DOOR & AREA RANDOMIZER | Super Metroid (Part 1)

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i can't remember what this randomizer is i made it a while ago oh yeah okay why am i starting at series okay um i honestly can't remember the randomizer though i guess we're gonna see what it is he's cruising hey yo what's this hey 500. hey oates speedrun streams have been my background noise of choice for my studying while i'm getting adjusted to online college and just wanted to say usm impossible run was the coolest effing thing i've ever seen thanks for the content thank you watch me get serious world record with this [ __ ] i'd cry [Music] okay [Music] i met at ox when i walked into the local gym that bro was benching 300 pounds while hitting on my girl and i wasn't even mad i was in awe he racked the weight and looked over at me and my balls instantly retracted into my body because his gamer eyes pierced through my very being ripping through me with speed gaming energy my vape instantly turned on in my pocket he said sup bruh i'm just warming up right now on this weight and this woman oh yeah that's right that's right flash mod uh dirty and his shirt tripped straight down the middle yo bro he said squaring up how's that soy milk been treating you i stuttered through my words nervously haha oh you know it's healthy and i just want to be a great gamer like you well maybe start by getting a 41 and then we can talk nerd he said laughing he got my girl's number punched me on the arm and walked out of the gym winking at the front desk girl as she passed she started clapping thank you i was not done yet he got in his corvette and peeled out of the driveway i'll never forget it as long as i live all right now it's done thank you thank you what's up with all these uh what's up with all these memes here i'm in the discord too what's going on [ __ ] hey oh just like that baby just like that i was wondering why those memes started because uh someone uh someone recognized me at a burrito place so me and chad were joking about those memes and then all of a sudden here you guys are [ __ ] so is that coincidental i'm very curious is that coincidental or is it one of you guys [Music] i don't know i said they were lurkers so yeah yeah exactly hey what's up ravi rapper [ __ ] i don't have missiles okay so this is a okay this is a door randomizer and an area randomizer i believe okay so let me think i have a speed my brain is not working because i feel like i said i'm doing this last randomizer here for you guys because i was nauseous it's all hell [Music] because i love you all dearly and this is my final hoo-rah soldiers uh what do we have here plasma oh [ __ ] i cannot partake in green crocodile that ain't looking right [Music] ah [Music] yep this one's for you guys the stream's for the boys for the boys no it doesn't change that box boys and the girls thank you thank you thank you yes this should be the last stream before um [Music] before where it moved in so yeah pretty exciting don't tell me i'm [ __ ] soft locked here no no no no no no [Music] what the [ __ ] you've been told you can make this jump i wish i could [ __ ] see that hitbox [Music] it's your movie tomorrow i guess the next stream will be tuesday uh tuesday or wednesday yeah turn off speed i'm not using speed currently so it shouldn't affect how this happens or how this is affected that's the best crouch jump you can do doesn't work yeah it's just not going dude i'm already resetting are you [ __ ] kidding me that's some [ __ ] all right stream's over fellas i'll see you later nah it's not over yet thank you for the fun time ash sash to hear that you are moving into the house it's fine we all can understand that todd finally wants you out good luck on the bench or under the bridge you are actually moving to i will miss your streams just give doyle the controller he can get out of there thank you thank you reset tracker no dude because i'm just gonna get these items again yeah who the [ __ ] is oil die hand it over oh it's you without the p and the t ah there was nothing over here was there no that was oh i forgot to do that reset the timer no because i had a i had to do series station as well the bait title yeah everyone's in here now finally oh it's your [ __ ] dying dude oh no [ __ ] was oh okay oh you okay i'm feeling all right i was super shaky earlier i'm feeling better i've been drinking water and i like to i laid down for like 15 minutes you know what should i try to i've done this before and this was a huge play [Music] nice first drive that's a pretty big [Music] play yeah how's everyone how's your weekends good to be back i'm gonna go save because i don't wanna flock again like i said sorry for the days off you know it's been a lot a lot of work oh we got the lightning flash that's good luck um but uh yeah almost there and like i said i mapped out the entire month of april starting april 5th uh with uh the new schedule that's probably when i'll start the actual set schedule [Music] um of uh like five to one i think and then one to two days off a week and then i want to uh do some pretty fun stuff towards the end of the month [Music] wait wait what no this is right yeah so to the right it was okay so that's okay so i have to come here right no yeah palm trees was locked other way was croc and i cannot kill croc i have another area i can go you can go to gauntlet i have i have screw but i think screw is out of um i only have one e tank so gauntlet with booster is kind of out of the question uh i have screw tack but i feel like i think screw attack is out of logic [Music] i don't have any missiles uh it's a door randomizer and area randomizer i i don't know if it's hard or not it's definitely not hardest settings we're gonna find out as we go though um i didn't grab any i didn't grab plasma thanks for the seven months hacks huh [Music] map room map rooms are locked um all right i mean we'll see what this is if it's high jump then yeah it's screw attacks and lodging it's in logic [Music] i can't break that right yeah i think i can't break all right well that's that i saved so oh it's just go to gauntlet bro that's what's there is your progression item all right bro oh you didn't get nothing damn dude that's not beetle right side of landing can be opened too depending on the seed settings the last time i listen to you ever um i think that's it so far top of ship uh it's still gonna be i don't have any so adorando is gonna have ammunition it's gonna be ammunition to open the doors i don't have anything i can't kill crack because i don't have charge or missiles how do i kill croc you just do it oh it's just shoot him in his mouth idiot yeah or with your mind bro with telekinesis pop where you got uh speed booster uh uh no you need power bombs [Music] wait a minute do i need power bombs for that yeah yeah yeah you do you need power or else we would shine spark through that in 100 power bombs for uh billy mays missiles yes thanks jarvis [Music] wait do we need powerballs no you don't wait no i do yeah you're right what you do thank you jarvis big help dude as always all right well am i soft locked in here now i think i'm [ __ ] soft [ __ ] have you tried going to the location where the item is no getting the item will help you get the other items so you aren't stuck anymore sounds like a plan to me pog you easy clap i could have made that jump [ __ ] wait no i'm good okay i can do a flatly jump i didn't get it oh dude it's so close man come on [ __ ] shaq tools fat ass hitbox dude he's bottom heavy he's got a [ __ ] wagon down there a weasel war dude look at that i mean i'll check this door but um you're right with speed booster wait i like how there's an edikoon hiding out oh it's plasma door i'm gonna [ __ ] i'm gonna ban whoever told me to go up here because i don't want them to say told you so [ __ ] who said that did i swear to god if he was demon oh it was dude right yeah so um yeah i made a mistake i thought it was ammunition but it's plasma or wave or spazer that's right i totally forgot about that oh that [ __ ] will kill me quick we can do gauntlet now yes [Music] oats i knew it i knew it i told you bombs would be somewhere yes yes i was robbed but not of idols of my sanity from you [Music] guys [Music] i [ __ ] had it i didn't spin jump lol oats died see you man good luck coats i can't wait to see you stream from your new digs thank you it'd be a good time you guys can just [ __ ] at me when i start playing different games [Music] it's like the just like the good old days i'm gonna be streaming a lot though i'm gonna be streaming 40 plus hours a week so um there's gonna be a lot of extra time to do different games [Music] 40 wow bro all right listen i get it [Music] that's a normal work workouts yeah i know it's just i've been busy all right i [ __ ] just asked chad what we did today that's the kind of [ __ ] that i you know what is this open hey thanks for 10 bucks [Music] thanks for all the laughs while i've been mentally struggling it's been such a help make sure you get some good rest you just set up my v tuber thing bro i ain't got a v tuber thing slime supers is um [Music] pretty rough because we only have one tank [Music] internet connection is uh one gig down 900 up um what can i do now [Music] bbs make croc charge forward to make it even harder to kill croc dude you should have told me that pb's in this kills croc i would have believed you dude damn you missed out on that that was prime real estate for a good meme yo you're good man yeah yeah pb's kill croc in this it's like one hit um wait am i going the right way billy mays billy mays hi billy mays here i can do this as well [Music] i didn't realize oats was just dumb well i wouldn't have believed you but i would have uh you know thrown for content come on dude [Music] all right so did we try the the forbidden i can't do the damage well no no we can do this this works i have screw attack oh okay this works that's the only problem [Music] oh close [Music] oh i needed that 10 hp i mean i've done it before but [Music] oh my how am i supposed to do this without doing this yeah i'm gonna i'm just gonna die on the way out yeah let's just wall jump check it but i want it to be cool though okay there's no way i would have made this there's no possible way it's super is this even randomized lull oh it's pro tip you need more space to get fast enough actually you don't you can do this which i have done this before actually i've done one one tile shorter than that same was it one tile shorter or the same no i think it is one tile shorter weird flux but okay stop being jealous [ __ ] [Music] i really really think it's 12 tiles [Music] you're excited for me oh it's so toxic how i just corrected his misinformation what are you talking about i'm toxic oh it's you're not supposed to correct me bro hey yo do you know that uh two plus two equals five now it equals four wow dude that's [ __ ] toxic i hate your godzots [Music] oats i told you something could have baby bennett billy mays missile we already did old mother brain missile with uh speed booster that's where screw attack was if you're just tuning in to the channel don't assume that i haven't seen something don't tell me to go grab something oh it's bro that was toxic [Music] wow half you're a goddamn stinking cheater dude what do you say we ban his ass when i see two [Music] okay i have enough for one damage boost [Music] why did i do this actually oh no dude oh no this is bad man because i have to oh [ __ ] dude i'm gonna have to get all that again not good can you shine spark dude this is uh how many tiles is this hold on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve dude i can't do it technically [Music] no [Music] possible all right we're good holy [ __ ] that was [Music] scary [Music] doing good [Music] yeah there was way more space than i was expecting i thought it was gonna be way closer than that i'm lazy as usual what's this i'm just doing a randomizer as a goodbye this is my goodbye bye randomizer um i'm gonna feel kind of like sickish tonight no i'm just gonna do this and i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna get out of here get out of this place and move into the new home tomorrow thank you we've already moved a lot of stuff no i just lifted a lot of heavy weight a lot of heavy weight i exerted myself like crazy and i didn't really um drink a lot of water and i didn't eat anything um so i started getting shaky like my hands were tingling slime croc thanks for the 14 months maybe a little sugar will be good too actually it's actually probably a good thing the nickelodeon croc has been slimed crocs at the kid's choice awards the best reptile [Music] dude i like the appeal bones [Music] oh thanks for the six months echoes no no no thank you oats wait ma'am thanks that guys thanks three inches wait what now what happened [Music] now everyone was going to be banned chat room on discord oh yeah no we're not getting a banned chat room for discord because then you guys will um you'll act out just to be a part of it be like counterintelligence for the degenerates all right this is what old said about that's good just another day at work oats watch out for the wind tomorrow gonna be a doozy bro i'm afraid no wind okay beat the [ __ ] out of some wind [ __ ] famous okay not so famous not so famous twitch streamer got sucked up by tornado said he's not afraid of wind before being you know okay this is gonna be tough can we talk about the problem we have in discord the weebs are spreading out we now have three channels for weebs in discord i personally think this is three channels too much wait there's three channels for the weebs in the discord oh hell no i've been busy i've been overseeing i've been overlooking things v tubers anime tvs movies manga [Music] where's the third one [Music] gotcha and anime games can't you gotcha what [Music] oh my god there is a third one are you [ __ ] kidding me is this what happens when i've been busy you guys start to take over it's like when the is it like when nature retakes land when humans like move out it's like chernobyl you guys are retaking the land the weebs [Music] if this works oh [Music] yep as you can see here nature was returning to what it once was wait a minute i still don't have i have ice i have ice we're good now i just can't mess up that's all [Music] that bentley yes okay but thank you uh el aroco i'm very excited um there's still a bit to do we still got quite a bit to do but um it's um just about there oh thanks for the 300. i'm oats and this is my wife tatted we're real estate agents ever since the market crashed it's been a rocky road brother with the family to support we're starting a new business and we're flipping houses the bigger the disaster the more makeover we pay for these houses in cash sometimes sight unseen some of these houses are easy fixes but others are total tear down and you never know what you got until you walk through that door is this what is that one tv show called like home renovation [ __ ] it's like uh [Music] what is it no well it's kind of pawn stars but that sounds like an actual like tv show kind of thing is it oh it's storage wars storage wars yeah what's that network called there's a someone probably already said it yeah hgtv yeah all right guys i saw the first five elc no i'm gonna go save because i don't know what bosses is gonna be and it could be ridley and we could die it's ridley yeah that's going pete's oil [ __ ] blue um honorary question will phantom getting rage if you hit him with the charge plus uh no just supers cleaning up and cleaning up shop i'll tell you hey thanks for the uh two months thanks 500 friday always i heard you have a problem with the cute channel in discord like what the hell i'd like to speak to your manager todd odd's busy right now [Music] okay so i have to go this way oh it's ready to make channel points useful doing soon is he doing what i don't know he just told me not to open the door then mind your own business but okay todd yes sir right they spit on my my new new balances he got me those for my birthday here's some new balances nerd it's what old people wear thank you todd [Music] dude yeah the white dead barbecue new balances well you see it ain't about aesthetics it's about comfort [Music] whoa [Music] um there's just one to freeze i want to build a new house i'm done dude i'm done [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you sock monster yes we have any mods left at this point yes we still have plenty of mods [Music] i'm okay i was feeling kind of nauseous and shaky earlier i'm still feeling a little bit blah but this is my this is my farewell stream so are you [ __ ] serious it's still high again you can't you can't be serious [Music] we're gonna make this work last last try let's go you're moving again dude are you [ __ ] serious rammus what what please tell me that's good i didn't come up here [Music] i don't no i do not brother i do not need that [Music] this is the last stream at this house so this is it serious i can't [ __ ] climb any more than that i need another one to knock this one down dude come it's not let me climb anymore than this i wonder if i can get stalk in really dude [Music] now what [Music] you son of a [ __ ] get your ass back here [Music] oh how can i jump i need to freeze it right there that's that's [ __ ] okay that good folks i um i can't do this you can't oats or you won't let me see if i can even do this without high jump first of all um i mean technically technically i can [Music] no no no that's gonna take 30 minutes no joke 30 [ __ ] minutes and if i miss one wall jump at the top i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] [Music] um i would actually lose my [ __ ] sounds entertaining shoot i thought i was somewhere else this is not good [Music] um reset i guess i could okay um let's let's just look over our items and check what we got oh yeah reserve we have two e tanks [Music] can't you uh go to the other entrance exit meridia yes the glass yeah or i can do this [Music] ass [Music] no dude no [Music] thank you mr fox i want to see what's up here i mean i can do it without it but [Music] i could just probably make hurry that [Music] because the fish is a [ __ ] [Music] toriy in it dude why does taurean have to be here dude okay uh the end of the game is at the top of this all right let's go to the other house here new home um yeah thank you snake take it easy [Music] okay i better actually check this item first that is [ __ ] don't you need spring ball without gravity um no yes no technically not i'm just wait do i need it how many tiles is that two tiles i might need it uh oh so drop the new meme and discord if you're interested this is an old this is that's an old meme dude i feel like that i feel like someone did that when i first got that emote didn't they [Music] ah dirty mike you're losing your touch dude seriously old memes all right well i guess we're just going to make you lose your monsters is it real last stream last stream at this place yes i'm uh moving tomorrow and um tuesday i might just sleep because i haven't been able to sleep are you [ __ ] serious [Music] i haven't been able to sleep for a long time like actually sleep so but um stream's gonna be tuesday or wednesday [Music] and um we're finally done the house arc has come to an end so i mean it's probably a safe bet to say wednesday because yeah i need to catch up on like a full year of sleep [Music] yeah oh don't worry bro we'll be there for the 24 hour marathon wednesday oh yeah sounds good [Music] um okay so if i go down there i'm soft locked i don't think i want to do that yeah no i'm not gone i'm just um i am just moving very roundabout way to get uh you know the same spot technically [Music] was the last time i saved [Music] oh yeah just a minute ago [Music] what move out of the way snail i swear to god if you block my [ __ ] i'm gonna use you as a ladder [ __ ] get rid of him get rid of that rule still stands [Music] yeah it's all good it's all good it's it's just click bait to be fair so like understandable am i stuck what did he post a failed pyramid failure is what he posted [Music] dude can i not do a crouch jump visual how do you guys suck at this [Music] dude yeah it's not bad for beginner visual [Music] there we go oh baby holy that's a lot of health yeah well for sure have more tutorials that sucks dude well the thing is i don't even know if i have to be here but i like to just go with what i'm giving you know let that be a life lesson to us all what was over there again that's meridia let's try this dude oh my god this is this is great yeah this is gonna work in it could that ain't good fellas this not good hey oates just wanna stop and say thanks been enjoying evenings getting to watch have fun on your move tomorrow thank you so much for the 499 sleepy k-9 nothing um i don't know if i should save i'm a little bit concerned but if i do i'll save [ __ ] it what's the worst that could happen okay so i saved i am intentionally going to take a death here unless there's like an e-tank or something a missile which is i mean i guess kind of nice missile and power bombs that ain't worth it it's not worth it okay yeah like you didn't get blocked oh yeah i gotta give you your mod status back you didn't you didn't get blocked but you you know that's not a very good looking pyramid and that's a great looking widow's peak but uh yeah i cannot go there let's see what's over here serious nothing i could do um actually i can't do anything there okay let's do this again this is brutal [ __ ] brutal dude all right we're gonna go to the you know business center here oats didn't see it i didn't see what oh it's just equip varya oh my god dumbass i didn't see your message my pants make a great looking pyramid oh yeah we can't go there um yeah yeah this is nice who wants to join my multi-level marketing team me yeah it's not a scam you understand it's more of a slam dunk that is to your bank account um it's it's pretty much ready to stream i just need to set it up so um we're moving tomorrow we still got some stuff to do at the house um but um i'm going to be setting up my stream stuff let me save because i am going to be checking these items um you know like my desk and all my my entire setup get everything nice and pretty and then yeah um it's just part of the randomizer is the new toilet ready yes yep my new toilet is ready [Music] screen [ __ ] there's a ledge there i forgot yes it is it is empty very sad everything is empty pretty much stripped out of here jack crock yeah that that is also a spot yes okay this better be an e tank super missile is not necessary moving is depressing i i am so excited to move dude like i've been so stressed out i've been so busy i am i am excited i just overworked myself today like my my body hated me i didn't eat any food and i was lifting like like heavy ass desks by myself chad helped like he helped me move a bunch of stuff but um um doors heavy ass doors like dressers and [ __ ] just tiring moving is depressing when you're like nine poor baby oats bro ricky i've probably worked harder in the last three days and you have in the last three months all right shut the [ __ ] up all right great i think anyways i should be i should probably save i can always refill because the bosses are randomized i volunteered to help boats but you wouldn't give me your address yeah dude i'm so sorry man my bad [Music] if this is ridley we're in for a world of hurt i don't even need to refill if it's ready we're just dead okay this is even randomized yo what the [ __ ] is this hitbox uh okay i'm so confused [Music] crepe uh demand thanks for prime gaming oh it's that was so lucky dude thank you thank you thank you yes you should resubscribe tier three to yourself and 30 other friends yes yes yes yes of course be the best investment is this even rand what the hell is that the best investment oh this is by far the worst 100 percent map run i don't know if i'm mixing or thirty tier threes who are we yeah light yeah right i didn't marry into nabisco fortune like yeah did yeah i'm sure that's how yeah like got his money in the bisco whatever the hell that is fortune i like you streaming not long i was feeling kind of sick i i almost blacked out earlier i don't know what's going on um but uh yeah i'm just gonna do a run and then i'm gonna say my goodbyes thank you sean why west been realized okay i don't want to go [Music] here dude what the heck what's the first stream you plan to do at your new place i'm not entirely sure yet but i do have an entire schedule planned out from april 5th to the end of april and um also um i got some cool uh cool ideas for some for some fun stuff try to get that going i'll be in a schedule [Music] finishing line king no did someone rob you i didn't read the title or the rest of chat because i'm blind but i'm really good at typing um yes if you can hear me yes i've been robbed what's that oats i'm a bad listener too sorry but um [Music] oh how about a four game race with albert quail yeah with the tier three for 27. you actually did this [ __ ] tier three dude thank you uh doing it to 30 of my friends is too hard but i can do it to myself thank you very much am i seriously stuck in here wait what dude how the what okay there's no [ __ ] point then dude i need high jump boots it's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] [ __ ] is there anywhere else i can go no as a matter of fact there's not bad player oats i would never scout you for college dude you are a terrible player damn guess i'm gonna have to you know have my parents pay a 5 million to harvard to get in have you been i've been good i'm i'm pretty exhausted tonight i think i almost like had a [ __ ] heat stroke or something um so what is there to even do i'm like kind of lost right now all right anyways i'm gonna go i'm gonna go grab some more water i'll bring it back you guys can grab your pick up your doritos and [ __ ] or whatever that is i'll be right back [Music] [Music] so all right [Music] so [Music] damn half i'm just banning everyone all right so let's see what's what do we got here yeah i was thinking the banana would be prime for right now okay so up north we can't go up north [Music] trade missiles brick i forgot crate missiles what if it's like high jump or something if great missiles is high jump that's uh that's what we missed [Music] hey geyser kane thanks for 11 months dude that's that's how you know i'm like tired as hell i'm just like missing items and [ __ ] my brain is not happy with me [ __ ] this is definitely the wrong way you're right where the hell is craig was it to the left no where was where dude a brain [ __ ] oh was it from main street croc crate was dude what am i gonna do now did i say it you guys get to see me try to figure this out while my brain is like dehydrated starving let me see what item wait no i already got this item oh boy oh boy always with the excuses oats first you know it was severe brain damage which i'm sorry about your accident i don't know i'm going with this pretty much it doesn't matter what it is you guys would say it's an excuse i could [ __ ] lose my hands from something you guys would go yeah dude that's nice and all but you still got two of them right what do you mean two well you know you can press two buttons dog otarda became a boomer no yeah oh look at me i'm oats i need food i'm dehydrated doctor said i'll die shortly you might continue this lifestyle dude oh shut up man please who told me to come back here you're banned it was flyering all right i know it wasn't wait a minute you need to hydrate i've been drinking water and stuff i think i like overdue i i i don't know it's [ __ ] weird i'll stop talking about it anyways let's see how i do here see how i feel rocking my hot spring changed for five months wait did i say months no not five months thanks for the five subs dude thank you very much for the five dubs okay we're going back we're getting out of this hellhole el hall [Music] i use something special for the night um yes but i'm not prescribed it got to get a prescription yes dude my [ __ ] dermatologist prescribed me adderall reminds me of childhood memories where everything was as fresh as the warm brown ground now and then when i see her face she takes me away to that special place and if i stare too long i'd probably break down and eat her whoa oh oh sweet corn of mine whoa oh oh oh sweet corn of mine yeah i know i've i've been um i i don't have gatorade but i think so 200 she got kernels just okay i'm not gonna read that but no my dermatologist did not regret me what i was saying was um it is uh i can't remember the exact name of it go to the dermatologist and ask it's like um uh it like smoothes out your skin and [ __ ] and uh if you need it all oxyclean oats yes that's what i use on my face no it's not a chemical peel it's like vitamin a [Music] [ __ ] retinol it's not retinol no no hell no isn't that like uh [ __ ] hell no dude country roads take me home to the place i've along west virginia mountain mama take me home right but there's other things that are vitamin a as well yeah i'll never take that you guys are talking about um uh what is it called you guys are talking about that [ __ ] that [ __ ] people's backs up when they take when they're younger or um acne oh so you abusing cough medicine what yeah accutane [Music] you're talking accutane is vitamin a but yeah it's not that yes vagisil dude acid uh accutane contains retinol then sure okay then well you guys talking about you guys conflict everything just some testing don't mind me oh ash oh as hs you hit enter dude i would not have known if you hit enter you know what i'm saying like you can just pretend you meant to do that i've been like yeah that sounds like it makes sense yeah moving so fast no one will know how much they are valued in society last stream ever hardcore click bait dude you guys seem upset that i'm not retiring what the [ __ ] is this oh i thought you were dying dude and you're not this is [ __ ] up of you to do to your fans dude uh thanks uh see you see you friday oh green brinstar let's go oh my god it was worth it so saddle it's i guess this isn't your last stream sigh well the hell am i watching i don't know you tell me all right i'm gonna find big money big money big money big money waiver spacer [Music] [ __ ] i only got one more [Music] [Music] [Applause] brother so many items everywhere what do you mean these are normal item locations and dude there's no item here [Music] recall allowing you to talk to me oh my god [Music] hey thank you so much for the 1000's here dude nutella's having a power trip nutella is dominating ace right now and ace is just gonna submit it's going good laramie how are you doing wait have i gone up here yet no the [ __ ] is this chat everyone's getting rowdy because this is my last stream at this this is the last time you see this wonderful backdrop let me go save yo nice laramie it can be good money if you work at a good restaurant that gives good tips cracks thank you so much you
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 22,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, randomizer, super metroid randomizer, rando, playthrough, search, item tracker, door, door rando, door randomizer, area, area rando, door and area, area randomizer, shaktool, slime, crocomire, croc, nickelodeon, for the boys, billy mays
Id: N_Xacr3qkgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 54sec (5154 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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