Season 2 Complete Edition | Roblox Doors Animation

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... .. Where are we? .. Elevator crashed... We must have lost consciousness after that.. .. wake up, Alan. .. Ah.. it hurts.. what happened? It's finally over, isn't it? .. Are you sure it's okay to end it like this? Hyojin, you want to save him, don't you Don't make the wrong choice because of us. He always rescued us when we were in danger.. We also want to help if you want to save him Is there any way we can save him? Well.. I can't think of anything at the moment.. How about bringing more people? Cow?! Why did you come now? The door... was locked.. so you couldn't come in? Then.. .. the door might have been locked.. Darn it.. that means we can't get out either.. It's okay, let's go together now. If the four of us go together, it will be easier than before. It's okay.. I forgot about what happened back then.. Don't worry, I forgive you Hey! Where are you? Shh.. Lower your voice. What if the monsters hear your voice and come here Is that a monster?! .. Did you all try to leave me behind? I went down to the dark basement to open the door... .. But you didn't even wait for me Did you all hate me that much? No, you're misunder.. ..! .. Lina We didn't try to leave you behind.. I'll explain what happened.. Let's Get out of here for now.. We need to find a safe place, and.. I'll explain what happened.. After the Iron barred door was opened.. The lights in the room flickered right away. Hyojin was trying to go save you, but.. .. I couldn't leave it like that. Because where you were was safer than where we were. and everyone could have died trying to save you. We didn't try to leave you behind, Lina.. you might have thought that we hated you, but we didn't Because we trusted you, we were able to survive. ( .. I didn't even know that.. ) ( .. and I ended up hurting you all.. ) ( Perhaps I am.. ) ( .. a needless existance to you all.. ) Hyojin, I think it's too dangerous to continue like this.. Your injury looks serious. it's okay. .. I can still hang on. .. maybe.. it we look around, we should be able to find a way to heal my iniury.. From here on out... .. I'll walk on my own, Thanks for your help ( You're not good at lying... it's better not to lie ) .. Am i misunderstanding things again? No, it's not a misunderstanding. We hate you, Lina.. You tired to kill me in the past.. .. who on earth would want to accompany someone who tired to kill them? We've decided not to be with you anymore. .. They don't say that. I could tell because you were lying so blatantly .. You're fake. .. So, please stop putting noise in my ears anymore. uh.. I thought you were the most fooled.. Exactly, what you're seeing is an illusion The situations you least want to face.. or.. The moments you don't want to leave the most... You.. .. Is really you? You are an illusion.. aren't you..? .. if that's not the case... .. this is so cruel.. How..? Hey! Come here! Shh..! be quiet.. Something is coming! What happened..? .. The number in the square is 3 Hurry up and find all the remaining hints! Hey! .. Come No, it's just right now. New Visitors, too, will love the music. won't they? Bob? ..Nothing happens. ... .. Look, Bob! Visitors! ¡Hola! Me llamo El Goblino. .. who are you? .. we? From the perspective of you humans, we are monsters.. But! From our perspective, we are friends! wait and see, new friends! We have brought many things with us! here must be somethiing useful for you among us! Wanna take a look? .. We don't have any items worth exchanging with you... We're not asking for items either. give us something shiny. Wait.. Is it this? ¡Oh! ... .. This wouldn't even provide enough force to flick one of Jeff's fingers Is there nothing else, friend? .. Are you guys trying to put on weight Jeff? This will be useful do you later. Don't try to assassinate me. ¡Oye! Don't bother my friend! I think we talked enough.. I'm done talking for now. .. Take care, düd. Oye! Monsters with humans.. .. It always end up with bad endings. It's the end of our story... In the end.. Bob died trying to save me. .. Human just walk the path meant for you.. The path you've chosen will only bring you pain. ... He is someone dear to me, someone I can't leave behind easily. That's why you couldn't leave this place either, right? I will make a promise. This time, the ending will be different. We've walked quite a lot, but not a single monster in sight. ( .. It hurts.. ) ( Did I get hurt when I fell earlier..? ) ( Maybe it's the smoke from burning in the library... ) .. What? The door won't open.. Something is coming! Hide over there! It seems better not to leave right now. .. Light? We should go that way too. The noise from outside dosen't seem to be disappearing.. .. We have to believe in that light. It's out only option. What are you doing, brother? At this rate, the candle will go out. it's hard to put out a candle.. .. you've met new friends? .. Nice to meet you, new firends. .. I don't know it my brother could have helped, but.. .. no your brother showed us a guide light in a dangerous situation. .. That's good to hear then.. .. It's eroding. .. It this continues, you will die. .. You all have good luck. It's a repayment, for letting us meet. .. Let's treat this first .. It's really spacious. Come here Here. .. In the end, you too.. .. Try using this .. It's not fully healed. That thing will keep trying do devour you.. .. So please leave the hotel as soon as possible.. .. before it's too late. we'll stop here. The Greenhouse is too dark for light to enter.. Many people have entered The Greenhouse .. But None of them have ever returned. .. There's no light there, so you'll have to rely on sound.. .. But even that sound will be muffled by the rain.. .. we infused our light into you candles .. And this crucifix .. will be better than before.. .. sure, .. If I could come here.. you could come here too. Now, It's time to say goodbye. It we stop that, You guys run behind Go away. This is our story, not yours Good luck. Run away! Keep your head down! Don't look at that blue light! Hide in the closet behind you, Cow. .. We don't have enough closets for all of us to hide in this room. .. If someone has to sacrifice themselves, .. that's.. .. me. .. Are you a fool? .. Don't ever do that again .. This time, the situation is opposite to what it was back then. Hey! Is everyone okay..? .. I'm fine. Alan saved me. .. Even though we lost the Crucifiix but.. We need to leave this place quickly. ..! .. Cow, when did the candle go out? If i were to meet you again.. I had been wondering what to say.. .. Let's leave this hotel together.. .. Until now.. .. I've lost you.. .. but this time.. .. I will never lose you. It's.. .. Breaker Switch.. .. That's right! If we find all of these.. We'll be able to leave this hotel. I need to let everyone know ( .. It hurts, my body won't move.. ) ..! Hold my hand. .. Even if I tell you not to come, you'll still follow me, right? .. but at least give us some time.. . .You know.. You died saving me, and now I still depend on your help.. .. I'm sorry.. .. Hyojin. Every moment spent with you.. .. was the happiest tume of my llife From the moment I first met you.. .. until this very moment.. I have no regrets. .. It's going to hurt, isn't it? .. It hurts for me, too. .. You know, Hyojin.. If you're not alive, it can't be a happy ending for me. ( .. I don't think I can hold this one.. ) .. Hyojin, .. Please don't come to this hotel anymore. .. You lied to me.. .. You agreed to leave to gether.. .. if I'm not alive, you can't have a happy ending..? .. That's the same for me too. The story you told me in the last game.. "Three lights will help those in darkness.." Honestly, I didn't believe .. Because light didn't come to us back then.. And then, In this game.. .. I actualy met those two. .. However, despite that, I didn't get my happy ending.. .. I couldn't keep my promise. .. Hey. Why did you do that..? .. Monsters instinctively fear the Crucifix .. Why did you use the Crucifix? .. Our story was too dark.. I wanted to shine a light on her.. .. So that Hyojin wouldn't be afraid of the darkness anymore.. .. Even if I'm not by her side.. .. The fire has already spread and it's burning. .. This game will end soon.. .. And soon, the story will come to an end.. .. Take this. It was yours anyway.. .. I won't use it.. .. for a while. This hotel is full of strange occurrences.. .. Perhaps, .. Other people too.. .. May hope for the light to rescue them. .. I will stay here. This game is over, Hyojin will also leave this hotel. .. This is for when I can leave this place. .. This is for when I can leave this place. .. it's really strange. The place is where the story untolds according to set rules. But in this hame, there seemed to be a lot of variabes .. It's probably because of you, isn't it? This ending didn't exist in the hotel.. You're right. This hotel us full of strange occurrences At times, unexplainced glitches occur.. .. and those glitches can sometimes threaten lives. In those situations, there's a light that appears, .. and we call it.. .. This Glitching Light. .. What happened? .. It's over, It's the ending now. .. We'll be waiting, Hyojin. .. What? .. Did iI arrive too late? .. I don't think I can go with you.. .. Other people will need the light too. .. When the time comes, I'll come find you. .. so let's meet again for sure.. .. Of course. DOORS by LSPLASH Credit Music - Final Hide (Remix) by Mekbok Doors Fan Animation by Jeny_Punker Ah... I feel nauseous and don't like this. .. Did you bring this upon yourself? I was trying to seal you here, fool! .. You don't hesitate to save others.. .. That's why I like you.. .. If you're trying to sacrifice to save me, please don't. .. I'm not playing to win this game. Of course, I wish we could win together, but.. .. It will be sad without you.. Because I'm happy every moment with you. .. So, don't sacrifice for me. .. Come to think of it, she's right .. Our story was over.. .. but i didn't admit it.. .. Bob, I'm gonna find a new story. .. If we meet next time.. .. Give me a hug. Thank you for watching!
Channel: Jeny_Punker
Views: 4,345,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 로블록스, 도어즈, 도어스, 애니메이션, Roblox, Doors, Animation, Roblox Doors, Roblox doors ending, Roblox doors game, Roblox doors monsters, Roblox doors ambush, Doors roblox, Roblox doors memes, Roblox doors meme, Roblox doors seek, Roblox doors rush, Roblox doors glitch
Id: dK1HoLtJxD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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