Don't Sleep With Your Door Open

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be playing a really spooky game it's called don't open your eyes excuse me what okay we in bed it's getting late oh yeah it is my eyelids have begun to feel heavy I better go to sleep oh that sounds nice right about now I leave beside the book I've been reading and look out my window process of falling asleep though is a struggle against noise sparking dogs police sirens or even my own intrusive thoughts can't relate as soon as my head hit that pillow hmm I'm out tonight it's just oddly quiet it's too quiet I feel a restless my sight beers towards the hallway outside my door the distance between my room and the opposite wall is only ten steps long I know since I've made a habit of counting them whenever I go out oh I used to do that everywhere I go I have to like count the amount of steps and it has to be like an even amount of steps in between like each thing I take maybe I just like being aware of my surroundings to the smallest details but tonight is different hallway looks like it stretches on to nothingness like the throat of a gargantuan be logical thinking cries that is just my imagination there can't be anything wrong or different about it it's just the hallway yeah dang right is just the hallway y'all trying to make it more than it actually is and scare yourself I don't want to look at it so I take a deep breath and close my eyes ah sleep good night in my room oh there's a bed yeah in my room there's a bed really there's the Wardrobe in my room there's pictures framed on the wall my room is a part of myself it's a world I know like the back of my hands are y'all really familiar with the back of your hand where someone to blindfold me and ask me to find my way around I do it without the slightest difficulty as long as nothing changes having my eyes closed makes no difference in this room I can always find what I want to find me and my mess but in this room I know how everything looks did I just see something passed my screen no I didn't see anything I need to wake up early tomorrow I should really try to sleep no that's impossible it must be my imagination you hear footsteps as your imagination this is why you go to sleep with your door closed to sleeps with their door opens much like if closed or sleeper they're gone how do you know they're gone maybe they're just standing still all right there's no way that anyone could be there to open my eyes if I do yes I'm dead I don't open my eyes open your eyes oh do my best to ignore the voice this is terrifying why won't you look at me who knew the monsters can't hurt you if you just don't look at them matters the stranger asks for help is it right to ignore them yes if I am in my bed and the stranger walks through my door I can feel someone breathing over my eat oh game give me the heebie-jeebies it's cold yeah it is cold but can you go away I'm trying to sleep I've never seen myself before I got a mirror in the bathroom go check it out see your face leave me alone I don't know the color of my skin all you gotta do is look in the mirror my dude I don't know if I'm even here I really hope you're not here that is why I need you to farm I was gonna be game over so you can is that it you interrupted my precious sleep cycle the best time of the day so I can tell you how you look you'd be like come on all up in here like a stranger need some help let me know how I love ask your mother your brother I need oh you asked for a stranger for huh but you shy don't forget I hope I forget mm-hmm I know you're not asleep listen with those tiny ears of yours tiny well you got some Dumbo ears or something so fragile look I got almost crap look these are my ears feels I'm caressed my oh no no sir but my fingers are round then and tear them off I do feel strange well yeah because you literally ripped my ear off what do you want me to do go back to sleep hear your voice it was a joke ha ha very funny I'm laughing I'm joking hmm don't be scared hey how do you think my eyes but Benari case is finally me what will you find nothingness sir me do you want me to say oh I can say something they look Andy fellow couldn't it yeah cuz I don't even see any eyes on boy hmm well I don't like it maybe some they don't look empty anymore they just look spooky eyes are the window to the soul that's what someone told me on the go they said that this soul was only bright beautiful every person has won both the good and the evil but that person said I was the exception that's something like me couldn't possibly own something so holy so prized so beautiful they looked inside of me took a deep breath now is their conclusion with great fatigue their eyes eyes that could see it all couldn't find anything in there I'm sure that if you were to cut me apart that even blood would flow away well dude what do you want me to say even if I felt it sometimes crawling through my veins you see if you had blood you want to feel it maybe that's why I've never seen myself before because I'm empty can't see what loathing exists but isn't that something to be grateful for because if I were to look it and find nothing there then surely I would feel disappointed by not looking I can ease myself of that pain is oh maybe this is for the better I can't remember who was the first year aside these words to me nor the second the third nor the several others who came after the only thing I remember is that they looked as empty as I did to them we got it emo depressed sad boy but I'm Charlie it's late he's spooking me have you ever felt so empty so devoid of what makes everyone special yeah actually I have that you've been priced the Ford as your own no love you know Ihram inside mint answer back in my head these eyes are these my eyes who else would baby yes unless they're my eyes sure good answer oh yes spared me another moment yet there is only one way to know the truth no not happening no we're not opening my eyes why would I all this Speidel about eyes y'all try to convince me to open my eyes and look at you I ain't trying to look at you so you won't look at me no I won't look at you even though your eyes are so pretty oh that's sweet but now I can't see them but I can't imagine them behind there flesh hmm shiny what jewels oh yeah so so pretty nice a breath of cold air caresses my eyelashes oh oh it's fine at least till halftime oh we still have time we're gonna be here all night like this tell ya I'm just chillin in my bed like uh all these thoughts keeping me up people are good at closing their toys oh yeah except me apparently come on to sleep without closing my door do you know what a Taurus that thing right there that you so really came through of course you know you have one right there at the verge of your little world the door is a barrier to keep the bad out mm-hmm the bad can be anything a bad person Paxman when I think I shut my door keeps it out sometimes me I can't open doors you hear that he can't open doors you know we could have avoided this whole thing I would have been asleep by now if we shut the dang door I find them drinking should I push this door is a push should I turn the knob left alright does not go up and down should I try to take it off its hinges I mean you could try to do whatever you want sir right chip away at it but I would prefer you did not what happens when it opens you come through when it opens do I close it behind me please show yourself out and close it behind you don't keep it open no I want it closed that might be rude to the person over it but then you just walk on through right where you came from what happens literally nothing could go wrong it's a door just walk out and shut it close it behind you unless that's a pull and you push and you just don't embarrass yourself I stood in front of a closed door it realises make stare at it for a long time mm-hmm think of my excuses wow you must have a lot of time on your hands sir because that's all they are bothers me the most about closed doors is the idea they exist to keep me up do I search for a crevice also neither something you want to went through the window or crevice anything that might be open okay well okay nice to know that I was never safe to begin with anything that might let me in Oh God with doors good thing I left mine open sleek and just come on through every night I up across the shadows of the streets I'm careful so as to not be God by the light in my eternal search I pick a place where to rest I slip in and spend the night wherever is comfortable without other oh so it's not just me I especially be doing this to the whole neighborhood surely it's a cellar genetic anywhere with dust with dirt but sometimes in her church as well as inside of me see you want to be seen going the light you know what do you want to see you so I searched hard for a door that's open for an entryway covered in darkness for someone to be at the other end awakened as if expecting nobody's expecting you sir but she won't because I wasn't expecting you even though you had your tour open for visitors ah blame me because I forgot to get up and I was too cozy in bed to get up and close my door no I'm not afraid I am terrified that this dude came into my room caressing my ears blowing on my eyelashes tell me to look at him do I scare you yes sir please don't make me say it's wrong okay chatting for so long oh yeah you don't scare me I didn't even scream yet you haven't chased me out oh that's an option that means welcome me no third so I'm certain that if I were to reach up oh no not there stop I'm sure your answer warm because people are always wore cute but what are you I don't my hands look I don't care how they look finally beats yours I feel you won't touch my hand or not answer me when you try to hold your sleep paralysis demons hand brought whoa I don't even see your hands I'm gonna say they look incomplete cuz I don't know where they they are wait yeah I can't see that you look like you got three fingers nah that he girls on fingers so the bones sticking out and everything no I don't want a hold of it it's my travels I have lost more than I can imagine I have left people behind and people no more my dad come bet it's just like you are so you lost part of your fingers from your troubles so it's no wonder that by leaving them behind I will leave parts of me as well such as kit oath and I might do don't have shin or flash farewell gifts you could say both Oh what am I gonna get what's he gonna leave behind for me but sometimes we find something else like a building engulfed in a raging fire think of the screams in the distance and the suffering and death and charts Cantonment wonder how does that feel so I put my heads to the fire and the smell of charred skin starts protruding from my own stop saying charred making me hungry there's one thing I've always known from these encounters there are always four I'd rather they weren't yeah I'd rather they weren't painful - can't believe I'm having a full-on conversation with my sleep paralysis demon birthdays the heads yes they're your hands they are attached to you they're definitely not mine good answer oh thank you there's only one way to know here we go opening my eyes no man because it's game over as soon as I opened my eyes we're gonna just be like no no no no sir go away unless he's not gonna go away even though my hands could be the same as yours clearly they are not think about it you and I are similarly no I'm stretching I know we are you really stretched in here I can feel it in my skin you just said you don't have any skin what's going on here now yours miss Guinness policy since this happened oh it's a sign of my entry most emotions flowing out that's embarrassing water the world watching to be seen you should probably put your skin pulsations away thirdly satisfied as long as someone tells me I look beautiful now please be but it's not like anyone well - someone will answer there's no doubt about it you gotta do is put up a picture on Instagram they'll really let you know how you love you know the Internet's quite honest I don't want to be perceived as something I'm not and it scares me that is why someone is on the verge of looking at made me shy away okay so I find my battle like opening my eye a little bit hehehe gonna leave you behind fading into the dark but you might be different okay what made me so special if it's you it might be possible to stand still and if only for a second that way you can help me and we can both be fulfilled just thinking it makes me feel feel something I cannot describe it if I am NOT cutting with words you clearly are you've been talking this whole time I had just been here chilling with my eyes closed there was a person in my master taught me to speak like a person you are not good at it either thinking back on it they certainly did it enjoy it to teach a wordless PA gotta talk must be a challenge mm-hmm you can make full sentences now congratulations you just graduated from the third grade they did simply because they could it is rare to remember because it makes me think if I I want to be seen I don't care much for my appearance huh dude a straight-up hypocrite like what do you want why do I want someone to recognize me so much maybe it's only because I can because everyone gets to be recognized but me but I will so once you open your eyes here we go again there it is again get in position just thinking about the moment you unveil your sight onto me and you finally take those bits of your body wow are you really that attractive that I'm gonna like oh yes come in to inspect if ik crevice oh yes I would like to inspect every crevice of yours I'll leave that for the FBI to finally finally finally those times creepy makes me feel but I don't know what sir it would be evidence fewer to look at my face but does my expression look like what that fella for certainty finally disappears why they don't pay to each other it's for me I imagine an emotionless stare huh you know what look I want a cheerful smile a cheerful yeah give us give me that smile whoa hey you did it that's not cheerful that's a creepy smile it would only make sense for the end of this journey to bring me joy has been so so long I can no longer remember where it all began but who's to say it had a beginning a starting point is that faint memory the earliest one I can recall to us walking walking okay so he walked and then he learned how to talk you sure you ain't you men for some reason it was data Oh you in the daytime really things change huh since the place I was walking through was a city one full of people I couldn't see them but I know they were there hiding in the shadows with their backs against the dirt completely motionless completely silent and weight of their deaths what's more to look at me okay you in a busy city why you want people to look at you so bad did they even know I was there I don't know are you there or no it's a busy city they got places to be things to do hey nobody gotta stop and stare at you and tell you how beautiful your eyes are maybe I spent my days as part of the scenery as well one day I decided to go for a walk that hasn't yet found it's in oh he's still on that walk and somehow you managed to make your way into my bedroom it's my earliest memory and my most joyful one no experience afterwards that made me want to smile so if you say I am smiling then surely that's how it must be but tonight and I'm not joyful why No so if my expression is truly one of cheer then I must be lying through my smiling teeth hey have you ever expressed honest happiness in your face reality you're feeling anything but I still remain silent you know this whole time I haven't even said a word and he just keep going you know this is what we don't get any sleep cuz this my expression I'm gonna go with yes see I mean you think good answer like when night you think you love true they helped me tonight oh these are my eyes yeah this is my expression yeah I consider these my most treasured features no one has done this far I did it all with my eyes closed point of view you're a psychologist okay I'll send you the bill what born at a fondest gratitude I mean there's one step left me to make sure of the truth alright I'll look at you stay healthy way no please I beg of you beautiful king can you open my eyes I thought there's nothing there wait so this whole time he's just a figment of my imagination or what he just like skirted it out after he got his answers and blow therapy session I feel robbed what's going on there's nobody there who was blowing on my lashes a second ago you know lesson learned we're gonna close our doors when we sleep but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure if that like button the if you guys want more spooky videos make sure you check out notifications today connect and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much likes watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,028,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, don't open your eyes, horror, game, don't, open, your, eyes
Id: oUSaPieBLpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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