r/ChoosingBeggars | fresh

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what is that my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another video today we have an episode of our slash choosing beggars and they're the juiciest of them I should stop doing that I hope you enjoy could use a drink frozen coffee soda Gatorade I mean at this point anything except water no water please see it's okay cuz I said please after no waters you have to respect that does this car come automatic as well if so I'd like to buy it I'd buy today if that's possible it's a manual hmm I'd really rather it was automatic I can't drive manual are you sure it can't be changed to automatic usually there's letters to switch the handle into that's what I need 100% positive can i buy it for $200 and put the PRN dl in myself at a mechanic shop no honestly at that point I'd be like screw it sure it's yours you put that you put the PRN DL in at your local mechanic shop that'll work out well for you I worked my ass off hauling wood today to give it away for free I have a couple acres of wooded property over the past winter I had several maple trees and a few spruce trees fall over I spent the better part of eight hours felling hung trees then lemming and bucking them up a few of them worked pretty massive and I lugged everything by hand in wheelbarrow I posted an ad to a couple local Facebook groups giving away the wood for free wood goes for $250 a cord around here so free is a great deal it's probably two to three cord I got about 20 messages right away and I had people wanting me to deliver it I had people wanted me to split it I even had one guy call and ask if I could give him birch instead of the maple or spruce I deleted my ad and I'm gonna see if any local charities take firewood these damn choosing beggars it seems to be fairly thematic among a lot of choosing beggars that if they think oh you're giving away one kind of thing that for some reason you'd also be giving away another related item in this case just a different type of wood that's not how it works definitely not how any of this works April 29th is Monday here's some etiquette for my birthday one do not wish me happy birthday on April 28th tomorrow I wasn't born in a Sunday in 1991 and I'm not celebrating on a Sunday in 2019 either to do send your well wishes to my cache app or venmo both will be posted on the day of man I mean why wouldn't you want to give her money she seems like a real charmer all in I've been approached by an ftse100 company that's the financial time Stock Exchange top 100 with over 600,000 employees to talk about mental well-being no budget to pay me I've run a mental well-being workshop company with one and a half employees and I pay if I have no budget to pay people I have no business doing business damn I feel like I was just talking the other day about how there were these big businesses that have started trying to take advantage of smaller businesses not because they haven't found a way to monetize their own kind of product but just because they think they can take advantage of a smaller company it's messed up don't do it she threatened to hurt herself for an Internet password this dispute took place this past week here's some backstory so I moved into an apartment building on my own for the first time ever in November and got my internet installed a couple weeks in December that same month a friend at the time moved into my apartment building as well excited about my new internet and being able to pay my own bills like an adult and being kind and generous I let my friend use the internet because she was in rough shape and I wanted to give her a hand at least for a short while until she's able to afford her own network only on one condition that she does not give out my Wi-Fi password months go by about four months I don't talk to her as much we drift apart assuming that maybe she got her own Wi-Fi by now one evening last week I was wanting to play some video games but couldn't quite connect to the gaming server decided to reboot my modem and looked online for instructions on how to do so I just so happened to log on to my network hub server and I see a tab that looks over all my internet usage I look on and see numerous names of numerous devices many names that were associated with the friend who I let use my internet all this time really man I message her and tell her not to give my internet password out she says she didn't I tell her what I saw no response I changed my network name and my password to ensure that no one else except for myself and my devices are using the network the next day she responds it apologizes I tell her I forgive her later that day she asks if I can unblock her from my internet network I tell her I changed my network name and password she still asks if she can use it to call her mother in England via Skype I ask if she has any alternatives to contact her nope still kind of irritated and reluctant and letting her use my internet I tell her I'll think on it she tells me she uses internet to listen to music as it's the only way she can quote stop the voices holy crap I tell her she should get her own internet and that an Internet company offers a program that lets users pay only $10 per month for unlimited internet and on staff in the building may be able to assist her and give her more info on the program I then tell her I've been letting her use my internet for months now paying $100 a month without asking her to contribute to the bill let alone now knowing she's been allowing her friends to use my network behind my back she can probably see why I don't watch her on my network she responds back I will quote this message she sent to me well I'm just saying I haven't cut in almost a month and tonight might just be the night I relapse goodnight riland imagine threatening self-harm just so you can get an internet password geez this is just absolutely insane these kinds of mental health issues that include self-harm are really serious incredibly serious and if you're experiencing any kind of depression desires or actions of self-harm please see a professional talk to someone in your real life please never whether it's serious or not try to manipulate someone with the threat of self-harm whether it's as serious as suicide or is something like cutting yourself it's incredibly messed up I would like to hire someone to help remove the soil from my raised bed fix a broken pipe which feeds my drip system and then refill the bed I would say five to six hours I'll pay $15 cash I'm hoping to do this Saturday please p.m. me if interested and capable hate to be that guy but you need to hire a licensed landscape contractor to do those tasks not a lawn mowing service or anyone else unlicensed and I think your rate of pay might be off a lot hey now for two to three dollars an hour cash you can usually get a qualified seven-year-old to do all kinds of plumbing related repairs but just a a quick recap this guy's asking fifteen dollars for five to six hours of work that requires a licensed contractor none of this Zacks lawn care or anything like that your local neighborhood kid ain't gonna be able to do that and even if you did want to hire them you should be paying them more than two to three dollars an hour only five dollars oh sorry my mistake this happened earlier today I had dropped my daughter off at an event and had about 90 minutes to kill so I decided to head one town over to pick up a few geocaches that have been taunting me after my second cash hunt I parked across the street from a little bodega to see where I should try my luck next as I'm going through the nearby geocaches on my phone I noticed a man begging for money from passers-by outside of the bodega I found a likely cash then decided to buy a bottle of water at said bodega side bar I Drive a 2010 Chrysler 300c all-wheel drive I inherited the car from my mother when she passed away in December of 2017 it's not the type of car that I would buy for myself but it runs well and I have few complaints about him so I Drive it I left my car across the street and sure enough the guy asked me for some money quote for some food I was feeling generous and it was a nice day so I reached into my wallet and handed him a five-dollar bill given the neighborhood the odds were good that he used it for drugs but whatever I went inside bought my water and left as I walked out the man stopped me hey brother you have anything else for me excuse me I mean you must have lots of money driving that big car of yours didn't I just give you $5.00 yeah man but that's chump change I'll bet you've got plenty more on you right now me casually taking a step back so you'd rather have something other than the five dollars I gave you yeah how about it smiling sure thing pulls that wallet where's that five I gave you man hands me the five back I take the bill I don't know what I was thinking I'm so sorry put the five dollar bill back into my wallet and pockets wallet have a great day and with that I turn and went back to my car I was about halfway across the street when the guy started yelling at me I turned and waved more to make sure he wasn't chasing after me than to go to maan but he just stood there yelling racist comments at me by the time I got in my car and pulled away he was standing on the street cursing me out I waved and left I think I've told you guys before but I had a very similar experience to this in a beggar asking outside of a fast food restaurant quote can I get a dollar for a cheeseburger I was feeling generous at the time I had a 1 in my wallet I gave it to him and he ax me he said not thank you but can I have $2.00 for two cheeseburgers I wish I'd taken the bill back I literally hate my life and if I don't get a job I'm actually offing myself the plan McDonald's by Walmart I work there and it's honestly not bad I might if I have to but I feel like I'd suck bad at it I know I just hate it when like at this point I'll take any job literally any job if someone has a job for me thank you for helping it no no no no not that not that job but like literally like any job no not that one I mean I mean any job like not not those two were not that one either I mean like any job except those buyer demands a $5,000 discount on my motorcycle and then calls me a scammer when I fail to oblige this story in no way competes with some of the others on these forums but I thought I'd post anyway last year I found a 2007 big dog canine for sale for $11,000 I offered the dealership consignment sale fYI $10,000 cash knowing that once I got bored with it I could probably pawn it for twelve to fourteen around Philly they accepted wrote at summer 18 shoot Ford two last month when I list it for sale and I receive a phone call from a gentleman who seemed to know very specific details about this bike choosing beggar did you buy this bike from so-and-so dealership from that guy yes I did oh how much did you pay for it not really sure that's relevant I'm asking fourteen thousand but there's some wiggle room for a cash deal well they were gonna sell it to me for nine thousand I was skeptical about the title so was researching when you bought it instead do you know for sure the title is good the title is clear it's in my hand right now and well like I said they were going to sell it to me for nine thousand you have it advertised for fourteen thousand but I was supposed to buy it for nine thousand and they accepted my offer until I backed out because I got worried the title might be bad nine thousand dollars not fourteen thousand you should have bought it when you had the chance it wasn't priced properly and it's got under six thousand miles I think you're missing the point if an actual dealership was gonna sell it to me for nine thousand why would I pay a stranger more than that it's obviously only worth $9,000 I'm calling BS I've already received a few offers much higher than nine thousand I have no reason to sell it that cheap I guess we'll see but what are we going to see exactly lost me there you're not selling it for fourteen thousand when a dealership only sell it for nine thousand that's ridiculous well like I said I have a few offers already for much higher than nine thousand so I really can't think of any reason why I wouldn't want to go with the highest bit yeah I guess we will see I guess we will I sold the bike the next week for $13,000 yeah I mean like the choosing beggar said I guess we'll see now in the case of Opie he's seeing both a summer of riding it and an extra four thousand dollars in his pocket but hey beauty is in the eye of the beholder thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily Redick content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow [Music]
Channel: fresh
Views: 481,782
Rating: 4.917078 out of 5
Keywords: fresh, fresh reddit, f r e s h, reddit, r/, r/choosing beggars, choosing beggars, r/choosingbeggars, fresh choosing beggars, fresh r/, reddit read, reddit stories, story time, reddit cringe, reddit fail, cringe, win
Id: iXgkkePmS54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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