Don't Drink The Kool-Aid . . . Ferment & Distill It!

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/IsItBecauseIamBlack 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2022 🗫︎ replies
don't drink the kool-aid very good advice unless unless of course you fermented it into kool-aid wine and you're going to distill it through a still in which case go right ahead how's it going chases i hope you're having a kickass week i'm jesse this is still it and we have another episode of meme spirits for you today we are of course going to be putting this into here and distilling it that is uh kool-aid wine at this point in time we're going to see what happens when we distill it uh so i mean let's just get stuck right in shall we and while i start this distillation going i can catch you up with what has happened up into this point in time so um like i said this is kool-aid wine there we go oh plug it in you muppet hold on i need an extension cord so uh this first jar uh was basically four liters of water or what is it two quarts i added enough sugar into this guy to get it to an original gravity of 1.080 and it did finally finally ferment out dry which means we're looking at a little bit less than 11 abv for the wine itself obviously once we distill it it's going to be higher than that and to that i added the correct prescribed dosage of kool-aid which is one of these packets basically along with a teaspoon of wine nutrients and some ec triple 1 8 which is a pretty solid performing wine yeast but i did kind of wonder if the collate itself was going to mess with fermentation and the reason for that is that i spotted where is it calcium phosphate on the ingredients list generally generally anything that's an ite or an eight in things like this if it ends with ate or ite it tends to be a preservative in which case it's going to mess with fermentation it's there to stop things growing in it and that is exactly what the yeast wants to do now uh here's the thing guys this is meme spirits and what that means is i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time doing crazy things telling you exactly how to do things and why to do them and so on and so forth we just do [ __ ] and we see if it works and uh you know basically taking our foot off the stress pedal and just having some fun if you're into the more serious stuff check out the rest of the channel for you know how to make a really nice whiskey or so on and so forth that's not what this is about in fact in fact new rule new rule if you see people down in the comments uh giving wonderful advice on exactly how i should have made this product better you can yell at them this is meme spirits don't kick them into a well though that's just ridiculous and after you yell that at them proceed to talk to them nicely about their actual suggestion because in all fairness the idea is not to go into the weeds in these kind of videos but they are good learning opportunities for other stuff anyway all of that aside um what i decided to do is to make another one of these wines but with only half a packet of uh what is the stuff kool-aid muppet and see if that fermented a little bit better so here's the thing guys after i pitched that yeast both of these vessels did start fermenting both of them were fermenting slowly they weren't exactly roaring fermentations but they were ticking over this one stopped after about three days and this one stopped after about five days this bad boy got down to what was at 1.062 and this one got down to 1.045 does that tell you that i was right with the hunch that this is going to stop fermentation maybe but anyway i gave them both stir up to get a little bit more oxygen in there i uh put a little bit more use nutrient in and i pitched more yeast into them again and let them sit and both of them after that fermented out dry so down to right around 1.00 it's funny oftentimes when i distill things that have preservatives in them that it seems to go like that the first time around with fermentation stills out and then you give it another nudge you you know pitch more yeast in it and it and it does its job after that i don't know quite the mechanics of it but that's how it works anyway i need some stuff to put under this there we go so the plan is guys that i am going to run this out basically as a stripping run no cuts no nothing collect it all and then i am going to do the same with this and we will put the resulting low wines back into the still and distill it again so it will be double distilled kool-aid wine now there is one other thing that has come to my attention and that is that it looks like very nearly all of the flavoring or at least the coloring has dropped out of suspension with the yeast and it's sitting on the bottom so yeah there's a chance that putting this in here has done almost nothing but i do have a little plan for that let me get these both distilled and i'll show you what i'm talking about shall we all right that is the whoo steamy the first stripping run done so let me tip this out i'll be right back all right actually let me move that out of the way before i do something silly with it and load her up with the next lot of wine so some of you are probably asking at this point in time was it even worth doing all of this like why did i not just put kool-aid powder into vodka and to be fair this is meme spirits but um no really i actually thought the same thing so i'm i'll be honest with you kind of expecting to just make kind of crappy vodka like this and then add some kool-aid powder into it are we up and running yes we're up and running there we go but but i have some vodka standing over on the side there ready to go when we get to the end we'll try that we'll compare we'll see if it's any different and whether or not i like it but but uh something that i absolutely 100 do like is this this is honestly special guys hold on hold on huh how freaking cool is this for those of you that they don't know what's going on here into the am is a awesome company that i've worked with a bunch over the last few years they just make kick-ass shirts but but but this has to be the most kick-ass shirt they've ever made in my opinion because they let me and the patreons work together with their awesome artists to come up with this in other words what i'm trying to say is into the am made this t-shirt specifically for our community they made it for us which is absolutely dope if you have a closer look at it you'll find a few different little easter eggs hiding away in there that are meaningful for the community and people that watch this channel on a regular basis so if you would like to get your hands on one of these cool shirts go to the description down below this video please use the link down there guys because that will take you directly specifically to this shirts page and it will give you 10 off anything you buy from into the am it'll also give me an affiliate kickback and let into the am know that this is a cool thing that they're on to something good and maybe and sometime in the future we should do it again all right we will call that whoop drip drip yes that has taken roughly four hours so two hours each uh obviously you know i could have put this in a larger still but sometimes it's fun to do things this way and see what it's like see how you know how long it will take and i had plenty of other things to do around the shed hold on guys so yes this uh concoction does taste somewhat of kool-aid definitely uh it's got almost a um sherbet like thing going on too which is kind of interesting so my little secret weapon here is i've i've still got some of these left over and i'm gonna put a whole packet of this in man and smell that straight away into the into the still here um because once again remember that a lot of those flavorings a lot of that kool-aid this uh settled out at the bottom with the yeast cake which i didn't really want to put the whole use cake in for this kind of run anyway um let's fire it back up again it's my power plug and this time we are most definitely going to be making some cuts uh while it's warming up i'll clean these out all right so we've taken this much off so far and i'm thinking we're i'm going probably call it hearts from here on in and to be honest we're not going to collect a whole lot here but anyway while this is running what i want to do is make a couple of little experiments the first thing that i need to do is try just mixing some of this with some vodka and see what it's like and see if it's gonna be better than that do i need to make this much up no let's just go until the color looks right let's start with that shall we and uh i'm gonna taste it first but i almost i'm almost certain that this is gonna need some sugar syrup in it as well oh yeah that is weird man weird without sugar this is sugar syrup i just made it up it is lukewarm still which isn't ideal but it is what it is 10 mils to start with let's make it even more intense i mean this stuff you're not going to drink it like soda right you're not going to drink it like juice or cordial um you're going to drink it and wee shots or you're gonna mix it with something else i mean actually to be honest in something like um like lemonade or soda or tonic that's it bang okay cool all right that's sitting there ready to go uh the other thing i need to do is when i first uh mentioned on patreon that i was going to be doing this a couple of people got in touch with me and said cherry what the [ __ ] basically uh why on earth are you not using grape anyway the the reason i went with cherry is i asked my wife uh what flavour should i make for kool-aid and she said 100 cherry do cherry so i did but people got angry with me they didn't like that so here i am uh thank you to the patreon jerome that just took it into his own hands he went to amazon he bought it and he had it sent to new zealand to make sure that i did this so thanks dude all right now i'm gonna match the same amount of sugar into this i think that's coming soon so uh let's just switch over to be safe this can't whatever that can go in there for now and i can use this to make rolling cuts so we don't get ourselves in trouble and kind of wish i measured how much went in here but whatever god damn it wifey the grape is so much better [Laughter] it is so much better wife you screwed me but actually but i have a hunch that if any anything interesting is going to happen on distillation it's more likely to happen with this this had an interesting acidity to it this not so much uh there's more going on in this in my mind in terms of different like different interesting things that might do something interesting in the still this is like yeah fake great that's actually still going all right oh there's more cherry coming through now too i think i think it's on the verge of turning to nastiness though all right let's call this done uh starting to get i don't know what it is it it's uh it's not wet dog it's not cardboard it's not anything i've smelt or dealt with entails before that's for sure but um anyway there we have it you know what so we know what we're working with here let's muppet that is a hydrometer all right we're sitting at uh this is saying 80 but i know this is a little on the warm side so maybe maybe like 78 abv definitely definitely respectable considering what we had uh so let's water this down all right well actually do we need to put sugar in it weird freaking weird i don't know how to describe that that does not just taste like sugar wash there is something going on there i know this is meme spirits but let's not be a total heathen uh it is very much wine like wow that's really wine like i have to assume that that's the ec triple 118 doing some of that heavy lifting let's start off with 20 ml of sugar just to give it a little something something uh and while that sits for a second there is a an aroma in a flavor and a feeling in the mouth that is so familiar to me and i can't figure out what it is it's bizarre i don't think i've ever had it in um i don't think i've ever had it in spirits before which is crazy it's not often i say that i know what it is it's gelatin or actually maybe it's not gelatin what it is is it reminds me of eating jelly crystals um what do you call jello crystals before you mix it into liquid i'm assuming that's gelatin and there is just a hint of cherry peeking out just a hint but yeah it's quite different from this cherry just strange all right um you know what i am going to actually save half of this as is just in case i messed this up i know that's not exactly meme spirits but [Laughter] and we're going to go in with a little bit of this and to be honest guys i'm going to be real with you from the moment i decided that i was going to do this this is what i expected or this was what i was hoping i guess is the right word was going to be the best option that something would make it through distillation that would make this not just vodka if that makes sense and that definitely needs sugar now that it's got that uh acidity added to it that tastes like a fermented product it has something interesting something kind of funky something yeasty not like uh not like smelling a subway shop an interesting floral but citrusy almost slightly tangy flavor that comes through a lot of red wines and i'm i'm completely out of my ass here i'm completely guessing but i think i think that has to be the ec triple 188 because i don't i don't know i just don't see this distilled through there making that flavor and it is so similar to so many other fermented fruit products so many fermented fruit products use wine yeasts funnily enough to make wine and i don't know that's my guess all right it's time to line these up all right i'll get all the stuff out of the way and uh we'll take them next to each other and see who's won shall we oh uh but before i do i need to say a huge huge thank you to the patreons because one of you helped me out and made the video more interesting with the grape but to the rest of you that are supporting me on a monthly basis i i mean thank you so much i really and truly do appreciate it thank you so much guys all right so there we have it guys uh the grape obviously you can tell which one the grape is this is the the one that was fermented uh and the one on this side is the one that's just had uh you know the uh the call-out itself added on into it totally different aromas just candy cherry that's all i get cherry yes but also this whiny interesting kind of like smelling a um a white wine is the the most similar thing i can get to it that gelatiny almost it's almost nutty as well this as well and then a buttload of cherry on top completely different to this this is one dimensional and kind of piercing and grape candy this is just grape candy okay these two are what i expected them to be with the slight caveat of this having you know a a interesting kind of like citric acid-y sour note to it as well this one's just straight candy on those on the nose on the taste there's nothing more i can say about it it's actually damn good though if you just want a candy shot i gotta tell you that's a great idea and this one tastes like so much more which is crazy i'm gonna go out on a limb guys and say that if you want to do this and you want it to be something more than just a candy shot like if you want it to taste i can't believe i'm going to say this but a more sophisticated beverage talking about kool-aid jesus that's the way to go about it and i'm guessing i'm guessing i haven't tested this so i can't be certain i'm guessing that your yeast choice is going to be really freaking important i used dc triple 1 8 because i knew it was just a solid choice when it came to wine and you know fruit in general um so if you don't have experience with these sort of things that's what i would go with if you do have experience and you've got an idea on what might work better comment section now help us out guys this worked out so much better than i could have thought uh unfortunately my wife isn't here to do a taste test for us patreons if you're interested in seeing it i'll see if i can you know get her to to give you her thoughts later on on the uh on the patreon platform in any case if you enjoyed this video guys give it a thumbs up that helps me out a whole lot tells youtube that it's a good video and it should show it to other people that's awesome and it's free for you so uh basically get down there and do it while you're down there hit the subscribe button and i'll catch you next time guys keep on chasing the craft see ya
Channel: Still It
Views: 1,246,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid wine, Kool-Aid Spirit, Kool-Aid Vodka, koolaid, coolaid, Home distilling, meme spirits, Jesse, Still it, chase the craft, CTC
Id: Ue6wM9yX4EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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