Willing Woman Charlotte Gambill

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hey how are you doing I'm gonna have you stand up just for a moment because I'm bossy that way I know you just sat down and you're like why am i standing up but I'm gonna ask my friend just to stay with me on Keys just for a moment before you run away - you got your running shoes on you're out of that um it's great to be with you and I get to be here all weekend which is awesome and Matthew Caroline our dear dear friends of Steven hi my husband and I and Caroline and I had a friendship for many years now and she's the real deal I love it when I'm around people that are the real deal what you see is what you get and same on the platform as they are off the platform and she loves you and that's why this evening has been put on for you because her heart is just to do you good in any way that she can and so I obviously don't speak like you maybe speak and you probably think him what's with the accent well just so you know I don't have an accent y'all have an accent because I speak English and you speak a version of my language but it's all good I am married to an American so I'm bilingual so I understand you completely but I'm having you stand just for a moment because I don't if you know it or not but as much as you are here with your girlfriends and family members and people around you in the room that you've come and spend the evening with I don't know if you've realized but you're in the presence of the King of Kings and that's kind of a big deal and I am from England and Canada's royalty in England that you Americans seem more obsessed with than as British people and and there's kind of protocol in England when there's royalty in the room you you stand to your feet when the Queen of England enters the room and you even have to curtsy and maybe bow and you have to show a sign of honor and as great a Queen of England is the king of this is far far greater and so when we're in his presence and we're doing all this fun stuff he loves that we're having fun but I didn't a moment when we're about to open the Word of God and we want to hear from God where we should just kind of change our posture and say okay God I'm in your presence God we stand in your presence for many women in this room right now they desperately need your presence they are facing situations that are stealing their hope and their joy they're asking questions about their future and their destiny contemplating the next season of their life God there are many opinions but there is one word the word of living God on which we can base our lives and build our families and so God in this moment we move all the other voices out of the way God we ask you to have your way for the next few moments just break this word up into as many pieces as there are women in this room and God individually feed every hungry heart hope understanding wisdom and purpose God we honor you by being not just hearers of your word but I train also doers a few words Jesus name Amen and amen you may take your seats it's funny how that I landed on this message that I want to just open with you for the next few moments that I have in my time here it's actually a message that I've only ever spoken once to my own women and was not even on the choice of what I thought I was going to come and talk about and yet I felt pressed by God to give this some airtime tonight and to lay it as kind of an idea before you of what all of ident our identity actually should involve and when I realized the actual evening that I was speaking into and what else was taking place on this evening it was a perfect match with the message title and what actually will happen after the message because the title of my message that I had written is called the garment maker I want for a few moments to begin to explain to you a title that God gave me that I did not even understand when God gave me it I felt God say Charlotte I want you to go on a recruitment drive and find the women and ask them once again to sign up to something that an identity has been lost in the church and to become the garment maker that I have called them to become and I answered back to God like you might answer back to God I don't really know what you mean God because I get my garments online hello I don't know how to make a gunman I have no idea if you have someone in here that can sew or knit or embroider or do stuff with needles and all kinds of thread well more power to you but I have no clue how you do that stuff so I don't know how to make a gun in the natural I have pre state garments in the natural and I'm really glad that you're all wearing garments in the natural because that would be awkward and so I love garment but I didn't understand when he was that God was asking me when he said I want you to become a garment maker and so I'm going to take you on the journey that I have been with God because I think the enemy in the time and the age that we live in has done a really good job of beginning to take the garment making out of the Church of God and the women of God in fact in our society where we all are standing up females and saying recognize me and power me it's almost like this role has been seen irrelevant in the role of a women in today's future and yet I look all around our world I look all around our communities and the best way I can describe what I see is a lot of people that are very poorly dressed for the world that they are living in people that are not dressed in hope they don't wear any face they don't have any armor of God on them they have no belt of truth they have no wisdom for the circumstances that they are facing they are ill dressed for the life that they are facing and while they are ill dress God is saying where are my garment makers there will spiritually get busy clothing a generation who right now the world our clothing via social media but right now the world our clothing buyer opinions of what we should say and should wear and should look like and how we should act and I for one do not want my daughter in the natural to be dressed by the father of lies I want her to be dressed by the father of light and in order for that to happen we need a whole upsurge of garment makers to get busy once again dressing what our world and our community looks like so I am on a recruitment drive to ask where are the garment makers for God Himself knit you and I together in your mother's womb he actually made your frame and therefore he now asks us as daughters of the King to be the ones that helps to close that frame in and in love and in hope there is a passage in the Bible I have read as maybe you have and if you're not familiar with it anybody that has read the Bible will tell you it's kind of a passage where as a woman you want to skip over it it's the famous passage called proverbs 31 where it gives a blueprint of this woman that sounds like Wonder Woman herself she's amazing I read about her and you find out she takes care of her family and how she worked hard and how she rises early I hate that part and how she how she takes care of everything and she just seems so together and it's a great actual scripture for you to read and go well God if she can do that so can i but there's a part of proverbs 31 that I have often skipped over because I deemed it culturally irrelevant it didn't to make any sense to me in our 21st century world so I just skipped past it until God began to speak to me about being a maker for in proverbs 31 verse it describes this activity is going on in her life it says in her hand she holds the distaff and she grasps the spindle with her fingers now I have skipped past that passage I bought myself I don't even know what a dis stuff is and I have no intention in finding it I wanted this stuff is so we'll just move along and then I began to think well God if you're trying to tell me something through the scripture cuz all Scripture and official then I'm gonna have to do a little bit again and kind of what it is cuz woman was spinning want me to take that thank you this woman was spinning and so I went on Google for help because that's what you do right you go on Google for everything go to garden at Google so went on Google and I looked up women spinning and this image came up oh my god I don't think that's what proverbs 31 woman was doing I don't think she was in a spinning class with her mates in lycra III realized I don't even have a reference for what this woman was doing I don't even know what it looks like so I had to do a little research and I began to find out about what a distaff was and a distaff was a symbol that sinan eyes the power of a woman is symbolized a woman's strength and power for she would take care of clothing the people in a household and clothing people in her neighborhood the distaff was a sign of skill and a skillset that they're desperately needed in their community in fact the image of a woman with a distaff is much like this image and the distaff is what she's holding above her head and what a distaff is for is collecting all the raw fibers that are tangled and then with her other hand adding friction so that she can take what is tangled and untangle it to make something that is beautiful and when I began to realize that's what this woman was doing I felt the Spirit of God say to me and that is what you are called to do you tell called to take the raw fibers of the potential in people's lives take the raw fibers of people's hope take the raw fibers of the circumstances the people are facing and add the friction of my word and add the friction of faith and have the friction of intercession and add the friction of truth and by adding the friction untangle the web of lies and make something beautiful that they can wear in fact I looked even further into this woman and the kind of spinning she was doing and I found there were three types of spinning people I was on Google a long time something called suspended spinning which is when you hold the distaff but there is no contact with your other hand it is just suspended and so you don't add as much friction there's something called support supported spinning whether there is a tool that's used to take the weight of the spinning out of the workers hand actually the rarest and almost non-existent type of spinning is grasped spinning which is what this proverbs 31 woman was doing because no one wants to do grasp spinning anymore cuz grath spinning causes you to have blisters and causes you to have the work in your hands and causes you to go home tired from the labor that you have put in and so machinery has replaced the need for grass spinning and in the church we have become lazy about putting our hand in and taking the blister and doing the work because we want machinery of someone else or society to take care of the problems that God said I have anointed you and I have appointed you and I have called you to be the ones that are garment makers for those that right now are naked have no hope no no faith no sense of a future and so I am asking you again where are the garment makers I also found out that in world war ii time of fighting confusion and fear there were two things that were rationed in society the first one we would all probably be familiar with that was food rations there was a shortage of food and people were hungry and people were being rationed in their food supply why because in a time of war the enemy wants you hungry he wants you malnourished he wants you weak and it's the same in the spiritual but the second thing that was rationed in World War two were clothing for four years people had to have rations to get clothing because there was not enough clothing to go around in society because no one was making garments and the enemy in a time of war doesn't just want you malnourished he wants you ill dressed he does not want you to go into battle with the breastplate of righteousness he does not want you to go into battle with her with a shield of faith he doesn't want you to go into battle with a belt of truth or a helmet of salvation and so he wants to wipe out the garment makers in fact in World War two it was so bad that these posters appeared everywhere as a recruitment drive for women to go back to garment making it said mrs. so-and-so they were recruiting women they were seen in World War two we need you to go back to making garments we have a shortage of clothing for children we have a shortage of clothing for the troops and I began to see a pattern in the natural that I see in the spiritual that in a time of warfare in which we live and in time of spiritual battle in which we find ourselves where are the gamma makers that are making garments for us to be able to step into the battle our children to step into the battlefield of college and education with wisdom upon them with with strength within them where are the garment makers so for the next couple of minutes I want to give you three areas in which I believe we are all responsible to make garments in fact all these three areas are in proverbs 31 she made garments for all these three purposes and the first place where you need to make garments is number one you must clothe your self before you become a garment maker for anyone else you got to make yourself some you got a dress yourself it says in proverbs 31 verse 22 that she closed herself in fine linen and purple I love that it gives us the information because if you did not know fine linen and purple are expensive in other words she was not wearing the hand-me-down she was not wearing cheap she valued herself enough to say I am worth dressing well I am worth clothing myself and women of God you need to understand that you must clothe yourself stop waiting for someone else to do it clothe yourself with dignity clothe yourself with strength close yourself with faith stop waiting for other people to get around to fixing you when the God of all heaven and all earth is with you and beside you clothe your self why do we neglect ourselves we clothe everybody else but we don't close out we pray for everybody else we give to everybody else and then we feel guilty when it comes to ourselves but you know you are a walking advertisement for how well you make garments and when people look at you what you want them to say is you got up today and you dressed yourself in strength you got up today and you dressed yourself in truth and I don't know where those lies went but you took them off and you put something on your life and whatever you're wearing I want to know how to make one for me you should be the best walking advertisement for your garment making business stop letting your ex-husband dress you stop letting that guy that is not worth any more of your breath dress you stop letting your poor mentality dress you stop letting your past mistake dress you stop letting what they said about you dress you stop letting what happened to you dress you stop letting the sin dress you and begin to close your self it takes it a step further and it says that she dressed herself in strength and dignity so that she could laugh at the days to come Alan let me tell you something I don't know what the future looks like circumstances will visit all of our lives battles will be in all of our future because the Bible tells us in this life you will have trouble I've yet to see on a fridge magnet or a tea towel but it is a promise so we all have potential fight and battle in our future but you can either go into that battle naked or you can go into that battle by clothing yourself I'm gonna close myself with some strengths and you know what I'm gonna close myself with some dignity know what happens when that person that never treats you with any dignity walks your way and that person that always tries to make you weaker by the words that they use when they bump into you in your new wardrobe gonna be whole different conversation going on cuz you just closed yourself in strength and dignity and now because of what is kind of like you know when you wear an outfit and you're like eat like I don't know if you've ever worn like Spanx or you know like everything that gets sucked in and pulled up and and when you're wearing that kind of outfit it kind of restricts your movements there's only so many places that you want to sit in so many angles you want to see out cuz no one knows that you're actually contacting yourself because you've sucked so many things in and you know I'm saying so it begins to change the way that you act when you put the Spanx on of strength and dignity it changes what you put up with and it changes where you sit and it changes the way you act listen to the amplified it goes a little further it says she equipped herself with strength spiritual mental physical for her god-given task where are the garment makers who everyday get up and say today I choose what I wear and today I make myself a garment the speaks of the God that I serve not the past that I came from today I dress myself according to who's I am in esta there was a moment when Esther was told your people are in danger an Esther that time was a girl in the harem with all the other girls dress probably provocatively dressed how she was told to dress to be in that place and yet word came to her you have to step up and you have to speak out and he says in Esther five verse one this little line she got up she picked up a royal robe and she clothed herself because she said to herself I'm about to step into something that these clothes are not fit for and I'm gonna close myself with an authority so that when I speak up on behalf of people that no one is speaking up for my clothing will not be inappropriate for the message that God has placed within me you can change your clothing whenever you decide to you are of royal lineage so put on your robe and speak differently act differently clothe your self secondly garment makers you must close your household proverbs 31 again tells us that when it snows she has no fear for her household why because she has already clothed them all in scarlet and made coverings for their beds she was clothing her household when was the last time you made garments for your household when was the last time that you pulled your children to one side and began to dress them with words of encouragement and began to dress them with words of their future over them and began to prophesy over them that they will not be the tale but they will be the head and began to speak truth over them instead of the lies and began to say something louder over their life than the social media posts that they are reading when was the last time you dressed your husband see some of you don't like your husband but guess what you dressed him that way you dressed him small you dressed him angry you dressed him petty you dressed him critical and now he say I don't like the way you look and you have to say well whose clothing my household she closed her household she said I know winter's coming so I'm gonna close my household so the winter does not take you out she closed her family knowing that hard times were ahead so she was going to make sure there was covering for when the hard times came listen it's too late to try and find clothes I made clothes in the crisis you gotta stop making them now dress your daughter now with your words of affirmation not when you're worried that she's gonna go after the loser of a guy that she met on Facebook and now you're trying to get her back with your words no dress her now before that ever happens so that when that situation happens she will know already her Worth and her value for she has been dressed by a woman of God who put it in her as a young girl clothe your household I feel oftentimes that my life was kind of shadowed by a woman in the Bible's life her name is Hannah I went through infertility for many years and I found a lot of peace in her story and my struggle but one of the things that I love about the story in 1 Samuel of Hannah is that Hama prayed to God for this miracle child and God gave her the miracle and then she did something very scary and very bold she said God if you give me what I'm asking you for I'll give it right back to you and she stayed good to her would that child that she longed for when that child arrived she said now that the child is weaned I'm gonna put the child into the hands of God and so she left her child under the great wisdom of a man of God a prophet of God but there's one little part that I love because he says in 1 Samuel that once a year Hannah went up to visit Samuel and she clothed him she made a robe for her son and she went up to where her son was learning and sitting under wisdom and she would clothe him with the garment that she had made for him it was like she was saying I don't know everything and I can't do this for you and I can't run this part of your life but I am your mama and I can close you no matter how big you get I'm gonna have an eye to you being clothes for your future I have a 13 year old son and he is 6 foot and he has size 12 shoes exactly I know what we're feeding that boy but we need to change his diet it's bad when your son bends down to hug you at age 13 but I travel a lot and so I can be gone for a couple of days or say I'm gone for a week and it is crazy to me how I can come home after being gone a week and I'm the only person that notices Noah your trousers are like Bermuda shorts what happened why didn't your dad notice that what should be down here is up here these clothes don't fit you anymore this is embarrassing and he's like no no ma'am my ankles are cold I'm like that's cuz your trousers don't fit you anymore why is it the only the mom sees this thing but there's some stuff about as is mothers where we're just gonna notice some stuff about our households and when we do we're supposed to make a garment not expose it don't expose your children make a garment for your children don't expose your husband make a garment for your husband Hannah said I can't do much but I can make you a garment and every time she took it to him she would pray as she placed it on him and she would worship alongside him and she would dress him with the garment that she had made for him and we are also called to make garments recalled to be gamma makers for our household but can I tell you what else were called to do we're called to make garments for God's household we're called to dress this house we're called to dress it in the right kind of conversations we're called to dress it in protection and love and were called to remove the garment of gossip and shame were called to remove the garment of friction and argument and tension and deceit and were called to clothe God's household as a place of safety and integrity and wisdom and peace we are called to be garment makers the house of God should be the great garment swapping service every single week where I clothed you and you clothed me I pray for your family and you pray for my family no jealousy no Envy no division no divide we are simply here to make garments and clothe our households I'm gonna ask the team to join me finally we're called to clothe our world clothed yourself stop there but then also clothe your household and then after that clothes you will see some people are trying to clothe the world I'm forgotten about their own household so they're out there doing good but their family at home are naked they're out there helping someone else but they're not helping those that they're entrusted to help and there are some people that are cloning their household but they themselves have not got clothes so they're telling you that you're worth it but they're not telling themselves they're worth it and they're saying you you're awesome but they're not the same to themselves I'm not awesome so we're gonna get the order right clothed yourself woman of God you are beautiful you are worth it you are the reason why he sent his son to the cross you are forgiven you are chosen you are destined you are purposed clothe your self you are all together lovely you have a couple of his eye he adores you he created you clothed yourself in the truth you are worth living you are worth the breath in your lungs take the anxiety and the lie off remove the addiction and the thing that's holding you back and clothe yourself read the word from the one that made you and clothe yourself read the truth of what he says about you and clothe yourself and then get busy clothing your household and then close your world it says in proverbs 31 she made linen garments and she sold them to all the traders that were in the community this woman was known by those that worked in the community they were coming by sashes from her to help hold their garments up so they could work on the merchant ships where she was resident in that town they knew in this town there is a garment maker and in this town people need to know there are some gamma makers they need to know that hanging out of that Church in LA there's some people are know how to make some garments they know how to give you the garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair they know how to give you actually beauty instead of ashes there's some garment makers in our world if you didn't notice it's terribly dressed dressed by the enemy dressed by lies dressed by greed dressed by fighting and friction dress my depression and anxiety and abuse and addictions so we got to step up and start to clothe our world clothe our world with prayer with kindness and with love I want to end with this little story in acts 9 it's a really interesting story to be included of all the things that could be included in the Bible and maybe was included just for this message it's just a lady just this little lady called Tabitha Tabitha in Acts we find out she was always doing good she was always helping the poor but about that time she became sick and she died and the body was washed and placed in an upstairs room Liddy was near Joppa so when the disciples heard that Peter was in town they sent two men to him and urged him please will you come and Peter went with them and he arrived and he was taken up to the room where she lay look at this next line all the widows stood around him crying and in their hands they all were showing him the ropes the garments the clothing that she had made for them while she was still alive see you don't have a clue the garments you're making right now of kindness and of love the garments you're investing in to others they may seem insignificant in your eyes but there will come a moment when people will present before God the garments you made them and say that one she clothed me that one she embraced me that one she prayed for me that one she loved me don't ever think that your garment making will go unnoticed and as she lay down on this bad debt she was surrounded by people holding up garments Peter said leave the room so he left the room and then he knelt by the bedside and he said to her get up and she rose up from her death fully breathing fully living seeing the power of her garment making surrounding her and telling you in some of your darkest moments it will be the garment making that you did in your life there will bring you back to life with purpose so as I close I want to ask you if you would stand to your feet I wrote a statement which I've asked to be passed to all of you which I hope you'll keep in your handbag or in your Bible and I'm gonna read the statement over you it's just a few words that I put down that are a declaration I'm making for my life and it reads this way I'm gonna have the words come on the screen so you can see them as I read them because this is what I believe we are the garment makers we are the garment makers not someone else we all have this job to do we are commissioned and anointed to clothe a generation to cover our world with garments of love hope and truth we do not make garments with wall and flax our materials are the word and faith our thread is not cotton and twine it is the devotion of our prayers and our time the fabric we are crafting is not temporal linens or silk but eternal garments of legacy and strength we do not weave or spin these garments together but with worship and surrender and God Himself is the pattern creator we are the garment makers an army of spiritual seamstresses untangling lies and revealing truths the garments we make are not for vanity but for the displaying of his glory we are the garment bakers clothed in strength and dignity and now we are a sight to take our place in this garment making story you you have a part to play and in a moment you were gonna go out there and you're literally gonna pick up garments how cool is that like God planned the whole evening because God would do that and you know what's something you're gonna pick up a garment you're gonna take it home with you and the garments not just gonna be something you wear it's gonna speak over you it's gonna speak value over you that someone brought that so that you could take it home and put it on and wear it and clothe yourself in it and some of you are gonna pick up a garment listen to me and you're gonna go it's too fancy for me if you have that thought that means you must definitely pick up that garment because it is not too fancy for you because you are fancy okay you're all that and the bag of chips as we say in England but before we close out I want to do one more things I'm asking everyone just to hold still before we go garment crazy could you just close your eyes if you are here right now in this room and you can hear me talking in this room I want to help close you in this moment and I want to ask you a question where are you at with God have you allowed him to clothe your life with forgiveness have you allowed him to clothe your life with the truth of who you are do you know him as your personal Lord and Savior or are you far from God I didn't even know that he loves you in the way we're saying tonight if you need God tonight to clothe you with a new wardrobe to give you beauty for your ashes to give you forgiveness for your mistakes to give you His grace and His love then it's as simple as this all you have to do is say that is me with eyes closed if you're saying Charlotte I want you to pray for me in this moment for me to find that encounter with God tonight where he would dress me according to who's I am a child of God that is you just stick your hand up high saying I need that tonight come on hands all around the room I want to pray for you and as you lift your hand I'm gonna include you in this prayer that I'm gonna pray so we're all gonna do this together so after three I'm gonna begin to pray a prayer and I want everyone to say with me to help everyone seal this moment one two three dear God tonight I come and I lay down my racks and I lay down my mess and I lay down my sin and tonight I ask you to close me in forgiveness I receive your love I receive your grace and tonight I declare that I am a daughter of the king and then I will dress myself as a daughter of the king thank you Jesus for saving me and setting me free in your name amen and amen hey man hey Matt you are gamma makers dress yourself dress your household and dress your world amen
Channel: Angelus Temple
Views: 4,695
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: angelustemple, los angeles, echopark, silverlake, dreamcenter, ladreamcenter, la, dtla, church, sermon, matthewbarnett
Id: J8muioJmk5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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