Tackling all the early challanges : Vampire Survivors

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and we're back with some more vampire Survivor and uh this next attempt is by Francis from the past attempting to do a level now I don't don't be too hard on the guy he's still learning he he hasn't actually figured everything out just yet but you know he's getting better so so give him a chance anyway but further Ado here's past Francis trying to attempt a level as a quick final thing today I'm going to try hard the start level as in the one that I haven't finished yet this mad Forest I want to actually finish this so what we're doing is we're going to use Elda because she starts with the wand it's pretty solid around based on the characters we have access to uh there's several that we could try but I think yeah she's probably the best of them actually vascul nope nope we're going to go with a Melda uh first though we are going to go to powerups and we're going to purchase some more growth yeah and in fact can we no we cannot afford another batch of growth but we could probably afford some more might yeah that should help out uh recovery don't care about duration sure why not uh give us also no weapon cool down yes perfect this actually looks like a not a terrible amount of money with that all purchased we'll grab a Melda and we'll just go for the Mad forest and see if we can't win this I'm going to try and skip this for lot because I'm already well over time uh okay bats died quickly oh we want something fast damage oh these are all terrible we'll go with the axe haven't actually maxed it out yet and go on throw throw an axe in the air for no reason there you go you'll hit something eventually with it I really hate axes I mean they're great late game it's just early game they feel so trash right now straight into magic W level two this is going to be our damage dealer for a while so we want to Max this out we're playing this my way you know what I think I'm going to go with Santa water normally I'd go with spinach right here but I think there's spinach on the map yeah so the spinach on the map we can go grab and fact there's several things on the map we can go grab and that's assuming we can survive long enough to get to them all right need to farm farm farm and farm even more as aggressively as we possibly can yeah we're going to stick with damage we need so much damage on this level it's crazy oh God damn [Music] it lightning ring it's got to be lightning ring right I've just seen ebony wings and I kind of want to get the birds again yeah let's go for it I mean it's stupid but I want to do it anyway that's a problem with this game you kind of get sucked in it and you're like you know what let's do this I know it's dumb and it's risky but you come in with a plan and then at the moment goes out the window the moment you get some nice shiny thing that pops up was the sign of a fun game sucks you in all right uh cand of Labrador that actually combines with axe so we're going to want that now this might look hard but it's not it's lightning ring basically we don't want whip or Bible because we're holding out for the other bird so lightning ring lightning ring lightning ring dear God we're not close to maxing anything out yet we've got four levels left on the one several levels like nothing is close to maxing out which would have be the hope but we're not there yet we're not even close to there yet and I'm trying to find one of those attractor orbs so that we can grab all the gems I'm leaving behind I'm trying to head over towards the spinach over here it's a bit of a trek oh great H it's the first boss area thingy but that's fine uh let's yeah this is good oh it's the green guys those green guys are actually incredibly tough but we're actually able to kill them not fast but at least we're able to kill them at some point a few axes don't hurt either since this place is now covered in things that are hard to kill and we can't get a lot of experience out of them I think it's time we use this time to run as fast as we possibly can because if we run fast we should be able to get to the spinach area while our ability to get ooh here's the cross let's just zap a whole bunch of them right now I mean why not you were on the way through things are getting a little bit tense but that's fine that's fine we'll just grab ourselves an Axe and get on with our day God we're still not even close to getting something leveled up though that's the problem oh bats come on give me some good bad experience well we might as well grab a tractor orb while we're here but it is going to dilute down this no we'll grab it now why not we need to do it at some point assuming we survive long enough to take advantage of it and our Firepower is not too terrible I mean we're not killing everything instantly but we're doing a decent job of staying on top of them magic wand level six yes please if a magic one comes up we're going to grab it unless it's it's the white bird we want the white bird as well that's the only thing that would make me change my mind and now it's Mass zombies that's okay that's okay and a chest I don't want to grab the chest just yet to be honest thing is we can we can level up a few weapons first all right we'll grab the axe and hold that we don't want the stone mask or anything duplicator ring we have been looking for you for a while that's going to up our damage because everything gets an extra projectile uh lightning ring or axe you know what I'm kind of tempted to go for axe we already have the candle labador so we can upgrade it uh lightning ring actually we do have the here no no axe gives us that weird spiral and we haven't leveled that axe yet so it would be nice to get that done axe is one of the few weapons Axe and cross are the two weapons we haven't leveled up Axe is finally starting to pull its weight it also helps when you have duplic to give all those extra axe projectiles what are we missing we just need two more levels of wand come on you know what let's just grab this chest while we're here I was going to hold it but it's too far away oh great it's the super bats that don't die seriously that one just ate a bunch of axes and didn't fall over that is by definition a super back once we hit the 10-minute Mark that means the Boss shows up uh which is going to be a problem with this many bats I don't like these bats come on let's grab this chest while we're here o right well we got the lightning ring fires one more projectile and whatever the other ones are who cares uh it's Grand hopefully we can smash a hole out of here real quick yeah there we go axes actually did that for us I take everything by bad I ever said take back everything bad I said about axes they're they're they're working out right now attractor orb or armor no attractor orb it's got to be come on H we'll grab some food all that chunk let's see about killing this boss got to be possible right we got enough axess to slow them down another one bites the dust holy crap we managed to kill him too before the plants faded out now all we got to do is oh yeah level up wand or something so that when we grab that chest it Maxes us out okay magic wand level seven one more level on magic wand and we're good to go oh and here comes a whole bunch of experience patas I think we might actually make it this time around empty tomb kind of have to grab that because we needed to max out the wand toos box cursed item but increased might projectile speed duration and area by 4% oh man I kind of want both of those because turos box we've got a like a a thing to increase that by or that's like one of the challenges but no we're going to be played safe and grab empty toome damn I really wish I I'm kind of sorry I didn't get turos to never mind never mind it's fine now what we got to do is just kill a whole bunch of these guys oh level eight Magic on finally yeah we get the upgraded version of it and now we can now we actually have a chance to survive this it absolutely annihilates everything nearby uh yeah axe or empty Tom take an axe great Axe just realized I need to start planning for what we want in the sixth slot we can pick up spinach off the ground so what do we want in the sixth slot you know what stone mask get the gold coins now I mean what we're here for anyway that way we can now just go grab the spinach we don't have to care uh you guys we're just going to blast through you if you don't mind excuse me coming through no we're not getting firew we're still holding out for that white bird which we have not seen yet uh and none of you guys cut it so Santa water yeah got to be sent water and this is actually pretty brutal killing I mean is kicking butt all we got to do now is find ourselves some spinach and we're ready for a bunch more damage also if we could find an attractor orb along the way I would be really grateful uh Santa water yes come on you're around here somewhere I know it yep it's just up ahead oh the Wolverines have shown up great or the werewolves whatever and this is the spinach hey we'll get it right to win this level all we really need to do is survive to kill the boss at level 25 that will unlock hyper mode for this and I'll never have to come back here again I think uh we just need to make sure we get over here to this uh grave and open it also if we could get ourselves the white bird thingy that would also be great wow wow we we just got an evolved death spiral I forgot about that uh yeah great done now this is when axes start to shine when the axes start shooting out of us like that that is why people like axes and that's why when I made fun of axes people got a bit mean because axes at this level are just awesome sauce look at that destruction like level the place hey where were we uh yeah I'm thinking Santa water is good yeah whatever I'm not too worried about these guys killing us now what we've got axes and the wand leveled up it's just there's no way right right Santa water is making a mess oh peach peach peach one Whatever Peach one peach 2 uh that means we've got everything time to move on we literally have every single weapon we want every single thing we can evolve into and all we need to do is pop over here and grab this vampire thing and survive past survive the boss at the 25 minute Mark and we're done oh look the big bad bats are back you know who cares not this guy or girl wait who we playing again you know what whatever not this character they're Grand they've got the axes to take care of the problem also the wand we've got basically shoots down anything that gets just a little bit too close what do you got for us C labador increases our base area damage that should mean the axes get bigger basically oh there it is finally there's an attractor orb this should allow us to grab a few levels at least is that it one level honestly I was expecting more I mean we run okay uh no Santa water lightning ring yeah lightning ring lightning ring level eight wow okay things are going up fast there was a bunch of stuff left around the map I knew it all right spinach and we'll start doing the birds I suppose yeah uh no spinach or the Birds well then I think that's made things more interesting and definitely L closer to this oh actually the vampire will be protected by someone and this is the boss at 15 minute mark this is normally very painful for me and now oh we're shredding it we're absolutely shredding the entire surrounding plants normally the plants wall Us in we're we're not walled in here with the plants the plants Are Walled in here with us this time round oh absolutely blew the boss away yeah I'm I'm just glad we get to kill all of these plants some more uh yeah give us the eony wings actually how our Birds looking our Birds we need a bunch of levels on the birds so I think we're just going to grab the chest and move on there's no point we got everything we need oh is that the evolv Santa water yep perfect things are working out great I think we got this in the bag I mean I'll probably jinx myself saying that but so right now we've got the evolved lightning uh the evolved wanderful evolved Axe and we've got the evolved s water I think we're doing pretty good and soon we'll be accessing that vampire I think this is the furest we've ever gotten on this level yeah yeah working out good uh let's just keep heading up towards this vampire person and hopefully we can grab them out what I really want to do though is knock out the birds and then that'll leave us space for one extra weapon the two birds will merge into one and that one extra weapon I would like to be the fire wand we got to be real careful I would like to have some things else level left to level up otherwise it might just give us three options and have to pick one and then that'll be it we'll be stuck so let's try and level up everything else last ah there is that chest top left of the screen now oh yeah there's stuff protecting it it is a swarm of skeletons I think we got him yeah we got him thank you Elda belf but the vampire is in another coffin okay and in exchange we get our hands on prala prola joins the survivors I yeah I don't know which one that is question is is there anything else left on this map to grab I don't think so I mean there's all this stuff down here but I really don't want to travel that far that seems like a lot of effort actually let's go for the skull if we can grab that skull and level it up a bit it'll knock out another achievement for US ah let's see here now we're looking out for a weapon to replace the PE Jones at some point but oh damn it uh give me stone mask I want to keep everything even level you want to have as many left over as possible uh peach one peach one ah damn it not Peach one we will which one's got the most levels left in it yeah so Clover actually doesn't really matter we can't knock out a tract to or we want to leave that as an option but we do need to knock out Dam it okay Peach W up to level seven so basically we're just one WG around the map annihilating these large skeleton guys it's pretty fun we we have found ourselves at chest and I think we're going to STI it out until we get the last level on the birds seems like a plan come on come on come on come on come on tractor orb problem solved damn it uh Stone mask well yeah we keep getting the wrong picks h fine we'll max out a trct to orb hopefully if we've got less things to choose for it'll eventually give us the freaking bird we just need one more level on the birds and we're done oh uh let's get back to that chest things are getting a little bit hairy right now whoa and there's a boss here hey boss how you doing God damn it just give me one more level on those those birds uh we'll knock out Stone mask I suppose come onoo so many gems finally level eight grab [Music] this perfect absolutely excellent well in that case now we can grab this thing down here [Music] cool yep whatever time to get moving we have a curse thing to pick up so that we can ah see now we don't want any of those things so we'll take Stone mask excellent empty Tom more van vandelier thank you very much uh Clover or cross actually cross yeah I think we want cross because we've got luck and we haven't maxed out cross before perfect now we just need to head to oh my God that skull thing is miles away and we've only got 10 minutes to do it or 9 minutes to do it so let's just keep moving oh I think it's boss time I can tell because there's a bunch of flowers that's okay we have the power let's just chop them down unless there's no boss there doesn't seem to be a boss let's just keep going then this is slow going these are like the toughest enemies you can possibly face and we're like smacking them with everything we got and they just do not go down this makes leveling a little bit tricky also since we're trying to move a direction we can't really hang around to snag all the gems that's okay it's okay we'll catch back up in a bit is that no for a second I thought that was a boss you got to kill the boss at the 25 minute Mark though that is the most important thing uh everything else is not quite quite so important as that also our birds are not quite maxed out yet I would really like them a little bit higher level if at all possible let's stop and pick up that black heart while we're on the way ah I I don't think we need an extra thing to level up but if it's free why not take it okay this is the boss where is that boss uh where are they we're around here somewhere right I know there's the chest there but that can't be them right we can't have killed that quickly I'm sure we would have noticed something right seriously is that it is that the boss that we killed him without noticing mildly embarrassing ooh almost managed to Max at our cross never mind that was awkward hey we need to get our hands on this skull thing though pretty quickly if we can get the skull thing I think to level two before the end of the round it'll knock out another achievement for us uh I I don't know if we can get it in time though we're going to have to move pretty fast yeah it's a bit of a distance away oh a chest that means we can max out cross is it what does it become Heavenly sword or something yeah Heavenly sword evolved cross can deal critical damage well that's great we go deal that critical damage we're going to go find this skull thing which should just be around the corner and we've almost maxed out our birds as well okay there's the skull thing all my understanding of this is increases enemy speed Health quantity and frequency by 10% I think so long as you get this and you have played 20 minutes of a game and you have this on you're good you it should unlock a character for us right and I think that's it that is everything we need let's just start farming I suppose uh skilom Matic to level two yep uh CL level four Hollow heart Bandelier vandelier and now everything but Skol Matic as much as possible I suppose well looks like we're getting skola then thises doesn't matter anywhere we've already done everything we needed to do life for death now means nothing though I would like to do an awful lot more killing if at all possible oh cool they've got this always big bag of coins are always floor chicken no always big bag of coins I think we're good now if only we could get our hands on one of those things uh what is it the magnets oh and death got us well that worked out pretty damn well okay defeat the bleed giant Venus yeah okay that unlocks hyper mode we were looking for that uh find open the coffin in the Mad Forest another achievement knocked out excellent survived 20 minutes with at least 10% curse that was why we went for the skull thing Phil 60 entries in the collection no that was the thing either uh evolve the axe yep that was actually planned for uh then we got evolve the cross yes that was also on the list I almost forgot at one point unlock hyper mode for two normal stages X and then unlocks Green Acres which weapon did the most damage van of the Year 5.3 million kind of not surprised that thing's pretty Santa water did 5.1 million God this the vandelier took a while to really ramp up the damage though Thunder Loop doing solid Dam damage as well I mean I do like the lightning ring it's a solid weapon that was past francis's run present Francis well actually a little bit more of past Francis has also went and done stage three I went through and just knocked that out grabbed the relics and loock the stuff it's pretty handy actually what I was doing in the first ones was I was being a bit sloppy I was taking underpowered weapons because I was trying to Max them out just to get things done what we really should be doing if we want to do gold farming is basically open up all of these levels we want to open up all these levels just get basically 25 minutes into all them to unlock hyper mode see here it has hyper uh this is unlocked because we got to we kill the level 25 boss or the 25 minute boss the 25 minute boss here and the 25-minute boss here however Galileo Tower we haven't touched this yet and we want to unlock this as well first we should probably spend some money and when it comes to where is it characters I don't really care too much about any of these right now don't get me wrong I'd love to get my hands on Sigma she is absolutely awesome and I believe there are some other secret characters we can get our hands in but hands on later but we'll worry about them at a later date for now we want to go to powerups uh We've maxed out growth let me see what else we want to grab here we grab banish that allows us to get rid of some weapons that show up that we don't like uh We've maxed out greed growth amount uh just basically is a duplicator it gives you plus one projectile with everything it's great for whip actually move speed magnet duration speed area all these stuff have been maxed out just makes the game just that a little bit easier for us then we're going to stick with amelda thing is amelda is not the best of all the characters but of all the ones we have unlocked she's actually sort of the safest one and since all we want to do here is finish stage four or get at least level 25 and grab the pickups want to grab the relics unlock any tombs or coffins that are around the place and survive the level 25 boss starting with the blue wand is just sort of safe uh first things first let's open this up we've got spellbinder down here we've got oh my God so the randomizer thing is up there and the potion thing is down there so let's head south I suppose ah great fine uh let's maybe do a little bit of farming first what's what the exclamation marks oh I remember this explanation mark means stuff's going to fall out of the sky and try and kill you what to go with garlic does sound tempting but I think this level might be a little bit too tough for garlic the garlic would quickly run out of uh useless instead we'll uh throw in some axes Oh Come come on just let us level up some of the stuff we already have fine we will go with lightning ring seriously how many times can we go through this and just not get given any of the same stuff we already have I think we're just going to use banish I mean we're going to banish clock Lancer this thing is a really good weapon If You Can level it up however we can't because we don't have access to the rings that you need to level it up with so yep I should have realized that was going to start up real quick ah finally we get to use magic one level two o eony Wings you know what I do like me some good aerial bombardment and we it has going to served us so well in the past let's grab some of them in here there's some weird magician guy over there that kept casting spells at us I think weirdness you know what let's start moving down I think yeah we got the Firepower to sort of move down semi consistently uh y magic wand definitely that's starting to get up there like I just remember what is it we with magic wand again we're going to need an empty Tome to go with magic wand and I don't think there's one in this level all we've got is that uh spellbinder thing that goes with the Bible and we're not going to get in the Bible anytime soon so don't worry about it magic wand we got plenty of weapons for now and oh yeah know we got to max out magic wand now all we need is oh God yeah these guys are not friendly those guys are very Inc convenient ah and we've got that guy back again we I could have sworn that guy was a boss but whatever those weird skeleton things coming across the map are really paranoia and juicing uh also makes it a little bit harder to progress down the map as fast as we'd like it's okay for now it's okay we'll just keep moving well I think we found the first thing we want to pick up spellbinder though I don't think I want to pick it up just yet thing is we don't need it uh let me double check spellbinder combines with the Bible and we don't have it maybe we'll just grab it anyway while we're here thing is we might not we don't really need to do anything fancy on this level so Min maxing doesn't seem like a good idea in fact let's just get it and be done with it what we really want to do is just grab this blue potion grab the random miso thing at the top open up that tomb and see what else is up there actually there's a question mark which means there's a vampire we can get access to all of those things they let get us closer and closer to a good G farming spot uh once we can jesz what is what please hey guys did you stop that get really frustrated there hey that lightning ring is doing solid work over there oh lots of new stuff no we want to hold that for the second bird that we can uh double down now so we'll just upgrade the axe I yeah we definitely don't want armor WoW we're actually maxing out lightning when we level eight we still haven't seen duplicate or any of the other stuff we want what we really need right now is the ability to max out either like one of these three things o we are still drastically short on support stuff see the thing is lightning ring is about to hit level eight but without duplicator we can't advance that to the next level axe is not even close but even then we need c of Labrador but actually yeah X is probably the closest when we've got to leveling up song of man Mana needs Skol Matic which is like a support thing that increases curse and damage and all sorts of nice stuff and the wand needs empty Tob but we haven't seen any of those show up so we're kind of stuck just sort of treading water and hoping we get a chance to uh get the stuff we need right it is part of the game I suppose is that a boss yep that was a boss and yeah we can't level anything up for that that's 8 minutes in anyway later yeah level an axe I mean not the worst thing in the world I mean once you get ax of pinea is pretty good and once we get duplicator it'll be a lot chunkier uh things look to be getting slightly hairier these new are those guys holding a skull in their hand oh my God they're holding their own head in their hand and then they've got a sword in the other all right we got axe Clover and the cat oh fine we'll take more axe I'm really hoping to get some of the uh the evolution combiner oh bunch of wizards great uh those Wizards seem to run away from you so getting close to them to kill them seems to be the only way like think at those those four or five on the left they're like trying to gain some distance and you're like no no no no no no no come back here so I can shoot you done oh that lightning is M doing solid work right there ah finally duplicator excellent that means we can get an evolve on our ring looking forward it also it'll make everything else just more powerful we are so close to to that potion as well I really want to get my hands on that and not die okay yeah yeah you don't garlic thank you or Noone that we'll just grab the axe oh finally peach peach one we finally got the two birds uh is there anything else here we desperately need no that's that's perfect did I just grab a double gem or something that we've got this axe cand labador or spinach I kind of want to get spinach I mean we don't need it for anything we've got going on but that extra damage is usually always useful yeah we'll grab it okay now uh any of this other stuff we need do not care trct orb is always nice no no no no stick to the plan stick to the plan oh we've also unlocked tona's box which is a cursed item but increases might yeah basically it causes curse which increases the amount of enemies and their health and stuff but having more enemies is not always a bad thing but in this instance we're not here for that we're just here for the normal stuff none of this cares about axe spellbinder like the eony wings and the peach peach one these two birds you leave them till the end it's just they don't provide enough damage until they're leveled out and even then you have to level them again so you need to get about eight levels into each of them then you level them up and then you have to get another eight level get them up to level eight to make them really powerful they're wonderful by the end but in the early to mid game you can't really get a lot of use out of them which is why we're kind of ignoring them yeah but yeah we're definitely doing a fair bit of damage right about now oh empty tomb tomb tomb whatever you want to call it that gives her the evil for our magic wand that is perfect what the hell is that thing is that a weird flying succubus witch with Hooves I mean you can't be a succubus and have hooves that's just weird I mean okay maybe some people are into Su buses with who but whatever all right we just need to find skill master from now on and that's it I think that's assuming we can get Skol Matic I'm not sure I'm pretty sure I've been locked though wow those guys look pretty tough they're protecting this weird Relic down here permanently allows speeding up time in stage selection Sorcerers tears yeah we'll take it and because that's the entire reason we came here now we have to go all the way back up to the top well this feels like a nice Junt down the prominade these I think we found a decent combo to survive this level and honestly we're not really playing it that hard this is going to be mostly a run through grabbing all the junk we need to get as far as we can to get all of the gold mining so we can get our access to eggs don't ask me about the eggs just yet we'll get around to the eggs later but for now this is all about opening up levels opening up options and then mining a whole bunch of gold to get well not mining farming a whole bunch of gold to get a whole bunch of eggs to upgrade a bunch of characters okay now this has to give us a weapon Evolution I believe y lightning ring maxed out perfect Thunder Loop and I'm pretty sure yeah I kind of accidentally messed up a few things here but it's okay it's okay what was this stuff down here there's a cross uh where is it I can't see half the stuff on the screen anymore you know what doesn't matter this is a lot of killing just a lot not going to be too worried about it oh I really wish we could get a few more Evolutions though there's a chest up ahead I had to go back cuz I missed a chest I then somehow left a chest behind me at the same time simultaneously all right still cannot find Skol mtic we might not have unlock that because I have not seen it at all yet whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the hell is that I feel like a bunch of things just tried to kill us all at once but we managed to dodge okay what are you guys never mind they're all dead and I think this is the second weapon upgrade exent it upgrades the axes oo that should be funny that means we should fire axes straight ahead of us and then if we keep running we'll fire a second Axe and whoa whoa whoa whoa who's that guy uh I think spinach is the order of the day for more power who's that guy we got pinned up against the corner there and he's [Music] dead I think we might be pretty much maxed out on a lot of things are we no we still got the birds to max out and song of mana and never mind okay now we've got a problem we don't want any of these these all seem like bad level ups for us because they they pair with things we don't want yeah this is for pinions it pairs with a weapon we don't even have access to so it's pointless taking Wings makes this move faster which is nice this pairs with garlic which we don't want we're well beyond garlic being useful and Crown is oh you know what let's just banish wings and hope that doesn't come back to bite Us in the ass I doubt we're going to get this skola I think that's a rare find o we are like two upgrades short of having everything done but we still don't have access to those skull things I could have sworn I unlocked those already maybe they're just ultra rare oh well let's just keep going what the what at the crazy shrimp these crazy shrimp are tough how much further we got to go we got a fair distance to go and those SHP are making life tough even with axes they're like ignoring it and just bouncing off them yeah this isn't good hey a triple chest I think oh great it leveled up our bird once but didn't actually evolve it I think now yeah we've got everything maxed out so whatever we level up next we're stuck right we have to pick one of these uh awkward you know what I'm going to I'm going to risk it and go Crown Crown means we'd have to get pentagram which is highly unlikely but the other choice is armor armor requires us to get Rune Tracer which is also highly unlikely and then pulo is for garlic and I I don't really want that actually let's go with armor no I'll go with armor because I don't think I've done that in a while plus I'm not a big fan of pentagram hey would you look at it it's bracer it's been waiting here for us for a long time this pairs with knife we we don't care for knife knife is kind of crap it's actually not terrible on this level I'd say it's directional damage so you can just point One Direction and start going which is actually kind of nice considering what we are doing but uh no much prefer the current setup we've got uh what's going on with our health I think skeletons are magically appearing out of nowhere and hurting us like even if we stand still they magically appear this is not good uh ow stop that this is not great uh you would just go aror suppose I really want those skeletons to stop CH oh thank God the skeletons have Stop Those skeletons kept going they would have just blazed us down just shoot sheer weight of numbers okay never mind let's keep moving there's an arrow pointing backwards I think I accidentally killed a boss didn't notice and now they've D yeah they've dropped a chest which is good we've got some I think a weapon to evolve yeah we've got the uh the birdies the birdies are going to turn into the Super birdies bracer all base speed up by 10% yeah sure why not but that's for that's actually weapon speed that goes up by 10% oh yeah damn it give me a floor chicken can I we do need the health um upgraded to the vandelier basically the super birdie right let's get moving again Bo the hell why are we moving so slowly uh oh there's the random thingy what's it random Mao enable the unlocking and activation of arcas now this is something I've looking forward to this was not in the game last time I played it allows you to get access to these cards that give you different bonuses for the level um it allows you to really change up your play style that's going to take a bit of getting used to but we'll worry about that later for now we need to go find this tomb which is up to the right I say tomb I really mean like a ow an unlockable thing that allows us to uh open up a uh another vampire ooh now we could go King Bible we can evolve that one naturally or we can go with the fire wand I think about the king Bible keep everything everything back from us kind of late in the game to be getting the Bible but can't really think of another weapon I'd prefer right about now fire one does do a lot of damage no grab the Bible we'll grab the Bible it's fine is this is this for supposed to go uh I'm trying to follow the arrows but the arrows seem to be going across the ocean or something well I just looked up on Google because I'm lazy and the coffin is located in a hidden room and it is entered via a mirror on the left hand side of the tower near the coffin so we know how to go to the left hand side oh is this a triple or a a five Tuple whatever you call it yeah it's a five I mean you got to let the fives happen they're just too awesome not to and that's uh another five levels for the Bible wonderful yeah whatever what level are we on in that we're now two levels shy for the Bible and hey Why didn't it get anything into our power birdie there's the mirror hey found it and we killed everything in the room yes we have thank you Amala Bas but the vampir is in an over the coffin yeah I we hear that a lot and that does sound like a cool character though Concerta whatever is that a guitar why do I feel like they're going to be super lame though uh how do we get out of here uh what the hell hey we're right I think that's everything yeah we got a lot now let's just kill stuff and all we want to do is kill the boss at stage 25 at 25 minutes in once we do that we've effectively won uh as in we've got everything we need in this level I mean we'll still stick around to 25 but we just got to kill that boss and it opens up this level for hyper mode and Hyper mode is important for a bunch of other things and I think that's another boss stand there can tell because it's not dying instantly now working on the Bible Bible needs two more levels so unless it leave that chest on the ground for now we get two more levels on the Bible we can level up the Bible pretty quick hell yeah one more level on the Bible done oh never mind and then we can Max it out done and I think that's it pretty much all we have to do now is float around and wait for the level 20 Level 25 minute boss to show up well minute 25 and massive Krabby hands has shown up what the hell uh what's with your giant crab hands buddy whoa is he hitting us I think he's hitting us with his giant crab hands yeah floor chicken please and never mind Mr crab hands is gone that means we got everything we want from this level everything's maxed out all our weapons are golden and I think we're pretty safe to make it all the way to the 30-minute Mark the armor was probably a bad choice but who cares it's done all right we'll skip it forward a bit see what the uh the enemies do but I'm thinking we're golden well we're about 1 minute from the end of the round enemies have changed slightly um we're getting the weird super shrimp and a whole bunch of those Dragon things that come across the screen which o that is actually getting pretty tight you know what let's uh pop that cross down there and kill a few of them yeah I've been holding on to that cross for a while why not and now we can just continue on with this we've only got to hold that for another 30 seconds then death will show up which reminds me one of the things we will have to do is kill death at least once if we want to get to the later stages of the game and that can hold out for a bit I think we're almost just about done here yeah we're not really leveling up as much as I'd like one of the other things we have to do was I think it gets level 80 on this as in we had to get our character up to level 80 and that unlocks I think the next level or don't unlock something when you get up to level no it unlocks the next stage this is stage four we want unlock stage five and then we're going to have to do something never mind and death got us I didn't even see death coming never mind done defeat the giant enemy crab in the Galileo tower that unlocks next that unlock hyper mode find the sorcerer's tear got that one find the random Meo got that one ah find an open the coffin in the Galileo tower for the crazy chick with the rocket Tower got it wait I thought that was also find the random oh that unlocks a cage reach level 50 with a Melda unlocks wals of pearls I don't know what that means reach level 80 in the Galileo Tower unlocks capella Magna whatever unlock hyper mode for four normal stages excellent now we've got access to Moonglow um H which weapon did the most Thunder Loop actually came out on top well we did get that one up and running pretty early I think that was the first weapon we maxed out holy wand still doing solid work got to love that one that's one of the reasons I pick a all the time is that Holy wand just usually gives you that little Edge early on you and it keeps you safe pretty much the whole game makes these things a lot easier and less um random let's just say yeah vandelier is still doing solid damage though that thing tends to just Slaughter anything that comes near you in the later games all right that's done let's check what's the next on the menu oh we have not unlocked skilom Matic we need to survive 30 minutes with llama yeah I think I'll do that off screen actually looking at this we got to survive 15 minutes with pug Nala okay just excuse any of my pronunciations here they're all going to be horrific but uh conita we also have to survive 15 minutes with her 30 minutes with llama uh I'm thinking that's pretty also there's this down here my understanding of this is we have to reach level 50 with pgal and we'll get access to this card and this card is one of the arcas or something like that you know what I'm just going to do a little bit of playing around in the background and I'm going to unlock these characters but I'm not going to do it on any new levels I'm basically just going to grab say pugal which is the one we wanted to start with we want to buy them start them and then go inlaid Library this one's easy I'll just power through this get it all done and our canes are already what's the difference with Hyper uh more move more luck yeah that looks like it makes things more fun ooh hurry clock speed by two XP bonus plus 25 but if this speed thingss along I'm more than happy to give it right okay what are you you are listed weapon TRS gain plus three bounces uh right that's good uh what's this one healing is doubled recovering HP damages en for the same amount don't really care to be honest since we only have access to two cards it really makes no difference o garlic perfect like oh come on we got to get the ebony wings uh okay I'm going to skip this forward an awful lot of awful lot because there's just going to be a whole bunch of killing and this is stuff we've all seen before we're just going to play it safe and get this character to the end so that we can unlock all of their stuff well this has turned out to be a weak sauce run uh we wanted to get our hands on tiasu so we could upgrade the the gun things did not get our hands us we wanted to get dual Birds but we couldn't get the second bird because we got dumped with another weapon we had no choice but to take and since we couldn't get the well this is the point where we're getting blocked on the tiasu so I think we'll just get spellbinder yeah that's probably the best of a bad lot so now we've got a bunch of weapons that are not really that great but we'll probably still make it to the 30 minute Mark probably uh lightning ring should at least max out we're not going to get anything good like Axe and lightning ring will both do well so I suppose we just hold that hope that they carry us through to the end yeah yeah yeah whatever on the bright side we have garlic evolved yay which is you know not terrible right we're at the 29 minute Mark and well holding up pretty well but honestly this is a pretty weak sauce load at the lightning ring the garlic and the axes what's carrying us over these other three are not maxed out spittage is kind of giv us a bit of a boost but we're not exactly kicking our here we're doing okay we're at level 72 that's pretty weak sauce you should really be at level 100 by the time you're finishing this set assuming you who yeah and since their weapons are so weak sauce we have to keep moving or else the guys get on top of us you see we're firing out in uh four directions that leave several directions where they can still keep hitting us from hey all we got to do 10 more seconds 10 more seconds uh death's coming for us H there we go and we're dead but hey we we got exactly what we're looking for we unlocked those things oh and we also unlocked another one of those Arcana cards survived 10 minutes with Bella and I think the other ones yet survived 15 minutes what was the last one ah fill 70 entries in the collection easy peasy next up we want to survive 15 minutes with conita uh that one right there boom and so long as we get her up to a high enough level we should also unlock something else yeah level 50 and we also unlock bugalu bugalo of Illusion whatever right at the start of this round we get this card which is Gemini listed weapons come with a counterpart uh let mean if we get one of those weapons it will right I think the stuff just came out of the ground uh we'll go with Santa water it's been a while right so the drills basically come out of the ground behind her and anyone walking into the drills gets hurt oh okay interesting take but uh kind of terrible right have any Wings yeah I mean I got to keep trying for the birds one thing we want to do in this is grab wings wings pairs up with this Shadow pinion so if we could say Max that out and get at the evolution that would also knock out another yeah I got to be more careful it would also knock out a bunch of stuff for us so we're going to be more careful about that all right I've started to get the hang of these drills things what you do is you make a line of them then you run into them and it points them a Direction so we can go like this and then that is actually pretty cool it gives them a sort of a tactical thing you got to do with them huh oh uh lightning ring oh I kind of do want to get lightning ring but I kind of also want to get those birds this could put us in a yeah I'm going to grab lightning ring it it has served as well so many times and we already have your other bits and Bobs to level it up so right we got it to level eight and we have evolved the little drill thing to valkyri Turner I don't know what that means it leaves fire on the ground okay that's uh good whoa right now I see that's cool and cool we can draw a line and we can go hey fire all that stuff that Direction H never mind and yeah we'll grab all the rest of this junk that does allow us to do some serious damage it's still a pain in the butt to use this thing though it's looking good we're 15 minutes in we've got an evolved axe evolved Santa water evolved pinion drill thing we've got both the birds which means we're lined up for lots of aerial bombardment and we've got the lightning ring and we should be able to evolve all of these and I left a whole bunch of Crash chests behind me in my Mad Dash you can sort of see all the chests on the map and one of those is an Arcana which honestly we don't have access to the best ones yet but I probably should have picked those up they would have been useful one way or the other and there we go grabbing the Tom whatever H you know what we'll grab this chest and we'll just head back we don't even we're not even going to bother grabbing the second tomb there's no point going further down that route what we're doing here is uh we're staying behind all our axes we're firing axes and you'll notice that one of them always goes right we're just sort of running along and keeping up with the axes and those things have Pierce they never stop moving and they'll keep going through everything that gets in their way in let's ruce the through that so we sort of stay behind it and this means we can run all the way to the left hand side or the right hand side of the map real quick uh then we will have to stop for chests here and there so after we leveled up our Birds into Ultra vandelier Birds uh we picked up the cat because I thought it'd be funny and they're some big kitty cats they're like they're dogs basically at this point look at the size of those things I think it's because we've got a bunch of upgrades that it's making them so um tanky as well as that they can pick up stuff so it turns out if they pick up uh chickens and things like that it makes them tougher so let's maybe just keep moving around and seeing if we can make chunky kitty cats we are going to evolve the cats though they're uh they get a little bit angry and start hurting you and as well as that and they have a chance to turn stuff into gold that might actually be useful to us we at 9,400 Gold this might be beneficial the sound of all the cats I can't take it it's too much cats I don't get it I've evolved the thing why are the cats still here they're just oh they constant meowing die already all of you uh we got to about 20 seconds until death shows up but as you can see from the screen and this is with all of the where is it let's turn on the flashing the oh the weapon screen shake and the Damage numbers yep that's what her screen should look like no you can't see what's going on anymore that's that's too much it does just have to go oh death got us yeah never mind all right then that's four achievements but more important we unlock that thing that we meant to unlock well this Luma character is actually doing quite good this has been an interesting run with them what we've done is uh We've managed to max out the birds so we got both the birds maxed them out we maxed out a wand we maxed out Rune Tracer which is really good on this map and we maxed out the axe however I was trying to get both the guns but I messed up and uh never mind we're going to see if we can grab both of the guns and then upgrade them as well that would be probably the best upgrade path I've ever gotten in this well in this run anyway uh for now though let's just uh run around and grab ourselves some more experience which we're going to need we are trying to hold out for the one thing that will save us and that one thing is the other gun which is pretty rare so the chances of getting it not great not great at all uh let's let's hope well bugger okay so let's ban something I suppose uh one thing we would like to get is Laurel so let's just banish that and that leaves us one more banish let's hope we get the other gun before the end of this round chicken what I should really be doing is just following some axes and we could just start trundling all the way to the right though I don't think we really need to go all the way to the right I think we're kind of good where we are and again we don't get what we want well I'm going to get rid of the whip actually no get rid of the knife no one likes the knife o excellent we actually get the second pistol that's excellent and we've got tiasu which I believe is what we need to Max it out so yeah so those red and blue balls you're seeing our um yeah the the twin pistol things being wielded and once we get that to level eight we should be able to do some severe upgrading on that we have a chest right over here ready to donate to that as upgrades that's level eight all right let's do [Music] this does that mean we get another slot to stick in another weapon I'm pretty sure it does is it necessary no but do we you want to try it why not all that's uh FY a union of whatever ah right it's laser beams in all directions got it let's see what our next weapon is going to oh my God uh that's good lightning ring oh yeah we got to do lightning ring well uh we've only got a few minutes to actually Max this out which could be a bit tricky I mean we'll try but uh I can't make any promises on that front I'm going to leave that chest over there so we so we have something to uh Max it it or to evolve it with it when the time comes and there's level eight on Lightning ring fine let's uh upgrade [Music] it okie dokie so to we've maxed out axe Rune Tracer wand and lightning ring and then we had to max out the guns and the birds I think that's a pretty solid lineup in fact let's turn on all the flashy stuff and see what happens to the screen yeah that looks about right I'm not seeing anything getting too close to us now one of the things here is we may be dead but we actually have revives uh and C quit and cash in and any leftover revives gives us 600 or we can revive let's revive anyway let's see what happens worth a try quit and cash a left over revives for 500 I think I just yeah I'll cash those in I think that gives us a little bit extra cash who cares done I think that's enough of the inade library for everyone we have to reach level 80 with Moro and yata cavalo um yeah I know I'm probably messing up those D too but these two here getting them to level 80 gives us access to some skips and I want to do that so I I'll knock that out in the background there's no need for anyone to have a look at that but uh basically I just going to do the library again with these two it's pretty handy this is what a giant sloth with cherry bombs looks like yeah I didn't expect that either but yeah this this is what it looks like this is what a nun full of Santa water looks like which is very predictable of course this here is Christine they start with a pentagram and and yeah this is what they're currently doing yeah it's a bit messy okay at this point what I've done is I've been grinding out the library a bit just to knock out some characters I didn't need to do this it's not absolutely essential but every time you get a character to level 50 usually unlock a new Arcana one of these characters here I want to do that and I wanted to unlock some weapons and there's a few things in the background that I wanted to crank out in achievements and such they weren't really too relevant to what we're trying to do but all of this grinding has given me an appreciation for what weapons really work quite well at this level I need to point out at this level because this is not crazy this is actually very tame very tame indeed stuff gets much much crazier as we get later into the game and we unlock multiple Arcana uh these are these cards that give you specific bonuses combine that with limit breaks which allow you to go beyond the normal level level limits of weapons so all of that stuff is yet to come so at this level if you just want to finish something out and complete a stage what weapons are good what weapons are bad let's start with some of the ones that are really good there will always be some person personal preference here but by and large Some solid weapon choices are Santa water this thing drops those little flasks out of the sky and while it's not great early on it's pretty solid at killing stuff it has decent damage it's great at mob control and once you get it maxed out it's very solidly killing just about everything on the screen that giant blue glow around our character you can see in the background this is great late game absolutely excellent and early game it's okay but not amazing and it pairs up with a tractor orb now what a weapon pairs with to get its evolution is usually very important because you're probably going to want to involve the weapon which means you're locking down what's going to go into this slot and what can go into these slots can be very useful so Santa water and the attractor orb gives you a very solid weapon and the attractor orb is pretty good for picking up all that experience it's not essential but I'm just saying this is a decent solid combo to go with and better than a lot of the weapon choices out there next up is lightning ring lightning ring fires those lightning blasts everywhere problem is it's not quite as reliable as Santa water in other words it'll just hit something randomly on the screen it may be close to you it may be far away Santa water in general drops somewhere in your near vicinity and it's usually good for farming early on lightning ring is almost as good but not quite as good in my opinion but it does come with duplicators a secondary we didn't get duplicator this run unfortunate because duplicator is pretty good it gives you an extra projectile and then you can level up I think twice more once or twice more it gives you more projectiles on your weapons that's always always a good thing so lightning ring also a solid pick next up is the Bible the Bible produces that kind of swirly thing that goes around your character that is really good but um I've kind of Fallen a little bit out of favor with it in the in recent times because while it does give you this wonderful thing that pushes back enemies and it's quite damaging it's not great for farming early on and it's not great for farming later on it damage tends to be okay so I tend to get this later in my runs because it pairs well with where it spellbinder now spellbinder is this thing here increases the duration of weapons this is really only good for a few weapons namely Rune Tracer which is not up here because it really pairs well with spellbinder and song of Mana which again is not appable because only really appears well with spellbinder and there's a bone thing you can throw around but run Tracer is this thing that bounces around the screen really rapidly there's also a cherry bomb Thing by the slot that bounc anything that bounces around the screen a lot really gets a lot of a bonus from that I think it also works well with cross but that means there's only a few weapons it really works well with and I don't have any of them here so it kind of does not really help any of them for example axes just go forever uh well until they despawn off the screen so it doesn't actually help axes it doesn't help pretty much most of the weapons I'm using right here so Bible is good but I wouldn't go out of my way to get it I'd really be concentrating more inan water lightning those two seem solid next up Axe axe is just a solid all around repple and it pairs up well with candal Labrador candle labador is basically that that candle looking thing it increases the radius of weapons as in your axes get bigger your projectiles get bigger your lightning blasts get bigger all these things get bigger and usually they have more Splash damage that way also pairs very well with your Santa water so Santa water lightning ring and axe just the three of them combined pretty much Clear most levels for you don't have to worry too much uh this here's the twin guns they've got weird names like Fier de t or I I don't know an eight of SP it's it's the guns things there's the left guns and the right guns you get both of them and you get tiasu which is sounds like tiasu but whatever it's the cake thing you get the two guns and the cake thing and what happens is it mutates into this thing and this thing is awesome see those beams that are spinning around us in circles yeah that's what those guns do it's one of the best weapons in the game thing is you need to get both the guns and you need to get the tumu to to mutate it I tend to go for it though it's quite good as long as I've got a Santa water and a lightning or a lightning ring and or a lightning ring I'll probably just generally get those and I always like to make sure that I've got three weapon slots available when I pick up the first one that way if I'm forced to pick a weapon I still have another chance to get it so don't maybe get it if you've only got two weapon slots left I probably would not get the guns I would only get the guns if I have at least three weapons left yet to just kind of make sure you can get it having a few skips and reall hops but those ones there pretty much knock out everything after that there's a few honorable mentions namely garlic good for far fing early on but it kind of sucks later on don't get me wrong it's got healing and all sorts of things you can do and there's things you can use to boost it but by large this stage of the game garlic is just good for farming early on and late game it pretty much just becomes dead weight um oh the birds I really like the birds at the start they were the ones that circle around you and bomb stuff however if you've got say lightning ring and Santa water and Bible nothing gets close enough the birds do nothing the birds only really come into their own near the very very end if enemies get in really close to you and at point you've probably messed up or it's the very very end of the game doesn't matter the birds it seems were once you're using the other weapons or using some of these other weapons the birds become less important in fact they become I would don't say a negative but they just don't carry nearly as much weight I would much rather have the guns doing their beams out you can see them hitting things on the very edge of the map as opposed to the birds and having the beams hitting things on the edge of the map combined with the Santa water hitting everything at that radius means nothing the birds have nothing to do so it's just getting the birds is kind of pointless if you're playing this way a few other definite nonp picks knife comes with bracer which is a good pick enough a good enough pick but knife is just terrible it only it's directional so you have to be facing at things and generally it's not that great especially early on you're going to be running away from your enemies so having knives pointing away from where your enemies are usually pretty terrible just don't bother uh pentagram I mean it has its uses some people love it but by and large it's kind of terrible until you get it up to its maximum level and evolve it and to evolve it you need the crown Crown is pretty nice and handy for getting that experience but generally what happens is you want to max out your weapons first and then you only want to get one level in these at the beginning you just want to get these spots filled up so that you can get your weapon evolutions and then you will start cranking them but only after you've maxed out your weapons which kind of makes uh pentagram okay but generally weak sauce I would much prefer to dump those levels into Santa water or something like that because it just takes long for it to kick in whip same thing just too small of a radius can you imagine having whip here what is whip going to do it's just it's it's not helpful youd much prefer to have Santa water lightning ring axes all that stuff so whip just doesn't really cut it at this stage of the game it just does not have the same utility as all the rest of the things this also applies a bit to cross cross is that weapon that flies across the screen and comes back and does things like that at this sort of stage it can help it kills enemies off screen but it's sort of unpredictability it's not really great at getting levels early on it's just by an ARG I find cross not nearly as useful as the other ones and it pairs up with Clover which is a very very very rare thing to come up Clover increases your Lu stat by lerge I just I don't care like the Lu stat is just not that useful to be honest and again this is this stage of the game Lu stat can be very useful in some runs depending on what you're doing but it's just considering its Rarity and considering how wig sauce cross is it's just usually not worth the effort now honorable mentions are magic wand I'll usually grab magic wand it's a very safe wand to use it's that thing that fires that little blue bolts it shoots at the nearest Target and it's pairs up with this uh Spellbook empty T this uh you're pretty much going to want empty get EMP told every run on the grounds that it speeds up weapon firing and it works for everything so your Santa water drops faster your lightning ring strikes more everything just fires more so this is a it's generally a safe and solid pick one weapon I forgot to touch on was the fire wand I used to really like fire wand because it pairs well with spinach and spinach is the thing that gives you plus 10 damage to all your weapons 10% damage and you can level up to get 50% damage bonus huge bonus thing is firewall's just not great it's sort of the it it goes it's a directional Fireball and even with all the bonuses and that it it hits some stuff but just compared to this like no it just it cannot compete with the other weapons uh so spinach on its own maybe the perfect load out for me in terms of safety just to grind through these levels God grind sounds bad but it's kind of fun but still it would be a magic wand with empty toone magic wand is the thing with the directional damage empty toone for the speeding up of Firepower Santa water with attract to orbit just makes things easier we're not going for difficulty here we're just trying to get through the level and this makes things simple and very handy and Powerful then you got your lightning ring ring with your duplicator that just it TR cranks up the power and everything and lightning ring just does so much damage it's great Axe and candal Labrador increases the radius of everything does lots of damage awesome sauce in general uh then you get the double guns with the tiasu this is gives you revives the tiu it gives you an extra couple revives but you don't want to waste those if you actually die it causes you less to do less damage with these guns so you want to keep as many revives as possible but having around those extra revives does help and it gives you extra money at the end of the round and normally that's kind of useful so giving extra money and giving you revives in case you mess up always a good deal in my book and then that leaves you one SL slot left over and I'd probably go with either King Bible and spellbinder or fire wand and spinach depending on what way you're feeling yeah that would be sort of the the prime load out for dealing with this level of the game later on things will change quite substantially anyway I'm just going to finish this out right we got level 50 with Christina unlocks Wicked season it's one of those uh Arcana Arcana cards and if we check under weapons here you'll see laort did just absolutely stoning amounts of damage the twin guns did loads of damage on Vespers actually did quite solid lightning ring looking good gorgeous moon did quite a bit but yeah I wouldn't be invested in that too much uh I think one of the reasons that the Unholy Vespers did so good is the short amount of time we had it for we only had it for the last four minutes of the run so it had plenty time to do lots of damage against high-end opponents which is why it DPS is so high it's still labora we had that for the longest part of the game and it just did consistent damage to it solid damage dealer next up the plan is to kill death that guy who appears at the end of the round but that's not as easy as it sounds instead of going to level five what we're going to do is go to the bonus bonus area mlow and then once we go here we have to actually gain access to another bonus level inside it which then gains access to the yellow sign I think it's called once we gain the yellow sign that will give us access to the weapons necessary or the support weapons necessary to get the weapons to kill death well we don't need them necessarily there are other ways to kill death but they're an awful lot harder and then we'll probably knock out death in the inad library we'll also have to kill them in the Mad forest and dairy Planet we'll have to kill them in a bunch of places just to make sure we get access to certain things but killing death I think yeah that's that's next up in the agenda and then we're going to start unlocking some of the other mechanics like limit breaks and things like that and get into the truly crazy stuff anyway I'm going to cut this out here I uh hope you enjoyed good luck [Music] [Music] EX [Music] [Music] three
Channel: Francis John
Views: 19,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play
Id: X-qRz2Kt35o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 16sec (4216 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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