How To Professionally Tint a Car Door window - 2013 VW Jetta (For Beginners )

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what's up guys it's Sean again from platinum window tinting and today I'm going to show you how to tint a door on a Volkswagen Jetta now with the Volkswagen Jettas you don't have to remove the door panel at all I have never removed the door panel and I never will on these cars alright so let's get started always the first step is to clean the outside of the glass and an area below the window on the cars paint the reason we clean this area as well is because when you are done cutting the top of the window film and you lay it on the glass it does hang on this part of the car and you don't want any contaminants getting on the window film at all our next step is going to be razor blade in the inside of the glass and wiping it down with that inside rag alright now we're going to use a fresh blade is the single inch one inch blades with a razor blade holder from Home Depot workforce brand and they're fairly cheap we're going to start from the bottom back end get the razor in there as much as you can bring it up and come across the top and then go down down the front and just come through the whole window and get any debris that could be on the window and stick of glue this is a brand new car so there are chances of glue residue once your razor blade the whole glass you take your blue rag wipe the top let the sides and wet the whole glass down and roll it up and reasonably the rest of the window and of course wipe the residual water off the glass okay now once you roll the window up wipe the inside you're going to want to wipe the bottom of the outside of course because you have dirt and residue that rolls up as you roll the window up and you don't want that on the fifth all right now let's get two windows over we're going to take our sprayer I have the impact junior pump up hand sprayer this you can get just google the name on Google and you'll find a bunch of websites inside put a nice coating of the soapy water on here if you've watched our previous videos you'll know exactly how much soap to use now we're doing twenty percent on this bar so we'll cut a rough piece alright now once you have the film rough cut on the window you want wet the outside and just make sure there's enough water on these behind the film on the window now with this car you want to make sure you first want to make sure that the edge on the bottom of your film is straight and it's not jagged some manufacturers will have low-quality batches of window film where the bottom edge is not completely straight now if you have that problem I'm just going to show you right now you can overhang it on the bottom you want to overhang it too much mount the down in the small area take your OPA blade of course you're going to want to start off with a fresh blade since it's a new car we're starting and you want to come all the way up to the front edge bring your blade out and go straight all the way across don't change the angle of the blade go to the same angle all the way through now your next step is you're going to want to cut the front edge and I'll show you a close-up of that alright now we have the bottom edge cut and I'm going to show you a close-up on how to cut the front edge don't unmount the window yet you still have the window mounted the window film mounted to the glass so now you can just run your finger down here make sure it's not attached to the front because some people have problems where when they cut this edge the razor pulls away from the glass now the reason why that happens is because the film is either stuck to this part or when they're cutting the back part of the glass it's stuck to the back part pillar so you just want to run your finger down make sure it's not stuck there run your razor down pull it out and just come all the way up to the top and of course you're ripping away from the window film you don't want to rip towards it because you'll rip right into it once you've cut the front edge wet the glass up again you want to unmount this area so to do that you lift it up and just spray some water underneath there and now your film is free now with this car I slightly shift it forward about a quarter of an inch so you just pick up the front pull the film forward a quarter inch and on the bottom edge you're going to want to have a slight gap here um basically if you squat down you want to have it so that it's lined up exactly with this rubber right here and if you look down at it you'll see the gap but if you look in level here you'll see barely any other gap you want to make sure you're not high on any points you want to make sure it's a level throughout if that gap is higher in one point and you put it level on the top when you install the film you're going to have a gap somewhere on the bottom here from the inside you'll see light now once you have that bottom oil lined up you're going to want to squeegee rest of the film down towards the bottom so you're going to go across the top you don't want to go over any of these bubbles over here because you're just going to cut this back but we're just mounting the film down so we can shrink it and once you go across the top you bring it down and you bring it across and once we cut this squee genocide will have little tiny fingers that we can shrink with a heat gun so again with this when you cut the back or the front of the window film you see how this is I don't know if you can see it on the camera but this is a pretty stuck onto this pillar right here so you want to pull it away and just run your finger down and that will pull it away from the pillow and then you going to take your razor bring it down and also pull the widow film away not tight but just hold it away from the pillar so it doesn't stick to it and again pull the excess will fill them away now that we have the side cut we're going to bring it across the top again and we're going to bring all of our fingers down towards the bottom which is the shrinkable direction of the window film you can't shrink the window film this way because we pulled it out of the box this way it only shrinks up and down it won't strain side-to-side it will just crease so we're going to bring all those fingers down and it looks like we have one nice finger right here we're going to take our regular heat gun which we got from Home Depot you want to put it on high let it warm up a little bit and then the shrink this finger we're going to start from the top and you can see how the film kind of like distorts and as it distorts you press it down and you do this nice and evenly now as you start to shrink it it's going to go into like a u it's going to look like this so we have like a U and then we have the main finger then when you get to that point you want to equally shrink those two points so we go back and forth and shrink and once you have the Maine finger shrinked you'll want to go across the whole bottom of the window and just ensure it's fully shrunk to the size of the to the shape of the window now it's time to cut the top edge of the window film we've had this all squeegeed out we shrink the fingers we cut the back in front first and we're ready to cut the top so the first thing you want to do is this one up the window film so that after you cut the top when you do round the edges up here and up in the front and the bottom edges the windows the window film is wet already so you can just tack it to the window and cut right on the glass and you'll be good to go so what I like to do is actually cut off this excess film so it doesn't stick to the top edge and then you're going to take you're going to pull back on the top or your finger down behind the film grab this bottom corner and just make sure it's not stuck to the bottom edge so that we roll it down you don't get any creases and we're just going to slowly tap and window down you only want about an inch to an inch-and-a-half gap on the top and then we'll just take the squeegee flatten that out you want to make sure you look at your blade and if you look at this edge right here if you see any white spots that's me that means it's a dull spot and you don't want to cut the top edge with a dull blade because you'll end up jumping and creating a rigid top edge so we're going to take out about three three break off blades worth of the razor we're going to hold the top here stick it in and bring it all the way back same angle all the way through rip away from the film when you're cutting the top edge you never want to stop you want to go a nice smooth speed all the way through you don't want to go too fast you don't want to go slow you want to go a nice consistent speed all the way through same angle and same pressure throughout now that our top edge is car is cut we just have to round out the back corner in the front corner and as well as the bottom corners so they don't peel when you roll it where do with the film up a little bit so that a little bit more water will pull it from the top corner grab the front and we'll simply flip it over like this and now we have it we have all but one corner exposed so we can cut the three corners and just cut that bottom all right to cut the bottom corners you want to take your finger and create a nice round template and just make it a very small curve you don't want it to be too defined you just want to get rid of that Rhett the the rigid edge and again for this we're going to continue the top edge and come down just make it nice and smooth and this is the back corner back top corner same thing with your finger just create a nice template and then we have the front bottom corner you want to make sure every time you cut a little piece of film off you want to make sure you wipe it off just wipe it off and throw it on the floor you don't want it anywhere near the film so that when you peel the clear release off you're not getting it into the window film onto the window that counts as debris and it looks horrible when it's under the film in between the glass okay now we're ready to lay the film out onto the glass prep the inside and install it so the first thing you want to do is peel it up from the top front edge spray the window up and spray the film up at the same time as you peel it and you want to lay it about an inch and a half below the edge and smooth it out here now we're going to take our yellow turbo squeegee the reason we want we use the yellow turbo squeegee is because it's a softest and it'll pick up the most dirt and it'll go over this edge and get all the dirt out of there for you so let's just pull this back wipe it again and pull it back take your fingers across the top edge by taking your fingers across the top edge remove any dirt that was on the top of the window that could drip down as you're squeezing the inside okay now to prep the inside of the glass for installing the film after you mounted it on the outside I get to pump up spray a little bit spray all the corners a nice and good and do a nice coating of the soapy water on the glass now with the Volkswagens this step I like to do because they have tight gaskets in the back I take my my gold triangle the easy reach and I kind of stick it in the into the gasket and spray water in there as I'm opening it up this allows me for when I'm installing the film for extra lubrication and it doesn't stick to the back as much as it normally would so now that we have a nice coating of water on the glass we're going to take our yellow turbo squeegee which will take the most dirt off start from the front top bring it back and just overlapping strokes on your way down all the way to the bottom and then once we do all the horizontal strokes we're going to one vertical stroke down the back pulling all that dirt down to the bottom of the gasket now that the window is squeegeed of all of its water and the lubrication we're going to start from the top spray down or we stop from the top and then do a nice coating of soapy water on the glass so now we can install the window film okay now the next step we're going to do is we got a the method I do to separate the clear from the window tint as I take it between my teeth and I rub it in between each other and then I simply pull off the clear now with this car we got to leave about a 2-inch layer of the clear on the bottom since we did not remove the door panel you want to soak the window foam before you remove the clear that you just peels and to cut this bottom clear you pull it up you're going to take a blade about two blades out and wipe it on your hand to remove any debris from the from the ah blade and to simply go across and then back sometimes a clear film will rip she's going to star from the different area alright now we're going to take our window film that's all wet up and we have the fear still on the bottom we're going to start by laying it on to the back and first you want to lay the top corner on the glass flatten the edge out on the back and just slowly move it into that back gasket once that's down you'll let a little bubble here that's just from the film extra film going that way I'm going to lay it into the front and then let it roll into the front now on the top you want to have only a hairline gap you don't want a large gap and you don't want to overlap the film onto the top rounded edge that will cause the film to peel you want to make sure it's all the way back into the back corner about an eighth of an inch past the rubber in the back and then let's check the top again and now you can spray it up with a nice coat of water soapy water and for this I'm going to use the blue max the blue match is harder but it takes out more water because the water is not a solid object and it will remove it a lot easier start from the top in the middle wipe it just in case there's any debris on it and then push the front out and I like to do the top one last time after doing the front and then bring the back down you're going to see there are some bubbles these right here are from the film bunching up with this extra film that we have here so don't go over those you will crease them now we're going to take our easy reach start from the top and just bring them down to that area where that's all scrunched up if you have any extra bubbles in between here you can take your bondo card and just push them into the back edge now the next step after you use your easy reach on the back and you do the easy reach in the front make sure your top edge is nice and even we're going to take the bondo card wrap it up in your inside towel just like this and we'll take the heat gun so that will heat as we're pushing the excess water out of the top and that'll allow the water that instantly evaporate and tack to the top at the same time you want to make sure you give a nice even heat coating on the top to allow the top of the window film to tack to the window before we roll it up alright guys now I'm going to add a little bit something extra in I'm going to show you guys how to use a pink card on the on the back corner the pink card looks like this it says little chiseler on it normally um when you use your teeth or if you even if you use your fingernail to separate this edge when you peel off the clear you're going to have a little blemish in this corner right here so I'm going to show you how to use the pink card and the heat gun to get rid of that blemish first thing you want to do is heat up this edge and then you're going to take your pink card from the inside and simply push it up sometimes it'll take a little bit of extra heat and even some heat from the inside to get rid of that little white blemish that you have in there try experimenting with the different corners of the pink card sometimes you have to hold it there for a little bit or you can heat it and that's how you get rid of that blemish in the corner from you separating the film and the clear release okay now our next step is to roll the film roll the window up and peel off the clear release without getting any contaminants in there and then squeegeeing out and easy reaching the rest of the corners then heating the rest of the fingers on the bottom edge so the first thing we're going to do throw a layer of soapy water in between those two so we can lift this up roll the window up and then we pull this a little bit away from the glass until we see that seam where we cut where the UM the clear release is still on the glass and you want to fold that up and stick it to the window that's the reason why we sprayed the soapy water so it sticks to the glass now we're going to take our bottle spray in the corners go across the top and what we're doing here is you're using the force of the water to push any dust or debris into the bottom gasket which is where the film is not going to be and you won't see any contaminants now we're going to grab the corner where the rear release is pull it up in a way as you're spraying the film now right here we had a little problem with the clear release so we're going to go back to the front corner and do the same thing and just peel it off spread out another coat on the outside now the next step is to take the corners pull them back like this and then you want to pull down and into the bottom corner and smooth it out and now with this car you want to make sure that you're putting the film behind the door panel it's going to overlap onto the panel so you just lift it up and then you slide it down same thing with this corner I'm going to pull this back and then push it down into the corner and then we're ready to squeegee it out again we're going to use our blue max start from the middle and work your way to the sides if you ever get any dry spots just make sure you're wetting it up because if it's dry it will increase the chances of creasing now on this car you're normally going to have a bubble in this corner going vertically don't squeeze you that with the blue max you will crease it does glow as close as you can to it and then continue screeching off the rest of the window and we'll deal with that with the easy reach take our easy reach and get the front and rear corners and I'm actually going to show you this corner from the outside so you can actually see the bubble alright guys now you can see this large bubble right here goes all the way up to the top pretty much to the top we're going to take our easy reach just like this you're going to have your 45 degree angle here which is what it looks like and we're going to start from the top put the two put that front corner in first and then slowly work your way down pushing it in and then bring the squeegee down flat and that's how you get rid of that now you're going to have little blemishes in here that's what the pink card for you simply work those out just by pushing them it could be a blemish or it could just be a little water water bubble you just push them down with the pink card if the guest is not too tight and you're good to go with that once you have the bottom squeegee it out you start from the center with the blue max push it out to the sides and the front and then you take your easy reach on both front corners push everything down to the bottom now we're going to take our heat gun with the bondo card and we're going to start from the middle and just ensure that all the fingers are short see we have a little finger popping up here you just want to shrink them all and make sure everything's stuck on the bottom so you don't have any issues down the road with peeling and of course the last step is wiping that a door panel especially if it's a customer's car cleanliness is key you do not want to give that car that has water dripping out of the door handles and all over their belongings using the heat gun to dry the panel does help you just don't want to keep the heat gun running on the panel for a prolonged amount of time you will melt the vinyl and there you go guys that's how you tint a car door without removing the door panels on a brand new Volkswagen Jetta on this again this is 20% once I took the rest of the windows on this car it will look a lot darker alright guys thanks for watching you
Channel: Window Tint Warriors
Views: 525,163
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Keywords: window tint, window tinting, how to, how to tint, tint school, suntek, 3m, xpel, llumar, tint, learn window tinting, free, learn how to, free education, window tinting near me, how to remove window tint, car window tinting, house window tinting, home, car, automotive, detailing, how to detail, starting a business, window tint shop, how to register to vote, tinting, ppf, paint protection film, aftermarket, films, window films, the best, mr beast, pewdiepie, dude perfect, elrubiusOMG, jetta
Id: gUbZUGMfl5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2013
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