Honeybee Gets Hurt +More | Super Rescue Team | Best Cartoon for Kids

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Baby Bus Yoo-hoo time to look for some nectar be careful Betty Betty don't worry I'm an excellent Dopey we're gonna search the left for nectar you take charge of the right no problem [Music] flowers [Music] wow I found them so many flowers [Music] so sweet the nectar is nice I need to tell my friends about it [Music] hey Betty are you all right [Music] foreign it's so yummy they're made out of honey look wow that's why the lollipops are so sweet huh hey Mercy [Music] [Music] what's the emergency scalpy is a kind of honeybee who looks for nectar water and suitable places to build a new Hive today one of the Scout bees got hurt and fainted while looking for nectar her life is in danger now [Music] she needs your help super Rescue Team let's go [Music] so with you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what happened to her She fainted we've already called super Rescue Team oh the rest of us is here [Music] the super Rescue Team please help Eddie here leave it to us start analyzing [Music] here's the result smoke is detected in her body and it made her temperature rise we need to cool her down right now smoke smoke scares honeybees more than anything else oh it was the car exhaust fumes got it leave it to me super recovery machine [Music] Oh Daddy how are you feeling oh I'm feeling much better super Rescue Team you've saved my life thank you you're ready your majesty [Music] are you all right I'm fine look I found nectar what are they doing she's doing the bee dance honey bee show their friends the location of nectar by dancing oh that's great she found a big flower bed collecting team gather up follow Betty to the flower bed got it hey Betty we haven't seen honeybees collecting nectar before can we go with you of course let's go wow it's such a big flower bed we'll help you as well [Music] here you are ready wow that's a lot of nectar phew I think I heard something [Music] they're Venus fly traps [Music] we got you there's one more over there [Music] Oh no I got caught too huh Kiki oh lollipop oh hmm I have an idea Kaka we have another problem we need Momo support please ask her to bring all of her lollipops I'll be that huh my lollipop that's right please move out right now okay leave it to Flying Momo [Music] [Music] what oh my goodness the Venus Fly Traps are everywhere come on Momo help us save the bees drop your lollipops into the Venus fly traps now good right away what's going on everyone get out now [Music] [Music] it's great that everyone's safe super rescue teams you're amazing huh super big [Music] [Music] thank you so much you saved Our Lives you are our heroes uh this is our little present for you [Music] wow it's so sweet this is so nice now I can make more honey lollipops [Music] it's so cold a Mr sea otter are you done with the repairs it's in very bad shape so you'll have to wait a little longer oh no we won't be able to start our investigation don't worry Mr sea otter is the best underwater mechanic that I know of [Music] almost done thank you help help me I'm so cold Mr sea otter Mr sea otter wow it's so cool [Music] look it's a new Icebreaker it's awesome wow it looks great huh emergency [Music] [Music] Kaka what's the emergency [Music] otter a marine mammal is an excellent underwater mechanic but he got hurt while repairing a research ship going to the Arctic he's in danger and needs your help we're on it super Rescue Team let's go twinkle little [Music] [Music] [Music] come on yeah it's the Rescue Bots [Music] please help Mr sea otter don't worry leave it to us start analyzing [Music] this [Music] here's the result Mr sea otter got hurt and lost some fur on his arm so he can't keep himself warm and his temperature is dropping it looks really serious huh I'll treat him right now okay [Music] [Applause] hit huh oh Kiki are you all right I'm fine Mr sea otter has a lot of fur sea otters have the densest coat of fur among all animals their fur protects them and keeps them warm in seawater so they can work in the cold sea oh I see huh super recovery machine [Music] [Music] Mr sea otter are you all right oh you woke up Mr sea otter [Music] super Rescue Team Mr sea otter how are you feeling I uh I feel much better thank you for your help huh I need to finish preparing the ship [Music] there's more and more ice around the ship oh what's going on the earth is getting warmer and the polar ice is melting much faster actually we're here to investigate the situation it's all fixed let's get out of here let's go yay we can get on with our investigation thank you super rescue team and you Mr sea otter is the ship broken again oh no we're surrounded by floating eyes oh teaching it's all around us we're stuck what should we do we need support from the headquarters Kaka we got a new problem we need Rudolph's support copy that Roadhouse kicking needs your help please get ready and move out now got it it's time to put my new Icebreaker to use now foreign [Music] oh no [Music] the Marine bus is ready great Rudolph we need to help the ship get through safely please break the ice in front of us no problem yeah yeah that's great awesome let's follow him okay we'll be able to make it to the investigation sites and you'll see a beautiful ice Bridge there wow I'm so excited oh no the ice breaks are collapsing all at once it's so big all right let's do it ah it's not breaking the ice is too big oh no we're stuck what do we do we're gonna die hey we have to find a way out right now watch out everyone there must be a weak point in the iceberg thank you found it right here move it off hit the marked area with your Icebreaker now copy that Target locked in let's go at full speed [Music] let's get out of here laughs oh wow look over there it's the ice Bridge it's beautiful Wow we must not let such a beautiful Bridge disappear let's protect the environment ugh gray donkey this is air traffic police officer bat a flock of birds are in front of you get out of the way what birds oh no I can't see anything Don't Panic just follow my directions steer to your right copy that go down thank you Mr Bat no problem that's what I do gray donkey is ready to land copy that clear the runway [Music] Mr lad is amazing he stopped another accident [Music] [Music] okay hey good job you did great emergency [Music] [Applause] what's the emergency that the only flying mammal in the world he sends out ultrasonic waves receives the Echoes by his ears and finds the location of the target he is an air traffic controller also known as air traffic police officer but he's feeling unwell and can't do his job right now he needs your help oh we're on it super Rescue Team let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Mr Bat Mr Bat oh the rescue team [Music] Mr Bat what's going on control tower control tower my ear hurts so much I can't do my job don't worry let me give you a checkup start analyzing [Music] here's the result his ear got swollen and infected so it couldn't work well got it I'll give him treatment right now [Music] [Music] oh where's the swelling huh oh it's so deep oh what's going on just a few moments Kiki's doing his best to help I'm sorry it just hurts so much oh hey oh [Music] why is there so much water in Mr bat's ear water ah maybe it got into my ear when I took a shower I'll take care of it now to reduce the swelling [Music] it's all done [Music] [Applause] [Music] how do you feel Mr back much better now thank you so much control tower control tower [Music] don't worry just leave it to me I'm so glad you're okay start checking the runway foreign wolf land on Section B squirrel ready to take off [Music] watch Land on Section C Eagle land on Section A leopard land on Section d [Music] yay [Music] wow you're amazing Mr Bat yeah you really are control tower Fox requesting Landing Shiba dogs requesting Landing Shiba dog this is the control tower is all clear to land copy that oh no look up good control tower I have a problem with my engine uh stop all Landings and takeoffs right now Shiba dog needs to make an emergency landing attention ground staff get ready for the rescue operation let's go help them too uh-huh this week this week [Music] come on oh no be careful [Music] ground staff be careful of falling debris everyone be careful be careful [Music] this is leave here [Music] oh no I'm out of the runway foreign [Music] oh thank you Toshiba Captain Sheba captain I'm fine great thank you for saving me bye-bye super Rescue Team keeping you safe [Music] all right I'll get them for you here you go my Dino Dino okay oh [Music] hold on for a second [Music] thank you [Music] my neck hurts so much I'll call Super rescue team right now [Music] flamingos looks so well again uh-huh I love their long legs well emergency [Music] Kaka what's the emergency giraffe the tallest mammal on land [Music] today he hurt his neck while doing his job he can't move and is in a lot of pain now he needs your help we're on it let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] please help Mr giraffe don't worry uh-huh start analyzing [Music] here's the result two of Mr giraffe's neck bones are broken it looks really serious huh I'll treat him right now super recovery machine [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] my neck is all right now what's wrong Mr giraffe giraffe I don't like my long neck huh isn't it good to have a long neck not at all I have lost a hundred jobs because of my long neck what once I worked as a driver at a farm and once I worked at a cafe but oh [Music] I'm gonna lose my job again Mr giraffe [Music] there's a fire let's go fighter we're here to help you everyone cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel and follow me [Music] start life searching [Music] huh people are trapped upstairs oh no Mew Mew some kids are trapped on the third floor and the door is locked I need more time copy that we'll figure something out oh no it's too narrow to get in higher higher huh the ladder can't reach huh our kids are in danger what should we do laughs I think I can do it elephant firefighter hmm I think I can reach it let me try oh okay please do what you can look he did it come on slide down my neck down Don't Be Afraid look my neck looks like a long slide doesn't it boom wow come on just slide I'll catch you wow that's great kid it's your turn come on huh okay super space oh yeah yeah yeah super Rescue Team thank you we couldn't have done it without Mr giraffe's help I never thought that my long neck would be a help actually your long neck was a great help really would you like to join our team your team you mean I can be a firefighter sure we need a good teammate like you I'd love to [Music] congratulations on getting a new job [Music] [Applause]
Channel: BabyBus TV - Kids Cartoon
Views: 7,555,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BabyBus, babybus tv, Kiki, Miumiu, Mimi, Timi, cartoon, for kids, babybus cartoon, baby panda, kitten family, meowmi family, BabyBus English, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, stories, kids stories, kids videos, kids songs, babysongs, baby cartoon, animation for kids, new episode, super rescue team, magical Chinese characters, good habits for kids, math kindom adventure, yummy foods family, safety tips, babybus sheriff labrador, babybus rescue team, baby shark
Id: EukLavdOkLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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