Don't Play With Ants | Safety Cartoon | Detective Cartoon | Kids Cartoon | Sheriff Labrador |BabyBus

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Baby Bus don't play with ants [Music] the excavator's here to dig the bucket is moving why is everything moving around oh my God huh it hurts my arm it hurts hi I'm Sheriff Labrador please help us my brother what [Music] [Applause] [Music] the toys and snacks just move by themselves and then the bread bit my brother's arm little chick where did you get hurt here it hurts so so it's true and bite people stop hey it's just plain bread watch out for the end huh [Music] looks like little chick got bitten by an ant like this it looks venomous we need to take him to the hospital oh brother chick [Music] s it went away so many anthills and here too so many years oh no [Music] they're coming [Applause] [Music] you can't catch us now they're still following us hurry up [Music] now you can't follow us huh seriously I can't believe it they're here [Music] I'm calling Papio for support huh what's this oh it stinks we're being chased by ants we need your help and oh I know what to do I'll be right there [Music] [Music] this way [Music] now you can't get us oh we're getting shorter oh no they're all around us let's try to fight puppy [Music] I like those my socks [Music] little chick needs to be treated got it foreign [Music] labrador's safety talk [Music] kids you shouldn't touch ants or get too close to their Hills some ants are venomous and if you get bitten by them it can swell up and even endanger your life please remember that woof the ghost at midnight oh what's wrong oh don't be afraid sweetie mommy's here oh where's your sister a ghost foreign [Music] [Music] don't worry no there's no case that I can't solve [Music] let's search sister monkey's room first [Music] [Music] this is a photo of sister monkey [Music] there are only child's footprints on the windowsill and there's no sign that the window was forced open I don't think she was taken by anyone oh there's no ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's coffee coffee [Music] the ghost is coming oh [Music] who's there yeah [Music] they are fireflies there it is [Music] stop right there I'm Gonna Get You it's a ghost ghost it's a ghost yeah all right ghost [Music] Sheriff Labrador the ghost has discharged this a ribbon and a flashing headband I know what it is [Music] hey no one can run away from me hey yeah [Music] why are you helping the ghost it's not a ghost [Music] it's sister monkey [Music] [Music] children should be sleeping at home at night why are you out and scaring people like that I'm sorry I couldn't fall asleep so I came outside to play sister monkey did you drink this yes I was thirsty so I took it from the fridge and drank it coffee is for grown-ups children can't sleep if they drink it oh [Music] be careful of what I drink from now Sheriff Labradors safety talk kids coffee is a drink that's only for grown-ups because if children drink coffee they can't fall asleep at night and it's not good for their health also tea and drinks that contain alcohol are not for children either and you shouldn't drink them please keep that in mind the dangerous kitchen [Music] hmm [Music] smells so good two bowls of our signature noodles [Music] wow it looks so yummy Mr Panda your noodles are amazing that's because of our secret spice mix [Music] secret spice mix yeah the recipes from our Daddy's Daddy's daddy that's right that's right another Bowl please if I had the secret spice mix I'd be able to make yummy noodles too [Music] amazing another Bowl Please Mr Panda [Music] what happened let's go and have a look Mr Panda what's wrong Sheriff Labrador my secret spice mix is gone what hand it down to me by my family and now it's gone please help me find it don't worry there's no case that I can't solve foreign [Music] if it was stolen there must be Clues left around here Adobe let's split up and look around [Music] there's the theme [Music] it's just flour huh huh Footprints it looks like the thief broke in through the window oh unbelievable I'm Gonna Catch the thief the thief might still be here what look there were no Footprints leaving out of here so the thief must still be here huh you can't run away stop right there thank you Mr Monkey it was you no no is it me I'm sorry I just wanted to see how the noodles are made I didn't steal your spice mix you can search me if you want if it wasn't Mr Monkey then who was it oh I think I smell the spice mix follow me [Music] the smells coming from up there oh there's another kitchen upstairs come on let's go tomato carrot mushroom cucumber I'm the best chef in the world well Mr Chef the secret spice here wow [Music] [Applause] foreign we need to send her to the hospital right now [Music] Sheriff Labradors safety talk kids never play in the kitchen there are sharp Knives and Tools Boiling Water and Electric appliances in the kitchen and they can hurt you also parents need to keep an eye on their children when they're in the kitchen too [Music] don't eat dirty food [Music] [Music] what's this Mr Fox what's this black thing [Music] it's just chocolate you seem to really like my salad oh I'll give you another one thanks oh [Music] um [Music] oh my tummy hurts oh where's the restroom oh okay [Music] why are there so many people here oh foreign [Music] [Applause] all these people got food poisoning huh something's wrong food poisoning goby please find out what they ate today oh Hey kid how are you feeling I've got the runs three times do you remember what you ate today I had ice cream fruit salad and a cake sir here's the report they all had ice cream cake and fruit salad let's go investigate these shops [Music] my cake shop has been there for 100 years such a thing has never happened since my grandfather's grandfather was here [Music] no not me I'm sure that nothing's wrong with my yummy ice cream fine [Music] what are you suspecting me my shop is really clean every fruit salad is carefully selected by myself [Music] I'm prepared by myself wow I love fruit salad I'd like to have one please great choice I don't think there is any problem with those shops oops don't eat it I smelled rotten fruit Mr Fox's salad shop he must be hiding something what huh what is he doing there let's go follow him huh [Music] running through this everywhere those police officers believed what I said I don't care about rotten fruit I'm not eating them anyway Mr Fox it was you who made people sick ah police come with us to the police station [Music] see you later oh it's so disgusting you don't want to eat rotten fruit do you you're so bad you were going to the police station with us [Music] ow my tummy please take me to the hospital first [Music] Sheriff Labradors safety talk [Music] kids check your food before eating if it looks dirty or rotten or it's past its expiration date you shouldn't eat it rotten food can cause stomach ache and even food poisoning please keep these in mind [Music] the stinky sea monster [Music] wow [Music] it's so yummy foreign [Music] [Music] to the sky don't be afraid it's coming everybody [Applause] let's save them watch out don't be afraid Watch Out Hold On Tight [Applause] Papillon we need your help got it watch me Papillon always has a way [Music] this is strange it just went away thank you oh did it go away let me see the monster took Dobby we need to save him got it [Music] don't eat me I'm stinky and I'm not yummy don't eat me don't eat me what what's going on Toby hang in there I'm coming [Music] it stinks look at all this trash on its body the sea monster didn't mean to attack us it was just trying to get rid of the trash that's why it used Papillon please help the monster [Applause] when was the last time you showered huh I just showered last month that's my little watan thought you were trash little wonton change Target [Music] [Applause] wow good job little wonton [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you you're a giant octopus look at this it got hurt oh I uh oh oh it has to be treated now [Music] poor giant octopus [Music] Sheriff Labrador safety talk [Music] kids throwing trash into the sea can destroy the Marine ecosystem [Music] and put many Marine lives in danger protecting the environment starts with us dangerous elevator let's go [Music] an elevator I have an idea my goodness such a naughty boy [Music] wait move aside to the top floor [Music] take the stairs [Music] keep going [Music] why is the door opening whoa he's over there [Applause] [Music] what do you think you are doing good don't you think it's fun [Music] don't even think about it [Music] and stop doing it oh finally [Music] what a day I better not see you again bye-bye I need to run huh that's it it's too high [Music] hurry we're almost there hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you again I'm gonna teach you a lesson oh yeah thank you I need to get out of here open open now huh [Music] oh my God what's going on he's over there hurry my treasure my treasure hey whoa stop right there nobody can run away from me oh no someone's in there let's go [Applause] don't worry you're safe now I'll never plan haters again Sheriff labrador's safety talk [Music] kids you should follow the safety rules when you take an elevator always ride the elevator with your parents and never play with the buttons jumping or playing around is dangerous too and that might cause an accident please remember that the dangerous manhole cover s ow [Music] ow it hurts woof hi I'm Sheriff Labrador please come help us don't worry kids we'll be right there [Music] [Applause] we were playing with little rabbit here and suddenly she disappeared [Music] don't worry we'll find little rabbit right there's no case that I can't solve oh my God the footprints are only on the manhole covers hey kids what game were you playing just now [Music] stop jumping on manhole covers can be very dangerous watch out Dolby [Music] it sticks [Music] look at this ah it's little rabbits ribbon don't get close to the manhole I'm going down to help officer Dobby find little rabbit yeah it stinks down here this way's blocked little rabbit would have gone this way somebody help me please the tunnel splits here which way should we go let me listen oh [Music] [Music] that way [Music] [Music] go away go away [Music] don't worry little rabbit we'll get you out of here oh no the Wastewater is coming this way [Music] Adobe use those boards [Music] [Music] kids remember never jump on manhole covers again it can be very dangerous again Sheriff labrador's safety top kids don't step on manhole covers on the street and keep away from them when you want you might fall down and get hurt if you step on a broken or worn manhole cover also the complicated sewer pipes harmful gases waste water cockroaches and mice under the manhole cover will make it hard for you to climb back out don't play with fire equipment [Music] oh oh let's go over there wow wow it smells so good [Music] tornado potatoes oh what's that smell oh watch out [Music] help me huh get the fire extinguisher huh where is it I'm coming huh that was close oh my bottom almost got burned it's dangerous not having a fire extinguisher so I must have taken it Sheriff Labrador please help me find out don't worry there's no case that I can't solve huh small hand print here's a smaller one too what's on the wall [Music] traces of fire extinguisher spray and it's on the balloon too did the fire extinguisher fly away no I think some kids took it we need to find them right now I'll go take a look [Music] they went that way ah it's so windy [Music] look like what's going on Toby help me [Music] coming through coming through Toby hold on tight yeah I found him [Applause] I saw little monkeys playing with the fire extinguishers they went that way that's so dangerous we need to go stop them wow [Applause] [Music] oh wow that's awesome you know it's really awesome watch me stop that's dangerous [Music] [Music] help me [Music] yeah yeah yes Watch Out Hold On Tight [Music] yes [Music] nothing can get away from me [Music] let's take him to the hospital we'll never play with fire extinguishers again Sheriff Labrador safety talk [Music] kids moving or damaging Fire Equipment is against the law so you shouldn't play with fire extinguishers if there were no fire extinguishers around when a fire breaks out it's hard to control the fire also if you don't use it correctly you might seriously harm yourself and others please remember that what if
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 5,793,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babybus, baby bus, kiki and miumiu, baby panda, Cartoons for kids, funny videos for toddlers, kids cartoons, cartoons, cartoon video, kids videos for kids, cartoon, funny cartoon, baby zoo, monster cartoon, kids cartoon, kids songs, Sheriff Labrador, police cartoon, Funny Videos for Toddlers, kids safety tips, play safe, safety cartoon, outdoor safety tips, police cartoons, playground safety, detective cartoon, fire safety, Don't Play With Ants, Safety Cartoon
Id: xQxFp9FLZh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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