not Esther it's not Mary it's not some of the ones that would be familiar to as this lady we're not given her name and I love that because sometimes in a room like this there are many people who feel just like that nobody really knows my name I don't have a reserved seat I didn't get mentioned from the front I'm not anyone that anyone particularly knows and they certainly wouldn't know anything about me and you can feel sometimes like that woman unknown unnamed but the good news is it doesn't really matter who in this room knows your name God not only knows your name but he has your number he knows exactly what's going on the very thing that you think you've hidden so well he knows about it and he's ready to talk to you about it whether you want to listen or not so I love the fact that we don't know her name I love the fact that this anonymous woman is about to teach us something awesome and you know there are people that will grace the platform and they will teach but there are many lessons we learn from those that are unnamed to others unknown to others God uses us all and all of our journeys are worth being told because all of our journeys can help someone in theirs and hers is about to help us a stories found in two kings for the context of the story is that this woman knows that the man of God keeps coming through her town the prophet of God goes by her town often and when he comes through the town he brings the Word of God speaks the Word of God prophesize into people's lives and situations and as he comes through her town regularly she one day has this thought I wonder if that man of God that comes through town would when he's coming through stop here I would love it if he would stop in our house as he passes through I wonder if when he's on he where he would stay here for a while and I love that about her because I think she knew something that I have come to discover the best conversations happen at home I think she had this little inkling feeling that after the guy is all done bringing the Word of God and teaching and saying what he's been instructed to say I wonder if after that if he was in her house I wonder if one of those late-night conversations might happen I wondered something might tumble out from his mouth as I'm making breakfast for him and my husband that would be like manna for our world that no one else would get to hear but because he's in her home we were get to hear it I think she had a hunger that went beyond listening from a crowd but wanted this voice wanted the word in her house and it's that hunger that we all must have we must get to the place where we don't just visit God once on a Sunday but we're desperate for his word in our homes were desperate for his word around her tables with our family I think she had this inkling that maybe something will tip out if he's in my house you know I have friends everywhere all round I collect friends by the way you know some collect you know teacups and some collector I don't know whatever he collect but I collect friends I have quite a large collection fact I was just in California yesterday and one of my friends found out I was there and came all the way down and said you have a spare room in your place of the hotel I said yes she said that I'm gonna come stay because she knows good things tumble how after the service and then my other friend flew in from Rockford Illinois to be with me and said is there a spare bed in your room when you're at flourish I said yes but is why because good things tumble out when you're in that space that you're comfortable with one another and some of you you're not hearing God's voice because you're not clearing him any space he can't get into so much going on there's so much happening there's no room every voice has the same level of importance in your life and his is just one of the many and the space you clear will affect what you hear so she clears some space so I'm gonna make some space in our house and I want this man of God to come by and so we joined the story with that decision being made she says to her husband I know that this man who often comes our way as a holy man of God so let's make a small room on the roof and let's go to Ikea and put a bed in there and a table and chair and a lamp then he can stay there where hit whenever he comes to us and so he did one day when Elijah came he went up to his room I love it calls it his room and he lay down there he said to his servant case I call the shamonite so he called her and she stood before him Elijah said to him tell her you've gone to all of this trouble for us now what can be done for you can we speak on your behalf to the king or the commander of the army she replied no I have a home among my own people I'm good what can be done for her Elijah asked I love that because when you make space for God he wants to do things for you some you are like shouting prayers on your way to the next thing but if you just make space for God he'd hang out with you things would tumble out of his hat for you they begin to ask you questions that when you're on the fly he can't ask you it's the man of God presses and he says what can we do for her so gay haze I said well she has no son and her husband is old so Elijah said call her so he called her and she stood here we go with the first location in the doorway but this time next year Elijah said you will hold a son in your arms and the next statement is going to show us exactly where she was located oh no my lord please man of God don't mislead your servant the New Living Translation says that when he said these words to her she shouted back oh no man of God don't get my hopes up again see God wanted to call her into a doorway a doorway of wet dormant dreams had been packaged away a doorway of where there were things in her life that she had stopped praying about situations in her life where the disappointment had overwhelmed her expectation doorways where God was going to speak through the man of God into something that was such a hidden desire that she had put away and given up ever becoming a reality and God was gonna call into a doorway a fresh hope a doorway of possibility a doorway of speaking life over that which was dead and some of you over this conference you will find yourself in a doorway God wants to position you back in a doorway that for some of you is painful because you remember how it has not worked out up to this point and you don't want to get back in the doorway and believe God for that teenager because I can't get my hopes up anymore and you don't want to get in the doorway and believe God for the dream because it didn't happen like I thought he would happen and just like her you probably are saying I'm too old it's too late it's too much work she stands in a doorway that she did not ask for and he speaks about the very thing she has not mentioned over this conference some of you it's time to get back in the doorway with God because you gave up on something way before he has even started you put some dreams away that he hasn't even got around to yet you have to make some space over this conference and allow him to speak again to the very thing that you want to be silent out see I've discovered something about the enemy he likes to help you package up your dreams he likes you to think you know well it's been a year it's been five you'll never get married you'll never have that child you'll never be restored to your wayward child your marriage is never gonna get any better than this you'll never feel joy again you'll never get over your grief or your loss he likes to package up those things and says things like this to you it's better to package you up than keep being disappointed you'd be better letting it go than holding on and looking desperate you should be quiet now about that you've talked about it enough you should stop praying the same prayers cause clearly God's not listening and over time he begins to help us put our dream in a box and I found that not only will he put them in a box for you but he'll kindly offer to take them up to the attic of your life he'll say I'll put these in storage for you I'll put them so far back in storage that you'll forget about them I'll put them so far back in storage that you won't even remember how to go and collect them he says this man had been put in a room on the roof of her house she had a room in her house that she had emptied and cleared out and I just wonder whether the reason why there was a spare room in her home was because at one point she thought that would be the nursery one point maybe they had a plan that actually in the room that had become cluttered with all that stuff in that room that one day they thought would be their own child but after time it's easy to begin to shove other stuff in the space so you're not looking at the emptiness anymore I mean to rearrange the furniture to cover the area where God didn't show up for you but over this conference some of you God is gonna say I need you to stand in the doorway and as you stand in the doorway in ammo of worship or you stand in the doorway as you open the word are you standing the doorway in a conversation somewhere in this building something is brought to mind that you cannot even remember the last time you thought about let God in that moment locate you and though everything inside you wants to speak out what she spoke out oh no please don't disappoint me allow God to have his way I don't know what doorway you're in but if God is asking you to stand in the doorway my suggestion is you do just that she stands in the doorway and he speaks the word over her I imagine as he spoke it she had a mixture of doubt she had a mixture of excitement but at the same time reticent to believe with all those mixed emotions she walked away and as she walked away the Word of God became true she found herself pregnant carried a child and now this boy was born they had a son and the son was growing up and the miracle that seemed to never be coming to pass now was here it was a living reality what was impossible was now possible what was dead was now alive and she now is in a place where she has this incredible miracle but I have to tell you something I've found in our journey through life that all doorways tend to lead to hallways I wish I could tell you that you could go through a doorway of blessing into a doorway of blessing into a doorway of blessing but I have not found where that doorway is I've more found that you go through a doorway and you find in the corridor I've more found you go through a doorway and now I have to walk this hallway and sometimes the hallway is long and you're like is there ever gonna be light at the end of this tunnel from you you're not in a doorway you actually right now your location is where she's about to find herself because it wasn't long before she found herself in a hallway that would test her in every single way so it says the woman became pregnant and the next year about the same time she gave birth to her son just as he had told her the child grew one day went out to his father he was with the Reapers and he said to his father my head my head and just like all good fathers the father said take him to his mother what's that about like we know what to do we're just as clueless as you take him to his mother so they took him and after the servant had lifted him up and carried him to his mother the boy sat on her lap until noon and then he died wait a minute I stood in the doorway and I told you don't get my hopes up I'll let you in you get my hopes up I have a boy and now you take him from me God what is going on I don't understand what's happening in my life I asked for the ministry the ministry began it was doing great and now it's dying I asked for the relationship the relationship happened and now they're walking away I asked God for the provision and the provision came and as soon as it was in my hand it was gone taken from me Oh God what is happening this is why I didn't want to get in the door way since why I stopped asking stop praying maybe that is where I find you tonight you're in a corridor you're in a hallway asking all of those questions you're a flourish conference and you're more aware of the thing that you have lost than the thing that you gained you're so confused you're like I don't get what's going on right now god you're almost frustrated even I would say angry at times why have I got myself in this situation God what is going on well she was about to find herself just there locate herself just there but what happens next is pure brilliance how she's about to walk this hallway is wisdom for every single one of us in here every leader every pastor every woman every mother every grandmother we must take note of what she is about to do because was she aware about why she was being I'm not but it's like something of God kicked in into her situation that got her through this season in her life so I wanna learn from what she did when I read what she did it strikes me that she followed a set of rules it's almost like there was some rules she knew for walking the corridor which kind of reminds me of when I was a high school in England because when I was in a high school in England there were actual rules for walking our hallways the hallways in English schools are very narrow just like our roads and so you know they are places where it's easy to get snagged up and get stuck and too much traffic and people don't get to where they need to be on time because the hallways are not running efficiently so there were rules in my high school and it's just like when I read this it's almost like she went to my high school it's like spiritually she begins to apply the rules that I had to learn to apply in the natural so let's look at how she navigates a hallway it says the boy dies immediately she went up and picked his body up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door the first rule in my high school when you went down the hallway was no baggage in the hallway no baggage in the hallway everything that you had with you had to go in a locker you are to lock the locker and you were only allowed to take in your hand what you needed for the next place where you wouldyou for a lesson you couldn't take your sports kit you couldn't take your lunch pail you couldn't take all your big rucksack with you you couldn't take your coat for outside you couldn't take your spatula it shoes or your hockey stick everything has to go in the locker because hallways are narrow and if you have all your baggage on your back and so does the person in front of you and to the side of you know when he's gonna get through that hallway anytime soon so when I was a school no baggage in the hallway and it's like she knew that rule because here she is with a dead dream her dead son this dead boy on her actual lap talk about baggage the weight of disappointment the weight of the body resting on her lap and yet in an instant she picks up what he's dead and she takes it back to the last place where there was life spoken and she lays it down and she shuts the door she picks up what she does not understand and she takes it to the place where she last had clarity and she lays it down and she shuts the door she picks up what is the problem and she takes it back to the place where there was a promise made and she lays it down and she shuts the door she says to herself somehow I can't carry this dead body around with me I need to get enhancer but I can't get my hand so while I'm carrying my problem some of you are dead things things of disappointment offenses like pastor Amy talked about earlier and this is what we do in the church when he dies when it happens when we're offended we pick it out up and we go on show and tell love what happened look what they said looker was gone on do you understand oh my gosh this person in this situation and we're going to take the body everywhere with us we take you to connect group and we take it to the youth meeting and we take it to a soul prayer circle and we lay the body on the coffee table at Starbucks and we all have a discussion about the body that we brought with us and dad things smell and they don't make you very attractive so it's like she had this choice her husband's over there she could go take it to him there were servants in the household cuz they have money she could have got them involved I'm sure she could have gone and talked to several of her girlfriends I'm sure she could have wailed on the phone as it were to all of the people in her world and said you'll never believe what's happened it was something about it and said I need to pick this up I cannot carry this down the hallway I'm gonna have to journey I can't take it with me to go get the answer I don't even know what to do with it all I know to do is go lay the baggage down and shut the door if you are in our hallway I'm asking you to drop your baggage if you're in a hallway I'm asking you at this conference over these next few days to stop dragging the dead body with you into every service I lay it on the promise of God and shut the door and begin to move to the answer it's not that you're ignoring it it's not that it isn't there but there's no point carrying it everywhere with you don't take it to every tea break don't take it to every lunch break don't take it into every prayer group take the baggage I'll lay it down and shut the door if you just do that some of you would instantly feel lighter your arms would go up quicker in the worship praise would come out of your mouth faster because when you don't have baggage freedom begins to come so she lays the body down she shuts the door soon as she shut the door says she called her husband and said please send me one of the servants and a donkey so I can go to the man of God quickly and return and her husband who just thinks the boy has a bad headache says well why are you going today it's not the new moon are the Sabbath's and she replied everything's fine it's all right it's not all right there is a dead body in the bedroom it's not all right his son is dead but I think she knew the second rule of walk in the hallway no talking in the hallways you would often hear the teachers shout at my school my maiden name was Scanlon Skala stop talking because I love to talk in the hallways oh yes I did cuz if I could talk in the hallways I would be late for my class and I didn't like my bus so anyone that would talk to me I would gladly have a conversation because it would slow me down I would happily stay in the hallway and chat about anything but go do algebra the whole time you're chatting in the hallway you're not getting to where God needs you and here's what I've discovered people in the hallway are just as confused as you if you're passing someone in the hallway is because they're in a hallway too so be careful who you speak to in your hallway husband said well what's the deal she's like it's good you know why cuz she knew there was nothing he could contribute at this moment they would move her towards the answer now she would have his grief on top of hers now she would have his confusion on top of her own confusion now she would have his lack of clarity adding to her lack of clarity and she realized and struggling as it is to know what to do right now so the last thing I need is another person's contribution to what is already difficult for me to navigate and some of you are more confused than you need to be because of the people you've chosen to speak to they are not helping you get your answer they're holding you in your problem and I found that what you say in hallways travels hello sometimes when you are finally at your breakthrough something comes back to bite you because who you told it in the hallway is not through their whole way yet and they're a little mad but you got through yours so be careful who you speak to in the hallways we're not very good at keeping our mouths shut if the men were in the room they would have said amen we like to talk and there's nothing wrong with that I love being a girl I mean you say a girls meeting you know hug the lady next to you and you know 15 minutes later you get the room back because we can't just hook without telling everything about our life and we got our shoes and our earrings and what the kids are doing and what you had for dinner and we fit that all in a hug you say to the guys you know high-five a guy they literally go sit down nope no conversation so we use words and that's good I love that about women but if you're not careful that that great natural gifting that we have that Gathering ability for not care for what happens is you're not guarded with your words so what starts out as an innocent conversation in the hallway begins to be a runaway train and then you give a little bit more information a little bit more information and then a little bit more information and before you know it the trainer's fully left the station and it's really hard to get it back it's not that you can't talk to people it's now that God doesn't want you to find someone who which you can bare your soul who which can stand with you but see he knows that the people in the hallway don't have the answers but there is a man of God at the end of the hallway that you can happily talk to there is someone with an answer that you can happily vent to there's someone that is through this that can happily help you come free but in the hallway be careful for confusion added cooked to confusion he's not helpful when you've got a dead body that needs attention so have you been talking in the hallway for 12 months some of you you've been going round and round and round and round in circles and you just can't seem to be getting a breakthrough and the breakthrough is gonna be when you close your mouth no and he told them that Jericho was gonna fall he said it will fall by you actually learning to hold your tongue you're actually gonna go round it and say nothing go round it and same laughing go round it and say nothing and when it is time what will come out of your mouth is a unified shout sometimes you got to go round it and say nothing go round it and say nothing because you inside don't yet know where you even stand in your own face so I have to go round it and trust God I have to go round it and hear his voice I have to go round it and come to peace I have to go round it and find strength I have to go round it and get clear I have to go round it and know that I know that I know that God is good I have to go round it in silence the DAO I have to get around it and know that all things will work together for my good I have to go round it but I need to be quiet because I'm not yet at the place where I'm ready to shout you know the enemy doesn't know what you are struggling with until you say it I can't read your mind did you know that he he can't read your mind the enemy has no clue until you say it once you say it then he can be on to it once you doubt he's right on in there once you spew it out he's right on in there but while ever you hold your tongue he doesn't know I guess that's why God said go around it and be quiet go cuz he didn't want the enemy at the other side of the walls to hear what they were saying hear their panic here they grumble hear their murmuring here that we don't get this he wanted them to hold their peace so the enemy had no intel on that plan so you need to hold your peace so the enemy has no intel on your plan no talking in the hallways she carries on and it says that she says to the servant get me the donkey helluva see says now saddle the donkey and lead on and don't slow down for me unless I tell ya I think she was from Texas I think she had some boots with Spurs I think she got on that donkey was like ride em cowboy I think she's like I am off to get my answer and don't slow down unless I drop off this thing because she knew the third rule of hallways no loitering in the hallway I would always get in trouble at school I mean I discovered the slowest walk in the hallway like if I was going to lunch I'm like whoa let's go if I was going to class that I didn't like I'm like I'm going to class sir what's wrong with your legs gamble I'm just I'm getting there sir that is not what you do when it's break time or recess time no loitering in the hallways some of you your self-pity is making you stay in the hallway too long no licking your wounds in the hallway she's like get me a donkey ride that donkey hard and only self if I fall off to pick me up she's like I'm not stopping I'm not stopping for water I'm not stopping for food I'm not stopping for a break I'm not stopping for the bathroom I'm on my way to get an answer and I have to get there as fast as I can because if I lighter I might not get back on the donkey forget off and think about what's laying in the bedroom if I get off and begin to think about what I've just lost if I get off and retrace my steps so that had a dead body a minute ago and I just laid it in the bedroom and my husband has no clue if I slow down and begin to think it all through I'm gonna stay here a long time zombie you're stuck in your hallway cause you're trying to think it all through you're trying to come up with all the answers for all the people you're trying to think y'all through reason where it all went wrong and the fact is sometimes things just go wrong and there's no secret mystery to all of the stuff that's going on it's just sometimes that happens and you have to go you know what there's no point me hanging around here loitering in the hallway no it starts like this it's like my answers over there you know hallways a tiring I'm just tired you know like this is hard I mean they left me I mean they hurt me it's hard I just feel like I feel like I'm justified to just take a little see cuz you know I've been in this hallway for like six months and it's hot nobody knows how hard it is for me so hard being a pastor nobody understands my pain is a pasta all those nasty people in my church that hurt me just gonna stay here and feel started for myself for a minute you mean to sit down in the hallway and Stroke your flesh then the enemy says you just stay there you stay there baby you you deserve to stay you stay home from church I know you lead it could just stay home anyway you stay there you just take a sabbatical ma'am you both know you just don't want to go judge just you know go away and just ignore those people and just stay there to stay in that situation and the enemy begins to go you know what let me help you you know let me bring in some furniture let me get you a bed and oh my only have a blanket and just make yourself comfortable there's no rush there's no need to go anywhere fast any time soon all those Christians telling you to speed up move on and what do they know they've not got your hurts oh you should stay there get really comfortable and then you should just hang out there and before you know it this is exactly what your life looks like you open your eyes every morning there it is close your eyes every night open your eyes every morning there it is again going nowhere the enemy wants to give you a permanent address in a temporary place he wants you to live in a place that you were never made to live in let's to get you comfortable in a place that's between your blessing it worked on the children of Israel works on us too sometimes we got divorced five years ago you're stealing yourself pity in your hurt and I know you can justify it but the fact is while you stay there nothing can be resurrected while you stay there no miracle can come to you it's not going to come to your hallway you have to leave your hallway says she got to the man of God finally at the end of the hallway and she throws herself at his feet and for times sake I'll just capture what happens she throws herself at his feet that says in the story and she begins to shout man of God finally she knows this is a safe place to vent see God's not afraid of your feelings he won't scull you for feeling the way you do the offense the hurt he gets it just like Amy said when she let it go he gets it it's fine throw it in the right direction God can absorb it he's big she gets the man of God she goes this is why I told you not to get my hopes up okay to talk about the problem when you're at the feet of the answer and so he says come on let's go and you know the story he goes back down to where the body layin brings forth a resurrection of life and turns the situation around and she navigates her hallway and a miracle comes to home that day and God will do the same for you but I always struggle when I read stories like that cuz I'm like really bad there's a little mean I mean God that was a little harsh I mean she didn't ask for the baby you give her a baby the boy grows up they get attached then you take the baby away the baby boy dies and she has to go through all this drama to go get the man of God and all the emotional upheaval just to go back and bring him back to life what in the world was that about maybe you're not in doorway maybe you're not in a hallway maybe you're there like one the world was out about what what are you having me go through this for why ever gone through this situation why is this happening to me god I don't get it I'm thankful that I'm healed now I'm thankful that there's a reconciliation but I don't get all of that time wasted well maybe that's because God has a gateway in your future Cassie that's not actually the end of her story actually her story continues in 2 Kings 8 and what's happened is after the resurrection of the boy and they've got their life back and the miracles happen actually a famine comes to the land and the famine is 7 long years and over those seven long years she has to leave a home and a property in all of her resources and all the stuff that they haven't she goes away and after seven years she wants to go back and she has no guarantee that when she goes about anything good will happen to her she's lost everything and but she's brave and she's like I don't want to lose everything and so she goes back to the Kings gateway she just so happens to turn up at the king's palace as he's having a conversation and the conversation is with gaje Zion the King says to Gay's I tell me some of the things that this servant Elijah did tell me some of the miracles that he did verse 5 he says just as gaze I was telling the King how Elisha have restored the dead to life the woman whose son Elijah had brought back to life appeared in the Gateway gaze I said all my word this is the woman this is the son whom Elijah restored to life so the King looked at the woman he said tell me your story and I imagine this moment that the Kings on his throne and she stood nervously in the doorway and in the gateway and she goes oh king let me tell you can I start at the beginning cuz see if I just told you the end you wouldn't understand how good god is cuz there was a day where I had a dead dream and I just spoke it back to life and I stood in a doorway and a possibility awakened on the inside of me that I never thought would awaken and let me tell you King how that led me to a hallway and like to tell you it was easy but it wasn't it was hard and you can understand and I had to not talk to anyone and I had to search out an answer and navigated that walk and I got to the man of God and brought my son back to life and I tell you I went on that journey and I stand here today and I am that woman the King looked at her and I imagine he had tears on his face at the compassionate story she had told of the courage that she displayed and the King said get me an official so they went and got an official he said a sign this official to her case and give back to this woman everything that belonged to her all the income all her land all the things she has lost from the day she left until this very moment because you see with God no tear is ever wasted and in every sorrow God is extracting seed and planting it in your tomorrow and you might not have bumped into it yet but there will be a gateway moment where things that made no sense will make sense where things that you will like but God why you will know that why I the God will take everything the enemy tried to do to pull you down to use it to build you up and no one thing was lost interest was given back to her because God said I saw you in the hallway I saw how you still believed I saw you still kept moving and I took all of that and I planted it into your future see there was a time when I was told I would never have children and for five years I walked a hallway of infertility and many tears of many questions and much disappointment and many conversations I needed to avoid there are times when after I did get pregnant I was like God what was that all about but now I stand in my gateway and I think I wrote a book that set someone free and I tell my story and other people have faith for theirs and I pray over barrel wounds and they open and God conceives and then the same miracle he conceived in me because God will use your hallway for a gateway so all across the room time has gone but I'm gonna ask all across the room that you would stand to your feet I don't know where this message finds you but you know where you find you I don't know if for you at flourish conference it's time for you to come in the doorway let God awaken the thing that you have allowed to go to sleep I don't know if it flourish conference you say I'm in a hallway Charlotte and I need the strength to be silent I need to get back up where I have sat down I need to drop some baggage or you are saying I've just journeyed something and I'm asking guards show me the Gateway I don't know which one it is but I know that all represented around this room and I know that over this conference God's gonna help you navigate the stage that you're in so all of us left for me to do was I closed this message is to ask you to close your eyes and if you're saying Charlotte I'm in one of those places you saying I'm in the doorway I'm in the hallway I'm looking for my gateway and I want you simply to raise your hands up high [Music] just as I thought pretty much as all you know your hands don't change anything but they are an honest marker to God God I'm recognizing where I am God I'm asking for your wisdom in this season that I'm in lord give me instruction for where I go from here so as your hands are raised I'm gonna pray father you see our hands mine too we all have to journey these stages now leadership in our mothering in our mentoring there are many in this room that need an awakening of a dream give them hope tonight let them be brave again and believe again there are those in this room that stuck in the hall disappointment is overwhelm them and the fact that the miracle has not turned out as they fall has caused them to settle Lord I pray that they would have courage to get back up to drop what needs to be dropped to refrain from what needs to be refrained from those that are lifting the hands thank God would you take what I have been through and lead me to the Gateway god I pray they would begin to see the worth of every tear they begin to see the reward with every single act of faithfulness you are a good god you're a god of the doorways the hallways and the gateways just right where you are I'm gonna ask the band to begin to sing you can have it all Lord you can take my whole life you can have it all all the baggage all the disappointment you can have all the frustration you can have all the ions that prayers you can have the broken dreams God I trust you I give you it all as hot as yours God you can have it all I give it all to you this conference I give it all to you my save you're the one who knows it all I give you every part even the part that is disappointment I'm God I pray your breath on me in my hallway your breath on me in the doorway come on begin to sing [Music]
Channel: HopeB4us
Views: 10,714
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Id: q1caxEan9hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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