Don't take advantage of people | r/ChoosingBeggars | fresh

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what is up my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another video today we have a nice long story time episode of choosing beggars and let me just say please don't take advantage of people's goodwill [Music] choosing beggar tries to have me activate my stolen phone she claims she bought off of a friend so this was some time ago but I had a really nice expensive phone at the time top-of-the-line Samsung when I was younger and touchscreens started to become popular I wanted to stay on the bleeding edge of technology I forgot my phone on my buddy's stoop outside her apartment ran back in a panic to find it gone damn it all so I got a replacement through insurance received a call about a week later somehow they've gotten my number the lady calling me says she bought my stolen phone from someone and asked me to activate it for her she couldn't activate it as it was under my account and marked his stolen for all I knew she's the one that stole it I like a normal person said hell no she then went on to literally whine at me like a child about how she paid so much for the phone and demand I activated this time I told her that maybe she should be more careful about buying things secondhand next time she huffed and hung up I gave the cops the number she called from and never heard anything about it I buy cheap phones nowadays I see stories like this a lot both online and on the subreddit I think it's astoundingly common for people to steal other's phones and then ask for them to activate it or ask for money to have it back don't do that don't steal from people you want me to pay for a plumber to fix the toilet my daughter clogged in your house before you asked us to leave not gonna happen but I demand you pay my entire family's hotel bill plus food for a month I have no idea what's going on in this title this is that let's just read the story I had my wife sister her husband and two teenage daughters over in my home while they did renovations on their house we were initially gonna have them over for a month we accommodated my nieces one room in the second floor and my in-laws in another one in the Attic we told them they could feel at home fix whatever they wanted to eat get anything from the fridge gave them a set of keys and tried to make them feel welcome the only thing we asked them was to respect our privacy and not come into our room because that's the only part of the house that's off-limits to them since it's my and my wife's private space that was our only rule to not get on each other's faces and have a bit of intimacy while living under the same roof we told them they could use the bathroom in the second floor because it's the only bathroom in the house besides our ensuite bathroom which is just for my wife and I and to use that one you'd have to walk into our room so that bathroom is for us only because it's in our room and there's no reason for them to use it since there's another perfectly okay bathroom for them for to share things went wrong from the first day but we let it go for the sake of not being neck breathers and making them feel unwelcome my in-laws would be smoking indoors when I have asthma and we asked them to smoke outside they leave food and milk out of the fridge my eldest niece proceeded to clip her toenails over the coffee table they'd be sitting on the white couch with shoes on etc oh and they kept leaving their dirty clothes outside the door at night as if this was a hotel so we let go of all that it didn't seem they're the kind of people who are very clean anyway for the sake of family and getting along we tried to overlook those things the problem came with the bathroom use for some reason they decided they didn't want to use the guest bathroom which is perfectly fine and we can't really understand why they had a thing against it so they started using our bathroom even after asking them to respect our bedroom and not use our bathroom when confronted about it they vehemently and passionately denied having used our bathroom and played the offended card saying they'd never disrespect us after we explicitly asked them to use their own bathroom even after we told them during the first night their daughter came into our room late in the a.m. hours turning on the lights asking us up just to use our toilet you can't deny that happened the rest of the week we knew they were using our toilet again but we tried to be the bigger person and let it go our bathroom is directly above the living room so we'd see one of them get up go upstairs and ten minutes later read here our toilet flush and they'd come downstairs there's no denying they were using our toilet not only that but they were leaving floaty surprises for us to find this happened time and again from all of them they didn't even bother flipping the toilet seat that's sick on so many levels so after a week my 17 years old niece calls me over and says my toilet is clogged and to check it out I go check it out and see two pads blocking the loo I called her over give her a plastic bag and tell her to pull the pads out she starts screaming bloody murder uncle is abusing me he's forcing me to touch the toilet and her parents come over my knee starts gagging and runs to the other toilet finally to vomit followed by her sister then my brother and sister-in-law turn against me and start asking me what is wrong with me how can I do this to their daughter and what kind of monster I am I'm smothering them how can I accuse their daughter of blocking my toilet at that point I lost it I've told them I know they've been using my toilet and their pigs for not flushing and asking if they have a scat fetish or some psychological problems that justifies a whole family not flushing after using the bathroom and using a toilet they were told not to use so I kicked them out not only have they turned all that side of the family against us not that any of them have offered them their house to spend the rest of the month but after I called him yesterday and asked him to pay the plumbing bill for his daughter clogging the toilet he had the nerve to ask me to pay his entire family's hotel bill plus food expenses for the entire remainder of the time they have to be in the hotel since it's my fault I kicked them out and they didn't count with this happening and have no money to pay for a hotel and food for four people Wow the sense of entitlement but that's not the worst part the whole family is supporting them in that they have no money and it's my duty to pay their hotel bill if I'm not having them in my house my wife has already decided to cut contact with her family after all these years this is the last straw we have worked hard to earn a decent living and they see this as us having to financially support them which has caused a lot of trouble throughout our marriage because they put pressure on my wife to send the money and we wouldn't budge which they blame on me manipulating and controlling her so in their mind because we both work in our middle-class it means we're loaded and also greedy for not sharing so on top of having to pay for the plumbing bill they expect us to pay their hotel bill and food for a month the sense of entitlement the level of detaching from reality they have is astonishing all right so the titles a mouthful and honestly super confusing but the story does speak for itself that's actually insane now obviously the story fits just as nicely and entitled parents as it doesn't choosing beggars but the whole family is entitled and choosing beggars here the fact that the whole side of the family thinks that these two people need to be paying for their hotel stay what the hell kind of family is this I just don't understand roommate hasn't paid rent in four months complains the house is not clean enough and the food we provide is cheap my husband and I own a three-bedroom house we don't need all the space so we rent out one of the rooms in our home we charge a base fee for rent and then split utilities and food three ways we buy all the groceries and it gets tacked on to rent each month this was easier for all parties as we would generally just cook meals together and didn't want to worry about who bought one it worked for us for five years with no issues with two different renters current roommate CB has lived with us for two and a half years he's my husband's best friend and known in for 10 years he was even the best man at our wedding last year all around he's a stand-up guy or so we thought lately we've lost a lot of respect for him and unfortunately might be ending our relationship çb lost his job in december he works in the trades and the project he was on wrapped up nothing unexpected when the project was close to done he should have been prepping for the layoffs but didn't he told us not to work he was going to take december off and start looking for a new position in january said that not a lot of places hire right before the holiday he also made sure to mention that rent wouldn't be an issue as he had enough to cover up to the end of January we always charged him rent at the end of the month because when he moved in he had some debt to pay off and it helped him by delaying the rent 30 days and really it didn't make much difference to us well and if December comes around and he doesn't have the money my husband and I discuss it and we decide we'll float him for a month or two until he gets back on his feet he's a good friend of ours and everyone can use a little help when they fall on hard times although I was a little annoyed that he said he had the money for rent saved and then didn't and if January comes around and he still has no job and no rent because we split the cost of groceries we are effectively paying for him to live with us for free and providing free meals I'm getting more frustrated as each day goes by and he doesn't have a job but I also understand that it can be hard if you are applying and not getting a call back I discussed with my husband and he says we should give him more time now to add to all of this I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant we didn't need a renter to pay our bills but we thought it would help us if we could collect rent from someone and aggressively pay down our debt to pay for our wedding last year and anything remaining before the baby comes however my pregnancy has been a terrible one and I have been off work intermittently for the last eight months due to mobility and pain issue as a result my pay has been sporadic and much lower than what I normally collect which would have been fine because our renter gave us the breathing room we needed in the event something happened except we're not getting rent in January I was put on three weeks bedrest meaning three weeks of reduced pay which I couldn't receive for over a month as I had to wait for the short-term disability to be approved so we're living off just my husband's paycheck and he's supporting me and CB since he is not contributing to the bills I ended up going back to work in February but then had to take another five days off due to medical issues this was all unpaid as I had no sick days left and it was too short a time frame to get disability my doctor has now put me on early maternity leave even though I'm not due for another six weeks I'm feeling better now that I have time to take care of myself and my baby but I've been told it can take six to eight weeks before I start receiving maternity pay so again we are surviving off just my husband's pay which we can live off of by the way but it just means we have to be very tight with what we spend our money on as a result we've cut our grocery bill from $800 a month to two hundred and fifty dollars a month with the intention of eating a lot of rice beans potatoes etc and we get some meat from my uncle's farm for free whenever he's in town back to choosing beggar in February I started calling around the family to see if they knew of anyone hiring my aunt actually knew of two positions open that choosing beggar could apply for one was within her company which she said was a guaranteed hire as long as he mentioned her name and one with my cousin's employer who would guarantee an interview since it was a referral I gave both to CB with hopes he would start working he didn't end up applying to either of em we had a few friends over at the beginning of March and CB was talking to them and they were discussing his unemployment he mentioned that it was hard on him because he had applied at 20 places and only got two call backs I hear this and all I can think of is you've only applied to 20 places and you've been out of work since the cember last week was the last straw for me on Tuesday he asked me what we wanted to have for dinner I said I would like fried rice it's cheap quick and easy to make he then starts making comments about how he's tired of eating fried rice I offer potatoes and frozen vegetables and he said it was too bland this went on for a few minutes until I end the conversation saying we cannot afford anything better so he can pick one of my suggestions or get his own food my mobility issues for my pregnancy are so bad I can't clean our house I can't even get dressed in the morning without my husband's help because I can't bend over and I also can't lift my legs I also have developed severe carpal tunnel in both my hands so I have trouble gripping things pregnancy is so great guys so my husband has been doing his best to keep the house clean most notably the kitchen since choosing begger is home all day he makes a fair amount of dishes that get left around originally we had the arrangement that he would cook dinner and we would clean the kitchen but now that he's not working it piles up a lot faster than my husband can keep up with so there are days where we have no clean dishes or there's no counter space to cook up last week çb made a comment to me while I was in the kitchen that he was annoyed we never had clean dishes anymore but he didn't make any offer to clean the dishes instead he pulled out a paper plate that we use for barbecues and used that instead later that day when he went to cook something for dinner he made a comment that there was no room to cook since the kitchen was such a mess again instead of cleaning it he moved the dirty dishes off of the stove and onto the table then proceeded to cook he had a job interview last week I asked him how it went after he got home and he said it went well I like the place enough that I might even take the job if they offered me minimum wage and the first thought through my mind was have you been turning down jobs that are only offering minimum wage our minimum wage is $15 an hour all throughout this my husband and I have offered to pay his phone bill he can't get an interview without a phone we have had to buy a battery for his truck when his died so he could go to an interview and we've lent him our car for interviews when he ran out of gas in his vehicle I am livid at how this turned out we thought we were being good people by helping out a friend who was down on his luck and all he does is sit at home all day and make comments about how we are not providing enough my husband and I are going to be serving him with an official eviction notice at the end of the month we didn't want to because we know he has nowhere to go no family to move in with and no money to go anywhere else just sucks because he was a good friend for a long time and I don't think the friendship can recover from this fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me cheese is barely vegetarian the reason we have one less at game nights now boy what is up with these wild titles I'm sorry again we'll go to the story I'm a board game hosting sort I like to have people over for game nights and I normally make a day of it because it takes a while to prepare it's not like I'm rolling in it by any means but I don't mind spending money for providing for my get-togethers I normally get a case of beer case of ciders new handle of whiskey soda ingredients for food or quick fix frozen food I like to provide a hassle free time for my friends no need to pay me back or bring anything just come over and have fun tonight's on me no one has ever had an issue with my hosting except bud bud is my brother's friend we often get into Tiff's because he can be a dick bud decided one day to let me know you really need to stop buying this crap as he shakes a shiner at me get Zygon back instead sigan is more expensive for smaller cases so if you want to bring it then do it but enjoy the free beer any normal person would make that the end but not bud he has to let me know it's not that much more expensive it's because of him my invites included a list of what I'll provide so there would be no surprises and a final caption saying if you want something else by all means bring it but like I said no one had an issue with what I had provided but bud that is when I should have stopped inviting him but my brother wanted him there and I honestly was fine with putting up with him for my brother but last night was it for me I normally go all out with cooking but was feeling lazy spent all day cleaning and decided I was just going to get a large pepperoni and large cheese pizza from the freezer section even sent out a warning text of it's just frozen pizzas tonight fellas cheese and pepperoni everyone said cool except Bud he never responded he showed up and asked what was available and I told them snacks and a cheese pizza he rolled his eyes ah that barely even counts as vegetarian couldn't you have gotten some veggies for the topper even just a frozen veggie pizza I'm vegetarian my brother's vegetarian everyone else eats meat except bud I've cooked enchiladas burgers queso you name it one dish with meat and one without everyone gets equal with food and options including my decision to half-ass host with frozen pizza I wanted the two largest and any half-ass host knows the biggest in the frozen section are normally cheese pepperoni and meat lovers so cheese and pepperoni it is and any vegetarian also knows that veggie pizzas are so small and expensive and not at all party friendly and wouldn't you know it not a single ah this barely has meat on it the grocery store is up the road if the food I'm providing for free isn't enough for you then we can wait till you get back no this is fine it's just that it barely counts and is a cop-out that's all I already decided he was never to be invited back again so anything he said really didn't matter and I just insisted to enjoy the free food and went to the game room I overheard another party member asking bud what the hell and by the end of the night he got into a handful of arguments his final argument was with my brother we took a break between games for some of the smokers to go outside and but decided it was time to complain about how I can't take constructive criticism he was just trying to help my brother said he needed to get over himself and to stop looking at gift horse in the mouth suck it up and enjoy it or go bud chose to go we had a pretty good game night and the future ones will be even better don't be a choosing beggar at a party y'all it ain't cute thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily reddit content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow [Music]
Channel: fresh
Views: 569,438
Rating: 4.9131904 out of 5
Keywords: fresh, fresh reddit, reddit, reddit cringe, r/, r/choosing beggars, reddit entitled, r/choosingbeggars, choosingbeggars, reddit fail, cringe, fail, win, fresh r/, reddit stories, story time
Id: bXawfZTXizo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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