ARE WE LUCKY? 300+ SUMMONS [Solo Leveling Arise]

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yo what's up guys I'm finally doing my first major summons video it's been kind of a long time coming for this uh just some quick uh like background information I did play Early Access and I was free to play during Early Access I made a good amount of progression I can show you guys really quickly if you're not my channel but I am level 65 on my main account so basically what I did is I um I was free to play now I switched over to pay to win for my main account but um I did just make a new free to-play account so if you guys are not really planning to spend um and maybe need some help throughout the game or just want to know some tips and tricks I will be coming out with a lot of videos um just around freeto play so I I will have that second account um to do that but yeah in the meantime I'm finally doing my first major summons I did um end up spending some money I was kind of waiting until the game released just to make sure it's was good enough um before I put my money where my mouth is but um yeah I mean enough talking we can just go ahead and jump in and uh just in case my game crashes I might have to like cut the video and you know uh pick up where I left off I don't know my game's been crashing a little bit lately but um yeah let's just go ahead and start because we have a lot of tickets to get through I'll probably do um at least 250 of the regular tickets and then uh maybe like 50 or 60 of the raate up tickets but um yeah let's get right into it and yeah I mean kind of the funny thing about this is uh some of my YouTube videos if I like mess up during recording all uh like re record but I guess you can't really reord this but let's we got we got Choy okay I already have him but we'll take a we'll take an advanced Choy so he'll be at least A1 I believe um so I'll take that and just go again okay we already have that some of the stuff I already have but um I'll be looking for dupes for advancements um and there's actually some weapons that I'm going for um as well just kind of skip through some of the stuff um the stuff that I'm going for this is the stuff that I don't have by the way so we're going for the arrow dude Bach the tiger guy um The Plum sword and then the demon sword I don't have these but I have pretty much everything uh else except for hongdong Su that's like the only person I don't have out of this whole list uh but yeah we can go ahead and keep it moving here okay I don't think I had her I think she's one of the better SRS for water so I could actually build her out I can double check on that but I think I a lot of people use her um I already have him I don't really see too many people using him but I actually got O Okay Okay Legend I don't know how to say his name like I just say like B but um cool so I didn't have him so I will take that we definitely add him to the list and level him up okay that's Jo pretty sure that's her name SRS just keep it moving here um okay I don't I forgot how good I don't think a lot of people use that I don't think a lot of people use that either I should do a weapon tier list too I'll probably get around to doing that I know there's a couple out there on YouTube though already okay oh we really haven't gotten the P sword yet or the uh The Demon King sword but okay we got a rate increase here so I think it's guaranteed ssar pretty sure okay okay oh I already have these but I can do A1 um was my first dup of the Moon Shadows that's pretty nice uh let me see how much I have so 167 okay we can uh can take a quick look at what we have um so this I can go ahead and Advance let's do that really quickly also go I'm not going to like spend the whole video doing this so we go back to the summons but um cool yeah we're making some decent progress here let's keep going okay I don't think she's that great I could be wrong I'm obviously like free to play like you kind of um got to play who you get for the most part unless maybe it's cuz I'm skipping I'm not getting that good of like we got a so we got him twice okay okay I'll take that I'm pretty sure he's a light breaker isn't he like he does break and he's element is light I could double check on that um I don't think people really use that because there's a lot of other better dark um weapons oh you know what um I'm going do something here I'm going to take him out um and then I guess I could go for Hong dong to I just don't have him yet so I may as well try to acquire him oh and actually there is one other thing instead of maybe the arrow dude I could look for the Huntsman because I don't have the Huntsman either there's a lot of stuff that I actually don't have um I think that this is actually let's do that I don't know I think kangdong is probably pretty good but I don't like you have um wuen chill already but okay Let's see we only have 97 left wow we went through a lot okay come on I'll be happy with like one or two more s tiet again pretty sure I'm close to being A5 but I have a lot of for her it's not really who I wanted because I'd want somebody new preferably but um let me see where I'm at I got 67 okay let me switch to the ra ups and then maybe I'll Circle back for some of those so um I already have chaha in but I'll take a dup or um honestly like if I'm lucky enough to get one of the weapons I didn't have then I would take that um as well think we got a deeper nice okay that'll be A1 okay nothing doing right there I'll go again okay we got what's his name Kong k k shik or whatever um I actually didn't level him up yet but maybe I should do a video on him oh my okay that's okay I have a lot of these but um and what is my luck today I'm getting like stuff I already have for the most part um if I go to weapons I already have A3 but I mean I guess I'll take A4 guess I can't complain too much but um yeah okay back we got like couple I can do this a couple more times got her again oh baby a triple I think that's A2 or the [Music] 83 let's see oh my God I got her again what's going on here brother okay I think that's that's all my tickets there I only have a few more Lees um I'm eight I don't have enough I would need how many what's math like 62 I would need I have 57 to get a guaranteed SSR I may as well just keep going at this right right I'm committing we're committing oh my God don't do this to me I'm I'm rage I'm raging I'm I'm rage uh drawing summoning oh my 17 all right couple more times for GU okay we're just going to get um we're going to get how many do I need um these I think it's like 2500 all let's just get that much let's see how many can we buy um we can do just three I guess I actually didn't need to spend diamonds but okay the last one I think oh okay at least we ended with a bang ended with a bang okay I didn't have the Huntsman so that was very good um I'm glad I got that cuz you know it was like what I was doing before um the only other leveled up light weapon I had was this one so I didn't really use it too much I used it early on like it helped me get past egis in the story mode but um besides that I wasn't really using this too much so this is going to be a super good light weapon I'm pretty sure this is uh one of the better weapons in the game so um guys that's pretty much it here uh for the video I hope you enjoyed um like I said I'll be coming out with a lot of content this account is going to be for a lot of guides for um like stuff that's fully built out and leveled up whereas my freet topl lookout for Content circling around that that's going to be more for like um you know big you know beginning middle game how to get past like bosses you might be stuck on um so go into that so let me know if you guys have any questions down below or want to see any uh future videos um also drop our community Discord in the description so feel free to join that we're just going over like questions about the game just interacting having some fun so uh feel free to uh join that as well so yeah thanks again guys I hope you take care and I'll catch you next time peace
Channel: Embursidy
Views: 12,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #SoloLeveling
Id: 3w83ti5oKRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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