Door gap

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hey guys put a little bit more filler in the problem areas that we talked about previously just that little keyhole area and then the little area there and then went ahead and went right around that the edges of those I'll work that back down a little more smooth it's just a little too wobbly through those areas so I'll just hand block that back down and then well I think what I'm going to do instead of putting the set slick saying on it I'm going to go ahead and just do about four coats of filler or not filler four coats of primer just high build primer and see how that blocks out instead of using the slicks and right now I think it should be straight enough that I can get away with just do it hi Bill we'll see you know once I start blocking on it I'll find out but it's pretty straight as it is pretty level so I'm gonna give that a shot and see how that works out so anyway that's my goal for today I'll go ahead and get to get that blocked out high build on and I'm gonna let that high build probably just sit until it shrinks up real good before I start blocking on it like I said I got other stuff that I can other other fish to fry if you will so anyway quick update on that that's what I'm doing right now so letting this filler kind of cure out and I'll get to just blocking on it real quick and see how we look all right guys talk to you a little hey guys there it is little thin coat here smooth down thin coat here smooth down feathered out ghosted out same on these edges just kind of go sit those out good got a couple of spots where I went through my primer again the metal just little tiny spots so instead of mixing up a whole nother batch I've mixed up just a just a little tiny bit in the cup it's one-to-one so it's real easy to figure out you know just oh just a tiny bit and mixed it up and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take an acid brush and just just brush it on real quick to over those areas because you can can't put high build brushes here and I got it inducing but you can't put the high build primer which I also have so all urethane 2 K high build primer but it's not direct to metal so you can't put it over bare metal spots so so just pay me a little bit over that and then I'll probably let it sit for you know a few hours and I'm gonna come back over and I build the crap out of this whole deal so anyway that's the plan for now like I said this this little stuff like this may not in the body shop what we used to do when we have a little spot like that we take acid etch primer as you shoot a little bit over that and then we'd high build over that and it's 1k it's just a single part and the owner didn't care about little spots like this he wouldn't do that over a big area but just these little tiny breakthroughs he just take one can shoot over that and it probably works fine I mean I don't know we ever had anything come back of course most people don't keep their cars for forever you know what I mean mostly people keep their cars for the next two or three years and they trade them off or sell them or whatever so you never really know and what's funny is any paint work we did was working for the life of the car while you had it I want like I said most people get rid of the next couple of years so we never had any problems within the next few years usually with any of that stuff so once they sold in someone else and that's someone else is in issue so I don't know who knows what you know what happens after that but I think for me is I don't want to spray acid etch over the SPI epoxy primer because the acid doesn't react well with the apartment with the SPI epoxy so we've already talked about this been done this road but that's why I won't spray the acid etch over top of that I'm gonna go ahead just just give me a little paint job there with a brush and then I'm gonna high build that and the high bills can cover any any of this other stuff anyway so but yeah it feels real smooth real nice this little Wiggly area that was right here if you guys saw some of the previous videos when I blocked this down it disappeared so it was just kind of ghosting through basically so that took care of that anyway so that's where I'm at right now and said once I get to build if put the high build on I'll bring you guys back show you what it looks like so but then I'll be done as I'm just gonna let it sit all right I'll talk to you guys later hey guys and girls Kingsville mine I went ahead and hit those little spots just with a brush I'm a little test I'm gonna let that cure up for a couple days and then I'll probably go ahead and run a little block or speech sandpaper over real quick and just kind of get it all smooth down there is interesting everything before I I build this so it's yeah breakthroughs here but anyway that saved me from having to clean my gun and blah blah blah so it'll work anyway so I think what I'm going to move on to some of that little girl over here today um I some will go ahead and move this door gap since I can't really do a whole lot with the trunk right now this I could but ultimately it doesn't really matter that gap this gap they'll have to be done so I thought I'd split this go ahead and split this down through here and squeezing it in and tacking it up getting it to get the set up for that three sixteenths cat anyway you can see there how how big that gap is so I've got quite a bit of squashing to do quite a bit of moving in to do so anyway I'll take you along with me for that little deal and uh I'll probably cut this I really love that little saw you guys know that already this little guy right here it just makes such a small little purchase point and I'll probably cut it with this one here just to get the the you know place for this parlez to go into bumping new blade on that I'll get my tape lined up about where I want to make the cut so I have a nice line that I can follow all the way down but I pull this tape off it's been on there forever but yeah I thought I just I don't know just kind of goofing today so and as it gets down here just getting closer our new go fund my little three sixteen since the tool that I made for these gaps but my plan is put a screwdriver in there and move it over and close this gap up and just tack it as I go all the way down so and yes I could put filler rod on the end of this but I don't want to so I'm going to do it this way I think you know you won't be able to see this now like I said in some areas you don't have a choice but this area I do have a choice so I'm going to go and do it this way maybe next time I'll do it the other way I don't know I'm not saying either ways wrong and from the outside you're never going to see it but when you open that door you might be able to see that rod welded fat right there and I'm sure it wasn't make that big a difference I'm nitpicking but whatever so yeah I'll go ahead and do that and I can access the backside of this which is good so once I once i weld that all the way down I'll be able to go through this hole back here or down through here and go ahead and coat that real good so actually I could get a spray can up in there and coat that so it's going to be nice to be able to get get to the backside of that so anyway a little quick quick deal on that when I start splitting out I'll bring you back guys what we got then this little guy like I said works fantastic made me a little purchase point right there and then I started going down and you can maybe you can see that little gap and it's just perfectly straight it's fantastic with that and so I went all the way up and cut this all the way in half okay all the way up here let's just cut all the way to the backside now you can watch I can sit and flex this see how that's flexing in and out so now I can just take this and flex it out to where I needed to make these guests now you see how wide that gap is right there that's big you're not going to be able to just tack that up so what I'll have to do is go ahead and put some filler rod in here and I may get me some and just fit it into that gap until it gets you know too small down here you can take you take your putty knife or something like that slide it into the grooves there and this putty not going to be too flexible so math has something else a little I've got to have got one of these that's quite a bit stiffer so I'll go ahead and move it in flex it over until I get that gap and you can see right there it's already relaxed enough to make it so it starts to kind of widen here so I have to push this over a little bit there here just a little bit over and it's already made a huge difference literally pretty much perfect just just cutting that moving that whole thing over just you know that much right there pretty much made my gap right where I want it so now I need to do is take my filler rod maybe sit better now they might feel a rod and put in here and then start I'll use it literally as a filler I think this rod that I have here is pretty fat and that's pretty fast I'll show you what I how I do this and here's what this stuff is a sixty 13 Lincoln you can get this a Home Depot you can get it at woods where it whatever you have around they're gonna have this and all this is a stick rod but it's solid steel here anyway take this out take your piece of this take your little hammer and you can see down here on this end it's already bare so just take your hammer and just basically spin it and knock that fluffs off there and what I'll do is I'll take me a little piece of fine sandpaper sand all the residual crap off of it and this stuff is cheap cheap cheap cheap so like if you buy some of this stuff off of the internet just for like this stuff here that I bought hopefully you can see that all right what I do here fair about that is that that way in somehow anyway so those little rods right there you buy those those are quite a bit more expensive and then you have to have a chip so this stuff here pretty cheap easy to do and anyway so get it down like that whole piece sandpaper there you go you got nice little rod there just a little bit better very good all that off there by heart now hard to do this and hold his camera at same time but you can see you can use those as a filler maybe they're just one handed I have to clean this again since I touched it so much I'll Bend that around I'll Bend that around and you can see how that's as soon as I hit that to weld it and then I'll have a nice area to grind grind down to because it'll be a little fat right there so grind all that down that gives me my nice gap like I said you can probably take and tack that but then you're applying a bunch of heat there it's going to shrink like crazy that's a big gap you're probably going to start blowing through it's just going to be an all-around pain in the ass you know if you're super talented with a MIG welder then you might get away with it I don't that got to me is that's pretty good-sized gap right there I'm not exactly sure how big I would say at least an eighth of an inch so that rods gonna work perfect for me you know that's that's about where I want to be with that with the gap now courses I get down closer then I won't have the rod I'll just like say this gap here I'll just go ahead and tack that you know as it gets smaller or whatever but yeah if I needed smaller rod and you guys may not have that big a gap this stuff here's it's almost the size of like a like welding rod I'm not exactly sure how that's probably like a sixteenth of an inch or something like that you could use that too anyway there you go let's uh hers that there's the plan and I'm going to work that little rod there and get it kind of prepped up good and get it set in there right and we'll go from there all right I'll bring you guys back as I get some stuff done all right here's what we're looking at it is went ahead and bent this rod to match that gap and this is perfect 3/16 pretty much all the way down through here now I've left this rod out a little bit you can see what I'm going to do is get this just where I want it up here grind all this down to metal first but then I'm going to get this exactly where I want it and tack it into place and then work my way down tacking into place adjusting and pushing this rod in exactly where I want it instead of just trying to stick it in there and you know what I mean so I'll get it exactly where I want it to where this is just raised up a little bit we've got lots of light nice fat rod back in there you know and then I'll be able to grind down just this little edge here and it'll make me nice and flush now some guys may be asking why did you go so far away from the edge and you can see the edges let's see you can see the edges right there this this is my thought on this and I could have split this right through here and probably been fine but I'm going to have to weld on this corner and then I'd have to put filler on that corner and I don't want any filler on the corner so I moved out about order an inch or so right here so when I weld this I'll have this weld out here and then we're going to pull that out because when we fall out anyway I can see it better anyway then I'll have filler here just a little bit but it won't come all the way to this edge and we'll have to actually try to make an edge out of this filler I'll have a real nice good solid edge right here of steel okay see that's that's my thought anyway so I think that'll turn out real nice like I said I could have went here but you know I'm gonna have a big bunch of weld on the edge of that which would still probably work but to me this seems like a cleaner repair so I'm sure there's ten different ways to do it this is just the way I'm doing it so if you know if you like it use it if you don't then you know YouTube something else and find another way to do it but anyway yep that's the that's what we're doing so bring you back when I get a little bit of it tacked in and put in you know into place so I'll talk a little bit to you alright quick update for you guys um there's what I got see it's tied this in this gap here about as close to perfect as you can get run all the way down through there I'm not left-handed so but basically yeah I should have held it with my other hand but anyway now as I get down here you can see this starts to get smaller well it's still a little too wide I mean you could in theory but now's where that little wires going to come in and I'm just going to lay it in there and do the same thing with just a smaller wire and once I get down to in here I'll just be able to tack it and be fine so just a little this little deal on how I'm doing it anyway so yeah then I'll grind all this down smooth and she'll disappear you will never know it's there is there so there you go all right I'm going to keep working on it I'll bring you back a quick update you can see the rod in there still now I'm just tacking in I've actually just been getting this rod fitted in you can see where I kind of stopped with the rod and then I just put tacks here because the gusset has got smaller so now I actually start welding with some penetration and actually just melting all this in so and again I'm going to jump around you know I'm going to melt in here then we'll come down here and melt in here bla bla on and on then I'll start grinding those tacks down and then I'll go back in and start filling again until I get this all smooth and nice and just solid metal so all right there you go and the gap I don't know if you'll be able to tell because it's black I think once I'm done here I'll go ahead and wrap yellow or green tape over these edges that way it'll give you a good good idea of what that looks like and here's here's my little gauge and I'll do this right-handed this time but if I hold camera right I reveal eyes that's what I showing that three sixteenth all the way down nice here nice and smooth is it three sixteen and so for me the good thing here is you'll notice this edge is all steel steel steel steel so when I grind all this flat I'm gonna have this nice you know there's not going to be any filler up here there won't be any fiberglass running over these edges a matter of fact I think I might use all metal over top of this so since I still have some in that can there no system and wasting it I'll have some up here but then I use a little bit more I might just do me a tight wipe over top of this and then sand all that down get it all nice and so city using I was going to use fiberglass over this well but I might go ahead and use that all mile instead because I'm going to go over it with epoxy anyway so it'll be sealed there you go like that I'll still no problem anyway that'll work this floor out a little bit more - I think just right right through here I need to get me a spoon and kind of but I'll do that once I get all this welded in and everything so that wasn't too bad really be honest with you it really didn't take that long actually my daughter called one to go for a bike ride so I left and went for a bike ride for a while came back so I've only work on that 400 probably an hour or so so it really wasn't too bad I just need to go ahead and fill it in now it's kind of monotonous just tacking deeds in so alright I'll see you guys a little bit hey guys got her done when they'd put the tape on there so you could kind of see it makes a lung darker black or whatever and I a completely fantastic shitty job here getting the table and because so it's a little janky D if J cadiz word but yeah you can see it turned out real nice so and it's that's tiny that's 3/16 you can see the there's this oh yeah - all we do there you go
Channel: MrFireman164
Views: 75,500
Rating: 4.6283617 out of 5
Id: mQ3UvD3kMpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2015
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