Sunday September 12th

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foreign [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] i love you lord i love you lord i love you jesus i love you lord i love you lord [Music] i love him hallelujah i love him because he first loved me hallelujah when i was nothing hallelujah glory be to god he make me to be something and this morning us adore his name i just magnify his name i just lift up his name by hallelujah that [Music] will magnify his name will glorify his name hallelujah will lift up his name and eye his name is worded by the praise from the rising of the sun to the going down of the saints this name is jesus hallelujah we're here this morning just to magnify his name just to lift him up just say lord i thank you for life hallelujah i thank you for this trend lord god i give him thanks this morning for this opportunity that i can be in his presence just to lift him up oh hallelujah just to worship him hallelujah this morning we gonna sing for a congregational song great is the lord the prince of life and glory great is the lord and wonderful his name hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] from [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] glory to god to the king of kings and the lord of lords great is the lord hallelujah he's an awesome god hallelujah hallelujah we're here just to make the voice name we're here just to lift him up because he's in us hallelujah [Music] oh but chaos and confusion so this morning we'll lift our spirit to your spirit almighty god we leave our thoughts oh god to you we live for our minds we give you all lord jesus as we are depending upon you walk into our lives one more time jesus saturate us in your anointing power lord god oh mighty god you see everything that's going on around us we come against the spirit of fear we come against the spirit of doubt we come against a confusing spirit in the name of jesus we declare victory for your people lord jesus we declare deliverance in the name of jesus god we walk in prosperity we walk in health lord jesus oh god and anything the enemy has come lord god to mess up our minds in the name of jesus we send it back up we cast off every foe everything which is none of you will abide in the name of jesus and we declare lord god deliverance for your people in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus remember lord god our children as they go to school cover them oh god from everything lord jesus that will come to arm them oh god our teachers oh god cover them lord jesus you say the frontline workers oh god father we thank you we want to thank you lord praise thee want to thank you oh glory be to god that you're in this pandemic up we've got so many of them lord jesus so many frontline workers but oh god they're still alive oh god and we thank you lord you've been merciful to this congregation oh god we thank you remember those at home at this time cover them lord jesus bless them lord god sanctify our hearts oh god lord god and the word we thank you for the word we thank you for the word we thank you for the word anoint that word in the name of jesus oh god almighty let it come from you lord straight from the throne of glory in the name of jesus let every selfish slain lord god we give this day lord god this is the day that you have made we will rejoice we will be glad and we will thank you for your goodness and for your mercies they endure it forever in jesus name [Music] can we just offer the lord the fruit of our lips right now hallelujah thank you jesus we bless your name god we bless your name god there is none like you hallelujah we bless your name god hallelujah thank you waking us up this morning we give you thanks god hallelujah for starting us on our way we give you thanks god we bless your name o to you god we adore you we love you jesus we thank you for allowing us to be here this morning hallelujah we thank you for allowing us to tune in this morning hallelujah where would i be if not for your love where would i be if not for your grace hallelujah we thank you jesus hallelujah we give you all glory and honor because it is due unto your [Music] my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness [Music] i dare not sweetest frame [Music] but holy trust in jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my hope is built on nothing less than jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] i dare not trust [Music] i only trust in jesus [Music] my hope is [Music] foundations [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] christmas time [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] my [Music] we're [Music] is [Music] [Music] is day [Music] jesus christ that jesus christ [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] in christ [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're still the god that sits higher [Music] right here [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] hallelujah [Music] says through the storm he is lord hallelujah and i know many of us here that hear the sound of my voice has been through a storm that god has kept them hallelujah that he has carried you through hallelujah he is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus straightforward [Music] my [Music] i [Music] am [Applause] [Music] him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah who am i that you are mindful of me hallelujah you are the king of kings and the lord of lords yet you look down and you saw my needs hallelujah you looked down and you saw my fault hallelujah and you didn't care but you picked me up and you turned me around hallelujah this is the king of kings hallelujah and the lord of lords hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] yes god hallelujah [Music] everything i give to you is [Music] everything i give to you withholding nothing [Music] withholding nothing nothing with holding nothing sing i swear [Music] here's my heart lord withholding nothing here's my gifts and talents lord withholding nothing here's my my love with holding nothing oh here's my time i surrender i surrender [Music] everything i can [Music] with [Music] here i am [Music] a living sacrifice [Applause] [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] you [Music] holding my face today [Music] [Music] [Music] we're [Music] we're [Music] no [Music] come on lift your voice [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah and when we say that that's not an easy thing to do everything i give to you hallelujah [Music] the song says nobody told me that the road would be easy hallelujah but i don't believe he's brought me this far [Music] i don't believe he's brought me this far to leave me hallelujah hallelujah every good thing comes from the father hallelujah so why not give him what we have hallelujah so we can give us his best hallelujah everything i give to you [Music] everything i give [Music] with holding nothing small and nothing [Music] you know what you're holding back from god [Music] with [Music] thank you [Music] hallelujah [Music] he's the great i am the everlasting father the prince of peace hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you david thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god hallelujah i can tell you signs of god god already spoken in this place hallelujah he is here the song i just said is real right now i can feel him in the atmosphere hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus i just want to greet you all pastor everyone today we are just going to cut it short a few days ago i got a call or mercy called me and she said to me um pastor wants you to call him and i'm gonna say this and i passion i have a short conversation and i said to pastor you know what pastor are you sure i don't feel you know i feel inadequate and i don't know if this is it would be the time you know i just don't know and he said to me don't give me an answer right now but pray on it sleep on it and i and i slept on it and i slept on it but i went upstairs i went upstairs same time and i went in my room and i lifted my hands to god and i said god i don't know what to talk i would know what to talk about i would know what to speak about and god said to me i am god i am god and i never run out of options i turn on i normally listen to a bible study on a wednesday night and the bible study says if god can use a donkey he can use a woman and i said oh my god what is this what are you saying if god can use a donkey you can use a woman and i said okay and i did not wait for pastor to call me the next day i just i just said you know what pastor i will do it even though i didn't feel like you all know what is happening in our lives you know the struggles we are all in the pandemic and you all know the crisis in our families we are all facing some situation and we are all going through and through and through and traumatized depressed anxious feeling like it's going on too long the pandemic should have been ended we didn't know that we would be still talking about stage four but god is saying today i am the almighty that's the scripture that was read this morning i am the almighty and as i told you we are we said we are in the season of open door and when abram was 90 years old and nine the lord appeared unto abram and said i am the almighty god walk before me and be thou perfect neither shall they and and he said to abram neither shall thy name be called anymore abraham but thy name shall be called abraham for a father of many nations have i called you and in first corinthians 14 and first corinthians 16 verse 9 said for a great doer of effectual is open unto me and there are many adversaries i did not tell the praise team what i was going to talk about today but did you notice all the songs that they were singing he's the great i am great is the lord no the great is the lord when i walked through the door brother curry was singing be still and know that i am god be still and know and she said i surrender all brother brother pastor miller said shakina and i was and i just want to sing this song maybe you don't even know it i didn't i didn't say anything to praise him but i'm so glad that god has spoken somebody said god has spoken and let the church say amen and i'm just going to sing this song and if if we have to just close off whatever the songwriter said is more than enough he's more than enough he is el shaddai the god of plenty the all-sufficient one is god almighty and um as the scripture today was talking about abraham and as you know abe who abraham was the bible said he was in the land of us and god said to him get thee out of thy kindred on from thy country onto a place that i will show you and the scripture was telling us today that i will make you a father of many nations and the scripture that i was talking about there are many adversaries and you will notice that during abraham's life even though he was going through even though god had made him that promise it didn't stop him from having problems and as i said we are in the seasons of open door and seasons we all know we are in the land with we are in canada and we know the different seasons the spring the summer the autumn the winter and what we're talking about the seasons of open door it is communication and agreement with god a time of hope opportunity new beginnings doors mentioned 180 times in the scriptures options we know that their choices because the doors all because a door is open it does not mean that we will not experience setbacks it doesn't mean that we will not experience opposition it doesn't mean that we are going to get whatever we are going to get overnight right god told abraham what he was going to give him but abram did not get him the same night it did not happen the same year it did not happen that the next 10 years he had to wait something like 25 years hallelujah god promised abraham that he would be a father of many nations problems abraham's experience he when they when god called him he was 90 years old 90 years old so he had age-related problems his wife sarah god told him abraham that sarah would be your child but sarah was also infertile god wants him to off when when he did have that son but when the son was 13 years old god said to him offer him up as a sacrifice to me how could you want me to give up my only son abraham's sons i'm just talking about a family the generation god abram's sons and grandsons their wives who were barren they were infertile they suffered infertility but bible said they saw the lord they spoke to the lord and said lord remember me as rachel said remember me remember me let me be her a child because she she did not have anything she did not have any joseph was also part of that generation and joseph you know all about the dreamer um young people we all have dreams we all have plans we all have things that we want to accomplish in this world and so joseph had his dreams how he saw his mother and his father and it's his um 11 brothers bowing down to him and joseph thought okay god is gonna bless me but it did not happen overnight joseph went from being at home being loved by daddy getting the special code but his brethren hated him so he had oppositions he had problems even is even in his own household they took him threw him in a pit sold him to strangers in the in the country that he went you also encountered problems with his employer the employee the employer's wife wanted him to commit fornication after that he was thrown into prison and he thought it was over but god is always in the midst he always had one option he always work when it seemed like there is no way god does the most most incredible things when things seem hopeless a songwriter said when i was young we used to sing the song i am in the whole school my god delivers again you see when it seems that all is lost he reaches down his hands and so today you may feel that you're in your low valley you may feel like it's it's the the room is closing in on you the walls are closing and what next there's death there's just so much to you cannot process i remember just few weeks ago before we had the convention we were praying that night and i remember saying you know we are going through this unexpected unexplainable season and i said don't panic but after that one week later my or home you know or family was attacked people were having accidents people having were being shot people things were just happening just this week somebody called me and two people from my church the same day they passed away and i was just we're just saying what next i was listening to the to the news last week and somebody was saying oh my week was so rough there was just one call after the other we were just getting one call after the other but jesus is still there what did the children of israel do when they encounter problems what did they do when they suffer roadblocks did they give up but the bible said abram staggered not at the promises of god he did not waver he knew who his god was and today you know who you are serving you know who your god is if you were looking to man i believe kovid should have taught us all a lesson some of us will say oh i have the love of my life but sometimes the love of your life is gone sometime your job is gone sometimes your finances is gone sometimes your home is gone but jesus said i am the almighty my presence will go with you you don't have to worry the songwriter said i don't have to worry when i reach the other shore when you go to the other shore you won't have to worry because there will be no more sickness there'll be no more sorrow there'll be no more pain there'll be no more worrying about the virus we will not worry about corona because there will be no corona no sickness no sin can enter there hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah the children of israel they prayed they saw the lord as we saw earlier i surrender all are we surrendering all today or we are just giving apart the bible said they fasted they put away food they put away the water the juice they put away the tea some of the tv sometimes we put away the cell phone sometimes you have to fast from cell phones sometimes we have to fast from television sometimes sometimes we have to stay up all night just to say lord speak to me i need you the songwriter said i need thee oh i need thee every hour and evie i can't make it without you i can't go on without you i can't make one step before it another step because i sometimes i can't see my way hallelujah but jesus said my presence my presence will go with you hallelujah they cried out to god and they held on to his promises hallelujah as you know the the second scripture where paul said we have many adversaries we all know what paul went through paul said twice i was beaten twice i suffered shipwreck once i was torn three times i i stuff i got beaten you know i was in the deep i was in the pure ocean at night and a day i was just in the cold water i was just out there i had to run for my life i was thrown in prison but the bible said in prison paul and silas they prayed they prayed they prayed they prayed they prayed and sung the praises of god so saints of god you are going through right now but keep on praying keep on praying keep on seeking the face of the lord because that's the only thing that is going to see us through hallelujah danielle prayed and the lion's mouth was shut hallelujah peter prayed and the people prayed for peter and the prison doors were open the chains were loose everyone's bands were loose the gates were open because jesus said when i opened no man shot when i shot no one open so i have set before you an open door the door is open right now but there's a time when the gentiles the door will be closed so let us take advantage of the open door let us communicate with jesus now he said come in and stop with me come in i will oh behold i stand at the door and knock and if i if you open the door i will come in and i will stop with you there are times the door is closed like the door is closed there but it is not locked i had an internet yesterday somebody came to my house but the door was the door was closed but it was not locked so i i was downstairs and i said to the person just open the door and come in the door is not locked so jesus is saying you may see the door is locked but i have open door policy you know at work they said um yeah i can go into my manager because he has an open door policy jesus said my policy right now is open doors you can come in i will sit with you he said come let us reason together say the lord though your sins be a scarlet god does not see us as men see us men will not forgive us men will not help us they will said the doctor will say you know what brother minister kerr i have done all i have i can do but jesus never said i have run up thought options and this is all i can do because he said with me all things are possible is there anything too hard for god i can move mountains i hallelujah god move mountains you feel that your mountain is pressing on you you feel like you cannot go any further you'll feel like you're choking you'll feel like it's you're up to your heels hallelujah but jesus said i cause walls to fall i open doors i heal i raised the dead i made the dome speak i made the crooked way straight hallelujah i make walls to fall the jericho walls fell down hallelujah they did not have to use hammer and picker but hallelujah they use the trumpet they blow they walk around in faith believing so sense of god if you can't do anything just walk and pray just sit and pray just prostrate anything you have to do today come let us reason say the lord hallelujah he is the great i am he's the everlasting father the prince of peace holy counselor zion's righteous governor he's the great i am hallelujah god says the door may be closed today but it doesn't mean it will be closed forever hallelujah so whatever you need from the lord today and you think it's not gonna happen it's not gonna work out hallelujah i'm trying to get a career and everything just seems like it's not working out i need to buy a house and it's just not working out we were open to have this church open and do everything from last year and it seemed like it's not working out but god says not because there's a stop doesn't mean or there's an ignorance doesn't mean that it's not going to work out the devil thought that they killed jesus and they put him in a tomb and said it is finnish they said i've done with him i put him in the tomb but the bible said on the third day he rose again hallelujah so if even if jesus had to suffer if jesus have set back if jesus had to run for his life because they want to stone him before the time came when he wanted to before his time of operation before the time he was crucified they want to kill him before that and he moved away so because satan tell you something and you know you're a child of god doesn't mean you have to do it it doesn't mean you have to obey satan's voice and prove anything because if god was on the jesus was on the cross and he didn't have to prove to satan you don't have to prove to satan but you just have to know who your god is and god is speaking to us today and saying i am god if you are sick i will heal you if you are mourning i will comfort you if you are in darkness i am the light of the world hallelujah if you are lost i am the way jesus is saying to you today come to me be comforted knowing that one of these days it will be over one of these days i'll be walking on streets of gold one of these days my pain and my sorrow will be over there'll be no more crying i won't have to cry he said behold i prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and i will receive you to myself to myself not to your husband not to your wife not to your children but he's gonna come and he's gonna bring you back to himself so he's saying come unto me come unto me and i will give you rest come to jesus today saints of god the songwriter said god has spoken i am the almighty i am the almighty i do not change i do not go back on my word i accomplish what i said god bless you in jesus lord [Music]
Channel: Church Of The Firstborn Praise Sanctuary
Views: 126
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: puSkWlAQ4DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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