How to get EVIL ENDING in Break In 2 Roblox

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so Breakin 2 did release its evil Indy today and the update is out so you can experience this now you can get the new badge um as you can see there is a clear focus on the detective so today I'm going to be showing you how to beat it and uh this is actually our first run through so I'm going to be voicing over the entire experience so you know what was going on and some tips some tips on what you need to do before I begin though be sure to hit that like button subscribe if you haven't already but yeah obviously the clue here is all about the detective now it's not just about the detective it's about the Dream Team all right because uh spoiler alert there is the Dream Team a little bit later in the ending so you do need all three of them all right so there's a couple priorities during this run that we're going to be having one is we you know really need to get the detective the detective is the hardest one to get because Uncle Pete just needs the key the dog just needs a food but the detective needs the rat and in order to be able to get the rat you do need to complete Uncle Pete's Quest and you need to be the first one to complete it so he'll give you the rat um sometimes he'll give you a quest for just doing the pizza boss and I believe that's just as long as there's been enough like baddies killed upstairs I'm not 100% on that let me know in the comments below what you think that is um sometimes I'm able to get the ratp from the pizza boss sometimes from the um upstairs guys and the thing is is you don't always have to kill all the guys upstairs I have had the rat a couple times where we didn't have to kill all the dudes up or the majority of them upstairs there were still like 25 to 30 of them upstairs and I still got the rat from the pizza boss I I think it just depends on Uncle Pete so you need to have at least one person focus on speed and then you should be focusing on strength as much as you can just so you can get through it the whole objective here is you need to make the big bad guy you know on Wave three you got that big muscle guy you're going to need to have him drop his weapon and then you're going to have to pick up his weapon so you definitely want to have uh I would say a minimum of three strength um one thing you're going to want though when you get to wave three is also full energy or as much energy as possible because um when zombie tried to pick it up earlier it gave him an error saying he didn't have enough energy not strength but enough energy and because most people have only had three strength and they've been able to pick up the weapon that's kind of a clue right there I also thought you needed to have like a best like maybe the best weapon in the game or something close to that but it didn't appear to be because the guy that picked up the weapon in the last match um he only had a Diamond crowbar so I don't think you know I was thinking you had to have like the Pitchfork if the Pitchfork was the best one or the broom but that's not the case you just need to have energ and I think enough strength to be able to pick up the weapon so I would say prioritize the investigator if you can so obviously for the first wave you want Uncle Pete all you got to do to get Uncle Pete is just have you know a smaller player basically a kid uh run under the kitchen door and then go in there and get the key to unlock his cage that way you can have him helping out with the first wave so you're not taking so much damage so if you get lucky with the event so right now we have the pay raise or pay rise but if you get lucky with the gem one make sure you grab that ladder and use it for the bridge upstairs to get you to the investigator or the to get you to the detective because that way you don't have to build up so much speed for that otherwise you know maybe have someone fast make a bridge for you that way in case you're the one that gets the rat um you can get across and unlock the detective with the rat super important like I said you have to have to have to get the detective without the detective you're not getting the evil ending I mean cuz you need the Dream Team it's kind of obvious so in this video I was the one responsible with doing the jump across for the detective I had to essentially just create a bridge so that uh we could unlock him and I was just getting uh speed four for that because if you can get speed you can pretty much get twad pretty easily and then you can get obviously the food outside for swad so if you need pizza all you got to do is run outside grab the pizza box run back in grab the pizza run over to SW and you got him he's real fast thankfully most of my team's like working together over there to try to get the rat and it looks like they just cleared it so I'm going over here to grab the ladder so that zombie can get across because he's got the strength I do not and so he's more likely to get the uh the rat than I am and I just use my speed boost for this but here's the ladder let me go and place it oh this guy's already got it too just got to place the other one and then zombie can get across without the speed so wave two is tied we do not have the dog TW and we don't have the detective so that's okay honestly we don't really need them for this second wave but we'll definitely have him for the third wave hey we got Bradley nice last second by the way just a tip uh you can complete Uncle Pete's Quest um downstairs too so you can get a money even though all the bad guys have been you know handled you can still do his quest for money so make sure you do that don't forget to like at least click on them before the waves I totally forgot but you can see see TW wants Pizza we don't have pizza in the kitchen yet so I'm just going to run over here grab a pizza box I'm also going to get the bloxy cola but uh let me go and get a bloxy color so I'm just a little faster so much faster so much easier if you just have this enabled jamp through this go grab a bloxy cola if you are doing this for the first time you cannot switch from the pizza uh to drink bloxy colola or anything or even your phone um even if you're low Health you can't do anything because it'll just drop the boxes and then you got to go pick them up again so it's kind of a pain so you want to just bring this back inside as soon as you enter the door it's going to spawn them in the kitchen just run in the kitchen grab your slice for TW run back outside and it looks like um this guy just came from the dog so I don't know if he was planning on getting the dog the dog's already halfway so yeah he probably fell or something so just give the pizza to the dog just make sure you don't eat the pizza make sure you click on that green box cuz if you click on if you if you don't click on the green box then you're going to eat the pizza I've done that on accident it's so annoying I did that with the uh secret ending so run the dog back to the entrance and we got the Dream Team there we go Secret Indian unlocked um dog come on in yeah there you go so dog is in very slowly they're working on electricity dude I got four speed and this guy with one speed is just hanging out dude at least he's working out man at least he's working out you know they got this it's not tooo bad it's a little slow but it's fine so I'm going to come up here and grab this armor real quick because they did unlock this room it's a good investment like you're going to take so much less damage and I'm going to tell you right now the evil inding you take a lot of damage the detective uh is kind of brutal dude so he hits you like it it's just super fast like even if with good speed it's super fast so prepare to take a lot of damage on this ending I think in more so than the previous endings looks like they already did the expert investigator so you're going to kill the first wave of that appears and then as soon as they're dead obviously the dream team's going to attack the uh big boss guy so we got to kill these guys real quick um if you're the person that's going to be picking up the weapon what I would recommend is don't fight but these are the crowbars you're trying to get him to drop now we got the Dream Team they're going to attack him he's going to drop his weapon there it is it's on the side so you need to run up to that and click it now you have to have enough energy and as far as strength I think you only need to have three strength but I'm 100% on that because yeah I think most people can click on it but um zombie said when he clicked on it I guess he didn't have enough energy which is HP to pick it up so I don't know if it's a group effort like multiple people have to do it it say right here I'm his best friend sent the brute into a frenzy he did that by um picking up the weapon but if you go into a group you're pretty much going to get this as long as as long as you bring the Dream Team in with you you're pretty much going to cause him to drop his weapon and then you just have to click on his weapon to pick it up later on you're going to obviously have a choice to you know do the evil ending but this is all you have to do dude it's so easy he is kind of a hard boss to beat later like you see you know as much damage as we're doing like I have the best weapon here the Pitchfork as much damage as we're doing it's just like taking a long time to take him out and we finally got him out so I did ask them how much strength they had and they said they only had three strength and one speed this guy thinks you just need uh three and Max health so three strength and Max Health that sounds about right that does sound about right yeah everyone's saying that you need to have full health all right we just voted for the evil ending all right so here are the masks you could wear by the way because of course as part of the evil ending you're trying to join the bad guys I mean that's the whole premise right you want to join the bad guys dude I look crazy with the red eyes look the red eyes are coming through the actual mask that looks so cool so yeah you're trying to join the bad guys that's the whole idea of this particular ending and So Scary Mary's going to say pretty much like hey you want to join my team you got to beat me first basically so we're going to hit that in a second all right so as you can see she tells us a you need to beat me and now we just have to do her typical battle like this is the first like few stages are pretty familiar we don't do anything really new [Music] here we got to do these ponds and and then uh after we beat her we finally have to of course beat the dream team they don't want us to you know become evil they're not going to let us become evil all right so after we did our final dance with scary Mary she jumps up and now we got to deal with the Dream Team dude this is crazy so she does her usual thing and right when do you think you're about to do the Scary Larry fight uh guess what happens you you have proven yourself welcome to the evil side so we technically joined the evil side already and now guess who we got a battle we got a battle of our very o detective so he's not too happy um and then of course you got Uncle Pete who she calls Peter and then we got twad so there's Uncle Pete dude he's on the vents he jumps down he's like ambushing her boom he like attacks her for one Knocks her out D it looked like he was going to kill her at least he knocked her out and then Bradley Bean says he doesn't want to have to do this but he can't let you join the Evil's side so he's ready to give you Spanky dude look at him he's like oh yeah it's time to get you Smackdown and yeah he's no joke um how this works is he does like a crazy wind thing for a bit so he's going to start pushing you back with his wind so you're getting blown backwards by this and then um it can knock you back by the way if you um get too close so you need to be careful not to get too closed or else you just kind of get like Ragdoll and then you'll see these little minion guys like the the bad guys start running up to him like the Jeffs they start running up to him and then as soon as they reach him he get they get blown backwards so see that's basically your timer so when they reach the umbrella prepare to avoid in Dodge because they will knock you and they will do some massive damage even while armored they were doing some massive damage so um I had to like heal the entire team I think once because of this it got pretty bad but uh so look at look how many people are going up look how many bad guys are running up to him now like that's a lot it's going quick so you got to be really fast on your feet on this one it's much harder in my opinion than the Scary Larry ones um I'm getting hit uh it's just it's it's hard like even when you think you're like far enough away you still get hit and I've got armor on dude and I'm taking this much damage yeah be careful this is going to be kind of an elimination round you got to hit him here and then he's going to go up he's going to do a new attack move and while he's doing these attacks you should be paying attention to the sequence that's about to be again number two so he hasn't shown number one yet so you're keeping an eye out for number one but make sure you take notes on this I don't know if it's RNG yet I I I just don't know but it could be um obviously you got to watch out for the things in the sky you know falling down on you but um later on uh the next round here he's going to have like a basically a lava kind of like guess the right trivia like you know how good is your memory kind of situation so there's going to be like three platforms you need to step on and you need to jump on the one that is the correct one now I'm going to heal everyone real quick cuz a lot of people are low but uh we just need to hit him here and now he's going to do a quiz he's going to ask you how good your memory was you know basically let's see if you were paying attention um I didn't see the number one oddly enough I just didn't see it but uh apparently it's the Pitchfork at least for us it was the Pitchfork I don't like I said I don't know if it's randomized per match let me know in the comments below if you got something different than I did but uh I assumed it was the um Pitch boorg but it's not it's actually the dog and I don't remember anywhere being a dog for number one so I probably wasn't paying attention I was probably trying to avoid death um you don't take a ton of damage if you're um armored but it's enough to like melt you later number two was definitely the key I remember that number three was the the Crowbar and number four was the dog even though we kind of went over here it was the dog and once you uh decide you can't get up there by the way as much as you really want to get up there at this point you already took the damage it doesn't make any sense it's it's not like a damage over time thing by the way so and this next one was the Pitchfork I I kind of I don't know why I went over here I completely forgot that it was the Pitchfork but uh yeah I kind of went over here instead so it it's it's only a little bit of damage thankfully we had food still all right and pretty much that's it so you just knock him out after you complete those series of questions or just five of them and assuming you're still alive you're going to get the badge you can see I got the U Win badge for evil ending and at this point you are given a crowbar to uh you know take this guy out so he's he's at his you know final breath here he's he's kind of you know he's tired he's worn out you finally beat him that Bradley beans who didn't want you to turn bad it's kind of actually sad I was kind of sad about this but it says well this is it finish him off and you'll be just as bad as them D this feels kind of wicked like I kind of want to have like is there a are you sure button like where can I where can I double confirm this like turning of evil um but uh yeah you kind of you kind of try to knock him out you're about to knock him out and then yeah yeah yeah dog got you dude dog bit you and you fell off and boom breaking two evil ending okay they don't say that but you get the idea now there is a Stinger at the end of this of course so keep watching don't like exit the game yet it says later that night you see them all hanging out of the campfire that dog dude he looks so concerned I think it's frustrated there's not enough flame coming out of his fire the Dream Team have dealt with Mary but the next person begins in 8 days that's right and the twins are still out there who are the twins I wonder well glad you asked it's in the thumbnail and watch look behind them dude look behind them they're creeping up they're so creepy yeah we got the twins coming anyway let me know what you think of this ending W or L I liked it a lot thanks so much for watching I hope this helps you get the badge yourself till next time don't forget to like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next vid
Channel: DV Plays
Views: 1,128,337
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Keywords: how to get evil ending break in 2, break in evil ending, break in roblox evil ending, how to get break in evil ending, break in 2 evil ending, roblox break in 2 evil ending, how to get the evil ending in break in 2, how to get evil ending break in, break in evil ending how to, break in 2 evil ending walkthrough, break in 2 evil ending guide
Id: ilMjmBl2n14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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