Charlotte Gambill - All in is not my thing

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[Music] I'm gonna just begin with the title of my message today because what I want to talk to you about is what if this is your statement all-in is not my thing all-in is not my thing by the end of my time with you this morning I want to put a line through the word not so that you do realize all-in is my thing but I want to address maybe some thinking that needs addressing I want to help us maybe in some areas where we are stuck because I realized when we launched a series like this some of you already have a narrative going on in your mind about a series like this oh here they go they want us all to get involved they want us all to serve in more areas here we go the one that's all to be in church on Sunday here we go they're gonna ask us all to do something I hear the narrative in our minds whether we say it out loud or not because we are human beings and our human nature is all in sometimes just is not my thing I mean it sounds a little American to me I mean clearly Steve Gamble's got carried away got the team in a room he's done a rah-rah American preach he said guys what we got to do is get everybody all-in and now we're in this series called all-in is you know all in series so we'll just ride it out hopefully it'll be over soon we can get back to business as usual these are the things that we can think about we can hear that as if it's kind of this you know hype you can hear it as if it's a demanding ask but I want you to know that in this series all-in is not something we're asking or suggesting for your life just for anything but this all in series is all-in for the King of Kings that's what this whole series is about it's about you realizing that the one that went all-in for you deserves you to be all-in for him and if he went all in for me and he went all in for you and he gave his all on a cross and he paid for it all and there was no debt outstanding that he did not take care of if he went all-in famille and the suggestion and the ask is what about our lives can they be all in for him and what area of our lives maybe can we just move a little further in to be there for the King of Kings and the Lord of lords mark 12 verse 30 in the NIV says the law the Lord needs you to give him all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength that's how we're supposed to love him and in the passion translation it says this you are to love the Lord Yahweh your God with every passion of your heart with all the energy of your being with every thought that is within you and with all your strength that is a big ask let's just think about that that's not saying love the Lord your God with a little bit of passion it's saying every passion of your ha ha ha has a lot of passions which means that oftentimes what God gets is was left over after everything else has had our passion with all the energy of your being some you have a lot of energy but how much of that energy is all-in for the King of Kings with every thought that is within you many of us have many thoughts sometimes too many thoughts to know what to do with and yet the challenge is with every thought that is within you are you all-in to loving the one that loves you and with all your strength I know for me that verse means I have work to do for there are areas of my life that are not all in their areas of my thinking that's not all in there are areas of my passion that's not all in and so this series levels us all because there's not one of us in this room that's arrived that has got this down that I can say oh yeah I'm all-in no those parts of all of our life that are yet to be all-in not all info life church it's not all in to be in a life group we want you to be plugged in but that's not what this is about it's about being all in for Jesus and when you're all in for Jesus everything changes someone helped you today maybe just get a little more in than you currently are in some areas of your life when it comes to serving and loving God to give in him you the best that you can give him I guess sometimes what happens is we don't maybe have them enough motivation you know we get all in with something when we're motivated to be all-in with something right and so I kind of think back to when I was at school and when I was at school in primary school we had swimming lessons anybody have swimming lessons when they were at school and we would go to I think it was like Richard Donner then later I went to Shipley baths and you know you go on the bus and you take your kit and you do the swimming lessons and and there would be always in the swimming lesson to be a point as we got better as swimming whether swimming teacher would say okay now we're gonna go all in as in we'd all done a little answer now they wanted us to put my head under the water as well as our body be in the water well at that point I was off the bus because I did not like the thought of putting my head under the water and so I realized that there was a certain part of the pool where I could put myself and position myself and when we had the instruction to go under I could pretend I was going under but because of the ledge the teacher could not see that I was not under whatsoever and I had worked out if I put my head back in the water when I came up it looked like I have been under and yet I had not been under at all I pulled that off for the entire time that I was at school I never once put my face under the water for there was no motivation for me to see the bottom of Shipley swimming pool no motivation whatsoever so I decided I'll be as all in a I want to be all in thank you very much and so that was not a problem when I was at school but later in life when I was married and we had an opportunity that we were in Australia there was actually an opportunity for us to go as a couple unlike a once-in-a-lifetime experience to the Barrier Reef and I remember we got to the Barrier Reef and now all of a sudden I'm wishing when I was at school I had done as I was told I learned to get over my fear of putting my head under the water because how many of you know I am NOT gonna see the stuff that others are gonna see unless I'm willing to get all the way in I wanted to see what was beneath the reefs but in order for that to happen I had to leave the show and get all in the water but this time I had a motivation that caused me to face my fear this was not the bottom of the shipley cool this was the reefs in Australia that was famous for fish and beautiful corals and I suddenly realized I now have a motivation that makes me want to get deeper than I got before and I wonder in this series if you just need a better motivation to go deeper than you have before and if your motivation was well I should worship deeper because the worship team tell me I pray that you'll have a revelation I want to worship deeper because he saved me he healed me he did it all for me I don't know where your motivation is stuck but I pray in this series you'll just take a step that makes you go further in deeper down and maybe by the end of this series before where your head was always above the water it will go beneath and you're gonna see some aspects of God you have never seen before some aspects of his nature that you have never discovered before and so my question to you and this series is what do you want to see more off and what part of him do you want to discover where do you want to experience something greater than you currently experience what part of the family of God do you want to embrace more where do you want your life to have more of him and less of you those are the things that you should be sat there thinking about as you're in these messages because God's saying if you want to you can come deeper I think the problem for us and I've wrestled and tried to put this the best way I can this morning so that I L astray teacher want my help us to come up here because you know me I like a good prop and I like a good set help us so here come my helpers I think there's two tensions in our life the we can at any time give the rope of our life to let me explain it guys come forward a little bit let me explain it this way I think most of us allow the pole in our life to be in the hands of expectation what I mean by that is we base our ability and our willingness to be all in on expectations we have so in other words if you say in a relationship you love me I might say I love you back but I have an expectation of how you will behave and on the basis of that expectation is the percentage of how I will respond we have an expectation in our career that these things will happen and if these things happen I will do these things in response we have an expectation with our children there should be this amount of behavior and this amount of obedience and in response will be this amount of reward and this amount of response and so I think most of us learn to live our life with expection expectation holding the rope right and so we approach then God in the same way so I expect my relationship with God to look like this so I have sinned so I expect that God's not going to be very happy with me I have an expectation of our church that is that these things need to be met in order for me to I can settle down everything has an expectation to it now the problem with that is the more expectation leads your life which it does for the majority of us the less the other factor gets to have a voice because the other factor is desperation now desperation is entirely different than expectation desperation is passion desperation is I just want what I want desperation is I'm gonna pursue it until I get it desperation is I don't care what you give me what you say to me I'm going full on after it desperation is the language of heaven it was his desperation to save you that he sent his son to die on a cross to rescue it was the desperation of his love for you that meant that he needed nothing in return from you in expectation back he just would love you anyway it was his desperation to restore you that says there's no expectation on you I am gonna restore you I'm gonna pay the price for your healing I'm gonna pay the price for your shame knocked off your life there was no expectation on us at all it was only because of a desperation of a Father's love for his children that he did what he did so if we're gonna live more God's Way desperation for him desperation to serve him desperation to love him desperation to worship him desperation to be generous like him desperation to be in the Word of God and learn more about him should have the Rope of our life but because usually expectation leads our life as expectation leads this gets less power see I'm saying so now desperation doesn't have as much of a voice because he's at the back of the line and now we've replaced a desperation with expectation which is far more manageable but the idea if you want to live an all-in life is you're gonna have to learn to let desperation lead because desperation when leads begins to silence and less than the voice of expectation because now I'm looking to God my father I'm not looking to others now I'm not doing it for a response I'm doing it to audience of one now I'm not giving because I want a return I'm giving because it's in me to give desperation begins to now lead and as desperation leads your life begins to look different and the more desperation leads the deeper you begin to go and the deeper you begin to go the more your life begins to look different and the more your life begins to look different the more you are different and so when desperation leads there's something on you there's something over you there's something about you that that expectation never brings through you a desperation so glice looks different sounds different gives different serves different and it's not comfortable because expectation doesn't embarrass you expectation doesn't make you stand out expectation is reciprocal but desperation is all in for the king of kings all in and the idea in this series is to just help you move your life more this way than that way in every area where is expectation leading your life right now but desperation desperately wants to have some pull in your life you can take your very wet seat thank you very much see as he leaves the stage he leaves a trail when he walks he makes a noise he didn't make before when he sits he's gonna feel different than he sat before I'm trying to illustrate to you some your lives are so dry in certain areas they're just dry and you don't know why the dry and I'm letting you know expectation will keep you on dry land but desperation will send you deep into the things of God in a way that nothing else quite can and so I want to help you switch whatever is that's leading you and I know in our mindsets we always have a plan and we always need to have a way that we're gonna work you out but there's something about seeking first the kingdom of God there's something about pursuing him with all my heart that changes the way I think I act and I come into his presence and so I want to consider for the last few moments I have with you a story in the Bible where this tension plays out literally this story is the tension of a man who has expectations and yet in order to get his breakthrough he is going to have to shift the rope of his life into desperation the story is found in 2 Kings 5 and it is a story of naman naman was successful he was respected he had military power he had great intelligence he had great amount of troops and resources at his fingertips on the exterior of his life you would say he had excelled in every area he had been all-in in his career all in his service and yet underneath the armour underneath the clothing underneath the exterior there was an area of his life where there was great disappointment for naman on the outside looked like he was all good but naman actually was riddled with the disease of leprosy and only those in the close personal quarters of his life knew the truth about Nieman's lifes that everybody sees strength but actually at home I see weakness everybody out there sees you doing the best that you can do everybody out there has this huge respect for the gift and the talent on your life but behind closed doors you are desperate there's something about you that needs healing that needs fixing behind closed doors there is a weakness and yet naman was living with leprosy and he was managing it just like many of us have areas of our life that not many people know about and rather than expose it and rather than fix it we begin to manage it we manage the dysfunction and we manage the depression and we manage the lack and we manage the lie and we manage the fact that things are not good naman was managing his expectation of this part of his life I'm sick I'll always be sick I have leprosy I've learned how to cover it up no one knows he was managing his expectation and in his expectation there was no possibility of a full healing until someone in the house a young girl a slave says to naimans wife why doesn't your husband go and get well there's someone who can heal him and on that day there is a a new kind of option introduced into his managed expectation of the way his life would look so naman the story goes in 2 Kings five decides to make a journey to discover whether actually he can be fully healed and he arrives at the house of the king and the king tells him I can't heal you don't put your expectation on me but go see the prophet so now naman goes to see prophet who he's heard can bring healing to this managed area of his life of sickness and as named and get sir there are three areas of expectation that he has that he's going to have to undo in his mind in order to get his breakthrough verse 9 so named and went with his horses and his chariots and he stopped at the door of Elijah's house and Elijah sent a messenger to say to him go wash yourself seven times in the Jordan and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed the first problem the Neyman was going to have to deal with was that he has an expectation in people rather than a desperation for his miracle or in other words for us do we have an expectation in people rather than a desperation for Jesus because that's what's about to happen because he's gone to the door of Elijah and Eamon is powerful and Eamon is respected but watch what happens Elijah does not even come out of the house to help naman get well Elijah sends a messenger hello to say to him this is what you're going to do an already naimans expectations that Elijah would come and deal with him personally because he is naman are already being challenged with whether he is desperate for a miracle or whether he just wants it his way and so all of a sudden this is naimans response remember he's at the point where he could be all in fully healed but this is naimans response naman went away angry and said I thought expectation speaking he Elijah would surely come out to mock me and stand in front of me and call on the name of the Lord and wave his hand over me and cure my life pristine name and saying I want to be healed but I want to be healed this way III want to be fully restored but I have an expectation how this man should respond to my request and I want to let you know if you place your expectation in people rather than have a desperation for Jesus you are gonna have a response many times in your life like naman which was he went away angry because our expectation in people will always fail us always disappoint us because people are human God is not people fail people say they're gonna do something and then they don't people say I'm all in and then they're all out shake it all about people say I'm there for you may and then you can't find him when you really need them people say just lend me that money I'll pay you back and they don't pay you back people say I got you and then they know wait to be seen when you really need him to got you naman had a problem because in his life he was so used to giving orders and when he gave an order people were supposed to do what he told them and so now he's come to the house of Elisha and he's like I want to healing and he's put an expectation that Elisha will behave a certain way because he is naman and when the behavior that the person was he was expecting to do didn't happen he is now angry and he is frustration frustrated listen you have to get past the point of putting all your expectations in people to be to you what only God can be to you you have to stop looking for people for the things that only God can ever fulfill in your life you have more desperate for Jesus than you are for people's approval you have to get more desperate for Jesus than you are for someone to say good job if you get more desperate for Jesus than you are for that person to invite you into their world if you were living with an expectation in people your desperation for Jesus will wane it will weaken because you've given the rope to something that pulls you in the opposite direction the woman with the issue of blood put her expectation in doctors put an expectation in the things that they told her and then one day she realized all these people have failed me some people have robbed me taking money from me it was only her desperation for Jesus that got her off her bed and to the feet of the one that could fix it all along I know whether you're sat at home waiting for someone to come through for you or what are you gonna drag your body to the feet of Jesus and say it's only you that could do for me what you can do for me why is time never on my side namin also put an expectation in plans some of you put all your expectation in a plan working out certain way in a relationship you have a plan in your career you have a plan in your ministry you have a plan you even have a time scale what you think he should look like all your expectation is in your plan but the idea is not that your expectation is in your plan but your desperation is for His purposes in your life and sometimes his purposes look very different than your plan but can I just give you a little bit of insight in tell his purposes are always better than your plan always and his name in' and he's like wait a minute I don't like the plan because the plan says that I have to go and put my body in a dirty piece of water this is not a good plan I have an expectation of the plan I should be asked to follow and he begins to say are not these other rivers better cleaner can I go wash in those and be clean and he went off in a rage cuz he didn't like the plan because his expectation was the plan would look like the plan he'd made in his mind you have to decide am I so in love with my plan that that's what gets my full attention am I so desperate for the purposes of God in my lifetime that my plan is a plan but my plan is submitted and surrendered and laid at the feet of the one who gets to say no you don't get to do your plan some of you are hugely disappointed because the plans not worked out and I'm here to put faith back in your soul today to say it's okay pursue the purpose I've got well what's the purpose of God love him with all your heart all you saw all your mind all your strength seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added pursue him put run after him lay your life down at his feet surrender your agenda to him I'm telling you once you begin to realize you've lost nothing when you lost the plan it might not look like you thought it was gonna look like but God is still on the throne and God's hand is on your life and he has already planned your future Jeremiah says and it's a good one Damon's mad because it's not the plan it's not the river listen you can make your plan based on your ability or you can pursue God's purposes which are based on his capacity I tell you which I prefer because my ability and his capacity are a million miles apart naman was frustrated you didn't like the plan I don't like the fact that I have to go to a river I don't like it's a dirty River and I certainly don't like I have to go down in it seven times I have to be all in this river seven times not once seven times you know I laughed when I read this because isn't it like God to make us do the thing that we really don't want to do not once not twice it's like you're dunk until you have died to yourself listen some of you were in Bradford this morning and it was not your plan you're here because you said you know what my plan can go to one side I'm chasing the purpose of God and you chase the purpose of God and then you looked up and you went how did I end up in bd3 guys like because my plan doesn't look like your plan because you're here because of the purpose of God some of your like well I should be in this job by now cuz my plan to make my money and to have my career and have my children in maternity leave and all these other stuff and I planned it all out and like I'm all for a good plan but there comes a point where like but God but God I am all-in for your purpose I am all-in to serve you I am all-in to love you I am all-in to lay my life down at your feet and if that means this plan doesn't look like your purpose I let go of the plan I tell you there's no greater Liberty than knowing that the one that is planning your life is the one that spun the planets off his fingertips if he can do that he can take care of you look at some of the things I do in my life they make no sense whatsoever no sense whatsoever I'll enjoy being on an aeroplane I don't drive flying around the world after Gannon another one on Thursday I don't look forward to I don't go whoo I'm so excited there's nothing about it that was in my plan for my life but when you say to God I'm gonna serve your purposes I'm all-in god I don't know what that looks like I don't know what that's gonna cost me but I'd rather live a life that is immersed in you if it's once if it's twice if it's seven times our God deeper God because I want to know that the person that's in control of my life is not me I'll do a terrible job if it's down to me but I want you to be in control in my marriage am I giving am i serving am i trusting don't put your expectation in plans instead put your desperation in the purposes of God for your life and I don't have time to develop a third but you know at the end of this story one of his mates thank God for mates the speak sense one of his mates says boy naman if he asked you to do something really cool would you have done it naimans like yeah well why don't you maybe do this why do you just go all-in because you died in naman name and goes you know what whatever got to lose maybe some of you are not at that point yet because desperation kicks in when you are like whatever got to lose you ever been desperate for something desperate to find something desperate to save someone when you're desperate all behavior changes remember one time we lost Noah and I was desperate to find him everything changed everything changed I ran around like a crazy woman screaming his name I didn't care what people thought everything changes if you're sick you're desperate you'll do whatever it takes if a loved one needs something you'll do whatever it takes desperation changes the priorities of our life you're like I don't care I'll do whatever it takes our David said it'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord and serving the tents of the wicked why because I'll do whatever it takes three dips not until the seventh time does his skin come clean when his skin comes clean it's funny what he does cuz he runs back to Elijah and he says okay I need to pay you for my miracle because some of us put our expectation in our possessions Alijah cuz you don't get it this isn't this isn't services and payment this is called the goodness and the grace and the mercy of God which you will never ever ever have enough money to pay for so you need to start putting your expectation in provision and just get desperate for your breakthrough there's no way that you can ever ever ever repay him before it's done for you so stop trying to make a transaction with God [Music] that's the team to come up times gone [Music] desperation doesn't care about the cost desperation doesn't care about what it makes desperation doesn't look for a transaction of goods and services desperation doesn't think what can I afford desperation knows it's all of you and it's all of him desperation realizes he can do more they can ask think and imagine anyway so why am i trying to work this out with my finite brain and in this series of all and my question is what area of your life do you need to dip again what area of your life are you allowing expectation to lead and desperation is losing its voice what area of your life is it your worship is it your giving is it your servant is it your is it your declaration is it your career choices is it in your marriage is it in your relationship where is expectation taking the place of desperation and I just wonder if we could get desperate for him all over again all in is not a gimmick all in is not a cool tag for a series to get you to do more in the church all in is a heartcry the God says I went all in for you so could you love me with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind but what does that look like you'll figure it out as you throw yourself all-in some things will change about your life you'll figure it out because when all in for the King is leading you all other things find their right place [Music]
Channel: LIFE Church
Views: 7,345
Rating: 4.8699188 out of 5
Keywords: charlotte gambill, steve gambill, all in
Id: 8u1A2EHyEEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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