Having Tawakkul - Allah Is Testing You (Motivational)

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foreign [Music] many times we go through issues and problems and we're looking for Solutions where we will never find them people are looking for happiness and they look at the prohibitions of Allah and they want to find happiness in that which Allah has prohibited it's not going to come it's very short-lived a fake sense of perhaps ecstasy that a person might feel and thereafter there is regret for a long long time he knows what you deserve and he knows what perhaps is better for you right now so Allah says I'm not going to give it to you and you are so upset and angry and praying and asking and saying oh Allah I want this I want this I want this Allah says I know I'm not going to give it to you because I love you if I'm going to give it to you it's not going to be good for you you and I will not have a good relationship you will forget me you will go away from me you are going to drop into sin and that which is deviant such that in the Hereafter the eternal life will be lost the best thing let me let you not have what you want for a few years and then when you come to me I will give you everything you want subhanallah look at what's happening to others across the globe they've lost their homes they've lost their loved ones they've lost their properties they've lost their wealth they don't have food they don't have anything and they are still saying alhamdulillah but when you hand your Affairs to Allah even if you are struggling even if you are going through challenges your health your wealth your family you will be such a happy person you will be smiling within you let alone just on your face may Allah grant us that happiness [Music] if we look at the Quran it has in it a lot of messages that are very very powerful they are reminders but man especially those who don't believe Allah says nay you love that which is right in front of you and you forget that which is to come which is eternal you love this world be life such that in it you want what you want and you are forgetting that the eternal life that is to come is the reality it is what you need to work for what is your wealth going to do for you do you know that wealth when it is given to you is a very big test from Allah children when they are given to you they are a very big test from Allah listen to what Allah says oh you who believe or you who believe do not attempt to deceive Allah or to deceive his messenger he won't be able to you are deceiving yourself what do you think you're doing or you who believe below you'll be faithful unto Allah and his messenger you say you know it means there is none worthy of worship besides Allah but you are worshiping everything besides Allah and you are not worshiping Allah and understand this life is definitely a test I've said it again and again that you know what the fact that you didn't choose who you were born to where you were born where you came what color you were already proves that there is an examiner testing us here we are not in control the questions are asked by The Examiner not by the one being tested so you choose very little you actually choose how to respond to the situations you are put into by The Examiner why are you black why is someone else white why is another person red why yellow because Allah wants to test you that's all if it was for you each one would have chosen his own color or nationality but Allah says no will you respect each other will you reach out to each other will you understand that there is no value for a color besides just that it is a test from Allah for you for I for every one of us and the same applies to everything else your financial level when the deal comes to your business Allah he eats a test Allah wants to watch is it going to make you arrogant I promise you when money comes quick it is a very very big test those who have not worked hard for their money I would like to think the majority of them messes around with their attitude it makes them think that they are ruling the world and they don't understand Allah is the one in charge they think they can do what they want when you are a multi-billionaire and you can come and polish the shoes of someone else wallahi you are a man who is worth looking at you are a man who has achieved because your money humbled you it brought you down when you are a powerful figure and you can still greet and talk to the people in a proper way you are someone who in the eyes of Allah is trying to pass that test as a person who has what he wants and he turned him away from Allah the common factor is both of them turned away from Allah due to the condition they were put in what's the difference this man got so much he forgot Allah that man doesn't have what he wants he forgot Allah he's angry with Allah so what's the difference when Allah gives you say alhamdulillah that is why on the day of judgment a caller will call where are those who used to praise Allah upon all conditions bring them forth they deserve VIP treatment here those who used to praise Allah in good condition in bad condition it didn't change their relationship with Allah it made them better you ask me who is struggling I tell you the richest of the lot are struggling more than the poorest those who have seen more money in their lives find it more difficult to adjust than those who never saw that money their life was always the way it is may Allah make it easy for us so be humble be calm when you have Allah wants to see do you look at those around you who don't have and quietly reach out to them Empower them look at them give them treat them well that is building your Hereafter that is fulfilling the trust of Allah Allah created people around you not for nothing he chose them as a test you will have problems with some of them you will have friendship with some of them you will have dealings with some of them you will have so much with some of them Allah just wants to see are you still going to make us the focus of your life or will you dwindle and drown in this worldly life in Surah Allah again Allah reminds us of something similar saying that you know what man loves act which is now the worldly life and he's prepared to pay as a price the eternal life you want comfort in this world and what's the payment you're paying the comfort of Eternity that's not worth it a person who believes knows that that's not not worth it at all Allah says we want you to know that your wealth and your children your offspring are just a test they are a test they are a trial for you we have given them to you short term your children are not actually your children they belong to Allah biologically they are yours because Allah allowed you to enjoy the statement their mind yet where were they prior to their birth with Allah where will they be after they die with Allah so whose are they they are Allah is not mine temporary for a few years I can say my son my daughter Allah says hang on hang on actually our children we have given this child to you we're going to take the child away one year old five years old ten years old we want to watch when you have the child will you help them dress modestly will you teach them about us will you help them grow in our obedience Salah the prophet peace be upon Him says at the age of seven you should start instructing your children regarding prayer prior to that they should watch you and pray without you saying a word because we've kept it automatic within their nature that when they watch at an early age they want to mimic that from Allah that's Allah's plan you keep fulfilling Salah you dress properly you enjoy growing your beard for example Allah created the Power of mimicking in a one-year-old child they'll want to dress like you talk like you they'll go into sujud and you cannot yet talk to them in a language but they know what to do why Allah says we are we have given them as a test as they grow older you will have less and less authority over them when they become much older they want you to have nothing to do with their lives so much so that when they're getting married the choice of marriage you will be lucky if you've given them a good upbringing They may involve you in it you are fortunate nowadays they probably wouldn't in most cases but that's a test from Allah to prove to you the child is not yours in a holistic sense but rather belongs to Allah so Allah says the same applies to your wealth where was your money before it was in your pocket I promise you somebody else's pocket right and then they pay it to you for having worked for one week and you're so excited you've seen the Greenback brother they just printed the paper you are excited because for you it holds value in the eyes of Allah it is nothing believe me when you receive honor from an individual it is more valuable than receiving money from them that's why we are taught when you're giving a poor person money you give it considering yourself fortunate to have been able to give because Allah says money there will come a time when no one will want it they will have enough of it people are giving value to a Bitcoin subhanallah so Allah says these things of value they are just a test they hold no value in reality where was the gold before dug in the ground when you're digging the ground you're either digging your grave or you're digging for gold what else who gave it value Allah gave it value that sand that you were created from if you apply heat and pressure you create glass and what am I created from the same sand and dust what are you created from exactly the same Allah saying man even your body is not yours it's an Amana you're going to leave it it's going to decompose into the soil on the on the day of judgment we will give you a new body another one amazing you get into Jannah you really think you're going to have the same body you will have a blemish list that's why every one of us there will be a small thing wrong here or there some major some minor Allah says look man you want Perfection it is for the Hereafter it is not here it is for the Hereafter but if you want to achieve the Hereafter understand this life is just the deception Allah tells you don't be deceived don't be deceived by this worldly life it is short it is temporary it's going to end for you today or if you're lucky tomorrow tomorrow means in the near future you need to be ready are you ready if your answer is no then you don't know what the world is all about you don't know what this life is all about if you have sinned my brothers and sisters remember one thing turn to Allah may Allah forgive us that is one thing that will free you from Hellfire keep seeking the Forgiveness of Allah there is hope your lord is the most merciful the most compassionate the most beneficent the most kind the most loving he will forgive you but what is needed from you is to seek that forgiveness that's all we have done wrong we have sinned we admit it forgive us help us to turn oh Allah bless us for clean us grant us Paradise we are only at your mercy and no other Mercy we're at the mercy of Allah now let's talk about the issues we have the problems we are facing do you know that Allah says when he has blessed you he won't take that blessing away unless you deserve for it to go away Allah says Allah is informing us telling us that Allah does not change the goodness that he bestowed upon a community upon the nation until they have changed inside they have become people who deserve for it to be snatched from them this is why when Calamity strikes yes at that juncture The Scholar dollars the noble people they will come to you and say don't worry it's a test from Allah don't worry because at that juncture that's what we are taught to tell people it's a test but it might not be a test it could be a punishment from Allah how do I know if I face my challenge with contentment it is a trial from Allah a test from Allah and it is actually not a punishment I met a brother who told me I grow my food and I've been eating vegetables and so on for a long long time and alhamdulillah I thank Allah at least it grows and I'm saying subhanallah some people if they don't get meat in the week it's like Kiana that there are others who have nothing nothing much but they are so excited they are happy because they've adjusted their lives they've adjusted their lives according to what Allah gave them tomorrow it changed I must cut if I need to sell my car it's sold I catch public transport I'm excited to interact with the people in the combi what's wrong subhanallah but no how can I go in there how can I go in there who are you if Allah wants you you're going to you'll walk also you might not even afford that may Allah bless us we've still got the legs thank Allah if you want to make a disaster out of something you will make a disaster out of the fact that the salt is less in your food when others they don't even have the food you have Allah grantasies so when something goes wrong look at yourself tell yourself am I doing something wrong can I go back to Allah as a whole Community as a nation we need to go back and check why is it that Allah took away the goodness that we have perhaps we are involved in sin perhaps we are corrupt perhaps we have turned away from Allah perhaps our dress code is worse than anything we can imagine perhaps we have no morals left no values left we are cheating and stealing perhaps something is happening wrong we need to correct it wholesale otherwise it's not coming back because there is another verse that shows you that the opposite is correct Allah will not change the bad condition of a Nation or other people until and unless each one of them changes themselves so we see problems we know the problems they are becoming worse we are passing the buck it's because of that guy it's because of this person no it's because of me man I I am not fulfilling my Salah I'm not interested in how to dress how to talk how to address come on my brothers and sisters we must change we must cut out the sin may Allah help us we must seek forgiveness of Allah because Allah says when you're seeking forgiveness you never punish you quickly seek the Forgiveness of Allah Allah forgive me forgive me the prophet salallahu times a day he didn't need to do that but he did it teach us subhanallah and where are we so my brothers and sisters these are the challenges we face like I said your children are a test from Allah if Allah hasn't given you he knows he wants to give you Jannah just bear patience just bear patience and if Allah has blessed you with children and taken them away your reward is with Allah you need to Bear patience just say alhamdulillah it's not easy to say alhamdulillah when Calamity strikes say it and see what happens move on Allah will unite you in the Hereafter forever and ever what's the point of losing a child here and in the Hereafter you don't get to see them because you lost your Iman After You Lost the Child by questioning Allah and becoming angry with Allah look at what's happening to others across the globe they've lost their homes they've lost their loved ones they've lost their properties they've lost their wealth they don't have food they don't have anything and they are still saying alhamdulillah but my brothers and sisters I pray that these few words I've said today can actually motivate myself and yourselves to do something to become a better person let's reach out to others with kindness with goodness let's try our best to be the most upright and you see what will happen in your life even if you don't have so much money money is not everything contentment is what we're looking for and that belongs to Allah he only distributes it to those who try to develop a relationship with him [Music]
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 363,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oSygdt0k7Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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