Lay your trust in Allah during difficult times! Mufti Menk

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we praise Allah subhanahu waala we send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad s. wasam his household his companions we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bless them to bless everyone of us and to grant us every form of goodness a mean my beloved brothers and sisters when a person Falls ill immediately many people would actually think to themselves let me take a little bit of medication let me see what I could do let me perhaps have something that I might have within the house and inshallah I'll feel better very soon and then they find that they're not getting better and so what happens is they think to themselves let me visit the doctor or let me speak to someone else and they either visit the doctor or speak to a professional and what would happen at that particular time they feel reassured within themselves when the doctor diagnoses the problem they have and tells them that you need to have this medication or that medication it is prescribed and mashallah they would make their way to the pharmacy or wherever they're going to get that medication and they will start the course and psychologically they begin to feel feel that they're having something and they may even give a bit of feedback to the doctor to say I'm feeling worse I'm feeling better Etc there comes a time when even that doesn't help and the reason why Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala allows a Believer to go through certain stages at times is in order for us to realize that the mistake was right at the beginning the minute we fall ill the minute Calamity strikes the first thing we need to do is turn to [Music] Allah so many times a day we repeat you alone we worship you alone we ask for help I will worship Allah alone and I will ask for Allah for help and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will then facilitate for me Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will then facilitate for me and Grant me the ability to do that which is correct to do that which is filled with blessing from every angle there is no point in being cured medically and physically when spiritually we are ill we are sick when religiously we are far away from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so mankind due to his weakness starts off on the wrong side by relying primarily upon the medication or the doctor or whoever else it may be or himself or his expertise or whatever he's read or knows and nowadays even on Google Subhan Allah so you find Allah is removed from the equation and this is where we falter the difference between a Believer and one who does not believe is that the believer primarily turns to Allah before everything we say we are taught that when you leave the house you say in the name of Allah I lay my trust in Allah and we would lock the door thereafter whatever you're doing if it is anything of importance the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam says anything that you're going to do if you haven't started it with it is going to be cut chopped chopped means the blessing of it the reward of it the goodness of it even if physically you achieved some form of success because you removed Allah from the equation that was the mistake you made and therefore the blessing will be snatched away the goodness is snatched away you and I know that we're going through trying times trying times not just because of the virus that has overtaken the globe but people are losing jobs people are struggling with anxiety people are struggling with a lot of difficulty and hardship people are struggling in such a way that they're losing their loved ones and their properties and a lot of other things Subhan Allah I know of people who've recovered from the virus but they have other health issues may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant them Mercy may Allah make it easy for them and for all of us a mean we turn to Allah and Allah at times makes every plan that we have failed because we haven't added him into the equation and we haven't put him into it yet so Place Allah in your equation we ask Allah and when we ask Allah Allah allows us indeed and he requires from us that we do whatever he has placed within our capacity to do to achieve what we believe is beneficial and this is why the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says work hard towards what you believe is beneficial for you then leave to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala if I would like a job I cannot I need to strike a balance between two things one is just to go out and look for a job and remove Allah from the equation without saying bismah without making my Sal perhaps to make Dua to Allah oh Allah I'm going out today for a job make it easy for me let me get a job in a good place uh help me to go to the right people help me with the right uh you know environment and so on then you go out and when when you go out you you actually are going to be guided by Allah but if you removed Allah like the one extreme where people just go out and there is no Allah in the equation they didn't do anything in that case there will be no Baraka in the job there will be no Baraka in the surroundings there will be no Baraka in what you may earn because where is Allah the owner of sustenance in your equation he is supposed to be featuring number one there and so the other extreme is those who say I lay my trust in Allah so after I'm going to sit on the perhaps do a little bit of and then I will go to bed and recline up to and if it is meant the job will come to me someone will miraculously know that I need a job and someone will miraculously bring the job here to me at home that's the Other Extreme it's called and there is a difference between the two that I will get to in a few moments so a m is one who strikes the balance everything we related to Allah and we thank him for giving us energy a capacity a brain a mind a system an environment a neighborhood people whom we know or people whom we will get to know because we will make an effort after we say bah in the name of Allah I say in the name of Allah then I make an effort to go to the Masjid I don't just sit back and relax and say I'll get there if it was written that's foolish it is said that a man once came to or he was brought to as the of the and he had stolen so he was about to be punished but he was a clever person he says how can you punish me when it was written that I was going to steal so says very beautifully he says well it was written that we were going to punish you as well Subhan Allah as simple as that so you cannot blame the of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the predestined of one thing that may have led to another thing when Allah gave you the capacity and the mind and the ability to do or not to do if that was the case there would be no point in any one of us fulfilling Salah or any because Allah already knows who is going to go to Jenna and who is going to go to jahanam what's the point of doing Deeds well the point of doing Deeds is you and I don't know where we are going to go so Allah says we've kept it a mystery for you although we may know that doesn't mean we imposed upon you not to do things if you chose with the choice we gave you Allah gave us a limited choice if you use that limited choice in a way that was foolish you pay the price and this is why Allah is going to question and ask it would be unfair for anyone to ask you why you did something when they forced you to do it it would be very unjust but what is justice is when Allah's given you a limited choice and he asks you to use that choice in a beautiful way way and you made an effort you strove to use that choice in a beautiful way then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would definitely question you how you used your choice and reward you for that which you chose which was good so at times a person falls ill and one thing didn't work the next thing didn't work the third thing didn't work as intelligent as you thought you were speaking to the doctors with this crisis many of them will confirm that they don't know what's going on at times they've tried everything and they realize that you know what it's not in their hands they can only try but it's Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who grants the effect of the medication that's true look at how many people having exactly the same medication for the same diagnosis it works on some it doesn't work on some that is the power of Allah Allah is just showing us how helpless we are and how he is so what is of importance is for us to realize this balance if you are True Believers then you would lay your trust in Allah in the correct sense Subhan Allah what is the meaning of the correct sense we have a on the calf means do whatever is in Your Capacity god-given capacity Allah given capacity in order to ensure what you would like and lay your trust in Allah look at yat when his father was speaking to his brothers and the brothers were going back to the Palace of the minister in order to to get their rations he says oh my sons there are 11 of you so many I fear the evil eye Subhan Allah I fear the e evil eye so if you're all going to enter from one gate and they see 11 handsome youngsters all looking similar all walking through the same door perhaps evil eye may affect you in one way or another so what he says he [Music] says he says oh my children don't enter from one door enter from all separate doors let them not recognize that you are all part of one big family mahab and he says you know what I hold nothing if Allah Wills anything I have nothing that will hold it back but we obviously have to lay our trust so he says I have now laid my trust in Allah he took his precautions by doing what he told his children a few things he says look I fear you might take this child this other brother and he might disappear when they gave him the promises and then he gave them advice how to enter the door and what to do and then he said now I've laid my trust in [Music] Allah and he says indeed those who are the layers of trust should lay their trust only in him in Allah you want to lay your trust in someone it should only be Allah ultimate trust is laid in Allah we do know that if a little child looks at the parent a little person looks at someone bigger a person who's working for you looks at you as a boss or as a when I say as a boss I mean as someone who's slightly above them in Authority or in wealth or whatever else they say look I trust you and I know this what they mean is I only trust you within the limits that Allah has given you beyond that it's Allah whom I ultimately trust for me and for you Subhan Allah so Allah gives everyone a little capacity if you take a look at Yu alam's story it's amazing because right at the beginning he tells his son don't even narrate this dream to the others why that's part of taking precautions Subhan Allah something bad will happen perhaps if you just relate this dream and guess what low and behold Allah wanted it to be as much as he told his child the innocent child told the brothers and and as a result Subhan Allah there was the evil plot that was planned against him but the lesson learned is didn't he speak about it didn't y say that oh my son don't narrate this dream to your own Brothers as a precaution Subhan Allah but Allah still let something happen and one thing went wrong according to us but it was not wrong according to Allah the human mind looks at it as a negativity that was the beginning of the positivity Allah creates positives out of a negative what seems negative to you is a positive to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala if you are a Believer and you lay your trust in Allah nothing can go wrong look at the battles when the prophet Sall wasallam was in the Battle of and Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala revealed so many verses and Allah subhanahu waala tells us at the time of War he says those believers who took part in that war Allah says they were promised one of the two good things used in the Quran one of two good things is going to happen to them what are one of those two good things you lay your trust in Allah you either achieve Victory which is temporary in this world or you achieve martyrdom which is Everlasting Subhan Allah it is Success you're a Believer you don't look at it negatively it's a trying time it's a test it's a difficulty but amazing are the Affairs of a True Believer for indeed all his or her Affairs are good if something bad happens physically to us as we human beings would look at we would consider it to be the decree of Allah it was a good thing we bear patience and the patience will result in us being rewarded immeasurably and if something good according to us happened where we achieved what we thought we wanted to achieve as humankind we make what is known as shuk we thank Allah we don't become hay we don't become arrogant we don't become uh people who think they're Mighty and so on we understand this was from Allah it is also temporary but Allah has given us this gift and so we will become even closer to Allah my brothers and sisters when Allah gives you something become closer to him that's a sign of a Believer when Allah takes away something from you become closer to him that's a sign of a Believer when anything has happened to you if it resulted in you coming closer to Allah it was a gift of Allah be it positive or negative from a human perspective and when anything drives you away from Allah no matter how positive it looked like from a human perspective it was very negative because it drifted you away from Allah perhaps it could be a punishment may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us so a True Believer during trying times lays his or her trust solely and only in Allah to begin with understanding that Allah alone is in absolute control nothing happens except by the will of Allah you you should know that if the whole nation all the people gather to benefit you by a little they will never be able to benefit you unless Allah has written it for you look at the people who want to cure the sick and Ill during this virus if it is not meant to be it will never happen you can bring the top Specialists with the top medications with the top apparatus or Machinery or whatever equipment they call it whatever else it may be if Allah has not written for you to be helped it will not even say hello to you Subhan Allah and if Allah has written for harm not to reach you it will never reach you the same Hadith says you should know if the entire nation and according to one translation if all the nations get together in order to harm you with a small thing they will not be able to harm you except by that which Allah has written against you now does that mean I need to sit back and say well if Allah's written it'll come if Allah's not written it won't come part of the plan of Allah is you need need to use that god-given or like I said Allah given capacity that you have to do your bit either attempt to protect yourself to the best of your ability that was given by Allah it doesn't mean that's denying the Trust In Allah we lay our full trust in Allah look at the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam the battle of the trench was a great Calamity it was a test a very trying time difficult the the army was coming of the mechans but what did he do he didn't just sit back they dug a trench around a lot of Medina in order to save or protect the M they didn't just sit back and relax and say you know what I'm the prophet of Allah s. wasallam these are sahabah who are the highest of the lot which is true they didn't say so now we're just going to sit back and wait and Allah will protect us yet Allah will definitely protect them but Allah wants you to play a small bit and and say you know what oh Allah I'm so weak I could only do x amount given meaning by your by by the energy you gave me the ability you gave me the common sense that you gave me the logic that you gave me I can only play a small role here but you are the one who gave me that power in the first place accept it from me and Grant me the protection or whatever I am trying to achieve by your ultimate power that's what it is may Allah grant us ease these are so many examples in the daytoday lives of the prophets of Allah May Allah's peace and blessings be upon all of them and the and the companions of s alhi wasallam every day this you will find so many examples ABD when he came into M as a person who had just made the Hijra he was an intelligent businessman but he had nothing with him when people offered him half of their wealth and so on and so forth his you know his own level refused to take a hand out from someone although it was not wrong and you know what he says he says show me to the market where is the market here let's see where it is he went to the market at the end of that day he came back with some Prophet Subhan Allah what did he do he obviously bought and sold he did something and he made an effort he went out Subhan Allah that's why the Hadith of the Prophet speaks about sustaining people in hardship the same way Allah sustains a bird so many people who don't understand the difference between and they they thinked for themselves well here's the Hadith Allah says if you are to lay your trust truly in Allah in the proper sense he will feed you the way he feeds a bird so they stop there and they say well look he feeds the bird so he's going to feed me that's it but they didn't end the Hadith they didn't continue what did the prophet say in the next sentence he says that is the most important part of the Hadith he says the bird leaves its nest early morning going out in search for food and comes back in the evening with a full belly of food that means if you lay your trust in Allah truly you will make an effort like the bird makes an effort and Allah will sustain you with what is sufficient for you for that day that's what the Hadith means and sometimes Allah's Mercy he gives you more than that people have one business deal that can keep them going for a whole year Subhan Allah that's Allah who gave it to you Allah so let's not think for a moment that we should be people who lay our trust in Allah without putting into play what Allah has given us in terms of ability limited ability you must put it into play so is when you lay your trust without tying the camel and is when you lay your trust after having tied the camel I locked my door I I armed the alarm and I walked into the market with my car locked and I said when I come back and I see that the window has been smashed and my belongings have been stolen I say alhamdulillah all praise is due to Allah indeed we all belong to Allah and we're going to return to him I start off with praising Allah because now I know what happened that was Allah's gift to me Allah's blessing for me testing me we're going to take away from you how are you going to react that's what it is so Allah says we'll take away from you how will you react but for a person who refuses that and says look I will leave my windows open my door won't be locked nothing can happen except by the will of Allah you're fooling yourself by adding a a false statement to a true statement Subhan Allah as simple as ABC we lock our doors at night mashallah what do we do lock it and you know that they can break it it's just a deterrent they can damage it and destroy it in the flash of an of an eye you know in the blink of an eye but you know I've laid my trust in Allah and guess what you read your you read your what we call the three the and a few other duas and you sleep like a log until Salat because you know you've left it in the hands of Allah as a human you did whatever was possible now don't struggle with anxiety all night tossing and turning did you not lay your trust in Allah yes did you do whatever you could yes now have a good sleep subh the same applies with sickness and disease people are Bec becoming anxious struggling with anxiety what's going to happen what's not going to happen I got it and I didn't get it and so on do you know what if you're going to think that way you're going to probably get more sick and Ill than you should have Subhan Allah and you are to blame because lay your trust in Allah did you not take a few precautions yes we are humans we cannot go beyond a certain point we can only take a certain amount of proport of precaution and after that you know what if it's going to come to you it will come to you and if it does come to you at that point going say alhamdulillah Allah has given you a gift he wants you to Bear patience and guess what if Allah has written that these are going to be your last days there's nothing you're going to do that's going to change that but you need to go back to Allah knowing that you're going to answer Allah to say you tried your best to look after yourself with the capacity given to you by Allah like I said limited capacity given to you by Allah Allah says how did you look after the am of the body that I gave you so you're going to say I didn't smoke I didn't drink I didn't do anything that would harm my body and when there was a plague I took a few precautions to the best of my ability in a way that was not displeasing to you and thereafter it still got me and after that I still died Subhan Allah if you if you die having committed suicide you will be questioned why did you do that but if you die without having played a role in it or having done whatever you should have in order to protect yourself and you still died you're never going to be questioned why did you die Subhan Allah why did you kill yourself because you didn't Allah on the day of judgment is only going to ask you questions rotating around one thing wherever we gave you a choice how did you use it there's no other questions we gave you a choice to get up for f or not you didn't get up you didn't set your alarm you were lazy why if we didn't give you a choice then Allah's not going to ask you about that things happening around you or with you that you have absolutely no choice regarding or no role to play Allah's not going to ask you why did you do that because he knows I didn't even give you a choice why were you born in this country that's not a question Allah's going to ask you because Allah didn't give you you know the choice in that regard so remember my brothers and sisters we lay our trust in Allah and Allah alone we know whatever happens will happen only from Allah and whatever comes in our direction will definitely come if Allah has willed it and written it indeed but let's not be foolish by using that statement which is so true to be negligent and to be people who don't care and don't bother remember to turn to Allah remember to fulfill your duty unto Allah with the basics such as Salah such as your dress code such as the Quran the of Allah the remembrance of Allah this morning I received a message from a brother who swears that what helped him was the recitation ofah bakar and listening toah bakar when his fever was so high and according to what he says he says I promis you that's what brought my fever down imagine the conviction beautiful imagine the Y amazing I'm sure he's taken other things and perhaps other medication and so on but for him what really worked was that Surah Bak Subhan Allah that's what would happen to us if I make a Dua to Allah before I take medication or even after I've taken the medication I say oh Allah I've taken this medication but I trust you that you will you will make this work on me and you will cure me by your cure Allah will give you the Cure and I've told you that there are people diagnosed with the same disease taking the same medication works on some does not work on some the power of Allah that's what it is the believe in this we are nothing bad can happen to a True Believer have you thought of it nothing bad can ever happen to a True Believer it's only good that's confirmed in the Hadith of the prophet wasallam and his entire life he never complained to Allah so much so that in he didn't take it as a bad thing it was a good thing although for us it was terrible we would go to war for that but the prophet wasam given the opportunity and the chance he says oh Allah my mission here is to deliver the message of yours to these people oh Allah guide my people they don't know what they're doing oh Allah guide my people they don't know what they're doing oh Allah if you haven't written guidance for them written write it for their offspring it worked did you know that at a time of Calamity at a time that is very trying and testing the Angels keep saying a mean a mean a mean waiting for you to open your mouth did you ever know that in the Hadith of the prophet wasallam he says make a good Dua the angels are saying aan so when suddenly you have a big accident for example if you're a person who hasn't had children for 10 years soon as that accident happens you know the angels are saying I mean say oh Allah bless me with Offspring people might think you such a fool you're not a fool you're seizing the opportunity of an aan of the angels to make another du that may not be connected to what exactly happened but because you know it's a Calamity it's a moment of Dua being accepted the angels are about to say a mean the last thing you want to say is oh sh Allah protect us it's a fact we've been trained to say the worst of words something bad happens we swear fs and B's the angels are saying a mean a mean a mean what you wasting that for why are you wasting it Subhan Allah don't waste it make Dua minimum is Allah ald ask Allah for goodness and remember that was planned by Allah unless you were foolish it was still in the decree of Allah but you to blame So the plan of Allah is always there when you have had a role to play and you haven't played it you are to blame Allah will hold you accountable responsible that's the whole reason of creating Jenna and Janam but if you have had no role to play the decree of Allah will still come to pass but in a way that you would not be held accountable for that particular thing cuz you had no role to play in it this is the balance that needs to be understood when it comes to and a man comes to the Messenger s wasallam he says I trust Allah completely oh messenger now should I tie my camel and Trust Allah or should I let my camel loose and Trust Allah the prophet wasam knows that whatever is going to happen to that Camel is still going to happen anyway because written right he says tie it then say I lay my trust in Allah simple Hadith although the prophet wasam knew for a fact that nothing can ever happen to this camel except what Allah has written for it he knew that it did not negate the fact that you got to take that precaution Subhan Allah may Allah subhana tala allow us to understand things now let me continue a little bit further you you tried whatever you could you did whatever you could and you laid your trust in Allah you made your Dua you did your Quran you did your tilawa you you cried at the time of tahajud uh you you did whatever you could you became a good person you repented to Allah because my brothers and sisters repentance brings about a lot of Baraka and blessings if the Quran has spoken about one act of worship that brings about almost anything and everything from the mercy of Allah it is indeed definitely got to do with seeking the Forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa taala but now that you've done everything there if my brothers and sisters Calamity strikes understand Allah has said we will test you with so many things and Calamity will strike and a lot of things will happen to you that you did not want to happen to you because life is a test when I speak to little children and even some of the youth and adults about life being a test they say how can you prove to me that Allah created us to test us well I always say there's a simple response to that nothing that's happening is happening according to your liking Subhan Allah everything that comes is according to the liking of Allah who you are is not even according to what you wanted it's what Allah wanted so when an examiner is asking you questions you don't have a role to play in preparing those questions it's from him you've no say in anything from that you know this is a a test because if it was not a test Allah would have given me everything I wanted how I wanted he would have asked me before I was born to say hang on just choose where do you want to go you want to go here or there and where would you like to be you know Subhan Allah he never did that because he knows it's a test we're only sending you for whatever reason he wants to test us I may never understand fully why exactly he wants to test us but I know he wants to give us Jenna and he wants us to go back to him and when we meet him we will know everything by the will of Allah we don't we know for a fact sophisticated human beings also pass away the most intelligent from amongst us also pass away the top doctors from amongst us have gone Subhan Allah may Allah grant us ease so if Calamity still strikes you need to know that was a test from Allah you need to pass the test don't ever question the decree of Allah thank Allah let it be a means of drawing you closer to Allah through all your and staying away from sin and engaging in still become a better person and you need to know Daybreak only follows the darkest hours of the night you've lost your job you don't know where the next Morel is going to come from it's okay you're not the first person that that is happening to and you're not going to be the last person that that is happening to you need to adjust your life you need to make make sure you've prepared for a rainy day and at the same time if push comes to shove Allah will grant you do your best Allah will open your doors I've met a lot of people who've said we've adjusted our lifestyle alhamdulillah good news to you my brother my sister it is nothing to be embarrassed about when you need to sell your motor vehicle you might need to sell your house in order to live in rented accommodation for a while if you are too embarrassed to do that you are the one who's going to struggle but if it's come to that very sadly from a human perspective there is sadness but from a spiritual religious perspective there is excitement if Allah wanted this from me alhamdulillah when I was much younger I visited one of myads one of my lecturers who had lost a leg in an accident in the hospital and I remember standing around and they were asking him what happened and he says alhamdulillah I lost my leg it was amputated alhamdulillah and you know I felt at that moment and not just me a few others also that I think he's saying the wrong word you know when you're young and you don't know and someone's just lost a leg and they say alhamdulillah I lost my leg and you think is this guy crazy he's supposed to say I lost my leg oh he's supposed to say something else you know but he says alhamdulillah so we asked him why why alhamdulillah he says I've used this leg to walk to the Masjid for 35 years I how many years but for so many years and alhamdulillah Allah gave me this organ that I've never used to disobey him and he took it away when its time was up I thank Allah for that he didn't allow me to do Haram with this before he took it away imagine the type of Y this man's got imagine the type of connection with Allah he's got a leg you lost well he said to us you know what I could get another one I could get a you know one of those artificial limbs and it will be connected and we'll walk with it at one stage it's not like it's the end of the world how many of us are ready to accept what has struck us with such positivity if you do you will still lead a life up to the point of your death but the only thing is the quality of it will improve tremendously because your connection with Allah has improved the quality of your life if you're going to be depressed about it and you're in bed and you're embarrassed to meet people because of this that happened to you and you're so you will you are the one who's going to struggle with all sorts of difficult and hardship the Baraka is snatched away from your life simply because you didn't surrender to what Allah has chosen for you some people if Allah gives them wealth they would turn away from the dean and others if Allah makes them poor they would turn away from the dean and the opposite is true some people when Allah takes away from them they get closer to him and some people when Allah gives them they get closer to him so Allah says in the Quran that all human beings have a different path that they will tread upon Allah makes easy for them to tread upon the certain path a path of goodness may Allah make it easy for us to tread upon a path of ease in a way that our relationship with him is at its best and our life on Earth is also beautiful and smooth sailing to a great degree oh Allah and this is the best Dua you could make oh Allah oh our grant us goodness in this world goodness in the Hereafter that's what man wants man wants goodness everywhere he goes Allah give me the best here give me the best thing Allah will give you by the will of Allah sometimes Allah knows that something you don't think is the best for you is actually the ultimate best for you and something you think is good for you is not at all good for you so he either gives or doesn't give based on his love for you and his connection your connection with him actually and it wouldn't be wrong for us to say his connection with you because Allah subhanahu wa taala tells us in whoever comes to me a little bit I come to him even more whoever comes to me a handpan I come to him a whole foot whoever comes to me walking I come to him rushing I will always give you more than what you've asked from me Subhan Allah you connect with Allah Allah connects with you and one Hadith that's actually really made me Ponder amazing amazing Hadith where the Prophet wasam told his companions he says you knowb allahar whoever loves and is looking forward to the meeting with Allah Allah is looking forward to the meeting with him or her amazing whoever is looking forward to the meeting with Allah have you thought of meeting with Allah have you thought of meeting him have you thought of going back to him have you thought of talking to him Subhan Allah if you're looking forward to the meeting with Allah guess what the prophet Muhammad S.I wasallam says Allah is looking forward to the meeting with you how how amazing I can't believe meaning we believe it is Hadith but I if a man imagine a VV VIP and you're nothing compared to that person this is just an example and you're looking forward to meeting them and they looking forward to meeting you the excitement is the other way because who am I I'm a nothing man imagine Allah the example of Allah is always higher whatever we've just said is obviously only to bring it closer to the minds of the people but when that happens and Allah is looking forward to meeting with you imagine I can't you know I sit and I think about about it and I tell myself imagine a large crowd of people and you picked up from that particular crowd and you taken forward and you brought to Allah and Allah says I was looking forward to meeting you I know how much of Salah you did for me I know how much you worshiped me how much you trusted me how much you endured from what I put in your path here is your Jenna Allah abbar may Allah Grant it to us the calamities of this world will continue until the world comes to an end itself the world will will come to an end everything will come to an end but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says we will reward you take it in your stride don't lose hope it's not the end of everything no what's the worst case scenario for people for us as human beings who are weak we say well the worst thing is I might die that's actually the best thing for a Believer the prophet Muhammad wasam says the gift of a True Believer is death death imagine when you die after having led a life of obedience to Allah trying you're a human don't forget you're a human being you will falter but you will also repent immediately and make amends regarding your relationship with Allah and then guess what the day you pass on if you started that day with Salat may Allah strengthen us if you started that day with TAA of the Quran with goodness with a good plan and so on and come 10:00 and you just pass away do you really think you're going to go to an evil place a bad place or you're going to be the happiest Soul ever ever ever Subhan Allah eternity we all have to go don't let these temporary Trials of the Dunya distract you don't may Allah strengthen all of us my brothers and sisters if you have people who are sick and Ill or if you are unwell do whatever you can but don't ever remove Allah from that equation call out to Allah make Dua to him ask him connect yourself with the Quran connect yourself with Allah go to sujud take your time in sujud and you know what Allah will calm you down and you need to know ultimately your time of returning to Allah is fixed there's no chance that that's going to change even if this virus had not come onto this Earth your time is your time you were going to go anyway be it a heart attack be it a murder be it whatever else it may have been you were going to go there is a silver lining to all of this and that is those who have passed on with a with this virus inshallah they would be considered Martyrs because we're totally helpless we're watching and witnessing we're seeing and Subhan Allah life is just being snatched away in front of our eyes you're a Believer you surrender to Allah Allah says give you Jenna and for a mat resurrected with a certain category of people with the other Mars with the other friends of Allah with the companions with the messengers with those who were truthful Those whom Allah loves I always think of Hajj I've made Hajj quite a few times and normally the general public all of us we walk in and we wait our turn and we stand in the cues and we actually have so much to do and there are millions of people usually and we're just one in in a few million two three million sometimes more imagine if you were Subhan Allah someone who was given preferential treatment just in this world and you had your own little system with your own little bubble of people and you had to go SE and you were okay and people watch hey what's happening to this guy here and you just you just stray through everything's happening you would feel relatively important may Allah protect us I say protect us from Pride Hess but you would feel important imagine the day of judgment and imagine it often if you want that status it's not so difficult you just need to be the best possible version of yourself as a m as a believer and Allah will grant that to you Allah will give you something amazing Allah will make you a VIP on that day of judgment there's a special area a special area that the prophet Muhammad sallai wasallam speaks about on the day of judgment where it's going to be very very hot the sun will be so close to the heads of the humankind that they're going to be drowning in their sweat but there's going to be a special area which will be shaded by Allah himself and certain categories of people will be there strive to be from among at least one of those categories you might want to research more about that particular Hadith the Hadith of the seven categories of people who will be granted the shade of the day of judgment may Allah grant us that particular shade a mean so my brothers and sisters I pray that we can enforce and reinforce our trust in Allah and we understand the plan of Allah and we understand it obviously to a degree that he has explained it to us that we have a role to play and still that does not negate that we trust Allah completely completely and let's not insult Allah by engaging in what is known as taul like I explained taul is to say I lay my trust in Allah but that is a false trust because we have not played the simple limited role that Allah has asked us to play that would be insulting to Allah imagine Allah tells you I gave you the energy I gave you the capacity I gave you this I gave you that you had a lock on the door you had everything you left the door wide open and you're telling me look after this thing here couldn't you just lock that door and say the same thing that's the meaning of that Hadith of the camel and the tying of it where it was simple for the prophet to say never mind don't tie it just lay your trust in Allah isn't it it's very strong oh it's powerful the man says my trust in Allah is solid what should I do this or that so the prophet clearly told him tie it then lay your trust in Allah may Allah help us all
Channel: Alhamdulillah For Everything
Views: 200,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4aTXulnuQpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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