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foreign have you ever wondered why the Pigmen are the way they are in the constant and more importantly how they even got here yeah sure it may just be part of an in-game mechanic without much thought I mean even Minecraft one of the most popular games in the world has literal pigment and all those those piglens probably have their own lore most don't raise an eyebrow to their existence but this is something that even the game itself brings attention to in the loading screen tips the pigments seem to Harbor a deep dislike for the constant's more monstrous denizens attacking them on site furthermore why are pigs the only creatures in the entire game that have an immediate lycanthropic transformation from consuming monster meat what is the true meaning of the pig heads what are the mans hiding why is pugna a human leading the pigs in the Forge and who is wilba's Father I'm gonna try and answer all of these and then some this is the pig Theory [Music] wow it's hard to believe that I made four of these now well at the same time it isn't too hard to believe as theories are really fun to make though they also take a bit of effort to figure out but it's actually pretty surprising if you look through every instance of Don't Starve and read in between the lines as clay does lead pretty significant symbolism and details in these creatures and if you spend the time looking for them you can actually learn quite a bit about the world around them but before we get into that this video is brought to you by me that's right I sponsor myself because I am the butter sponsor I'm better I am better no but in all seriousness I do have a preacher on now if you like the content you see here and you want to support me in my Endeavors while I rapidly race against the clock of YouTube before it burns its own platform to the ground link is in the description but with that being said I will now get into the theory [Music] now pigs or Pigmen consist of several sentient factions of creatures pretty much everywhere on the constant there are numerous subspecies of pigs including the wild boars of Shipwrecked and the Civilized Aristocrats of Hamlet and even the war-torn pigs of the forge there are many differences between these factions but for the most part all of their similarities Harbor both a mild form of sentience pig-like biology and a strange xenophobia for most creatures that they consider to be monsters ironically enough two of the default Pig factions and don't starve can undergo a transformation that makes them monsters themselves I.E with a wear pick transformation along with the fact that the majority of all your enemies in Don't Starve Forge are pigs or some sort of pig creature and some of them are outright Primal cannon fodder and in order to get to the bottom of what exactly the pigment are and why they are we have to find out where the pigs first came from foreign now when we go back in time and the Constance Cannon and don't starve most people including myself first stop was probably the ancient murals and unsurprisingly I actually found zero interpretations of pigs or anything that even resembled pigment on the murals even for this image I found guessing the symbols written on the mules it has no mention of pigs nor Pigmen and my first reason for not being surprised about this is simply because of my personal belief is that the pigs first originated from Hamlet how I came to that conclusion is due to the various sculptures and statues that can be found in Hamlet that all indicate that sentient pigs have been around in the constant for a very long time the ancient statues don't look as ancient as well the Ancients on the mainland but the wear and tear of time is definitely still there and with this information we have to ask ourselves were the pigment before or after the fall of the Ancients sing is to how there's once again no mention of pigs in the murals meaning there were no Primal or sentient pigs during the time of the Ancients and there's actually a few more clues we can get before we answer the first clue is we get from the forge trailer we see players opening the fuel Weavers Gateway that leads them to the forge there they are led to the pig faction and the forages leader pugna who assumes they are The Gatekeepers this faction of pigs is drastically different from both Hamlet and the mainland containing both feral versions and crossbreeds of pigs with other animals along with the fact that they know who they are this means the pigs must have made it through the Gateway themselves the second clue we get is due to the fact that Hamlet is in the sky so however the pigs got to the mainland they likely would have been in at least somewhat technological so here's my theory both the ancient Pigs and the ancient arthropodols existed at roughly similar times however the pigs didn't arrive until after the fall of the Ancients the pigs had just begun making their way to the other islands in the constant setting up in the mainland and overall setting up a vast Empire for themselves remember pugna's forces in the gorge are clearly Ready for War and if pugman is to be believed the pigment at one point even had the shadow throne and moving underground they were competent enough to fight their way through all the nonsense the arthropitals Left Behind to the Gateway and actually managed to activate it and then they arrived again and what did they do well in pugna's own words they severed us from the throne so we have a once powerful Empire of pigs that at one point stretched all over the constant including civilized pigs boars Primal pigs and even standard pigs that were fractured across the continent after they awoke so what the hell happened and more importantly why are the pigs in the Forge LED being led by a human well the answer to all this isn't simple let's first look into what we can learn about the first pigs of Hamlet thank you now just a moment ago I made somewhat of a leap in logic that all pigs must have originated from Hamlet just due to the ancient sculptures these even included pigs such as boars and primitive pigs and you might have asked how I'm so certain of this well that's what the inclusion of topiar is and the Hamlet villages in the Sinners there's hedges in the shapes of both Mainland Pigs and the pig King even aware Pig howling that opponent closer examination may just be a swamp bore all of which will be described as royalty even the one of them Beefalo but yes this is evidence that Mainland pigs bore than the pig King were all active inhabitants of a hamlet culture so what else can we learn from Hamlet well looking through the various Trader houses we find even more depictions of what we learned from the topiaries pictures of the pig Queen and queen Alfalfa obviously and in the hunter shot we see stuff like Taxidermy Beefalo and Cancun carcasses signaling that both have potentially been in Hamlet before the constant perhaps that's why we see cat Coons spawning so close to the pig Village that or they're just hunting trophies from trips to Hamlet and the mainland as for the pink king and queen Alfalfa we have to once again ask ourselves the question how long have they been in charge seeing us now time has proven time and time again no pun intended to work a bit differently in the constant it's not off the table that they are both a bit older than they're letting on and there's also some evidence to suggest that this is true when examining one of the rare relics that the queen will grant you a gallery key for wilba's comments it looketh like Mama perhaps The Relic is of Queen malfalfa Singh is how it's on the path to the Fountain of Youth you know the mythical fountain that Resorts you to a younger age when drank that's actually a pretty good piece of evidence to suggest that the queen is ridiculously old the Queen of England will die on September so that solves for the other mobs with the exception of maybe the gorge but what about Battle Master pugna the very clear human that is in the Forge and on top of it leading the pigs I mean who's to say he even came to Hamlet I mean he could have just met the pigs and joined them as some war hero against the monsters and constant can considering there's this strange implication for everybody to go into the ruins for no reason in specific um Charlie and and that can be true especially considering we still need to solve for the feud with demands but there's one more thing in the hamlet in the pig Villages that we need to address something in the background that unless you are looking very carefully for it I guarantee you would have missed it when playing and something that was so confusing to me the first time I saw it that I actually got chills just from seeing it as I didn't have an answer for it well I'm gonna play the clip I took for you let's see if you notice [Music] did you see it let me zoom in a bit [Music] why on Earth is the random character's picture in the clothing shop there is no way that is not what that picture is supposed to be it's hard to tell because it's glued to the side of the wall but there is no mistaking it with that question mark on their hat along with the white gloved hand holding their head so why is this here what does this mean is the random character an actual person who is the random character foreign [Music] expected the random character as an actual character I can't say the thought that's never really crossed my mind either well I think the most logical conclusion is that it's symbolic that a human or at least a survivor-esque person was in Hamlet before one of the survivors we know first came to Hamlet and we know that there are other survivors in the continent because the ones on the roster because everywhere we go we can find skeletons of Swords so who is this roguelike hero that was popular enough to be framed in a photo or a painting by the pigs of Hamlet I think we can safely rule out Maxwell as he doesn't even greet you in Hamlet there would be no reason to hold any form of mystery when it comes to wilba and wormwood's a bit of a loner anyways and has no higher status with Pig full well I think the most obvious answer is that it is pugna and it would certainly make sense especially considering he's leading an entire faction of pigs the only other fit for this pre-wilson veteran survivor of the constant is the curio Trader and as of writing this it's very possibly well could be him since he's also the judge in the year of the beefaloven and because of that we know that Pigmen also practiced Beefalo husbandry but I'm more inclined to believe that it is pugna but even then there's a problem with this Theory and that is that pugna doesn't look like the random character model at all as a matter of fact the skin looks more like the curio collector if anything in response to that is because this is not how pugna is now but how the pugs remember him before they severed the pig the Empire from the throne upcoming spoiler for my monster meat theory if you want to go and watch that before I continue go ahead but it's not required to understand the context of this claim so in my monster meat Theory I came to the conclusion that a majority of all creatures and don't starve that drop monster meat are actually mutants that have had certain mutations occur due to being around and consuming nightmare fuel or Monster meat these mutations include excessive size increase excessive hair growth like anthropic mutation and other primitive growths think about it right next to pugna on his throne in the Forge is boasts a football helmet and an elite looking handbat along with the fact that pugna's name literally means warrior pugna clearly at some point in time was a fighter himself and not just a spectator ironically enough they could have even named the pugalisk after pugna as he could have been the first person to defeat it so what happened I mean surely I can make the argument that when they attacked they could have just twisted his form to be similar to a picking but now despite being morbidly obese he has no real mutations about him even in the trailer you can see inside his mouth and his teeth are aren't even sharp and unfortunately this once again left me in an impasse because although the creatures of the gorge could very well be more mutants despite me comparing them to their primitive monster forms and the monster meat Theory I can't confirm that this is factual seeing as how we know there are non-mutant animal hybrids already in the constant this could actually be proved as false if we take and run with the idea that the borella also came from the constant seeing as how it and the spider monkey are well need I say more the borella was a native to Hamlet that the pig selectively bred for combat and over time their leftover descendants may have taken some form of monster corruption well my next stop was the KIRO cabinet to see if one of the Comets would lead me to a more concrete answer and what I found really wasn't all too helpful at first the only things I found were just more evidence to support my opening theory that all pigs originated from Hamlet however I also examined the profile icons for the audience and notice that it's sanctioned with the wording bores not pigs bores of course they have the under outstretched teeth that kind of look like the start of tusks but that's when I noticed there was something here and that is the main difference between boars and pigs pigs are generally considered the domestic version of the genus sus [Music] foreign having the ability to both also be considered just male versions of pigs are usually considered the wild version but what a lot of people don't know is that a pig can very easily become bore-like if the conditions are right a domesticated Pig being introduced to the wild can very quickly bring about morphological changes including the thickening of hair the growing of tusks and the increase in aggression and that would certainly make sense coming from a place like the forge pugna himself even says this forged by fire and steel hardship has only made us stronger but why were the pigs boars Ready for War to begin with and yeah sure being the leading factional power in an area also usually commands a pretty heavy military force however that wouldn't make sense for the appraisal of pugna as a war hero for him to him to join the pigs during a time of peace I mean yeah sure the apocalypse is a thing but there's actually something to suggest that the pigs had already had a round of conflict with the arthropods before with the only other dominant faction in the Camlin let's talk about the man War [Music] now I'm not gonna lie I originally struggled with coming to a conclusion about the mans and their importance and don't starve War due to a single reason and that was that unless ordered two by the player one befriended regular Manson pigs will never fight each other and originally thought this was a bug no pun intended especially considering wilba has nothing but vitriol for the mans Queen womans obtained her mother's Crown likely by Thievery and it's not just the Royal Family Feud but random pig heads are outside of the manths but I can now successfully conclude whether this is intentional or not is now almost unnecessary to know and that's because we have enough evidence to conclude two things one that there was a war and two that there will be another War now here are some things we already know there are ancient ruins of both mans and pigs and Hamlet meaning both of these races have ancient roots and if the apocalypse calendar is to be taken as a reference to ancient Mayan calendar that was stated in 2012 would bring about the end of the world we can assume that at the very least whoever built the calendar was made in reference to Mayan culture and Mayans during their reign were consistently warlike and not only warlike but often brutal in their ways capturing people for Human Sacrifice like the Aztecs did now out of these two races the one who gives us the most Insight is once again Wagstaff and ironically enough Wagstaff openly States in regards to several of the pigs specifically the older ones that they are reluctant to answer his questions even wilba notices this too meaning it's not just wag staff being nosy and as for the Mance well Wagstaff outright gives us the answer a war-based society consisting of hexapod humanoid invertebrates and it would honestly make sense for the apocalypse calendar to kind of be built by the mans because as a matter of fact it even makes the man stronger when the apocalypse occurs Mance become man Warrior is decorated with war paint now I don't think the pigs are innocent either especially considering it looks more like Pig architecture but this is very clearly One race trading a pro for another race trading uh well Khan okay so there's some evidence to suggest there was a pigment conflict in the past so what makes me so certain there is going to be future conflict well it actually comes from a Don't Starve mod made almost 10 Years Ago by Clay themselves the mod is known as the screecher in it you play as a camper alone in the night making his way to a helipad on the way you encounter this creature known as a screecher an Al humanoid hybrid that violently rips the face off of anything that stares at it for too long and eventually you make it to the end where you meet a rather scary demise so what on Earth do this has to do with Mance well I'm gonna play two clips for you let me see if you notice some key similarities foreign [Music] thank you now I'm not saying that mancs are actually screechers as a matter of fact I don't even think the screecher and don't starve are even in the same universe currently but there's some pretty clear symbolism here and given the design similarities of a screecher and a Thunderbird it's safe to assume clay at least had some intention here what kind of symbolism well there are Man suits in the game that allow you to move through man hives and disturb by regular mans though the guards will see right through your disguise and attack you instantly in insect colonies the way insects tell each other is Friend or Foe is with pheromones their bodies give off of which as stated by Wagstaff the soup provides this may become disturbing to the Mance when they find someone wearing a matte mask almost like in the mant Warrior's eyes that they see someone wearing the face of someone else and responding by I don't know pulling their faces off pulling their entire heads off and then sticking them on a stick afterwards as an example to any other Pig spy trying to get their Queen's crown back and how do we know war is coming between the two factions well going back to the trailer video we see a horde of mint warriors on the surface Ready for War there's just waiting for the right time to strike so what made this xenophobic conflict between the pigs and the mans well as stated above the pigs seem to be hiding some important part of pig history to Wagstaff but what well my first thought was it had something to do with the apocalypse calendar as not only does it benefit the mans but it appears to be similar to ancient Pig architecture and then I remembered maybe there's a reason pigs are reluctant to answer the questions of wag staff even the questions of wilba maybe there's something they are hiding that's very important about Hamlet's past something about wilba's past perhaps this is where wilby's father comes in son so I think it's time to ask who is wilba's Father she chose no familiarity with the pig King so he's likely out plus the fact that if wilba inherited her father's curse it literally can't be him as Pig King doesn't even wear Pig during full moons pugna could possibly fit but this would imply that pugna is part where pig when he isn't even a pig himself also it implies that he copulated with a pig woman none of the traitors in the village or the guard sucker for her from like and preppy so it isn't them this really only leaves the Elder Pig which if you've seen my myrn theory in this guy's relation to it is honestly pretty heartbreaking what if I told you it it was none of these men at least not in the way you think what if I told you wilba's father might actually be a demon [Music] [Music] now hold on what on Earth do I mean by this there aren't even any demons in the constant besides Krampus and claws and hell even War talks alright we've now established that demons are possible in the constant okay but none of those characters even have anything to do with pigs well to understand what I'm now going to refer to as demon theory is to First acknowledge the symbolism in Don't Starve to a book and movie known as Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies was a book written in 1954 by William Golding it tells of a story about a group of boys who get stranded on an island when with all the adults dead they are left to fend for themselves at first things go well the boys [Music] fend for themselves well Gathering food but eventually arguing blaming and conflict causes one group of kids to splinter out into another faction quickly turning to thievery aggression violence and eventually murder so what does all this have to do with don't Stars pigment and how does it relate to wilba's Father well there's a few specific scenes that stick out in the book in the movie one of the most important ones is the boys believe a beast to be hiding out in a cave so they bring in an offering in the form of a pig's head on a stick it's not until one of the kids Simon is alone with the pig's head that it begins speaking to him it claims that the Hat himself is the real beast and proclaims itself to be the Lord of the Flies and lastly that Simon will never be able to escape him as he lies within all human beings this has proven as true very quickly as Simon returns to the second faction of boys to warn them that there is no real Beast only for the kids to think he is the Beast and slay him instead Wilson and Wendy when examining the head pig head and don't starve make direct references to the Lord of the Flies with their two comments looks like an offering to the Beast kill the pig spill his blood so how does this correlate to demonology well the name Lord of the Flies isn't just the title of the book but it is also the title biazelbub the demon of gluttony and before you ask maybe it's just the characters being wacky I mean they're on an island and a lot of crazy stuff happens on this island well waiting for a full moon dissuades that when the pig head's eyes create an ominous glow and their mouths open wide Flagstaff even comments on it it appears to be a conduit for dark Forces and dark Forces certainly manifest in all pigs during a full moon not even requiring monster meat or nightmare fuel to revert to their Primal lycanthropic Beast forms and pigs especially Pig guards have no problem attacking each other and tearing anything they think to be a beast or Monster to pieces even if it's not and how does this link back to Wilbur's father we don't know what he looks like or what he acts like but we do know that he gave his daughter a silver necklace that when preventing wilba from turning into a werep drains her sanity at negative 6.66 the sign of the Beast and one last piece of evidence is beazobab's sin gluttony's animal representation is that of a pig or a boar now whether wilba's father is actually the demon the Al's above or not is completely up for grabs as after all the necklace he gave her is meant to prevent her transformation not harm her if anything this could be seen as kind of a caring Act of a father who knew very well about our demonic roots and only took the proper steps in doing the best he could to make sure that she's safe this would all correlate with the pig Elder who as I've stated multiple times in the past is a kind-hearted man whether her father is the elder Pig a literal demon or another pig that I'm somehow missing I'm not entirely certain but we aren't exactly done with the demons part of this Theory however we still don't know what exactly the pigs were hiding or what exactly went down during the conflict of the mans and the pigs we really just have to assume the conflict was between okay wait a minute where did the iron hole come from [Music] now I stated earlier that was there was Conflict for the mance and the pigs in their early ancient history and the implication was that they fought amongst themselves but what if there was a third faction I mean after all Pig architecture also had the depictions of the mance and even a stone made specifically for translating English demand speech patterns but how did the Iron Hulk get there I mean yeah clearly pigs have current scientific Pursuits in regards to the magic the constant but this technology is far too advanced even for the most civilized appearance along with the fact that it is regarded as ancient technology it goes even further than that the clay devs themselves during rhymes with white even directly State the Builders of the Iron Hulk are a secret meaning it's likely not somebody that were expecting so who has access to iron and electricity well I have a theory you remember the Thunderbirds from earlier have you ever wondered why the only thing at their nests are literal iron and how their only attack is the ability to call down lightning at three random locations that often awake parts of the iron hole I mean there are various mobs events and objects that don't starve at all attract lightning to it but the Thunderbird is seemingly the only Bob in the entirety of Don't Starve that actively conjures lightning seemingly out of nothing that's a little strange even for Don't Starve along with the fact that they are nesting literal iron and although they aren't growing more iron as iron never respawns they at the very least are collecting and hoarding it now I don't think Thunderbirds themselves are responsible for creating the hulks but potentially one of their ancestors or another race that was utilizing their affinity for iron and electricity could have well what's another mob that might have some kind of Vendetta against the pigs well believe it or not the BFB clearly has no problem terrorizing pigs every time it lands near Pig's structures it will usually destroy several pig houses in the area before abducting the player why a war was fun why a technology and strength superiority race would have even bothered with Hamlet much less fighting pigs is still Beyond me possibly part of the demonology theory if I'm being honest the only other faction that can fit the technology Bill who isn't a human inventor like Wagstaff is them but hey even the architecture of the structure is a fan of bfb's nests look vaguely similar to that of the swamp pig houses in The Gorge maybe at one point they even tried to work together but I have one more piece of evidence that they're at the very least was some kind of conflict between Pigs and the birds Robin is the Hamlet equivalent of Chester and the player gets him by hatching the stone egg found in bfbs island and it's believed to be the bfb's child what's important about this is wilba's quote for him Robin shall restore immense a quote from a Shakespearean play at the very end of mid-summer Night's Dream as the very last line spoken which essentially mean we will make it up to you in return for your applause and I think from this we can conclude one of two things one that I'm completely wrong about there being a race of sentient Birds even though there were Pig structures on bfb's island and the fight that really went down was between the pigs and Mance versus them or that the pigs did something really bad in regards of the apocalypse and they're aware of it that's why they're hiding it and that's why the BFB is still mad because they haven't quite forgave the pigs yet and seeing as how the mans are all set up in places the BFB can't even get to I don't even want to know what their opinion on the man says wilba may not know what the pigs did but she knows that she needs to help atone for it to the BFB and in that regard it seems as though the pigs at least in Hamlet thanks to the birds are as of now free of demons I can't say the same about the pigs of the constant and despite pigment xenophobia because of this the Manson other friendly bugs seem to be safe too as there's no other reference of The Lord of the Flies anywhere else and don't stop okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute why is there a boss called lord of the fruit flies okay let's do it I'm about to explain why the lord of the fruit flies is actually on the side of the mance and why that's significant first obvious question is they are both clearly two completely different animals secondly the man certain Hamlet and the Lord of the Flies is in the mainland I have an answer for both of these things the first thing and many people have called this out before me but Queen wah Man actually isn't even a man at all or at least not the same species her body resembles more than that of a termite a completely separate animal from hands though it's not unheard of for ants to also have and developed an enlarged posterior specifically the Queens she is more likely an ant termite hybrid of sorts the majority of all the mans in a hive don't even Spawn from her they Spawn from their own ant comes and the argument for how she raises her own Warrior mans and how she has a pheromone that tricks the regular worker mans well both of these can actually be explained with a phenomena that ants do in the real world one species of ant known as a social parasite ant has its Queen actually infiltrate the colony of a completely different ant colony that is sometimes even a different species of ants killing the original Queen and drinking her blood so that she has the same pheromone as the rest of the colony and then she continues laying eggs as though she was the original Queen and there's another species of ants that outright ransack other ant colonies specific typically to kidnap larva and eggs of that colony in order to use them as slaves to their own colony seem a little bit more believable now are completely different insects and my response to that is to take a closer look they both have the same color scheme they both have small wings and they both even have similar arm types that end in claws it doesn't even end with looking slightly similar in termite colonies termites are actually one of the few colonizing insect species to have both a queen and a king and the King continues to mate with the queen throughout her life and the fact that the king is often significantly smaller than the queen dude I swear this is not a coincidence it has to be intentional and the last and arguably the most important piece of evidence is when you kill the lord of the fruit flies it drops a fruit fly fruit most all characters remark on how the fruit is what controls the fruit flies not the lord of the fruit flies himself it's significant as it shows how both Queen wah man and the lord of the fruit flies are not even the Lords or Queens of their own insect colonies they're simply controlling others how Queen wah man is slowly corrupting the Mance even turning him into ferocious Warriors of our own creation as she prepares to attack the pits and how the lord of the fruit flies slowly corrupts the fauna turning it into weeds and decay but even with all of this what does this all mean there were some things he wanted to say to his fellow animals before it might be too late now throughout this entire Theory I've uncovered a lot of stuff made a lot of assumptions and even changed my story as I progressed deeper into the story like when I asked who the random character was this is due to the fact that no matter what I cannot give a solid answer on what happened during the long forgotten War as clay calls it or who this mysterious character is and because of it admittedly this is the most self-world building I've had to do during a theory but this is my best guess at what happened in the history of the Pikmin I'm probably wrong about some of this but here we go so I'd have establishes that all pigs originated from Hamlet spawning into sentience around the same time as the ancient arthropidol's Extinction in the mainland and the manned people during this time the pigs and Mance were faced by another faction of birds originally the pigs Manson birds all prospered in Hamlet then a mysterious figure arrived your opinions on this individual were mixed to say the least the figures showed them various magic items and also likely introduced them to the nightmare fuel originally the civilizations and the young Queen malfalfa accepted these new gifts and prospered But as time went on and more esoteric items were added other parties began to grow skeptical the first of these groups were the birds who were undoubtedly the smartest eventually the mysterious figure proposed the building of a calendar something that would supposedly help them control day and night this is where the birds stepped in to oppose the pigs and the mans other Pig factions were also growing skeptical but still supported them until the Calendar's creation by then the birds had declared a war on the pigs in an effort to stop them though the pigs had already finished the calendar and when it was activated for the first time the poor Clips Moon had already done its damage mutating pigs caught in the Moonlight into horrific monsters this had its effect on the mans too turning him into violent bloodthirsty Warriors and having a new monarch appear among the mans proclaiming to be the queen fortunately at this time the birds were able to stop it but not without significant costs of their own forces and not permanently the damage was already done to the pigs who now a significant portion of the population faced the threat of lycanthropy for good Queen Alfalfa due to her involvement with the stranger likely realized what had happened and then banished him this enraged the mans who are now fully under the control of another one of the strangers pawns Queen woman who slowly began plotting against her during this time a human comes to the constant by the name of pugna making his way to Hamlet pugna quickly proves himself to be an invaluable Warrior slaying the pugalist and queen Alfalfa's honor because of this the queen is able to stay consistently young pugna after hearing what happened with The Stranger reveals that there is a portal in the mainland that could potentially lead them to the stranger's domain wanting Revenge pugna trains and leads an army of pigs into the constant where they fight their way through the ancient portal and make it to the shadow Throne then they arrive and sever the pig's Army locking them in the Forge the pigs that were fortunate enough to not be caught in pugna's Army's Massacre continue ruling over their newly discovered lands independently the third faction of swamp pigs led by the Elder Pig also leaves and finds an island of goat people known as The Gorge where the Elder Pig learns that lycanthropy can actually be prevented by silver items which causes him and his followers to become more amicable and friendly despite still being cursed by the stranger's Moon elderpig wants to return to the other pigs to show him his silver and has a necklace made to show what it can do but can't leave because the gnaw starts mutating the population Queen Alfalfa hadn't realized it at the time but she had conceived a child with the stranger she named her daughter wilba princess of the pig Kingdom shortly after she learned her daughter had the same curse her father played onto Hamlet the BFB sees this who searches the Constance Islands easy finding the gorge the Elder Pig gives it the necklace to where it flies off though since it's so big it ends up taking some of the pig houses with it which is why the gnaw is mad at the pigs arriving at Hamlet Wilbur receives the necklace believing it to be a gift from her father and lastly we have the lord of the fruit flies spawned from the same storm that created Queen waman it too preys upon a population of insects controlling them to his will though they can easily be free to be a slain that's why the pigs of Hamlet won't reveal the past because they're ashamed and it really is as clay stated a long forgotten Roar the final piece that displays the apocalypse as the work of a demon and not them is the ancient Herald someone who is around during the ancient times believed to be a member of the ancient arthropodles the only place he could ever manifest is during the apocalypse and for the longest time I didn't have an answer on him but then I remembered the moon during the apocalypse the glowing red color the apocalypse is sort of a solar eclipse a time where the moon completely envelopes the Sun but leaves the world around it dark the only time they want to be around to watch him and simply he chose the work of a demon compared to them unfortunately siding with a demon isn't exactly preferable and although they aren't entirely alike the pigment of the Mainland are similar as they still share the aspects of a demon that twisted their form turned from them aggressive turn them into gluttons though initially xenophobic and rude beat into their gluttony and may become friendly the pigment in the mainland truly do symbolize the boys from The Lord of the Flies as the Beast lies inside all of them but they aren't evil just pigs cursed by something and for once it's not them it's the demon of gluttony the azebub wilba's father often represented by a pig or a boar and that is the pig Theory the pigs had taken up the best positions immediately in front of the platform among them snowball determined and that is the pig Theory a story of an originally prospering land of three different races erupting into war and vitriol due to meddling from external forces it's almost kind of ironic that this story has not only been told once before with the ancient arthropitals in them twice with the goat people on The Gorge with the gnaw and now a third time with the pigment and a demon it is pretty sad though knowing that the pigs only fall into their aggressive nature and hatred of what they perceive as monsters is because of something they can't control now there's always some contrast with my theories and exactly what went down I would argue that this Theory so far is my most muddy and that's due to the fact that there's simply too much to speculate about the mysterious stranger could also have been the secret Builder the max or he might not even exist the 10-piece oinks although they could be explained as being made out of gray gold could very well just be silver lastly although there are demons there is no solid evidence to 100 person confirmed biazelbub's existence in the constant besides the Lord of the Flies but I do still think this is a good theory there are a lot of very clear connections and if I am correct this would certainly be following the trend of other worlds and don't starve and because of that I think my theory although fairly muddy at the end is a good general idea of what went down at the end of the day we won't know the questions of will we ever cure the pigs where wilba is now and if we will ever meet her father but from what it looks like we still have a bit of the world of Don't Starve yet to discover and whether or not the pigs in the end will be friends or foes [Music] thank you [Music] wait but pigs how are we gonna split all of this not oh my gosh [Music]
Channel: slasher 342
Views: 102,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vvcnk-gwrJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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